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“The Story of a Hour” the Short Story by Kate Chopin

Introduction Kate Chopin was a prolific writer of the 19th century whose short stories usually delved upon the topic of the repression of women’s rights during a male dominated era of mankind. The Story of an Hour was written by her as a way of expressing her sentiments about the...


Hamlet as the Hero of the Play

The story of Shakespeare’s famous play Hamlet revolves around the hero Hamlet, who is rather than being an action hero is (contrary to the expectations of the audience) a hero of INACTION. Revenge is the main motive in the play. But it is the delay in action rather than action...


Destiny and Fate in “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

Introduction Oedipus the King is a typical Sophoclean tragedy where the tragedy of Oedipus is foreshadowed in the beginning of the play. The oracle predicts that Oedipus would be killing his own father and marrying his own mother. Since then, Oedipus tries to escape the inevitable fate that awaits him....


Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

Introduction Jean Piaget was born in Switzerland in 1896. In his youth, he studied philosophy and obtained a doctorate in biology by the age of 21. In his work in biology, he discovered that mollusks could adapt to different environments and that their shells matured differently according to their environment....


The Revolutionary War (The American War of Independence)

The revolutionary war was also referred to as the American war of independence. This war took place between 1775 and 1783 and it was a culmination of the conflict between the colonies of Great Britain in North America and their mother country. France was a participant in the war as...


Formal Versus Informal Assessments in Education

Basic concepts Assessment, a basic technique to evaluate the students’ performance is of many kinds according to the methods the teachers adopt. Whether it is formal or informal, the ultimate objective is to analyze the pupils. Formal assessment, generally termed as test and data driven method, is a conventional method...


Effective Parent and Teacher Communication.

When teaching and nurturing children in school or at home, there are particular activities that need to be shared between parent and teacher, communication is one of those significant activities. In order to assist children to do well in school, parents and teachers will need to maintain good contacts throughout...


“Trifles” by Susan Glaspell.

Introduction “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell is a one act play which analyzes the investigation of the murder of John Wright through various dialogues of men and women that are connected to the victim and his accused wife. This paper addresses the themes that occurred throughout the play that help to...


“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin: The Theme of Freedom

Introduction The story that has been taken under consideration goes by the name of “The Story of an Hour”, which has been written by the very famous author Kate Chopin. The story is about what takes place within an hour in the life of Mrs. Mallard. Mrs. Mallard according to...

Tech & Engineering

Information Systems Development and Analysis

Information Systems Development (ISD) of an organization involves different processes that are to be collated systematically. To accomplish this task, a number of professionals of various levels like System Analysts, Information Systems Manager, Programmers, etc. work together. The processes of ISD include identifying the needs of clients, planning, analyzing, task...

Tech & Engineering

Computer Safety, Reliability and Security

Introduction The security of computer system has been an issue of concern since early 1940s. During those eras security of computer was achieved by the use of heavy door lockers, which were not easy to master or break through. But due to the advancement of computer technology more sophisticated means...


Human Resource Development and Adult Education

Abstract The fields of human resource development and adult education are closely related subjects, even though it will become apparent only on closer scrutiny. This paper is an attempt to find the relation between these two fields. The factors that relate to the two fields are discussed here first. Then...


Interactive Instructional Approach in Adult Education

Introduction Literature in adult education advocates the view that the process of teaching adults is distinct from the teaching of children and although most of the teaching approaches do apply to all age groups, the age and experiences of adults necessitate different approaches among them as compared to children. Adults...


No Child Left Behind Act and American Education

Abstract The research study focuses on the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the paper tries to make a probe into the implications and changes that the new legislation has brought about in the American education scenario. The paper evaluates and verifies the validity and usability of NCLB...


“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost: Critical Analysis

Introduction The poem chosen for this critical analysis essay is Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”. This poem was published by Frost in 1916 and appears in Mountain Interval of 1920. The Poem was retrieved from Great Books Online and is as follows: The Road Not Taken by Robert...


Childhood and Optimal Development Analysis

Middle childhood, from 6 to 12 years of age, is the crucial time when children try to find their path amidst paths set by society, developing their self-image and setting their goals for the future. The ability to forge a positive pathway at this juncture in life can have major...


Competence an Self-Esteem in Human Relations

In the research “Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One’s Own Incompetence Leads to Inflated Self-Assessments” self-esteem was explored as a factor for appropriate (typical) and inappropriate (atypical) reaction of the person’s ego in relationship with competence. Moderated multiple tests revealed significant interactions between self-esteem and personality...


Child Development Theories: Comparative Analysis

Introduction There are various theories that have been advanced by a psychologist on child development, chiefly, the psychoanalytic theories of development, learning theories of development, and the cognitive theories of development (Smith, Cowie and Blades, 2003). The objective of this paper is to take a look at the comparative analysis...


Autism as the Most Prevalent Developmental Mental Disorder

Introduction Autism is the most prevalent developmental disorder affecting one in every 166 children (“How Common?”, 2006). Symptoms of the disorder can be generally described as the incapability to adequately interact socially along with a disinterested demeanor. It is an abnormality in the structure of the brain caused by genetic...


Setting in “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction “The Story of an Hour”, by Kate Chopin portrays the inner turbulence of a lady known as Mrs. Mallard. The writer describes the palpitations Mrs. Mallard goes through the moment she comes to know the sudden demise of her husband, Brently Mallard. The writer, in the same piece of...


Themes of Death of a Salesman and Oedipus Rex

As fine pieces of literature, both ‘Death of a salesman’ and ‘Oedipus Rex’, demonstrate the tragic lives of human beings in this distressed world. Even though each one has its own supporting themes, there are some common themes like fate, insanity, isolation and tragedy. Both, Oedipus in Oedipus Rex and...


The Extent of Gun Crimes in the USA

Introduction The relationship between gun ownership and crime is a highly correlated one in both positive and negative aspects. Argument for the regulation and/or appropriateness of gun ownership lean both ways; part of the populace lend the opinion that ownership of firearm is essential to self defense while the remainder...


Interpretations of Gun Control Legislation

Introduction The reasons guns have not been outlawed are many. This action would violate the Constitution, impair hunter’s rights and take away the right to protect one’s family, property or self. The topic of Gun Control is controversial and the debate surrounding it often emotional usually centering on differing interpretations...


Lincoln’s Election: Catalyst for Beginning of Civil War

The American civil war, fought between 1861-1865, has gone down in the United States’ history as the nation’s costliest war, in which an estimated 620,000 Americans lost their lives, killed by fellow Americans. It was the most bloody and brutal war ever fought on American soil with thousands of soldiers...


‘I Have a Dream’ Speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The speech ‘I Have a Dream delivered by prominent African-American leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. before a massive audience of more than 200,000 people on 28 August 1963 at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. was undoubtedly the cornerstone and turning point of the American Civil...


Legislation Denying Women’s Right of Abortion

It is a fundamental duty to respond to appeal by a citizen of the State of Nebraska as an appointed Justice to serve on the United States Supreme Court. Nebraska has recently passed legislation related to each of the following rights and freedoms in form of a legislation that would...


Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

As a preface to “Huckleberry Finn,” Mark Twain wrote the following words:” Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.” (Twain, 7) Nevertheless, since...


Facets of E-Learning in Education

Introduction With a growing number of courses offered online, the major concern is about the role of instructors. Rendering online instructions is a challenging approach for delivering classroom-like education to remote learners. Even now, online education is mostly imparted as extended studies or some sort of continuing education; but over...


Teacher Professional Standard and Reflective Practice

Introduction Professional standards are means by which the professional can provide professional leadership concerning issues of quality in teaching and learning which are defined by a professional body. Normally the professional standards of teachers are under the section of the ministry of education and they ensure that teachers or educators...


The Role of the State in Global Education

Executive Summary The current educational system does not meet the needs of culturally diverse students. The global community is more interdependent and interconnected today than it was twenty years ago. The existing programs fail to provide necessary skills and knowledge on cultural awareness, the importance of cooperation, and collective decision-making....

Politics & Government

The Cuban Missile Crisis and Decision Making

The latter half of the twentieth century was a crucial era in the development of American foreign policy. Previous to the outbreak of World War II, America had been an important player in the geopolitical arena, but still just one of many great powers, most of whom were located in...

Politics & Government

The Civil Rights Movement

The Declaration of Independence was initially prepared by Thomas Jefferson and formally accepted on July 4, 1976. The concern at hand was the aspiration of the American colonies to attain sovereignty from British Rule. Even though in the Declaration of Independence, the thirteen colonies recognized the requirements of equality, existence,...


“The Story of Childhood – Growing Up in Modern Britain” by Libby Brooks

The book of Libby Brooks “The Story of Childhood – Growing Up in Modern Britain” relates to the children that represent the majority of today’s children in Great Britain. All the stories are real as well characters performed are real too. The book refers to the problem of modern attitudes...

Politics & Government

Political Realism: Definition, Approaches, Criticism

A realist is an individual who perceives a circumstance in the most pragmatic way. This means they believe that the world can be an ideal place where no wrongdoing has to take place and they want to make everything perfect and in order. A realist often is a person who...


Community Policing: Term Review and Analysis

Introduction Informal social control denominates customs, traditions, norms, and other social values inherited by the individual. It is exercised by a society without explicitly stating these rules and is expressed through customs, norms, and mores. Informal sanctions may include radical, sarcasm, criticism, disapproval, and community policing. Community policing or neighborhood...


Stock Market Crash of 1929 and 1987

Introduction The stock market crashes of 1929 and 1987 are similar in terms of the economic reasons that led to financial instability, however, they differ in the degree of crisis, and fiscal and monetary policy undertaken by the government to correct the situation and the consequences on both U.S. and...


British Colonialism and India

Introduction In the 19th century, Great Britain had started its occupation of India. Using strict military rule, it exploited India’s resources and its people to use as labour. It was able to justify this for a few reasons. Many theories attempt to explain the motives for Imperialism. One of the...


Illegal Immigration and Schools

Introduction During the 20th century, illegal immigration has been the major social and economic problem of the state. The main problem is that it is difficult to control illegal immigration and flows of foreigners coming each month to Americas. Also, it is difficult to predict economic problems and changes caused...


Affirmative Action in the 21st Century

Affirmative action was introduced 46 years ago by President Kennedy, who sought to set equality not just as the right or the theory, but as the fact. In its long history, affirmative action has been both complimented and pilloried. Recent research indicates that affirmative action has failed and does not...

Politics & Government

Public Policy Process Analysis

Introduction According to the specialist analysis, the meaning of policy according to Thomas Dye is “Public policy is no matter which governments come to a decision to do or not to do. Governments do plenty of things. They manage conflict inside civilization; they put in arrange society to take on...

Politics & Government

Case for and Against Capital Punishment

Introduction Capital punishment is the execution of offenders either through judicial hanging, shooting and firing, lethal injection, electrical chair, gas chamber, beheading, and many others not mentioned. Whichever method is used in applying capital punishment the issue will be whether there is justification for such kind of punishment. There many...

Politics & Government

Pro Death Penalty Classic Argument.

The law is a very specific type of classification. It is enacted in such a way that wrong and right, black and white, self-defense, and unjustifiable acts are clearly defined and acted upon. For example, The bouncing check law does not punish a person for the act of issuing a...

Politics & Government

Texas Government and Legislature: Gun Control

Guns are very powerful weapons that can be useful in the protection of the lives of citizens in a country. The protection of one life can be provided by an individual own self or it can also be offered by other people authorized by the government in a given state....


Freedom Issue in “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction The Story Of An Hour by Kate Chopin is a story that strikes close to home for most married women even in today’s world of equal rights and women’s liberty. It is my belief that the central theme of the story delves on the seeming lack or loss of...


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Introduction The idea of human rights is the mother’s milk of the global group of people. Problem is, these existing human rights come in more flavors than chocolate or yielding drinks. Would you like the Asian, Islamic, native, economic, European, or U.S. description? And how would you like your human...

Tech & Engineering

Company Data Warehousing: Winners and Losers

A data warehouse is the major store of an organization’s historical data, and its corporate memory. It contains the raw materials to support managerial decisions. According to Greenfield 2005, a data warehouse is a copy of transaction data specifically structured for querying and reporting. The data warehouse can be a...

Tech & Engineering

Expert System Software in Business Decision-Making

Introduction Information fuels the new economy and plays an essential role in developing and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage. The demands on a business today – increased global competition, lower barriers to entry, lower profit margins – are creating an ever-increasing need for access to data. The ability to get...

Tech & Engineering

Technological Innovation in Project Management

With the advent of globalization and highly sophisticated technological advances, today, more than ever before, there is a high need for stable, streamlined project management. The business world and governments are in constant pursuit to analyze and enhance their effectiveness and efficiency for work and output so that better prospects...

Tech & Engineering

Cell Phone Use in the Car Issue Analysis

Cell phone usage has exponentially increased in the past decade. The wireless connectivity as well as the multiple facilities provided by the cell phones has made them immensely popular. The cell phones have now become not just means of communication for people, but more like personal storage and computing devices...


American Foreign Policy After the Vietnam War

In 1985, Richard M. Nixon described the Vietnam War as the most “misunderstood event in the history of America” (“The Ultimate Resource for the Vietnam War”). True enough, unifying a nation into a single unit became a very tumultuous task for the Viets. Not only did it intensify the separation...


Stopping Illegal Immigration to the United States

Illegal immigration is a hot issue in the United States. There are approximately 12 million illegal aliens in the country, and their number is growing. Illegal immigration is a problem; therefore, it has to be solved. Some policymakers advocate a mass amnesty and support of legal immigration, others stress the...


Affirmative Action in University

The brief background of affirmative action Affirmative action is a result of the civil rights movement of more than three decades ago. The main aim of this movement is to grant equal opportunities for minorities and women in such areas as education and employment. Because of the controversy surrounding its...


Cultural, Social, and Religious Revolutions

Different types of revolutions produce various effects on the people participating in them as well as those living in the same country with the revolutionaries. Each kind of revolution, be it cultural, social, or religious, has its specific goals. Depending on these objectives, the time used to prepare and conduct...


Harry S. Truman’s Biographical Sketch

When Truman was a child he dreamt about another career.  Truman together with the brother wanted to select the activity of the bank employee. From 1906 to 1907 together with the father and the brother he worked at the farm. After his father had died in 1914, Truman incurred the...


Legacy of Versailles and Causes of World War II

Introduction The roots of any war are never limited to only one fact or event influencing someone’s worldview. Usually, the causes of disastrous bloodshed involve a variety of elements, some of which, however paradoxically it may sound, were meant to abolish military combats. One of such contradictory pages in the...


Abolition of Slavery and Women’s Rights Movement in the 19th Century

Introduction The Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution was beyond doubt the most critical change in the country’s law and social systems. Ratified in 1865, this Amendment abolished slavery and any kind of involuntary servitude, granting freedom from their former masters to all African Americans. Soon after, in 1968,...


“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin: Quote Analysis

Abstract This paper explores the possible ways of incorporating quotations and writing about an interesting character and theme in the story of Kate Chopin, “The Story of an Hour”. The theme focuses on Chopin’s view of Mr. and Mrs. Mallard’s marriage, an empty or contented marriage; also this paper focuses...


Gender and Education in Developing Countries

Introduction Education is a basic human right protected and outlined by articles 13 and 14 of the United Nations of 1989. Education is both a human right and indispensable in realizing other human rights. In emerging economies and countries, from emergencies education is vital. Gender is important in the acquisition...


Living in a Wheelchair and Loving it

Most people think living in a wheelchair is a terrible thing.  They don’t talk about someone being wheelchair mobile, but instead it is ‘wheelchair bound’. People are confined by their wheelchairs, not liberated.  I think this should change.  This type of language doesn’t acknowledge where these people would be without...


Social Development and Poverty Reduction

Introduction Poverty is a complex fact. One of the majority serious troubles faced by the rising countries and transitory economies is to determine and put into live out the reforms which reduce the poverty and go faster the development. It is commonly conventional that more liberalization and globalization within the...


Right To Die With Assisted Suicide Should Be Legal

Thesis Statement: Under certain circumstances, physician-assisted suicide can be both morally and ethically acceptable. Introduction The debate about physician-assisted death thus far has been clouded by imprecise, sometimes inflammatory use of language. The descriptive term “physician-assisted death” includes both physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia. It emphasizes the physician’s role...


The Problem of Sexual Violence

Introduction Most women experience some form of sexual violence as part of their daily reality. Even if this does not take the extreme form of rape, beatings, and murder, there is the ever-present threat of assault implicit in the sexual comments and gestures in the streets and at work. The...


Doping Issue in Sports Analysis

Introduction The term “doping” commonly refers to the practice of using prohibited drugs or methods in sports to gain an unfair athletic advantage. Since earliest times drugs of one sort or another have been used, and abused, to enhance performance. The word dope itself is likely derived from the Dutch...


Symbolism in “Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger

Introduction Where do the ducks go when it becomes winter. This is an example of symbolism in this novel, which is filled with many more symbols, about Holden or his view on life. The ducks can be symbolizing Holden’s impulse to run away from the world and its problem and...


Short Stories by Flannery O’Connor

When one thinks of the American literature of the 20th century, the name of Flannery O’Connor is one among the first to come to his or her mind. Flannery O’Connor (1925-64) is now recognized as one of the greatest American writers of the period. Though the author’s hereditary disease prevented...


Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare

Introduction A Midsummer Night’s Dream marks the maturation of William Shakespeare’s comic form beyond situation and young romantic love. Shakespeare adds to the richness of comic structure by interweaving the love plot with a cast of rustic guildsmen, who are out of their element as they strive to entertain the...


Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” Review

Abstract Plato’s cave allegory is an analogy of an individual’s journey from ignorance to enlightenment, as well as referring to his beliefs of the world of appearances, and the world of Reality. Plato’s fable “The Allegory of the Cave” reflects the vast wisdom of Plato, his teacher and the philosophers...


The Art of Drama. ‘Hamlet’ by William Shakespeare

Introduction In the play ‘Hamlet’, by William Shakespeare, a complex plot is created right at the commencement of the play including the murder of King Hamlet of Denmark and the hurried marriage of Gertrude (Hamlet’s mother) to the late king’s brother, Claudius. The play however revolves around the task undertaken...


Social Responsibility in Society and Business

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and investor activism have become more commonplace in modern corporations and central to the core of emerging companies. Aspects such as political participation, climate change, diversity, and human rights are among some of these issues which can take on various forms depending on the industry or...


The Influences of Child Labor on Child Life

Introduction It can be accurately stated that along with women, children are the most abused group of people, and child labor is one of the most degrading and exploitive labor practices. The paper argues that Child labor is not only ethically wrong but also harms the Child’s health and has...


Aspects of Adoption by Gay Parents

In the modern world today many people are opting to lead a homosexual life, where people of the same sex get married and have a same-sex relationship. Today many children are living with gay parents. Research has shown that in 1990 about 6-14 million kids in the United States of...


Slavery in British North America and the United States

Introduction Slavery started soon after English colonialists settled in Virginia. Slave trade lasted until the thirteenth amendment of the united states constitution. Main Text The first American slave arrived as indentured servant via Jamestown, Virginia (1619). At this point in time a Dutch slave trader exchanged cargo of Africa (slaves)...


Harlem Renaissance – Pathway Towards a Social Change

Introduction A renowned U.S. example of collective attempts aimed to change social construction in context with race, class, gender and culture is none other than ‘Harlem Renaissance’ (HR) which actually took place in 1920s and 1930s. Today HR is remembered for the visions it opened up not only for African...


Degrees of Inequality in the UK

The above graph shows the UK income distribution in 2005–06. It maps out the number of people living in households with at various income tiers, grouped into £10 income bands. The height of the bars is representative of the number of people in each income band. The graph shows the...


Three important things in novel “The Gate to Women’s Country”

Introduction To describe any one of the three – ethics, culture or socialization – in isolation, might not only be impossible, but will also sound quite ludicrous. To describe what ethics are all about in a particular culture, the socialization process of the individual needs to be studied. Socialization involves...

Politics & Government

The Korean War and International Relations

Introduction The infamous Korean War began in 1950 after the North Korean army crossed the 38th parallel. This was the existing boundary between South Korea and North Korea. This invasion triggered the first major confrontation after the end of the Second World War in 1945. Due to the ongoing Cold...

Politics & Government

Marijuana Legalization and Its Beneficial Effects

The topic of marijuana legalization has been discussed for more than a decade with multiple arguments supporting and contesting the idea. Furthermore, there is some evidence that can be employed in the discussion: in several countries, including Portugal and the Netherlands, real-life experiments took place, the results of which should...


Greek Mythology – A Revelation

Greek Mythology, on the whole, consists of stories of gods and goddesses who purportedly dwelt on Mt Olympus. But it is not an account of the Greek religion. The modern idea of a real myth is that it constitutes an explanation of something in nature; for example, how and everything...


Doubleness in Stevenson’s “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”

Introduction This essay deals with an analysis of different forms and patterns in which the concepts of duplicity and doubleness are represented in Stevenson’s famous novel ‘The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’. The issues of duplicity/doubleness were not an accident thematic choice for Stevenson for he was...


Themes and Characters in Shakespeare’s Plays

Shakespeare was a master craftsman who depicted almost all aspects of human life in his plays. He delves deep into the psyche of the characters and tries to bring out the most inner feelings of the characters in his dramatic works. The theme of ambition is a recurrent theme for...


The History and Impact of Great Depression

Introduction The New Deal – is the policy held by the president Franklin D. Roosevelt during the period of great depression with the goal of providing relief, recovery, and reform (3 Rs) to the people and financial system of the United States during the Great Depression. The Depression itself was...


Gamal Abdel Nasser and the Egyptian Revolution

Introduction Gamal Abdel Nasser was the Egyptian statesman and a key political figure, the second president of Egypt serving from 1956 until his death in 1970. The Egyptian revolution in which he played a great role as well as his presidency drastically changed the future of several generations of the...


World War II: A Good War or a Just War?

Prelude “A just war” seems a contradiction in terms, apparently. A good war seems to be a phrase that is ambiguous; but to decide whether World War II is a ‘good war’ or a ‘just war’ may not be a simple exercise. The general perception is that World War II...


American Progressive Era: Benefits and Drawbacks

The Progressive Era in the U.S. is a period that lasted from 1890 to 1920 and was actually known for two distinct characteristics: It was a time where progressive social movements within the county sought to change various aspects of the country, specifically the government and the economy. It was...


American Civil War: The South and Slavery

No other problem has ever had a deeper effect and a more lasting impact than slavery. When people celebrate American freedom, they should be cognizant of the lasting and agonizing struggle shared in slavery mainly experienced by African Americans. A thorough understanding of present occurrences necessitates a look into the...

Politics & Government

Military Intervention for Humanitarian Aid

Introduction Once considered a violation of international relations, military interventions of humanitarian concerns are now seen as a compelling policy issue that its widely debated. It involves the discussion on how and when should military force be used and thus represents a significant challenge not only to the way that...


Human Resource Learning and Development Theories

Introduction Human resource management (HRM) is an extensive system of practices that are aimed at achieving better motivation, professionalism, and improved work performance of employees. Such methods are based on a developed range of theories, which predetermine the overall direction of the outcomes and their ultimate impact on the personnel’s...


Chinese vs. American Education System

Introduction There is no doubt that the Chinese education system after confronting challenges and critics from international educationists and scholars has today been able to solve the issues that remain unresolved even for decades. Today the two major paramount issues that were faced by Chinese educators in this century are...


Teachers’ Relations with Parents of English Learning Students

Introduction ESL program is a program of teaching students English as a second language (ESL). The students are taught English as a second language also referred to as English as a Foreign Language (EFL). This program is meant to prepare students who are traveling to an English spoken country, students...


Learning Style Models Through the Dunn Model

By its definition, learning is the acquisition knowledge, skills and understanding which is realized through development in ones behavior and the context of memories. It is the basic goal sought in the strive for education and obtained through experience. With the nature and contexts of learning, it may occur in...


Adult Education. Malcolm Knowles’ Andragogy Theory

Introduction Malcolm Knowles (1913 – 1997) was, possibly “the”, fundamental figure in American adult education during the second part of the twentieth century. In the 1950s Knowles was the Adult Education Association of the United States of America Executive Director. Knowles wrote the first main accounts of adult informal education...


No Child Left Behind Act: Policy Analysis

Literacy coaching is an ever-evolving field of American education according to Stevens (April, 2003). Throughout the nation, many elementary schools are beginning to implement reading programs designed to improve student literacy. These programs recognize that effective and continuing professional development for teachers is critical to success (Great Schools, 2005). This...


The Metacognitive Approach in Education

Introduction Metacognition is the knowledge concerning ones owns cognitive processes and the active monitoring and the regulation of these processes in the pursuit of ones goals. It involves the active reflection of what you already know and what you think coupled with cognitive self management that is the ability to...


Addiction and Drug Abuse. Psychoactive Drugs

Drug Abuse is generally defined as the use of a drug with such frequency that the user has physical or mental harm or it impairs social abilities. The substances that are discussed in this report are called psychoactive drugs; those drugs that influence or alter the workings of the mind,...


Gender Inequality in the Study of the Family

When it comes to the analysis of a typical American family, ‘Gender Inequality is incomplete without the issue of ‘domesticity.’ The reason for the significance of ‘Domesticity’ in American gender inequality highlights the need for understanding the cause behind perceiving and having ‘domestic roles’ like an American woman is expected...


Women in Politics. Equity Issues.

Introduction “Prevailing cultural, social and economic conditions continue to act as a barrier to the great political participation of women, moreover there is a passive attitude by the electorate, and women lack the necessary financial resources to election campaign” Ms Syada Greiss, Member of Parliament Egypt Women have struggled for...


“Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

The short story Everyday Use by Alice Walker challenges the impact and influence of African-American culture and heritage on people and their destinies. In order to reveal the message of the story in a subtle yet clear way, the author resorts to the use of various values and beliefs, lifestyle...


Balancing a Career and Family Life for Women

Overview of Women’s Status in Society Conventionally, females and males both have acknowledged the reality that men have privileges that females do not and can not. Men’s actions are taken as standard, and women are viewed, to some extent, as substandard. These approaches are part of the labels that form...


Karl Marx’s View on Class Differentiation

Introduction The unearthing in the existence of classes in modern society by Karl Max is a sense of direction to extricate the exploitation classes from the yoke of bourgeois class. In response to the rejoinder, Karl Marx explored the possibility of that the existence of classes is only bound up...


Child Development Observation and Parent Interview

Parent Interview This research paper focuses on parent interviews and infant observation. The parent interview focuses on pregnancy and delivery, infant’s physical developmental milestones, infant’s socio-emotional milestones, cognitive developmental milestones, and the effects of parenthood on parents. Pregnancy and Delivery Briefly Describe the Experience of Pregnancy The infant’s mother explained...


Cognitive Psychology and Research Programs

Abstract These are some of the foundational questions that cognitive psychology examines. They are foundational partly because each concerns the nature of basic psychological ability, abilities that we often take for granted, yet which are vital to our normal, healthy functioning and are key to our understanding of what it...