The Key Feature of the Main Categories of Microorganisms

Subject: Sciences
Pages: 2
Words: 539
Reading time:
2 min

Microorganisms are minuscule life forms that exist as unicellular, multicellular, or cell bunches. They can be partitioned into six noteworthy sorts, which are summarized below.


Microbes are unicellular life forms. The unicellular life forms are portrayed as prokaryotic because they do not have a core. They exist in four noteworthy shapes: “bacillus (bar shape), coccus (circular shape), spirilla (winding shape), and vibrio (bended shape)” (Types of microorganisms 2016). The microbes are distinguishable because they have polymers, support binary fission, and are flagella for movement. The distinction in their cell membrane is a noteworthy element utilized as a part of arranging these microbes. Based on the gram-staining technique, we can categorize the cell structure as gram-positive or negative. Microscopic organisms can be further isolated by taking into account their reaction to oxygen.


Archaebacteria vary from genuine microscopic organisms (bacteria) in their cell membrane because they lack polymers. However, prokaryotic cells survive in varying ecological conditions, which are influenced by their affinity for protein. In light of their natural surroundings, all Archaeans can be partitioned into “methanogens (methane-creating living beings), halophiles (archaeans that live in salty situations), thermophiles (archaeans that inhabit to a great degree hot temperatures), and psychrophiles (icy temperature Archaeans)” (Portals of microbe entry 2016). The microbes utilize elements such as hydrogen and sulfur for survival. Most archeobacteria absorb energy from sunlight using their cell wall.


A fungus is another category of microorganism that have eukaryotic cells. The microbes are multicellular life forms with a nucleus. As a result, these microbes gather energy from organic materials, plants, and animals. This characteristic feature qualifies the multicellular life forms as decomposers and parasites. They get supplements by engrossing natural material from their surroundings or through harmonious associations with plants and destructive associations with a host.


These microbes are unicellular high-impact eukaryotes. They have a core, complex organelles, and get support by retention or ingestion through particular structures. They make up the biggest gathering of living beings on the planet in numbers, biomass, and differing qualities. The unicellular life forms have been customarily categorized based on movement. The first category produces their nourishment and utilizes their whip-like structure for locomotion. Consequently, the second category has little hair that beats to create development. However, the third category uses their pseudopodia for movement. They additionally have a distinctive method for nourishment that could be anthropic or heterotrophic.


Algae are classified as unicellular or multicellular organisms that have a nucleus. The microbes produce energy using photosynthesis. The primary habitats of algae include rocks, soil, and carbonaceous organisms.


Viruses are non-cellular elements that comprise a nucleic corrosive center and are encompassed by a protein coat. Although viruses are named microorganisms, they are not viewed as living life forms. Viruses cannot duplicate or metabolize outside a host cell. A virus is a non-living entity that survives in the host tissue. Thus, it is a parasitic entity with DNA or RNA. Viruses are enveloped with a protected tissue, which supports their existence.