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Physicians’ Treatment Decisions: Sociological Theory

Abstract This paper aims to present the social characteristics of the Physicians that evaluate the differences among the treatment decisions they make on the patients who have similar health problems. The physician’s involvement in the patient’s treatment appeared to be chronic as the physician becomes sensitive to different factors such...


U.S. Interagency Cooperation Against Terrorism

Thesis statement Interagency cooperation is necessary to win a war against terrorism. The United States has implemented this approach towards fighting terrorism. This study will answer the question of whether the U.S. interagency Cooperation has improved to effectively combat terrorist organizations and terrorism in general. There have been efforts applied...


Urban Development and Planning in Dublin

The aim of the literature review is to examine and analyze current literature on the topic under discussion and determine the main trends in urban development and planning. All researchers agree that the persisting process of urbanization, the worst excesses of a post-industrial society, and the explosion in population growth...


Hispanic Women in Education: Analysis of Education and Career Choices

Introduction It is common knowledge that different ethnic groups are affected differently about education and career choices not only in the United States but also the world over. In the United States, the minority groups notably Hispanic Americans and African Americans have gone through immeasurable difficulty in trying to find...


Human Motion Capture Methods and Development

Abstract There are lots of technical and expert supports are needed in order to bring in the actual act of motion capture. This paper is dealing with the integral factors related to human motion capture methods. At the same time the emphasis has also been laid over the various developmental...


Object Contour Vectorization Methods

Images are graphical representations of statistical data and they help a lot in presenting data graphically. Images’ are the best option to deal with different types of data easily and effectively. It’s universally proved that videos and images state data effectively and it’s very easy to deliver any message with...


Profiling Serial Killers: Literature Review

Abstract This essay reviews the literature on serial killers, principally the more newsworthy ones in contemporary times. In the process, we recognize that gender, age, child-rearing, social adjustment, the need to over-compensate for other areas of weakness in one’s life, and introversion are strongly associated with serial killers. We then...


Effective Counseling in Client Crisis

Introduction The suggestion by Adam and Keener (2008) suggesting that counselors are often ill prepared to assess and properly deal with clients at risk during crisis situation is something that requires serious attention. Indeed there is a great need for their services, on the backdrop of all the research that...


A Case Study of Taiwan Hotel Customer’s Perspectives

Abstract In many parts of the world, the hotel industry has shown continued growth. This can be attributed to the economic growth that is being witnessed in many nations, effective marketing strategies, technological advancements, and diverse tourist attraction sites in many regions of the globe. The industry is expected to...


Sociology of Education: Corruption and Funding

Education is one of the most important fields of social life and development. In spite of great cultural and social achievements, education is still one of the main problems for the American population and political figures. What would make traditional education sufficient is its integration, with wisdom, with a moral...


The Impact of Moodle on Learning

Abstract: This paper investigates the available literature on the use of Moodle as a virtual learning environment in educational settings. It highlights the various characteristics of Moodle that make it uniquely suited for educational purposes and explores the software from the viewpoint of the teacher. It also analyzes the impact...


The Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes

Introduction The American Government today is noted for being one of the most powerful governments in the world and considered a model for third world countries. It is also renowned for being the second largest democracy in the world. The federal government of the United States was not conceived based...

Politics & Government

A Study of the United States Legal System

Introduction The United States legal system is noted for its unique dual court structure, whereby the separate federal courts and the state courts preside over separate and sometimes overlapping court systems. This phenomenon is more remarkable in that there are instances where some legal matters are handled exclusively in the...


Federal Republic of Germany’s Political System

Introduction The German armed forces surrendered to the British and United States armies on May eighth, 1945 at Rheims in France and o the Red Army outside Berlin. This capitulation was unconditional and the consequences of this surrender to the German politics in the Western part of the country is...


Values, Norms, and Beliefs of World Significant Religions

Introduction This term is used in reference to any existing system of belief about deity, often involving rituals, a code of ethics, and a philosophy of life. Therefore it is fair enough to include all the great monotheistic religions, Eastern religions, Neopagan religions, a wide range of other faiths, spiritual...


Collaborative Learning in Asynchronous Online Learning

Abstract In the modern age of innovative popular strategies of learning such as the internet online learning, the significance of collaborative online learning is often emphasized. In the background of several limitations of online learning, the incorporation of collaborative learning strategies becomes a central contributing condition to a more effective...


Women in Politics. Equity Issues.

Introduction “Prevailing cultural, social and economic conditions continue to act as a barrier to the great political participation of women, moreover there is a passive attitude by the electorate, and women lack the necessary financial resources to election campaign” Ms Syada Greiss, Member of Parliament Egypt Women have struggled for...


Low Self-Esteem Women and Their Relationships with Men

Introduction Relationships in this age and time are going through a series of problems. One of the major issues that most couples face is the issue of cheating spouses. This reason has several causes, and one of its major causes is women having low self-esteem issues (Stevenson-Hinde, 2007). These women...

Tech & Engineering

Aviation Customers and Quality Service Delivery

Researchers have acclaimed the airline industry for its constant struggle of cutting expenses, overseeing inconsistent demand, and sustaining quality prerequisites while attempting to improve its services and fulfill the customer’s needs. Consumer satisfaction has been low, and the Customer Satisfaction Index scores the least among 50 different enterprises (Haghighat, 2017)....


Role of Women in the Arabian Gulf

Introduction Today, the progress of the Middle East turns out to be an example for many nations. The region of the Arabian Gulf, including such basin countries as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, and Iraq, represents the world’s biggest offshore oil and gas field.1...

Entertainment & Media

Role of Social Media in the Curriculum

Introduction As asserted by Selby and Kagawa (2012), approximately 302 hazards were experienced worldwide in the year 2011, most of which escalated to disasters claiming over 30,000 lives and affecting over 206 million individuals. The loss that was attributed as a result of these disasters was approximated to be around...


Team Teaching and Curriculum Delivery

Introduction Curriculum development is one of the main educational processes that have to be taken into consideration by everyone, who is involved in teaching and learning (Wolven 2013). In this activity, it is not enough to choose the resources or to evaluate personal skills and knowledge. It is necessary to...


Waste Diversion Programs in Ontario in 1996-2010

Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine and evaluate various waste diversion programmes in Ontario during the period 1996 to 2010. Waste diversion is a very important component in modern solid waste management and the key objective is to minimize the amount of landfill disposal. A review of...


Social Science Lesson Plan and Teaching Methods

Name: Lesson plan for Social Studies. WGU Task Objective Number: 602419-08. General Information Lesson Title & Subject(s): Social Studies. Topic: Map Skills (Measuring Distance and identifying physical features). Unit of Study: Distance: Calculation of distance on maps. Grade/Level: Fourth grade. Instructional Setting Fourth-grade classroom: this class contains 28 students, there...


Friendships within International and Domestic Students

Abstract International students are highly beneficial to various US domestic universities. They aid in the inculcation of intercultural learning. Besides, they enhance global diversity within institutions, thus fostering the economic growth of the US. Amid these benefits, such students encounter various challenges, which hinder their interaction and integration levels with...

Tech & Engineering

Smartphones Industry

Introduction The world is constantly changing on the socio-economic, technological, and cultural fronts. The effects of these rapid changes frequently manifest themselves in the business world in the form of hard competition and dynamic business environments. Markets, products, technology, and competitive conditions are rapidly changing. Therefore, all organizations should constantly...

Family, Life & Experiences

Parents’ Perception of Their Children’s Disability

Abstract The current paper investigates perceptions of diverse parents on the disability of their children in early childhood. It is based on a review of research literature; for the paper, 17 scholarly articles were used. The beliefs of parents from a range of diverse groups and cultures were explored; in...

Politics & Government

Congress as the Main Legislative Arm of the Government

Introduction According to the Library of Congress (2015), the Constitution of the United States stipulates that Congress is the main legislative arm of the government. The framers of the Constitution wanted the law-making process to be led by a group rather than a single person. In this regard, they named...


Heavy Metal Music Gender Trends

Methodology Every research project must have a clear method that defines the approach that is taken in the collection of any data, analysis of the collected data, and the presentation of the analyzed data in the form of the texts and figures. According to Kothari (2005)1, conducting research is a...