Free 600 Words Essay Examples - Page 3


Adult Learning and Effective Instruction

Introduction Adult learners have different learning needs. The needs can be met using different modes of instruction. According to Fink, the styles can either improve or deter their learning process (253). Consequently, teachers should put into consideration a number of factors to ensure effective adult erudition. A good teacher in...

Politics & Government

Gun Control Policies: Regulation vs. Constitution

Introduction Despite the efforts of legal authorities and law enforcement, the levels of crime have been on the rise over the past few decades. As a result, a range of citizens experiences a lack of safety. Even those that live in comparatively crime-free areas feel that they are open to...

Politics & Government

Antonio Villaraigosa: Latino Politician in the US

The history of Latinos in the political scene of the United States has remained uncovered for a long time. There has been a continued struggle by the Latinos to gain access and recognition in the political scene of the United States. The Latin politicians have worked out their way. Beginning...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology Infrastructure

Seven major components of IT infrastructure IT infrastructure is a combination of physical devices and software necessary to interconnect computers. The IT infrastructure is composed of seven major components, namely: first, computer hardware, which includes desktop personal computers and mobile devices, mainframes chip producer, and top firms such as Dell....


Chinese Americans’ Issues in the US and California

The primary dilemma of any minority community is and always has been, whether to keep themselves inside the boundaries of the community or to integrate with the majority, which is the major issue of American-Chinese relationships. The two different claims of “belonging” in the 1936 Chinese American essay contests The...


Sources of Energy: Classification and Aspects

Energy consumption is an important condition for the existence of the society. Different energy resources are necessary for the fulfillment of human needs and escalating life standards. The demand for energy will only grow in the future. Thus, countries may face an energy crisis because the amounts of widely used...


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Early Intervention and Inclusion

Introduction According to various researchers, it is imperative that children’s behaviors remain closely monitored so as to identify any development disorders. With this procedure in place, early cases of development disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be addressed using early intervention and inclusion strategies (WebMD, 2005). As...


“The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life” by Erving Goffman

What is the author’s major thesis? The main thesis expressed by Erving Goffman is that individuals in the presence of others behave similarly to actors on the stage (1). He claims that “the individual will be interested in making a favorite show of himself” (Goffman 6). How convincing is the...

Politics & Government

Social Work Organizations: Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths and Weaknesses the Governmental and Private Social Work Organizations Research has shown that the governmental agencies and the non-governmental organization all have weaknesses and strengths which can be integrated in the provision of social work. The NGOs conducting social work of the not-for business service provision, it is easy...


Chemicals as the Worst Pollutants on the Earth

Pollution is a problem that has affected the world for a long time. Although most people may fail to understand the long-term effects of pollution like global warming, its short-term effects are easy to discern. Such effects include diseases or death of both human beings and animals (Houghton, 2010, p.1)....


College Education as Investment and Its Feasibility

The Missed Fundamental Point The fundamental point that Cheever argues that is missed by government legislators isn’t that the cost of education is increasing exponentially rather it is whether students gain anything from the education they pay for. As Cheever’s indicates, in a regular free-market environment there is a certain...


Effectiveness of Instruction Relative to Student Achievement

How should educators demonstrate the effectiveness of instruction relative to student achievement in an age of accountability? Classroom assessments form the core of all assessments, especially in a standards-based system. For the effectiveness of instruction relative to students’ achievement in this age of accountability, it is vital for classroom assessments...

Politics & Government

Arms Control: Arguments For and Against

Introductory Statement Gun control is a phrase that is used to refer to “the efforts that are being put in place to limit the possession, production, importation, shipment, sale, and use of guns by private citizens” (Kopel, Gallant and Eisen 5). The guns referred to in this case are usually...


Stereotypical Experiences and Discriminatory Behavior

My Stereotyping Experience One of the things that make human life intriguing and to some extent captivating is the diversity and variation exhibited by people as a result of their differing cultures, jobs, personalities, and physical appearance. However, there exists great misinformation and at times, we tend to overgeneralize and...


Human Rights in Philosophy and Social Sciences

Introduction The human rights concept is a difficult one to define. Almost all problems attach themselves to the issue of human rights (Clapham, 2007). This research paper investigates the origin and development of modern human rights ideas. It discusses how various definitions of human rights by scholars, philosophers, political figures,...


Mixed Research Methods

Introduction The essay is a critical examination of mixed research methods. To attain this, a description of the contexts when mixed methods researches are appropriate during a dissertation process is discussed. The ultimate goal is to justify when it is appropriate to use qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Additionally, the...


Working in a Group

Groups I involved in and the experiences Groups are commonplace not only in contemporary workplaces but also in any other everyday undertakings in life. As an individual, I have been involved in different group activities within the community, in the church, and in learning institutions. Some of the models described...

Politics & Government

Balance of the United States Government Power

Introduction The founding fathers created a system of checks and balances that helped to ensure that no individual group was able to control the United States government. This system is often referred to as a separation of powers. The Constitution outlines the roles of three branches of government: executive, legislative,...


Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in Physics

Consider a real scenario where the relationship between a car’s velocity and time is given by ν(t) = t+2, for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5. The following can be defined as follows: Dependent variable: In a function, this is the quantity whose value depends on the value chosen for the...


Zara in the International Market

Introduction Zara is a leading Spanish fashion company established in the year 1975 in La Coruna by Amancio Ortega , who began his clothing career as an assistant tailor. It forms a major part of retail group known as Inditex, which is a major fast growing industry in the global...


Suburban Neighborhood Design for Physical Activity

Introduction Seeing that the target neighborhood can be identified as suburbia, tract housing can be viewed as the key feature of the area under analysis. Most of the elements are located in very close proximity to each other, therefore, leaving very little space in between. The houses mentioned above are...


Martin Luther King Jr. Museum: Cultural Visit

Introduction The Martin Luther King Jr. Museum is located on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, Georgia. It was established on October 10, 1980. The aim of establishing the museum was to preserve the life history of one of the most famous black Americans, Martin Luther King Jr. I visited the site...


Operant Conditioning in Learning Philosophy

What is operant conditioning? Operant conditioning refers to a type of learning where a person’s conduct is changed through its consequences (Henry, 2010). The conduct may be altered in kind, regularity, or intensity. Operant conditioning is a phrase that was formulated by a person called Skinner. It is concerned with...


Language Policy of Bilingualism

Introduction Language policy is a tool adopted by governments to protect their social, cultural, and economic values of a state as language policies defend the country’s official language threatened by other languages. Language bilingualism is the establishment of two languages to act as communication tools and to facilitate a communication...


Media Art: “Beyond” Virtual Reality by Zoe Beloff

Zoe Beloff’s “Beyond” can be considered one of the most famous virtual realities created in the twentieth century. In my essay, I will be exploring the main specifics and themes of “Beyond” and reveal that this virtual reality has the distinguishing qualities of digital media that contribute to its impressiveness....


Building Cross Cultural Competence

​Introduction Discrimination against members of a different religious background is nothing new in western states. However, when one analyzes such an occurrence in its cultural context, one realizes that there is more at play than mere discrimination. The event under analysis is an attack against an Iranian girl for her...


Sustainable Building and Environmental Design

Sustainable Building The article for review explores a campus building known as Singer building-Building 22 which is situated in Melbourne, Australia. The idea of the project was to add an extra story to the existing structure while creating sustainable accommodation for the International and development portfolio staff. This has been...


Early Childhood Education and Skills Development

Introduction Creating the environment, in which young children are enabled to evolve at the required pace and develop the skills that will later help them acquire new knowledge and process information efficiently is, perhaps, the most important step in catering to the needs of a child. The experience gained at...


Teaching Strategies for Reading and Writing

In elementary education, content in language teaching is the basis for learning. It is the duty of the teacher to select the appropriate strategies based on abilities, interests and needs of the students. Students should not be required to demonstrate all of the content to show a positive outcome. This...


Intermodalism as a Transportation Method

Intermodalism is a transportation method that is rapidly rising to become a vital component of the oceanic trade, making the role of ports within the intermodal transportation extremely significant. Even though, as a major link in the intermodal chain, ports face countless challenges, measures are in place to come up...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technologies System

Introduction Information systems refer to all the machines involved in the running of a business in a given period. These factors combined to provide information that ensures smooth business operations. These information systems can be grouped into the following five categories. Decision support systems; Expert systems; Management information systems; Transaction...

Politics & Government

Al-Qaeda as the Brightest Example of Terrorism

One of the crucial points in the idea of terrorism is the way of how terrorists move and raise their money to promote their activities and achieve desirable results. Al-Qaeda, a famous Islamist military organization, has a number of funding methods such as hawala, financial institutions, and cash couriers. Hawala...


The Environment Pollution in US

The environment is becoming extremely polluted through the burning of naturally occurring problem. The air pollution is already a problem in many countries, and the US is not an exception. A nation has developed many strategies to help reduce toxic air emissions, and one of them is to promote and...

Entertainment & Media

Public Relations: Field of Communication

Summary of the Article The authors begin by identifying “public relations” as a subfield of applied communication (Botan and Taylor 645). The professional practice happens to have its theoretical aspect and research base. Public relations “remains one of the unique types of applied communication” (Botan and Taylor, 645). Other branches...


Humanism and Renaissance Period

The aim of this essay is to comprehend the influences prompted by both south and north renaissance. The affected humanity studies such influences in terms of arts, sciences, mathematics, and church. Also, it looks at how their works of art influenced humanity and the world (D’Elia, 2009). These works include...