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Citizenship as the Aim of Education

People have seen education and its major goals differently depending on the cultural, economic, and political peculiarities of their societies. Although the major idea behind educating younger generations has been their development and their transition to complete involvement in social life, the aims and methods still differ considerably (Kirylo, 2013)....

Politics & Government

The Strong and the Weak in International Politics

Introduction The international environment is a significant issue in the modern world. It is so because this phenomenon refers to challenging relationships between different nations. They are challenging since world countries represent various cultures, religions, economic levels, and political theories. The latter ones are of significance because they determine how...

Politics & Government

Is True Peace Only Possible Among Democracies?

Is true peace only possible among democracies? To answer this question the past, present and future states of many countries must be considered. Numerous peacekeeping efforts are being made today. As the awareness of the need for peace is increasing, more and more countries are joining in the efforts to...


Electromagnetic Propulsion Technology In Transport

Abstract Electromagnetic propulsion uses the concepts and applications of electromagnets. Technologies that make use of such applications include magnetic levitation technologies, including maglev trains, railguns, and even electromagnetic motors to some degree (though more use is made of the motor principle derived from electromagnets). Electromagnetic propulsion technology added a big...


Characteristic of the United Arab Emirates

Introduction A significant increase in crises and disasters globally has necessitated the use of strategic responses when handling the dangers posed by these calamities. Governments are responsible for deploying federal schemes to augment their nation’s readiness for tragedy and attacks. Therefore, administrations can have a significant impact on state and...


Nuclear Plant Risk Assessment

Summary The use of nuclear energy is increasingly emerging as the energy source of the future due to its high degree of sustainability and its clean nature. It especially has an upper hand against carbonized fossil fuels that emit global warming gases that have adverse effects on human lives. The...

Tech & Engineering

University in Dubai Managing Information

Introduction This assignment is to review a public University in Dubai, focusing on the ICT department. The university has been struggling to deliver quality education to its students. This is the reason why it has focused on strengthening the ICT department to facilitate the flow of information between the students...

Tech & Engineering

Comparing Technology: LCD Plasma Televisions

Abstract The CRT technology although quite old is fast being replaced by newer technologies in display science. Thus new systems like LCD, PDP, OLED, PLED, etc are making their presence felt, particularly the first two, viz, LCD and PDP in the domestic TV industry. Both PDP and LCD are similar...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Marketing of the Brand Digiorno

This report concerns social media campaigns of the DiGiorno frozen pizza brand. It inspects and compares the company’s execution of marketing strategies on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr based on the goals these strategies are trying to accomplish. Afterwards, the strategic value of each outlet is determined based on the...


Secure Attachment Relationship with a Child

Introduction One of the well-known biological instincts is the development of a strong attachment between a child and a parent or a primary caregiver. It is hard to give clear, rational explanations and definitions of what happens during the first contact with a mother. Still, it is evident that this...

Politics & Government

Regional Powers in the Middle East

Introduction Regional power is among the most important concepts of modern geopolitics. Among the criteria of regional power is self-conception, serious impact on the regional geopolitics, resourcefulness, being interconnected with the regional countries, great influence on the local affairs, impact on the local governance structures, being respected as a regional...


Textualism and Contextualism as Paradigms in Contractual Interpretation

Introduction In present-day realities, textualism and contextualism are viewed as two opposing principles of legal procedure. Textualism is understood as full compliance with the word of a legal document placed before a court of law.1 Contextualism, on the other hand, is the approach that places the highest value on the...


Autism and Gambling Addiction: Innate Tendencies

Introduction Many factors can influence human behavior. There are environmental factors that can be observed in-home or education settings and innate tendencies that have a natural base. Some debates take place concerning the importance of inherited and acquired characteristics in regard to human behavior. The supporters of the biological approach...


ADDIE Framework Is Inadequate

Abstract This paper aims at discussing the ADDIE model as a framework in the context of project management instructional design and proving this model as inadequate. The evaluation of project management and instructional design helps to comprehend what can be expected from ADDIE. The comparison of different instructional design models...

Politics & Government

China’s ‘Soft Power’, as Reflected by the ‘One Belt, One Road’ Project

Introduction Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many political scientists in the West to refer to the notion of ‘soft power’ (as defined by Joseph Nye), as such that illustrates the validity of the idea that the very essence of the dynamics in the arena of international politics undergoes...


The Social Work Ethics Audit: A Risk Management Strategy

Introduction Over the years, a greater focus on ethical concerns by social workers in refugee environments has been on the increase. In addition, contemporary studies contend that ethics are invaluable in managing risks. In other words, attempts have been made to minimize the expenses arising from settings as well as...


Understanding Quantitative Research Methods

Research Methodology Every research applies a specific research approach to arrive at a given conclusion based on the availability of time and resources. According to Powell (2010, p. 26), it is important to choose the most appropriate research method that would provide highly reliable data because many people always depend...


The Legality of the USA Patriot Act 2001

Introduction Background of Study The USA Patriot Act 2001 was a legislative piece passed by the United States (US) Congress and signed by former president George Bush in 2001 (weeks after the 9/11 attacks). The Patriot Act aimed to improve the quality of government investigations concerning terrorism and money laundering...


A Modern Educational System: Gifted and Talented Education

Introduction A modern educational system requires that student knowledge should transcend the basic understanding of educational skills and include the understanding of the changing nature of the world. These requirements need students to develop critical thinking skills and draw inferences from what they have learned through the same understanding. The...


Challenges of Using a Western Teaching Approach in Kuwait

Abstract In this paper what was explored were two challenges of using a western teaching approach in Kuwait. These challenges consist of gender segregation in colleges and universities as well as the concept of “wasta” (i.e. social networks). Males and females within Kuwait are taught in separate schools from elementary...


Braden’s “The Divine Matrix”: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief

Introduction The mysterious changes consuming the globe in the contemporary decades have been behind human imagination and no one is well positioned to explain what resulted in such alterations. The interpretations of nature, divinity, and the way religions and cultures undertake their spiritual and holy activities are quite different and...


Migrant Workers in Malaysia and the Hope for the New Life

Introduction: The Hope for the New Life as a Means to Support the Malaysian Migrant Workers When people migrate to a different state, they have to face new environment, new rules and new problems. Because of the lack of cohesion among the migrant workers in Malaysia, the migrants are facing...


Hilton Loyalty Programs: A Research Proposal

Introduction Introductory Statements There are various factors that attract customers in hotels and restaurants. They include security, price, location, comfort, experience, parking, and loyalty programs among others (Dell & Pajunen, 1997). The impact of these factors on attracting customers varies according to the preference of customers. In this light, the...

Tech & Engineering

The Net and New Media

Introduction The ultimate function of the media is regarded to be informing the society on the day to day issues. The form of information according to a classical liberal model should be related to objectivity, neutrality and the truth in the context of the media. The media is regarded as...

Tech & Engineering

King Saudi University Mobile Learning

Introduction Introductory Paragraphs Traditionally, education was offered in classes only. In the classes, students would interact with their instructors. As a result, the physical presence of students was paramount and mandatory. However, the rising knowledge in technology has led to mobile learning. However, mobile learning has not laid a strong...


Organizational Leadership in Conflict Situations

Conflict situations among people are said to be inevitable in all settings of normal life. Among other types of conflicts that are witnessed in our day to day lives, organisational conflict has become a major issue of concern in the contemporary world. Indifferences or conflicts within organisations can occur between...


Organizational Leadership in Education

Introduction It is evident that school leaders in the contemporary education sector face a myriad of leadership issues. This is in lieu of the fact that instructional leadership that was typical of traditional schools has continued to demonstrate ineffectiveness. Schools have been restructured consistently owing to the dynamic needs of...

Tech & Engineering

Information and Communication Technologies in Education

A Significant Issue that Influences the Present Educational Setting ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies), innovation, and knowledge are associated with vast impacts in various economic sectors. These include the transportation, finance, communication, and informatics sectors. It is also worth emphasising that the education sector has significantly been influenced by ICT....


Constructivism Theory of Learning: Philosophy of Education

Introduction There are numerous philosophies of education that attempt to define the role of a teacher and a student in the context of a classroom. While many of these philosophies have theoretical and historical frameworks and significance, I tend to believe that they differ in their concepts about learning and...


African Americans Excelling in Higher Learning

Abstract This paper provides an analysis of the reasons why African Americans excel in higher education compared to their counterparts. Recent studies show a significant improvement in the number of African American males enrolled in higher education compared to their counterparts. This paper refers to female African American and white...


“The Spirit of the Laws” by Montesquieu

Introduction The Spirit of Laws is a discourse on political theory. The book was initially published anonymously in 1748. The rationale for the anonymous publication was because Montesquieu’s work had been placed under censorship. The influence of the book outside France led to its translation into different languages. The first...

Tech & Engineering

The Outcomes of Project Management: Effects of Project Management Knowledge

Abstract This study examines the relationships among the project performance, customer satisfaction and project success by assessing the efficacy of management techniques, tools and skills for implementing infrastructure and building construction. Qualified interviewees from various accredited institutions handed over there responses which analyzed structural equation models. The outcome of the...


Folk Music: Evolution of the Term and Scholars’ Works

The term folk music was coined in the late 18th century in reference to a type of music (Ledgin, 2010). Folk music became very popular and influential during the 20th century. Since then, folk music has been defined using several meanings. In English speaking nations, folk music has been in...


The United Arab Emirates: Security Crisis Management

Abstract The need for a crisis management program for the United Arab Emirates is critical because of the potential threat presented by Iran’s widely dispersed nuclear facilities. Threat from a nuclear emergency because of the nuclear facilities justifies the need to initiate a security crisis risk management program based on...


Development of a Curriculum Management Plan

Introduction The previous decades have seen a change in the way schools and institutions of learning are managed with accountability being emphasized. There has been a shift in policy with the various stakeholders being seen as customers. Therefore, in learning institutions, effective customer service is increasingly being emphasized throughout all...

Tech & Engineering

Enhancing Cyber Situational Awareness Through Active Defence

Self-defense in Cyberspace and the internet Cyberspace and internet have numerous benefits to their users. Through them, information sharing and interaction between different groups of people have been made easier than before. However, cyber-attacks are among the challenges that emanate from the use of cyberspace and internet. Some people have...


India and Hungarian Medical Tourism

Introduction Medical tourism has grown to be a global phenomenon. As the growth of general tourism rises, Wang (2012) expects the number of people seeking medical services, globally, to reach 2,000,000 in 2012. Indeed, the number of medical tourists today surpasses previously noted numbers of medical tourists. Hall, (2011) says...


Critique of Books About God

Critique of Good to Great by Jim Collin Jim Collin’s Good to Great is a well-composed masterpiece that strategically reveals the reasons why some companies leap from ordinary level to greatness. Any reader with no idea of what a leading company is will get a clear picture of it based...


Purpose, Research Variables, and Population

Purpose of Study According to Bilim (2009), self-efficacy is the extent in which an individual achieves set goals and objectives. On the other hand, Hackett (1985) defined self-efficacy as the attitude and beliefs of an individual that determine the level of achievement he/she will attain with regards to the set...


Perspectives and Attitudes of Multicultural English Language Teachers

At a time when globalization is becoming the centre stage in affecting people’s social and developmental purposes, teaching English language to multicultural student especially the disengaged remains a major problem that affects the attitudes of teachers. This paper offers a clear insight of the methodology that was applied by the...


What Is Ideology & History and How Does It Affect

Background information Ideologically, history studies the socio-economic, cultural, and religious activities of the past. This enables individuals to gain full knowledge of the past incidences to shape their future. For instance, people use historical concepts as guiding principles in decision-making. This claim is supported by McNeil, Marchak, and Zinn in...


K-12 Education System: Overview

Introduction The importance of education in the society cannot be under estimated because getting an education is a starting point in life. The benefits of quality education extend beyond a lifetime of high paid employment prospects for completing it. Quality education has more effects for the more educated individuals, as...


Media Content and Its Psychological Influence

Advertising Business Leaders Magazine, Four Ways to Address Customer Complaints Online, 2007 The magazine addresses the needs of customers who feel their rights have been violated and need to be shown directions. The author, Micah Solomon, gives some of the strategies to be used by online customers, as well as...


Crisis Intervention Strategies and Skills

Type of Disaster Sichuan earthquake was one of the natural disasters that hit China in 2008, causing destruction of property and loss of lives. The disaster is considered one of the deadliest to have occurred in human history given its magnitude, which was measured at 8.0. More than seventy thousand...

Entertainment & Media

Event & Project Management During the Hajj Season

Specific aims and objectives This research proposal seeks to propose and evaluate the role of the project management specialists in the event management of the pilgrimage to Mecca to help in delivering Hajj both successfully and safely. The objective is to show that, in the case of project managers specialists...


The Role of Theory in the Social Sciences

Introduction This is a very essential tool for the social scientist as they relate to historical events and debates which are valid and reliable. Most of the social theories are objective, descriptive and scientific. Other theories are referred to as conflictive because they tend to challenge the norms which have...


Bereavement Intervention in Complicated Grief

Introduction Grief is a painful reaction to a loss usually of a great magnitude. This painful reaction may cause emotional changes that may affect the health of an individual. Various researches have been done on the topic of grief and bereavement. This has led to the formulation of various theories...


Transformational Leadership in the Homicide Division

Introduction This is an analysis section. It highlights how the data will be collected and explain how the respective data will be adequately and effectively analyzed. Furthermore, it specifies research methods used in the analysis of the collected data. Basically, the data collected will be analyzed through qualitative and quantitative...

Politics & Government

Natural Disaster Management and Historical Prospective Study in the UAE

Abstract The core functions of the ministry of the interior are to coordinate and integrate activities that are necessary to enhance the capability of the ministry of interior to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the occurrence of natural disasters, in the context of disaster management. An assessment...


Fraud and Scientific Misconduct in Social Work Education

Abstract The aim of the research will be to examine the effects of fraud and scientific misconduct on social work education and practice. Additionally, 80 participants will be selected randomly from the social work profession to answer the study questionnaires. Besides, the results will also reveal the effects of fraud...

Politics & Government

The US Patriot Act and Privacy Rights

Introduction Background of the Study The US government (under the Bush administration) passed the USA PATRIOT Act into law after the 9/11 attacks. The Act aimed to improve the quality of counterterrorism investigations by giving law enforcement officers immense powers to search and survey terrorism suspects (Committee on Technical and...


The Impact of the Use of New Technology in Education

Introduction Background of the Study Technology is rapidly changing and its applications continue to transform the lives of people across the globe. Besides, new forms of technological advancements including mobile devices, web and internet applications are currently applied to enhance the performance of political, economic and social institutions. Education is...

Family, Life & Experiences

Personal Standards for Choosing a Spouse

Introduction An understanding of the issues involved in any research has been considered critical in developing a clear picture of the significance of any type of research study. This plays a role in ensuring that the approaches adopted by a research have been placed in their right context. This paper...


Taking Classes in America, Teaching in Kuwait: Trends and Patterns

Abstract Studying abroad to be a teacher has numerous complications and difficulties that a future instructor needs to take into consideration before embarking on such an endeavor (Isakovski, 2009). Such complications are not limited to the obstacles that an international student would normally face when experiencing a foreign culture and...


Research on Curriculum Development

Introduction According to Marsh and Willis (2007), curriculum development is an assortment of actions whose outcome is changes in curriculum. Ornstein and Hunkins (2009) have also defined curriculum development as procedures that enable schools and other stakeholders to achieve set objectives. The environment in which curriculum development takes place is...


Workplace Gender Compensation Discrimination – Dollar General Corp

Introduction For several decades, the urge to provide a sustainable working environment with enhanced corporate social accountability has been the greatest challenge for corporate managers; however, workplace discrimination has steadily been augmenting (Grey-Bowen & McFarlane, 2010). While modern managers seem to impose corporate policies that curb social discrimination at workplaces...


Patients and Couples Therapy for Those Who Engage in Substance Abuse

Introduction Domestic violence and intimate partner violence (IPV) constitutes a significant relationship challenge in the US. Fals-Stewart, Kashdan, O’Farrell, and Birchler (2002) inform that about 8.7 million couples encounter physical violence that is acerbated by their partners every year in the US. Research conducted by Schafer, Caetano, and Clark (1998)...

Politics & Government

Post-adoption Stage of E-government

Introduction Information Communication Technology [ICT] has become a fundamental element in countries’ economic transformation as evidenced by the emergence of the digital economy. Lee (2011, p.2366) posits that most governments around the world ‘appreciate the potential associated with employing ICT in supporting different government activities’. Most governments are increasingly implementing...

Entertainment & Media

Phenomenon of Mobile Gaming

Introduction Subway Surfer and Temple Run are classified as endless running games wherein there is no predetermined finish line that the character you play in either game can reach. The point of the game is to continue running along a preset track while collecting tokens, power ups and other objects...


Literature Review: GIS-Based Implementation

Spatial accessibility is important in ensuring equitable provision of resources to people of various population segments in both urban and rural setups. However, the efforts to implement the initiative have been limited by several barriers due to marginalization and distances to such facilities. This situation has made the provision of...

Tech & Engineering

Social Networking Sites Impact on Students’ Performance at King Saud University Investigation

Research Problem In recent times, college staff and students have adopted various social networking sites and tools for educational purposes. In this regard, social networking sites and tools have a significant impact on professional development and project collaboration. Although college staff and students are now pushing learning beyond the borders...

Politics & Government

E- Government in Saudi Arabia: First and Second Plan

Introduction The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has one of the fastest developing economies in the Middle East region. The country has been attracting foreign investors, especially in the petroleum industry, finance, and tourism. This means that the central government at Riyadh has been under pressure to meet the growing demand...

Tech & Engineering

Key Drivers of Mobile Business Intelligence Adoption in Organisations in Saudi Arabia

Abstract Mobile Business Intelligence (MBI) is among the latest trends in business technology, which allows users to access business intelligence information from mobile devices and platforms via specific applications. The continued development of mobile technologies and applications can potentially provide users with opportunities to analyse business information directly on their...

Tech & Engineering

Common Methods of Managing Large Infrastructure Projects

Introduction Large infrastructure projects are considered risky and costly. It is estimated that up to 90% of large infrastructure projects usually result in overrun costs averaging 28% higher than budget according to Flyvbjerg et al. (2014). This trend is common in Europe, and the UK, in particular, does not compare...


Moorish Interior Design vs Japanese Interior Design

It is worth noting that interior design entails various concepts and meanings as it deals with the planning and design of the interior space of the premise creating a solid, harmonious composition. Despite a variety of different aspects of interior design, the two main characteristics of almost any style are...


Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Researchers

Introduction The decision to conduct research is not an easy task because much work has to be done and much time has to be spent. Researchers can make mistakes at the initial stage of the work when the necessity to choose a research method takes place. There are two main...


Framing the Case Into the Action Plan

Introduction It could be said that the crude oil industry continually experiences the layoff of workers, as it is one of the major reasons to reach sustainability on the market. The governance of my company continues to decrease the quantity of personnel and cuts the employees’ benefits to remain competitive...


Textile Ability Achieving the Emotional Satisfaction

Introduction The significance of kinaesthetic experiences can hardly be overrated; one of the five senses that inform the further emotional and behavioral changes in an individual affects people’s perception of reality to a considerable extent (Ahmed & Hakkarainen 2013). Particularly, the impact of touching fabric, in general, and textile products,...


How to Curing Pedophiles

Introduction The concept of “pedophilia” or an individual being described as a pedophile (i.e. someone that has a sexual attraction towards young children) is thought of as a socially unacceptable form of behavior and thus any individual that has been caught in the act is labelled as a social deviant...


“Living Under God’s Law: Christian Ethics” by J. Frame

Summary The book Living Under God’s Law: Christian Ethics is a powerful collection of ideas about religion, its power over people, and the lessons people have to learn when they start taking care of their relations with God. John Frame is the author of the book explains the main idea...


The Social Model of Disability

Introduction A disability model is a tool or framework to describe impairment and as a result give a starting point for a country’s administration as well as the society to come up with ways of providing for the needs of people with disability (MDRC 2007, p.1). There are various models...


Identifying the Building Blocks of Education

Introduction Though being rather basic, the theory of self-regulated learning requires significant efforts from both the learner and the tutor. According to the existing definition, the phenomenon of self-regulated learning presupposes that the learner defines the course of further information acquisition, the pace, at which the latter process occurs, and...

Politics & Government

Public Policy in UAE Federal Government

Introduction Human trafficking is not only a problem affecting the United Arab Emirates but also a global issue that has raised concern over the lives of many people. Although empirical evidence shows that the government of the UAE has intensified the campaign against human trafficking as a public policy, the...


Racial Tensions in Contemporary America

Introduction The United States has struggled with the issue of inclusion and equality for centuries. The past two and a half centuries witnessed the proliferation of organized or spontaneous riots in American communities (Monti Patterns of Violence 43). Although these sporadic incidences waned after the 1960s’ urban unrest, the recent...


Doris Salcedo: Moral-Political Art and Suffering

Introduction One of Salcedo’s most successful pieces of art was Shibboleth that was created in 2007 at Tate Modern in London. To understand the moral and political aspect of the art, and how it portrays suffering in society, it will be necessary to have a brief analysis of this artist....


Benjamin’s “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” Article

Introduction Walter Benjamin’s article, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, was written in the 20th Century. Having been published in 1936, the article documents how economic changes revolutionised the art industry. Although Benjamin’s article is short, the author addresses a variety of issues. The main aim...


Postmodernism and Consumer Society by Fredric Jameson

Introduction In the article, “Postmodernism and Consumer society”, by Fredric Jameson, the author attempts to review postmodernism as a concept that attracts the attention of most scholars. Unlike some of the scholars who try to link modernism and postmodernism, Jameson contradicts the two concepts. However, he focuses on a variety...


The United States Law: Federal and State Jurisdiction

The law of the United States is important to be discussed in detail because the principles of the legal system followed in the country can explain how the law can influence individuals and organizations. The origins of the U.S. law and legal system are in the law that was followed...


Elementary Mathematics Curriculum Evaluation

The choice of the effective curriculum in mathematics is a challenging task that is based on the proper evaluation of proposed curricula’s features and components. From this point, the curriculum evaluation is an important stage before choosing the program for the implementation in the elementary school. Investigations in Number, Data,...


Qualitative Research Critical Literature Review

Introduction Qualitative research is one of the most commonly used research methods in social sciences. Punch (2005, p. 89) defines qualitative research as “Ethnographic, naturalistic, anthropological, field, or participant observer research.” As this definition suggests, qualitative research methods involves investigation of specific issues through field studies, case studies, ethnographic, anthropological,...


Ethical Standards in Scientific Research

Introduction Any research needs to be conducted with respect to certain criteria that are acceptable within the discipline in which the study is executed. Researchers have to consider ethical issues in their study designs. In a research design, ethics implies compliance with acceptable research standards. Moral principles are taken care...


Pedagogy Research Designs and Methodology

Introduction In the wake of knowledge societies of the twenty-first century, researchers and academic professionals have strived to establish sound instructional methods in schools. Evidence that is obtained from experiments is required for the development of the best theoretical frameworks that can be implemented in today’s scientific community. At the...


Transformational Leadership Against Teacher Turnover

Introduction The previous question of the role of leadership in influencing teacher turnover presented a large scholarly body of knowledge on leadership theories or styles that are likely to produce positive results concerning turnover management. However, only the contingency, transactional, and transformational leadership theories were discussed. It concluded that their...


Redemptor Hominis: The Redeemer of Man by Pope John Paul II

Introduction John Paul II commenced his duties as a Pope when the Catholic Church was going through intricate moments. The church experienced condemnation and self-doubt, which were major indicators of disintegration. Indeed, the contemporary world, which had attested to have positive evolutions to humankind, brought threats to the lives of...


How do Adult Siblings from Divorced Backgrounds Manage Interpersonal Relations

Theory Scholarly views on what constitutes a psychological theory From the discursive prospective, providing a universally accepted definition of psychological theory and its constituents represents a certain challenge, because, as of today, an ongoing progress in the field of psychology creates objective preconditions for the tool of psychological inquiry to...

Politics & Government

Neglecting Poverty, Development and Hunger in International Relations

Introduction International relations among its diverse variants appear to neglect the real issues that confront mankind such as poverty, development and hunger. Theories of international relations are traditionally conceptualized in abstract concepts neglecting the fundamental issues at the center of life (Hoogvel, p. 10). Developmental issues are superficially developed within the...

Politics & Government

Is Democracy a Justifiable Method for Collective Decision Making?

Introduction Modern society is challenged by a number of complex issues connected with the necessity to identify and follow the required forms of government, demonstrate rational approaches to decision making, and respect human rights and freedoms. The promotion of democracy as the main form of government turns out to be...

Tech & Engineering

Digital Business Ecosystem

Digital Business Ecosystem refers to an open foundation and dispersed software policy that is internet enterprise based. The ecosystem intends to generate, incorporate as well as offer services more proficiently and successfully (Akkermans, 2004). This means that one can use the software existing on Digital Business Ecosystem to publicize a...


Ethnic Minority Group Investigation: Mexican Americans

Introduction For the present investigation, the Mexican American group was chosen. Nowadays, their population amounts to 11% of the total population of the US (United States Census Bureau, 2016). Consequently, being familiar with their culture appears important, especially for an educator and healthcare professional like myself. Furthermore, despite being of...

Tech & Engineering

Computer Technology Impact on Students Learning in Middle School

Introduction Computer technology is increasingly becoming a major tool in the learning process. According to Keengwe, Onchwari, and Wachira (2008), recent studies have shown that the use of computer technology is becoming common not only in the developed countries but also in the developing nations. Educationists, governments, and other stakeholders...

Family, Life & Experiences

Free Relations and Systems Theory

Introduction The establishment of self-identity is highly dependent on the interactions approach in the “high modernity” society. For this reason, the individual plays a central role in influencing the way social systems function. As such, an individual’s behaviors and actions have a substantial effect on society as a whole, and...


Genetic Diseases Overview and Analysis

Abstract In this study, the aim was to determine if sickle cell anemia is uniquely common among the Blacks of sub-Sahara descent. Several studies have suggested that indeed this disease is not only common among the African Americans but also people living in sub-Sahara Africa. The review of the existing...


Man Vs Nature: Dujiangyan Irrigation System Case Study

Statement of the case Few people even in the contemporary modern world enjoying the benefits of technology and scientific innovations have been able to surpass achievements by Shu’s Governor Li Bing. People of Shu State had suffered for many years from flooding along the Minjiang River. Minjiang is one of...


Markov Analysis and Competing Values Framework

Introduction Comparable to decision analysis, Markov analysis is a probabilistic technique, but it does not offer a recommended decision. Rather, Markov analysis offers probabilistic materials concerning a condition that needs a resolution, which can assist a decision-maker to make an informed choice. That is, this analysis technique does not perform...


Interior Design Trend Forecasting and Agencies

Executive Summary The purpose of this critical reflective report was to research and evaluate existing interior design trend forecasting and agencies, as well as practical applications of the observed trends. From works of some of the leading trend forecasting agencies, it was established that colour, materials, technology/digital, environmental factors, privacy,...

Tech & Engineering

Diesel Engine, Its Evolution and History

Introduction Thesis Statement The pressure on diesel engine manufacturers caused by the legislative body had a substantial impact on the development of the technology and can be currently considered one of the key contributors to the major success of diesel-based engines and numerous innovations and improvements that positively influenced the...


Saudi Residents’ Perceptions of Protected Areas

Introduction Today, protected areas provide unique opportunities for people to preserve the biological, cultural, and historical value of certain areas. With the recent popularization of ecotourism all over the world, protected areas became increasingly popular with international visitors and eco-tourists. Protected areas are usually bright and eye-catching, and have a...


Why Special Education Matters

Introduction Special education, also known as special needs education, involves dealing with learners who have varying learning difficulties, making it impossible for them to gain knowledge using standard materials and instructions. Dyslexia, emotional or behavioral disorders, communication challenges, physical disabilities, and developmental problems are some of the issues that make...


Philosophy of Education: Theoretical Framework

Introduction Good knowledge of teaching techniques is not enough for real success in the broad field of education. To become a professional who inspires students to learn, it is also critical to develop a set of teaching beliefs and values to be implemented into practice. This paper is aimed at...