🏖️ Essays on Tourism

Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries, and its importance is constantly growing. As a result, tourism is a popular topic for research papers and essays. One way to simplify the task of writing a paper is to use free essay samples from our database.

By reading through tourism essay examples, you can quickly learn about the different aspects of tourism, such as its history, economic importance, and social impact. In addition, you can better understand how to conduct research for your paper and what sort of information to include. Best of all, using essay examples is a great way to save time on your assignment. If you’re looking for help with your tourism paper, take advantage of the wealth of resources available online.


The Cultural Trip to the Saudi Arabia

If I intended a trip to Saudi Arabia, I would be most concerned about not violating the norms of reverence and respect as rooted in the host culture. First of all, I would do my best not to appear disdainful by using practices common in my culture but objectionable among...


The Impacts of Terrorism and the Impacts of Crime on Affected Tourist Destinations

Although both terrorism and crime have an effect on tourist destinations, nevertheless it is important to appreciate the fact that their levels of impact usually differ. In the case of terrorism, disasters usually results in difficult, and often tragic situations not just to the area that ahs been afflicted by...


The Prospect and Constraint of Ecotourism in Malaysia

Introduction The modern awareness with global climate change and environmental protection has shifted the tourism industry to align with the ecotourism conceptual framework while the economist identified it as a most strapping toll for community based sustainable development for the lees developed or developing countries. The major limitation of the...


Role of Gastronomy in Tourism Development

The literature review reveals the link between the research question and its objectives. The dissertation aims to address the following objectives: To explore the regional strategy to attract tourists; To profile the type of tourist who travel for Gastronomy; To identify the importance of the local suppliers as economy is...


Sustainability & Responsible Tourism in Dubai

Abstract Sustainable tourism has become the latest buzzword in the tourism and hospitality sector with its clearly defined mission to protect sightseeing destinations from the hazardous impact of unconcerned tourists. It’s a form of tourism which appeals to socially and ecologically conscious individuals, the primary aim being to produce low...


Does the Hospitality Industry Provide ‘Dignity’ at Work for Women?

Abstract The hospitality industry might be one of the biggest industries but it certainly does not provide dignity at work for women. Studies have been done to assess this issue. The hospitality industry still does not recruit, promote and support women on an equal basis as men (Fagenson, 3-18, 1993)....


The Impact of Social Media on the Tourism Industry

Introduction Social media can be considered a unique social phenomenon that has been affecting the world for the last several years. Supported by the rise of technologies and the Internet, platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram shape people’s interactions, their relations, and precondition their choices and decision-making. The potency...


Innovations and Changes in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction The hospitality industry in modern society is not only concerned with a human-centred approach to service. It also implies active interaction between representatives of different cultures, communication in social media, the use of digital technologies and new standards of employment and management. The customer approach to the hospitality industry...


Job Satisfaction, Motivatiion, and Work Productivity in Hospitality Industry

The importance of job satisfaction and motivation can be hardly underestimated, especially in connection to work productivity. A company’s personnel will work much more efficiently in case successful strategies of stimulating are developed and implemented by its top managers. In the following report, successful and unsuccessful strategies of employees’ motivation...


Contemporary Tourism Business Growth in the UAE

Tourism, similar to any other business, needs just the correct use of some diverse conceptions to be effective in the international market. Its growth has proven a qualified achievement in progressing macroeconomic development. The income tourism fetches in has made it so crucial to countrywide economies it lines up now...


Employee Commitment and Job Attitude

Abstract The main aim of this research study is to analyze the moderation effect of service quality on the relationship between employee commitment and job attitude of performance for the elderly in the tourism industry. In line with this, the specific objectives were: to determine the effects of biographical factors...


Abu Dhabi’s Brand as a Tourists’ Destination

Introduction Destination branding is one of the most critical strategies of obtaining a competitive edge against other places that compete for the same market segment especially in tourism. In essence, the destinations can be a country, region or a city among others. The concept is viewed as a way of...


Hilton Loyalty Programs: A Research Proposal

Introduction Introductory Statements There are various factors that attract customers in hotels and restaurants. They include security, price, location, comfort, experience, parking, and loyalty programs among others (Dell & Pajunen, 1997). The impact of these factors on attracting customers varies according to the preference of customers. In this light, the...


The Effect of On-Line Bookings on Maltese Hotels

Introduction When online bookings were first introduced into the hospitality industry, many of the Maltese three-star hotels believed that this would open an opportunity to expand. Most of these hotels considered online tour companies as the best way through which this industry could be developed in this country. They believed...


India and Hungarian Medical Tourism

Introduction Medical tourism has grown to be a global phenomenon. As the growth of general tourism rises, Wang (2012) expects the number of people seeking medical services, globally, to reach 2,000,000 in 2012. Indeed, the number of medical tourists today surpasses previously noted numbers of medical tourists. Hall, (2011) says...


Management Within Saudi Hotels

The term yield management in hotel industry is based on selling a room and other services to a targeted customer. This has to be done at the right time and at a reasonable (affordable) price. It is also referred to as revenue management and the man behind the term’s invention,...


The Potential for Community-Based Ecotourism Development

Theoretical Foundation The initial area of stakeholder theory application was in the business domain. The theory offered the potential for improvement in quality management and operational performance. However, over time it was successfully adopted in other disciplines. The core concept of the theory is stakeholders – individuals or groups that...


UK Hotel Industry’s Business Environment

Introduction The political and economic environment of the United Kingdom presents all industries with both opportunities and challenges in the post-Brexit future. As the hotel industry is predominantly focused on catering to the inflow of tourists around the world, the detachment of the United Kingdom from the European Union can...


“Activity-Based Segmentation of the Outbound Leisure Tourism in the UAE” by Mumuni & Mansour

Introduction The research article “Activity-based segmentation of the outbound leisure tourism market of Saudi Arabia” is dedicated to the investigation of the activities that are popular among tourists from Saudi Arabia. The authors provide a detailed analysis of the recent literature and conduct the activity-based segmentation of the touristic market....


Effect of Tourism Industry Innovation on Elderly Care

The purpose of this research paper will be to assess the effect of the tourism industry on elderly care and service quality in management. The research paper will analyze the tourism industry in a global context and how this industry affects the service quality and management of elderly care. The...


Tourists’ Trends in Albaha Region in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Background information Albaha region of Saudi Arabia has been known as a tourist attraction site where people go for pleasure of seeing things, and stay in hotels (Wilkerson, 2003). Many tourists have been known to incline to a particular site depending on the services they get there. Most commonly,...


E-Commerce Among the Elderly Clientele in Taiwan

Abstract Tourism has been the backbone of many economies for along time. However, this sector has been affected by economic slump around the world. Governments have diversified tourism industry from the tradition leisure and traveling to a more sustainable of educational and medical tourism. Taiwan has specialized in providing treatment...


Service Quality in Hotels

Introduction Firms in the service industries play a vital role in the development of any economy. The growing competition among the service organizations as well as the increased knowledge of the customers about the quality and cost of service through Internet drive the firms provide an exceptional service to their...


The Hong Kong Tourism Industry’s

The Hong Kong tourism Industry’s performance was evaluated in this study which was The survey was conducted and data was analyzed with the help several statistical analysis to understand different service attributes and the different service provided as compared to the expectations of the tourist.. A total of 300 valid...


Concepts of Tourism in UAE

Introduction The UAE is a free and liberal country that is made up of seven independent emirates that is ruled by the Sheik. The emirates or sub-countries that makes up the United Arab Emirates includes:- Abu Dhabi; Ajman; Dubai; Fujairah; Ras al-Khaimah; Sharjah and Umm al-Qaiwain, others are large while...


Hotel Service for Senior Citizen Development in Taiwan

This study gauges the development of hotel services for senior citizens in Taiwan. Senior citizens are described as people aged 65 years or more. According to statistics obtained in the course of this study, senior citizens make up 10.7 percent of Taiwan’s population. Considering that the 2009 estimates indicated that...


Internal Marketing Practices of the International Tourism Hotel for Elderly Service

Abstract The objective of embracing internal marketing practices by hotels is mainly to meet the desires and needs of the hotel guests; in this case, the elderly tourists. This research intends to find out some of the customer-specific internal marketing activities that hotels carry out to improve service provision to...


Influenza for Elderly and Tourism Demand to Asia

Introduction The Avian influenza was first discovered in Asia. In isolated cases among poultry handlers, the Virus was transmitted from the birds to humans. However, researchers and scientists have found out the H5N1 virus has low virulence among humans and therefore downplayed fears that the virus in its current form...


H1N1 in Elderly and Impact on the Tourism Industry

Introduction In the world, many people regard tourism as the main accelerator of infectious epidemics (Beitsch et al, 2006). Traveling from one place to another can be an actual transmission of infectious diseases, or act as a means of acquiring infectious diseases from other regions. Experiences in the past have...


Taiwan: Tourism Industry for Elderly

Abstract To the mainland elderly Chinese citizens, Taiwan is an island full of sentimental and historical lessons worth visiting every so often. This explains why 30 percent of tourists who visited Taiwan in 2009 were aged 60 years or more. Combined with the more than 10 percent of the elderly...


Internal Customer Dissatisfaction in Hospitality Organization

Introduction The success of any hospitality organization lies behind the cooperation of the various departments found within the organization. Before any service reaches the final consumer within the organization, it has to go through numerous departments with each department adding value to the services. In other words, hospitality organizations consist...


Strategic Decisions for the Galleria Group

Innovation Theory Introduction The role of strategic management is one of the key roles in the sphere of the hospitality business. Thus, many of these people admit that it is a bit difficult to present a clear definition of this process as well as its functions because usually, it requires...


Hotel Companies Success: The Example of Lowry Hotel

Introduction It can be stated that the organizational forms and the development strategies of hospitality companies are connected to a number of intriguing, but nevertheless little-studied questions of contemporary theory of strategic management. Nevertheless, it can be stated that there is a growing interest among hospitality industry management toward the...


Strategic Alliance at Galleria

Introduction Galleria is a property developer and hotelier in the mid level hotel industry (Brown, Watkins and Smith Consultants, 2010). It is in need of seeking new business opportunities and avenues of growth. National trust is a conservationist, UK tour provider and property developer; it is looking to expand its...


Strategic Management at Sheraton Hotels and Resorts

Introduction Sheraton is the largest subsidiary of the global leisure and hotel operator – Starwood hotels and resorts worldwide Incorporated. The latter firm is based in the United States and has three hundred and ninety-two hotels worldwide. One well-known hotel under this brand in the UK is Park lane Sheraton,...


Crystal Hotels: Development of Service Quality Scale

Abstract Crystal Hotels is a Hospitality and catering company which is a leading global player in the hospitality industry. The company is natively American with Headquarters in Georgia. The company has a formidable global network with entail sub-networks in the world over. As part of re-branding process CH introduced a...


Medical Tourism in Tunisia and Morocco

Introduction The globe right now is seeing a new trend of tourism–medical tourism. Medical tourism, also known as health tourism is now increasing in popularity in all parts of the globe. Medical tourism was originally initiated in South America. Travel agencies and different tour operators are the ones who thought...


Guest Satisfaction in American Independent Hotels

Introduction The hotel industry is marked by a high level of competition, and customer satisfaction plays a major role in determining customer loyalty which is the ability to retain the customer by service or brand. Conducting guest experience or charting customer satisfaction levels is very significant to any hotel industry...


Hotel Website: Eliminating the Middleman and Selling of Services Online

Introduction The advancement in information technology has transformed many industries around the globe. The hotel and tourism industry is one such industry. The internet has brought about a new quality of service. The ability of the end users to book and make reservations online has become extensively appreciated among the...


Luxury Asia Travel on a Budget

Introduction How to travel comfortably without paying expensive airfares, where to get cheap accommodation without compromising on quality, and where to good cuisines and other services without necessary paying through the nose are questions that plague many people traveling to Asia for business on a budget.. True, airfare has declined...


Work-Life Balance: Hospitality Work Force in Macau

Introduction & Rationale of the Study Work-life balance is about people having a measure of control over when, where and how they work, leading them to be able to enjoy an optimal quality of life. Work-life balance is achieved when an individual’s right to a fulfilled life inside and outside...


Hospitality Higher Education: The Impact

Introduction Designing of human resources system is a fundamental part of creation of value for the customers and profitability for the shareholders in hospitality industry (Enz & Siguaw, 2000). Due to the innate importance of human capital in the hospitality industry, a fundamental requirement for the industry is to have...


A Case Study of Taiwan Hotel Customer’s Perspectives

Abstract In many parts of the world, the hotel industry has shown continued growth. This can be attributed to the economic growth that is being witnessed in many nations, effective marketing strategies, technological advancements, and diverse tourist attraction sites in many regions of the globe. The industry is expected to...


Successful Hospitality Management in the UAE

Abstract Effective management drives industry performance in the UAE tourism and hospitality industry. However, insufficient studies have explored how contemporary management styles could be applied in the gulf nation and, by extension, other Middle East countries. More importantly, there is a gap in the literature, which has failed to account...


Hotel Industry Performance

Introduction It is interesting to note that major hotel chains such as Ascott International, Four Seasons, Hilton, and Hyatt International all have the tendency to set up various hotels within or near a central business district (Bader 2007, pp. 179-185; Battle of the brands, 2008, p. 24-27). This presents a...


Hospitality Management: Rostoring Highlands Restaurant

Executive Summary Ryan runs Highlands Restaurant alone and works for 70 hours a week. The total labor costs operate at 35%. Ryan feels that developing a roster will help reduce his working hours and improve the productivity of the restaurant staff. The main objectives of the restring are to reduce...


Paris Major Tourist Attractions

Introduction Paris is not only an entertainment-oriented city, but it is also a picturesque covered city. Tourists should consider Paris as one of their ‘must visit’ cities. This should especially be the case for tourists who appreciate the majestic architecture, unique weather patterns, and various entertainment platforms. Despite some minor...


International Hospitality Development Class

The Marketing of Hospitality and Leisure Experiences focuses on how to apply the principles of marketing in the international hotel and restaurant industry (Scott & Laws, 2009). The article provides useful information to students, scholars, and stakeholders in the hospitality industry. As such, the article offers several examples and cases,...


Restaurant Review

Restaurant Review in Kamloops: Brownstone Restaurant Although not rated the best in Kamloops, Brownstone Restaurant is a force to reckon for its menu and friendly service (TripAdvisor par. 1). I was attending a conference in Kamloops and needed a place to eat. My expectation was that I would get great service...


Pacific Palms Hotel

Brief introduction of the Hotel Company Majestic Realty offers a wide range of services for the starting land acquisition to long-run property management. The company was founded in 1948, with its headquarters situated in Los Angeles. Its major mission is to expand its market and pursue retail land that will...


Ecotourism Effects on Eskimos in Canada

Canada owns a wide range of tourist attraction sites, ice caps included. Varieties of species and ice formed features are found in the snow-covered regions to the north of the country. Through ecotourism, some of the endangered species and polar natural resources are protected from depletion by human activities (Butler...


Martin Luther King Jr. Museum: Cultural Visit

Introduction The Martin Luther King Jr. Museum is located on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, Georgia. It was established on October 10, 1980. The aim of establishing the museum was to preserve the life history of one of the most famous black Americans, Martin Luther King Jr. I visited the site...


Dubai and Cape Town Comparison as a Vacation Locations

Introduction It is well known that the city of Cape Town is the second biggest metropolis in South Africa. “As a vacation destination, the city is well known for the natural landscape and ambiance in the Cape floral kingdom such as the popular attraction sites of Table Mountain and Cape...


Fairmont Mayakoba Riviera Maya Resort’s Management

Introduction All business organizations strive to maximize their annual returns by setting appropriate strategies. Strategies vary depending on services or products offered. One of the most effective strategies commonly used is ensuring customer satisfaction. Organizations usually emphasize value-added services and products to increase their market space. Factors such as the...


Tourism in France and Globalization Influences

Tourism in France Persons that visited international attractions as sightseers were referred to as tourists. The global voyage activities had, possibly, been conducted for relaxation, vacations, or business reasons. Attractive global travel sites had developed into a fashionable tourist activity. Therefore, worldwide people’s voyages increased in popularity and impacted most...


Hospitality Management

What are the innovations in the tourism sector? Describe six types of strategic tourism innovations with real industry examples Innovations in the tourism sector refer to the new methods or ideas which help SMEs with new chances on how to operate within a business environment that is competitive (Moutinho 17)....


Total Quality Management in the UAE Hotel Industry

Introduction Promoting the consistent growth in the environment of a particular market is a challenging yet necessary step to take so that the premise for further development could be created. Herein lies the significance of encouraging companies to accept new and improved quality standards. However, there is also the need...