🧘‍♀️ Essays on Psychology - Page 4


Outdoor Play for Child Development

Introduction As a matter of fact, the phrase, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is classified among clichés that should be avoided especially in professional writing. Unfortunately, the meaning of the phrase has also been considered outdated and less important with time. Consequently, most schools have...


Brief History of Psychology Review

Abstract Cognitive therapy aspire to assist a person to be aware of distortions in thoughts which is causing the person psychological anguish, and also be aware of behavioral patterns that are strengthening it, and be able to correct this. The cognitive therapist will try very hard to comprehend experiences based...


Therapists’ Personal and Professional Development

Abstract This paper examines the personal and professional development of therapists. Its aim is to provide students of graduate program and therapists-in-training with valuable information which they can use for their growth. Its objective stems from the realization that graduate programs do not equip students with all the necessary information...


Leadership Education as Schema Development

Introduction Schema is used in different aspects and disciplines to mean different things. Schema in psychology is used to refer to a structure in the mind that symbolizes some features of the world. Schema is a learning theory that examines how the structure in the mind of an individual arranges...


Counseling Women and Girls: The Feminist Therapy

The feminist therapy has been defined as that practice of therapy that is usually informed by the analysis and philosophies of political feminist grounded in a diverse study of gender psychology, social location, and power, and which leads a client and the therapist towards solutions and strategies that advances feminist...


The Effects of Post-Divorce Relationships on Children.

Introduction Divorce is an experience that is extremely stressful for all children not considering their developmental stage or their age. Many children are caught unaware when parents decide to separate hence being adequately prepared for the imminent divorce. They experience a lot of pain due to a sense of vulnerability...


Adolescent’s Depression Issue Analysis

Overview You may think adolescents are little adults, in fact, they are adolescents. These adolescents live somewhere between childhood and adulthood with specific needs, however different from the needs of children and adults. They often may look like adults, but their behavior on a other hand is childlike. Some of...


Effective Counseling in Client Crisis

Introduction The suggestion by Adam and Keener (2008) suggesting that counselors are often ill prepared to assess and properly deal with clients at risk during crisis situation is something that requires serious attention. Indeed there is a great need for their services, on the backdrop of all the research that...


Cultural Foundations of Depth Psychology

Introduction The depth psychology approach investigates what is below the psychic demonstrations like behavior, relationships, and dreams. It deals with deep fantasy. This fantasy represents an imaging system, which has been subdued and whose manifestations have been limited with culture and consciousness. Depth psychology enlightens the psychology of culture. It...


Clinical Map of Family Therapy

The idea of solving the whole family’s health problem issues has been a unique aspect of the change in thinking and to bring new discipline in the field of mental health, which is called family therapy. The idea is to drop the focus on individuals and their psyches and to...


Psychology – the Science of Emotion, Personality, Behavior

Introduction Psychology, is both and academic and applied domain that encompasses the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. Psychologists endeavor to disentangle the working of the brain as subjected to a pragmatic life with a human entity as a frame of reference as well as the self, psychologists study...


Representation and Manipulation of Knowledge

Abstract This report describes cross-cultural research on the relation between how people conceptualize and process the world and how they act in it. Mental models of people differ dramatically among populations living in the same area and engaged in similar activities. This has strong implications for how we make decisions...


Hypnotherapy Effectiveness

Introduction There are a series of factors that intertwine in determining the effectiveness of hypnotherapy. The interaction of these factors can be analyzed through communication patterns, conversational inductions and hypnotic strategies such as age progression. The paper shall relate my experiences with the latter three parameters during practice sessions and...


Cognition. Introspective Psychology.

Cognitive psychology as a discipline has come of age. It is defined as the study of human mental processes and their role in thinking, feeling, and behaving. Other broad categories of cognitive psychology study include; memory, perception, comprehension, and production of language, acquisition of knowledge and expertise, decision making, and...


Antisocial Personality Disorder: Deagnosis and Treatment

Abstract This paper is designed to provide a comprehensive knowledge about a particular field of study in personality psychology. Here, the introduction of the general features of personality and personality psychology will be given to facilitate the understanding of the further selected topic. The area of personality psychology that will...


Aspects of Psychology: Erikson’s Stages

Initiative –v Guilt Erikson’s third stage, that of Initiative-v-Guilt, relates primarily to early school years, often pre-schoolers, and their internal struggles at that age. It is highly significant developmentally as the basis for much of what comes later. Erikson believed that through play, many of the issues confronting the developing...


Biopsychology: Mood Disorders and Behavior

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a class of mood disorders that is marked by certain dramatic changes in behavior, energy as well as mood. The basic characteristics of bipolar disorder are that people tend to alternate between episodes of mania such as extreme elevated mood and depression such as extreme sadness....


Language Processing in Cognitive Psychology

Introduction Language is made up of words and is used to talk about everything. Language is essential as it gives as the ability to speak everyday about people, environment, objects, and places, about relations, property, states of being, and other things (Clarke, 1995). We require language to communicate about technology,...


Anxiety and Its Disorders: Types and Treatment

Introduction Anxiety disorder is a broad term that encompasses many different types of abnormal or psychological fear, anxiety, and phobias. Illogical worry which is not based on factual or rational thinking comes falls under this category. Anxiety and fear are present everywhere all around us, and both are often used...


Observation of Early School Child Ages 3-8

Introduction Development in of child since the moment of conception to the adult age is determined by many factors. To attain full adult stage, many changes occurs in a person which are developed at various period of growth. A fully developed person comprises of three or four main components of...


The Development of Secure and Insecure Attachments in Children

There has been much research associated with attachment and especially on the development of different types of attachment. Attachment is defined as the relation that exists between a mother or caregiver and a child. There are two main forms of attachment. These are secure and insecure attachments (Attachment, 2006). Secure...


Psychological Effects of a Divorce on Children

Abstract There comes a time when a marriage cannot be salvaged and the parents have to go through a divorce or a separation. This is because the parents cannot tolerate each other and the situation becomes irreconcilable. Although the parents suffer a lot during this situation, the children are also...


Symptomes, Causes and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a disease that causes psychological problems. It causes mood swings in the person who is affected. These are the common symptoms. Sometimes the person is so much depressed that he or she can not function normally, some other times he is so happy or elated that...


Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Abstract Rational-Emotive behavior therapy is a form of cognitive behavior therapy. This essay aims to explain the theoretical foundations of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy and outline rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT) as a variant of cognitive-behavior psychotherapy. Introduction Human behavior became the focus of psychological research since the late 19th Century. To understand...


Learning Theories in Psychology

Introduction Learning is a process that integrates cognitive, emotional and environmental factors in order to acquire and develop one’s knowledge and skills. On the other hand, learning theory is an attempt to explain the process of learning in human beings. It offers description of the way people acquire knowledge and...


Dispositional Personality Theories Matrix

Among dispositional personality theories, it is possible to identify Allport’s Psychology of the Individual Theory and Trait and Factor perspective. Whereas the former approach consists in dividing personality traits into more and less significant in terms of manifestation, the latter considers the job matching personality characteristics. The present paper is...


Freud, Piaget and Bronfenbrenner Views on Child

Freud’s psychosexual theory Freud has been prominent in two connected but different ways. He developed a theory on how human mind is structured and operates internally, and how human behaviour results from the understanding of the human mind. From these two theories he developed a theory of how human sexuality...


Ethical and Psychological Egoism

Introduction Egoism is considered to be the global aspect in the philosophy and is thoroughly studied by all the thinkers of the world. Egoism is defined as self motivation or goal aimed at the satisfaction of one’s own needs. The theory of egoism has been examined throughout centuries because it...


Deviant Social Behavior Analysis

Introduction Deviant social behavior refers to an action that violates both cultural norms and the rules that are enacted formally. According to the structural-functionalism perspective, deviations emerge from the formation of values and norms which institutions enforce. Deviations result when institutions institute proscriptions or prescriptions. Therefore a deviation is whatever...


Erik Erikson’s Theory Analysis

Erik Erikson was a student of the famous ‘father of psychology’ Sigmund Freud. He followed many aspects of Freud’s theory of personalities such as the concepts of the id, ego, and superego and the underpinnings of the oedipal complex. However, Erikson was more culturally and socially oriented. He disagreed with...


Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2

Introduction Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory-2 is a revised second edition psychological assessment instrument scored and interpreted by the examiner and completed by the person who is being examined. It involves examining the personal characteristics of the person taking the test. In this situation, the examiner compares the answers given by...


Psychology of Adjustment. Erikson’s Personality Theory

Erikson developed eight psychosocial stages in which humans develop through throughout their entire life span. Erikson believed that personality progressed through these eight stages with certain conflicts arising at each stage. Success in any stage depended upon successfully overcoming these conflicts. The stages are Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame...


Child Psychology: Theories of Development by J. Piaget

Child development has become an issue of concern and relies mainly on the quality of development given to a child by either the parent, or the society. Parents have to take a great role in monitoring and maintaining standards of children. Psychologically, parent involvement in various children’s development aspects is...


Abnormal Psychology. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder that involves cyclic occurrences of fanatical and impulsive behavior. According to the American Psychiatric Association (15), this psychiatric illness is depicted in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) as a disease that is characterized by continuous ideas, visions...


Impulsive Behavior Effect on Addictive Disorders

Abstract Researchers implicate impulsivity as having a key role in chemical dependency disorders and self-report measures suggest the measurability of various components of the impulsive behavior. However, there is little research in understanding multidimensional nature using measures of impulsivity in the laboratory that track changes that occur over time. An...


Is Impulsive Behavior a Cause for Addictive Disorders?

Introduction There is a close relation between impulsivity and substance abuse as impulsivity is referred to as a predisposition towards rapid, unintentional reactions to external or internal stimuli without considering any bad impacts upon themselves or others. The impulsive behavior has been a serious concern for the researchers and the...


Why Students Cheat: Reasons, Motives?

Introduction Background In definition, cheating can be said to be an activity that involves lying, deception, trickery, fraud, imposture, and other means which are inverse to the correct. Cheating is defying the law of truth and mostly leads to the breaking of rules. It is a way of getting an...


Different Aspects’ Influence on Organizational Behavior

Introduction Personality and attitudes represent important micro, cognitively oriented variables in the study of organizational behavior (Luthans, 2005). Personality represents the ‘whole person’ concept. It includes perception, learning, motivation, decision-making, and more. Micro theory in organizational behavior deals with the behaviors and nature of individuals and small groups in organizations...


Management and Organization Behavior

Introduction Numerous attempts contain been made by more than a few companies in arrange to gain a spirited edge over their competitors from side to side organization concepts and practice. Likewise, voluminous subjects contain already been on the document on how companies or organizations shall do well. Yet despite all...


Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

Introduction Jean Piaget was born in Switzerland in 1896. In his youth, he studied philosophy and obtained a doctorate in biology by the age of 21. In his work in biology, he discovered that mollusks could adapt to different environments and that their shells matured differently according to their environment....


Childhood and Optimal Development Analysis

Middle childhood, from 6 to 12 years of age, is the crucial time when children try to find their path amidst paths set by society, developing their self-image and setting their goals for the future. The ability to forge a positive pathway at this juncture in life can have major...


Competence an Self-Esteem in Human Relations

In the research “Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One’s Own Incompetence Leads to Inflated Self-Assessments” self-esteem was explored as a factor for appropriate (typical) and inappropriate (atypical) reaction of the person’s ego in relationship with competence. Moderated multiple tests revealed significant interactions between self-esteem and personality...


Child Development Theories: Comparative Analysis

Introduction There are various theories that have been advanced by a psychologist on child development, chiefly, the psychoanalytic theories of development, learning theories of development, and the cognitive theories of development (Smith, Cowie and Blades, 2003). The objective of this paper is to take a look at the comparative analysis...


Autism as the Most Prevalent Developmental Mental Disorder

Introduction Autism is the most prevalent developmental disorder affecting one in every 166 children (“How Common?”, 2006). Symptoms of the disorder can be generally described as the incapability to adequately interact socially along with a disinterested demeanor. It is an abnormality in the structure of the brain caused by genetic...


Child Development Observation and Parent Interview

Parent Interview This research paper focuses on parent interviews and infant observation. The parent interview focuses on pregnancy and delivery, infant’s physical developmental milestones, infant’s socio-emotional milestones, cognitive developmental milestones, and the effects of parenthood on parents. Pregnancy and Delivery Briefly Describe the Experience of Pregnancy The infant’s mother explained...


Cognitive Psychology and Research Programs

Abstract These are some of the foundational questions that cognitive psychology examines. They are foundational partly because each concerns the nature of basic psychological ability, abilities that we often take for granted, yet which are vital to our normal, healthy functioning and are key to our understanding of what it...


Psychological Testing and Its Major Concepts

Definition of a test In the field of psychology, a test refers to a highly standardized process that examines the sensual ability and mental processes of an individual (Rogers, 2007). According to experts, a test does not examine every aspect of an individual. It uses certain elements of an individual’s...


Social Learning Theory

One of the major perspectives within behaviorism, social learning theory, states that behaviors are learned through observation and imitation. Even though children and adolescents are particularly exposed to social learning, there are almost no age limitations to the development of new behaviors. Due to the development of communication technologies, the...


Dark Matter: The Issue of True Identity

Introduction What constitutes one’s self? When one’s personality begins and ends? What are the origins of a person’s identity? These questions have been discussed in the fields of philosophy and psychology for centuries, and yet there is still no consensus on the topic of personal identity. Body theory and memory...


Multicultural Psychology, Its History and Importance

Introduction Generally, psychology can be defined as a branch of science that studies the functioning of the human mind and how it affects human behavior, feelings and thinking. In other words, Multicultural psychology can be defined as the study of human mind relative to human behavior. Psychology is a broad...


An Investigation Between Personality and Infidelity Among Millennials

Executive Summary This study assumes an age-based perspective in investigating people’s attitudes towards infidelity. It was domiciled in an institutional setting and 50 respondents (aged between 23 and 38 years) took part in it. The goal of the study was to investigate the relationship between personality and infidelity among Millennials....


Investigating Change Blindness: Psychological Approaches

Abstract This document presents the findings of an experiment investigating change blindness among a group of 250 respondents. The participants viewed 16 everyday scenes and stated whether they detected a change or not. A change was recorded when they clicked on the associated image. Sixteen scenes were presented to the...


Childhood Sexual Abuse and Adolescents’ Self-Esteem

Introduction Child sexual abuse can be defined as an action where an adult takes advantage of their dominant position to use a child to attain sexual pleasure, arousal, or satisfaction (Sánchez-Meca, Rosa-Alcázar, & López-Soler, 2011). Such actions may also be considered abuse when there are imbalanced circumstances between the injured...


Family Systems Therapy Perspective

Family Therapy Field Family therapy is a broad topic for discussion that includes the necessity to investigate and modify the relationships in a family. According to the offered reading, there are three major aspects in family therapy, and they include a system with its properties of wholeness, relationship, and equifinality,...


Personal Development Plan

Personal development plan is a step by step guidance that an individual lay down, based on self awareness, own reflection and assessment, expectations or endings, and strategies that one is willing to apply to affect this plan in order to accomplish his or her life goals. Competencies I am a...


Psychology: Personality Trait Model

Introduction People tend to use various adjectives to describe how a person behaves in public, with friends, or alone. Words like “kind,” “good,” “cruel,” careless,” “introverted,” and others come to our minds whenever we think of someone. These words represent traits of an individual personality, which are stable characteristics used...


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD) is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by severe emotional wounds after a traumatic experience. Sufferers of PSTD have a recurrence of memories of fear and persistent threat leaving the individual with a feeling of shattered and entirely devastated by events. This condition...


Videogame Addiction and Its Impact on Children

Introduction Have you ever cracked a German soldier’s skull open with a trench shovel? Would you like your children to experience that as well? In some video games, you can do it. Risky and violent entertainment is the locomotive of the gaming industry. Games offer a variety of experiences that...


Music, Media and Culture Influence on Behavior

The issue under investigation Human behavior is a product of various interrelated factors that walk alongside our lives starting with early childhood and is even thought to be closely related to genetics and predicted by it (Hartwell, 2014). The issue under investigation deals with the influence of such variables as...


Low Self-Esteem Women and Their Relationships with Men

Introduction Relationships in this age and time are going through a series of problems. One of the major issues that most couples face is the issue of cheating spouses. This reason has several causes, and one of its major causes is women having low self-esteem issues (Stevenson-Hinde, 2007). These women...


Psychology of Personality: Agreeableness

Introduction This paper aims to explore an important aspect of my personality—agreeableness. It will also outline the basis of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and apply it to analyzing the manifestations of the trait in real life. Discussion It can be said that I am an excessively agreeable person. People who...


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression in Adults

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective tool in the treatment of depression in adults. This therapy considers depression as a consequence of negative thoughts, which primarily reflect violations in the perception and assessment of events. The essence of CBT lies in the thorough study of negative thoughts, the detection...


Personality Traits and Musical Elements Preferences

Participants The participants for this study involved one hundred and forty-five university students, aged between nineteen and twenty-six. The students were randomly selected to listen to music as hypothesized and all the participants agreed to take part in listening to music without any knowledge on the relevance of their participation....


Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of Development

The ecological theory of development as postulated by Urie Bronfenbrenner holds that several environmental systems are involved in the development of an individual. In this regard, five environmental systems are recognized: Microsystem: this setting includes an individual’s family, neighborhood, school, and peers. In a microsystem context, the individual plays an...


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Introduction Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a serious health condition that occurs after a petrifying event (Warner et al. 828). Some of the common symptoms associated with PTSD include nightmares, anxieties, and flashbacks associated with the traumatic event (Levin et al. 149). Individuals experiencing various traumatic thoughts or events...


Biological, Cognitive, Socioemotional Development

Introduction Psychology is a profession that explains scientific changes that occur in human beings during their development stages. Some people claim that a person’s personality is inherited while others claim that the environment in which a person lives determines his/her personality. As believed by most scientists, psychological and characteristic behaviors...


Child Development and Education

The first chapter of the book explores the child development field, core developmental issues in children, child development theories, developmental periods, and the aspect of turning theory into practice. Human beings are not static. A continuous phase of psychological and physical transformation is experienced from the point of conception until...


Stress Factors and Effects on Person and Family

Effects of Unmanaged Stress Stress is a common phenomenon, and it is an element of every individual’s vital functions despite his/her gender, age, or social, and cultural backgrounds. Traditionally, psychologists divide stress into positive and negative types. While a small amount of negative stress may provoke the development of protective...


Positive Psychology and Its Future

Positive psychology is “the study of the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions” (Linley, Joseph, Harrington & Wood, 2006). It focuses on positive individual traits such as the capacity for love, courage, interpersonal skills, perseverance, forgiveness, originality, spirituality, and wisdom...


Developmental Psychology in Adolescence

Adolescence is one of the main developmental stages that is widely defined as the period between 13 and 18 years. This life stage is a transition from childhood into adulthood, which is why many psychologists consider it to be one of the critical periods in people’s life. This transitional stage...


The Art of Dealing With People: Personality Tests

Introduction Personality tests have been used for different reasons in the workplace set-up. One of the most common uses of the tests is in the recruitment process. Human resource departments have used the tests to pick out the best candidates for the job. Ideally, personality tests are done at the...


Child’s Play Observation and Parent Interview

Introduction This research paper lays emphasis on parent interviews and play years of observation. The parent interview seeks to establish the progress of the baby in terms of physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive development. The information gathered from the parent interview shall indicate whether the child’s development pattern is age-appropriate. On...


InvestigationCentral Agency for Psychical Research

Introduction Humanity has been known to possess psychic abilities since the dawn of time. It has many names – clairvoyance, premonition, remote viewing, the sixth sense… However, only after the real science has been applied, we have been able to strip the phenomenon of all the unnecessary vibe of mysticism...


Problem-Solving Process and Its Approaches

Problem-solving is considered one of the essential human cognitive processes since it is a higher-layer process. Problem-solving is closely related to other cognitive processes. These processes are pensiveness, searching, erudition, decision-making, inference, psychoanalysis, and synthesis. Problem-solving is related to other cognitive processes through the object-attribute model. Studies show that problem...


Emotional Development in Children and Adults

Early childhood is a vital period in the development of every human being. Many researchers in psychology devote their studies to the exploration of the characteristic features of a child’s psychological state and emotional well-being during this period. According to Zen’kovskii (2013), “the general sense and the general features of...


The Introduction to Early Childhood Education

Book Report Education of a child is crucial due to the fact that it is a powerful tool of socialization with the help of which the society receives a member that can be multifunctional in a variety of settings. Despite the common belief that the role of school and other...


Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioning is a term used to refer to behaviour modification that is attained through a response-reward system. The major assumption (which happens to be true) is that human beings behaviour can be conditioned through a reward system. The reward may be positive, which reinforces a positive behaviour, may be...


Sigmund Freud’s Personality and Psychoanalysis

Introduction Sigmund Freud is widely known as the founder and the proponent of the psychoanalysis theory, which deals with individuals’ personalities. He was born on the sixth of May 1856 in Moravia and later served as an Austrian neurologist in the 19th and the 20th centuries (Friedman & Schustack, 2011)....


Cognitive Psychology Discipline Evolution

Cognition The term cognition in science refers to mental processes. There are a number of mental processes, which are referred in cognition. They include attention, memory, learning, producing, understanding a language, decision making, reasoning and problem solving among others. In general, the term cognition involves thinking. It is about how...


Risk Factors for Deliberate Self-Harm

Introduction Self-harm can be conceptualized as the act of direct destruction or alteration of body tissue by an individual (Gratz, 2006). It is important to note that there is a difference between self-harm and suicide. This is given the fact that the individual inflicting destruction and alteration to their body...


Lifespan Human Development: Perspective and Theories

Introduction The process of human development involves several stages. Moreover, it starts with the period of conception until birth. Lifespan development is characterized by numerous transformations. Development process begins at conception and culminates at birth. Fetus materializes from a single cell organism then it forms a full term infant. At...


Effective Team Management: Everest’ Case

Introduction The following is a report on a four-member team that was assigned the task of getting to the peak of Mount Everest safely while trying to get the least trouble possible. The structure of this report is founded on Christopher Johns’ four-step model of guided reflection. Our team was...


Bullying in Schools and the Work Place

Introduction In the recent past there have been talk shows on different radio stations discussing bullying in schools and the work place. For instance, on the 18th of February this year, there was a lengthy discussion on bullying on ABC radio. The discussion was in response to a recent survey...


Group Counseling for Different Populations

Group counseling is one of the therapy approaches that coexist with individual therapy empowering treatment of various psychological problems. Group counseling has particular benefits for treating problems related to intrapersonal and interpersonal issues as well as for helping people change. For example, it can be useful for such conditions as...


Differentiation and the Learning Brain

Introduction Differentiation is an approach that influences the different learning and development needs of academically diverse students. Many students in schools are different in terms of social and economic status, literacy, language proficiency, race, ethnic and cultural background, quality of family support, prior knowledge, motivation, level of opportunity, learning preferences,...


Tools of the Mind in the Early Childhood Development

Introduction On many platforms, the application of tools of the mind in teaching has received praise for having a positive impact on academic achievement. Despite the results, only limited research has been conducted to evaluate the effect of tools of the mind on the academic performance of students and on...


Effective Team and Performance Management on the Everest

Introduction This paper provides a reflective narration on a project that was carried out by our small team on its escapade to the peak of Mount Everest. Our self-managed team comprised of four members who actively participated in the project. In writing the report, I will employ Christopher Johns’ four-step...


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Early Intervention and Inclusion

Introduction According to various researchers, it is imperative that children’s behaviors remain closely monitored so as to identify any development disorders. With this procedure in place, early cases of development disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be addressed using early intervention and inclusion strategies (WebMD, 2005). As...


How Autistic Children Develop and Learn?

Abstract The research that will be done will focus on children and autism. It seeks to study how autism affects children’s development and how children affected by this syndrome can be assisted to learn. To successfully do this, it will deal with questions like; how is autism related to the...


Amy’s Case Assessment and Treatment Plan

Physical Check the following symptoms that apply: ☒Headaches ☐Accident prone ☐Fatigue ☐Teeth grinding ☐Insomnia ☒Restlessness ☐Weight change ☐Neck/shoulders tight ☐Colds ☒Pounding heart ☐Digestive upsets ☐Increase in alcohol, drug, or tobacco use ☒Others: She trembles and her mouth become dry. Stress Level (1=low, 5=high) 5 Physical Assessment Amy portrays some physical...


Infant Development

Introduction Any individual in the modern world must have originated from some source irrespective of his/her beliefs about mythical, evolution and creation theories. Therefore, the term growth and development is majorly associated with living things. The paper, however, will consider, in isolation, the complex physical and motor, social and emotional...


Historical Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology Field

Although abnormal psychology as a scientific field has existed for about 100 years, explanations on abnormal behavior date back to pre-biblical history (Damour & Hansell. 2008). Abnormal psychology relates to the understanding of the nature, the causes as well as the treatments on disorders associated with the mind. Indeed, problems...


Family Therapy: Klines Case

Introduction Family therapy is a form of psychotherapy employed to assist members of a family in improving communication systems, conflict resolution and to help the family deal with certain problems that manifest in the behavior of members. In most cases, deviance in a family member is an indication of underlying...


Erickson’s Psychosocial Development and Its Stages

Introduction Erickson came up with a theory that modified the views of Freud to suit social definition. In theory, each developmental stage has a specific name, which is referred to as a task. Each developmental stage of human personality centers on emotional polarity, which he referred to as conflict. This...


Moral and Personality Development

Introduction Psychologists have elucidated how moral and personality development occur throughout one’s lifespan. Lawrence Kohlberg and Erik Erickson are such psychologists who have contributed to the development of psychological theories that explicate moral and personality development respectively. In moral development theory, Lawrence Kohlberg asserts that, moral development occurs sequentially across...


Individual’s Behavior and Personality Traits

An individual’s behavior is affected in several ways by various factors. The four common factors influencing individual behavior are motivation, ability, role perception, and situational factors. Motivation refers to forces within an individual, which affects his or her direction, persistence, and intensity of his or her voluntary behavior. In this...


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Analysis

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) comprises many functional impairments that influence behavior, neurological processes, and the psychological sphere of a person. It belongs to the group of trauma- and stressor-related disorders. This disorder can be conditioned by diverse factors or events including “wars, environmental disasters, rape, accidents, physical traumas, and...


Interaction for Child’s Development and Learning

Intervention Approach by Emphasizing the Benefits of Interactions To bridge the deficiency in the number and quality of interactions between the caregivers and children from the lowest income group (Risley & Hart, 1995), the first strategy I would use is to accept that these social differences exist. The type of...


Biological Psychology

What are the core assumptions of the biopsychological approach? Biopsychology or biological psychology is a branch of psychology that considers the influence of the central nervous system and the neurotransmitters on behaviors, thoughts, and feelings of individuals. Biopsychology then assumes that every behavior, thought, or feeling expressed by an individual...


Erik Erikson’s Theory of Development

Erik Erikson’s theory presents powerful ideas and concepts that can support the changing needs of many people. The article “Identity Development throughout the Lifetime: An Examination of Eriksonian Theory” by Justin Sokol offers a detailed analysis of Erikson’s theory of development. According to the class materials, identity development is something...


Preschool Play Role in the Cognitive Development

Introduction Child development is very important since it’s a proven fact that what the children go through while young will have a very big impact on the way they act in their adult life. Jean Piaget developed the most cited explanation of the cognitive theory, in his description; Piaget suggests...


Behavioral Science Theory Applied in Leadership

Executive Summary Behavioral science theory is quite effective in helping us to understand the effectiveness of leadership. This theory stipulates that a leader that posses some character traits and is in a position of displaying consideration is capable of structuring follower’s behavior; therefore, such a leader is considerably effective. This...