Free 8000 Words Essay Examples

A paper of 8000 to 8100 words is not always an essay. Assignments of such a length are typical for graduate-level studies. The structure of an 8000 words essay will largely depend on the institution, the discipline, and your professor’s requirements. The possible topics might be: the impact of income inequality on economic growth, the origins and evolution of American English, etc.

You will need to conduct an in-depth analysis in order to write an 8000-word essay. The keys to success are: meaningful research, a correctly formulated thesis, a well-thought-out structure, and an extensive bibliography list. Check free 8000-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!

Tech & Engineering

Satellite Imagery Compression Frameworks

Abstract At present, satellite imagery is one of the most efficient methods to retrieve an accurate visual representation of the landscape. From these considerations, satellite imagery has found immense popularity in cartography, urban planning, agriculture, emergency response, and the studies of climate change. However, comprehensive satellite imagery of the highest...


Perceived Importance of Leadership Behaviors

Seminal Background Existing research on the influence of leadership on the state of affairs within an organization has been covered in many leadership theories that first appeared in mid-1960s and then have been improved over time to appeal to contemporary organizations. Some of the earliest theories include situational leadership promoted...


Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia in the Context of Sharia

Introduction Among the world’s religions, Islam is the second-largest, with many Muslims worldwide approaching the two billion mark. The growing number of adherents to Islam naturally raises questions related to gender justice. The traditional notion in Western thought that women in Islam are oppressed by patriarchal society may be mistaken...


The Indian Church of God for Young Adults

Introduction Many churches across the world have demonstrated how difficult it is to maintaining and improve the attendance of teenagers as well as young adults. The dilemma has also been experienced in many establishments and venues in the present era (Niemelä, 2015). It is important to note that the church...

8000-Word Essay FAQ

An 8000 words essay would typically be about 32 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 8000-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in an 8000 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 80 to 81 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 2 hours 40 minutes to 4 hours and a half to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned an 8000 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 8000 words will take about 26 hours and 40 minutes.

At a rough estimate, 8000 words would take up about 800 to 805 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 8000-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.


Hip-Hop and Theatre, Hip-Hop in Theatre or Hip-Hop Theatre

One definition of Hip-Hop is popular subculture especially of inner-city youths associated with rap music graffiti, break dancing & with the style & fashions of African American inner-city residents. Hip-Hop is more than just a genre of music, but it has become a way of life, a culture and one...

Politics & Government

UAE Demographic Imbalance and Substantial Growth

Introduction Over the past two decades, the UAE (United Arab Emirates) has experienced substantial growth based on its focus on economic and infrastructure development. Initially supported through its oil wealth, the UAE has grown into one of the wealthiest regions in the world and is presently redeveloping itself from an...


Socioeconomic Status of African-Caribbean Men in the UK

Introduction The American Psychology Association conceptualises socioeconomic status as a product of the income, education, and occupation of a person (Gillborn, 2001). Informally, SES determines the social perception (or class) of a group, individual, community or even a region. Researchers who have previously undertaken socioeconomic studies highlight inequalities in education,...


Philosophy of “Fight Club” Film by David Fincher

Fight Club is a 1999 film that was directed by David Fincher. The screenplay of the film was written by Jim Uhls. The story of the film is based on Chuck Palahniuk’s film. Palahniuk had written the screenplay in 1996. There are several characters in the film, but the three...


Underachievement Among Afro-Caribbean and White Boys in British Education

Introduction At the beginning of the 21st century, there continue to be major policy challenges in providing the “most appropriate” education and services to children and their families that provide a continuity of care, and the issues facing the field are complex and pervasive. Teacher educators, researchers, teachers, supervisors, administrators,...


Course Design Specifications in Tertiary Education

Introduction Literature overview Literature review of English courses in the tertiary education in first place concerns the analysis of research devoted to the role of English for specific purposes, issues of curriculum development including its definition and objectives, approaches, types, underlying methodology and components of syllabus design and finally the...


Church Leadership: Empirical Results and Discussion

Continuing our study of challenges to modern church leadership in today dynamic, multicultural and complex environment, we will analyze the results of empirical research conducted in frames of this study. Starting the analysis, it should first be noted that leadership is viewed from two points of view today. Firstly, as...


Church Leadership: Conceptual Framework

The problem of effective leadership has become particularly topical for modern churches. According to a recent study by Jones,1 the drop in the number of church memberships observed over the past few decades has been quite staggering. The report indicates a stupendous drop of 70% in the number of church...

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Homes, Tents, and Fire Safety in Qatar

Abstract The paper considers the problem of fire safety for mobile homes and tents, as well as camping areas in the Qatar. Possible fire threats to these objects are identified, and measures for their diminishing or elimination are suggested, based on literature review on the research topic. Mathematical model for...


Do Libraries Provide Sufficient Learning Support to Mature Students?

Introduction Over the last couple of decades, there has been a consistent increase in the proportions of the aging population in industrialized countries. With this observation, the older adults in these countries have been assured of a long and fulfilling life. The improvements in life expectancy observed can be explained...


A Study of United States Prison System

Introduction United States is the leading country in the world with the highest number of persons incarcerated in jails and prisons; and also the leading country with the highest number of prisons, most of which have been built over the last few decades (Parenti, 2008). In United States, like many...


Occupational Health Physician and Occupational Health Nurses

Historical Background Occupational heath psychology is a very old phenomenon and the concern related to workers’ health and safety is not just a national issue; this issue has have been affecting the global economy. At both national and international levels, it is understood that employees’ protection at work place is...


Amine Grafting Into Microporous Material

Introduction In today’s world, advances in science and technology are responsible for the development of new components meant to improve human life. At the center of these developments is the new materials used to make several products used by man. Depending on the desired properties of an object, a given...

Politics & Government

Response For Both Public and Fire-Fighter Safety

Abstract Fire fighting is a risky job yet even the developed nations do not have effective programs that ensure safety of the fire-fighters and public volunteers who come to assist in the event of an emergency. And as such there are many incidences of fire-fighter deaths resulting from poor coordination...


Customer Relationship in a Cross-Cultural Context

Introduction This paper defines the nature and structure of the topic, ‘An Evaluation of Executives’ Perceptions of Customer Relationship Management in a Cross-cultural Context’ in the e-retailing industry. Customer care and the relationship between customers and the company depend on the nature of the strategy of the company and the...

Tech & Engineering

Partial Satisfaction of the Requirements for the MBA Advanced Rehearsal

Acknowledgments This research may see the light of success without the cooperation, supervision and support of a few persona and organisation. The University espoused supervisor Dr. —ABC1—, Lecturer, Department of Financial Management, PQR University, is the foremost resource of the approaching, motivation and encouragement to this dissertation endeavor. He has...


Chamber Music in the Early Twentieth Century

Abstract At the beginning of the twentieth century, chamber music developed specific features, and trios of the clarinet, violin, and piano became popular because of the unique sound produced by these instruments when they were used in one ensemble. From this point, the purpose of this dissertation has been to...


Social Innovation for Advancement of Societies

Introduction Innovation forms an important tool for the advancement of societies throughout the world. The creation of new and socially innovative products and services not only promotes people’s living standards but also presents them with life-improving opportunities. For instance, successful innovations in the field of medicine have led to better...

Politics & Government

Toward a Comprehensive Process Model for E-Government Services’ Usage

Introduction As a direct result of advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), particularly the Internet, citizens have developed a whole new set of expectations regarding the methods and processes used in interacting with their respective governments. Following in the footsteps of the revolution in consumer purchasing established by e-commerce,...

Politics & Government

Jamaica Constabulary Force’s Strategies Review

Introduction Following a serious public security and safety crisis in Jamaica, characterized by rising cases of violent crimes, corruption, human rights abuse, and a state of apathy in the formulation and implementation of public security policy, the government of Jamaica, through the Ministry of National Security, initiated a panel to...

Tech & Engineering

King Saud University’s Education and Social Networks Use

Abstract Human beings have developed sophisticated ways of exchanging ideas that enable them to communicate easily. The education system has undergone various transformations as a result of modern technologies that have enabled learning to be conducted at the convenience of teachers and students. The introduction of social network sites has...


A Comparative Analysis of Four Religious Images

Framework of the two biographies and their underlying philosophy Patrick’s life is of great interest to us who look at the past, especially students of late antiquity. Among those who lived in the fifth century, he is the only human being able to give us full details of the events...


Symposium to Build Research Capacity at HBCUs

Introduction Launched by the Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network, a “National Symposium to Build Research Capacity at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) through Collaborations with STEM Advocates and Practitioners” took place on September 12-16, 2018. It was hosted together with the 2018 Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) of the...


Classic and Adolescent Literature Bridging in School

Introduction In the realm of literature, a certain bias persists in regards to young adult literature, specifically, the belief that young adult literature represents a substandard form of literature, particularly when compared to classic literature. This bias typically manifests most obviously in the classroom. The following paper will comprise two...

Tech & Engineering

A Methodology for the Classification and Detection of Software Design Defects

Introduction Background and Challenges Software systems have become a crucial part of business and commerce in the modern world. Consequently, software quality has become fundamental in ensuring the proper functioning of the systems and minimizing development and maintenance costs. The quality of software should be guaranteed throughout the entire life...


Challenges for International Police Officers in Reforming the National Police Force

Introduction Since the mid 1990s, there have been a number of agencies including the United Nations, NATO and the European Union involved in reforming the police forces across several post-conflict regimes. Many techniques have been extensively used by international special interest groups in the fight for police reforms and this...


Kirkuk City: History and Development

Introduction This thesis will examine the prospects for democracy in modern Iraq through analyzing political developments in the city of Kirkuk. Using Kirkuk as a case study is useful because it exemplifies in microcosm, the numerous challenges the development and sustenance of democracy in Iraq. Iraq has faced challenges like...


Theology of Christian Community

Outline The outline of this theological paper is about Christian Theology according to Trinitarian Theory. The paper starts with Bilezikian’s view of Trinity as an important base of Christian Theology and explores the concepts of Trinity and practices as well to follow it to experience the grace of God. Though...


The Impact of Divorce on Women

Introduction This research was undertaken to evaluate women’s experiences with stress during the divorce process. As Polomeno (2007) has noted, “Divorce is considered as one of life’s most potent stressors,” (p. 18). Indeed divorce has been shown to immensely contribute to traumatic experiences for both of the spouses, and especially...


Educational Technology Leaders: Competencies for a Conceptual Age

Introduction Technology enabled K12 education has been the most debated reforms in the education sector in recent years. Introduction of Internet connected computer right from junior classes is becoming ubiquitous while allowing educators and students to interact and learn with anyone around the world thereby nullifying the need of local...


Prehistoric Decoration on Stone in Orkney

Introduction The character of Orkney’s incised stonework is a topic that has been seriously under-researched and all but ignored by the archaeological community. This paper is a commencement rather than a conclusion intended to introduce the abstract inscriptions carved into the Orcadian landscape during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. It...


Work-Life Balance: Hospitality Work Force in Macau

Introduction & Rationale of the Study Work-life balance is about people having a measure of control over when, where and how they work, leading them to be able to enjoy an optimal quality of life. Work-life balance is achieved when an individual’s right to a fulfilled life inside and outside...


Comparison of Semantic Analysis Methods

Abstract In recent years, statistical methods have been widely used to analyze various aspects of language. More specifically, semantic analysis has been used to represent words, sentences, documents and other units in some form which conveys their meaning usefully. In this review, I propose to examine various unsupervised and data...


9th-Grade Math Grades as Cahsee Predictor

Introduction High school exit examinations High school exit exams have become common in the United States and are a major source of controversy in the American education system. The Center on Education Policy (2008) states that “high school exit examinations have a significant impact on American education. Today, 68% of...


Hospitality Higher Education: The Impact

Introduction Designing of human resources system is a fundamental part of creation of value for the customers and profitability for the shareholders in hospitality industry (Enz & Siguaw, 2000). Due to the innate importance of human capital in the hospitality industry, a fundamental requirement for the industry is to have...


Industrial Espionage With the Relation to the Intellectual Property Rights

Abstract Industrial espionage became the real scourge of today’s business. Inspite that the whole organizations and legislative systems had been created to protect Intellectual Property Rights, the number of espionage cases tend to increase. This work is claimed to view the key international laws related to the IP, such as...


The Effects of Hip-Hop, Rap Music on Young Women in Academia

Literature Review Introduction Hip hop culture is said to have great influence over Americans, especially youth (Kitwana, 2004). Hip hop ushered the almost invisible American youth into the American cultural arena. This literature review is directed to understanding how hip-hop culture has shaped the youth culture through its different facets...

Politics & Government

The Risks Assessment of Security Sector Reform in a Post Conflict Country

Abstract Security Sector Reforms (SSR) refers to concepts that rebuild or reform the security sector of a state. The concept first came out in Eastern Europe during the 1990s in addressing issues whereby the security sector in states was not fully functional and failed to effectively meet the security requirements...

Entertainment & Media

Twitter’s Business Strategy and Financial Performance

Introduction Twitter is one of the world’s most recognisable brands. Introduced to the market in 2006, the company’s launch coincided with the introduction of smartphones in the United States and other parts of the world (Thomases 2009). Although there were many other social media companies at the time, Twitter differentiated...


Mitigating Climate Change Through Trade Schemes

Introduction The literature review of this paper is regarding avoiding the climate change process with the help of trading schemes. These trading schemes are unlike the past methods that worked on command and control policy. Instead of that, the present schemes propose trading activities even in control of emissions by...


Sourcing Plan for Seismic Survey in Onshore Oil Operation

Executive Summary The paper presents an integrated analysis of the procurement and supply policy of ADCO for seismic acquisition survey. The analysis was conducted by decomposing the procurement policy into five different factors. From the analysis of procurement and supply in the management of expenditure, it is concluded that ADCO...


Improving Student’s Language Performance

Abstract Our growing dependence on technological innovations in our daily lives is unstoppable. Technology has had a positive impact on the education system. In phase one of this project, the teaching and learning problems were identified and presented. Additionally, a brief narrative of the district, instructional profile, and student population...