Essays on Religion - Page 2


Why God and Evolution Can Co-Exist

Introduction Just like Christianity, science is a belief in the existence of the world. Over many years, since educational civilization, science has been in conflict with religion. There have been explorations in space and technological advancements to disapprove of God as the creator of heaven and earth. However, prominent physicists...


World Religions and Spiritual Journey

Ways to Practice Religion Most people today follow certain beliefs when making choices about their lives and future. Some belong to formal religious communities, such as Christians or Muslims. Others accept or deny divine guidance as a general concept without specific rules and traditions. Practicing religions may be private and...


The Problem of Evil in Modern Theology

Philosophers and theologists discuss the existence of evil in the world for centuries, and it remains urgent in modern life. When people face major catastrophic events, they tend to ask why God let the severe conditions appear, and the argument of teaching humanity a lesson is not convincing enough. The...


The Holy Spirit: Activating God’s Power in Your Life by Graham

Book Review Many Christians are confused and uninformed about the Holy Spirit, despite the availability of many works of literature addressing this subject. The implication is, people, do not know the role and essence that He plays in the redemption of humankind. The bible indicates that when Jesus was about...


Sociology of Religion Theory

Religion is a powerful force, which brings together societal members in a common form of worship. It is deeply ingrained in the hearts of the people. Religion influences the existence of human society in all realms of life, including social, political and cultural perspectives. Religion has a long history that...


Authority, Inspiration and Inerrancy of the Bible

Introduction The Bible is a collection of books written by different individuals that were inspired by the Holy Spirit. It offers Christians guidance, support and teaches them how to live righteous lives and avoid temptations. There are various versions of the Bible, but this does not mean that they have...


Islamic Prayer, Fasting, and Garb

Introduction In Islam, humility (Tad’a and/or Khasha’a) is the virtue that informs most of the religious practices. Several Islamic writings dedicate their contents to discussing the importance of humility in great depth including the Qur’an in Al-Anaam 6: 42-43, Al-Araf 7: 55-56, Al-Muminoon 23: 1-2, and Al-Hadid 57: 16 among...


Do Jews, Christians, and Muslims Have the Same God?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the three main monotheistic religions closely linked to one another. Founded in the same region of the world around the same period, they share similar sacred texts, and all recognize Abraham as a forefather. However, their views on God are slightly different, shaped by varied...


Early History of Judaism

Introduction Judaism can be defined as a kind of religion with sets of practices and die hard beliefs encompassed in the traditional Jewish Bible (Hebrew Bible). The ancient Israel Bible Talks about Hebrews. God via readings in the Hebrew bible promised Israelites Canaan. Judaism is a religion linked with Hebrews...


The Existence of God

The belief in the existence of God and other supernatural beings like spirits continues to evoke endless debates among scholars, critics, and staunch traditionalists. However, people will never get sufficient evidence to justify whether God or the Holy Spirit exists due to differences in human viewpoints and religious beliefs. Rene...


Islamic Civilization and Beliefs

Video #8 (Muhammad) Islam states that Muhammad is a prophet and the last Messenger of God who sent thousands of Messengers before him, including Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and Noah. According to Islamic beliefs, the angel Gabriel gave messages to Muhammad. The Quran affirms that God is one in all Abrahamic...


“Narratives of a Vulnerable God” by William Placher

Written by one of the most prolific and devoted writers – William Placher – Narratives of a Vulnerable God became a challenging but very interesting discussion about the place of God in the universe and every person’s heart. Significantly, this book became a very intriguing plot for the utmost believers...


Descartes Arguments on the Existence of God

Descartes argues that he does not doubt that he exists. Having determined that he exists, he knows his fundamental nature is to be a thinking object. He says that he saw the universe that is the stars, the sky, and the earth with senses, and therefore they are doubtful. He...


Myth, Ritual and Religion

Introduction Religion means to have faith in the supernatural powers, the worship of any supernatural being, or the belief that involves the ritual and devotional observances. It also refers to having some moral codes which govern the human beings’ behaviors. The features that comprise a religion are symbolism, practices, beliefs,...


Religion and Politics in India

Introduction Globally, religion has always played an integral part in influencing political culture of nations. For many decades, not only has religion influenced social living through its doctrine teachings, but also has been continuously powerful in propelling political ideologies in many nations. Coupled with its linguistic federalism, ethnic problems, and...


Why People Become Religious and Reasons for Conflict Between Religions?

Religion and human society have always been a great part of any country or nation. A person’s belief in something unexplained and higher is inseparable from a human being. One might even argue that the disbelief in any form of Higher Being is also a form of belief; it is...


Human and Nature in Eastern and Western Religions

Introduction Since Western and Eastern cultures were formed separately from each other, they developed different worldviews expressed in their religions. Various concepts of God caused people to have dissimilar perceptions of humans’ position in the universe. It, in its turn, led to different attitudes of people toward nature within a...


Social Organization of Religion

In his book Religion in Society: A Sociology of Religion, Johnstone addresses a variety of important questions, connected with religion and society. In the following paper, the two of these questions, (1) what the church-sect theory is, and (2) why religious conflicts take place, will be observed. First, speaking about...


The Teaching of Islam and Its Interpretation in Different Parts of the World

Introduction More than one and a half billion people around the world are zealous followers of Islam (Almonds 2010). This religion is also considered to be the fastest-growing major religion nowadays. There exist numerous interpretations of the Muslim religion around the world. Basically, Muslims are divided into three major denominations...


The Issue of Pornography in Church

Introduction Sometimes distinguishing between the clergy and the laity becomes difficult given the extraordinary behaviors that some clergymen portray. In unusual circumstances, even the pastors find themselves sinning. Poling (1994, p.118) states that “evil is systematic and organized at every level of human life, including in the religious level.” The...


Acts 1:9-14 Scripture Analysis

Introduction “When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. While he was going and they were gazing up toward heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by them. They said, “Men of Galilee, why do...


“Graceful Evangelism” by Adeney

Introduction There are many religious and theological books whose authors try to introduce their points of view and prove the correctness of their chosen position with the help of personal examples of the evaluation of literature. Such approaches can be used by students to learn the world and the fields...


Transforming Evangelism: The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith

Evangelism is one of the most prominent religions of the western world. The evangelists recognize the Bible’s total authority and are devoted to Christ. Traditionally, religious communication and missionary activities play a significant role in evangelism. However, the majority of modern citizens cannot see themselves practicing it to its full...


Fasting as a Way to Achieve Spiritual Development

Introduction Fasting refers to the practice of abstaining from food, drink, and certain activities such as sexual intercourse for a certain period of time to pursue certain spiritual objectives. It is a common practice among many religions and spiritual movements that have been practiced for many centuries. It has variants...


Traditional Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity

Introduction Religious traditions affect people’s views concerning themselves, society, and nature. They lead to cropping of some characters and fears within people in the society in the past. They not only constrained the behaviors of people towards some specific points but also united people and nature. For instance, the Hindus,...


Critique of Books About God

Critique of Good to Great by Jim Collin Jim Collin’s Good to Great is a well-composed masterpiece that strategically reveals the reasons why some companies leap from ordinary level to greatness. Any reader with no idea of what a leading company is will get a clear picture of it based...


We No Longer Need to Have an Understanding of Grace Today

Most modern Christians seem to be at crossroads on whether the concept of grace is still relevant or not. There are some theological assertions that strongly deliberate that “we are no longer under the law but under the grace”. If the latter statement is not interpreted keenly, it may infer...


Understanding of Grace: Catholicism & Protestantism

In religious and theological studies, grace depicts God’s love and mercy for humanity. Based on the current Christian understandings, it seems that the analysis of grace in the Bible begins in the Gospel of Mathew. According to most Christians, the birth of Jesus Christ signals the beginning of an age...


Application of Rituals in Diverse Contexts

Introduction Schwake (2008) defines rituals as properly organized set of actions that bear symbolic meanings. Different rituals occur within diverse societies. Indicatively, the basic principles behind rituals embed on traditional norms. Several personalities regard communities performing rituals to be archaic. Notably, this is a widely stereotyped perception within the contemporary...


Literature Review: GIS-Based Implementation

Spatial accessibility is important in ensuring equitable provision of resources to people of various population segments in both urban and rural setups. However, the efforts to implement the initiative have been limited by several barriers due to marginalization and distances to such facilities. This situation has made the provision of...


Sufism in Baghdad, the Sober and Intoxicated Forms of Mysticism

Religion and spirituality are the highly important subjects in the Islamic culture. Sufi thought is characterized by the attempt of those who practice it to intensify the individual inclusion in the reality of the divine. The teachings of Sufism have many opponents and supporters, and that is why there are...


Evangelism in a Cross-Cultural Environment

Introduction Evangelism is one of the ways through which gospel is proclaimed to people. The rate of the spread of the gospel grows exponentially to reach a greater multitude of different cultural origins. Evangelism is also a way of bringing people to Christianity, regardless of their cultural affiliations. The goal...


“Living Under God’s Law: Christian Ethics” by J. Frame

Summary The book Living Under God’s Law: Christian Ethics is a powerful collection of ideas about religion, its power over people, and the lessons people have to learn when they start taking care of their relations with God. John Frame is the author of the book explains the main idea...


James Petigru Boyce “Abstract of Systematic Theology”

Introduction The attempts to systematize the religious principles and theological teachings were made by many theologians during the 19th century, but the most significant contribution in this area was made by James Petigru Boyce. The book Abstract of Systematic Theology written by this famous theologian was published in 1887. It...


Issue of Social Justice in the Cherry Hill Church

Introduction The privilege of individuals to enjoy social justice is another dilemma that the church community still struggles to achieve. In America, although churches adhere to the principles of Christianity, the issues of racial discrimination sometimes pervade into the church systems and affect the peaceful coexistence among the believers (Walton,...


Honeyville Church: Denominational or Congregational?

Introduction The Christian denomination is wide and often takes the route of denominational or congregational form. Congregational churches are protestant. Congregational churches use congregational governance where each congregation autonomously controls its church affairs (Wind, Burck, Camenisch, & McCann, 1991). Congregational churches normally appear as small units of churches. Conflicts are...


Redemptor Hominis: The Redeemer of Man by Pope John Paul II

Introduction John Paul II commenced his duties as a Pope when the Catholic Church was going through intricate moments. The church experienced condemnation and self-doubt, which were major indicators of disintegration. Indeed, the contemporary world, which had attested to have positive evolutions to humankind, brought threats to the lives of...


Christian Ethics Final Moral Question Project

Statement of Question When speaking about housing, the majority of the general population imagines a building where people live. They do not consider the fact that it is more than just a set of bricks and mortar[1]. Actually, it is a basic human need, of which many individuals are deprived...


Post-Haiti Evangelism Reflection

Introduction Evangelism is the way of preaching the word of God or the gospel with the aim of convincing or converting individuals.1 An intention to persuade implies that people need more than to receive the gospel. Evangelism does not only teach or persuade people by explaining, elaborating, and answering questions,...


“The Islamist” by Ed Husain

Book Review Ed Husain is an Islamic fundamentalist who has the vigor to tell his story about Islamism. He was born and brought up by his parents in England. They were calm and moderate observers of Islamic faith.1 In his book, The Islamist: Why I Joined Radical Islam in Britain,...


Move: What 1,000 Churches Reveal About Spiritual Growth: Book Critique

Reasons to become followers of Christ can be different, but religious leaders and researchers agree that the church plays a key role in helping a person become a believer and a Christ-centered individual. In their work Move: What 1,000 Churches Reveal about Spiritual Growth, Hawkins and Parkinson focused on the...


Book Critique: Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered

“Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered” by James Wilhoit reflects the notion of the spiritual formation. The book examines such a fundamental issue as the role of the local church in the development of spirituality. The first chapter of the book dedicates the meaning of Gospel. Precisely speaking, Wilhoit...


Religions of the World: Comparison

Introduction Religion has over the years become a contradictory issue regarding the definitions and practices of the various religions of the world. However based on the overall, Religion refers to a strong conviction in a supernatural power that control human destiny. It is a belief regarding the supernatural, sacred, or...


Ethnicity and Religion Impact on the Second Language Acquisition of Muslims Males

The aim of this paper is to look into effects of religious and ethnicity practices on acquisition of second language by male Muslims in Australian community. This essay employs qualitative techniques to investigate aspects of Muslim’s origin, cultural, attitude, and religion and their impacts on acquisition of second language such...


Children’s Worship: The Spiritual Value

Introduction In diverse circumstances, human beings are prone to worship God in various ways. Worship is viewed as an integral constituent of Christians’ lives. There are numerous creative ways through which people engage in holistic worship of God. However, there is a titanic controversy over the implication and forms of...


Biblical Theology of Missions

Introduction The phenomenon of mission theology is no more a foreign idea. Apparently, missiology has gained much interest in the professional aspects of ministry. Even though mission theology developed as a practical discipline due to its application nature, a new concept has emerged to give missiology a theological viewpoint. Apparently,...


The Phenomenon of God and Evil

The problem of evil is an argument by the atheist believers; based on the claim that the presence of evil that brings about suffering and pain can not exist hand in hand with the God explained in the bible. This is the case because; he is portrayed as a God...


Reflection: Is Sufism a Cult?

Sufism originated from the Islamic faith and the followers of Sufism are called Sufis. They believe in turning away from worldly things and focussing on God only. To them, poverty is a sign that they are not associated with worldly things. In a real sense, poverty is what everyone is...


Church Leadership Model

Leaders play an essential role in making any organization a sustainable place and promoting its growth. Church leaders also take a crucial part in the empowerment of disciples and inspiring them to live in accordance with Christian values, including the missionary service. However, today’s globalized societies pose significant difficulties that...


Religious Study and Theology: Duration of Millennium

Introduction Millennium is taken to mean one thousand years. It includes the end of the world and the coming of Jesus Christ on earth. Millennium is not only valued by Christians but other cultures also have such common believe concerning the transformation of the earth, the end of the world...


T. Merton: Contemplation and Struggle for Peacemaking

Introduction Thomas Merton (1915 -1968) has been a great and permanent teacher of spiritual life. He has opened new boundaries of spiritual life for novel era (Kathleen, Para 2). He has introduced himself to the lost souls of the twentieth century and has tried to understand human being’s existential quandary...


Canonization of the Bible Analysis

Introduction Canonization was the process in which the sixty-six books of the bible were written and chosen to be included in it. Canons see canonical books as authoritative writings meant to spiritually inspire and nourish. These are books that were written under the influence of the Holy Spirit of God,...


Empowerment and Disempowerment of Women in Hinduism

Articles that define the role of women in the Hindu religion are found in Hindu deities. The role of women in Hinduism is usually disputed across discussion groups with some defining it as intolerant while others deeming it to be fair1. There has been a reference to the perfect woman...


Hinduism and Christianity Religions & Reflections

This paper compares Hinduism and Christianity. Hinduism also known as sanatana Dharma (Ellwood & McGraw, 59) is a distinct religion. This religion teaches belief in one God called Brahman who exists under different names and forms. Brahman can thus be pictured in various forms depending on ones devotion. The Hindus...


The Crusaders and the Catholic Church

Nowadays, it became a common trend among politically correct historians to evaluate the legacy of Crusades through methodological lenses of psychology. That is while referring to the religion of Christianity as being beneficial to humankind in general, these historians explain Christian atrocities by the fact that those who considered themselves...


“The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin Review

Introduction / Thesis The extent, to which Christianity has rooted itself into the public consciousness, is best illustrated by the fact Gregorian calendar has the birth of Jesus Christ as its starting point. This is the reason why people who study Greek and Roman antiquity, often get to experience a...


Theory of Leadership in the Early Christian Church

Introduction Pastors and counselors of the church are confounded with various, difficult tasks of managing and counseling, as well as responsibilities of administration, leadership, and running the different affairs of the church. They are however aided by their Board of Directors or Councils, volunteers, and organizations within their respective communities....


Theology of Christian Community

Outline The outline of this theological paper is about Christian Theology according to Trinitarian Theory. The paper starts with Bilezikian’s view of Trinity as an important base of Christian Theology and explores the concepts of Trinity and practices as well to follow it to experience the grace of God. Though...


Healing in New Religions Review

Introduction The material world seems more increased when people began thinking about and dealing with the spiritual side of the Universe. The issue of man’s interest in the sphere of inner, non-material and non-scientific fields of engagement is always wider and wider. The quest for cure is of great significance...


Worldview in “Naming the Elephant” by James Sire

Introduction James Sire’s book Naming the Elephant is a serious look at the concept of the worldview. At its most basic form, Sire defines a worldview as a set of presuppositions that exist in relative concert with each other. While we have no real rational reasons for holding to these...


The Concept of Evangelism. Christianity.

What is the first actual thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word evangelism? Definition Evangelism is sharing good news/the gospel about salvation which is through Jesus Christ. It is fully obedience to the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8). The great aim of evangelism...


Apologetics. “Reason for the Hope Within” by Murray

Introduction In our own existence, we often ask hard questions and beg for interpretations of issues and events that continue to affect us. Many are those who continue to struggle to comprehend doctrines about the existence of God, the possibility that miracles do happen, the problem of evil and human...


Christian Political Engagement

Introduction The process of interaction between the religion and politics takes place in every society, however the degree to which theses phenomena influence each other are differed. In the context of the interaction of religion and politics the US is a unique country. No place in the world has the...


The Nature of God and the Day of Atonement

Theology/Religious Studies – Biblical studies In each and every society, religion is an integral part of the complex whole, and it helps to explain what human beings cannot explain as well as enforcing social order in the society. Religion is made up of belief systems that can be described as...


Old and New Testaments: Deuteronomy 32 in Hebrews

The book of Hebrews has prominence in the Hermeneutics for its intertextuality with the Old Testament scriptures. The Book of Hebrews starts as a Sermon and ends as letter. Though there is a much debate on who the author is, the book of Hebrews has significance as it offers base...


Pascal’s Argument About God and “Many Gods Objection”

The existence of God has been one of the most fundamental questions that human philosophical thoughts have debated from time to time. According to the modern and pragmatic arguments, believing in God, not considering whether or not God exists, is useful to humanity. Blaise Pascal’s wager holds that believing in...


The Reliability of the New Testament

Introduction The reason it is important to question the reliability of the New Testament is because it links itself with history. Throughout the New Testament there are numerous historical references that establish the books as intrinsically linked with world events. Particularly for the unbeliever, before the revealed word can be...


Theology of the New Testament.

Summary Traditionally, the Christians regard the New Testament as the fulfillment of the promises of the Old Testament. The New Testament narrates tale of the life of Jesus and interprets their theological significance for the early church, concentrating specifically on the new Covenant between God and the Disciples of Christ....


Fasting in Christianity and Islam

For an episode of time, humans have been engaged in a religious, as well as, traditional practice in which, food, drinks, etc. have been abstained willingly by them, and have been referred to by the term ‘fasting’. In this regard, a number of variations in fasting have been observed throughout...


How the New Testament Used Prophecy of the Old Testament

Introduction There is a widely held opinion among many theologians and literary critics that there is virtually no connection between the Old and the New Testaments, and that there is no reason to view them as the two parts of the whole. They support their argument in the following way,...


Difference Between “Moral Evil” and “Natural Evil”

Introduction The argument on existence of God takes place when people try to find out the existence of evil. Most people believe that there is a good almighty God who protects them form all evil. One question that arises in this scenario is why people continue to suffer yet God...


Values, Norms, and Beliefs of World Significant Religions

Introduction This term is used in reference to any existing system of belief about deity, often involving rituals, a code of ethics, and a philosophy of life. Therefore it is fair enough to include all the great monotheistic religions, Eastern religions, Neopagan religions, a wide range of other faiths, spiritual...


Qur’anic and Biblical Depictions of Adam and Eve.

Introduction There is a strange twist in life. Most people, if not all, believe in the existence of a supernatural being that is in charge of all the activities of humankind. Yet the supernatural being is perceived to act differently according to the doctrine of each religion. Muslims, Christians, Hindu,...


Non-Christian Religions: Sikhism, Islam, Judaism

Guru Nanak The declaration meant that Guru Nanak did not recognize God to serve the Muslims or Hindus only. He embraced unity in God for all humankind. I think that Guru Nanak’s conception of the divine is unique. It is not easy for someone to accept God and considers Him...


Treaty of Waitangi Translation and Effects for Maori

Introduction Fenton and Moon argue that the Maori translation of the Waitangi Treaty by Anglican Missionary, Henry Williams is ambiguous and obscure. The translation was meant to deceive the Maori chiefs into signing the fake document by their colonials, the British Crown. The Maori who are the indigenous people of...


Religious Studies: Ancient and Modern Cosmologies

Introduction The topic of cosmology has ignited a heated debate over a long period. Both religion and science have offered to contradict explanations regarding the origin of the universe (Ruggles 2005). Major religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are described to be monotheistic, and they attribute the creationism of...


Shinto Religious Practices and Japanese Nationalism

Introduction & Thesis statement Globally, history has been quite an important part of human life with its imperativeness eminent in the contemporary world. For several decades since countries globally became dully independent and formulated means of governance, researchers have continuously argued that cultural, religious, and political paradigms in the current...


Shinto Religion and Japanese Nationalism

Abstract Nationalism refers to the sense of togetherness whereby certain people feel that they belong to a certain group. This sense of togetherness is usually developed over years, with the help of other factors. In Japan, nationalism has been developed for years to an extent that many Japanese feel that...


A Brief Introduction to the New Testament

The Importance of the Book of Romans The Epistle of Romans and all it fulfills has one motivation; to glorify God. It is the very reason for which humanity was created. The author, Apostle Paul, strongly asserts that he is not embarrassed by the Gospel since it is God’s power...


Chapter 5 of “Religion in Society, a Sociology of Religion”

Introduction Based on a thorough reading of the book, I would have to say that Chapter 5: “Becoming Religious,” created the biggest impact on me. I realized that my religious orientation was, in fact, not out of personal choice, as I had originally believed, but was a direct result of...


Prophet Muhammad and His Characteristics

Introduction Individuals are usually identified and associated with their behavioral characteristics and what they engage in their day to day lives. Different people go through different life experiences, which in one way or the other shape their behavior and determine the degree of success or failure they achieve in their...


Is Religion Compatible with Secularism?

Model Case – Yes, Religion is compatible with Secularism The line separating secularism and religion is becoming thinner and thinner each day. Justin wondered whether secularism would at one time become a religion or if religions have any meaning in today’s secular life. In a conversation with his friend, Kelly,...


Religion Sociology: Rational Choice Theory

Introduction At times, I wonder if religion can be placed deep down a human being or outside of human beings. In other words, is religion an external force or an innate force in human beings? Views on religion differ, but two schools of thought seem to arise strongly (Johnstone, 13)....


Religion in America: African-American Churches

How important has the institution of the church been for African-Americans? African-American churches are churches whose ministry is predominantly done to African-American people living in the United States. The institution of the church has a significant role for the African-American people. The African-American churches were established after the abolition of...


Religious Beliefs

Theism or atheism? The belief held by theists is that God’s existence can be proven by rational argument. It is true that God’s character is understood to be all-powerful (omnipotent), a God who is all-knowing (omniscient), unchanging (immutable), incapable of suffering (impassable), eternal and perfect righteousness (Peterson, et. al, 2002)....


“Religion in Society: A Sociology of Religion” by Ronald Johnstone

Introduction The most important chapter in this context is chapter one. Apparently, all people have some familiarity with the religion, although they may not be affiliated with any religious group in particular. However, religion plays a crucial role when it comes to the field of politics (Dawson, 2011). Probably, terrorism...


Wisdom in Old and New Testament

Introduction What is wisdom? Even humble attempts to explore the concept—for example, by asking one’s friends to define it—will reveal quite a variety of interpretations. However, all of them will revolve around understanding the way things are, knowing the way they work, making the right decisions, and advising others what...