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Academic Motivation: Ethnic Teaching in Dutch Schools

Introduction In Dutch schools as in most other European schools, the ethnic divergence of the pupils has made teaching a greater exercise over some time. The migration of non-European minority people into Europe from the 1960s onwards has posed a different challenge to the teachers. Authors, Andrissen, Phalet & Lens...


“Looking Backward: 2000–1887” by Edward Bellamy

Throughout history, mankind has attempted to discover the perfect means of social organization. The problem rests primarily in the fact that fallible human beings must be placed in positions of authority over other persons in order for society to work. This may be considered in the form of governmental organization,...


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Soldier’s Learning Styles

Possible relationships between a soldier’s perceptual style and how they experience post-traumatic stress There are several theories that have endeavored to provide an interaction of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the perceptual style of the victims. To start with, social-cultural influence has been seen to be potentially vital in...


Comparison of Student Motivation: Methodology

Introduction The methodology would describe the process taken into consideration to evaluate student motivation. Student motivation in Health Career programs is highly critical to ensure that there is a strong performance in these programs. This will also decide on the attrition rates, persistence in learning, and student retention, in the...


Symbolic Interactionism and Power Inequality

Introduction The status of women in the Victorian era has been one of the major areas of researches and debates in the stream of sociology. The most remarkable reason for this specific interest in the study of women’s status is the fact that the life of women in the Victorian...


Biochemistry: Zinc Metabolism

Introduction Zinc is an essential nutrient that functions in growth, reproduction, tissue repair, and cellular immunity. Zinc recommendations of 5 mg/day for breast-fed infants are met from mobilization of liver stores and the approximately 2 mg of Zinc obtained each day in breast milk. Formula-fed infants have greater needs due...


Worldview of “Supreme Court Justice” by David Brewer

Introduction Supreme Court Justice David Brewer was born to Christian missionaries on 20th January 1837 in Turkey. His parents returned to the USA and David Brewer studied law and started a law practice in Kansas. After some years, he joined the Leavenworth courts as a judge and after some years,...


Systems, Process & Data Modeling in Researching

Advantages of the case model method A case study may be defined as a method that “examines a phenomenon in its natural setting, employing multiple methods of data collection to gather information from one or a few entities (people, groups, or organizations).” (Benbasat, Goldstein, & Mead, 1987, p. 370) Case...


Space Programs, Safety Issues, and Review of Technologies in Use

Introduction A space program in this new age is constrained by severe safety protocols, precision controls, and maneuverability requirements, and drastic cost reduction mandates. This situation necessitated the development of a low thrust high precision propulsion system as an efficient and cost-effective alternative to the commonly used chemical or advanced...


Cognitive Behavoural Therapy in Councilling Children

The treatment of children who are suffering from stress has been the most difficult medical practitioner. Therefore counseling is the best treatment of psychological stress. Psychological stress arises from frustration conflict and pressure. Frustration arises from one individual failing to accomplish some needs or desires of life. When such kind...

Politics & Government

How to Bust Bureaucracy in San Jose

Problem statement The main challenge that appears to plague the city council of San Jose is the identification of ways and means through which to reduce an eight-year successive budget shortfall, while still being in a position to deliver services to a rising number of residents. The transition from a...


The Influence of Drug Abuse on Society and Values

Abstract For a long time, the fight against drugs in most parts of the world and especially America has focused so much on the users of drugs but I don’t see drug abusers as the victim. I see the drug abuser’s friends & family as the victims. The financial and...


Child Maltreatment in African Immigrant Families in LA

Introduction Coping with changes that keep taking place at a rapid pace, in practically all walks of life, seems to be the challenge faced by people of all ages. This is more sharply felt in a country like the United States, where people of varied ethnic origins try to co-exist...


Methodology of Interview

Methodology Useful data collection is one of the primary issues that should be considered when conducting a research study. First (2008) emphasizes that inaccurate data collection affects the research findings adversely, hence the validity of the course. Some of the widely used sources of data include primary and secondary sources....


Teachers and Students: Communication Misunderstandings

Communication misunderstandings between middle-class teachers and lower-middle class students are of increasing significance in the success or failure of the educational learning environment. Students and teachers are two different groups which should collaborate each time and the problems in communication is impossible to avoid, as people’s characters and understanding of...

Politics & Government

Freedom of Speech in Cuba Using the Market Place of Idea’s Theory

Introduction As of 2008, Cuba was reported to rank very high in the list of largest prisoners of journalists across the globe. It was listed next to the People’s Republic of China, which is positioned as the principal penitentiary for media correspondents all over the globe in keeping with the...


Classroom Mastery of Performance Standards

Introduction The move to standard-based education was caused by a number of factors affecting the quality of education and teaching. Standards are important mechanisms for mastery in any subject or skill. State legislators have wisely chosen to raise standards universally. The standards-writing movement began in most states in 1989, soon...


Learning Theory Comparison

Adult Education Defined It is remarkable to think about the extent to which andragogy can be claimed as the distinctive characteristic of adult education as a field. Though Knowles moved from a belief in andragogy as the exact opposite of education for children toward the idea of a continuum, he...

Tech & Engineering

Data Warehousing Is One of the Significant Achievements in the Field of Information Systems

Introduction Data warehousing is one of the most significant and current advances in the field of information systems (IS) which has become a better means of changing data into helpful information. (Kimball. 2002).pp25.It is an advanced way of combining data from several, often very large, distributed, different databases and other...


Management in Human Service Organizations

Introduction Social organisations have various types of workers, such as full timers, part-timers and volunteers. As a matter of concern, social workers, who work in an organisation, are expected to act as other employees. They could be relating with an organisation in three ways: As an employee As a union...


Economic Growth and Environment in China

A foreign businessman inside an office building in Hong Kong was gazing out of the window. The smog was so dense that he couldn’t see the other building. China’s major cities, which have seen rapid economic growth, are witnessing rising pollution, sandstorms, and desertification. Beginning in the late 1970s, China’s...


India: East India Company and Britain After the Mutiny

Colonial rule in India was established in 1818 when the East India Company entered the country and established its own rule. Exploitation occurred, but the colonial rule was based on other things besides exploitation. Historical facts and figures show that India was better governed by the East India Company before...


History of Immigration in the United States on China

Introduction The Statue of Liberty was a symbol of freedom and opportunity for millions of immigrants to the U.S. in the 19th and 20th centuries. That monument, which was a gift from the people of France to commemorate the centennial of America’s Declaration of Independence in 1776, was dedicated in...


Why Students Cheat: Reasons, Motives?

Introduction Background In definition, cheating can be said to be an activity that involves lying, deception, trickery, fraud, imposture, and other means which are inverse to the correct. Cheating is defying the law of truth and mostly leads to the breaking of rules. It is a way of getting an...


Applying Human Rights Framework in a Organization.

Introduction Human rights play a crucial role in social relations and relations between the state and citizens. In general, in the integral approach human rights are not made subservient to any ideology. Rather they constitute a basic political philosophy per se. Life must be livable, which requires both a reasonable...


Stock Market Crash of 1929 and 1987

Introduction The stock market crashes of 1929 and 1987 are similar in terms of the economic reasons that led to financial instability, however, they differ in the degree of crisis, and fiscal and monetary policy undertaken by the government to correct the situation and the consequences on both U.S. and...


“The Tipping Point” a Book by Malcolm Gladwell

Introduction The concept of “the tipping point” can be boiled down to a series of events that lead to a sudden change. This can encompass a variety of aspects such as the sell off period in a stock market after months or years of a bull run, the sudden popularity...


Two English Language Textbooks Comparison

Abstract The evaluation of textbooks is highly important for teaching English in Saudi Arabia. A common problem, which Saudi Arabian English teachers face, is an inappropriate portrayal of foreign values in textbooks. In this work, the researcher has examined the problems that exist in this sphere and fulfilled a comprehensive...


The Major Contributors to Water Pollution

Introduction Water pollution is a severe issue in the world because of the severe implications that it cause to living organisms and their impact on the ecosystem. Pollutants are substances that are in a place where they should not be, and they usually contribute to problems when consumed by living...


The Australian Government and Carbon Dioxide Emission

Introduction Energy can be defined as the capability to work. Energy comes in different forms such as light, motion, heat, electricity, among others. Energy can be stored, amplified or converted for use in different ways. The energy sources can be split down into two different categories (i.e. renewable and non...


Solar Panels and Their Advantages

Abstract This paper presents the outcome of the research that was conducted with the view of establishing a recommendation report for a company or a building owner to install solar panels. The paper examines the benefits of solar energy over other forms of energy. This paper discusses the methodology that...

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Learning Services in the Higher Education Environment

Abstract Mobile learning services have been applied in many higher education institutions as technology improves the approach to instruction delivery. In the dynamic learning environment, different mobile learning services are in one. These services are targeting students. In order to gain from these mobile services, the targeted students should be...


Human Rights Shapes: Diverse Spheres of Use

Human’s Rights as the Attribute of Society In contrast to the other institutions that suggest a single form of the notion existing in the given society, the area of human rights allows to switch the shapes of the very notion of human rights according to the sphere it is applied...


American Juvenile Justice System

Youth crime has been increasingly on the rise over the past years. It is caused by numerous factors, ranging from social inequality to the influence of popular media. As young people are integrated into criminal justice, they are faced with harsh realities of consequences for actions which could influence their...


The United Nations Council’s Sanctions on North Korea

Introduction For different countries, the concept of international peace and security implies different meanings. Every country assesses security challenges from its own unique geostrategic and political viewpoints. The United Nations introduced Chapter VII of its Charter to help it to address issues associated with international peace and security. As such,...

Tech & Engineering

Risk Assessment: Fault and Event Tree Analysis

Purpose and objectives of fault tree analysis and event tree analysis Fault tree analysis makes use of Boolean logical functions and graphical methods to identify probable faults and likely failures of any given system, to establish the associated hazard, as well as institute corrective measures to the product. This enhances...

Tech & Engineering

Information Security Program Implementation

What are the key considerations in the effective implementation of an information security program/ architecture? Executive Summary Information security has come to play a significant role in modern pacing, but the perpetually technically sensitive environment. Consequently, organizations need secured communications to benefit from the advance the information technology brings. The...


Environmental Ethics: the Case for Animal Rights

Animals The evolution of the society is partly reflected in the transformation of people’s attitudes toward animals. Modern philosophers and thinkers continuously raise questions about the ethical obligations of a person towards different biological species. Thus, it is vital to assess the models developed by different researchers and animal rights...

Tech & Engineering

Information Security Management Practices: Risk Assessment

Executive summary Risk assessment was crucial for the TSF foundation to determine the vulnerabilities and risk re-mediation techniques to ensure that the foundation’s information assets were protected against being compromised by illegitimate and unauthorised persons. An assessment of the three situations revealed different threats, vulnerabilities, and various risk impacts. It...


International Terrorism and Global Response to It

Abstract International terrorism has become an issue of global concern. It has caused many deaths and damage to properties and misleading masses to abuse law and order. Terrorism has existed since the emergence of the second and the first world wars and has continued growing despite efforts by organisations, like...


Culture and Language in Social Life

Introduction Culture and language are interconnected since the former describes people’s lifestyles, including language, customs, and the articulation of distinctiveness of people. It may refer to a common interest held by a group, such as the culture of reading, the popular culture, a common language, or a heritage held by...


Black American Literature

Abstract During the colonial period in America, Black Americans lived under oppression by their white colonial masters. They never enjoyed similar rights as the white American citizens. Blacks were denied the freedom of expression. Because of this, African American writers decided that it would be good to present their grievances...

Tech & Engineering

Science, Technology and Society: Implications for Education

Abstract The existence of science and technology has a significant control over all societal processes. Science assists human beings understand their existence on earth. However, technology enables them acclimatise with the changing survival needs through scientific innovation. For the last one decade, the field of science and technology has significantly...

Tech & Engineering

Natural Gas Drilling Project Management

Introduction This Project Report covers vital elements of project management aligned to the PMBoK knowledge areas to demonstrate best practices (Freidi 2014). For this Project Report ‘Our Project’ referred to as Natural Gas Drilling Project will be used to illustrate critical areas of project management. Project Initiation Our Project is...


South Korea: Culture, Government and Development

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to present a country analysis that focuses on the suitability of South Korea as an export destination for goods produced in Saudi Arabia. The analysis will highlight the various macro-environmental factors that are likely to affect imports in South Korea. These include the...


Transformational Leadership in Higher Education

Introduction A number of factors have come up exacerbating the problems in the academic world, particularly higher education. The educational sector has to introduce changes but at the same time, adjust with the challenges brought about by technology, globalisation, and economic factors. This scenario requires leaders who are not ordinary...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology Role in E-learning Systems Success

Introduction E-learning is a systematic mode of studying where students learn by interacting with various tools for information and communication technology (ICT). Interactive technologies provide support for various capabilities. As technological changes continue to occur, more platforms of sharing information and learning materials among students and tutors also emerge. Hence,...


Corporal Punishment and Its Effects on Children

Punishment is discussed by psychologists and educators as one of approaches to discipline children through ceasing or preventing the undesired behaviors or through the use of negative reinforcers. In spite of the fact that different types of punishment are applied in education, corporal punishment is one of the most debatable...