🧘‍♀️ Essays on Psychology - Page 2


The Theories of Child Development

Introduction Main theorists of child development include Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson. Sigmund Freud placed more emphasis on children’s development based on the experiences and myriads of events encountered during children’s lifetime that shape their emotional and cognitive development. However, he was more inclined on the mental disorders associated with...


Children at Risk for Abuse in the City of Chicago

Abstract Many children today are at risk of abuse and maltreatment. Statistics show that more than fifty per cent of children under surveys carried out between 2003 and 2010 have been victims of abuse or maltreatment. These involve both direct and indirect cases. While direct cases are where children experience...


Bipolar Disorder in Women: Treatment

Introduction Post partum disorders are becoming a common concern especially due to their consequences which include committing suicide and infanticide. Attempts have been made to treat and where possible avoid such disorders taking place. This article will briefly outline the steps which can be taken to treat one such disorder:...


Mental Health: A Forum for African American Churches

Introduction Black communities in the United States have managed to establish churches that attract huge numbers of people. From a historical background, churches are institutions that offer spiritual support and counseling services, as well as humanitarian support to people. African Americans continue to battle with historical problems like segregation, discrimination,...


Different Types of Behavioural Change Model

Introduction The actions of a person are, as a rule, determined by the patterns of behavior that are familiar to him or her. In an unusual situation or before the need to choose, he or she can take a completely unexpected step or follow one of the previously tested strategies....


Social Conflict and Social Processes Theory Assessment

Introduction Theories are statements that are formulated to explain specific aspects of world processes. Theories systematically employ high quality of knowledge and specific scenarios to elaborate the truth concerning certain phenomena. Theories can therefore employ real knowledge or can be hypothetical unless proven. For instance, various theories have been used...


Maslow’s Motivation and Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow made five basic assumptions about motivation within his famous theory of personality. The first one is that motivation affects the entire organism, not its part (holistic approach). Secondly, several diverse motives (factors) contribute to motivation’s complexity (Taormina & Gao, 2013). Third, Maslow revealed that human beings are continuously...


Importance of Effective Communication in Nursing

Introduction Communication is arguably the corner stone on which any successful relationship, be it business or personal, is built. All professions require a degree of effective communication for success to be achieved. The nursing profession is one of the professions where effective communication is not only desirable but essential for...


Personality Properties of White-Collar Criminals

Abstract Over the past three decades, cases of fraud and white-collar crimes have been increasing exponentially in the 21st century. Fraud and white-collar crime is a complex issue in society because its occurrence is dependent on many factors such as organizational structure, organization culture, and personality traits. One of the...


The Therapeutic Relationship and its Links to Emotional Intelligence

Introduction According to therapists Picard, Vyzas, and Healey (2001), emotional intelligence (EI) is a fairly new construct in the psychiatric and social literatures. It was not until the early 1990s that researchers, including Salovey and Mayer (1990), Goleman (1995a), Bar-On (1997), and Cooper and Sawaf (1997), de-emphasized the traditional, narrow...


Long-Term Trends of Commodity Prices From 1900 to 2011

Abstract This dissertation aims to check the long-term movements of primary commodity price indexes. The data used in this project is the updated version of the index introduced by Grilli and Yang (1988). This new version covers the period from 1900 to 2011 including four kinds of price with two...


Positive Psychology and Executive Coaching

Positive Psychology Positive psychology is the latest branch of psychology applied in enhancing the growth and development of an individual’s life. Positive psychology entails the acquisition of knowledge and the utilization of such understanding in conducting daily activities. In addition, positive psychology involves the entire way in which individuals think...


Treating Sexual Abuse through the Transtheoretical Model and the Theory of Planned Action

Introduction Sexual abuse can be defined as any act that involves sexual contact where the victims consent is absent. It involves aspects like molestation and rape. Sexual abuse could be perpetrated by different people for instance parents, siblings or even spouses, attendants in various facilities, peers among others. Children and...


Personal Development Portfolio

Introduction In the modern world, there is need for students and teachers alike to come up with a viable plan that will help to guide students as they go through the learning process from junior school, high school, college until they are absorbed in the job markets. The personal development...


Compulsive Gambling Addiction

Compulsive gambling is also termed pathological gambling. Gamblingbehaviorhas given rise to much research investigating the epidemiology of gambling and disorders related to it (Gebauer et al, 2010). The need for instruments to screen people with pathological gambling has become of prime importance. Disordered gambling and other interests of the population...


Causes and Effects of College Dropout

Introduction School dropout leads to lack of social integrations, which greatly affects a person’s ability to achieve personal life goals. Schooling is of paramount importance to people’s lives. A good education background is a key contributing factor to getting a good job and hence living a good life. Having the...


Theories of Personality and Cognitive Development

Abstract This paper explores and uses Erickson’s theory of personality development as a reference point in explaining experiences Tanya faces in her life. The paper integrates Piagets’ and Erickson’s theories in explaining how individual cognitive development influences human personality. In addition, the paper will use cognitive development theory and personality...


Diversity in Development of Children and Adolescents

Abstract Children with different needs can be accommodated in one setting to enable equal development and even learning performance (Derman-Sparks & Olsen 2010). There has been a belief that children are supposed to adjust to the changes in the learning environment, and this has a negative impact on children with...


Psychopathology from a Clinical Perspective: Analysis of Fictional Character

Abstract This paper presents the assessment and analysis of a well-known fictional character from the Star Trek franchise Commander Spock. This individual’s psychological state and issues are evaluated based on the regulations and norms outlined in DSM-5. For better clarity and precision, the data relevant to the client’s psychological experiences...


Secure Attachment Relationship with a Child

Introduction One of the well-known biological instincts is the development of a strong attachment between a child and a parent or a primary caregiver. It is hard to give clear, rational explanations and definitions of what happens during the first contact with a mother. Still, it is evident that this...


Social Environment Weight on Personality Development

Proposed Research Paper This paper seeks to address the importance of the social environment on the development of an individual’s personality. Every person has distinct hereditary or environmentally gained traits. This paper will address some factors that make these variations. The answer to this issue can be tracked from environmental...


Environmental Factors in Personality Development

Over the decades, different scholars have defined personality in diverse ways. However, there is no central definition to describe personality based on what contributes to the development of an individual’s personality. A generalized definition suggests that an individual’s personality entails the patterns of thought and responses that make one act...


Reflection on Personal and Professional Direction

Abstract The paper provides the reflection on the personal interest and motivation in obtaining the doctoral degree in psychology. The reflection on the associated professional goals is also included in the paper. The reflective discussion aims at answering the questions on the reasons to pursue the doctoral degree, the ideas,...


“Six Principles of Influence” by Robert Cialdini

In the video, Robert Cialdini talks about the experience he had while writing his book – Influence. During his research, Cialdini concluded that there are only six universal principles that help influence other people. More precisely, these principles are a generalization of all activities that the so-called influence professions specialists...


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Stress Reduction

Introduction Caregivers of children suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) usually experience elevated levels of stress and poor physical health. Parents of such children, in most instances, experience such mental health issues as general distress, psychopathology, and stress (Cachia et al., 2016). Young patients with ASD exhibit restricted, repetitive behaviors,...


The Effectiveness of PBIS on Student Behavior in Urban Schools

Abstract This dissertation examines the effectiveness of implementing PBIS in changing the behavior problems of students in urban schools. The behavior of learners is seen as an integral aspect that plays a significant role in the promotion of academic performance. The ever-changing technological landscape has continually influenced the nature of...


Autism and Gambling Addiction: Innate Tendencies

Introduction Many factors can influence human behavior. There are environmental factors that can be observed in-home or education settings and innate tendencies that have a natural base. Some debates take place concerning the importance of inherited and acquired characteristics in regard to human behavior. The supporters of the biological approach...


Organizational Psychology

Defining organizational psychology Organizational psychology refers to the scientific study of organizations, workplaces, and employees ( Jex & Britt, 2008). The success of an organization is improved when the well-being of the people operating inside organizations is improved. It is therefore the responsibility of an organizational psychologist to research and...


Historical Development of Psychology as a System

Psychology entails the scientific study of the human mind and its basic functions. It seeks to understand and demystify the mechanics of the human mind. Psychology is also concerned with understanding human behaviour and the relationship between the human mind and resultant behaviour (Corby, 2011). Scholarly exploits in psychology early...


Multiculturally Competent Psychotherapy

Introduction Psychotherapy is one of the major interventions used in psychiatry. Over the years psychotherapy has evolved to include the use of empirically supported treatments in practice. Empirically supported treatments are psychotherapies that have been shown to be effective in the treatment of specific mental health disorders. For a treatment...


Emotional Traumas in Organizations: The Healing Process and Its Evaluation

Introduction: The Problem Statement. When There Is No Escape from Suffering People have always treated any changes with a grain of suspicion. While the current state of affairs might be far from an ideal one, there is always the fear that the next change is only going to make the...


Psychology Case Study of Persuasive Developmental Disorder and Asperger

Introduction Persuasive Developmental Disorder and Asperger syndrome are categorized with Autism disorder. A person with the disorder possesses a problem with neural development, where their communication and social interaction skills are insufficient. Moreover, the individual has repetitive and restricted behavior. Autism interferes with the manner in which information is processed...


The Character Development of Adolescents

Introduction Adolescence is one of the substantial development stages of a human being. It is a critical period due to where it falls in the life of any person. Adolescence occurs between the age of 10 and 12 years. The stage is a transition period between childhood and adulthood. As...


Item Response Theory and Rasch Modelling

Introduction Scientists use the item response theory (IRT) in psychological assessment tests. Researchers define the item response theory as a modern measurement model that evaluates the margin of error (or reliability) of test scores (Bond, 2007). Different types of item response models exist. One type is the Rasch model. The...


Principle and Practice of Psychotherapy and Its Theory

Introduction Psychotherapy is a medical process that involves therapeutic interaction between and a trained professional. The main conditions addressed by this process are usually psychological in nature. The psychological problems addressed through psychotherapy vary widely and thus require an experienced professional to effectively handle each case. Psychotherapy has the goal...


Purpose, Research Variables, and Population

Purpose of Study According to Bilim (2009), self-efficacy is the extent in which an individual achieves set goals and objectives. On the other hand, Hackett (1985) defined self-efficacy as the attitude and beliefs of an individual that determine the level of achievement he/she will attain with regards to the set...


Theorists and Their Contributions to the Coaching Field

Introduction Coaching can be defined as a situation whereby a person outside the organization uses his or her psychological skills by creating an alliance with a client to encourage and maintain personal growth and development (Peltier, 2001). Coaching helps to build skills that will enhance effective leadership in an organization....


The Adolescent Brain: Challenges for Family Life

Introduction The term policy is used to refer to a decree or regulation that touches on several aspects of a region concerning the economic social or geographic nature of the area. The main idea for implementing policies meant to curb adolescent problems is that there are some that have already...


Psychometric Testing in Recruiting Police Candidates

Introduction For the past thirty years, psychometric tests have been crucial in the selection and recruitment processes. Today the tests are common in many organizations during the recruitment process. The police force is no different. These tests would improve the quality of service as compared to the traditional mass training,...


Native American Adolescent Females and Self-Esteem Concerns

Abstract Self-esteem is a significant factor in determining how people make certain choices that make them fit within particular social groups. In the present paper, the focus is to investigate the causes and how low self-esteem influences Native American girls. The main causes of low self-esteem among them are peer...


Media Content and Its Psychological Influence

Advertising Business Leaders Magazine, Four Ways to Address Customer Complaints Online, 2007 The magazine addresses the needs of customers who feel their rights have been violated and need to be shown directions. The author, Micah Solomon, gives some of the strategies to be used by online customers, as well as...


Crisis Intervention Strategies and Skills

Type of Disaster Sichuan earthquake was one of the natural disasters that hit China in 2008, causing destruction of property and loss of lives. The disaster is considered one of the deadliest to have occurred in human history given its magnitude, which was measured at 8.0. More than seventy thousand...


Forensic Psychologists’ Roles in Subspecialties

Introduction September 11, 2001, is a day that has and will remain tragically memorable to many people across the world, and specifically the Americans. The mention of the date September 11, triggers memories of the terrorist attack on four cities of the world’s strongest nation, the United States. The attack...


9/11 Attacks: Disaster, Crisis, and Trauma

A brief description of a 9/11 disaster and its impacts on populations The September 11 terror attack was the first largest terrorist attack that claimed thousands of lives. According to a survey conducted, the 9/11 that targeted Pentagon has been regarded as the deadliest attack that ever occurred on the...


Bereavement Intervention in Complicated Grief

Introduction Grief is a painful reaction to a loss usually of a great magnitude. This painful reaction may cause emotional changes that may affect the health of an individual. Various researches have been done on the topic of grief and bereavement. This has led to the formulation of various theories...


The Intersection of Psychology with Human Nature, Health, and Change

Introduction Psychology underscores the scientific study of behavior or mind. It is a multifaceted field of study involving study of health coupled with the study of cognitive processes, social behavior, and human development among other disciplines. Psychology as a scientific field endeavors to find out the causes of certain behaviors....


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is not an individual therapeutic technique, but a broad term that categorizes therapies that are related (Dobson & Dozois, 2010). Cognitive behavioral therapy includes treatments that endeavor to modify overt behavior through altering an individual’s thinking, understanding, one’s suppositions, and the individual’s strategies of responding to various situations...


Brief Psychodynamic Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Introduction This paper is a discussion of two therapeutic approaches namely brief psychodynamic therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The paper’s main focus is to compare and contrast the two therapeutic approaches in regard to how they are used to treat depression and anger. Even though both therapeutic approaches are...


History and Systems of Psychology

Introduction Psychology is a field of study that traces its roots to philosophy and biology before it was made a science when it was structured to define the human mind, as well as the actions of individuals. This resulted to the emergency of different views and perspectives, as scholars tried...


Theoretical Perspectives on Human Development: Freud, Piaget and Skinner

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development analyzes the nature and development of human intelligence. It is more focused on the nature of knowledge and how human beings gradually acquire and use it. Piaget believes that reality involves continuous but dynamic transformations. He proposes that “operative intelligence is behind all the manipulation...


Fan Habits and Behavior on Game Day

Introduction Incidents such as the November 23, 2002 fan riot when the Buckeyes (Ohio State University) defeated the wolverines (University of Michigan) is but one of the numerous examples of adverse fan behavior that occur after and even during game day. Examples of such behavior come in the form of...


Patients and Couples Therapy for Those Who Engage in Substance Abuse

Introduction Domestic violence and intimate partner violence (IPV) constitutes a significant relationship challenge in the US. Fals-Stewart, Kashdan, O’Farrell, and Birchler (2002) inform that about 8.7 million couples encounter physical violence that is acerbated by their partners every year in the US. Research conducted by Schafer, Caetano, and Clark (1998)...


Assessing Emotional Intelligence

Introduction The attributes of a successful leader are a subject of many academic studies. As a rule, much attention is paid to technical competence, ability to motivate other people, determination, logical reasoning, and other qualities. Yet, currently, researchers also focus on the role of emotional intelligence. This paper is aimed...


Application of the Behavior Modification Model

Introduction Consulting can be discussed as the series of actions directed to solving the concrete problem. While focusing on the school or day care center environments, it is possible to note that consulting is the approach to working with children based on the principles of assistance and development of the...


Entry Stage Phases in Psychology Consulting: An Overview

Introduction For a psychology consultant to succeed in his work, he needs to engage well with his clients during the initial stages of their meeting. The consultation process consists of four stages, which include the “entry, diagnosis, implementation and the disengagement” stages (Dougherty, 2014, p. 54). This critique will concentrate...


Skills and Attitudes Needed for Psychological Consulting

The term consulting in psychology is defined as “a type of service performed by counselors, psychologists, and human resource workers in which they assist another person who has responsibility for a case or program” (Dougherty, 2013, p. 10). The consultation process involves three parties, namely: the consultant, the client system,...


Industrial/Organizational Psychology (IOP) Toolbox

Industrial/Organizational Psychology (IOP) IOP can be described as the subdivision of psychology dealing with output augmentation within the workplace (Aamodt, 2012). In addition, IOP ensures that the wellbeing of personnel, which includes both mental and physical, is enhanced. In other words, IOP ensures the enhancement of performance, contentment, security and...


Psychological Disorder: Causes and Remedies

Introduction Psychological disorders This disorder has an anguish effects to a human being affecting his or her mentality and this results into a severe illness. Psychological disorders results from various cause, which initiates several diseases appearing in different ways. We have various symptoms of these diseases including 🙂 – schizophrenia,...


Motivation Definition and Concepts

Motivation is the process through which people are inspired to act (Drillings & O’Neil, 2004). Motivation can be initiated from biological and psychological sources as well as goal-oriented incentives. Internal sources of motivation originate from our emotions throughout our evolutionary history. External sources originate from factors in the surrounding environment....


The Role of Parapsychology in Buddhism

Literature Review The core objective of this chapter is to provide the reader with an all-inclusive view on the subjects of parapsychology and the Pali canon. This is very important because this PhD project is an attempt to make a comparison between understanding of psychic power phenomenon as perceived in...


Life-Span Development and Personal Life Experiences

Introduction Background of the study Life-span development involves all the stages of development of human beings from conception to death. It encompasses several intermediary stages such as birth through infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and late adulthood to death. However, not all changes that occur in the life of an...


Solution Focused Therapy in Marriage and Family

Abstract Solution Focused Brief Therapy is one of the brief therapies that are very effective and efficient in solving marriage and family problems such as relationships, stress, depression and anxiety among others. The effectiveness and efficiency of this model is due to the unique approach to the problem by use...


Understanding and Treating Borderline Personality Disorder

A borderline personality disorder is characterized by continuous instability in a person’s self _image, changes in the mood of the person most of the time, and even break-ups in close personal relationships which always leads to distress and loss of friendships. People with this kind of borderline personality disorder are...


Theory of Moral Reasoning by Kohlberg

Introduction The theory by Lawrence Kohlberg of moral reasoning borrows from the concepts presented by Piaget on cognitive reasoning. It postulates that people go through 3 levels of moral reasoning with 6 stages of which cannot be skipped or reversed. According to him, these stages apply to all people of...


Managing Stress Better: Personal Development

How to manage stress One should use a positive imagery theory to reduce stress as outlined in the stressmanagingtips.com. This involves putting yourself in an imagination that positively brings relaxation to your body and mind. For instance, one can imagine being at the top of a high mountain where you...


Child Abuse in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries

Abstract The main objective of the present systematic review was to analyze peer-reviewed articles in English on the theme of child abuse in the countries of GCC. The problem of child maltreatment in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council was explored as an unresolved issue on the international level....


Obesity Among Individuals in the United States

Introduction The article Approaches to measuring the extent and impact of environmental change in three California community-level obesity prevention initiatives by Cheadle et al. (2010) highlights the various health concerns due to the problem of obesity among individuals in the United States. The authors describe this distressing public health concern...


Suicide Prevention: Bullying and Depression

Problem Statement Suicide is among the leading causes of death in the globe, and it is closely associated with stress and depression both in childhood and later in adulthood. In the US, “suicide is the third leading cause of death for adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years” (Espelage and...


Childhood Bullying: Depression and Suicidal Attempts

Introduction Childhood bullying is associated with suicidal attempts later in adulthood as shown in the field of psychology. The risk of committing suicide varies with gender whereby girls show higher tendencies of committing suicide after undergoing bullying in their childhood as compared to boys (Bauman, Toomey, & Walker, 2013). The...


Childhood Trauma and Bullying: Adulthood Effects

Introduction Conducting research translates into the engagement in scientific inquiry to identify the underlying issues about a specific problem with the aim of solving it. In this regard, the process of inquiry follows particular systematic steps that seek to attain objectivity, reliability, and validity of the findings. Thus, it is...


Textile Ability Achieving the Emotional Satisfaction

Introduction The significance of kinaesthetic experiences can hardly be overrated; one of the five senses that inform the further emotional and behavioral changes in an individual affects people’s perception of reality to a considerable extent (Ahmed & Hakkarainen 2013). Particularly, the impact of touching fabric, in general, and textile products,...


How to Curing Pedophiles

Introduction The concept of “pedophilia” or an individual being described as a pedophile (i.e. someone that has a sexual attraction towards young children) is thought of as a socially unacceptable form of behavior and thus any individual that has been caught in the act is labelled as a social deviant...


Trauma and Dissociative Identity Disorder: Analysis

Opening Statement Disasters, in the form of weather calamities, accidents and the like, have been on a rising trend over the past decades. This situation has been associated with technological advancements, economic development and changing environmental conditions. As a result, individuals affected by such situations have faced tremendous challenges in...


Borderline Personality Disorder

Abstract Over the past few decades, experts in the discipline of psychiatry have delved into developmental precursors for psychological disorders. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is among the sensitive psychological conditions that have affected between 2% to 4% of the general population in all societies. BPD is a complex illness that...


Mental Health Recovery Movement

Introduction In essence, the so-called ‘recovery approach’ to treating mental illnesses is concerned with the assumption that, instead of trying to lessen the severity of the symptoms of mental abnormality in patients, psychologists/psychiatrists should strive to empower the former, as thoroughly sovereign individuals. According to the advocates of the recovery...


Effects of Interactive Video Games

Abstract A meta-analysis of the effects Interactive Video Games (IVG) have on the behavioural and cognitive constructs of meta cognitive knowledge, direct cognition, and regulatory skills on k-12 students was conducted based on the grounded theory using a qualitative to address the subject of inquiry within formalized frameworks. Research results...


Psychiatric and Behavioral Disorders in Children

Introduction The definition, comprehension, and categorization of psychiatric and behavioral disorders have elicited efforts from psychiatrists to facilitate the development of the best treatments in a bid to alleviate such complexities in children. Children that portray mental and behavioral disorders have evoked psychiatrists to examine the protean complexity of their...


Forensic Psychology Professionals in Court Settings

Introduction Forensic psychology professionals perform as experts in court settings when courts need additional guidance and expert opinion to conclude about the aspects of a certain case. From this point, forensic psychology professionals are requested to use the specific knowledge in the field to conduct psychological investigations and provide the...


What Is Happiness?

What is happiness? Happiness is one of the most misconceived states of mind. Most people cannot tell the difference between joy and happiness. They think that they are happy when they are joyful while in the real sense, they are not. Others think that the absence of the everyday problems...


Intelligence Estimation Theories and Methods

Abstract Accurate estimation of intelligence is an important issue for the society. However, in order to estimate intelligence the most important aspect is numerical markings related to the use of intelligence tests. This study evaluates the different theories on intelligence and evaluates the numerical marking possibilities of each theory. If...


Biological Foundations and Adult Sexuality

Interaction between hormones and behavior and effect on adult sexuality Biological activities in the human body are triggered by hormones. These are chemicals that are secreted from different glands in the body whenever it is necessary to perform required functions. They act as messengers and are generally needed for the...


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Behavior Intervention Plan

Abstract One of the most difficult responsibilities for guardians is trying to control the conduct of children who are always naughty. Many times, some children may seem unable or reluctant to adhere to instructions, collaborate with adults, or consent to any sort of restraint. Some children may not exhibit any...


Scholar and Practitioner Thinking Methods

In perspective, the perceptions of a professional are distinct from that of the associated scholar. The scholarship is based mainly on learning whereas professionalism targets solving issues apparent in society. In this light, cases described by authors of the articles reviewed earlier are perceived differently depending on the conscience and...


How do Adult Siblings from Divorced Backgrounds Manage Interpersonal Relations

Theory Scholarly views on what constitutes a psychological theory From the discursive prospective, providing a universally accepted definition of psychological theory and its constituents represents a certain challenge, because, as of today, an ongoing progress in the field of psychology creates objective preconditions for the tool of psychological inquiry to...


Theory of Planned Behavior Analysis

Introduction Certain psychological disorders often induce irrational, maladaptive behaviors that bring about negative outcomes to the person’s health, safety, and reputation. These behaviors are commonly observed in institutionalized adults with developmental disabilities removed from society for closer monitoring and treatment by medical practitioners (Danford and Huber, 1981). One identified maladaptive...


Unconscious Stimuli and Cognitive Control in Psychology

Introduction Psychologists explain that the human brain is divided into conscious and subconscious minds. The conscious mind often determines what we do intentionally but the subconscious mind determines what we do without thinking. For example, some of the common subconscious actions we do include breathing and talking. Often, most of...


Commitment Escalation Overview

A group or an individual is placed in a situation, where they have devoted their money, time, labor, or other resources, to the advancement of a potentially profitable endeavor, which then failed to provide a return on the investment. They can either terminate their involvement with the cause and allocate...


The Role of Social Environment in Personality Development

Introduction Over the years, psychologists and scholars have been seeking to understand the very nature of human beings, along with concerted efforts to unearth how an individual develops a certain personality. In other words, scholars have been trying to address the development of different personalities. The overall study of personality...


Various Employee Empowerment Techniques and Approaches Effectiveness

Topic Statement The subject of the proposed study is the employee empowerment (EE) and its techniques; the specific topic of the study can be formulated as the reasons for the effectiveness of EE techniques as viewed through the lens of humanistic psychology (HP). This kind of topic was chosen for...


Organizational Behaviour: Personal and Individual Differences

Introduction Employees are not merely performers of job responsibilities; they are also personalities. The subject of personal and individual differences has been extensively explored in organizational studies within recent years, and it has been confirmed that organizational managers should pay attention to such differences in order to achieve a higher...


Assumptions about Human Behavior

Introduction Gestalt psychology is a theoretical framework developed by a German psychologist called Max Wertheimer. The main principle of the theory is that human mind views things as a whole instead of their small parts. It posits that humans do not focus on simple components when giving their views about...


Effect of Merchandise Quality and Service Quality on TPB

Literature Review The theory of planned behavior is a model which was developed by Icek Aljzen, being a projection from another renowned theory in psychology, the theory of reasoned action. This theory explains the relationship that exists between attitudes and individuals’ behavior. It is one of the theories of persuasion...


Mental Health and Causes of Mental Illness

Abstract A person’s mental health has been an intriguing part of studies among associations, medical doctors, and professions that serve mentally diseased clients. Experts are yet to find the exact cause of mental illness, but, a blend of environmental, physical, and psychological conditions have been linked to it as shown...


Validity and Reliability: Boholst Life Position Scale

Methods of Establishing Reliability in Psychology Table 1. Methods of Establishing Reliability in Psychology with Brief Descriptions. Method of Establishing Reliability Description Alternate forms reliability This approach to reliability involves checking the consistency of the results of the alternate versions of one instrument. High consistency allows making conclusions about the...


Assessing Self-Assessment Concept Using Rauthmann Taxonomy

Item Construction Item construction is a complex process that requires the consideration of multiple concerns. Nowadays, researchers can employ various tools that may assist in item construction, and one of them is Rauthmann’s (2011) taxonomy. Using Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale (Eklund, Bäckström, & Hansson, 2018), as well as the literature on...


Psychological Construct and Test

Psychological constructs are abstract variables that can include personality traits, attitudes, and emotional states. Constructs cannot be directly observed as they involve internal processes and tendencies of thought or feelings. These are commonly identifiable phenomena in human nature such as fear, motivation, or extraversion. In psychology, measurements referred to as...


Biopsychosocial Assessment: Personal Experience

The process of conducting a biopsychosocial interview can be seen as challenging if an interviewer lacks the required experience in performing such an assessment. Before starting an interview, it is important to determine certain points and features of this assessment to pay attention to, including the declaration of its purpose...


Self-Esteem Measurement Scale Proposal

Introduction Self-esteem is a social and psychological concept that represents a person’s overall sense of value or worth, essentially measuring the extent to which a person appreciates, approves, and likes himself or herself. From the perspective of measurement, the construct is especially hard to identify due to the variety of...


Critique of the Sample Biopsychosocial Interview

A biopsychosocial interview allows a counselor to determine the origin of the observed problems and to clearly identify these problems in order to propose an effective treatment approach. The client who participated in an interview session with a counselor was Jane Roberts, a 28-year-old White female (Perkinson, 2017). The purpose...


Emotion Regulation: Anger

Anger is “an approach-related emotional state” with specific physiological, cognitive, and behavioral elements that “occur in response to unpleasant or undesired events” (Alia-Klein et al., 2018, p. 1). The study of anger is not yet complete; in fact, according to Garfinkel et al. (2015), it has been investigated to a...