Free 1200 Words Essay Examples - Page 2


The Effects of Parental Involvement on Student Achievement

Student achievement can be improved with parental involvement. There are numerous studies that support this assertion. It is of vital importance to student success. Fiore (2001) expounds by saying that parental involvement is a major component in the creation of positive school culture. He added that the creation of positive...


Impact of Study Abroad by Cohen and Shively

Summary of the article The study conducted by Cohen and Shively “Acquisition of requests and apologies in Spanish ad French: Impact of study abroad and strategy building intervention” is focused on curricular intervention influence on the strategies of culture- and language-learning considering requests and apologies. The author highlighted experimental methods...

Tech & Engineering

Use of Cell Phones While Driving

Cover Letter This course has been really very helpful. I have learnt a lot of useful things and most importantly I have realized how dangerous it is to use mobile phones while driving. All most all the assignments were very good and very useful. This course has largely expanded my...

Family, Life & Experiences

Impact of Culture on the American Family System and Structure

The American family system has been under serious scrutiny and has faced criticism for its “downfall” and lack of “parental authority” resulting in the decay of discipline” for many years now (McGinley). In his article “The new American family” McGinley quotes Oscar Handlin who defines a traditional European family had...


How Political Process Has Changed American Schools

Politics is the means through which disagreeing people can get good outcome without having to beat each other over the head with sticks. Many political systems are concerned with vital public goods. Pronouncement of an agreeable political course is often a complicated task especially when the number of people involved...


Music Education Pre-Service and Beginning Teachers’ Learning

Teaching music is a phenomenon that should be studied by people who decided to connect their lives with pedagogy as it presents information about the techniques and methodology of work with students to achieve as high results as possible. Therefore, the scope of the study is the pre-service and beginning...


Color Symbolism in The Great Gatsby

Introduction The Great Gatsby is a novel by the American author F. Scott Fitzgerald set in the roaring twenties. During that turbulent period the U.S. economy was thriving, Wall Street was booming and there was great social upheaval. For instance, the nineteenth amendment had just granted women the right to...


“The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli

“The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli is a historic work dedicated to Lorenzo de’ Medici, the ruler of Florence. The book consists of 26 chapters with a separate plot development. This work is a primary document which contains a lot of historical information about Italy. It helps to understand the values...

Tech & Engineering

Security in the Software Development Lifecycle

Abstract The security of computer applications during the design phase of SDLC is a critical issue for the safety and performance of these applications. This paper analyzes the various security techniques used to protect computer applications during their designing phase. Introduction The Software Development Life Cycle results in a quality...


Napoleon Bonaparte’s Leadership Profile

Name of Officer: Napoleon Bonaparte. Other Names/Aliases: Napoleon I Napoleon the Great The Little Corporal Emperor of the French King of Italy Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine President of the Italian Republic First Consul of France. Name of Service and Branch: The French Armies. Physical Description Dates of Birth: 08/15/1769....


A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller

The play A View from the Bridge, written by famous American writer Arthur Miller, presents the story of an Italian –American immigrant; Eddie Carbone living in the Red Hook of Brooklyn, near New York. Like William Shakespeare, Arthur Miller tries to catch the attention of the audience at the very...


Hamlet: Character Analysis

Shakespeare is a household name; he was a creative genius and produced more masterpieces than one. His popularity knows no bounds, even to date people hold the highest regard for his work. His work constitutes a part of the syllabus in major Universities and colleges. Hamlet is one of his...


Families and Households in Different Nations

Introduction I have chosen “Families and Households” as the topic of my essay. Through this essay, we will first point to the definition of families and households, Gender, how everyone expects to do his part in a family or household as being a “Boy” or “a Girl”. and how this...

Politics & Government

Electoral College System Analysis

The presidential election process of the US is one of the complex processes in the world but at the same time the most fascinating process. The process is also long starting from candidate’s nomination to the inauguration of the newly elected president. The campaign takes almost two years where abundance...


The Extent of Gun Crimes in the USA

Introduction The relationship between gun ownership and crime is a highly correlated one in both positive and negative aspects. Argument for the regulation and/or appropriateness of gun ownership lean both ways; part of the populace lend the opinion that ownership of firearm is essential to self defense while the remainder...


American Foreign Policy After the Vietnam War

In 1985, Richard M. Nixon described the Vietnam War as the most “misunderstood event in the history of America” (“The Ultimate Resource for the Vietnam War”). True enough, unifying a nation into a single unit became a very tumultuous task for the Viets. Not only did it intensify the separation...


Doubleness in Stevenson’s “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”

Introduction This essay deals with an analysis of different forms and patterns in which the concepts of duplicity and doubleness are represented in Stevenson’s famous novel ‘The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’. The issues of duplicity/doubleness were not an accident thematic choice for Stevenson for he was...


No Child Left Behind Act: Policy Analysis

Literacy coaching is an ever-evolving field of American education according to Stevens (April, 2003). Throughout the nation, many elementary schools are beginning to implement reading programs designed to improve student literacy. These programs recognize that effective and continuing professional development for teachers is critical to success (Great Schools, 2005). This...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management: The Managerial Process

Project Communications Plan A successful project implementation starts with accurately and competently organized communication system. Proper quality and speed of data exchange between different stakeholders within a project ensures the sustainability of teamwork and contributes to the timely corrections and ultimate delivery of the project outcomes. The choice of methods...


Family Systems Therapy Perspective

Family Therapy Field Family therapy is a broad topic for discussion that includes the necessity to investigate and modify the relationships in a family. According to the offered reading, there are three major aspects in family therapy, and they include a system with its properties of wholeness, relationship, and equifinality,...


Adult Education, Its Objectives and Approaches

Position on Piaget’s Quote Adult learning focuses on improving the professional practices of learners (Usher & Bryant, 2014). For example, training of employees aims at improving their professional skills. Therefore, adult learning allows professionals to do new things, as suggested by Jean Piaget. Notably, adult learning in professional settings is...


Diversity in Online and Face-To-Face Networks

Introduction Chapter 6, “Social Networking,” in Bucher’s (2015) Diversity Consciousness: Opening Our Minds to People, Cultures, and Opportunities presents the discussion of social networking while focusing on the idea of diversity in this context. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of Chapter 6, discuss associated challenges,...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: Ethical Issues and Theories

Introduction Social media is an integral medium of communication in contemporary society. With the heightening advent of computer technology and the internet, people can now interact easily through various social networking sites. This revolution has made communication more effective, thus making the use of social media more common in the...


Learning Disabilities, Communication Disorders and Giftedness

Abstract This paper addresses the issues of learning disabilities, communication disorders, and giftedness among children. Definitions, characteristics, and causes of these phenomena are exposed; the educational needs of kids in question are discussed; and, finally, the problem of dual diagnosis and its prevalence among these children is considered. The study...


The Causes of the Cold War

In 1945, the joint forces of the allies managed to defeat the Axis, which resulted in the end of World War II. However, the Soviet Union and the United States had different opinions concerning the world structure, and it led to significant geopolitical tension between the nations. The USSR wanted...


Critical Analysis and Evaluation

Introduction To undertake critical analysis and evaluation, the assessment selected two journal articles from the Electronic Reserve readings representing qualitative study and quantitative study. The first journal article by Baxa (2015) is a qualitative study, whereas the second journal article by Han and Finkelstein (2013) is a quantitative study. Critical...


Data Analysis Techniques and Statistical Tests’ Worth

What Are the Data Saying? Medical research can be developed in a variety of ways, depending on a researcher, his or her background knowledge, and available resources. As soon as a topic is chosen, and research questions are developed, the establishment of research design and size is required. Statistics are...

Tech & Engineering

Educational Technology and Digital Resources

Educational and Instructional Technology Sometimes, educational and instructional technologies are confused or even misunderstood. Still, it is very important to know the definitions of both and use examples to prove the correctness of choices. Educational technology is a study that aims at facilitating learning processes and improving performance. It teaches...

Entertainment & Media

Twitter in Political Communication

Introduction Mass media has significantly changed over the past two decades. The development of information technology and Internet resulted in appearing of online news services and social networks with user-generated blogs related to political news. Many people use such sources as Twitter and Facebook to get information on political issues...

Politics & Government

American Immigration Law Reform and Its Rationale

In performing this research, the proponent of the study uncovered major reasons that compelled policymakers and stakeholders to push for immigration law reforms. There are at least four major reasons that paved the way for reforms. First, more than 11 million unauthorized immigrants require protection from unscrupulous people. Second, children...


Environmental Risks: Opposing Views

Introduction Three articles provided points for discussion, focusing on environmental risks and the opposing views of the three authors. The identified risks are industries and manufacturing plants, agriculture activities and the use of fertilizers and insecticides, solid waste from households, hazardous waste in landfills, gas emission from transportation, migration, and...


Hawaii’s Opportunity Probation with Enforcement

Introduction Drug use among parolees and probationers is still very likely to happen although hundreds of programs of drug control exist throughout the United States. Nevertheless, many probationers experience drug abuse even when they are aware of the consequences of it. The drug war in Montgomery, AL has continued for...

Politics & Government

Global, International and Regional Organisations

Introduction A sovereign state is an independent territory with its people, land, and a ruling government with the powers to control it. There are 195 known sovereign states defined by their independence and ability to relate without interfering with internal affairs of each other. The presence of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)...

Politics & Government

Gun Ownership Debate in the United States

Introduction The yearly death rates contributed by firearms in the United States are about 32,000, and these rates are still rising at an alarming rate. The trend is taking place even though the general rate of crime in the country has reduced by 40 percent from that of the 1980s....


Parental Non-Engagement in Education

In the modern world, knowledge and skills have become the cornerstone of the society, and educational issues are the subject of interest as well as widespread concern. The current tendencies concerning school performance are associated with the collaboration between families, especially parents, and school staff members among which teachers play...

Tech & Engineering

Cloud Computing and Virtualization Technologies

Introduction Cloud computing refers to the use of the internet to deliver applications to users. These applications are delivered in the form of services. These services are referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS) (Illingworth, 1991). Cloud computing is also composed of data centers that are equipped with computer...


Divorce Influence on Childrens’ Mental Health

Abstract The essay examines the impact of divorce on children because they are the major victims of divorce. Preschool children, school-age children, and adolescents are the most affected by divorce because they are highly dependent on their parents for care, protection, and support. Divorce is a painful experience, and therefore,...

Tech & Engineering

Cloud and IoT Systems Security

Introduction Cloud-based services and IoT systems are the future of computing and technological innovation. These technologies are currently being developed and implemented on the mass organizational scale, creating various challenges which includes integration security. This report will investigate the fundamental basics of cloud-based and IoT technologies and solutions to various...


Chris McCandless and David Thoreau’s Ideas

Introduction Chris McCandless does not pass as an ordinary person; no, he is a complicated person living a life defined by his principles; not by society. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer tackles McCandless’s life; starting with the discovery of McCandless’s dead body in a bus, Krakauer takes a journey...


Food and Identity in Nguyen’s “Stealing Buddha’s Dinner”

Every culture has its own unique and distinct tradition which is a trademark of identification of every nation. Immigrates are away from their lands and tradition, they face cultural influences that are enforced by an external environment. This essay paper analyzes immigrates experiencing cultural adaptation of Stealing Buddha dinner written...


Second Language Acquisition in China and the US

Introduction As a second language speaker of English, I believe that my experiences have played a tremendous role in my L2 proficiency. This is the reason why the research question revolves around this topic; that is, “How the language environment in China and the US has influenced my understanding of...


Rupert Brooke’s and Wilfred Owen’s War Poems

“Dulce Et Decorum Est” – Wilfred Owen In comparing and contrasting Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen, we will look at their various works and see the comparisons and differences, if any, in opinions about World War One. First, let’s look at Wilfred Owen’s poems. In Dulce Et Decorum Est, Owen...


Ethnic Identity in Asian American Fiction Authors

The Names of Novelists and Their Works The basic idea of ​​the paper is to demonstrate ethical identity as one of the social aspects involved in Asian American literature. Due to the fact that immigrants have made a great contribution to the formation of cultural heritage, it is necessary to...


Commercial Aviation and Economic Bubble

Does the article appear to be making a clear point, expecting the reader to draw a particular conclusion? If so, what is that thesis or main conclusion? The article by Thompson (2011) appears to make a valid argument on why there is no bubble in the aviation industry globally. There...


Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants, Its Pros and Cons

Illegal immigration is considered to be a serious problem in many countries. Recently, there has been a wave of immigration to Europe from the countries of Middle East affected by war. In the United States, a large number of unauthorized immigrants resulted in building a fence on the border with...