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Feminist Ethics, Theories, and Arguments

Introduction Feminist ethics is a new concept aimed at redefining and redesigning conventional and traditional experiences associated with women’s moral experiences from medieval times. Feminist ethics is therefore development and a new concept developed to remedy the inadequacies created by traditional western ethics which have consistently overlooked female contributions to...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Users in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction The establishment of social media is meant to aid people to interact and share information. Before the discovery of the modern social media, people used other media to acquire and pass information. They included radio and newspapers. These modes of socialization had limited impacts on people’s life. The establishment...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Role in Promoting Social Change

Introduction Communication through social media has the power to construct ideas, beliefs, and opinion. Rhetoric through social media such as newspaper, magazine, television, social networking website, blog, etc. can paint the desired picture of a social issue and navigate the change to a chosen direction. Human interaction and communication through...


Positive Psychology and Its Future

Positive psychology is “the study of the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions” (Linley, Joseph, Harrington & Wood, 2006). It focuses on positive individual traits such as the capacity for love, courage, interpersonal skills, perseverance, forgiveness, originality, spirituality, and wisdom...


A Scoring Rubric for an Essay Exam

Writing an essay is not an easy task – following the assignment guidelines, introducing some elements of originality, and at the same time managing to stay within the boundaries of the topic, offering solid bibliography is very hard. However, assessing the level of students’ performance on the given type of...


Water Resource Problem and Its Causes

Introduction In the 21st century, humanity is likely to experience an array of crises associated with the shortage of various resources. Aside from different economic shortages, such as dwindling oil and gas reserves, one of the few unspoken topics remains the issue of water supply. As it stands, almost 25%...


Global Warming Policies and Options

Introduction Global warming signifies the continued heating of the surface of the earth and the entire environment, which encompasses ice caps and oceans to mention a few. The global increase in atmospheric temperature has been evidently discerned in recent times. Consistent with the Environmental Protection Agency, the average temperature of...


Waste Handling and Control as Fundamental Phenomena

Waste handling and control is a fundamental phenomenon in the world today. Besides contributing to a safe living environment, it safeguards the human population against exposure to health related hazards. Waste handling and control encompasses a wide range of activities. They include; collection, storage, transportation, treatment, and disposal. These processes...


Sustainability and Waste Management

Main Components of the EPA’s Prescribed Waste Regulations and Role The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is guided by several components, namely classifications for reuse, classifications for contaminated soil, classifications for disposal (EPA Victoria para. 1). The role of the first component in ensuring wastes are properly managed entails classifications that...


Solar Panels and Their Advantages

Abstract This paper presents the outcome of the research that was conducted with the view of establishing a recommendation report for a company or a building owner to install solar panels. The paper examines the benefits of solar energy over other forms of energy. This paper discusses the methodology that...


Developmental Psychology in Adolescence

Adolescence is one of the main developmental stages that is widely defined as the period between 13 and 18 years. This life stage is a transition from childhood into adulthood, which is why many psychologists consider it to be one of the critical periods in people’s life. This transitional stage...


The UK Takeover Regulation

Introduction Companies engage in takeovers with the objective of increasing their value. Different nations have diverse legislations that guide or regulate takeovers. In the UK, Shikha reveals that takeover regulations take a shareholder-oriented approach.1 Indeed, shareholders reserve the right and authority to permit managers to engage in any defensive tactics...


UK Man-Made Laws Abolition and Consequences

Introduction By definition, man-made laws are laws made by people, which usually stand in opposition to the concept of natural or divine law. Natural or divine law was part of the dominant legal paradigm in Ancient Greece and Europe during the Middle Ages. According to the apologists of natural law,...


The Affordable Care Act Provisions

The affordable care act has related provisions in titles one to ten. Title one reflects on the quality and affordable health benefits for American citizens. The provisions of the title are rules and mandates of employers, insurance companies, and tax credits. Title two lays down the role of public programs...


Legal Agreement With an Independent Contractor

Independent Contractor Agreement This Agreement is made and entered into this ————- day of ————- 2013 Between [Insert company name] (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) of [insert company’s registered business address] [Insert service provider’s name] (hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor”) of [insert Company’s registered business address]. Independent Contractor Subject to...


Employers’ Ethical and Criminal Responsibility

Overview In recent times, there has been an increase in scandals within the corporate environment (Friedman, 2007). There has also been a sharp decline in business values especially with regards to the manner in which employees conduct themselves within and outside the workplace. These trends have raised eyebrows as to...


Personal and Professional Ethics

Introduction Research articles must always meet the required scientific research standards to become reliable for further reference. The paper must be methodologically pragmatic, have a clear articulation, and must have an organized structure that contains the major points based on the topic of an investigation. Moreover, scientific research articles must...


Qualitative Research of Manufacturing Processes

Qualitative research is based on collecting opinions and feedback regarding someone’s experience and self-evaluation in a particular field. It helps to identify strengths and weaknesses within a company. Although qualitative research is sometimes perceived as inaccurate due to the lack of mathematical formulas that would assess the level of coincidence,...

Politics & Government

World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions

“World politics: Interests, interactions, institutions” Summary In Chapter 11 of their 2014 book World politics: Interests, interactions, institutions, Frieden, Lake and Schultz discuss the influence of international law on the current state of affairs in the arena of international relations, while promoting the Constructivist idea that this law transforms the very...


Organic and Non-Organic Makeup

Makeup is an inseparable element of most girls and women’s toilet. Nowadays, in the era of diversity, there are thousands of manufacturers, which offer numerous options for cosmetics in order to satisfy the particular needs of different consumers. However, it is important to realize that there is a significant difference...

Politics & Government

International Society, Its Aspects and Components

Introduction An international society can be explained to mean a group of autonomous states that have not only formed a system that ensures that the behaviour of each state is considered by others, but have also established a common dialogical agreement that ensures that the conduct of the members is...

Politics & Government

Inventing the American Presidency

Introduction Each US administration has arguably supported a different type of healthcare system (Davies, 2013). The sitting president, in a bid to ensure that Americans get a comprehensive health care plan, often devises his own system that is supported by the president’s party. For instance, a healthcare system fronted by...


Data Analysis Techniques and Statistical Tests’ Worth

What Are the Data Saying? Medical research can be developed in a variety of ways, depending on a researcher, his or her background knowledge, and available resources. As soon as a topic is chosen, and research questions are developed, the establishment of research design and size is required. Statistics are...

Entertainment & Media

Twitter’s Business Strategy and Financial Performance

Introduction Twitter is one of the world’s most recognisable brands. Introduced to the market in 2006, the company’s launch coincided with the introduction of smartphones in the United States and other parts of the world (Thomases 2009). Although there were many other social media companies at the time, Twitter differentiated...


Global Warming: A Real Danger or a Hoax?

Introduction Global warming and climate change are among the most discussed environmental issues in recent decades. Usually, these global changes in the environment are treated as consequences of human activity (McMichael, A.J., 2013). On the one hand, harmful human activity is evident. Greenhouse effect as a results of human-produced gases...


Gulf Oil Spill: Facts, Causes, Response, Effects

Introduction Oil spills are generally common in world history, due to accidents, which occur beyond human control or as a result of errors and ignorance. Oil companies are expected to have machineries aimed at preventing such occurrences or strategies from mitigating the negative effects of oil spills, from avoiding excess...

Entertainment & Media

Video Games Addiction and Its Effects on People

Introduction Video games are a form of entertainment whereby players or participants interact with the objects displayed on a digital interface or a screen. Personal computers, arcade machines, and consoles are usually used to run video games for entertainment. In most cases, video games are popular amongst children who find...


Female Offenders’ Recidivism and Its Factors

Proposal Timeline Step Start Completion Problem Identification January 18, 2017 January 24, 2017 Literature Review January 25, 2017 February 3, 2017 Data Collection February 4, 2017 March 16, 2017 Data Analysis March 17, 2017 April 2, 2017 Summarizing Findings April 3, 2017 April 11, 2017 Introduction Recidivism is a serious...


Modern Visions of the American Civil War

The history of any country is a chain of events that aftersound in people’s hearts for quite a long time. The Civil War hit the United States in the middle of the nineteenth century. Although it finished more than one hundred and fifty years ago, it remains quite an interesting...


Communication Methods: Verbal, Written and Nonverbal

Introduction Communication refers to the process of transmitting, sharing, and exchanging information using sounds, signs, and behaviors (Chandler & Munday, 2011). Communication enables people to express themselves, share ideas and thoughts, resolve differences, and express respect. Through communication, people exchange messages with the aim of achieving desired results. Communication takes...


Effective Communication Strategies

Introduction Communication is arguably the cornerstone on which any successful relationship, be it business or personal, is built. The importance of effective communication is universally acknowledged, and as Greene and Burleson (2003, p.8) demonstrate, a lot of research has been taken on the subject and numerous books written so as...


The Art of Dealing With People: Personality Tests

Introduction Personality tests have been used for different reasons in the workplace set-up. One of the most common uses of the tests is in the recruitment process. Human resource departments have used the tests to pick out the best candidates for the job. Ideally, personality tests are done at the...


Child’s Play Observation and Parent Interview

Introduction This research paper lays emphasis on parent interviews and play years of observation. The parent interview seeks to establish the progress of the baby in terms of physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive development. The information gathered from the parent interview shall indicate whether the child’s development pattern is age-appropriate. On...


InvestigationCentral Agency for Psychical Research

Introduction Humanity has been known to possess psychic abilities since the dawn of time. It has many names – clairvoyance, premonition, remote viewing, the sixth sense… However, only after the real science has been applied, we have been able to strip the phenomenon of all the unnecessary vibe of mysticism...


Problem-Solving Process and Its Approaches

Problem-solving is considered one of the essential human cognitive processes since it is a higher-layer process. Problem-solving is closely related to other cognitive processes. These processes are pensiveness, searching, erudition, decision-making, inference, psychoanalysis, and synthesis. Problem-solving is related to other cognitive processes through the object-attribute model. Studies show that problem...


Liquefied Natural Gas and Its Properties

Natural gas Natural gas provides the primary source of energy in homes and industries due to its availability. Moreover, it is cheap and has high-energy content. Chandra states that natural gas is the “most flexible of all primary fossil fuels because it can be burned directly to generate power and...


Descriptive and Inferential Statistics and Measures

Introduction Statistical methods are tools used by the psychological researcher to summarize and draw conclusions about collected and predict data about population. This research paper discusses the difference between the descriptive statistics and the inferential statistics. It has also described the measurement scales and measures of central tendency. The measures...


Cost of Plastic Recycling in US

Abstract Cost of recycling can vary depending on location of dumping facility and collection facility. Additionally, cost of cleaning plastic wastes can drive the cost of recycling. This paper looks into cost effectiveness of recycling plastics as compared to manufacturing new plastic products. In addition, the paper looks into situations...


Air Pollution and Mortality Rates

Introduction Nowadays, air pollution becomes more serious as a result of people’s intervention in nature. In the process of evolution, humanity adapted the surrounding world to itself without thinking about possible problems in the future. The forests are regularly cut down, the consumption of non-renewable raw materials is increasing, and...

Politics & Government

Punishment and Death Penalty in the Western World

Introduction Nowadays, the discussions on punishment and the death penalty frequently occur due to the inability to create one general opinion on the importance of these two concepts and gain control over crimes that happen in the Western world. In this paper, the attention to the positions of such philosophers...


Social Work Practice and Its Principles

What is your Guiding Principle for Social work practice? The reason why I chose social work practice is that theoretical approaches provide various ways of looking at the world and organizing information. Besides, various ways of organizing information influence ways of life in different communities based on their cultural beliefs,...

Tech & Engineering

Educational Technology and Digital Resources

Educational and Instructional Technology Sometimes, educational and instructional technologies are confused or even misunderstood. Still, it is very important to know the definitions of both and use examples to prove the correctness of choices. Educational technology is a study that aims at facilitating learning processes and improving performance. It teaches...

Tech & Engineering

The iPad 6 as an Educational Tool

Executive Summary The paper primarily delves into the marketing strategy of approaching various private schools in the U.S. in order to market the iPad 6 as an educational tool. With the growing interest in incorporating technology with education, Apple can position itself as a primary supplier of tablets in this...

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Learning Services in the Higher Education Environment

Abstract Mobile learning services have been applied in many higher education institutions as technology improves the approach to instruction delivery. In the dynamic learning environment, different mobile learning services are in one. These services are targeting students. In order to gain from these mobile services, the targeted students should be...

Tech & Engineering

Project Portfolio Success and Failure

Meridith Lavinson (2010) had mentioned in his paper that there are a number of factors which determine either the success or failure of a project portfolio success and failure. Among these factors are schedules, assets and sources of funds. However, new-age project management analysis from training institution insights learning and...

Tech & Engineering

Project and Team Management and Control

Statement of Work and Its Role in Project Management Project management is a complex undertaking that requires dedication and accuracy with regard to the execution and propagation of various components that characterize its essence. In most cases, project managers rationalize ideas and activities in order to ensure and guarantee efficiency...

Politics & Government

Syria’s Regime Change and Its Likely Aftermath

Abstract The Arab spring has toppled many regimes. The revolution has spread throughout most parts of the Middle East and it continues to cause a lot of uncertainty regarding its real aftermath. Syria is now grappling with the possibility of a regime change but there is very little understanding regarding...


“How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

Part One Part one of the book presents the essential practices of handling people. Chapter one under part one begins with the affirmation that if people want to collect honey, they should not kick the beehive. This means that attacking other individuals is worthless because it only puts them on...


Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

In the occurrence of increased and evolving outrages concerning sexual harassment and violence in the place of work, one might wonder how such problems can be eradicated. Sexual harassment in the workplace denotes the aggravation of either female or male employees by another, mainly of the opposite sex, based on...


CrowdSurf: A College Student Delivery Application

Executive Summary Students at colleges frequently face the problem of having lunch during the break. As a rule, they do not have enough time to leave campus and visit shops or cafes. There are some student restaurants on campus, but the lines are long, and the choice of food is...


Digital Citizenship: Learning and Teaching Activities

Nowadays rapidly changing world sets new opportunities and challenges in the field of technology-rich teaching and learning. The inclusion of digital technology in the educational process allows the teacher to organize different forms of teaching and learning activities in the classroom to make it active and purposeful. In its turn,...


Primary School Education: Action Research Plan

In nowadays’ rapidly developing world, primary school education becomes a subject of continuous improvement in order to establish the basis for a balanced development of children. As reported by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (2014), constant evaluation and enhancement of teaching programs is assigned a top priority...


Mitigating Climate Change Through Trade Schemes

Introduction The literature review of this paper is regarding avoiding the climate change process with the help of trading schemes. These trading schemes are unlike the past methods that worked on command and control policy. Instead of that, the present schemes propose trading activities even in control of emissions by...


Property Co-Ownership at Law and in Equity

Property ownership at law and in equity Section 34(6) of the Law of Property Act 1925 treats co-owners as one legal entity: they are joint tenants in law (McKenzie & Phillips, 2012: 282). The Trustee Act 1925 limits the number of joint tenants of a legal estate to four persons....


Americans With Disabilities Act

Americans with Disabilities Act: Example 1 The article of my choice concerns the controversy of the existing ADA rules. On the one hand, it must be admitted that ADA has finally helped the disabled feel that they are worthy members of society and that they have the right to enjoy...


Legal Aspects of Healthcare Management in the USA

Introduction Current investigations show that the United States is one of the countries that are ready to spend much money on health care in comparison to other countries in the whole world (Hammaker, 2011). However, the intentions of the government to improve the conditions of health care cannot be defined...


Foreign Direct Investment Laws in Saudi Arabia

The Background of the Problem and the Research Question In Saudi Arabia, foreign direct investment (FDI) includes financial resources attracted for the development of the country’s oil industry and numerous non-oil markets. According to the data provided at the United Nation Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 2012 and...


Toronto Athenaeum Club in Canadian Labor History

Nowadays, Canada belongs to the number of countries having a relatively high quality of life, and it is possible to suppose that this fact clearly relates to the rich history of the Canadian labor market. The given sphere of social life in Canada presents an interesting research subject because the...


Role of Women in the Arabian Gulf

Introduction Today, the progress of the Middle East turns out to be an example for many nations. The region of the Arabian Gulf, including such basin countries as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, and Iraq, represents the world’s biggest offshore oil and gas field.1...


Teaching and Supporting Adult Learners

How has adult learning changed over time? The constitution of what is adult learning has changed over time. Initially, the term related to literacy for immigrants’ and workers’ education. Today, the concept captures the entire process of educating adults, irrespective of the context and the aim of educating them. This...


Students’ Learning and Teachers’ Support

I did the interview on eight high school students from four different high schools in Texas. The aim of the interview was to show the importance of listening to students before the administration implements decisions affecting them. The inspiration behind the process is the obvious problems in our institutions like...

Politics & Government

The Institution of the World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an internationally formulated body that aims to encourage free trade through various stipulations. The institution of the WTO is subject to a simmering debate that revolves around the effectiveness of this organization. The WTO came into being in 1995 after lengthy negotiations that culminated...

Politics & Government

US Foreign Policy and Its Impact on the World Economy

Introduction For many decades now, the United States (U.S) has remained a global power center in world politics. Through economic and political means, the U.S has been able to stamp its authority in most global political issues. Through such influences, America has made many allies and enemies in equal measure....

Politics & Government

The World Trade Organization: Its Creation and Purpose

Introduction An environment that favors international trade boosts the economic growth of the individual countries. As such, governments develop policies that support the countries economically through global trade to enhance the social and economic aspects of development. However, the policies may discriminate against other countries about matters of trade, thereby...


Slavery and Its Legend in North America

Introduction The history of slavery in the United States dates back to the beginning of the 17th century when the shores of Virginia first welcomed a ship full of captive Africans. While the patterns that slavery took in the United States may reminisce of those present in other countries, one...

Tech & Engineering

Communicating Project Management

Scope Management Plan Work Performance Analysis In Scope Out of Scope Uncertain Efficient procurement management services None Variances in procurement management needs Cost friendly procurement management services None Customized services might surpass the projected cost Customized procurement management services Limited customer budget Changed customer preference Variance Analysis In Scope Out...

Tech & Engineering

Emirates Airlines’ Entertainment Project Management

Company Overview The Emirates Airline is an airline company based in Dubai and is fully owned by the Emirates Group (Plunkett 44). Emirates Group is a public company that is owned by the government of Dubai. The firm was founded in 1985 as a way of promoting local tourism and...


US Healthcare Law and Rulemaking System

Introduction The U.S. healthcare industry is highly governed by law. Thus, there are legal principles spelt out in federal and state laws that medical practitioners in the U.S. should observe. When legal issues that pertain to healthcare administration arise, U.S. courts may come in to help with interpretation of the...

Tech & Engineering

The Columbia Disaster and Safety Violations

Introduction The Columbia disaster—the disintegration of the space shuttle—happened in February 2003. All members of the crew of seven astronauts were killed in the crash. This case study gives a detailed description of the events and describes the main causes of the disaster. The first reason is related to the...


Health Law: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care and the Patient Protection Act commonly known as the (PPACA-2010) is a federal statute signed into law in 2010. The design of the statute would be implemented in stages over eight years. The intentions of ACA were in reforming health care systems in United States of America...


College Cost, Student Loans and Fundraising

The modern college education is expensive. Any inquiry made to a household with children in post-secondary institutions reveals that the cost of education is continually rising (Hall 105). Even though the cost of living has generally skyrocketed throughout the 21st century, it is apparent that the cost of a college...


Emotional Development in Children and Adults

Early childhood is a vital period in the development of every human being. Many researchers in psychology devote their studies to the exploration of the characteristic features of a child’s psychological state and emotional well-being during this period. According to Zen’kovskii (2013), “the general sense and the general features of...


The Introduction to Early Childhood Education

Book Report Education of a child is crucial due to the fact that it is a powerful tool of socialization with the help of which the society receives a member that can be multifunctional in a variety of settings. Despite the common belief that the role of school and other...


Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioning is a term used to refer to behaviour modification that is attained through a response-reward system. The major assumption (which happens to be true) is that human beings behaviour can be conditioned through a reward system. The reward may be positive, which reinforces a positive behaviour, may be...


Sigmund Freud’s Personality and Psychoanalysis

Introduction Sigmund Freud is widely known as the founder and the proponent of the psychoanalysis theory, which deals with individuals’ personalities. He was born on the sixth of May 1856 in Moravia and later served as an Austrian neurologist in the 19th and the 20th centuries (Friedman & Schustack, 2011)....


Cognitive Psychology Discipline Evolution

Cognition The term cognition in science refers to mental processes. There are a number of mental processes, which are referred in cognition. They include attention, memory, learning, producing, understanding a language, decision making, reasoning and problem solving among others. In general, the term cognition involves thinking. It is about how...


Union Management and Organization

Summarize the historical and legal framework which provides the foundations for the American system of labor/management relations The American labor movement has a long history. The US population has had to unite on several occasions to achieve many gains that the current labor force enjoys across the country. The labor...

Entertainment & Media

Northern Exposure: TV Genres of Medical Comedy, Drama, Dramedy

Introduction Nowadays, many medical dramas and comedies are typical of American television, and it is important to understand how Northern Exposure (1990-1995), created by Joshua Brand and John Falsey, influenced the development of not only these genres but also ‘dramedy’ in general. Northern Exposure became one of the first medical...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks and Their Value for Marketing

Social networks have become an indispensable part of many people’s lives and an important platform for companies. Businesses can develop strong relationships with their customers through various social media, including but not limited to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, What’s Up, LinkedIn, and so forth. Social networking is one of the...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Helps to Bridge Divides

In this essay, I will be exploring the ways in which Social media helps to bridge the gaps between us and how it positively and negatively reflects on the people and me. What is social media? Social media, to me, is a way of connecting people from all over the...

Entertainment & Media

Use of Social Media in the Social Construction

This paper aims at the thorough analysis of the social media influence upon American society in the framework of social construction. One of the most significant functions of social media is the social-orienting one that is associated with a profound impact on the ideological basis, value orientation of the population,...

Entertainment & Media

Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games

Introduction Playing video games is a common past time for many high school and college students due to the gameplay mechanics, the storylines, and the fascinating graphics. In fact, video gaming has grown to become a multi-billion dollar industry with dozens of companies involved in hardware and software production (Ciută,...


Strategic Approach of Canadian Human Resource Management

Under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Supreme Court of Canada has made a number of important decisions pertaining to union rights. What impact do these decisions have on management and unions? Following the decisions made by the Supreme Court of Canada, it is highly likely that both the...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology Influences on Business

Technology has grown significantly in the last century with irreversible effects on local regional and global matters. Technology has had a tremendous impact on human societies such that it is the basis of all aspects of societal growth. Among other factors that have influenced globalization is information technology. Other than...


Marriage and Adultery Laws of Emperor Augustus

Introduction Gaius Octavius, popularly known as Emperor Augustus, is considered one of the most important rulers of Rome. He is the individual credited with the founding of the Roman Empire in 27BC after the collapse of the Roman Republic. Augustus was able to overcome the social and political upheaval prevalent...

Tech & Engineering

E-Learning Types, Tools, and Technologies

Concept of E-Learning E-learning presents new vistas of learning for people of all ages. A three-dimensional environment interacting with typical objects on screen is an excellent technique for gaining fresh skills and discovering unknown abilities. Through Simulation techniques, it is possible to gain new concepts of e-learning by means of...


Feminist Pro-Porn During Sex Wars in the 1970-80s

Introduction Feminist Sex Wars of the 1970s and 1980s were acrimonious debates about a number of issues relating to sex and the role of women in this context. In the debate that was uniquely feminist in nature, the focus was on various issues about sex and how different members of...


Risk Factors for Deliberate Self-Harm

Introduction Self-harm can be conceptualized as the act of direct destruction or alteration of body tissue by an individual (Gratz, 2006). It is important to note that there is a difference between self-harm and suicide. This is given the fact that the individual inflicting destruction and alteration to their body...


Social Problem, Its Components and Stages

Social location and the role it plays with regard to social problems Social location is an idea that is widely used to help students who are new to the discipline of sociology figure out the relationship between the subject and their experiences in life. It may also be used to...


Human Trafficking: Causes, Effects, Control

Introduction Human trafficking is a form of organized crime that involves trade in human beings for purposes that include forced labor, sexual exploitation, forced marriage and organ harvesting (Aronowitz, 2009). Internationally, trafficking is recognized as a crime because of the severe violation of human rights experienced by victims. Women and...


Medical Marijuana: Persuasive Argument Against It

Introduction Marijuana is one of the oldest herbs known to humankind. Ever since ancient times, cannabis was used to make hemp, clothing, and medicine (Caulkins et al. 18). Its narcotic properties have also been discovered about the same time period. Although the use of cannabis in textile production faded away...


The Korean Community in Los Angeles

Where do members of this group live? The Korean community makes up almost 0.6% of the US population. It is important to note that the vast majority of these people are of South Korean descent. These people are often self-employed and run small businesses. It is necessary to add that...


Human Rights Shapes: Diverse Spheres of Use

Human’s Rights as the Attribute of Society In contrast to the other institutions that suggest a single form of the notion existing in the given society, the area of human rights allows to switch the shapes of the very notion of human rights according to the sphere it is applied...

Tech & Engineering

Interactive Whiteboards and Teachers’ Attitudes

Qualitative Analysis The researcher conducted face-to-face interviews with eight female teachers at primary schools in Ha’il City, Saudi Arabia. The purpose of the interviews was to assess teachers’ attitudes toward the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs). During the analysis, the researcher aimed to answer the following questions: How are IWBs...


Climate Change Causes: Position and Strategies

Introduction Today, more than ever before, the reality of climate change and its harmful effects to Mother Nature has finally dawned on civilizations across the world. It is now official that climate change is a major environmental predicament facing the world (Davidson, 2006; Stern, 2007). According to the authors, the...


Energy Sources: Types and Development

Describe the major differences between renewable energy sources, fossil fuels, and nuclear power with regards to general comparable energy densities/power output, carbon footprint, and adequacy as energy sources for today’s economy. A renewable energy source is that energy source that comes from natural resources. This source of energy does not...


Columbia River, Its Salmon Culture and Human Impact

History of Columbia River and salmon culture The formation of Columbia River is estimated to have started approximately between 12 and 17 million years ago (Miocene). It is roughly between 700,000 and 2million years ago that the river started taking its present course (during Pleistocene) (Hall, 2007). The river is...


Dubai Municipal Solid Waste Management

Introduction Municipals are bestowed with the power to deal with solid waste management. Although a minimal amount of waste is burnt, the municipality is increasingly engaging in waste recycling (Roscoe, 2015). Owing to the economic and environmental challenges that Dubai’s municipal solid waste management is facing, the respective refuse management...


Virtual Water and the Water-Energy Nexus

Today, human society has faced with the complicated challenge of growing resource scarcity. By the year 2030, the planet population will grow to over 8.5 billion people placing significant limitations on the availability of such crucial for the global economic resources as water, energy, and food (Wang 78). This is...


Law and Justice in Ancient Societies

Introduction In the ancient world, law and justice were used to maintain peace and harmony between people living in different societies. These laws were used to judge citizens of territories where ancient empires had acquired authority to administer as the dominant source of government. Ancient laws and justice systems were...


Saudi Women’s Rights and Position in Society

Introduction The foundation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is strongly built on the Islamic doctrine. The Basic Law, which abides by the teachings of Prophet Muhammad as stated in the Holy Quran, entitles the power of leadership to male descendants of the founder King Abdullaziz bin Abdulrahman Al...


Lifespan Human Development: Perspective and Theories

Introduction The process of human development involves several stages. Moreover, it starts with the period of conception until birth. Lifespan development is characterized by numerous transformations. Development process begins at conception and culminates at birth. Fetus materializes from a single cell organism then it forms a full term infant. At...