Social Media Influencers Help Consumers Make Informed Decisions

Subject: Entertainment & Media
Pages: 6
Words: 1672
Reading time:
7 min
Study level: Bachelor

The digitization of the word of mouth enshrines the optimal utilization of interactions among consumers in determining the prominent brand and product. In this case, social media influencers play a vital role in asserting the purchasing decision among consumers based on their loyalty and satisfaction. The establishment of the networking systems fostered a profound factor in the sharing of information across the globe among people. The interconnectivity intensified the level of business competence due to the fragile state of implementing strategic initiatives. The comments from such persons as public figures, role models, and celebrities significantly contribute to asserting the quality of commodities through the dynamic online platforms that empower buyers with proficient details about the best entities.

Over the decades, the evolution of human society rendered the intensification of the global business environment along the gradient of technological advancement. Social marketing is one of the emergent factors from the progression that demands strategic management to boost the competence level of an organization. According to Key and Czaplewski (2017), social marketing is the initiative to integrate the interests of the audiences and the upstream decision-makers, thus developing an integrated marketing communications framework. The benefits of the blueprint enshrine branding, understanding of the expectations from the market, and the empowerment with insights on implementing a competent customer service experience (Salazar et al., 2019). The change relies on the use of digitized word of mouth, corporate social responsibility, and administration relationships with employees (Zainuddin & Gordon, 2020). One of the approaches that Amazon Inc. utilizes in merchandising is price leadership; however, the incorporation of the dynamic approach fosters satisfaction with the needs of the client and the management team.

The core factor that fosters customer loyalty is the accessibility of adequate information about products and services. It is an initiative that assists individuals in making a decision regarding the ultimate purchasing value. Therefore, the incorporation of social marketing poses dynamic benefits based on the effective provision of knowledge about a company and its performance in the market. One of the benefits is branding, imprinting improves an organization’s presence within the worldwide business environment (Wang & Kim, 2017). It is an approach that determines Amazon’s identity and association with a particular segment.

Technology fostered easy accessibility of goods and services details based on the varieties and quality. Therefore, the availability of product information empowered consumers with the knowledge to utilize while making a purchasing decision (Wang & Kim, 2017). A computer is a tool that empowers corporate society with the capacity to boost its operation innovations. In a different spectrum, the emergence of social media fostered the digitization of word-of-mouth mainly because of the dynamic channels of interaction. The various channels of relation encompass TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. The integration of these channels in the marketing strategies for the companies fosters the digitization of word-of-mouth. The conventional global market segmentation is a phenomenon that engulfs four categories. The levels include demography, geography, behavioral, and psychographic sects (Wang & Kim, 2017). The rise of the niche market significantly contributes to the growth and development of businesses such as Coca-Cola and Amazon Inc.

This benefit can be experienced by Amazon Inc. in high proportions due to its primary operation baseline which includes the use of cloud computing for advertising and business management. Digitization of word-of-mouth is a concept that fosters a profound impact on the brand business. In research, at least 92% of customers acknowledge a particular brand based on word-of-mouth promotion from family and friends (Duralia, 2018). The researcher further argues that it is easier for an individual to believe a colleague regarding a product or service and its value. The reputation of a corporation highly influences the rate of loyalty among potential clients due to the impact of referrals. A company’s success depends on the frequency of consumer intimation since it is a cheaper and more convenient marketing strategy. The reputation of commodities reflects the previous experiences. As a result, the person develops expectations based on the past performance outline from other purchasers (Leppäniemi et al., 2017). Nevertheless, reputation is a risk initiative for a company due to the interplay with the competitive advantage.

The fragile state of reputation based on the biased reviews from other individuals cultivates the essential quality of marketing strategy to the global market condition. The digitization of word-of-mouth is a factor that fostered the prominent issue of brand business due to the empowerment of client reviews to the universal consumer bazaar. The focus on branding is an initiative that overwhelms the impact of pricing and its influence on customer loyalty due to the adequate provision of knowledge about the organization and its operations.

Another benefit fostered by social marketing is the provision of adequate information for upstream decision-makers. One of the major factors that affect business competence is the role of management in the decision-making process. On the one hand, it is the mandate of the administration to ensure that employees successfully attain the objectives while enhancing optimal satisfaction levels among the consumers. On the other hand, the executive contributes to the growth of an enterprise based on the necessity of interpreting the financial data gathered from the daily cash flow records. Researchers establish different tools that influence the interpretation and presentation of information pose dynamic attributes (Oboh & Ajibolade, 2017). In this case, the integration of details concerning consumer behavior and monetary performance plays a vital role in boosting the development of strategic concepts for business growth.

Customer service experience is a phenomenon that is essential to the competence of a business internationally. During the evolution, there was a paradigm shift involving the elevation of consumers as the kings and queens. It is a situation attributed to the change in the control of product and service information. Organizations dominated the market and manipulated the clients’ preferences based on their key goals and values (Kennedy, 2017). However, modern society rendered proficiency in the accessibility of the crucial knowledge based on the ability to objectively choose the preferred corporation.

Boosting communication within an organization such as Amazon poses a competitive advantage due to the impact on the coordination of operations. Efficient sharing of information within a corporation fosters the development of a functional company culture enshrining a teamwork environment (Duralia, 2018). One of the highly valued assets of an enterprise is human resources. Proper association of operations among employees translates to an excellent consumer service experience that attributes loyalty across the clientele base.

Institutions optimally use computers and internet platforms as the basic form of communication both inbound and outbound in addition to the campaigning by the dynamic influencers. According to Duralia (2018), the primary duty of information sharing involves ensuring the effective flow of operations. However, the researcher further establishes another prominent affair crucial during social marketing is the provision of adequate product details to the clients. On the one hand, consumers appreciate the easy accessibility of critical insights about commodities that influences the essence of loyalty. On the other hand, the consistency in conveying knowledge about goods and services is a competitive advantage for Amazon within the global business market.

Ethical issues that arise from the lack of authentic business strategies encompass poor decision-making processes and the establishment of a dysfunctional organizational culture. Sustainable business management is the ability to establish authentic business strategies that promote the development of competitive advantage. Authenticity in business management boosts the essence of innovation and the level of competition in the business environment. Therefore, it is vital that associations embrace innovation and technological advancement as the primary drivers of competence.

In a different spectrum, the use of social media influencers renders an optimal solution to the ethical malpractices among organizations. The main reason these personnel foster the lack of copying competence strategies entails the ability to establish a dynamic element in the product information based on the service experience. As a result, potential clients align their decisions through insights over other intensified marketing strategies (Kennedy, 2017). Online business is an initiative that fostered a proficient exchange of referrals across the marketplace hence developing an automated advertising platform across the community. On the one hand, social media rendered the emergence of a niche based on preferential shopping across internet entities. On the other hand, the digitization of word of mouth and the integration of the influencers’ opinions became commoditized as a component determining the prominence of one element over the other.

The emergence of social media networks led to the development of a global village with minimal control over the information consumed by the browsers. However, capitalizing on influencers is an approach that empowered the niche market with necessary details regarding their decisions as either high-end-, middle-and lower-class categories. Different purchasers utilize dynamic elements in considering the value of the money. Some consumers prefer the service experience over the quality while others prefer both concepts (Wang & Kim, 2017). However, the networking systems further rendered the expression of interests among people based on the followership of public figures and prominent personnel. In this case, the segmentation of societies triggered the establishment of distinct community groups on the shared interests. It is a framework that formed the vital factor in promoting competence across businesses based on the ability to realize the significant spectrum for acquisition with aim of boosting the profitability and growth of the enterprise internationally.

Consequently, business growth and development entail the ability of the management to implement effective strategic management initiatives. On the one hand, social media channels fostered the development of a niche market based on the intensified sharing of product information. On the other hand, consumers attained an empowerment tool during decision-making through the referrals from popular influencers on the networking platforms. Therefore, the digitization of word of mouth and its integration with opinions from public figures is a competence initiative that enhances the acquisition of segments based on customers’ loyalties. In this case, the proficient interaction among all personnel, that is, clients, organizations, and campaigners requires the consideration of sufficient sharing of details based on experience and convenience.


Duralia, O. (2018). Integrated marketing communication and its impact on consumer behavior. Studies in Business and Economics, 13(2), 92-102.

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Key, T. M., & Czaplewski, A. J. (2017). Upstream social marketing strategy: An integrated marketing communications approach. Business Horizons, 60(3), 325-333.

Leppäniemi, M., Karjaluoto, H., & Saarijärvi, H. (2017). Customer perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty: the role of willingness to share information. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 27(2), 164-188.

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Salazar, G., Mills, M., & Veríssimo, D. (2019). Qualitative impact evaluation of a social marketing campaign for conservation. Conservation Biology, 33(3), 634-644.

Wang, Z., & Kim, H. G. (2017). Can social media marketing improve customer relationship capabilities and firm performance? Dynamic capability perspective. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 39, 15-26.

Zainuddin, N., & Gordon, R. (2020). Value creation and destruction in social marketing services: a review and research agenda. Journal of Services Marketing, 34(3), pp. 347-361. Web.