Free 1900 Words Essay Examples

A paper of 1900 words is a typical assignment in high school and college. A 1900-word essay can be focused on a wide range of topics, such as the ethics of ChatGPT, the role of genetics in public health, etc.

As a rule, you will need to conduct research to write a 1900 words essay. The keys to success are: a well-formulated thesis, a good structure, and an extensive list of reliable sources used. Check free 1900-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!


British Class System in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Introduction Reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is not only a unique opportunity to enjoy one of the most amazing love stories of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. In addition, it is a solid lesson about how people developed their relationships within the British class system in the 19th...


Self-Reflection of Leadership

Self-reflection is critically important for people in any field because team management is found in any profession and may be required at any time. First, to achieve the best results, individuals should be able to analyze their principles, values, beliefs, and behaviors. One of my fundamental principles is self-reflection. Ardelt...

Tech & Engineering

Neelkanth Drugs Pvt. Ltd’s Information Sharing

Role IS Plays in the Pharmaceutical Industry Information sharing (IS) is essential for any business’s smooth functioning and survival. With the current technological advancements, competition is high and demands practical approaches for sustainable business operations. Thus, small and big businesses have IS technologies that facilitate operations, management, decision-making, team collaboration,...


History of Alexander the Great

Introduction Western civilization, also known as the occidental culture, emerged when most of the greatest men philosophers of the world were based on prosperity and stability. Thus, a lot of them tended to focus on finance and politics (Worthington and Ferguson 59). The prominent historians and philosophers who came to...

1900-Word Essay FAQ

A 1900 words essay would typically be about 8 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 1900-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in a 1900 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 19 to 20 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 40 minutes to an hour to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 1900 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 1900 words will take about 6 hours 20 minutes.

At a rough estimate, 1900 words would take up about 190 to 195 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 1900-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.


Racism and Discrimination Issues in the US

Introduction Racism as an ideology or system of views enshrines the division of people into large groups, termed races. They are united by each group’s inherited physical traits, mentality, intellect, morals, and culture. The racism proclaims the inherent superiority of some races against others, or one race above the rest....


Louis Armstrong’s Cultural Contribution

Introduction The study of the humanities is of interest for research as it can provide a relatively large amount of information about previous eras and their representatives. Consequently, this work aims to study the work and evaluate the contribution of such a distinguished musician as Louis Armstrong, who had a...


Social Issue of International Drug Trafficking

Introduction In the era of globalization, social problems have traversed national boundaries, posing severe challenges to the international community. Drug trafficking, terrorism, and corruption are some of society’s critical challenges that have necessitated collaborative solutions on a global scale. Notably, weak border control policies, increased substance abuse, and a lack...

Tech & Engineering

Professional Issues in Information Technology

Ways of Protecting Customer’s Privacy The security of customers’ data is integral for the success of the business. It is important to use a secured socket layer (SSL) certificate to protect customers’ privacy. SSL is among the most effective methods of providing online security to a business’ customer. This solution...


Will and Its Influence on Moral Theories and Actions

Introduction The morality system helps determine the right or the wrong conduct and is inherently connected to ethics, the philosophical study of one’s moral performance. The essence of moral and ethical studies is based on the canon of Western philosophical ethics, which are primarily developed in Aristotelian and Kantian theories....


An Emergency Operations Center During Hurricane Harvey

Introduction Natural disasters always cause massive damage to urban infrastructure. Hurricanes occur relatively often on the North American mainland, which also brings many problems. Hurricane Harvey caused the region’s most enormous flood in Texas, from which many businesses and people are still struggling to recover. The colossal damage caused by...


Recycled Products and Waste Management in Vermont

Globally, increased recycling of waste products has been immensely influenced by significant trends, including energy, climate change, natural resource depletion, rising commodity prices, information revolution, and increased corporate and governmental sustainability. Vermont has a solid waste plan that focuses on waste reduction strategies for materials such as sludges, household hazardous...


Famous People Who Converted to Islam

Introduction Religion is one of the ways through which individuals develop a sense of belonging and identity. There are many religions globally founded on different beliefs and principles. Although an individual may be brought up by parents subscribing to one religion, he or she may, at some point in life,...


Henrik Ibsen’s Play “A Doll’s House”

A Doll’s House, a play by Henrik Ibsen, is a nineteenth-century drama that startled several theatre groups and literary readers at the time. It focuses on women’s responsibilities and expectations, particularly those of housewives. Ibsen goes into detail about the physiological responsibilities of those in the time. He depicts the...


American History. Is It a Crime to Vote?

Introduction Inalienable human rights have different ways of expression, but voting remains the most important way that people can exercise such rights. When people choose the right leader through a fair, objective, and free process in a democratic election, they are not to blame for any consequences thereafter. Susan B....

Tech & Engineering

Trends in Information Technology Project Management

Introduction Project management has been a common approach to accomplishing tasks within specified constraints such as time, scope, quality, and cost. Since project management gained interest from various fields of construction, engineering, and government, it has been advancing at a constant rate. Today, several companies depend on project management to...

Family, Life & Experiences

Friendship Between Men and Women

Introduction The question about if men and women can just be friends has been there for decades. Barely there are any two people that share similar opinions. If one happens to sample a group of people and ask them this question, he or she is likely to get varied answers...


Methods in Criminological Studies

Introduction Scholars and researchers should be aware of various research techniques to execute their studies successfully (Maxfield & Babbie, 2014). This essay gives a detailed analysis of the major field research and sampling methods used in criminological studies. The benefits of different study approaches are described to guide researchers. Some...

Tech & Engineering

A Needs Analysis in Developing a New Website

Introduction This paper will apply needs analysis to the process of a new website development. It is a vital step in beginning stages of website design as it helps to identity user groups, needs, and company goals. Needs analysis can be important to provide a logical backbone to the development...


Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The criminal justice system is a system implemented by national and local governments to maintain law and order. It is used to control crime and criminal offenses and take action against those who break the law by giving penalties. Law enforcers such as police, courts, and jails execute their...

Entertainment & Media

The Media Use of Short Videos as a Strategic Tool

Introduction In the recent decade, YouTube has become a critical tool for commercial advertisement, with short ads plated before the start of the majority of videos on the platform. In contrast to traditional advertisers, companies that have chosen to advertise on YouTube have the opportunity to engage with their audience...


Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Near Field

Near and far-fields, EMC, and the low-frequency power supply In any radiation source, whether it is an antenna, some sort of circuitry, or a low-frequency power supply, there is a “near” and a “far” field. Considering the case of a low-frequency power supply and electromagnetic compatibility measurement (EMC,) the dominating...


Analysis of Violence in Organized Crime

Introduction Organized crime is a common phenomenon across the world and more visible in developed countries such as the Americas and Western Europe, among others. In the United States, Italy, and the United Kingdom, organized crime has been associated with groups such as the “mafias,” in some cases, these organizations...


Biased Language and its Effect on People

Introduction A biased language is a language that discriminates against people based on their sex, physical condition, race, ethnicity, age, and other such attributes. A biased language is therefore unfair and hostile. It excludes certain groups of readers and fails to maintain goodwill between people (Rozakis 63). Biased language has...


Contemporary Tourism Business Growth in the UAE

Tourism, similar to any other business, needs just the correct use of some diverse conceptions to be effective in the international market. Its growth has proven a qualified achievement in progressing macroeconomic development. The income tourism fetches in has made it so crucial to countrywide economies it lines up now...

Politics & Government

Is Government the Cause of Evil?

Introduction There cannot be many doubts on the extent of ‘evil’ that pervades society today. This has been the case from the time history started recording events. There has been constant endeavor from the side of the people and from the end of the intellectuals to enhance the way life...


Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity

Introduction The article discusses various world religions and the effects of their belief system on health care. The paper commences by giving a comprehensive discussion on faith diversity followed by a discussion on individual religious beliefs. Various philosophies applied by different Religions are discussed and the effects of such beliefs...


The Role of Differential Association Theory on Modern Criminology

Criminals are more often than not considered outcasts of society because their behavior does not conform to societal laws. Unfortunately, society fails to recognize its influence in shaping the behavior of these criminals. Sutherland investigated criminal behavior and eventually came up with the differential association theory. Understanding differential theory as...


Examining the American Legal System

The law of the US is a complex system that contains many levels and is documented in the Constitution, which is considered by the federal government, the Senate, executive branches, and federal judiciary. The unique nature of the American legal system prioritizes common law and precedent, while the roles of...


Concern About GM Crops and Animals and Their Health Impact on Human Beings

Data and Facts The cultivation of GM crops has increased exponentially since 1996 when less than three million hectares of crops were GM’ (Grossman 258). In 2008, over 125 million hectares were used to grow biotech crops globally. The United States is the world’s largest cultivator of GM crops with...


Assisted Suicide: Legislation Issues

Introduction A mere mention of the word euthanasia draws everyone’s attention to the assisted suicide battle that featured in 1990, the main antagonist being Jack ‘Doctor Death’ Kevorkian. The question of whether doctors or any other person should really help others die has elicited emotive debates since time immemorial. The...


Report on Human Rights Report by US State Department

Introduction The US Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor publish yearly reports on the state of human rights practices in different countries of the world. The 2010 report on the state of human rights in the UAE is most disturbing due to the things that were...


Employment Law, Reforms and How to Change Labor Law

Introduction Employment law, also called the labor law, is the body made up of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents that safeguard the legal rights of the employers and the employees. Labor law mediates many aspects of the relationship between employers, employees, and trade unions. The main aim of the labor...


Doctrines of Separate Legal Entity and Corporate Veil

Introduction In law, a person is responsible for his rights and his liabilities. He/she therefore stands a chance to enjoy the rights and privileges that come with this doctrine or suffer the consequences of his actions once he/she breaches the laws that have been set to act as rules and...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks Can Be a Way of Connecting People

Introduction Social network is a social organization made up of individuals or members who are connected by one or more factors such as friendship, similar interests, kinship, culture, social status and prestige among others aspects (Shah, 2010). Social networking is possible between different people especially at workplace, at school, at...


Contemporary Issues Analysis

Jalonick, M. & Neergaard, L 2014, ‘FDA issues new advice on mercury levels in seafood’, Star – Phoenix, 04 June, p. N27. The main idea that is being promoted throughout this article, is that the FDA’s (The U.S. Food and Drug Administration) public stance, in regards to the dangers of consuming...

Tech & Engineering

The Game Market Research Project: The Project Management Plan

Executive Summary Project management plan is a very important document that outlines all the activities of a project, its timeline, the associated costs, risks, deliverables, and all the stakeholders involved in the project. When a plan is drawn, it is important to conduct a critique on it before it is...

Tech & Engineering

Network Plan and Network Design

Executive summary This document provides a detailed description of the desired network plan and network design that will be able to support the entire networking needs and services of the company and enable the company to achieve its set goals. The design is based on the adoption of wireless technology...


Juvenile Delinquency: Causes and Interventions to Stop It

Over the years, the number of delinquents has always been on an increasing trend. This has caused serious concerns with various researchers seeking to determine the root cause of this predicament. However, it is imperative for one (scholars) to draw a clear line between a child and adult offenders before...


Juvenile Justice System’s Effectiveness Against Severe Delinquency

Introduction Juveniles consist of young children and youth offenders who have not yet attained the age of adulthood (in most cases eighteen years) while Juvenile delinquency is the engagement of children and youthful offenders in criminal activities. Crime is an aspect that has raised concern among individuals, groups and organizations...

Tech & Engineering

Multitouch Technology: Significance and Future

Introduction In the past, the interaction between humans and computer systems was limited to the use of a single finger and one mouse pointer. These traditional interfaces denied users their dexterity (Nadine 2). The development of multi-touch technology is aimed at giving users more versatility when interacting with their computers....


Triazines Structure and Synthesis

Introduction A multi-component reaction (MCRs) is a combination of chemistry and molecular biology in solving the emerging issues in the medical industry. The reaction is not only environmental friendly but also cheap thus its frequent application in the manufacture of triazine derivatives. Currently, scientists are applying MCR technique in the...


Analyzing the 2009 Reforms to New York’s Rockefeller Drug Laws

Annotated Bibliography Kamins, B. (2009). Drug Law Reform Act of 2009 brings dramatic changes. New York Law Journal. This article explores the dramatic changes in the US drug legislation which were made in Rockefeller Drug Laws in 2009. It points at the main features in the new legislation, comparing and...


Racial Bias and Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement

Introduction Racial discrimination has been a major area of concern in North America. Although great steps have been achieved in fight against discrimination, there is fear that some form of racial discrimination still persist in our society. Law enforcement is one of the areas where some traces of racial discrimination...


Supply of Defective Product: Liability Under Consumer Protection Act 1987

Introduction Part II of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 (CPA) prescribes strict liability on the manufacturers for defective products. The Act was enacted mainly to execute a European Directive (85/374/EEC). Hence, when making advice on questions under the Act, one has to refer to both the UK Act and the...


The Due Process of Adversarial System: What About the Victim?

Introduction The U.S. Courtrooms practicing the adversarial system of justice have time and again been compared to combat zones or level playing grounds. This statement arise from the fact that this system of justice makes it possible for interested parties to a proceeding to square it out in a court...


The San Andreas Fault

Introduction The San Andreas Fault is definitely one of the most significant and infamous geological formations in the United States landscape. Stretching for approximately 800 miles and having a depth of 10 miles, it is one of the biggest known networks of faults on land that mark the boundary between...


Personal Development Portfolio

Introduction In the modern world, there is need for students and teachers alike to come up with a viable plan that will help to guide students as they go through the learning process from junior school, high school, college until they are absorbed in the job markets. The personal development...


People With Disabilities in Independent Republic of Kosovo

Current structure of government in Kosovo On February 17, 2008, Kosovo declared itself as a sovereign and independent state and new constitution of Kosovo was introduced on June 15 2008. Despite the fact of the above, both Russia and Serbia still have not recognized independence of Kosovo and raising their...


Gender Roles and Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Introduction Nowadays, the transformation of society is still in progress, and people are actively fighting for their rights. Various aspects require changes, including gender inequality in the workplace. It seems that education and work are equally available for everyone regardless of their gender. However, women still face many difficulties and...


Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Kuwaiti Students

Introduction Background of the study This study aims to provide substantial contribution to some applied and theoretical domains of the Second Language (L2) learning and teaching by investigating what the current Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) practiced by second language learners in Kuwait across genders and a range of educational levels...

Tech & Engineering

Cloud Computing Security Issues

Introduction Recently, cloud computing has being considered as the major transformational paradigm in IT environment. It provides the opportunity to both “use the computing and storage resources on a metered basis” as well as “reduce investments in computing infrastructure” (Krutz & Vines, 2010, p. 3). As the next evolutionary stage...


Reflection on Personal and Professional Direction

Abstract The paper provides the reflection on the personal interest and motivation in obtaining the doctoral degree in psychology. The reflection on the associated professional goals is also included in the paper. The reflective discussion aims at answering the questions on the reasons to pursue the doctoral degree, the ideas,...


Digital Examination: Digital Forensic Process

Introduction With the emergence and rapid spread of digital technologies, criminals around the world have adapted to become more efficient at violating the law with the use of modern gadgets. Law enforcement agencies have to keep up and stay on top of criminal practices to be able to ensure the...


The Transformation of China’s Economic Policies the 1980-2000s

China before the 1980s China is often referred to as the superpower to come and one of the most dynamic emerging economies. This growth is achieved during the past three decades. New economic and diplomatic policies account for the transformation of the country into one of the leading powers in...


Handle the Problems Associated With the Needs in Robert Lee High School

Introduction Schools encounter many challenges that may influence their performance. In the attempt to propose a strategy for the resolution of any challenges that affect a school, it is important to conduct a needs assessment into such hypothesized challenges. In school settings, needs assessment refers to the identification of various...

Tech & Engineering

The Growth of the Nanotechnology Sector in the UK

Introduction Nanotechnology is the use of ultra-precision machines to control and manipulate atoms and molecules (Ratner 22). Microscopes are used to observe individual molecules which are later manipulated to make materials with enhanced properties. The materials are created at a nanoscale level in order to enhance their properties. Materials made...


“The Twenty Years’ Crisis” by Edward Hallett Carr

Introduction The field of international relations has been evolving since the emergence of new philosophies and theories in the 20th century. The emergence of new philosophies and theories in political circles took a discourse process where realists and utopians differed in the manner in which they perceived international relations. Differences...


Principle and Practice of Psychotherapy and Its Theory

Introduction Psychotherapy is a medical process that involves therapeutic interaction between and a trained professional. The main conditions addressed by this process are usually psychological in nature. The psychological problems addressed through psychotherapy vary widely and thus require an experienced professional to effectively handle each case. Psychotherapy has the goal...


Ethnic Minorities and the Graduate Labour Market

Introduction The ethnic minority groups in the United Kingdom (UK) comprise mainly of the South Asians, Black-Caribbean, Black Africans, Chinese and other ethnic groups who are immigrants from the New Commonwealth. South Asian people make up the highest percentage of the ethnic minorities with Indians being the largest group (Owen,...


Engineering College Students’ Soft Skills Learning

Introduction This chapter explores the methodology used to accomplish the project. The project aimed to determine what new engineering graduates, engineering managers, and professional recruiters think is lacking from the engineering curriculum from a non-technical point of view. It also explains the type of participants chosen, the mode of data...


Design, Well-Being and Ageing Study

Introduction The following is a research proposal on design, well being, and ageing. Design is a major component of research that affects human life. The concern in this research is on the death because of fuel poverty in the United Kingdom. Part one of this research will explore the objectives...

Politics & Government

Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan

Introduction In the past two decades, foreign direct investment inflows have increased steadily in both emerging and developed economies because of free-market approaches. According to the World Bank, “foreign direct investment (FDI) is the net inflows of investment to acquire a lasting management interest (10 percent or more of voting...


Quantitative Research and its Aspects

Methodology It is important to define research methods before the actual process of collecting data (Vogt 2007, p. 52). Every research project uses a given research method in order to arrive at a given conclusion based on the resources available, the nature of the research itself, and other research factors...


Descriptive Study of African American CareGivers for Dementia Family Members

Abstract The purpose of this descriptive study is to take an in-depth look at married African American caregivers for their spouses with dementia. For the given research, two former dementia caregivers have been interviewed. Both participants come from Macomb, the County area. In-depth interviews were carried out. The answers of...


The Intersection of Psychology with Human Nature, Health, and Change

Introduction Psychology underscores the scientific study of behavior or mind. It is a multifaceted field of study involving study of health coupled with the study of cognitive processes, social behavior, and human development among other disciplines. Psychology as a scientific field endeavors to find out the causes of certain behaviors....


Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families

“Culturally and linguistically diverse” is a term used to refer to persons possessing varied cultural identities who speak different languages based on their ethnicities or national identities (Lindsay & Dempsey, 2009). Working with people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities normally comes with many challenges. Cultures vary greatly across different...


History and Systems of Psychology

Introduction Psychology is a field of study that traces its roots to philosophy and biology before it was made a science when it was structured to define the human mind, as well as the actions of individuals. This resulted to the emergency of different views and perspectives, as scholars tried...


The Problems of Teenage Game Addiction

The last decade has seen an exponential increase in the number of video and computer games, and there are clear signs that this trend is not about to change in the near future. This has made computer and video games part of most teenager’s daily lives as the number of...


Qualitative Research Mini Study: Clayton County Library

Introduction This paper is a pilot study that investigates how Clayton County Library (Georgia) can improve its financial position through financial diversification. By seeking the views of three respondents through in-depth interviews, this paper provides a snapshot of how the main research would be like. Through its findings, this study...


Sentiment and Co-Regulation Role in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

Recent development in education has resulted to the introduction of computers in collaborative learning (Harasim, 2000). Felix, (2005) asserts that educationists, teachers and learners believe collaborative learning is a new education approach used to improve students’ skills, knowledge and comprehension. Education policy makers agree that computers have created a platform...


Motivation and Retention of African American Children

Introduction Retention and Modalities among African American Children Aged 4–9. A Reason for Concern Despite the fact that in the XXI century, ample opportunities for African American students to pursue academic success have emerged, retention rates among the given type of learners are still very low. Though the range of...


Action and Evaluation Research: Data Collection and Analysis

Case Assignment Action research is a type of research method that aims at solving a certain problem or discussing a reflective process the goal of which is to find a solution to a problem. As a rule, it is done by an educator or a group of educators for other...


Impact of Stress on Academic Motivation and Performance

Introduction Academic success is essential in society nowadays because it guarantees more employment as well as financial security in the occupational world as opposed to those who did not excel in academic settings. Therefore, students are in constant pressure and stress to excel at school and college to achieve good...

Politics & Government

Technical Factors and Trust in E-Government

Introduction The study has analyzed nine relationships related to the issues of adoption of e-government in a certain context. The use of the Internet has enhanced the accessibility to all facets of government processes and services and enabled the easy and speedy delivery of these services to citizens, companies, employees,...


Moral Leadership: Definition and Demonstration

Introduction Traditionally, the topic of leadership ethics was narrowly covered and thus it only received the attention of theorists who wrote texts on ethical leadership. However, the contemporary leadership is covered in moving pictures, films, acted by various artists. Proponents of films as an important source of information regarding ethical...


Jimmy Carter: Moral Leadership

The given work is devoted to the cogitations about the image of the 39th President of the USA Jimmy Carter. Being elected in rather complicated period of time, he is often taken as one of the most contradictory presidents of new time. That is why, the main aim of the...


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Behavior Intervention Plan

Abstract One of the most difficult responsibilities for guardians is trying to control the conduct of children who are always naughty. Many times, some children may seem unable or reluctant to adhere to instructions, collaborate with adults, or consent to any sort of restraint. Some children may not exhibit any...


Choir Director & Participants in Music Making

New Horizon A research study conducted by Tsugawa investigated various attributes associated with music in regard to 2 senior groups of musicians (Tsugawa 4). The evaluation and data collection involved criticizing two cases by interviewing the members of New Horizons and Orchestra situated in two distinct towns. The observations and...


Leadership and Its Role in Teacher Turnover

Introduction Teacher turnover as the rate at which teachers leave their educational institutions is a problem characteristic for many countries over the world, and this problem is also typical for the United States because researchers indicate the increase in the teacher turnover rates during the recent two decades (Chepkemboi, Kiriago,...


Costume of the Portrait of a Young Woman

Introduction Image: Northern Renaissance Artist: Unknown Crestor: School of Hans Holbein, European; British; English (painter) Title: Portrait of a Young Woman Work Type: Painting Date: about 1540 – 1545 Repository L: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts The purpose of this research paper is to assess the garments worn in the...


Materials and Classroom Activities to Be Used in Academic Discussion Class

Introduction Rationale 1: Materials The materials that might be useful for the selected pre-sessional academic English course are the following: Textbooks and journal articles; Boards; Computers and the Internet Textbooks and Journal Articles These materials are the most common and old-fashioned. However, they have always been crucial in any learning...


Tchaikovsky’s Symphonic Poems and Overtures

The middle part of the nineteenth century was extremely significant for the development of Russian traditions in the sphere of instrumental music because, previously, it was influenced by European musical culture. From this point, it is important to examine and discuss the figure of Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky, the famous Russian...


UK Hotel Industry’s Business Environment

Introduction The political and economic environment of the United Kingdom presents all industries with both opportunities and challenges in the post-Brexit future. As the hotel industry is predominantly focused on catering to the inflow of tourists around the world, the detachment of the United Kingdom from the European Union can...


Non-Verbal Behaviors and Communications

Introduction Non-verbal behaviors or communication usually refers to a process of sending or receiving information which is in the form of wordless messages (Poyatos, p. 2). In non-verbal behaviors and communication, language is usually accompanied by other means such as gestures, touch, body language or even expressions on the face...


Research Methods Knowledge and Corruption

Introduction Research Design In this article, the researchers used a mixed method design to achieve the set goals and objectives of the study. The choice of design was critical to ensure that all research questions were answered appropriately. On the one hand, qualitative design was needed to explain why corruption...


Historic Violin Treatises in Practice and Teaching

Violinists focus on developing their technique because it can influence the quality of performance significantly. To achieve high results, violinists need a strong educational foundation that can be provided concerning historical violin pedagogical treatises that were created by Francesco Geminiani, Leopold Mozart, José Herrando, L’Abbé le Fils, Louis Spohr, and...


Tourists’ Trends in Albaha Region in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Background information Albaha region of Saudi Arabia has been known as a tourist attraction site where people go for pleasure of seeing things, and stay in hotels (Wilkerson, 2003). Many tourists have been known to incline to a particular site depending on the services they get there. Most commonly,...


Multilingual Code-Switching

Introduction The purpose of this critical writing assignment will be to review Virginia Unamuno’s journal article on the multilingual switch in peer classroom interactions. Unamuno mainly focuses on the aspect of code-switching from conversation analysis and sociolinguistic perspectives during her examination of the various interactions that take place between 10...

Politics & Government

Economic Policy of the United Kingdom Government

Policy Brief Overview of issue It is important for the Government of the Prime Minister, David Cameron, to reduce its budget deficit. The research focuses on the importance of discussing an article favoring David Cameron’s Government’s policies of focusing on the local economy over the European Union Economy. The government...


Canada’s Drug Policy

Introduction The final decade of the twentieth century was a period that experienced instability in regard to the developments concerning the drug policy front. However, the decade came to an end leaving those who wanted to have reforms that were significant in a mood of disappointment. Taking the case in...


The Civil Rights Marches: Comparisons and Contrasts

Introduction The American Civil Rights movement is perhaps mostly associated with Martin Luther King Jr. and his “I Have a Dream Speech” in 1963. However few people are aware that the speech was the climax of a movement that had begun as early as the late ’30s. The movement was...


Expatriate Assignments: Training and Development Tool

Introduction Expertise is a very critical element that enhances efficiency, effectiveness as well as the economy in a given activity or practice. It entails skill or knowledge in a particular area/field. There are various ways through which expertise could be developed, each being associated with some benefits as well as...


“Unlearning Church” by Michael Slaughter Critique

Introduction Churches have doctrines that define how activities are conducted. This has been carried on for years and is considered a predictable culture. Churches have therefore depended on tradition for constancy that guarantees continuity. Change that welcomes innovativeness and passion is not easily welcomed. Michael Slaughter wrote a book that...


Shakespeare: Fading Away

Abstract Shakespeare’s literal works are characterized by intricate or hidden meanings, complex vocabulary, and elaborative imagery. The type of writing employed by Shakespeare presents enormous challenges to present-day English readers; it is very difficult for modern readers to extract and understand his works. The inherent difficulties are the reason why...


Life Transitions and Past Events Impact on Psychological Well-Being of Incarcerated Women

Incarcerated women are considered by psychologists as the riskiest group of the population because of their predispositions to mental disorders and depressions (Mooney et al., 2008). These disorders are often the results of the events which can be discussed as the causes for women’s imprisonment (Bastick & Townhead, 2008). Thus,...


Emmanuel Kant on Enlightenment and Guardianship

The actual reason why Immanuel Kant is being considered the one of Western greatest philosophers is that, even in the light of the realities of today’s living, his philosophical legacy appears discursively relevant. The validity of this statement can be well illustrated in regards to Kant’s idea as to what...


Formation of Youth Subculture and Significance in the Society

Introduction The youth subculture is basically, the concept of deriving identification from given youth-based subcultures. These subcultures are popular for giving the youth an identity apart from that they get from social institutions such as homes families as well as schools. Different subcultures are distinguished by their unique styles of...


Research Methods for Everyday Life

Introduction Collecting data is different from presenting because the process of collection is just putting together facts that support an idea. The researcher understands the nature of a particular phenomenon by studying the data and interpreting it suit the hypothesis. This is not the case with the audience since they...


Biblical Theology of Missions

Introduction The phenomenon of mission theology is no more a foreign idea. Apparently, missiology has gained much interest in the professional aspects of ministry. Even though mission theology developed as a practical discipline due to its application nature, a new concept has emerged to give missiology a theological viewpoint. Apparently,...


Novels Renaissance Analysis

The foremost reason why novels The Unfortunate Traveller by Thomas Nash, The Life of Gargantua and Pantagruel by Francois Rabelais, and The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia (Old Arcadia) by Philip Sidney are being commonly referred to as such that represent a high literary and philosophical value, is that the themes...