Free 1500 Words Essay Examples

A paper of 1500 words is a typical assignment in high school and college. A 1500-word essay can be focused on a wide range of topics, such as the role of genetics in public health, the pros and cons of globalization, etc.

As a rule, you will need to conduct research to write a 1500 words essay. The keys to success are: a well-formulated thesis, a good structure, and an extensive list of reliable sources used. Check free 1500-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!

Tech & Engineering

Mubadala Investment Company: HR Practices and Organizational Culture

Project management remains one of the main elements of a successful business, providing the enterprise with means and tools to recognize, evaluate, and plan the necessary actions for effectively operating a company. Moreover, it often leads to the creation of the new, innovative approaches that can help the company attract...


The COVID-19 Transmission in Australia

Research Question How has the current interventions employed in Australia to control and monitor the spread of COVID-19 been helpful in public settings with focus on the transport sector. Background The novel coronavirus was identified on 7th January 2020 by the Chinese scientist. As of 21st April 2022, a total...

Tech & Engineering

John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success

Introduction A large part of the modern business all over the world is project-oriented: more and more companies are oriented towards the creation of fundamentally new products or services, to achieve new results in well-known areas. Finding ways to plan, manage, and execute work is important for any team or...


The Animal Rights Compliance Problem

The present study explores the problem of compliance with animal rights. The methods used in the paper include information analysis and literary review. In the first stage, the relevant literature was selected, where one found evidence of the current problem’s topicality. In addition, the current paper will demonstrate the importance...

1500-Word Essay FAQ

A 1500 words essay would typically be about 6 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 1500-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in a 1500 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 15 to 16 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 30 to 50 minutes to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 1500 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 1500 words will take about 5 hours.

At a rough estimate, 1500 words would take up about 150 to 155 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 1500-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.


The Aristotelian Drama and “Othello” by Shakespeare

Introduction There are parallels between the Aristotelian drama, the tragic hero in the Antique sense of this notion, and the play by William Shakespeare, “Othello, the Moor of Venice.” Its main protagonist is the example of the tragic hero who arouses mixed emotions in the audience. Othello’s downfall is the...

Tech & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence in Business in Canada

Introduction Sniper Intel is a platform designed for efficient B2B sales collaboration in the marketplace. With the help of Sniper, any employee has the opportunity to receive up-to-date, and, most importantly, necessary, information in a timely manner, without wasting time searching for it. That is essential personalized information for each...


Muslims’ Position in the United States’ Society

Allam, H. (2021). Muslims see disparities in January 6 investigation. The Washington Post. Web. Say investigation reveals disparities in the processing of terrorist cases. For example, Dean Obeidallah, a Muslim comedian and radio broadcaster, refers to the riots at the US Capitol against Al-Qaeda in the United States that carried...


Federal Drug Law Enforcement and Legalization

In the article, Cannabis Overview, the author provides an overview of the status of marijuana legalization across different states in America as well as a history of legalization of the drug. As of July 2021, about 15 states had legalized marijuana for medicinal and adult use only. Examples of such...


Bilingual Education: Speaking in Tongues

Introduction Bilingual education is comprehensively addressed in the documentary “Speaking in Tongues” with different tutors handling toddlers at different levels. In essence, this notion exposes children to a world of different aspects about people from different parts of the world. On the one hand, those who promote bilingual education argue...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Technology and Social Media Impact on Parenting

Rapid technological advance affects all parts of human life, from recreational activities to socializing and relationships. In parenting, technology gives parents and children space and freedom to learn from others, surf for helpful information, develop socially, and keep in touch with society and distant relatives. However, the other perspective presents...


The Nervous System and the Human Brain

Nervous System The nervous system is one of the most important systems of the human body, and its study is a process that requires a comprehensive analysis of its functions. This system consists of the CNS and PNS, which, in turn, consist of the brain and spinal cord, as well...


African Americans and the American Revolution

Introduction African Americans were both participants and symbols in the American Revolution since they were active on the battlefronts and behind the lines. They participated in the American Revolution for one specific goal, not for the place or the people. Their main goal was the freedom of choice, and they...


Analysis of Tragedy in “Oedipus the King”

A common adage goes that destiny or fate can only be delayed but never stopped. Fate is a spiritual aspect thought by people to have the ability to control life. According to many cultural beliefs worldwide, not even the most vital human being can oppose fate. The need to control...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: History and Growth

Introduction Social media is one of the most significant phenomena that has disrupted marketing. The phenomenal growth of social media has provided organizations with platforms to significantly and efficiently expand their business. Today, social media is the center of modern life; however, it has a long history. Social media is...


Striate Cortical Damage in Monkeys and Humans

Background Visual cortex damage or lesions may often lead to blindness which, in many patients’ cases, is impossible to treat. After the cortex damage, another specific peculiarity of the human occipital lobe occurs (Bagins et al., 2019). The patients may locate visual stimuli being unaware of position, shape, color, and...


Human and Sex Trafficking in Spain

Introduction Human and sex trafficking have continued to plague many communities globally despite being abolished in many nations. Although human trafficking was made illegal in Spain in 2010, data on the subject is limited, comprising only cases formally designated by police as having a strong leaning towards sex trafficking (Villacampa...


Aspects of Contemporary Art

Introduction Many people think of art as something at least a century old and fail to consider the contemporary masterpieces that are being made in the present. However, the art world is flourishing, with the pieces being a reflection of the ever-changing world. Contemporary art is the definition of the...


“A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty: Analysis

Introduction Despite decades of social progress and the continuous dialogue on the subject matter, racism remains a tragic yet inalienable part of American reality. Indeed, instances of racism as the notion that has been institutionalized and virtually become ubiquitous in the American social context has trickled into every single environment...


Importance of Gun Control

Introduction Generally, guns as weapons portray a very dangerous and violent image among the public because of some unexpected and unlikely events. Keeping a gun or a weapon of any sort is considered to be perilous to the general public. Due to this, gun control is set up by the...


“Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass” by Fredrick Douglass

Introduction One of the most important pieces of historical documents about the history of the abolitionist movement is the “Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass” by Fredrick Douglass, who was a slave in his early life, and later successfully escaped the life of a slave. In his later life,...


“The House on Mango Street”: Esperanza’s Character Development

A famous and highly acclaimed novel The House on Mango Street by a renowned American writer Sandra Cisneros was published in 1984. The novel presents a set of vignettes that gradually reveals the story of the main character, the change in her perception of herself, her home and the community...


Literary Techniques and Ethnicity Role in Screenwriting

Introduction Movie scripting is a lengthy and ineffective procedure that requires a lot of time and effort. Screenwriters often submit multiple scenarios for consideration, but only one is selected. When screenwriters write a screenplay, they use a variety of literary techniques to keep the viewer interested. All other aspects of...


Classroom Learning and Teaching Strategies

Objectives (add domain and level for each objective in this column) Pre-Class activities Outline Instructional Strategies In-Class Learning Activity Classroom Assessment Clinical Lab Experience (Skills Lab) Clinical Experiences Class: Identify the principles of effective delegation in nursing staffing. (cognitive domain; understand level) Describe the process of delegation in nursing staffing....


Social Psychology and Theories of Group Influence

The Perspective of Social Psychology The three main areas of social psychology in terms of influencing behavior social thinking, social influence, and social relations/behavior. Social thinking deals with how behaviors are attributed. The concept argues that behavior is a product of the situation and the individual. There is the principle...


Proposed Solutions to the Issue of Homelessness

Introduction Homelessness is one of the topical social issues in the US. A homeless person is defined as the one who “lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence” (The Council of Economic Advisers 8). According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, in 2019, there were 567,715 homeless people...


Sylvia Plath High School: College and Career Readiness

Introduction It has been acknowledged that the modern labor market demands professionals with post-secondary education (“Eight components of college and career readiness counseling,” 2010). Therefore, P-12 contexts are now regarded as the most appropriate platform for making young people ready for postsecondary education as well as further career life. The...


Tort Law: Sherman and Church of Divine Light Case

Introduction Rob Sherman Sr. and his wife Bunny Sherman are acting as plaintiffs on behalf of their minor son Rob Sherman Jr. to sue the Church of Divine Light. The Lawsuit is being charged on the basis that intentional torts were conducted by the Church of Divinity which the family...


The Life of the Killer Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy – His Life Theodore Robert Cowell was born on 24th November 1946. His mother, Eleanor L. Cowell, at the time of his birth was aged 22 years and a single mother. In his childhood, Robert never knew his parents. He believed that his mother was his sister. Theodore’s...


Pachi’s Case Study: Contract and Parole Evidence Rule

A Contract I would like to start by stating that a contract is an agreement voluntarily entered into by two or more parties. This is with the intention of fulfilling an obligation binding them legally (Fruedwald 2009). In most cases, contracts are written. However, there are exceptional cases where contracts...


Contract Law and its Legal Principles

Introduction A contract refers to an agreement formulated voluntarily by two or more people, the main intention being the desire to create a legal obligation. A contract, in most cases, has elements in writing. However, on some occasions, it may be made orally, provided the parties involved come into a...

Tech & Engineering

Monitor and Control of Temperature in an Industry

Executive Summary Since industries use thermo-sensitive devices and processes, they require temperature control tools. Automatic temperature controllers are effective in regulating temperature because they do not require humans to read and make appropriate adjustments. The temperature controller comprises switch controller, thermistor, AC power, AC/DC power, circuit breaker, cooling system, heating...


Renewable Sources of Energy in Qatar

Introduction Energy is used for various purposes. In the modern industrialized world, it is used both for domestic and industrial purposes. According to Boyle, 2004, the world consumes 6×1013 kilowatt-hour annually. The challenge that the world is facing is the depletion of energy sources mostly non-renewable sources. On the other...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management and the Technical Processes

The management process involves marketing, customizing the software and consultations with several other companies. It also involves working within the budget. The risks that can be encountered should also be considered in the whole process. The need to have the products served to an international market in different languages was...


Common Law and Statutory Law

Introduction In Australia and other common law counties, there are two main sources of legal decisions namely the judicial decisions (common law) and legislation acts (statutory law) (Ponzetto and Fernandez, 2008). In terms of common law, this type of law (rule system) is derived from English law. Common law, also...


Lab Report on Thermoelectric Coolers’ designs

Abstract Thermoelectric gadget is an electric gadget that utilizes electric effect that takes place at the junction where is heat is dissipated away leading to a cooling effect. This experiment is aimed at understating the physic behind thermoelectric cooling, determining the temperature of the system by utilizing thermocouples, establishing the...


Aiding Commission of Suicide Not Murder

Introduction The Oregon law on Aiding Commission of Suicide not Murder which is categorized under the Offences Against Persons laws of the State, makes it illegal for any person to willingly assist another person to commit murder that would not have otherwise been possible without such an input (, 2008)....


Factors Affecting Resistivity Tools

Background There are varying types of resistivity tool; there designs are functional of the environmental conditions of their place of application (Meyer, 1998). For example, CBG Corporation recently improved upon their resistivity tools designs to revolutionize Geosteerers which are advancement over gamma probes to ensure reliability and ease drilling by...


Internal Combustion Engines

Summary The aim of this report is to outline the operation of internal combustion engines. Internal combustion engines are engines in which the fuel and air burns within a combustion chamber. There are two types of combustion engines: spark ignition and compression ignition. In the report, these two types of...


Biosphere: Sydney in Australia

Abstract The green spaces in Australia mainly comprise of reserves and parks. Green space acts as a source recreation, relaxation, adventure, and inspiration. They are also home to various plants and animal species. Due to the high rate of industrial development and a rapid increase in Australia’s population, this has...

Tech & Engineering

Importance of Information Security in Business

Introduction Any information developed by an organization is of great importance. For this reason, organizations need to protect such information from a wide range of threats including hacking, virus infection and misuse. Information security ensures that there is continuity of the business. It also ensures that the business is not...


Emergency Preparedness and Response

In cases of natural disasters or terrorist attacks, the federal government agency FEMA, under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), leads the response efforts among states and localities. Given the similar level of response needed for natural disasters and terrorist attacks, alongside the lack of resources available in most localities,...


“The Godfather” Film by Francis Ford Coppola

The Godfather (1972) is one of the most recognized works by Francis Ford Coppola, and one of the best movies in the history of American films. The film was brilliantly made, utilizing all aspects of cinematography at the time. One aspect of the film that should be specifically emphasized and...

Entertainment & Media

Advertising: The Definition and Moral Issue

Introduction Advertisements are a part of our everyday lives. They are placed at every legally imaginable place possible by companies, governments and other interested organizations to get our attention. Can you imagine the Super Bowl without its world-famous commercial breaks, or our highways without their towering billboards? The truth is...

Entertainment & Media

Effects of Media on Children

Historical studies have indicated that until 18th century there were no efforts or endeavours to develop media that specifically targeted young children. During this period most of the material in the media was specifically targeted at the adult audience and therefore young children were forced to look for alternative entertainment...


The Influence of the Media on Teenager Behavior

Introduction Nowadays, researchers are inclined to discuss media violence as one of the main causes of young people’s aggressive behavior observed in modern society. Thus, the violent media content related to social media, television, movies, online videos, and games is viewed as the cause of the increased aggression in young...


Can Hot Water Freeze Faster Than Cold Water?

Introduction To most people, the idea that hot water freezes faster than cold water seems illogical. However, this is an absolute fact. This phenomenon had been met with lots of disapproval prior to the year 1969. However, an experiment performed by a Tanzanian high school student, Mpemba, confirmed that indeed...

Tech & Engineering

Economics of Information Systems

Introduction Making an investment decision is one of the most difficult exercises. Economists have to consider the fixed, variable, real, nominal and marginal costs associated with a project (Montgomery, 2002). The sunk costs and the opportunity costs are other set of costs that would somewhat influence the investment decision. The...


Literature Synthesis While Conducting Management Study

Introduction Research methods are very important in any form of research work since they form the basis for which a researcher collects, analyzes, as well as displays data after carrying out a given study. As such, research methods are a necessity when conducting research. However, the types of research methods...


Critiquing Research Articles: A Personal Toolkit

Toolkit for Article Critique Credibility Was the article written by a scholar, who already has a record in academic journals? Was the article published in a scholarly journal or by a respectful academic publishing agency? Was the article published five years ago at most? Is the article intended for scholars,...

Politics & Government

Capitalism and Socialism: What Is Better?

Introduction Winston Churchill once said, “If you are a liberal [sympathetic to socialism] by the age of 20, you have no heart, but if you are not a conservative [sympathetic to capitalism] by the age of 40, you have no brains” (Lehmann, 2008). Throughout history, there have been two central...

Entertainment & Media

Proactiveness in Social Media and Employment Opportunities

Research Question To what degree does the use of social media, in general, and social networks, in particular, contribute to a drop in unemployment rates among graduates if applying the measurement based on changes in the number and percentage of people that get their jobs, as well as the time...


Female Portrait in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte

In the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte; females are portrayed from various perspectives in which different women come out to possess various personalities, different from others. In this book, Charlotte Bronte introduces a very well-behaved young girl who is an orphan; and one who had been severely receiving mistreatments...


Hitler: Leadership Analysis

Adolf Hitler has gone down in history as one of the most infamous despots of all time by orchestrating the horrifying events of the mid-20th century, which ranged from bloody internal German politics to the brutal military campaigns of World War II and the racially-driven mass killings of the Holocaust....


Animal Rights: Controversial Issues

Animal rights are one of the most controversial issues being debated upon. It is a classical dilemma in deciding whether animals should have rights. However, as much as this is a controversial issue, people seem to agree on one thing concerning animals, that animals should not be treated mercilessly and...


Issues Critique on Abortion

Introduction It is a scientific fact that human growth begins at conception, abortion conducted at whichever stage of pregnancy is considered as murder hence immoral. Whether the practice of abortion is moral or immoral has been a global contentious issue for a long time. The morality and other cultural factors...


Gorbachev’s Reforms Between 1985- 1991

The Soviet Union was in a state of turmoil during the period between 1985 and 1991. The elevation of Gorbachev to the position of secretary-general saw the turning point of communism in Russia (Reynolds, p. 19). However, there are underlying factors that made the Soviets decline slowly and finally collapse...


Blended Language Education Implementation in EFL

According to (Brown, et al., 1989), blended language education implementation comprises the following elements: the tutorials on the use of the online platforms, the introduction to the fields of educational technology, the methods for implementation of educational technology; use of online resources, and practicing with the online educational activities, the...


Survey Research Methodology and Case Study Methodology

Executive Summary Case study and survey research are methodologies used in research. This paper explains the use of survey research methodology and case study methodology. It also explains the application of these types of methodologies and their suitability in different types of research e.g. micro-finance and women empowerment. It further...


Illegal Immigration and the United States’ Labor Force

Introduction Upsurge of illegal immigrant in the United States has led to increased pressure on federal government to take decisive measure to address the issue. Members of public and lawmakers who are calling for strict border control and deportation of illegal immigrant have not critically analyzed the role played by...


Communication Strategies and Levels

This is basically about the different ways that people relay information as individuals and in groups. Communication is usually classified into various levels and types. However, such classifications are to some extent vague in view of the fact that types of communication more often than not rest upon a range...


Methods of Teaching English Through the Curriculum in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Expansion of oil industry in Saudi Arabia crystallised the need for the country to develop programs for foreign language training (Brien 2003, p 34). The significance of the programs was to teach the country’s government, citizens as well as the oil firms within the country on foreign languages. It...


Free Will and Morality

There are various issues addressed in the paper. Such issues include whether randomness helps in cases of “liberty indifference” only, whether real randomness gets a person the same things as pseudo-randomness, whether it is possible to tell real randomness from pseudo randomness, whether randomness is compatible with being in control...


Uses of Psychotropic Drugs in the Treatment of Schizophrenia

Since Schizophrenia is a mental condition known to affect the cognitive development of its victims, psychotropic drugs have been used to treat it through their effects on the central nervous system. Sometimes, psychotropic drugs are used to manage the condition by creating a sense of normalcy on patients’ behavior when...


Social Work Practice With Groups

As the world is expanding and advancing towards globalization and the interactions of all parts of the globe with each other, working with an open mind is very important. Globalization, which was once considered a far-sighted notion, is now a reality as businesses are expanding internationally and all professions are...

Tech & Engineering

Job Applicants’ Higher Learning Database Implementation

Introduction The arrival of information technology especially in the 21st century is something that cannot be understated. This is so because it has been proved to be a provider of amicable solutions to businesses and individuals, obstacles that hinder the achievement of competitive edge (Gardiner, 2005). On the other hand,...


Processing Wh-Dependencies in a Second Language

The processing of wh-dependencies by non-native speakers has been defined and assessed by many scholars. The article Processing Wh-dependencies in a Second Language: a Cross-Modal Priming Study by Claudia Felser and Leah Roberts is aimed at investigating “the real-time processing of wh-dependencies by advanced Greek-speaking learners of English using a...

Politics & Government

The Position of Major Political Parties on Gun Control

Introduction Gun politics and gun control have been some of the most controversial issues in the United States of America politics. There are numerous types of guns used today including rifles, pistols, handguns, revolvers, and shotguns. The bone of contention mainly stems from the debate on individual liberty to own...


“Hannah Free” – Critical Movie Review

Hannah Free is a film based on writer Claudia Allen’s play of the same name. The plot is centered around two lesbian female protagonists, Hannah and Rachel, who spend a lifetime loving each other, right until their old age, despite their differing circumstances and unavoidable societal taboos. Their collective journey...


Hinduism and Christianity Religions & Reflections

This paper compares Hinduism and Christianity. Hinduism also known as sanatana Dharma (Ellwood & McGraw, 59) is a distinct religion. This religion teaches belief in one God called Brahman who exists under different names and forms. Brahman can thus be pictured in various forms depending on ones devotion. The Hindus...


Climate Change Effect on Coral Reef Communities

Introduction Healthy corals reefs are filled with life, sounds and activity as thousands of fish and invertebrates species that inhabit them, but, currently few coral reefs are this abundant in species as they were a few decades ago. Surveys from 1960s and 19970s show that coral cover on undisturbed reefs...

Tech & Engineering

Collaborative Technology in Education

Automated simulation techniques, social networks and digital games suffer from various public relations predicaments, but today they demonstrate various powerful capabilities and advantages. The viability of these tools is a good indication that schools ought to adapt the new technological trends. However, there are various impacts of collaborating social networking...


Ethics of Innovation in Several Human Fields

The humankind society has highly regarded integrity as a precious virtue that needs to be venerated by all people. This veneration does not just end with the human population; it is also extended to other species of the universe. In contemporary society, many people have equated lack of integrity to...


History of Community Jazz Bands in Floridoniaville City

Introduction The subject of the historical research is devoted to the study of History of Community Jazz Bands in Floridoniaville city through the examination of the most significant historical moments and stages of jazz bands formation. In order to make a sufficient historical research in jazz music education it is...

Tech & Engineering

Information Communication Technology in Education

Introduction Globalization and technological change have created a new global economy that is powered by information and communication technology. This technological change has brought serious concerns for educational institutions. Information and communication technology also known as ICTs have become the basis for educational reform. This paper discusses the role of...


Healing in New Religions Review

Introduction The material world seems more increased when people began thinking about and dealing with the spiritual side of the Universe. The issue of man’s interest in the sphere of inner, non-material and non-scientific fields of engagement is always wider and wider. The quest for cure is of great significance...


Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” and “Apocalypse Now” Film

In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, the main character Marlow continuously calls into question the modern assumptions that are made by his listeners as well as his readers, blurring the lines between inward and outward, civilized and savage and, most especially, dark and light. The bulk of the book concentrates...


Social Theory in the Function of Education

The search for a social theory which is compatible for 21st century educational philosophy is so difficult because there are so many social theories that influenced education. But, one can see that history of educational thought is developed in the context of social theory. Because of diversity, contemporary American society...


Industrial and Post-Industrial Societies

Introduction Compact Oxford English Dictionary suggests the following definitions of society: it is “the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community; a particular community of people living in a country or region, and having shared customs, laws, and organizations” (Compact Oxford English Dictionary). There are...


Forestry and Arts Science. The Problem of Forest Fires

Emergency Response Systems Planning The extent to which what is known about natural hazards and how to respond to natural disasters can be applied to forest fire management. Introduction The rise of many cases of wildfires occurring in forests has been of great concern to many governments of different nations....


“Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview” by Moreland and Craig

Before one can say one truly believes in the existence of God and the reliability of a given religion, one must seriously question where these beliefs come from and how one will interpret their fundamental instructions. While some may be content to simply rely on the basic idea that the...


The Effects of Post-Divorce Relationships on Children.

Introduction Divorce is an experience that is extremely stressful for all children not considering their developmental stage or their age. Many children are caught unaware when parents decide to separate hence being adequately prepared for the imminent divorce. They experience a lot of pain due to a sense of vulnerability...

Family, Life & Experiences

Adoption by Gay and Lesbian Couples

Summary Adoption by gay/lesbian couples should be banned because it sets a bad influence on the mental development of children. In order to function properly in a society of two different sexes, children need to be brought up by both parents. Family stability is required to raise an emotionally and...


The Tonkin Gulf Resolution of 1964

Introduction The Tonkin Gulf resolution was made in 1964 by President Johnson in response to what Johnson term as an attack from the North Vietnamese in an international water body. In response to the attack, Johnson sought to acquire power from Congress to repel any further attack from Vietnam. In...

Politics & Government

Reform in American Public Administration

Abstract Public administration reform began during the 1980s aiming at increasing government performance and citizen’s satisfaction with public services. As the political environment affects public administration reform, it settles and reinforces democracy. Reform of the human resource management systems is an essential part as the quality of government work eventually...


Review of Microbiology Concepts

Ensuring microbiological safety of the food products is one of the state healthcare system’s priority tasks, the solution of which is directly aimed at protecting public health. Abebe et al. (2020) claim that “Salmonella species, L. monocytogenes, and E. coli are the major zoonotic bacterial pathogens which are the causative...


Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is a term that describes an increase in the average global temperature and is often associated with global warming which is the subject of great debate and concern worldwide. Although warnings about the human-generated causes of an enhanced greenhouse effect and the subsequent catastrophic outcomes have been...


Solar Energy Capture and Biohydrogen Production

Abstract Solar radiation energy capture, conversion of photo energy to chemical energy, and biopolymers by a number of photoautotrophic organisms constitute the basis of life on the planet. Through complex, molecular machinery and processes for the efficient production of energy, photoautotrophs have efficiently converted solar energy into chemical energy for...


Banning Smoking in Public Places

Introduction There are plenty of strong reasons why smoking in public should be prohibited. In my own opinion, the negative effects of smoking to the smokers, the second hand smokers and the natural environment will be greatly reduced if smokers are not allowed to smoke in public places. Usually, smokers...


Purpose of Criminal Sentencing

The purpose of criminal sentencing is consistent with the act of criminal punishment which serves the objectives of rehabilitation, deterrence, incapacitation, and restitution or restorative justice to victims and the society at large. This is inherently done by a judge to a person convicted of a crime. Garland (1990:17) defines...


Gender Discrimination and Pay Gap in the Workplace

Introduction It is not secret that there is and always has been gender discrimination in the workplace. Females are treated differently in the workplace, they are kept from occupying executive posts in an organization, they are delegated less responsibility, and most importantly, they are paid less than their male counterparts....


Abnormal Psychology. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder that involves cyclic occurrences of fanatical and impulsive behavior. According to the American Psychiatric Association (15), this psychiatric illness is depicted in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) as a disease that is characterized by continuous ideas, visions...


‘I Have a Dream’ Speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The speech ‘I Have a Dream delivered by prominent African-American leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. before a massive audience of more than 200,000 people on 28 August 1963 at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. was undoubtedly the cornerstone and turning point of the American Civil...


Slavery in British North America and the United States

Introduction Slavery started soon after English colonialists settled in Virginia. Slave trade lasted until the thirteenth amendment of the united states constitution. Main Text The first American slave arrived as indentured servant via Jamestown, Virginia (1619). At this point in time a Dutch slave trader exchanged cargo of Africa (slaves)...


Addiction and Drug Abuse. Psychoactive Drugs

Drug Abuse is generally defined as the use of a drug with such frequency that the user has physical or mental harm or it impairs social abilities. The substances that are discussed in this report are called psychoactive drugs; those drugs that influence or alter the workings of the mind,...

Politics & Government

US Foreign Aid Policy to the Middle East

Introduction Foreign aid plays a major role in promoting the US foreign policy aspiration in the Middle East. The US has several major interests in the Middle East, ranging from the support of the Israeli government and its peace with neighboring Arab countries, especially Palestine, safeguarding the crucial oil supplies,...

Tech & Engineering

Hydraulic Fracking Wastewater Treatment Technologies for Petroleum Engineers

Abstract This paper presents the basics of hydraulic fracking and discusses various possibilities of wastewater management technologies. Factors include water composition, delivery methods, and purification processes. The paper outlines the environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing which highlights the importance of wastewater treatment. The main scope of the paper investigates the...


Psychology: Personality Trait Model

Introduction People tend to use various adjectives to describe how a person behaves in public, with friends, or alone. Words like “kind,” “good,” “cruel,” careless,” “introverted,” and others come to our minds whenever we think of someone. These words represent traits of an individual personality, which are stable characteristics used...


Benefits of Stem Cell Research and Use

Three types of stem cell research classified according to the source of the stem cells: adult stem cells, fetal stem cells and embryonic stem cells Does the end justify the means? This is the question that reigns at the mention of stem cell research. With human beings being faced with...


Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on Students and Education

Summary of Disability Autism spectrum disorder is (ASD) is a developmental disability, which appears in the form of social communication deflects. An individual also shows a reparative, stereotypical behavior in activities and interests, which continue in future life. Frequently, people with ASD experience social anxiety, severe irritability, attention-deficit/hyperactivity, and intellectual...