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Family, Life & Experiences

The Family Engagement in the Reading and Growth of a Child

Introduction Reading is one of the basic requirements for a child’s better growth and literacy acquisition. A child can never get literacy skills unless he/she can read. Reading provides knowledge since it is the basic source of information and understanding for children and even adults. The art of reading has...

Politics & Government

International Politics: The United Kingdom

Introduction For centuries, the British Empire was a force to be reckoned with, dominating the European political stage and rapidly expanding its influence worldwide. However, new powers emerging in the aftermath of World Wars changed the rules of the game, and Britain was forced to accept the lesser role on...

Politics & Government

United States’ Death Penalty

Abstract In the United States offenses considered criminal are determined by statutes. The statutes give a clear sentence guideline on type of punishment to be meted. The rules are set out in the statutes to also govern the trials on criminal and pre-criminal proceeding. All the criminal procedures are set...


The Difference in Communication Between Older People and Peers

Introduction The modern world, due to the advancements in technology, offers people an array of means to communicate with one another and convey ideas to the person to whom the message is addressed. Language is the most essential component of communication, and the quality of the language used is measured...


Book Review: Energy and Global Climate Change

Tombstone I was interested in a book on an environmental issue concerning sustainability and energy. I found the book and purchased it online. The author of the book is a well-known environmentalist, Anilla Cherian. The most relevant data concerning the author can be formulated as follows: Cherian holds her master’s...


Freedom of Expression

Introduction Freedom of expression is a useful provision to any member of the academic community. The First Amendment provides that the academic community is entitled to academic freedom in learning, freedom to criticize institutional ideologies, and freedom from censorship. Academic freedom requires the academic community to utilize that liberty in...


Acts 1:9-14 Scripture Analysis

Introduction “When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. While he was going and they were gazing up toward heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by them. They said, “Men of Galilee, why do...


Homeland Security: The Department of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is an organization, concerned with problems that are connected to keeping the country safe. According to the mission statement, the primary objective of the institution is to “ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards.” (Our Mission, 2016,...


History of Criminal Justice System

Introduction The history of criminal justice system began in prehistoric times with simple and jugged law enforcement agencies as well as the judicial systems. As time went by, new forms of judiciary, laws and punishment evolved. Many reforms had taken place especially on the rights of the offenders, criminals and...


Controversy Between the Existence of God and Evolution

Introduction The question concerning the origin of the Earth and humans has been a subject of ongoing discussion for many centuries. With the development of science, long-established religious ideas about God’s creation of the world encountered an opposing view justifying that the Earth, as well as all living forms on...


Water Supply System: Maryland

Maryland is one of the states in the larger United States of America. It is situated in the mid-Atlantic region and is bordered to the south and west with West Virginia and District of Columbia; to the north with Pennsylvania and the west is Delaware ( Based on the findings...


“Graceful Evangelism” by Adeney

Introduction There are many religious and theological books whose authors try to introduce their points of view and prove the correctness of their chosen position with the help of personal examples of the evaluation of literature. Such approaches can be used by students to learn the world and the fields...


Elementary School Educational Models

Introduction Elementary school education is one of the basic aspects that lay the foundation of a person’s intellectual development. Therefore, the right approach towards children’s education in school is vital. The right teaching policies and regulations are the ones that support the students’ high performance in all kinds of subjects...


The Curriculum Implications That Are Derived From School Reforms

Introduction The curriculum implications that are derived from school reforms cannot be ignored. It is important to note that school reforms are aimed at improving the quality of education (Upton, 2008). The conventional curriculum is deemed to change at greater lengths. These changes will be evidenced in the learning and...


Curriculum Theories: The Most Prevalent in the School Setting

Introduction In education, a curriculum refers to the content that is decided and proven by the school management to be taught in schools. A curriculum mostly contains standards that are adopted by certain designated schools. Scholars argue that an effective curriculum focuses on the student as opposed to the content....


Theories of Curriculum: Comparison and Contrast

Introduction Theories of curriculum explain the history of education systems and the current positions of curricula (Pinar, 2004). The views are presented by various individuals showing variations of thoughts. Micheal Schiro and Herbert Kliebard are among the people who have participated considerably in raising the curriculum theories (Schiro, 2008; Kliebard,...


SHSU: The State of Public Relations Efforts and Programs

Introduction Public Relation refers to the process where a positive relationship is cultivated amongst individuals and entities through the application of media and other means of communication. It offers one of the most important tools for communication within learning and business institutions and also in the field of marketing. Sam...


Sex Segregation in Higher Education

Al-Saif (2013) and Wiseman (2008) say sex segregation in education refers to the isolation of people according to their sex. This term is synonymous to gender apartheid because some people see sex segregation as sexual discrimination (Herscovitch 2007). Sex segregation is not only a contentious issue in education because even...


The Character Development of Adolescents

Introduction Adolescence is one of the substantial development stages of a human being. It is a critical period due to where it falls in the life of any person. Adolescence occurs between the age of 10 and 12 years. The stage is a transition period between childhood and adulthood. As...

Tech & Engineering

Ethical Dilemmas in Project Management

Introduction Project management is the discipline that deals with planning, managing and organizing resources for the successful achievement of explicit project aims and objectives. It is often confused with program management but the latter is a high management level. A project is a short-term venture which has a definite beginning...


9-12th Grade Multicultural Inclusion

Problem Statement According to Chapman (2011), the country’s curriculum reinforces racial inequality by focusing on content knowledge and giving multicultural education minimal prominence. This means that educational institutions are not playing their part in promoting multicultural inclusion, yet the concept is indispensable in a racially-diverse country like the US. Constance-Huggins...

Tech & Engineering

Issues of Trust in E- Government

The rapid development of information technology has affected the human society. Development of the internet has had a profound influence on human interaction. Many commercial institutions recognized the benefits of the internet in business operations. They adopted the use of the internet to improve competitiveness and relationship with their customers....


Baltimore City Police Department and Baltimore County Police Department

Introduction The Baltimore County Police Department and the Baltimore City Police Department have experienced increased levels of criminal incidents. The level of enforcement of the law is observed to be a crucial factor influencing the level of criminal incidents occurring in any region. Some of the research conducted on levels...


“The Skillful Teacher” With Critical Thinking

Introduction Critical thinking is crucial in all aspects of life. It also has significant applications within the scholarly fields. The outcome of critical thinking is clear. Personalities involved in critical thinking acquire deeper meanings of their experiences.1 There is a notable relevance of critical thinking in education and coaching. In...


Gender and Diversity Roles in Leadership

Concerning human beings, diversity refers to the physical and behavioral variation that defines their personality. A myriad of characteristics defines each person’s particular and unique personality. Gender, emotional stability, level of intelligence, and physical appearance are some of the factors that determine the personality of an individual (Judge, 2009). A...


The Cultural Practices and Values of a School

Time-honored traditions are very hard to change, even if they are obviously standing in the way of improving the standards of organizational culture, relationships between the community members and the overall performance delivered by these members. Schools are the exact representation of the paradoxical phenomenon of culture as both the...


African American Women Obtaining Higher Education

Abstract There is no secret that even in the XXI century, major education issues have not yet been resolved, the problem of education for African Americans in general and African American women, in particular, being one of the major concerns. Despite the opportunities that have opened for African Americans in...


A Film Review of Harriet B. Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”

Introduction The film Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a film that thrills a lot of people. This is a film that exhibits Harriet Beecher Stowe’s never-ending model of American writing. The book Uncle Tom’s Cabin was given credit by President Lincoln during the commencement of the 1861 American civil war. The...


The Art of Teaching Primary School Science and Math

Statement of the Problem Math and science are among the few subjects that students and even teachers consider difficult in terms of teaching and understanding especially at the primary school level. The two subjects have a lot that teachers have to cover within the limited time that is set by...


Establishing Personal Criteria for Selecting a Life Partner

Discussion Expected Findings The expected finding of the study is that there are significant differences in personal standards for choosing a spouse between students in KU and UK. The differences in the personal standards are due to cultural factors that influence perceptions of students in the two universities. Comparative analysis...


Teaching and Learning in a Diverse World: Book Review

Overview Teaching children from a multicultural dimension influences their attitudes and social awareness. This effect is true even when one is dealing with people from different diversities. The approach aids children to develop and shape the mechanisms of dealing with persons of different gender, class, social affiliations (Shareef & Gonzalez-Mena,...


Utilitarian Theory, Human Rights and Organizational Inequities

Introduction This essay is divided into two parts. The first part discusses issues of utilitarian theory and human rights, while the second part deals with issues of organizational inequities. The last part of this essay provides a conclusion on the discussions that have been tackled in both parts. Utilitarian Theory...


Cooper’s Ethical Decision-Making Model and the Concept of Human Rights

Introduction In the public sector, ethics deals with the basic premise of public administration (Menzel, 2012). In this case, ethics can be defined as the moral rationalization for decisions and actions made in the process of undertaking daily duties (Menzel, 2012). In most cases, ethics matters a lot during the...


Public Administration and Social Change Strategies

Introduction Many researchers have published a lot of information about the operational challenges that public libraries face every day (Fratianni, Savona & Kirton, 2007; Verheul, Tammaro & Witt, 2010). Other researchers have acknowledged the fact that public libraries have the task to guarantee efficient service deliveries to the members of...


Importance of Curriculum Supervision

Introduction Curriculum supervision is integral in ensuring that the implementation of the same is well monitored. Curriculum supervision plays a great role in ensuring that teaching practices and the content being taught are followed. It is important to acknowledge the fact that curriculum supervision is a guiding tactic in ensuring...


Hypothetical Research Design Plans

Introduction The process of planning a research project is one of the essential aspects of conducting a research study. Lack of effective planning has negative effects on the quality of a research project, and thus its generalization to the entire research population. One of the most important phases in the...


Best Practice Suggestions: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Similarities between Quantitative and Qualitative Methods Quantitative and qualitative methods are the most commonly used approaches to conducting research. The two have some striking similarities that a researcher should be aware of when making the decision on which of them may be appropriate for given research. One factor that both...


Positive Classroom Management

Importance of Knowledge on Student Background Fundamentally, teachers should know the background of students as well as what occurs in their environments. The need to know the background of student environment is because the understanding presents several benefits to the students and the teachers. Some of the benefits associated with...


Entry Stage Phases in Psychology Consulting: An Overview

Introduction For a psychology consultant to succeed in his work, he needs to engage well with his clients during the initial stages of their meeting. The consultation process consists of four stages, which include the “entry, diagnosis, implementation and the disengagement” stages (Dougherty, 2014, p. 54). This critique will concentrate...


Skills and Attitudes Needed for Psychological Consulting

The term consulting in psychology is defined as “a type of service performed by counselors, psychologists, and human resource workers in which they assist another person who has responsibility for a case or program” (Dougherty, 2013, p. 10). The consultation process involves three parties, namely: the consultant, the client system,...


Analyzing a Charismatic Leader: Donald Trump

Introduction Born on June 14, 1946, to Fredrick and Mary Trump in Queens New York, Donald John Trump was best known in his youth as an energetic, fastidious, and assertive young man. Enveloping these qualities at a tender age, his parents thought that taking him to the New York Military...


Ethical Issues with Subprime Loans

Introduction In the contemporary changing business environment, lenders face numerous ethical issues when dealing with different clients. The 2008 financial crisis started with unethical and poorly regulated subprime mortgages. Subprime loan is a “type of loan that is offered at a rate above prime to individuals who do not qualify...


Psychological Disorder: Causes and Remedies

Introduction Psychological disorders This disorder has an anguish effects to a human being affecting his or her mentality and this results into a severe illness. Psychological disorders results from various cause, which initiates several diseases appearing in different ways. We have various symptoms of these diseases including 🙂 – schizophrenia,...


Oil Spill Management in Niger Delta Institutional Arrangements

Introduction Environmental degradation in Nigeria and regions along Niger Delta has persisted for many years due to oil spillage (Eweje 2006, p. 30). In this regard, an examination of governance of oil spillage in Niger Delta raises critical issues in regard to policy and legislative framework associated with oil exploration...


Open System Approach on American Educational Reforms

In the last few decades, different policies have been formulated to address educational standards in schools in many countries and states. One of the most critical issues has been the unending debate on the advantages and limitations of some policies employed by schools in the United States (Ravenscroft, 2007). Many...


Gender Inequality in Employment

Introduction For decennaries, the issue of gender inequality has been in a manner accessible to or observable by the public reverberating through the formal association of people with similar interests. To date, one of the most agitating issues is the question raised for consideration or solution on gender inequality in...


Obesity Among Individuals in the United States

Introduction The article Approaches to measuring the extent and impact of environmental change in three California community-level obesity prevention initiatives by Cheadle et al. (2010) highlights the various health concerns due to the problem of obesity among individuals in the United States. The authors describe this distressing public health concern...


Suicide Prevention: Bullying and Depression

Problem Statement Suicide is among the leading causes of death in the globe, and it is closely associated with stress and depression both in childhood and later in adulthood. In the US, “suicide is the third leading cause of death for adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years” (Espelage and...


Childhood Trauma and Bullying: Adulthood Effects

Introduction Conducting research translates into the engagement in scientific inquiry to identify the underlying issues about a specific problem with the aim of solving it. In this regard, the process of inquiry follows particular systematic steps that seek to attain objectivity, reliability, and validity of the findings. Thus, it is...


Research Design and Approaches Review

Research Approaches Abductive research is an approach used to generate scientific accounts appropriate for the concrete case from everyday usual accounts or rules. Thus, in contrast to induction and deduction, abduction allows discovering particular phenomena or cases oriented first to the general rule and consequences. As a result, the abductive...


Assertive and Democratic Discipline in Studies

Introduction Educators can adopt various models to manage the behavior of students in the classroom. These theoretical frameworks are based on different assumptions about the way in which individuals can change their conduct. This paper is aimed at examining two approaches, namely, assertive discipline, developed by Lee Cantor, and democratic...


Mental Health Recovery Movement

Introduction In essence, the so-called ‘recovery approach’ to treating mental illnesses is concerned with the assumption that, instead of trying to lessen the severity of the symptoms of mental abnormality in patients, psychologists/psychiatrists should strive to empower the former, as thoroughly sovereign individuals. According to the advocates of the recovery...


“Grooms vs. Marlboro County School District” Analysis

Introduction A tort is a wrongful act that causes loss or harm to an individual. It often results in a legal suit by the party against which the act was committed. Such suits are resolved using tort laws. The primary objective of these legislations is to provide relief to the...


“Cohen vs. School District”: Legal and Ethical Analysis

Issue The case, Cohen vs. School District (1992), focuses on the placement of disabled students in mainstream education settings and the tort of negligence. A special education student was placed in a mainstream setting without appropriate supervision despite having some recognized violent tendencies. The student later attacked another normal student...


Research Methodology Determination in Conducting Study

Introduction The choice of a research topic determines the type of methodologies to be employed when conducting a particular study. The researcher has to design the appropriate methodology to fit the case under study. The research methodology entails considering various aspects, which include identifying the research study undertaken, the process...

Tech & Engineering

Big Data Analytics Techniques in High Education System

As higher education enters the era of data analytics and big data, interests have grown for the application of big data analytics techniques in the system. The goal of higher education institutions is to increase enrollment, access to education, control costs and ensure high quality of education demonstrated through student...


Scholar and Practitioner Thinking Methods

In perspective, the perceptions of a professional are distinct from that of the associated scholar. The scholarship is based mainly on learning whereas professionalism targets solving issues apparent in society. In this light, cases described by authors of the articles reviewed earlier are perceived differently depending on the conscience and...


School Financial Administration in Webster District

The Webster School District: Financial Interview The planning and implementation of the budget or financial strategies in school districts is a challenging task because the budget of school districts depends on the local, state, and federal spending and resources (Nguyen-Hoang, 2012, p. 78). The budget cuts in even one of...


Jung Jae, John McCormick, and Miraca Gross. “The Forced Choice Dilemma: A Model Incorporating Idiocentric/Allocentric Cultural Orientation”

Introduction Three scholars jointly authored this article and it covers the topic of the forced-choice dilemma. This is a scenario where gifted students feel they have to choose between peer acceptance and academic achievement. The research described by the article was conducted on a group of high achieving Australian students....


Identifying Major Threats to Validity

This assignment consists of two parts. The first one is a chart that highlights the major threats for conclusion, construct and external validities, while the second section explains the major threats to external validity and highlights possible ways of minimizing them. The first part appears below. Chart Threats Description of...


“Stressors Among Hispanic Adults From Immigrant Families in the US” by Rojas

Introduction The present paper critiques an article by Rojas, Grzywacz, Zapata Roblyer, Crain, and Cervantes (2016), which was published in a peer-reviewed journal “Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology” in July 2016. The article considers an issue related to multiculturalism: it reviews the stressors experienced by immigrant Hispanic populations in...


The Impact of the War in Yemen on the Country’s Economy

Introduction The incessant problem with wars consists in the fact that they always occur despite the fact that they are costly. The civil war in Yemen is a perfect representation of how the above statement can be validated (Ferris 35). The country is rather close to a humanitarian disaster due...


Reproductive Health Issues: Women Fertility Rights

Concerns over global overpopulation have been around for some decades now. Researchers have singled out overpopulation as the cause of decreasing good living standards. According to Lien of Oz, living standards decrease and it translates to creation of more poor people and a poor and redundant society (Lien of Oz,...

Politics & Government

Russia’s Intervention in Ukraine

The developments surrounding Russia’s policies when it comes to Ukraine have continued to surprise observers within Europe and the rest of the world. Most of the Russian intervention tactics caught the attention of critics, most of whom who felt that t President Vladimir Putin was reacting from what he considered...


Assumptions about Human Behavior

Introduction Gestalt psychology is a theoretical framework developed by a German psychologist called Max Wertheimer. The main principle of the theory is that human mind views things as a whole instead of their small parts. It posits that humans do not focus on simple components when giving their views about...


The Potential for Community-Based Ecotourism Development

Theoretical Foundation The initial area of stakeholder theory application was in the business domain. The theory offered the potential for improvement in quality management and operational performance. However, over time it was successfully adopted in other disciplines. The core concept of the theory is stakeholders – individuals or groups that...


“The Taming of the Shrew” by Shakespeare: Katherine and Petruchio

Introduction Katherine and Petruchio are the major characters in Shakespeare’s play The Taming of the Shrew. Katherine is a woman in Padua and she is the shrew in the play. She is a woman that is sharp-tongued and has no respect for the men and insults them. Katherine is also...

Politics & Government

President or the Congress Is More Powerful When Deciding on the Use of Force?

Introduction After the Vietnam War, Congress recognized that the president has no jurisdiction to declare or wage any war outside the War Power Resolutions provisions, enacted by congress. However, the president is constitutionally required to defend the country from any intrusive power. He is the commander in chief of the...


Assessing Self-Assessment Concept Using Rauthmann Taxonomy

Item Construction Item construction is a complex process that requires the consideration of multiple concerns. Nowadays, researchers can employ various tools that may assist in item construction, and one of them is Rauthmann’s (2011) taxonomy. Using Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale (Eklund, Bäckström, & Hansson, 2018), as well as the literature on...


Educational Leadership Roles Among Students and Teachers

Abstract This study was conducted in more than thirty universities to understand the educational leadership roles among students and teachers. This study intended to show the significance of good and positive relationships in learning institutions, between students and teachers. The results of this study revealed that when there is a...


Stage-Based Responsibilities for Group Leaders

Introduction The success of group therapy depends to a notable extent on the group leader. Among other things, the consideration of the different group stages and relevant leadership activities can help a new leader to plan, analyze, and improve their actions (O’Sullivan, Blatch, & Toh, 2014). The goal of this...


Group Leader Characteristics: Diversity Competence

Introduction For successful leadership, a group therapy leader has to take into account the characteristics of the members of their groups. The modern-day society can be described as very diverse (Kidd, 2016), and this diversity gets reflected in therapy groups and their members (Corey, 2016). The sessions recorded by Microtraining...


Empirical Research Literature Evaluation

Research Assessment To determine whether the conclusions of empirical research are logically supported or not, it is necessary to check whether they offer assertions based on research findings. In conclusions are not logically supported, they invalidate most of the study because it means that the hypothesis has not been confirmed,...

Tech & Engineering

Survey Tools: SurveyMonkey

The advancement in technology is a main factor that has led to the evolution of survey methods and survey tools. Web survey is currently the most advanced method of data collection because it uses websites and utilizes diverse tools (Mrug, 2010). Owing to increasing needs of researchers, survey designers have...


Quasi-Experimental and Experimental Designs Data

Introduction After identifying research objectives, hypotheses, and research questions, it is necessary to determine how the objectives are going to be achieved. This step involves identifying the do’s and don’ts of the research as well as statistical analyses to confirm or refute the established hypotheses. These aspects encompass the essentials...


List of Privileges and Ways I Have Experienced and Demonstrated Racism

Key Concepts Race and ethnicity are the more or less objective terms that describe specific groups of people: the former is based on physical characteristics, and the latter can be used to unite individuals depending on cultural features and nationality (Clark, Anderson, Clark, & Williams, 1999; Fitzgerald, 2017). Identity is...


Statistics. Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Gender

Introduction This paper provides an analysis of data about the perceived self-efficacy of future teachers of mathematics. An ANCOVA will be conducted to determine whether there is a significant difference in the self-efficacy levels (the dependent variable, post_total, interval/ratio scale of measurement) between males and females (the independent variable, gender,...


A Sense of Cultural Self-Identity: Stereotypes and Cultural Values

There can only be few doubts that one’s awareness of the factors that contribute to the formation of the sense of cultural self-identity in people will come as an indispensable asset within the context of how he or she may go about striving to attain social/professional prominence. The validity of...


No Child Left Behind Act and Its Meaning for Education

Introduction The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is an act that was passed by Congress in the United States to cater to public education. The administration of President George W. Bush came up with the idea of the act and gained great support from other individuals and groups. The...


Educational Theories: Adult Learning Theory

Introduction There has been comparatively little writing, research and thinking on the area of adult learning. This is an inquisitive fact bearing in mind that adult education has been of interest in human life for a long period though the adult student has been neglected. Conventionally, people have understood more...


Role of Theory in the Research

Introduction Research is undertaken through defined research designs and methodologies. Qualitative research is both complex and detailed depending on the field of study. In the field of social sciences, both researchers and participants work in a team to ensure that the objectives of the study project are achieved within scheduled...

Politics & Government

The Partnership Between Non-Profit and Public Organizations

Introduction At present, the partnership between non-profit and public sectors brings many benefits to both parties. In the past, the system was different, namely, the government and the private sector worked separately and, in some countries, the government had absolute control over all spheres of its activity. Although it is...


“Under the Same Blue Sky?” by Tan

Author’s Main Idea In the elaboration of how education systems need to transition from a localized, nation-state type, to a more global and decentralized education system; the author tries to paint a picture of the homogenous nature of the society and how the education system needs to reflect this diversity...


Causes of Poverty as the State of Possessing Less Resources

Poverty can be defined as the state of lacking or not having the ways of getting the basic human wants like food, shelter, education, clothing, good health care and clean water. It can also be defined as the state of possessing less resources and income than other people in the...


Personal Cultural Identity Development

Introduction Personal identity can be roughly described as “a sense of self” which is constructed “about and for” oneself and used in interactions with other people (Kim, 2012, p. 100). This identity can be connected to racial, ethnic, and cultural identities, which affect groups and are related to the perception...


Discourse Particles in Language Analysis

Summary of the Article The article of Rieschild (2011) is dedicated to the analysis of the connections between the notion of discourse particles and the socio-cultural context of language usage. The present article also refers to the difficulties in translating discourse markers in semantically different languages; in case of Rieschild...


Applied Linguistics: Term Definition

Article Summary The article of Schourup (2001) is dedicated to the analysis of the discourse marker ‘now’ in the modern discourse analysis. The author uses the traditional coherence-based model for the assessment of the semantic and discourse features that ‘now’ make acquire in the linguistic instances depending on the context...


Enhancing Diversity in Libraries

Introduction Libraries collect and preserve information and therefore should be accessible to all, regardless of race or ethnicity. However, there have been racial and ethnic disparities in access to library services and hiring of library employees. Over the years, many libraries have attempted to develop programs that will ensure that...


“The Islamist” by Ed Husain

Book Review Ed Husain is an Islamic fundamentalist who has the vigor to tell his story about Islamism. He was born and brought up by his parents in England. They were calm and moderate observers of Islamic faith.1 In his book, The Islamist: Why I Joined Radical Islam in Britain,...


Mckitterick’s Views on History of Charlemagne’s Glory

Introduction: Carl the Great The most glorious king of the Franks, an outstanding politician an a man of great political power, Charlemagne not only contributed to the development of the history of the Franks, but also had an important influence on the rest of the world, hence, promoting the further...


Advertisment Research Preparation

Researchers use different methods of data collection. The mode chosen depends on the type of data needed and the suitability of the data collection method. Each particular method in use has associated strengths and weaknesses. The most common interview methods are face-to-face, over-the-phone interviews, video conference interviews, email, or synchronous...


Early Childhood Education and Care

Early childhood period is an extremely essential period for a child who needs to be provided with both education and care. The process of multifaceted development of a child’s organism should be combined with the learning achievements. For this reason, parents and educators should be competent in relation to early...


Knowledge Creation Methods: Literature Synthesis

Despite the clarity with which each scholar appears to arrive at a conclusion for which organizational theory is most suitable, it is nevertheless, near impossible for one to determine which theory is best for which context. Indeed, for over 20 years, the problem of organizations theory has been the center...


DNA Profiling in Criminal Justice: A Case Study

Since its discovery, DNA was utilized in several ways. Except for the obvious usage in the field of genetics, its unique properties allowed it to be used in forensics as means of identification. Known as DNA profiling and sometimes DNA fingerprinting, the technique allows for an unusually precise and reliable...


The Gulf War Illness, its Manifestation, Risk Factors, and Efforts of Eliminating it

Outline The reality of Gulf War Illness Treatment merit studies Its manifestation Gulf war ailments Risk factors, Anthrax vaccine Patient responses to treatment Pesticides The Gulf War Illness, its manifestation, risk factors and efforts of eliminating it The department of veteran affairs (2010) gave a testimony with the cooperation of...

Tech & Engineering

Usage of Accounting Software in Australia

Accounting software has been around for quite some time now and has become an integral part of modern-day accounting processes. All graduates that wish to find employment in accounting are expected to know and be able to use a variety of such programs in order to work quickly and efficiently....


Communication Skills: Development and Improvement of Communication Skills

Introduction 21st Century is characterized by great innovation in communication technology. The attention given to improving communication technology tells how important communication is to a human being. In living together, people have to cooperate. Communication enables people to work together, cooperate and co-exist. ‘Good communication skills is a phrase that...


The Relationships Between Emotions, Memory, Attention, and Decision-Making

It is a common idea that emotions and rationality are not compatible; in fact, it is often stated that emotions hinder and prevent rational thought. However, as pointed out by LeBlanc, McConnell, and Monteiro (2014), this perspective is not only incorrect; it is also detrimental because it devalues emotions. Recent...


Technology and Research in the Arab World

Introduction According to the report prepared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), easy access to new digital technologies enhances the status of research worldwide and leads companies to emphasize their research and development (Brito, 2010). The appearance and recognition of global institutions has improved investment and...