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Deviant Social Behavior Analysis

Introduction Deviant social behavior refers to an action that violates both cultural norms and the rules that are enacted formally. According to the structural-functionalism perspective, deviations emerge from the formation of values and norms which institutions enforce. Deviations result when institutions institute proscriptions or prescriptions. Therefore a deviation is whatever...


Abuse of Prescription Drugs by Medical Practitioners

Introduction What are the significant effects of prescription drug abuse by medical professionals? Medical practitioners’ ease of access and ability to self-subscribe drugs has exposed drug abuse among this category. A survey carried out in the 1990s indicated that the practitioners suffer drug and substance abuse at the same rate...


Exploring Influences on Gender Roles

The professor asks a question in class. What is male? What is female? There were many answers given, however the professor said there were no right or wrong answers. This is because, what one considers or perceives as male or female, is based on the kind of gender role that...


Gay Discrimination in the Workplace

Gay people are those whose sexual orientation is different from what is considered the norm, heterosexuality. According to, they are people who are attracted to other people of the same sex. In some instances, it happens that certain people may be discriminated against in the workplace on the basis...


Analysis on Climate Change and Global Impact

Executive Summary Climate change has a great impact on trade and hospitality since most of the environmental resources are the main areas that boost tourism i.e. they are foundation of tourism and hospitality. Many tourist attraction centers are contributed by the environmental appearance such as species of animals and plants...


Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is a term that describes an increase in the average global temperature and is often associated with global warming which is the subject of great debate and concern worldwide. Although warnings about the human-generated causes of an enhanced greenhouse effect and the subsequent catastrophic outcomes have been...


“Boyz n the Hood” by John Singleton

“They want us to kill ourselves… the best way you can destroy a people you take their ability to reproduce themselves.” This reflects the opening lines of the movie Boyz ‘n’ the Hood and the death toll concerning African Americans. “One of out of every twenty-one Black males will be...

Politics & Government

Social Changes in America and Civil Rights Movement

The American Civil Rights Movement or the African-American Civil Rights Movement started in the year 1955 and denoted the reformations brought about in the USA, like abolishing discrimination based on race, which was faced by the African Americans and mending the suffering of the people of the Southern States. Most...


Erik Erikson’s Theory Analysis

Erik Erikson was a student of the famous ‘father of psychology’ Sigmund Freud. He followed many aspects of Freud’s theory of personalities such as the concepts of the id, ego, and superego and the underpinnings of the oedipal complex. However, Erikson was more culturally and socially oriented. He disagreed with...


Teen Pregnancy Prevention in Modern Society

Introduction Female teenage pregnancy is defined as adolescent pregnancy where by an adolescent is aged 19 years or below. At this stage, the female is very productive and can have children. Among the developed countries, however the situation is different in the third world nations as many girls in those...


Nuclear Power Plants Advantages

Electricity enhances human productivity, maintains comfort and safety, and contributes to development of economy. Every person benefits of electricity everyday. While the majority of people do not think where the electricity comes from, the key source of electricity is nuclear power plant. Nuclear generated electricity is unique because it addresses...


Economic Growth and Environment in China

A foreign businessman inside an office building in Hong Kong was gazing out of the window. The smog was so dense that he couldn’t see the other building. China’s major cities, which have seen rapid economic growth, are witnessing rising pollution, sandstorms, and desertification. Beginning in the late 1970s, China’s...


US Constitution and Legal System in Business Regulation

The fundamental authority for federal regulation of business is the Constitution of the United States and most of the economic powers exercised by the federal government are contained in the commerce clause, Article I. Section 8. The clause is aimed at preventing states from establishing laws and regulations that would...


Gun Control: Term Definition

Introduction Robert Hass, former senior vice president for marketing and sales for Smith & Wesson asserts that “the company and the industry as a whole are fully aware of the extent of the criminal misuse of handguns… In spite of their knowledge, however, the industry’s position has consistently been to...


India: East India Company and Britain After the Mutiny

Colonial rule in India was established in 1818 when the East India Company entered the country and established its own rule. Exploitation occurred, but the colonial rule was based on other things besides exploitation. Historical facts and figures show that India was better governed by the East India Company before...


History of Immigration in the United States on China

Introduction The Statue of Liberty was a symbol of freedom and opportunity for millions of immigrants to the U.S. in the 19th and 20th centuries. That monument, which was a gift from the people of France to commemorate the centennial of America’s Declaration of Independence in 1776, was dedicated in...


Correlational and Descriptive Research Methods

The relationship between theory and research is interconnecting, research’s main objective is to search or test a theory. Theory, on the other hand, depends on research for development (Fawcett and Downs, Pp. 4-7). There are many types of research, but basically, research is either applied to aim to solve an...


Solar Energy Capture and Biohydrogen Production

Abstract Solar radiation energy capture, conversion of photo energy to chemical energy, and biopolymers by a number of photoautotrophic organisms constitute the basis of life on the planet. Through complex, molecular machinery and processes for the efficient production of energy, photoautotrophs have efficiently converted solar energy into chemical energy for...


The Origins of Hip-Hop Culture

Hip hop dates back to 1970 and is considered to be a cultural movement among Americans and African Americans. Dj Clive ‘Kool Herc’ is considered to be a founder of hip-hop music, he made hip-hop music’s blueprint and culture by building upon the Jamaican tradition of boasting or toasting impromptu...


How Are Charter Schools Funded?

Introduction In the United States, elementary or secondary schools that are funded by the public are referred to as Charter Schools. The United States Constitution has imposed some of the laws on public schools that have been withdrawn from the charter schools in the country. In exchange, the production of...


The Civil Rights Movement: From Outrage to Change

The Civil Rights Movement has been significant in the history of America as it not only made the people conscious about their pertinent role in the civilization but more importantly resulted in the exact momentum which favored similar reform movements in the 1960s and 1970s. More significantly, it had an...


“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

A very successful doctor and his family rented a summer house for three months. It was more like an estate. It was the sort of place where there is a big house and large trees are growing everywhere. And somewhere on the property, there is a boathouse built near a...


Dance Style: Capoeira

Introduction Dance is more than entertainment… it is an emblem of our culture, and a spirit of our society. It bestows in us feeling of belongingness with oneself, with our own world and with the world outside. It generates fire of imagination, shows attitude and represents whole essence of our...


Self – Contained Contained Programs in Colorado

Introduction In self-contained programs, the students are put in a special surrounding for learning isolated from the other students. In these programs, the students are given high level of support and attention under special education at all times. This is due to the unique nature of their educational needs which...


War in Iraq: Reasons and Consequences

The US-led war against Iraq, as many believe, did not begin in 2003. The fact is that the US and Britain have been fighting an undeclared war against Iraq for the past twelve years, ever since the end of the Gulf Slaughter in 1991. The American and British attacks on...


Black Women’s Struggles in the Workplace

Introduction History upholds the story of women fighting their way to make a position in the masculine world of workplace, little is known about African-American women, who had endured the glass ceiling of both sexism and racism. Black women fought to get to the top of the economic ladder. Getting...


“Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

Philosophy and literature have always tried to resolve the age-old conflict between free will. In fact, some philosophers believe that a human being is devoid of such gift as free will; such belief is often called fatalism. Our ability to cope with the overwhelming forces has always been disputed. It...

Tech & Engineering

Internet Security and Shopping Growth

Introduction The era of globalization and technological development resulted in the high promotion of the global network all over the world. Nowadays the success of business companies and enterprises is influenced by the internet. Due to the rapid development of internet technologies the notion of “internet security” is widely used...


Banning Smoking in Public Places

Introduction There are plenty of strong reasons why smoking in public should be prohibited. In my own opinion, the negative effects of smoking to the smokers, the second hand smokers and the natural environment will be greatly reduced if smokers are not allowed to smoke in public places. Usually, smokers...

Politics & Government

U.S. – Japan Security Alliance in the Asia Pacific

The 21st century has often been called as the ‘Asian’ century. Goldman Sachs in their seminal Brazil, Russia, India, China (BRIC) report has predicted that “in less than 40 years, the BRICs’ economies together could be larger than the G6 in US dollar terms”.1 With the center of gravity of...


The Turning Point of Women in History

Background The women’s struggle to obtain equality has come a long way. Before the 1890s, referred to as the era of the woman, the woman’s place was subdued, to say the very least. Women had to conform to the expectations of traditions and Christian values which required them to be...


Domestic Violence Intervention in US and Afghanistan

Domestic violence is one of the widespread social problems in United States and Afghanistan. Almost a third of women in America are reported either sexually abused by men or physically abused. Many people take domestic violence as a matter that privately involves couples, without considering it as a criminal offence....


Hamlet: Character Analysis

Shakespeare is a household name; he was a creative genius and produced more masterpieces than one. His popularity knows no bounds, even to date people hold the highest regard for his work. His work constitutes a part of the syllabus in major Universities and colleges. Hamlet is one of his...


Crime and Its Victims: Victim Precipitation

Introduction A crime is an act forbidden by the law of the land (Darrow 2004). Such actions usually carry stiff penalties set out by the penal code governing the area. Crimes not only have an effect on an individual alone but also the society at large. High crime rates will...


Purpose of Criminal Sentencing

The purpose of criminal sentencing is consistent with the act of criminal punishment which serves the objectives of rehabilitation, deterrence, incapacitation, and restitution or restorative justice to victims and the society at large. This is inherently done by a judge to a person convicted of a crime. Garland (1990:17) defines...


Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005

Introduction The Public Law 109–41—July 29, 2005 or the Patient Safety And Quality Improvement Act Of 2005 is directed towards the benefit and the betterment of patients within the parameter of healthcare by formulating and enforcing well-defined law in favor of suitable healthcare and patient safety measures. The fundamental approach...


Crime and Crime Law in Canada

Introduction Crime is the violation of the rule of law for which a legal system envisions penalties in the form of punishments. The literal meaning of crime is charge, blame and offense. When society thinks that unofficial sanctions to sustain a balanced social attitude are not enough, then it may...

Politics & Government

Nelson Mandela: The Greatest Leader of Our Time

Thesis statement;- Nelson Mandela was one of the greatest leaders in the entire world. In 1918, a man was born in South Africa, Eastern Cape Town province; the man was to become one of the greatest African leaders. His birth marked the beginning of a new South Africa although it...


American Futures – Our Life, Our Society, and Immigration

Mark Twain’s View He believes that America is a mostly constituted by immigrants and that this has raised an alarm to the American people since the percentage of immigrants have increased as compared to the case 17th century when immigration was as a result of slave trade whereby the ancestors...


Business Organization Forms Definition

Introduction There are many types of business organizations. Some of these are the sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, S Corporation, C Corporation, and Limited Liability Company. They have different characteristics. These characteristics will be an advantage or a disadvantage when compared with another type of business organization. The following...


Business Law – Organizational Forms.

Introduction This paper seeks to differentiate one form of business organization from the others using at least six given characteristics. The distinctions will be expounded with brief discussion of advantages and advantages of each form of organization. Analysis and Discussion The forms of organizations, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages The following...


Decriminalization of Marijuana

Decriminalization of marijuana is legalizing the use of marijuana by the governing authority within stipulated laws. Legalizing Marijuana has many advantages to a State or Nation as long as it is done in a controlled manner. When backed up with relevant campaigns spelling out the short-term and long-term effects on...


Communication in Everyday Life and Organizations

Introduction Communication is the cornerstone of everyday life. No individual can think of a moment without communication. Communication has been in existence, though informal from time immemorial. It started perhaps even before man knows how to write and read the word “communication”. The development of communication through the ages has...


Families and Households in Different Nations

Introduction I have chosen “Families and Households” as the topic of my essay. Through this essay, we will first point to the definition of families and households, Gender, how everyone expects to do his part in a family or household as being a “Boy” or “a Girl”. and how this...


Illegal Immigration as a Problem for the US

Illegal Immigration is a social, economic, and security problem for the US. Numerous polls indicate that a majority of Americans, including Mexican-Americans, want the government to prevent the tidal wave of illegal aliens cascading over the border. One of the most important issues of the White House and Congress should...


Problems Facing New Teachers

Introduction The major problems that face new teachers are the need for information that is practical, the gap existing between what they expect and reality, their relationship with students, relationship with parents, classroom management, financial and time pressures. There are similar problems faced by special and general education teachers although...


Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2

Introduction Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory-2 is a revised second edition psychological assessment instrument scored and interpreted by the examiner and completed by the person who is being examined. It involves examining the personal characteristics of the person taking the test. In this situation, the examiner compares the answers given by...


Psychology of Adjustment. Erikson’s Personality Theory

Erikson developed eight psychosocial stages in which humans develop through throughout their entire life span. Erikson believed that personality progressed through these eight stages with certain conflicts arising at each stage. Success in any stage depended upon successfully overcoming these conflicts. The stages are Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame...


Cold War Causes and Consequences

The cold war is a term used to describe the 40+ years of struggle and rivalry between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its allies and the United States and its allies. During the Cold War period, the 1940s to late 1980s, global politics were shaped heavily by...


Gender Discrimination and Pay Gap in the Workplace

Introduction It is not secret that there is and always has been gender discrimination in the workplace. Females are treated differently in the workplace, they are kept from occupying executive posts in an organization, they are delegated less responsibility, and most importantly, they are paid less than their male counterparts....


“Should a Woman Work Outside the Home?” Analysis

The article discusses the role and impact of working women on society and its culture. Since married women in our society are viewed as occupying a social position defined by their husband’s occupation, those characteristics, and processes that lead to a woman’s later position in the stratification system are likely...

Tech & Engineering

Transfer Protocols Technologies Comparison

File Transfer Protocol Introduction FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and is one of the easiest and securest methods through which files may be exchanged over the Internet. When a file is being downloaded from the Internet, it means that it is actually being transferred from another computer over the...

Tech & Engineering

High Performance Project Teams and Management

This paper outlines methods to create high-performance project teams while reflecting on their leadership and team experiences. A number of detailed steps are outlined through which better output; quality of work can be achieved. Conflict resolution measures have also been outlined clearly in this while analysis of team performance has...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management in Organizations.

Project design and implementation of an information system in an organization assumes utmost importance today. Hence, teams handling project need to consider both the technical as well as ethical implications of a project plan (Rogerson, 1996). So projects need to adopt ethical sensitivity, make sure ethical issues are well thought-out...


Communication Technology in Learning Mathematics

Introduction Before any discussion about computer system in schools, an understanding should be made between schools, learning and computer technology. During the introduction of computers to schools, there was a conception that students were supposed to be “taught” by computers. This means that a teacher was to be replaced by...


Classroom Management: Creating Positive Learning Environments

Creating a positive learning environment within the classroom is a necessary prerequisite for an effective teaching-learning process and it has been the major challenge faced by teachers during the curriculum transaction. For this, an efficient teacher should employ the best approaches, methods, and strategies of teaching, keeping in mind the...


The Gender Gap in Wages Analysis

The gender wage gap refers to the difference in the average hourly earnings of men and women. Though there has been progressing toward gender equality in the workplace, the gap between men’s and women’s earnings persist as evidenced by statistics from various independent bodies like the U.S. Census Bureau. According...

Politics & Government

World Bank’s and International Monetary Fund’s Effects

This essay will argue that the effect of the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF), on countries living in poverty, is less and their policies had done more harm than good. The reason behind the creation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund after World War...


How to Write a Good Essay.

The paper under analysis deals with the process of writing a good essay. The thesis statement of the essay states that there are good and bad essays and that a writer can make his essay good by paying attention to its organization, focus and revision. The writer asserts his views...


Differences in the Conception of Equality in Education

Introduction The principles of equality have been part of the most diverse political ideologies, currents of philosophical thought, and moral and religious beliefs especially in societies under the influence of western culture. Mostly the debate on equality is not about its importance or values as an irregular ideal, but about...


Collaborative Learning in Asynchronous Online Learning

Abstract In the modern age of innovative popular strategies of learning such as the internet online learning, the significance of collaborative online learning is often emphasized. In the background of several limitations of online learning, the incorporation of collaborative learning strategies becomes a central contributing condition to a more effective...


Child Psychology: Theories of Development by J. Piaget

Child development has become an issue of concern and relies mainly on the quality of development given to a child by either the parent, or the society. Parents have to take a great role in monitoring and maintaining standards of children. Psychologically, parent involvement in various children’s development aspects is...


Animal Rights and Surrounding Issues

Introduction Some people believe that keeping animals in laboratories may be justified when, for example, experiments on them to stop suffering or disease in humans. However, I believe that animal testing is a cruel way of discovering new medicines. I believe that there are quicker, more efficient ways of finding...


The Impact of Education on Society

Education in the modern world is much more than books and degrees and also involves means opening up minds to a whole new world, the world in which there are no geographical barriers to knowledge. Education is indeed a powerful means to remove the prejudices from our mind relating to...


Abnormal Psychology. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder that involves cyclic occurrences of fanatical and impulsive behavior. According to the American Psychiatric Association (15), this psychiatric illness is depicted in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) as a disease that is characterized by continuous ideas, visions...


Women’s History and the American Experience

Feminism can be defined as a way of thinking in terms of power ownership; that is who has power, how power is used or misused by the ones who hold it in relation to gender. It looks into the way power relations are considering the chances that are available for...


Gender Inequality in the Workplace and Career

Introduction Working women are usually faced with a multitude of challenges. On top of balancing their duties and responsibilities as members of their families, they need to be efficient workers and competitive in their chosen professions. One main challenge is the issue of proving themselves as worthy employees to gain...


Human Rights That Need to Be Promoted

Kinds of rights There are different kinds of rights that may be enjoyed or not by the residents and aliens of any country. These rights could be seen in terms of basic, private, social, economic, political, public, and procedural rights. It is necessary to go into the details of each...


“The Last Knight” Book by Norman Cantor

The Last Knight – The Twilight of the Middle Ages and the Birth of the Modern Era is a non-fictional book by Norman F. Cantor. It is the fourth edition published by Free Press, New York, 2004. The story is set in England in the late 14th century at the...

Tech & Engineering

Current Laws and Acts that Pertain to Computer Security

Introduction With a rapid increase in the use of computers around the world, new criminal behaviors have been spawned and laws are being made continuously to counter the emerging problems of computer security. A computer security incident is any unlawful, unauthorized, or unacceptable action that involves a computer system or...

Tech & Engineering

The Impact of Information Technology on Communication of Individuals and Organizations

Information Technology is today’s major center stage. This can be viewed from the way information technology has made information delivery to become easier as it is channeled worldwide hence also contributes to the shaping of the new global millennium. Information technology has made information delivery to become easier as it...

Tech & Engineering

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

There is absolutely no doubt that this article forces the reader to think about the time he spends browsing endlessly through websites after websites. Throughout the article, the author shares his experiences, regarding the effects of Internet usage on his mind, with the reader. Reading through the whole material, it...

Tech & Engineering

Ethical Issues in Computing

Providing personalization of internet services while still protecting users is a subject that has been much discussed in current times. Web sites have wanted to take advantage of communications on the internet so as to provide customers with personalized information and web services as well as to target advertising. The...


Ethics and Ethic Awareness Inventory

What Is/ Are Ethics? Ethics relates to a term that encompasses all the values and norms that demonstrate the appropriate attitude. It also focuses on the attitude that should be adopted towards people that shows respect for them. Ethics need to be adopted so as to eliminate the bad aspects...


Gay Marriage Shold be Illegal: Discussion

Abstract Gay relationship involves an expression of ultimate love between individuals of the same sex that leads to homosexuality and lesbianism. Such relationships are on the increase but unfortunately there is a lot of resistance from churches and politicians resisting such relationships to proceed to marriage where they can enjoy...

Politics & Government

Global Political Economy: International Trade Organizations

International trade organizations are established to facilitate trade between nations. This facilitation takes place in three stages. Firstly, the organizations have to help member countries negotiate for trade agreements. Secondly, it has to be seen that all members have accepted the agreements made in the negotiations. The third stage is...

Politics & Government

Whether Voting Should Be Allowed in the USA

Introduction Mandatory voting requires electors to vote in elections or attend a polling place on voting day. If an eligible voter does not go out to vote during the elections he/she will be punished. Voting in the United States of America has been voluntary for many years. Some say that...


Impulsive Behavior Effect on Addictive Disorders

Abstract Researchers implicate impulsivity as having a key role in chemical dependency disorders and self-report measures suggest the measurability of various components of the impulsive behavior. However, there is little research in understanding multidimensional nature using measures of impulsivity in the laboratory that track changes that occur over time. An...


The Life and Times of Richard the Lionheart

Introduction Richard 1 – commonly referred to as Richard the Lionheart, was born on September 8, 1157. He was the third lawful son of King Henry II of England. According to West and Gaff (2005), Richard was the third son of King Henry II and therefore was never expected to...


Lyndon B. Johnson in the Vietnam War

A Review of the Literature Debates have been raging on for some years over the participation of the United States in the Vietnam War. This Research Paper tries to review the literature on the United State’s interest in Vietnam, Its concerns in the region, The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, and...


State Of The World And Third World Countries

Many non-communist countries are poor, but so are most of the communist countries. Thus, if poverty and economic backwardness are to define the third world, much of the second word would have to be included. International analysts are inconsistent in their use of the term third world. For most business...

Politics & Government

Current Issues in Law Enforcement: War on Drugs

Every year millions of dollars are spent on curbing the use of illegal drugs. The overall costs of using these drugs fall under three categories: namely health costs, productivity losses, and other costs. Between the years 1992 and 1998, the cost of drug abuse incurred by society increased by5.9% annually....

Politics & Government

International Political Economic Imbalance Trade

Abstract This paper is highlighting the economic international imbalances that are prevailing in the economy and are thus causing distress. The international economy is the prospering day today but it is creating such imbalanced problems which are depressing the economy. These problems are unemployment, inflation, and fiscal deficit which are...

Politics & Government

Welfare State Regimes and Australian Social Policy

The concept of welfare state regimes is used to refer to the state’s expenditure on health, education, and personal social services. The income maintenance programs such as pensions, unemployment, insurance, and social assistance are also catered for in these programs. These programs’ main aim is to lessen the impact of...

Politics & Government

Electoral College System Analysis

The presidential election process of the US is one of the complex processes in the world but at the same time the most fascinating process. The process is also long starting from candidate’s nomination to the inauguration of the newly elected president. The campaign takes almost two years where abundance...


Is Impulsive Behavior a Cause for Addictive Disorders?

Introduction There is a close relation between impulsivity and substance abuse as impulsivity is referred to as a predisposition towards rapid, unintentional reactions to external or internal stimuli without considering any bad impacts upon themselves or others. The impulsive behavior has been a serious concern for the researchers and the...


“Out, Out” by Robert Frost

The poem “Out, Out” by Robert Frost is a realistic depiction of the flow of life in rural areas where it is shown how it can be interrupted suddenly. This paper analyzes the poem in terms of its narration and its main theme. The setting of the poem could be...


Why Students Cheat: Reasons, Motives?

Introduction Background In definition, cheating can be said to be an activity that involves lying, deception, trickery, fraud, imposture, and other means which are inverse to the correct. Cheating is defying the law of truth and mostly leads to the breaking of rules. It is a way of getting an...


Different Aspects’ Influence on Organizational Behavior

Introduction Personality and attitudes represent important micro, cognitively oriented variables in the study of organizational behavior (Luthans, 2005). Personality represents the ‘whole person’ concept. It includes perception, learning, motivation, decision-making, and more. Micro theory in organizational behavior deals with the behaviors and nature of individuals and small groups in organizations...


News, Politics and Racism

Introduction It is very peculiar to consider racism is an ideology where humans are separated into various groups in the belief that some people are superior because they belong to a particular ethnic or national group. It could be summarized that racism is the result of having negative judgments, beliefs,...


The Effects of Child Abuse

Introduction Child abuse is the deliberate negative treatment of children; physically, psychologically or sexually. Most cases of child abuse are evident in homes while rare cases are in schools and in the society surrounding the. Child abuse is divided into three major categories that is, physical, psychological/ emotional and sexual...


Woman’s Position in the Society

Introduction The analysis of the gender concept has been popular over the centuries. This notion covered a lot of national interactions and gender protests. It should be noted that the roles and dominance of genders cannot be fixed or exactly identified. A lot of authors tried to examine the role...


“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

Introduction “A Rose for Emily” By William Faulkner is one of the typical stories, reflecting the main character, Emily as soul of conflicts, disintegrated soul. The whole story revolves round one main character, Emily and one town, narrated by an unknown narrator. Emily lives a luxurious life in a poor...


Management and Organization Behavior

Introduction Numerous attempts contain been made by more than a few companies in arrange to gain a spirited edge over their competitors from side to side organization concepts and practice. Likewise, voluminous subjects contain already been on the document on how companies or organizations shall do well. Yet despite all...


Articles of Confederation 1777 and the U.S. Constitution 1787: Objective Comparison

Introduction Articles of confederation were authored by the continental congress on 15th November 1777 and ratified on March 1, 1781, with the basic purpose of giving a documented Constitution to the then United States of America. The original five paged articles of confederation consisted of detailed thirteen articles, a section...


Violence Against Native American Women

Native American women living on reservations are forced to deal with unique challenges. There is a limited number of police officers to respond to calls; jurisdictional issues are unresolved; there are no jails; the national law is not enforced. As the result, Native American women are left alone to cope...


United Nations During and After Cold War.

Introduction This paper strives to present the significance of operations performed by United Nations to provide international security and maintain peace throughout the world. The reasons and consequences of Cold War have been probed and the effectiveness of United Nations Security Council both during Cold War and in the post-Cold...


U.S. Drug Enforcement Organization: Social Agency

Introduction The social agency selected for analysis is the US Drug Enforcement Organization. Its long-term history goes back to the beginning of the 20th century and is closely connected with the American drug policy. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is a governmental social agency established in 1973. Law enforcement systems,...


Women’s Rights Movement in 19th Century.

Introduction According to Ellen Carol DuBois in her article “The First Women’s Rights Movement,” those who were involved in writing and promoting the history of women’s rights in the early years were veterans of the suffrage movement. They had the notion that in preserving history, they are contributing to “the...


Applying Human Rights Framework in a Organization.

Introduction Human rights play a crucial role in social relations and relations between the state and citizens. In general, in the integral approach human rights are not made subservient to any ideology. Rather they constitute a basic political philosophy per se. Life must be livable, which requires both a reasonable...


Human Relationship in Society.

Abstract Behaviour and interpersonal communication are mutually interrelated. People generally maintain a social bond among each other by one and other type of personal interactions. That is why they are called social animals. The paper tries to analyze my relationship with my best friend, the conflicts in the interpersonal relationship...