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Traditional-Thinking Officers and Supervisors

There are several potential problems in the scenario created in the vignette. The first is the likelihood of resistance and failed support by the more seasoned and traditional thinking officers who believe that one has to go through the department by aging out the experience. Being young would symbolize a...


Ownership Structures of Professional Sports Teams

Baseball sport provides an important example of a sporting activity in the US that has experienced revolutionary changes on its own since the 1800s. Initially, clubs were simple teams of young people within their neighborhoods or schools. They were poorly organized and lacked material and financial support. Nevertheless, they attracted...


A Search by the Police Without a Search Warrant

It is extremely difficult to prove the presence of a criminal activity or possession of an illegal object without visual observation of the suspected area. It may require law enforcement officers to initiate a search to provide more clarity on the issue. The law allows this if it is done...


Forensic Accounting Engagement vs. Financial Statement Audit

Both forensic accounting engagement and financial statements are investigative and examination techniques. However, their objective and parties who conduct the process coupled with the procedures differ, as illustrated herein. In financial statement auditing, the auditor seeks to provide his or her opinion on whether the information provided in the firm’s...


Valid Contract Formation for the Exchange of Services

For a formation of a contract to be valid, elements such as acceptance, offer, consideration, capacity, and intention to create legal relation ought to be observed. The success of many commercial transactions relies on legally binding contracts. The creation of legally binding contracts enables a party member to sue the...


How Labeling Theory Influenced Criminal Justice Policy

This theory posits that it is in the process of controlling crime that it is instead increased. These theorists argue that the individuals who are arrested and prosecuted are often labeled in society as criminals. Others, just by mere perception, treat these individuals as criminals, and this has an impact...


The Requirements for “Fast Tract”

Most trade agreements negotiated in the Fast track by the authority of the President of the United States may be approved or disapproved by Congress but cannot be amended. Congress grants the President fast-track negotiating authority. Congress should be introduced with the implementing bill of the trade agreement transmitted by...


Electoral Significance of Tough Anti-Bikie Laws (Queensland)

According to Hogg and Brown, the political landscape in different countries in the world is becoming quite elaborate. This raises the issues of law and order in politics. Law and order are considered to be vital issues in shaping the manner politicians and their supporters conduct themselves. More often than...


Victorian Supreme Court’s Social Media Activities

For a long time, the court proceedings have been availed to the public through court reporting by journalists. However, this scope of reporting has been limited because of the way the information reaches the wider public. Several countries are opting to widen the scope of reporting court proceedings through the...


Victims of Date Rape

Date rape is the act of forcefully making someone you know socially to have sex against his or her will. The date rapists can use physical and verbal threats, blackmails, and drugs to trick someone into having sex with them. It applies not only to sexual intercourse but also to...


Experimentation on Human Subjects or Animals

An experiment can be defined as an operation to discover something unknown. In bio-medicine, experimentation on human subjects or animals uses human beings or animals as laboratory specimens to make discoveries. Different people or scholars have tried to endorse the moral justification of the operation while others refute it. This...


Plato’s Three Part Soul and Its Correlation to the State

According to Plato, the soul of a human being is divided into three parts. These are parts that control and manage our brain, and the three are appetite, spirit, and reason. Though each of these parts plays a particular role, Plato believed that only reason should be let to rule....


Max Weber and Karl Marx: Comparison of Capitalist Development

Karl Marx identified several factors that promoted the advancement of capitalism. To begin with, capitalism was promoted by the exploitation of workers. Exploitation enabled capitalists to generate surplus value, which was necessary for the growth of capitalism. Increasing absolute or relative surplus value allowed capitalists to increase their profits and...


Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics in Human Life

The search for the meaning of life has been going on since the world’s creation. At different stages of human development, religions and philosophical currents tried to explain it, and the best minds interpreted this concept from different points of view. According to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, the meaning...


Interconnection of Law and Ethics

Even though laws are created to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as regulate relationships, there are incidents where there is a contradiction to ethical standards. The business sector is especially susceptible to such a phenomenon, due to the specifics of the ultimate goal, namely making money....


“Black Men and Public Space” by Staples

Brent Staples’ essay covers the various instances and effects of racially-motivated wariness and prejudices towards people of color. By revealing the taunting and questionable interactions with judging white people experienced by the author, he emphasizes the negative impact of such incidents. Apart from sharing his own stories, the author includes...


Best Practices for Cyberbullying Prevention

The relevance of cyberbullying as a global problem is growing every day. This is facilitated by developing information technologies, which unite an increasing number of people. However, the papers on this topic and the number of evidence-based interventions remain unsatisfactory (Zhu et al., 2021). This factor, in turn, formulates the...


Social Inequality and Imprisonment in America

Social inequality expressed in the unfair distribution of per capita income may be considered one of the main reasons why the United States is the leading country concerning the number of prisoners. According to Leopold, this phenomenon began to manifest itself in the 1980s, when the wage gap in the...


Postmodernism and Principles of Traditional Social Science

The postmodern approach highlights various perspectives and criticism against the traditional social sciences. It is based on domination and power, as well as challenging management control, bureaucracy, and hierarchy. Its condition is fast, specialized, adaptable to individual performance, and precise. Steward Clegg opines that traditional scientific management is inflexible with...


Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection

“In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.” Charles Darwin The theory of evolution, according to Darwin, was based on the theory that species that are “fit” survive better in a changing environment,...


Balancing the Rights to a Free Press and a Fair Trial

The first amendment in the constitution provides for the right to a free press. However, as noted by Carroll et al., too much coverage of a trial can jeopardize fairness in a criminal trial. When judges presiding over a case suspect press coverage may affect the chances of conducting a...


The Politics of Fear and Australian National Security Laws

The development and implementation of new security laws and law and order policies were catalyzed by the terrorist attack in September 2001 in the United States of America. As the members of the global community cooperate on the issues of security in terms of domestic and international conflicts and threats,...


Recycling Strategies for Disposing of Products

There are different wastes that are produced by a company. There are those that can be recycled by the same company or by another company. There are other wastes that cannot be recycled. To protect the environment, the recyclable ones should be recycled, and those that cannot be recycled should...

Politics & Government

Canada’s and the United States’s Unique Relationship in World Politics

The United States of America and Canada have been related for over two centuries now. They both have a common political system and structure, which they inherited from their former colonial master, Britain. The two countries have enjoyed a warm bilateral relationship, especially in trading activities, in spite of the...

Politics & Government

Limited Government Doctrine

The doctrine of limited government rests on the assumptions about the corrupt and evil nature of the human being in general, and the theories of Locke and Jean-Jacque Rousseau about the limitations that should be posted on the government by a constitution, a set of laws, and the social contract...


Genealogy of Imperialism and the Age of Discovery

The world is always driven by ideas that are dominant at the moment. In the majority of epochs, the force had been the leading factor. This approach was reflected in the concept of imperialism which became a topical term in the age of giant empires dominating vast territories and affecting...


Colonial Ideology and Longevity of Imperialist Perceptions

Regardless of radical changes on the geopolitical map and the collapse of giant empires, the modern world can still be viewed as a heritage of the colonial past, with multiple states trying to recover after a long period of ruthless exploitation and find their way. Africa remains one of the...


Global Aspects Affecting Climate

Much has been told about the global climate change during the last several decades. The humanity consumed too much, exploited the invaluable natural resources not giving anything in return. While the significant amount of researchers, the world leaders, and their supporters emphasize the importance of more active actions, the vast...

Politics & Government

The Electoral System Definition and Its Role

An electoral system represents all customs, laws, procedures, and institutions used to elect representatives in a political system, political group, or another entity. The electoral system of any country is of prime importance for the outcome of elections. For example, in Canada, elections are conducted under the rule of federal...


How Did Islam Spread?

Islam mainly spread through military conquest when Muslims conquered new territories throughout the world and established their rules and order there. Furthermore, trade, missionaries, migration, intermarriage, and pilgrimage also contributed to the rise and spread of Islam over the world. Islam is a dominant religion that covers millions of people...


Igneous Rocks Description and Origin

The word “igneous” is a Latin word for fire. This means igneous originate from hot, fluid material called “lava” that erupts on the earth’s surface during a volcanic activity or un-erupted lava at shallow depths within bodies. These types of rock are either formed at the surface of the earth...


Plants in the Coastal Sage Scrub Community

The coastal sage scrub community is low laying shrub found at the coast of California extending to the northern areas of Baja. The plant community is typical of shrubs that have adaptations to cope with the Mediterranean climate of low-lying woodlands on the coast. Due to the softness of the...

Tech & Engineering

New Urbanism Principles and Urban Sprawl Effects

With the rising levels of new urbanism around the world, it is becoming increasingly necessary for urban planners to put more emphasis on creating a conducive urban setup for both business and social operations. The streets are no longer the calm and beautiful places that they used to be a...

Politics & Government

The Functions of Legislatures in Democratic, Authoritarian, and Totalitarian Regimes

Legislatures are a relatively new branch of power, as compared to the executive one. The prime function of the legislature is law-making, this is why the legislative bodies of power are usually composed of the nation’s representatives that are able to voice the needs of the whole country with the...


Vietnam War Controversy and Civil Rights Movement

After Martin Luther King Jr. revealed his stance on the Vietnam War, it triggered a sequence of controversies. Many individuals, both powerful and regular, actively criticized King’s views by telling him to focus on his non-violent and anti-racism battle. Although he realized that his anti-Vietnam movement could weaken the African...


The Third World Countries Notion’s Historical Background

Most currently existing countries in Africa and the mainstream of Asia did not have a sovereign economic existence as recently as World War II. Nevertheless, not all outside debts of these states were obtained after obtaining sovereignty. As a condition of self-government in 1949, Indonesia needed to presuppose the Dutch...


Aristotle’s Main Focuses in Virtues and Ethics

Aristotle’s main focus in moral philosophy was the human character, and what it takes for an individual to become a good person (Kemerling, G., 2002). He gave the thought that all human activities are carried out for a reason, having an aim, and mostly this aim is to achieve some...


What Defines Real Freedom?

The world we live in gives so much weight to the word freedom. Countries the world over are in a constant struggle to achieve the culmination of a world wherein real and perfect freedom exists. A quick web search for the meaning of the word on came back with...

Politics & Government

The United States as a 2-Party Dominated Political System

Numerous factors encourage a binary party choice in the United States as opposed to the multiparty system that exists in other countries. An important structural reason that the United States has only two viable parties is our “winner takes all” elections, as opposed to the proportional representation common in parliamentary...


Residual Effects of Neglect, Physical Abuse, and Sexual Abuse

It is possible that the physical injuries inflicted on a child may not be visible immediately. However, abuse and neglect often have consequences for the family, children, and society as a whole. The impacts could last forever. Physical, psychological, and social consequences go hand in hand. Physical effects of abuse...


The National Park System’s Environmental Problems

There are seven main areas of environmental problems that face the National Park all around the world. These include overuse, insufficient funds for park operation, threats to wildlife, the concession systems, energy and mineral development, atmospheric pollution, and activities on neighboring lands. The major problem comes from the visitors coming...

Tech & Engineering

Neural Network: Giving a Definition

A neural network is a different technology which builds intelligent programs using models which is similar or parallel to the neurons of the human brain or it may follow methods that are found in genetic algorithm and artificial life. “Neural networks are appealing because they learn by example and are...

Tech & Engineering

Expert System and Its Major Types

Knowledge-Based It is known as the heart of an expert system. It contains the expert knowledge of a particular domain. A knowledge-based it contains both the general knowledge and case-specific information. “Knowledge representation is the process of choosing an appropriate knowledge formalism, in which the acquired knowledge is encoded so...


Bullying Sexual Minorities: Etiology of a Social Problem

Harassment of individuals of different sexual orientations such as the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (GLBTQ) has far-reaching consequences both for the individuals facing harassment and the society in general. Harassment of the GLBTQ is a societal problem that may hinder individual development for the victims because it...


Hospitality in Homer’s Epic Poem The Odyssey

Hospitality was an essential part of ancient Greece’s etiquette, not only in The Odyssey. The guest was supposed to be welcomed in the house, fed and warmed, and released with a gift. Philoxenia was not only a concept for the ancient Greeks but it is also considered an unwritten law...


The Elements of Moral Philosophy in James Rachels’ Work

The link between religion and morality has been the subject of numerous debates for a while. In his book, James Rachels questions whether morality depends directly on one’s religious beliefs by scrutinizing the nature of the subject matter. Furthermore, Rachels posits that morality should be viewed as independent from religion....


J. M. Roberts’ Thoughts on Ancient Egypt History

Prehistoric climatic change had gradually dried up most of Egypt outside the valley of the Nile itself. Yet that narrow strip of fertile land was enough. The mud washed down from the interior highlands and deposited there made agriculture easy. On the banks of silt 1,100 kilometers long and anything...


Philosophy of Religion and Belief: Clifford vs. James

Multiple discussions and attitudes are developed toward the topic of faith and reason. In Chapter 6 of “Philosophy of Religion,” Rowe introduced several perspectives on how to understand the relationship between reason and beliefs, and the position of Clifford that evidence and reason always prevail over beliefs and religion is...


American Nation’s Changes After the Civil Rights Movement

More than six decades have passed since the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement (CRM), which was a struggle to enact constitutional and legal rights for African Americans. The movement made its greatest legislative achievements in the mid-1960s, following years of mass demonstrations happening from the mid-1950s to 1968. The...


Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Strategies

Qualitative research involves the systematic investigation of a phenomenon in a narrative and a descriptive way. Qualitative research appears to be more realistic in some of the concepts that cannot be expressed in mathematical analysis. However, it lacks uniformity and reliability because respondents have an option to ignore some concepts...


Philosophy of Religion: Process Thought

Nowadays, it is impossible to formulate one typical philosophical attitude toward religion and the role of God in human life. Therefore, people find it reasonable to develop new approaches and understandings. Process thought is one of such theories developed by Alfred Whitehead in the 20th century and influenced by metaphysical...

Politics & Government

The Liberal Theory Applicable to U.S. Foreign Policy Today

America has always held the liberal principles of liberty, freedom and ‘pursuit of happiness as its core principles for realizing the ‘American Dream’. America’s avowed policy of ‘spreading democracy everywhere’ has been the galvanizing element of its foreign policy. Today, America stands by the liberal theory and has always taken...


Land Disputes Between Native American Groups and the United States

The mainland dispute between Native Americans and the government of the United States in Pennsylvania is related to the Delaware nation case. The case surrounds a claim of ownership of 315 acres of land in Bucks and Northampton counties. According to the suit the land was given to the tribe...


Lincoln’s Answer to the Emancipation Question

Prior to the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, the freeing of slaves was an existential threat to the integrity of the Union. Lincoln contemplated over this issue and he was inclined to renege on this promise to secure the reunification of the Southern states. He introduced to the Delaware Legislature a proposal...


Global Warming vs. Ozone Depletion

The atmosphere of the earth is multi-layered. The layer nearest to the surface is the troposphere. Followed by it is the stratosphere, where the ozone layer is located, which protects the earth, from ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation, considered to be harmful to all forms of life – humans, plants, and animals....


Purchasing Trends of Generation Z

Generation can be defined as a succeeding stage in the reproduction of an original copy. In other words, generation is also known as procreation, which means producing offspring. But the generation we are talking about over here is the stage of natural descent. In the present time’s generation, a group...


Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction and Opposition to It

The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction contained Lincoln’s blueprint for Reconstruction after the war. Under this plan, Southern citizens were required to express their allegiance to the Union by taking an oath to receive amnesty. Additionally, only those states whose 10% of the white population supported the Union in the...


“The Yellow Wallpaper” Book Analysis

Introduction Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper is one of the earliest American feminist literature that put a major spotlight on the perceived role of women in society and the need to allow them to take active roles in socio-economic activities. Narrated in the form of a collection of journal...


Social Security, Poverty and Pension Benefits

Older women are more apt to live in poverty than older men because women reach their retirement threshold when they have lesser financial resources than men. This is due to the fact that women age faster than men, thus when women are retiring at the age of 60 years, men...


Depression Period and New Deal Legislation

Many factors led to the great depression. Among them was the combination of the numerous uneven distribution of wealth and the huge speculations of the stock market. In the 1920s, there was an uneven distribution of wealth between the rich and the middle-class, as well as between agriculture and industry....


Debunking Myths and Mastering the Principles of Interpersonal Communication

Communication is part of life activities and everyday information is exchanged everywhere in the world. Groups of people and businesses send or receive messages that are critical for survival. It’s therefore important to ensure that there is proper communication since; information passed could not just be words. Some important principles...


Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Associated with Behavior

The developmental issues associated with the female bulimic involve issues of autonomy and the urge for developing an identity different from the mother is responsible for the anorexia nervosa and bulimia. The girl places a distance between herself and the mother to secure this autonomy and individuality. The girl believes...


Philosophy of Religion: Belief in Life After Death

The discussion about life after death has a long history with several approaches and ideas being developed by different civilizations. Greeks, Indians, and Christianity-based nations want to believe that a soul is immortal, and its connection with the human body is critical. Therefore, this belief turns out to be extremely...


Early Slave Codes in Southern Colonies

The early slave codes called for the protection of the rights of the slave owners. The codes were so rigidified that the slaves could no longer be manumitted or freed easily. Moreover, free Black settlers of the New Land were prohibited from having white servants or from having a sexual...


The True Cause of Homelessness

The rapidly increasing population across the world; especially in the United States has led to massive homelessness. In this case, people living in areas that are not primarily set for human residence referred to be homeless have been observed to be increasing year by year in US. More importantly, many...


European Motives for Expansion & Colonization in New World

European expansion and colonization of the new world is a process motivated by a variety of factors. Overall, the evaluation of the situation shows that Europeans were motivated by such major factors as territorial expansion; the desire to spread their religious beliefs around the earth along with a goal of...


Consumerism Critique in the 1950s-70s

During the 1950s, the US experienced increasing attention to the concept of consumerism and protectionism. Because of the growing consumerisms, critics emerged to counter the concept. The period during the 1950s through 60s saw the increased critique of the mass society and consumerism, arguing that it was entirely stultifying, corrosive,...


Continental Mountain Ranges and Ocean Lifecycle

Continental mountain ranges formation refers to geological procedures that mark mountain ranges whose understanding has been simplified by plate tectonics. The movement of plate tectonics is responsible for the formation of mountain chains which can occur in different manners. One of the methods is through subduction, which causes the oceanic...


Japan, China, and the Ottoman Empire During the 19th Century

The Commodore Perry of the US navy compelled the reluctant Japanese to modify their policy of seclusion. The blow to Japanese pride was severe. An agreement was signed in a village which was later to become the city of Yokohama and the Japanese opened two small ports to the American...


Eating Disorders: Factors That Make Teens Vulnerable

It is becoming a common assumption that eating disorders can result from discorded family relations. National Eating Disorders Association has launched a claim that if there are no clearly set boundaries between parents and children, children may experience the feeling of lack of control over their lives. Because of that,...


William Blake’s “The Lamb” and “The Tyger” Songs

William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience are both some of the most well-known poetry collections, which rightfully became an integral part of the author’s literary merit. The very essence of each book can be captured in a single poem from them. This paper aims to compare “The...


Anarchist & Socialist Movements and Terrorism

Anarchism can be defined as “a political philosophy which considers the state undesirable, unnecessary and harmful, and instead promotes a stateless society or anarchy.” Anarchists are socialists with beliefs like free sexual lives, libertarian education, and opposition to organized labor. The only difference is that they accommodate money market and...


Genders Differences: Physiological and Others

Besides physiological differences, the genders have different perceptions of their identity or personality. This element is not based on the anatomy of the concerned individual at all. For example, individuals who perceive themselves as being male in terms of gender have the conviction that they are men. This does not...


Hamlet’s Incapability of Avenging His Father’s Death

When King Hamlet appears to his son as a Ghost, revealing that he did not die of snakebite but was murdered by his own brother Claudius, and urges Hamlet to avenge his death: “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” “Hamlet” Shakespeare Hamlet quickly develops a strong desire to avenge...


Homicide and Burglary Investigation: Ethical Considerations

Homicide The two crimes, murder, and manslaughter constitute homicide. Murder is a very clear term and can be conducted in various ways, while manslaughter can be done in three ways. The first one is killing with a direct intention for murder, but the victim has offered resistance. The second is...


Plato and Confusing and Painful Ascent to Truth

Plato finds the ascent to truth confusing and painful because the ascent is different from what ordinary minds have learned through the experience of reality. According to this parable, the initial mind is in a cave, and what it perceives as reality are only images or shadows of what is...


Relationship of Different Members of the Household Based on Their Refusal

Different members of this household are busy working in different places. This means that they do not have adequate time to come home and cook. In addition, there may be only extremely few members in this household and, therefore, they find no need to cook all the time. Most of...


Martin Luther King as a Speaker

Martin Luther King was an activist and the leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He used his charismatic performances to rally people to the Civil Rights cause and maintained that only peaceful means should be used to advance the movement. For his speeches and firm beliefs inequality, he came...


Earnings Differences by Race and Ethnicity

Many common attitudes on wealth in America are based on falsehoods, despite the widespread availability of information and the capacity to check the accuracy of opinions stated in society at any time. For example, it is generally believed that the rich get their wealth by inheritance, but statistically, they are...

Tech & Engineering

Information Search and Interactions in the Internet

‘Information is power’ may be an old saying but it remains true for anyone who accesses critical information. Everyone in the world now is working hard to achieve a competitive advantage by obtaining better-quality information. Communication, which takes various forms, provides a channel through which information is distributed. A business...


Probation in the US Law System

In the United States, probation is the most widespread type of criminal sentencing. Phelps explains that “between 1981 and 2007 (the year with the highest probation rate), entries to probation increased by 214 percent”. That is why it is not a surprise that probation officers are of significance in American...


The 1930s Generation of Soviet Spies and Operatives

The 1930s in the USSR became the time of political assassinations, spies, and counter-intelligence, which filled the air with suspicion. Serving as one of the top-ranked Soviet operatives, Pavel Sudoplatov opens the Iron Curtain and lets the reader of his book feel the atmosphere of lies, conspiracies, and covert operations....


What’s Significant About Mesopotamia Geography?

Mesopotamia geography rivers are the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and the plain along the middle and lower reaches is almost entirely located within Iraq, where in the southeast it enters Iran, in the northwest enters Syria. The continuation of the plain is the Persian Gulf with its low-lying southwestern coast,...


What’s the Significance of the Hinduism Reincarnation Belief?

In Hinduism, reincarnation is one of the steps towards Moksha, which means a kind of release that appears when the circle of death and rebirth is finished. Moksha is one of the four main aims in people’s lives, so every reincarnation takes a person a bit closer to the logical...


Risk, Expatiating on Its Types, Classifications and Methods of Control

Risk occurs when a person is presented with a possibility of gaining or losing something. Whether they will win or lose is determined by the nature of the risk and its control. Values that could be lost in perilous situation include physical and mental health, social status, the emotional state...


African American Civil Rights Movement in 1950-1980

The Civil Rights Movement of 1954-1968 was successful despite assassinations and brutality that were mated against its leaders. According to Jett et al., the movement led to many changes in the United States. One of the pieces of evidence of success was the integration of Mississippi universities that started in...


New Education Methods for Real-World Skills of Students

Indeed, some skills are gained by students only while learning new information. They can be assessed by “written work, critical thinking tests, and student ratings of satisfaction with the course experience.” However, if education focused on the skills of the article reviewed, children would have significantly more important life skills....


Dealing With Drug Abuse Through the Criminal Justice System

Many countries in the developed world are decriminalizing the use of marijuana. In Portugal, the government decriminalized recreational or medical use of marijuana and heroin at a time when the country was experiencing a heroin addiction crisis. When it became legal to use these drugs, the number of addicts across...


The Issue of Property for the Divorce Procedure

The issue of property is considered to be one of the most significant for the divorce procedure. In this respect two categories of property division are vital, namely: marital and separate (non-marital). In this respect the bilateral approach of the law documents according to the property issues is outlined. The...


Is the Death Penalty Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

Yes, the Death Penalty has no moral basis because it certainly is a ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment because it directly contravenes 3 of the most respected documents in the world today: the U.S Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Bible. The practice clearly contravenes the ‘cruel and...


Principles of Learning Psychology

As a student, I have seen teachers and instructors use the principles of learning psychology a lot of times. Regarding particular examples, it is known that learners’ perspectives on the process of knowledge acquisition and the extent to which a person can develop intellectual abilities greatly affect motivation in the...


Progressive Era & New Deal Outsiders and Corporate Ownership

The corporate nature of American industries such as mining and farming, combined with the national emphasis on freedom of contract, allowed companies to set whatever working conditions they desired. The employees would not be able to find employment in the same profession outside the firms and so had to accept...


Differences Between Values, Morals, Ethics, and Bioethics

Moral rules and restrictions govern human actions. Moral values and norms direct and correct the vital activity of the individual about public opinion. Usually, an individual is oriented towards general standards of morality and performs his/her ethical code. Moreover, the concepts of morality, values, ethics, and bioethics are mostly determined...


Nuclear Accidents Danger Analysis

When an industrial accident involving a key nuclear power plant happens, it is as good as a nuclear accident happening in all other regions of the world. These may be the consequences and impacts of the accident. When an accident of a significant nuclear power plant occurs at one point,...


Human Rights: Domestic vs. International Institutions

The importance of human rights protection for contemporary society preconditioned the emergence of multiple mechanisms to monitor the situation and assist people in their struggle. There are both domestic institutions and international tribunals that are expected to work with cases of this sort and solve the emerging issues. The effectiveness...


Losses Types That Adults May Experience

A loss on older adults usually harms their self-esteem and makes them lose confidence to face life. It even gets worse for the ones who have led respectable lives over the years. The major loss is the loss of a spouse. Losing a person who has been a soul mate,...

Politics & Government

The Politics Differentiation From Government

There is a clear distinction between the notions of ‘politics’ and ‘government’. The political government is “the centralized system that maintains an institutionalized system of order within a society large or small”. In contrast to the government which is a legal body governing and controlling the social order and all...


Contract Law: Mistake, Undue influence, and Duress

Mistake When a party or parties, at the time of entering into a contract, erroneously believes that certain information is true, a mistake is deemed to have occurred. Therefore, any form of commitment to execute the terms of a contract under such circumstances can be annulled. In other words, parties...

Politics & Government

Role of Government, Employers, and Trade Unions in Individual Skills Development

Although the high individual skills of employees are their personal achievements, other stakeholders can contribute to meeting the needs of people’s professional growth. In particular, the role of government boards may be significant as support for workers, which provides convenient conditions for advanced training and, therefore, enhances employees’ individual values....

Politics & Government

Food Aid as an Important Part of Global Aid Policies

Food aid is an important part of global aid policies, as it helps in stabilizing the overall situation in the country. Supporting people with food makes them survive and live. It also corresponds to healthcare prospects. Maintaining health on an appropriate level worldwide reduces dangers for mankind. In developing countries...


Legal Management of Architecture, Engineering, and the Construction Process

Summary of Relevant Facts in a Chronological Order The house that caused the conflicts belongs to the plaintiff. He asked the defendant to re-paint it for him. During their contract negotiations, the plaintiff agreed to pay the defendant $ 5000 to do “a first-class job” on the house. The contract...


Effect of KCl Solution on the Germination Rate of Mung Bean Seeds

Abstract Germination is an important process that begins plant development. For germination to take place, seeds need to take in water, which initiates a sequence of activities that culminate in the emergence of roots and shoots. The intake of water by the seeds involves the process of osmosis, which is...