📺 Essays on Entertainment & Media - Page 2

Entertainment & Media

The Force Behind Star Wars: Turning Design Ideas Into Reality

Outline Science fiction is often viewed by those who don’t read it as little more than escapist literature, a means of forgetting about the cares of the real world and inventing a happier place where concerns are at least not immediately pressing on the reader. As some of our greatest...

Entertainment & Media

Youngsters’ and Television: Impact of Food Advertisements and Increase in Obesity

Introduction The issue of increasing obesity among children and youth has baffled many parents and other stakeholders, necessitating the need to investigate the negative role of television advertisements on nutrition and eating habits among many children and youths. The outstanding conviction has been that children’s food preferences and consumption patterns...

Entertainment & Media

Japanese Americans’ Image in the 40s

Media in the modern world plays a major role in public conceptualization of issues. Such role includes educating, entertaining and informing the public on various issues which may be of great import to them. The medium of relaying such information could be in the form of newspapers, electronic media, radio...

Entertainment & Media

American Media Imperialism: The Role of Mass Media

Introduction The domination of one culture over the media market leads to the prevalence of its ideas, suppression of other cultures, and cultural hegemony. American culture popularization over the last century has raised serious concerns regarding its monopoly and raising the issue of imperialism. The terms “media imperialism” and “cultural...

Entertainment & Media

Today’s Media as the Mirror of Society’s Marginalization

Introduction It is progressively comprehensible that media and culture nowadays are of central significance to the maintenance and recollection of current societies. Societies, like species, need to reproduce to stay alive, and culture foster the growth of attitudes and behavior that influence people to consent to recognized ways of thought...

Entertainment & Media

Media Violence: Myths and Facts

Introduction Media violence is the creation and distribution by the media of content involving violence and cruelty. Public concern about this issue is caused mostly by the content of feature and animated films, as well as violent video games and Internet sites. The problem is compounded by the fact that...

Entertainment & Media

Interpersonal Communication and Social Networking Effects on Teens

Database: Summon Shebanova talks about the social changes in the globalized world and illustrates how these changes affect the socialization process. Various aspects of human existence and social mechanisms have changed drastically as a result of globalization processes (Shebanova 80). Agreeably, modern society is determined by increased use of modern...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Marketing of the Brand Digiorno

This report concerns social media campaigns of the DiGiorno frozen pizza brand. It inspects and compares the company’s execution of marketing strategies on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr based on the goals these strategies are trying to accomplish. Afterwards, the strategic value of each outlet is determined based on the...

Entertainment & Media

Radical Doubt on “Baltimore: Anatomy of an American City” Documentary

The documentary “Baltimore: Anatomy of an American City” has sets of frameworks, which craft the message into the “unitary whole”. The documentary features conflict and consensus frameworks, which are based on dualistic narratives. Throughout the episode, the author depicts this framework in ways that deserve a keen eye. These conflicting...

Entertainment & Media

Tailoring Cmmi Key Process for Smaller Organizations

Introduction Small organizations are frequently understaffed and in many cases, they have to operate on a tight budget. Large organizations on the other hand have ample resources and funds to take up CMMI projects. However, small organizations must find ways and means to ensure that they manage to get the...

Entertainment & Media

Media and Crime as a Social Problem in a Diverse Society

Introduction In recent decades the media and crime have become a social problem in the contemporary diverse society. Given this, it is well evident that the media is a contributor to the increased crime rates in society; since crime has always been a core aspect of the mass media business....

Entertainment & Media

Advertising Development from 1950 to 2000 in France 

Introduction Advertising is a way of market communication that is aimed at pleading the consumers or the persons targeted to buy or get interested in a certain commodity. Advertisement entails mentioning the type or the identity of the particular item an organization intends to introduce in the target market (Jhully...

Entertainment & Media

Advertisement for VitaminWater FlavorCreator

Vitaminwater’s Facebook Flavorcreator advertisement promotes the product by using three specialized propaganda techniques: name-calling, testimonials, and glittering generalities. These three techniques are some of the most persuasive knowns and, in combination, can result in many sales. The first technique gets the attention of the audience and promotes an emotional reaction....

Entertainment & Media

The Media Influence on the Consciousness of Women

Background The modern beauty industry of the Western world exploits the particular image of a woman to promote its service. Slim and fit bodies of the models are presented in the magazines, on the TV screens, commercials, and anywhere the targeted audience is or can be present. Modern women are...

Entertainment & Media

Advertising: The Definition and Moral Issue

Introduction Advertisements are a part of our everyday lives. They are placed at every legally imaginable place possible by companies, governments and other interested organizations to get our attention. Can you imagine the Super Bowl without its world-famous commercial breaks, or our highways without their towering billboards? The truth is...

Entertainment & Media

Event Organizing and Management

Introduction Each year, events occur throughout the United States of America and the world as a whole. In addition to this, an event can be described as a congregation of people who come together to attend or perform a specific activity (Carter, 2007). Governments now support and promote events as...

Entertainment & Media

Effects of Media on Children

Historical studies have indicated that until 18th century there were no efforts or endeavours to develop media that specifically targeted young children. During this period most of the material in the media was specifically targeted at the adult audience and therefore young children were forced to look for alternative entertainment...

Entertainment & Media

Social Impact of Interactive Advertising

Introduction This paper explores the social impacts of an interactive advertisement on society. The interactive advertisement refers to the process of creating a product or service awareness for the consumers through online applications on internet sites. Interactive ads are made of multi-media web banners that can allow one to navigate...

Entertainment & Media

The Direct Marketing Future

Introduction Direct marketing is a method of sales where the marketers approach the targeted customers directly with their goods and services. It is a form of direct communication between the producers and the customers. Direct marketing can be through telephone calls, emails, or the use of catalogs. Information concerning certain...

Entertainment & Media

Investing in Corporate Communication

Corporate communication refers to ways and strategies that are employed by organizations in order to spread information within its operations and the environment. Through corporate communication, organizations are able to transform their identities into image (Karaosmanoglu, 2006). An image is an important aspect of organization in respect to commanding customer...

Entertainment & Media

Interactive Pervasive Advertising Systems in Indoor Retail Environments

Introduction Ads in Society Ads occupy a significant space of the contemporary life of the society because research studies show ads to positively correlate with the behavioral characteristics and influence the purchasing patterns of individuals, alter perceptions about product quality, and consumer tastes while creating brand loyalty and product differentiation...

Entertainment & Media

Event & Project Management During the Hajj Season

Specific aims and objectives This research proposal seeks to propose and evaluate the role of the project management specialists in the event management of the pilgrimage to Mecca to help in delivering Hajj both successfully and safely. The objective is to show that, in the case of project managers specialists...

Entertainment & Media

The Adrian Peterson Child Endangerment Story

Introduction The story of Adrian Peterson is an example of how media follows up a developing story by shaping the circumstance and perspective of the audience. For example, the inclusion of third parties such as public opinion, politics and sports sponsors in a domestic violence case is fascinating (Campbell, Martin...

Entertainment & Media

Phenomenon of Mobile Gaming

Introduction Subway Surfer and Temple Run are classified as endless running games wherein there is no predetermined finish line that the character you play in either game can reach. The point of the game is to continue running along a preset track while collecting tokens, power ups and other objects...

Entertainment & Media

Preaching, Language, and Popular Culture

Introduction Modernization has initiated radical changes to the contemporary world. Social setups like the family coupled with educational and religious institutions have been affected, as people tend to shift to the Western culture, which is thought to be the most civilized of all the cultures. New lifestyles have been adopted,...

Entertainment & Media

Barriers and Benefits of Social Networking

Introduction Modernization has made the world to be a global village with ease in interactions among people from different backgrounds. Through various inventions and innovations the world has seen a great shift from print media to electronic media especially in the last decade. The use of electronic media in communication...

Entertainment & Media

Chinese and British TV Advertisements: Differences in Humour Elements

Introduction Advertising is a type of marketing communications millions of people are involved in intentionally or unintentionally. It is a very useful tool for the development of new brand campaigns and the improvement of the already existing projects (Kelley, Sheehan, & Jugenheimer, 2015). Managers and advertisers have to increase such...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media’s Role in Disaster Response

Definition of social media According to Dewing (2010), social media refers to a set of technologies mediated by computers to allow users (people, governments, NGOs, companies, and other organizations) to enhance their interaction and hence operations. Social media helps in creating, sharing, and viewing interests, careers, information, and ideas among...

Entertainment & Media

Research Survey Tool Utilizing a Quantitative Design

The construct that is the focus of this research is social media usage in society. It entails the use of wide-ranging Internet-based applications and services for online exchanges or the sharing of user-generated content (Hu & Zhang, 2016). Common social media services include blogs, wikis, social networking and media-sharing sites,...

Entertainment & Media

Proactiveness in Social Media and Employment Opportunities

Research Question To what degree does the use of social media, in general, and social networks, in particular, contribute to a drop in unemployment rates among graduates if applying the measurement based on changes in the number and percentage of people that get their jobs, as well as the time...

Entertainment & Media

Use of Social Media by B2B Firms

Introduction Data accessible to business investors have exploded in recent times and will keep its pattern with enhanced pace (Hair et al. 2013). The expanded data is spilled into information distribution centres from various sources, which are accessible for mining to improve basic leadership. Among various information sources to enhance...

Entertainment & Media

John Ford’s Movies and Irish Literature

The main idea of the paper is going to be a thorough examination of the novels and the movies directed by John Ford based on those novels. The focus of the research is the changes that may be seen in the novel’s plots and in the films directed by Ford,...

Entertainment & Media

Gender Representation in Children’s Media

Introduction to Feminism The specific research philosophy chosen for the Ph.D. project is feminism. Seidman, Fischer, and Meeks (2016) explain that there are various definitions of feminism but the most common definition, that will be used in this essay, is the advocating of women’s rights based on the principle of...

Entertainment & Media

Code4Lib Journal Review

Introduction In the discussion below, the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) will be representative of the academic journals whereas the Code4Lib Journal (C4LJ) will represent practitioner journals. From the outset, the major difference between the two types of journals is primarily the fact that...

Entertainment & Media

Articles by Goodyear and Callinan Analysis

Introduction Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among theoreticians of journalism to refer to the proper functioning of a ‘fourth estate’ as the crucial element of ensuring democratic society’s well-being. Some authors go even as far as implying that the concepts of journalism and democracy are essentially synonymous and that...

Entertainment & Media

Students Motivation: The Impact of Using Games

Introduction Assessing the impact of games on student motivation is an interesting topic for many researchers. Many assumptions have been derived from this topic, but most findings document that games have a positive impact on student motivational levels (Üçgül, 2006). Studies investigating the influence of games on student motivational levels...

Entertainment & Media

Advertising in Ramadan Analysis

Introduction Internationally, the Ramadan marks a month of reflection and austerity for the Muslim community1. Observant Muslims abstain from food from sunrise to sunset and gather after sunset to break their fast. Many people stay awake chatting and shopping, particularly online. Consequently, Muslim countries encounter an explosive rise in both...

Entertainment & Media

The Use of Internet Advertising in Marketing: Impact of Pop-ups and Banners Get Raising Brand Awareness or Annoyance

Abstract Advertising has significantly developed in cyberspace as the internet grows more popular. Online advertisements are recognized as an adept marketing strategy for their reach and cost-efficiency. Two popular types of online advertisements are web banners and pop-ups. This paper aims to determine consumers’ attitudes and reactions towards online web...

Entertainment & Media

Media’s Positive Impact on Society

Introduction Media is present in every course of our lives. The Internet, mobile phones, television, etc. have become a part of the 21st lifestyle. Media has a strong effect on how social behavior is molded (Croteau & Hoynes, 2003). The importance of media seems even more when we consider our...

Entertainment & Media

Advertising: Designing Desires

Ad 1 ‘Plasma display (Panasonic)’ advertisement is a perfect example of scientific realism. The advertisement pictures a woman pretending to play tennis with a Plasma TV-set, which points out at the fact that image quality of the display is so high that its picture seems to be real. It also...

Entertainment & Media

The Role of Advertisement in Our Life

Introduction A memoir about the role of advertisement in our life. You know, we live in a world where we take much of the things of our daily life for granted. I include myself here until I made “a discovery” one day a couple of years ago. It was just...

Entertainment & Media

Books by Jane Feuer and by Rick Altman Preview

Throughout the second part of the twentieth century, most film critics used to refer to the cinematographic genre of the musical from a strictly utilitarian perspective – that is, they would often imply musicals being nothing but rather mechanistic fusion between genres of theatre and cinema, meant to provide audiences...

Entertainment & Media

Television Marketing and Children’s Consumption Behaviours

Introduction On a daily basis, children, as well as adults throughout the United States and other countries, are barraged with advertisements. Advertisements are normally done via billboards, magazines, newspapers, television, and cash machine screens among others. However, television remains the most extensively utilized channel of advertisement chiefly due to the...

Entertainment & Media

Media and Social Change: The Power To Create and Influence the Audience.

Background Media plays an important role in creating and influencing the opinion of the public. It does this by linking the ideas of the producers with their audience whereby the producers pass down their themes to their audience hence changing the way they perceive certain issues. According to Alia (2004),...

Entertainment & Media

Video Games’ Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Although at the look of it the term ‘video game’ appears to be quite simple, it has been used differently over the years and between different places. In most cases however, the term is used to refer to one-player computer-based games in which situations and opponents are not real...

Entertainment & Media

Cultivation Theory and Huristics Processing

Introduction Reality television in America has emerged as a new fashion. Every day people are being put in unrealistic settings. Now the question is when and where did such kinds of show start? In 1973 the first reality television show was released by PBS. It was a dramatic series called...

Entertainment & Media

Advertising and Word of Mouth Impact on Consumer Decision Making

Word of mouth is considered to be one of the most effective and powerful forms of communication in the world of marketing. Word of mouth takes place when one person communicates some information to other through face to face, telephone, e-mail or any other communication medium based on their personal...

Entertainment & Media

Privacy Issues on Online Advertising – Qatar

Introduction “Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.” –Stephen B. Leacock It initially sounded like a winning situation – absolute free money – for all internet access providers. By simply tracking their users personal surfing habits, they can...

Entertainment & Media

Reality Television Dominant Strategies on the Arab Audiences

Abstract The development of the humanity is characterized by the great advances scholars and researchers have made in the areas of technology and communications. Television as one of the crucial areas of human interest nowadays has been subject to the changes connected with those advances. This investigation focuses on the...

Entertainment & Media

Pixar’s Toy Story and the Incredibles: Application of Classical Animation Principles to Computer Animation

Abstract The purpose of this report is to examine how the animated movies are getting popular in the animation industry. The research approaches were selected in both “inductive” (phenomenological) in nature and “deductive” (positivist) in nature. The research methods were involving semi-structure interviews face to face from the movie makers...

Entertainment & Media

Online Advertising. Privacy Issues

Introduction The question of privacy in advertising is one of the most complex and controversial one. Recent years, the Internet and Information technologies have changed the understanding of privacy in advertising and protection of personal data in the workplace. Recent years, researchers and media reported increasing number of privacy violations...

Entertainment & Media

Reality Television’s Influence on Arab Audiences

Title of the investigation The title of this investigation is ‘Reality television influence on Arab Audiences’. This title captures the entire gist of the research which is to study the relationship between television and audience within the Arab setting using reality television as a case study. Aim of the investigation...

Entertainment & Media

Batman Comics Adaptation for Film and TV

Introduction Batman is a famous comic book character who often appears on TV and in films. The character has a significant number of fans and is one of the most popular superheroes in the DC comics universe. Throughout the years, there have been many attempts at adapting Batman’s story for...

Entertainment & Media

The Documentary “Cuban Missile Crisis: Three Men Go To War”

This documentary movie describes the events, which have gone down in history as the tensest moment of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. In spite of the fact that the Cuban Missile Crises have been resolved without a direct armed encounter, the events...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Impact on South Korea, China, Egypt

Introduction In modern, Internet-powered communication, social media has taken an especially important place, being the vehicle for sharing news, opinions, and other types of valuable information. The era of the Internet and the emergence of social networking has defined a range of trends in global culture, the propensity toward cultural...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks as a Revolutionary Technology

Introduction Social networks are structures comprised of different actors connected together by dyadic ties. Social networks “combine people into small groups, neighborhoods, or communities” (Papacharissi 201). Social networking has become possible because of the internet. The internet consists of “many people who are trying to make friends, gather information, develop...

Entertainment & Media

Internet Impacts on the American Politics

Introduction The contribution of the internet in the US government debates preludes its role in American politics. American campaigns and debates on elections have found an important playfield on the internet. In 1994, Senator Diane first highlighted the role of the internet on politics. In 1998, Jesse Ventura deployed the...

Entertainment & Media

The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – the Touring Years

The documentary film The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – the Touring Years hit the box offices on 15 September in the United Kingdom, home to the famous band members. The director of the film is Ron Howard, a filmmaker and an actor from the USA. The film focuses on...

Entertainment & Media

International Advertisement Regulations

Advertising regulation is a corporate concept that is gaining momentum in the international realm. The diversified forms of marketing that inculcate various forms of advertisements have risen significantly. This aspect has made it a necessity to have a regulatory framework to guide the whole practice. Essentially, advertising means making a...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Communications in Dubai Public Sector

Abstract Social media is increasingly becoming popular as a means of communication, not only among the young population but also among the middle-aged and the aging population. Many companies are currently using social media platforms as a means of advertising their products. However, corporate society is yet to accept social...

Entertainment & Media

TV Soap Operas and Reasons for Their Popularity

The Reasons for the popularity of TV Soap Operas Television plays a major role in the lives of people in the modern world. Through television, people can obtain news as well as stay entertained. Entertainment is one of the most significant roles of television and various TV stations produce programs...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: Ethical Issues and Theories

Introduction Social media is an integral medium of communication in contemporary society. With the heightening advent of computer technology and the internet, people can now interact easily through various social networking sites. This revolution has made communication more effective, thus making the use of social media more common in the...

Entertainment & Media

Women’s Media Image and Urge for Cosmetic Surgery

The increased access to information through various modern and traditional media platforms has its upsides, but there have emerged many downsides to the constant access to media over the past. One of the downsides includes the pressure on women applied to them by the image that the media has promoted...

Entertainment & Media

Are Social Media and Networking Good for Society?

Introduction Social media or social networks include online platforms used by people to share posts, pictures, and other material. Social media platforms are highly popular among people of different age groups and occupations. For instance, Twitter is widely used by government officials to improve online presence and image, whereas Tumblr...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks Importance and Aspects

Introduction Before social media, the sharing of information still existed back then, currently, social media enables connections on digital media to be documented and posted publicly on the internet. Social networks developed in the past were used for academic and profit-making purposes. Technologies have since evolved facilitating user-generated, collaborative, and...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Strategy for Public Relations

Research Purpose The modern globalized society that is used to move fast and make its everyday operations more efficient cannot exist without the use of social media. Therefore, every business, private or public, every agency, or a non-profit organization has to tailor their strategies to fit the needs of potential...

Entertainment & Media

Positive Effect of Video Games

Introduction The adverse effect of violent video games has been a highly politicized issue. There is a continuing concern that these games may make the players more aggressive in reality. However, little discussion is done over their positive effect. Are all these games really bad for players? It is impossible...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Users in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction The establishment of social media is meant to aid people to interact and share information. Before the discovery of the modern social media, people used other media to acquire and pass information. They included radio and newspapers. These modes of socialization had limited impacts on people’s life. The establishment...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Role in Promoting Social Change

Introduction Communication through social media has the power to construct ideas, beliefs, and opinion. Rhetoric through social media such as newspaper, magazine, television, social networking website, blog, etc. can paint the desired picture of a social issue and navigate the change to a chosen direction. Human interaction and communication through...

Entertainment & Media

Twitter’s Business Strategy and Financial Performance

Introduction Twitter is one of the world’s most recognisable brands. Introduced to the market in 2006, the company’s launch coincided with the introduction of smartphones in the United States and other parts of the world (Thomases 2009). Although there were many other social media companies at the time, Twitter differentiated...

Entertainment & Media

Video Games Addiction and Its Effects on People

Introduction Video games are a form of entertainment whereby players or participants interact with the objects displayed on a digital interface or a screen. Personal computers, arcade machines, and consoles are usually used to run video games for entertainment. In most cases, video games are popular amongst children who find...

Entertainment & Media

Northern Exposure: TV Genres of Medical Comedy, Drama, Dramedy

Introduction Nowadays, many medical dramas and comedies are typical of American television, and it is important to understand how Northern Exposure (1990-1995), created by Joshua Brand and John Falsey, influenced the development of not only these genres but also ‘dramedy’ in general. Northern Exposure became one of the first medical...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks and Their Value for Marketing

Social networks have become an indispensable part of many people’s lives and an important platform for companies. Businesses can develop strong relationships with their customers through various social media, including but not limited to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, What’s Up, LinkedIn, and so forth. Social networking is one of the...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Helps to Bridge Divides

In this essay, I will be exploring the ways in which Social media helps to bridge the gaps between us and how it positively and negatively reflects on the people and me. What is social media? Social media, to me, is a way of connecting people from all over the...

Entertainment & Media

Use of Social Media in the Social Construction

This paper aims at the thorough analysis of the social media influence upon American society in the framework of social construction. One of the most significant functions of social media is the social-orienting one that is associated with a profound impact on the ideological basis, value orientation of the population,...

Entertainment & Media

Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games

Introduction Playing video games is a common past time for many high school and college students due to the gameplay mechanics, the storylines, and the fascinating graphics. In fact, video gaming has grown to become a multi-billion dollar industry with dozens of companies involved in hardware and software production (Ciută,...

Entertainment & Media

Twitter in Political Communication

Introduction Mass media has significantly changed over the past two decades. The development of information technology and Internet resulted in appearing of online news services and social networks with user-generated blogs related to political news. Many people use such sources as Twitter and Facebook to get information on political issues...

Entertainment & Media

Controversial Advertisements in the UK Fashion Market

​Introduction Advertising has been described as a form of communication that persuades or seeks to convince consumers to make a buying decision on a particular product (Rosselline 125). Producers and manufacturers have used language to convince their target audience to prefer their products as opposed to other competing and substitute...

Entertainment & Media

Facebook as a Platform for Social Justice

Introduction People frequently feel the need to defend their rights, and one of the most common ways of doing so is the initiation of social movements. In such campaigns, activists announce their desire to reach equity and thus be released from oppression. While social movements have a rich history, differences...

Entertainment & Media

Role of Social Media in the Curriculum

Introduction As asserted by Selby and Kagawa (2012), approximately 302 hazards were experienced worldwide in the year 2011, most of which escalated to disasters claiming over 30,000 lives and affecting over 206 million individuals. The loss that was attributed as a result of these disasters was approximated to be around...

Entertainment & Media

Organisation of the International Geneva Motor Show

Introduction The purpose of this essay will be to critically assess the effectiveness of public relations and relationship marketing strategies in the successful promotion of an international event. Relationship marketing is a form of marketing that is mostly focused on customer retention and satisfaction. Relationship marketing differs from other forms...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networking Sites as a Positive Society Force

Computers and the internet have become an essential part of modern living over the course of the last few decades. Software programmers have created numerous applications to increase the usefulness of these two inventions. One group of software applications that have emerged because of the growth of the internet and...

Entertainment & Media

The Internet and Social Media: the Impacts of Twitter

Introduction Modern technology has made life bearable and transformed the way people manage various issues and. It is necessary to explain that people have invented simple, efficient and faster ways of doing things and this has promoted efficiency at the work place and in various activities (Flynn 2012). The introduction...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Marketing for Generation Y

Introduction How does the use of social media such as Facebook effectively help in the development and awareness of a commercial ad towards generation Y? Modern businesses intensively integrate social media in their operations, particularly in marketing because of its uncountable benefits. Many brands have grown from a domestic level...

Entertainment & Media

Mapping Digital Media Process in the UAE

Routine operations of commercial terrestrial TV stations pay less attention to public service provisions. Matters on public service provisions are less known and only particular departments are versed on these: news and programming departments. Terrestrial radio and TV focus on providing the media with the best selling story, sometimes without...

Entertainment & Media

The Social Web: Evolution, Power and Challenges

The Emergence of internet revolutionized how people interact. Many people have virtual lives on the internet. The internet came into existence as a medium for sharing information of business and academic value. In time, the internet grew to become a network that fosters all types of human interactions. One aspect...

Entertainment & Media

Should Phones and Social Media Be Banned in Classrooms?

Introduction Social media refers to web-based, as well as, mobile phone technologies/ applications used to facilitate interactive communication between communities and individuals. Advancements in information and communication technologies have significantly improved access to internet and mobile phones in the last decade. Studies on internet access reveal that nearly 94% of...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: Marketing, Conflicts and Government

Introduction In an era of increased use of the internet, a relatively high number of people make use of social media for various purposes. Social media refer to the platforms on which people meet and exchange ideas through various networks. For example, Twitter and Facebook are being used by many...

Entertainment & Media

Communication Strategies: Conflict Resolution Practices

Introduction Conflicts are a part of human life and in both professional and personal settings, conflicts are bound to arise. People are certain to have differing opinions at one point or the other. They are also bound to misunderstand each other as they interact and this can lead to conflicts....

Entertainment & Media

Convergence Implications in Canada Communication Policy

Introduction Canada is one of the major global broadband markets (Wu 79). Previous years have seen telecommunication operators and broadcasters as separate entities. The incessant growth in this particular field has necessitated the concerned authorities to adopt certain policies that might simplify the working conditions of these two groups. Even...

Entertainment & Media

Should Cell Phone Use in Cars be Banned?

Over the course of the years, computers and other computerized gadgets have become an integral part of the business and social environment. This has been as a result of their efficiency, accuracy, and speed which have revolutionized the manner in which business and social interactions are conducted. An important concept...

Entertainment & Media

Virtual Public Relations of Pepsi and Coca-Cola Companies

Introduction Virtual public relations are very important aspects of every business as the relations determine the success and profitability of the business. PR helps in communicating with potential customers and spreading information about a particular company. International companies are obligated to invest heavily in managing their PR as it determines...

Entertainment & Media

WalMart Company’s Communication Strategies

Introduction Wal-Mart is the largest retail store in the world. This firm is operating in a highly competitive industry. To manage this type of competition, this firm needs a communication system that will make it pass the relevant information to the stakeholders within the shortest period. The communication strategy that...

Entertainment & Media

Communication Role in the Children’ Development

Communication is a way of expressing information or ideas between two or more persons. As a family engagement, the practice of communication is essential in raising awareness of the significance of speech, language, and communication. Language is an important ingredient in the development of children because it helps them communicate...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks: More Problems Than Solutions

Summary In the past decade, social networks have become prevalent with many people preferring them as the means by which to keep in touch. This has led to the establishment of many social networking sites. The SNSs have brought about significant merits and demerits for the users. To begin with,...

Entertainment & Media

Planning Business Negotiations

Introduction Planning business negotiations entails preparing a comprehensive plan to ensure that maximum payoffs are secured by the negotiation team on the negotiation table. This is why it is critical for a firm that seeks to engage in a business negotiation to prepare and familiarize with the issues that appertain...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media and the Business Community

Social media is an informal channel of communication that has turned out to be a place where business communities thrive as they interact and sell their products. With the improvement in information technology that has diversified the market, it has become possible to sell a product to clients across the...

Entertainment & Media

Public Relations: Field of Communication

Summary of the Article The authors begin by identifying “public relations” as a subfield of applied communication (Botan and Taylor 645). The professional practice happens to have its theoretical aspect and research base. Public relations “remains one of the unique types of applied communication” (Botan and Taylor, 645). Other branches...