🤸 Essays on Sports

It is common for sports to be a large part of society. People often grow up playing sports, and many continue to play sports throughout their lives. Because of this, sports are a popular topic to write about. You should remember some key points about sports in order to write a good paper.

For example, you can learn about teamwork, communication, and leadership by playing sports. You can also find out about different cultures by watching sports worldwide. Additionally, sports can teach you about health and fitness. You can use the essay examples database to your advantage when writing your paper.

These samples can give you a good idea about how to structure your paper and what information to include. You can also use the examples to help you choose a topic for your essay. Writing about sports can be a fun and informative assignment. Keep these things in mind to produce a well-written work.


Sports Organizations Undergoing Crisis Situations

It is common knowledge that any organization during its lifetime will face problems and crises. It is also fairly well known that professional sports organizations are now more business-oriented than in earlier times. They now have a lot of financial stakes and have to manage their finances and their bottom...


Diversity, Inclusivity, Social Justice for Fitness

In this day and age, few people would argue against physical fitness – if anything, contemporary society probably finds it even more desirable to be fit than several generations ago. However, this theoretical understanding of fitness importance contrasts with the practical results, which point out that more than three-quarters of...


Ownership Structures of Professional Sports Teams

Baseball sport provides an important example of a sporting activity in the US that has experienced revolutionary changes on its own since the 1800s. Initially, clubs were simple teams of young people within their neighborhoods or schools. They were poorly organized and lacked material and financial support. Nevertheless, they attracted...


Track and Field Events Assessment

Introduction Of all the sporting events in the world, track and field are arguably the most fascinating, spine chilling and spellbinding to watch. It has to be the only sport that comprises multiple diverse contests in the same field. A spectator is availed a wide range to choose from as...


Sports Consumption in Australia

Introduction Sports in Australia are common events where participation and cheering are greatly encouraged by the good financial status and climatic conditions in the area. Many sports activities have taken place in this region including the Olympic Games. Sports are taken as an important activity like work and it is...


Professional Sports Teams: the Ownership Model

Abstract The purpose this essay is to provide an overview of the ownership models and player relationships that exist in sports franchises and professional teams. The various ownership models that exist today will be discussed and identified based on their relevance to the sports team. The aspect of player relationships...


Sports Administration and Constituency Relationships

Introduction Sports administration and constituency relationships are important elements in current sports management because of the competitive nature of sports. Many times, we are bombarded by breathtaking figures in terms of sport revenues to players and sports organizations amounting to millions of dollars, either in ticket sales, concession sales, broadcasting...


Level the Playing Field: Women in Sports

Introduction In an era where competitiveness determines who has and stays in power, sports is where the playing field came into play, literally. Men have for a long time now been the only participants in various sporting activities, as they are strong and aggressive, making the sports more than just...


Meaning of Soccer

Introduction Since time memorial, soccer has always been one of the most common games in the world. It will sound very abnormal for any individuals to say that they have never had anything about soccer, primarily because; in any surrounding, and at any time, there is some form of soccer...


The Mountaineers Club’s Profitability and Success

This report is about Washington State Mountaineers, a baseball sporting event. The report seeks to evaluate prospective productivity and achievements of the venture to both the competitors and the spectators. Normally, for any sporting event to be considered a success, it calls for a sound organization devoid of anomalies in...


Sports Shifts and Changing Demographic Trends

There was a time when a game was played for the love of the game. The rules of an established game were respected and traditionally followed. But now they are changing with the commercialization of sports. The rules and the game itself are changing according to the demands and tastes...


History of Rowing In Canada and World

Introduction Rowing refers to an instigated motion of boats by the use of oars. It is a form of competition in which participants compete in propelling their boats on water surface that could either be a river, lake or an ocean. This paper seeks to discuss the history of rowing....


Evaluation Test in Sports

The term sports refers to any activity undertaken either as a form of recreation, as a way of passing time or as a profession. Some common sports include football, golf, basketball, athletics, baseball and many others. I will evaluate all the sporting activities in general. In doing this, therefore, I...


Athletes: The Performance Enhancing Products

Introduction The performance-enhancing products claim or are believed to provide greater impetus for the performance of an athlete. However, the claim of such products is seldom tested. This paper studies such a performance-enhancing product to understand the truth behind its claims as a performance enhancer. The product under study is...


The Personal Fitness Program

Introduction One of the most important things for good health is regular and consistent exercise. Physical exercise helps us stay fit, have strengthened bodies and muscles, flexibility and general fitness. It increases the body’s metabolic rate, allowing the body to burn more fat. Physical fitness gives us good posture, body...


Expectations of an Athletic Director

Introduction Athletics is a very popular sport since it stands distinctly from others like football, basketball, table tennis, hockey, golf, or even swimming. It involves aspects like walking, jumping, and running in the form of cross country running, race walking, road running, and track and field running. Athletics has become...


Discourse Communication for Athlete’s Learning

Introduction In this thesis, we will consider how athletes can be affected by the type of discourse communication used when they training or being taught by their coaches. Discourse communication is a form of dialogue expressed through either written forms of discourse communication or oral forms of communication. Communication methods...


Managing the Issue of Steroid Use in Competitive Sports

Introduction Sport is always considered as an activity that is governed by a set of regulations and is engrossed in competitively while doping up is the idea of using proscribed ordinary or artificial material for the reason of enhancing performance in sport. Use of performance-stimulating substances is akin to cheating...


Netball in Australia: Key Issues

Netball is an international sport which is played by two teams, each with seven players and the game is based on throwing and catching. The game’s object is to score maximum goals while remaining within a defined area, as the players have to throw a ball into a ring that...


Economic Impact of Hosting the FIFA World Cup

Executive Summary There is an extreme level of prestige associated with hosting the FIFA World Cup due to the immense advertisement efforts and the inflow of tourists that will undoubtedly contribute to the economy by staying at hotels, paying for restaurants and transportation, as well as engaging in various tourist...


Corporate Social Responsibility in Middle East Football Clubs

Abstract The primary point of this study was to investigate on corporate social responsibility in the Middle East football clubs. This study utilized the deductive methodology of exploration, whereby the hypothesis and the theories were planned in advance before the writing began. Likewise, quantitative examination system was utilized to test...


Building a Cycling Olympic Champion in the UAE

Abstract The ubiquitous need to develop a cycling culture and an Olympic champion underpinned the need to investigate the strategies to use to achieve the research objectives. The study investigated the approaches used to spread the culture among students form different schools including universities in the UAE. The study focused...


Performance Enhancing Drugs in Professional Sports

Introduction Man has an innate need to excel in whatever he does. Even if he is aware of his limited capabilities, man has endeavored to reach perfection and to be perceived to be at the pinnacle of whatever field he has chosen to be in. in the same manner, sportsmen...


Head Injuries in American Football

Amen, G., Wu, C., Taylor, D. & Willeumier, K. (2001). Reversing Brain Damage in Former NFL Players: Implications for Traumatic Brain Injury and Substance Abuse Rehabilitation. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Volume 43 (1). This article presents a clinical study that was conducted with the aim of exploring the issue of head...


Male and Female Athletes: Balance Performance Compared

Abstract Objective: To compare balanced performance between male and female athletes. Design: Cross-sectional study. Background: Several studies conducted on athlete’s claim that female athletes cannot compete equally with their male counterparts due to the difference in balance performance. Male athletes are said to possess a stable postural control as compared...


The Biomechanics of Running Injuries

Introduction The literature review will focus on the biomechanics of running injuries by reviewing previous publications and research work that have focused on running and the injuries that are caused by running. The biomechanics of running basically refers to the techniques or approaches that form the vital components of running....


Sports Marketing and Management

Summary Sports marketing developed in tandem with the emergence of professional sports such as soccer, tennis and golf that equally coincided with corporate sponsorships (Summers& Morgan, 2005). Sports tournaments have provided the best opportunity for the development of sports marketing discipline through avenues such as sales promotions, corporate sponsorship and...


The Effect of Attention Focus on Information Processing

Background and Context In many sports including track sprints, the efficiency of the start determines the final performance. An athlete is required to respond promptly to the ‘go’ sign, synchronize the movements of arms and legs, and engender adequate forces to exit the starting block and attain the maximum speed...


Yoga and Stress Reduction

Introduction The contemporary society is characterized by high levels tension and distresses emanating from financial, emotional, and physical strains. Consequently, people in the modern age suffer greatly from stress and stress related disorders which have become a major source of ill health and mortality in the world (Udupa & Prasad,...


Athlete’s Level and Performance Relationship

Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to test the relationship between an athlete’s winning percentage and the athlete’s ability to deal with pressure, focus, and their overall enjoyment of the sport. A survey was conducted by calculating 60 different athlete’s (20 high school, 20 college, and 20 pro) overall...


Ethics in Sports: Foul Strategy Usage

Foul strategy is an act in which a player intentionally breaks written rules in a sport to gain advantage over his or her opponents. Normally, players commit the foul in a manner which suggests that they where not doing intentionally. Some players are known for foul strategy. As a result,...


Sport Psychology: Female Volleyball Team

Introduction The elements of the case study that will be discussed in this paper will involve assessing the leadership skills of the coach for the female volleyball team as well as the team cohesion that exists in the volleyball team. According to the case study, the volleyball team had successful...


Development of Fencers Skill

Abstract Fencing is a today’s modern sport, which is gaining popularity day by day and is successful enough to stand as one of the four sports in Olympic Games. Due to increasing popularity, the fencers are acing tough competitions as new techniques are arising and are being practiced by the...


Importance of Fencing in Today’s World

Abstract Fencing is a today’s modern sport and is now considered in the first four sports of Olympics. Fencing uses different and modernized weapons. Different techniques and preventive measures are used in order to protect a fencer’s body and life. Due to recent its popularity, fencers have realized that today,...


Event Management and Allocation of Responsibilities

I am working at the Saudi Arabia government as a police officer (captain) we have a lot of kinds of events that need to be controlled by the government or the department that is responsible for that event. From that, I got the idea to study who to manage those...


Exercise Testing, Anthropometry, Lab Tests, Field Tests

The complex framework and the habitat of human beings have led to the development of various branches in the scientific world. Among these, anthropometry and kinanthropometry have drawn the attention of scientists to better understand sports medicine which in the present context is highlighted keeping in view of exercise physiology...


Training Progression With Plyometrics

Abstract Plyometrics is not simple exercise though it may look simple. These exercises need to be sport specific exercises, proper footwear, surface types, proper equipment, and also training area. While there are many who have been using plyometrics to their advantage for increasing and improving strength and power, there are...


International Relations, International Development, and the Football Industry

Introduction “This week’s World Cup draw was one vast, popular geography lesson. Who knew or cared that Colombia had been turned into a land of refugees, its government powerless to stop right-wing paramilitaries wreaking revenge on Marxist guerrilla sympathisers, until England drew it in Group G on Thursday night?” (The...


Sports. College Football Championship

Introduction This is a review of the literature concerning the BCS and the question surrounding the controversy about the existing system of championship playoffs. Currently there is a conference division system for choosing the champion team of college football. However, it is flawed, because too often, very deserving teams with...


The Future of Snowboard

Introduction Since the 1960s, snowboarding has been growing by leaps and bounds (Turnbull, Keogh, and Killing). At the moment, it is one of the fastest-growing sports. Its inclusion as a Winter Olympics sport is credited with the growth. As one of the most popular sporting events in the world, Winter...


Sports Events, Organizations and Management

Introduction At the onset of the 21st century, sports management has embraced techniques, strategies, and principles used by modern businesses and organizations. This has been attributed to the rampant growth, professionalization, and development in sports. This has changed the production, consumption, as well as management of sporting activities, personalities, and...


Salary Discrimination in NBA

The results of the statistical data analysis appeared to be quite informative and worth of attention. It has appeared that salary has certain variations from player to player, but there is no strong correlation between some variables and salary that would lead to the conclusion that salary discrimination is present....


Adolescent Physical Inactivity and Socioeconomic Factors

Introduction The article under analysis is called The Relationship Between Neighborhood Socioeconomic Characteristics and Physical Inactivity Among Adolescents Living in Boston, Massachusetts. Having the main aim to determine the influence of different social conditions on the level of activity among adolescents, the authors of the article use different statistical methods...


The Qatar World Cup Buildings and Facilities

Executive summary FIFA’s decision to award Qatar the vote to host the World Cup tournament in 2022 has created a lot of debate, excitement, uncertainties, opportunities and challenges to different stakeholders. It will be the first country in the gulf region to host the most watched sporting event in the...


2011 Wimbledon Championships’ Public Relations and Marketing

Introduction In an era where the public is flooded with thousands of promotional materials and messages every day and are becoming more and more enlightened, there is a need for an organization to rethink how they are going to reach their target publics in a way that is more engaging...