Free 2500 Words Essay Examples

A paper of 2500 words is a typical assignment in high school and college. A 2500-word essay can be focused on a wide range of topics, such as the effects of social media on one’s mental health, the relationship between crime rates and race in the US, etc.

As a rule, you will need to conduct research to write a 2500 words essay. The keys to success are: a well-formulated thesis, a good structure, and an extensive list of reliable sources used. Check free 2500-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!


Reducing Wage Disparity: Strategies for Gender and Ethnic Pay Gap

Introduction Over the years, there has been inequality rooted in the labour markets whereby both males and females provide services; however, during payment, men are considered and receive high wages than women. Similarly, in the same case of a rise in ethnic minorities, individuals from marginalized groups do not obtain...


Supporting Domestic Violence Victims

Introduction Domestic violence occurs when a member of the victim’s household commits an act of violence towards them. Potential accomplices may include current and former spouses, direct family members, extended family members, and close family friends. Thus, when there is a close relationship between the perpetrator and the victim, the...

Tech & Engineering

Big Data Analytics Technologies

Introduction Organizations have been pushed to adapt to remain relevant in today’s highly competitive marketplace due to the development of information technology, increased customer expectations, economic globalization, and other modern competitive priorities. Therefore, competition between businesses now occurs between companies and their supply chains rather than just between firms. In...


A Critique of “Sustainable Fashion”

Introduction The impact of manufacturing on the environment is the subject of countless papers and reports. Among them are such large parts of the economy as energy, transportation, and agriculture. However, none of them are as connected to the current trends in people’s consumption as the fashion industry. Clothing manufacturing...

2500-Word Essay FAQ

A 2500 words essay would typically be about 10 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 2500-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in a 2500 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 25 to 26 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 50 minutes to an hour and a half to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 2500 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 2500 words will take about 8 hours 20 minutes.

At a rough estimate, 2500 words would take up about 250 to 255 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 2500-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.


Population Growth and Its Future Effects

The human population has been rapidly growing in the past two centuries. According to data, the human population has significantly increased from 1 billion in 1800 to nearly eight billion in 2020. This is a growth rate of about 84 billion people annually at a rate of 1.1% (UN, 2020)....


Intimate Partner Violence in the United States

Introduction Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a severe social and public health issue in the United States and worldwide. IPV constitutes various violent, abusive, or predatory behaviors committed against a partner in a romantic relationship (Caetano et al., 2019). It can impact different populations, regardless of gender, race and ethnicity,...


Edgar Allan Poe’s Literary Elements and Techniques

Edgar Allan Poe is considered one of the most innovative authors of the early 19th century, generally known for his vivid imagery and thrilling imagination, beyond the norms of individuals living during his time. Although Poe is remembered for stories like The Fall of the House of Usher and The...


Human Trafficking in Australia

Introduction Human traffickings, like practices resembling slavery or slavery itself, revolves around human rights issues that deal with complicated crimes, forced marriages and labor, and servitude. Throughout the world, human trafficking takes place as children, women, and even men are exploited for several reasons, among them organ harvesting, forced marriages,...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: The Content Regulation

Introduction The Cambridge Analytica scandal captivated the interests and resentment of the global media, consumers, legislators, and authorities in 2018. It indicated that individuals are concerned about invasions of privacy and corporate abuses of power. The controversy is one among many showing that social media privacy consistently concerns people’s dignity,...


Immigration and Homeland Security in the US

Abstract The contradictory provisions of organizations striving to establish national security in the United States of America and the needs for attracting highly qualified immigrants serve as the essence of the ongoing debate. It is established that these requirements are readjusted following laws and specific executive orders. The former is...


The Middle Childhood Development

Introduction Middle childhood is characterized by a steady growth process across all four dimensions: cognitive, physical, social, and emotional. The growth across the physical and motor areas is a continuation of the previous development stage. However, cognitive growth experiences greater advances, an observation also made in the emotional and social...


Organizational Identification in Social Theories

Introduction Organizational identification (OI) is a recognition of an individual’s belonging to a particular group unified by a single purpose — to advance the business and align the daily work with the organization’s strategy and vision. OI is a multidimensional concept based on several social and psychological theories that explain...

Tech & Engineering

Accident Prevention and Safety Recommendations Units in Aviation

Introduction The aviation industry is one of the fastest-growing, and the increase in technological advances is the main reason for that. Safety is the main concern in general aviation and comprises of many numerous aspects and elements. Boyd (2017) defines general aviation as all the operations and aspects of civil...


Hurricane Katrina: The Powerful Natural Disaster

Introduction Hurricane Katrina became a powerful natural disaster that claimed many lives and a national tragedy. Both the devastating hurricane itself and the lack of preparation by local and regional authorities led to significant losses among the population. A natural disaster destroyed many buildings and flooded New Orleans to restore...

Tech & Engineering

The Use of Technology in Distance Learning

Introduction The shift from traditional teaching methodologies to online learning requires integrating distance learning technologies that deliver teaching materials and learning to students enrolled in such programs. In this case, course content and educational materials are delivered through web-based applications over the internet, offering greater flexibility and convenience. However, the...


Impact of Campaigns on the World

Introduction The 20th century was a period of intense campaigns for social change as there was general enlightenment of the masses across the globe. Campaigns that advocated for social change during this period were vital in ensuring the progress witnessed in the modern world. These movements were crucial in granting...

Entertainment & Media

The Value of Using Social Media to Form Ties with Students

Abstract The research proposal entails different sections that help justify that social media has great value when it comes to helping to form ties with students in another campus class in a technical communication class. The paper contains an introduction that gives the reasons why the research was done. The...

Tech & Engineering

Preventing Identity Theft Among Adolescents

Introduction Social media has undoubtedly entered the public consciousness in more ways than one. In 2021, there are none but a few groups limited to older people, those without Internet access, or individuals deliberately rejecting digitization who do not use Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat. Social applications such as the ones...


Robert Frost: Work, Scholarly Criticism, and Biographical Information

Introduction During the early twentieth century, Robert Frost was discouraged from pursuing the life of letters. Thus, Frost turned their attention to raising chickens, selling eggs, and crafting local color-piece journals like Farm-poultry and The Eastern Poultryman (Rashid et al.). This proved to be a tragic time for the family...

Tech & Engineering

The Chunnel Tunnel: Engineering Project

Introduction One of the marvels of modern engineering is the 50.5 km long undersea rail tunnel commonly referred to as the “Chunnel tunnel” linking northern France and the United Kingdom. The American society of civil engineers (ASCI) identifies the channel as one of the seven wonders of the modern world....

Tech & Engineering

Testing Software and Web Application Performance Tool

Introduction The given literature review will primarily focus on the topic of Web Application Performance Tool (WAPT), which is utilized in order to test web-based interfaces and related applications. Aside from general background, this literature review contains sections of load testing and stress testing comparisons and the section discussing gaps...

Tech & Engineering

Knowledge Management Tools in the 21st Century

Introduction Many scholars acknowledge that the knowledge management field is an emerging field that has not developed to its full potential. Nonaka &Takeuchi (1995) says that knowledge management is the creation, dissemination, use of knowledge through processes that have been put in place by stakeholders in the field (p. 67)....

Tech & Engineering

Nuclear Power Plant

Abstract At the present nearly 20% of Kuwait’s entire oil production goes immediately towards supplying its various power plants into order to meet the energy requirements of its populace. The inherent problem with this lies with the fact that the oil reserves in Kuwait are a finite resource and eventually...

Tech & Engineering

Impact of New Technologies on Oil Production

Introduction The oil and gas industry is one of the most important and crucial industries in the world. Because of the availability and affordable cost of production in mining of this resource, oil and gas has been the primary source of energy globally for many decades now (Fenwick, 2011). The...


Aspects of American Revolution

The causes and events leading up to the American Revolution are integral to understanding the revolution as a whole, including how it happened, why it happened, and why events developed as they did during the process itself. Many of the most important events took place between the development of the...


Common Law and Civil Law: Cases Discussion

In each and every court case, a different type of law is applied depending on the country, type and class of court, facts of the case among other reasons. Among the many types of laws applied are common and civil laws. This paper explains the two types of laws discussing...


The US Department of Homeland Security

Introduction Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has two cardinal roles of ensuring security of the people of United States from external aggression of terrorists and other enemies who perceive America as their adversaries. The other role of DHS is disaster management and ensuring rapid response to natural disasters like earthquakes,...


Ethical Issues of Animal Research in Cosmetic Firm

Introduction The cosmetic industry is a complicated area with a list of unique, controversial ethical issues involved. Such businesses need to balance between the usage of potentially harmful chemicals and the production of safe and environmentally friendly goods and services. Substances used during manufacturing and innovative research represent a threat...


Poverty and Sex Trafficking: Qualitative Systematic Review

Introduction Sex trafficking (ST) has posed significant public health challenges to individuals across the globe. ST victims often witness an amplified risk of health-related problems, including harm emanating from rapes. For the ST offenders, the outcome of detention and sentence often leads to societal and economic costs resulting from imprisonment...

Politics & Government

The US Foreign Policy: Obama and Trump Administrations Comparison

Introduction The Obama and the Trump administrations dealt with various issues of foreign policy in strikingly different ways such that the two administrations form good examples for comparison of presidential foreign policy legacy. This analysis will demonstrate that although both presidents pursued the interests of the US, their approaches to...

Tech & Engineering

Researching of Big Data and Privacy

Introduction Information has become such a significant commodity that owning and managing it is now analogous to power. In the digital age, information remains the point that connects people from all over the world in such a way as to ensure virtually seamless interaction in real-time. At the same time,...


Significance of Business Research in Facilitating Business Success

Introduction The concept of business research is very dynamic and congruent in any business environment. The aspect of business research involves strategic inquiry into a phenomenon in order to establish the reality or evidence that might have catalyzed the situation. In the contemporary business environment, the aspect of business research...

Politics & Government

Differences Between Classical Realism and Neo-Realism

Realism bears its history from the works of Thucydides who gave an account of Peloponnesian war that took place about 2500 years ago. Realism gives some explanation on human behavior as a result of the absence of universal government. Realism explains international relations as a component of state’s power and...


Legitimacy of Online Learning Institutions

Introduction/Thesis Statement With increased technological advances, economic tantrums, fast changing lifestyles, the geographic spread and the increased need for employers to improve the competencies and academic qualifications, the demand for online education programs has become popular over the last two decades (Adams, DeFleur & Heald, 2007; Hartman, 2007). The institutions...

Politics & Government

Violence Against Civilians in Civil Wars: Causes and Effects

Introduction Human history knows few wars that have resulted in no casualties – and most of these were wars in name only. Most conflicts feature casualties that may range from not particularly significant in the grand scheme of things and almost negligible when compared to populations involved to colossal. Yet...


Role of BSN Students in the Promotion of Health

Course Overview: The course aims to introduce BSN students to their role in the promotion of health in the community. This outline will concentrate mainly on learning to think objectively and address healthcare professionals’ roles in the communities. Learners will be exposed to various cultures and health gaps in the...


“The Lottery” and “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall”: Books Analysis

“The Lottery” The topic of human estrangement and irresponsiveness to the others’ suffering is one of the issues attracting both general minds and creative genius. What is better, a steady observance of ancient traditions and norms, or a flexible attitude to standards, depending on the level of their humanity or...


Education in Africa

Abstract Education is crucial in improving communities and society in general. However, not every individual gets the opportunity to go through formal learning process due to various reasons. The problem with the quality of education in Africa is the fact that it houses developing countries. Consequently, challenges such as poverty,...


The Eye of Avant-Garde and Avant-Garde Fashion

Although the term Avant Garde literally means ‘before the troops’, the actual movement it describes gives more of an impression of abandoning the troops, and leaving them far behind, in real life. The Avant Garde as a term to describe art was first used in the early decades of the...


Advantages and Disadvantages of Homeschooling

Introduction Homeschooling in this research is referred to as an educational process involving personalized children, or a child, instruction by the parent or teacher for necessary living skills as well as academic study courses. It includes learning at home or in other places instead of school and is mostly done...


Bilingual Education in the USA

Introduction Bilingual education in the United States refers to a school system where instructions in the classroom are given in two languages: English and any other language. Some of the languages offered include Chinese, French, and Spanish. The United States has a diverse population comprised of people from several ethnic...


Perceived Values of Generation X

Generation X are likely to self-report higher self-transcendence values compared to how generation Y and baby boomers report the same self-transcendence values of Generation X. In addition, Generation X will report higher Self-Enhancement values compared to Generation Y and baby boomers perceptions of Generation X’s self enhancement values. This paper...


Abolishment of Slavery: Ideological Motivations

Introduction Britain at one point was considered the main nation where slave trade was one of the lucrative businesses. The business was conducted across all classes of people irrespective of their status. They considered slavery as one of the means through which they contributed to nation building. This led to...


Business Law: Intellectual Property in the UAE

Introduction The UAE is a member of various global conventions on intellectual property rights including Madrid and PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty). This membership reveals the wide recognition of the purpose and the need for protection of international IP rights of other nations in the global marketplace. In the UAE, registration...


Fitzgerald and His Notion of a Hero in “The Beautiful and Damned”

Introduction F. Scott Fitzgerald, in all his novels, recounts the problems that were inherent in the American dream in the aftermath of the Civil War. The style and depiction of the characters in his fictional stories embody the American experience and identity. He criticises the American dream by depicting the...


The Behaviour of the Young towards Luxury Products

Consumption behavior of youths towards luxury product is influenced by a number of factors. The factors that influence consumption of luxury product among the youths is quite similar to that of the elders. Although the product demanded among the youth and elderly the consumption behavior are similar take for example...


Atomic Power as a Renewable Energy Source

Introduction Nuclear energy is the future of energy and the only sustainable source that will never be limited. The increasing population and depleting energy resources have urged scientists to look for sustainable energy sources. Petroleum, gas, and other sources of energy will be extinct in the coming 100 years or...


Game of Thrones: Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things

Society tends to shape the way people perceive things and consequently how they react to them. For instance, the act of taking something that belongs to another person without his or her permission is known as stealing and in society’s eyes, it is wrong and by extension illegal. This perception...

Entertainment & Media

Morality of Investigative Reporting and Misrepresentation

In the course of investigative reporting, the journalist can indulge in dubious practices such as faking identity, hiding identity, and undertaking jobs under pretenses. Whether such actions can be considered morally right is a widely debated question. Journalists must seek the truth and report it as completely as possible. As...

Tech & Engineering

Strategic Vision and Planning Importance for Effective Project Management System

Introduction Strategic vision and planning are important elements of any project which determine the project outcomes. The development of effective project management becomes important in the maintenance of human relationships and ensuring the physical well-being of employees so that they give the maximum contri­bution to efficient working. Historically, project success...


The American Criminal Justice System and Violent Crimes

Criminal justice in the United States of America has certainly been through some of its more tumultuous times in recent years. With violent crime on the rise, finger pointers have found a new prey, the media. Through viewing graphic images from the media, some experts have argued, individuals are more...


Researching Sickle-Cell Disease

Abstract Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited genetic disorder that arises from a single nucleotide polymorphism in the beta-globin gene. The resultant change of amino acid in the globin part affects the stability of the protein, which leads to the polymerization of two beta-globin chains of adjacent molecules. The...


Women in History and Different Religions

Women in Early Christianity In ancient Christianity, women played a significant role in the ministry. The pioneer of women’s increase in Christianity was Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was conceived as a virgin by the Holy Spirit and eventually gave birth to The Messiah. She was betrothed to Joseph,...


9/11 and Change in the Dynamics of Immigration

Introduction In recent history, September 11, 2001, is memorable because of the terrorist attack on American land. The incident was coordinated and executed by the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization. Four passenger jetliners were hijacked and crashed in different U.S. locations, which resulted in many deaths. The major attack took place in...


“The Effects of Foreign Language Anxiety on EFL Learners” by Rassaei

Research in language learning and acquisition is a significant part of applied linguistics. Foreign language anxiety is among the most popular subjects of study in this field since it affects language learners’ attitudes and progress. A study by Rassaei (2015) focused on the impact of oral corrective feedback on L2...


Domestic Violence and Elderly Abuse

Introduction The problem of domestic and elderly abuse remains one of the most urgent in the modern world. This is explained by the globally increased cruelty. Fear is one of the main factors which allows people to commit domestic crimes. There are several types of domestic violence and elderly abuse,...


Emotional and Cognitive Basis of Anxiety in Autism

Symptoms of anxiety commonly co-occur in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) adding extra burden to people already suffering from this condition. According to Bejerot, Eriksson, and Mörtberg (2014), close to 50 percent of people diagnosed with ASD have reported significant levels of anxiety, which affects their day-to-day functioning. Even in cases...

Entertainment & Media

Canned Spam Act – Impact on Consumers

Introduction The use of e-mail services has greatly revolutionized the society in numerous areas. In the process, this usage has created its share of new difficulties, such as the influx of spam. According to Arora (2006), spam may be defined as unsolicited email, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately...


Social Theories Related to Community Trauma and Gang Violence

When analyzing the reasons why adolescents from poor communities who have experienced trauma engage in gang violence, it is crucial to look at the problem through the lens of social theories. There is a variety of frameworks that might be useful to investigate the research question, but some of them...


The Efficiency of Repeated Reading in Education

Introduction Achieving grade-specific reading comprehension and fluency is among the essential skills that schoolchildren learn, although many experience difficulties with the task, either because of a disorder, a disability, or because they need more time and practice to master reading. Repeated reading (RR) is a method that can be used...


Burnout in Special Education Teachers

Background and Introduction Being the largest state in the Middle East, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is proud of its fast social and economic development and growth. At the same time, there are still some aspects in which the state does not succeed. Unfortunately, special education and support services for...


Effect of Deregulation on the US Airline Industry

Abstract Airline deregulation in the United States was established to correct the market defects caused by the government’s direct control over the aviation industry. Original practices in the industry were eliminated paving way for lower fares charged by carriers. The barriers to the market were broken creating a free entry...


Fashion Trend Forecasting in Kazakhstan

The research purpose Probably, the Kazakhstan designers follow fashionable tendencies or they have their own source of inspiration. To determine where they get their inspirations to design and forecast trends, the study will perform the following tasks: Analyzing the main definitions of fashion and fashionable tendencies To reveal the nature...


The International Commercial Arbitration: Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction According to some scholarly writings, international commercial arbitration has become a preferred means of settling international commercial disputes. In this regard, these scholarly works suggest that international commercial arbitration has several advantages over the domestic court systems. This paper shall explore whether or not international commercial arbitration has become...


Intellectual Property Law Analysis

Introduction According to Shippey (2009, p.1) an Intellectual Property (IP) refers to a product of the mind. Intellectual properties are unique in that they are a product of creativity and inventiveness. They can either be represented by images, artistic works, images inventions, names, symbols, and designs that are used in...


Crime Prevention Through Social Development

The most common method used to deter crime is the combined efforts of law enforcement agencies and the judiciary. In an ideal situation, these two forces create a deterrent that reduces the number of criminals in the streets and at the same time, creates fear in the hearts and minds...

Tech & Engineering

Importance of Improving Digital Divide Between All Countries of Different Socio-Economic Climates

Introduction Digital divide is a concept used to describe the disparity between individuals, families, businesses, and geographic regions at poles apart socio-economic levels. This is with reference to their prospects in accessing information and communication technologies (ICT’s), as well as their utility of the internet for an extensive variety of...

Family, Life & Experiences

Polygamy in the Muslim Culture Context

Introduction The polygamy issue appears weird in the Christian communities and the reaction is always violent. Normally, polygamy is treated with horror and unanimous revulsion in Christian communities. Polygamy is the practice whereby a man marries many wives at the same time (Mensch, 2003). In principle, there exist three polygamy...


Research Methods in IAQ Overview

Research methods Survey methods are used when one plans on collecting descriptive information. They may be structured, unstructured, direct, or indirect. Researchers can use the survey method, through questionnaires and interviews, to collect data about various variables. One then uses analytical techniques to make inferences between the variables (McBurney &...


Global Warming at Australia: Environmental Health

Introduction The environment is very delicate and needs protection if it is expected to help sustain humanity. Global warming is an issue that has raised a lot of concern globally. The developed countries, especially China and the United States, have been identified to be the leading countries where greenhouse gases...


Car Manufacturing and Business Ethics in Japan

Introduction The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) may be adopted in different places because of different reasons. It emerged in the European nations towards the end of the 1990s. Its main objective was to resolve social problems such as unemployment, especially amongst young people in a bid to enhance...


Laws That Govern Corporate Governance in Australia

The underlying structure of relationships and operations that compel directors to operate accordingly is called corporate governance. Corporate governance includes the mechanism, processes, structure, rights and responsibilities of the investors, directions, regulator and stakeholder. The features of corporate governance include fair treatment among investors and stakeholders, responsibilities of chief executives,...


Vicious Circle of Poverty in Brazil

Introduction The prevalence of poverty in many areas of the developing world has transformed little in the past years. About 70 percent of the rural populations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America live in poverty (Dunand, 1992). According to Katel, Kregel, and Reinert (2009, p. 102), the vicious circle of...


History of Fourth Amendment

Introduction What makes the United States criminal justice system to be effective? The United States criminal justice system is termed as one of the most advanced criminal justice systems in the world because of the nature of criminal justice legislation. The Fourth Amendment is one of the legislations that seek...

Tech & Engineering

Security of the SCADA System

Introduction The advent of new technologies that support enhanced communication has greatly influenced the manner in which sharing of information occurs within modern industries. In modern industrial practices, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system has been an imperative program in data acquisition and control because it supports system operations....


Ethanol as the Primary Biofuel in Many Countries

Introduction The modern world relies on huge amounts of energy to sustain itself. For decades, the energy demands of the world have been met primarily by fossil fuels. However, this major energy source will not be able to meet the energy demands of the world for an indefinite period of...

Tech & Engineering

Role of Mobile Commerce

Introduction Since the invention of mobile phones, man’s life has tremendously changed. This change has been evidenced through several ways, with the most common change being personal relationships (Gs1 1). However, overall, mobile phones have enabled people to have more freedom to do whatever they please and at whatever time...


Evolution of Dogs

Background The dog (Canis familiaris) is a tame form of the Gray Wolf from which it evolved tens of thousands of years ago. The Gray Wolf is a part of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora. It is generally accepted that the dog is man’s oldest friend, a friendship...


New and Innovative Construction Materials and Methods

The construction industry uses more natural resources than any other industry world over. However, continuous use of natural resources results in environmental degradation. Currently, there are measures in all industries meant to control the usage of such resources in order to enhance environmental sustainability. Just like other industries, the construction...


The Future of the Juvenile Justice System

Introduction This report is a presentation made by JRA & Consultants regarding the future of the Juvenile Justice System. A juvenile can be defined as a person who is below a specific age and commits criminal offenses. In some states, a juvenile is a person who is below 16 years...

Tech & Engineering

Computer and Network Architecture

Summary This paper takes us through computer systems architecture and the constituent components that make up a computer. It introduces us to the functions of the hardware parts of a computer and how each part of a computer system work. Ideally, computer architecture constitutes hardware that acts as a platform...

Tech & Engineering

Cell Phone and Its Impact From Personal Experience

The cell phone is one of the most recent developments in the technology sector. It is an electronic device that was mainly used for communication between people; however, from the advancement in technology many other purposes including entertainment, security, and commerce use have been developed. The reason I chose the...


Australian Employment Relations

Introduction The history of labor relations in Australia is very complex. Since the early 1990s, there have been numerous legislations that have impacted differently on labor relations in this country. The work choices reforms act was the dominant legislation in the industrial relations field in 2005 when the Howard government...

Tech & Engineering

The Technology Behind Bing Maps

Bing Maps was developed by Microsoft in response to the business threat posed by Google who also offer Google Earth Pro, for the visualization and mapping of much of the world using satellite imaging from low- and medium-Earth orbit satellites. The main competitor to Google Earth is Bing Maps which was...


Industrial Relations Laws in United Kingdom

Introduction The industrial relation system in United Kingdom has been portrayed by intentional associations among the social partners, without or with less state involvement or interference. In19th century when the country was still under the process of industrialization and political culture which was liberal enabled trade unions to combine their...


Female Serial Killer: Aileen Wuornos

Introduction For many years serial killers have been there, killing many unsuspecting victims. Despite serial killers being there for quite a long time, a distinctive definition of serial killing is relatively new. Many of the known serial killers are men. Serial killings are some of the controversial crimes in criminology....


The Evolution of Insect Wings in Relation to Environmental Changes

Introduction The question of insect wings evolution has always been controversial in the field of evolution. It is interesting especially since fossil evidence for winged insects remain full of missing links. The evolution of wings in different species of insects is based on their biological ancestry and adaptation to the...


Ocean Wave Energy Technologies

Energy It is quite hard to understand or to define exactly what energy is. However, it is scientifically agreed that energy is the power manifested in changing things from one form or state to another, or the ability to perform or do work. For instance, to walk from a lecture...


The Holy Spirit: Activating God’s Power in Your Life by Graham

Book Review Many Christians are confused and uninformed about the Holy Spirit, despite the availability of many works of literature addressing this subject. The implication is, people, do not know the role and essence that He plays in the redemption of humankind. The bible indicates that when Jesus was about...

Tech & Engineering

The Role of IT in the Business Process

Introduction A business process can be defined as a set of activities that are implemented to ensure the provision of a product or service for an organization’s customers. Organizations implement a number of processes in order to ensure that their business is run successfully, however, there is always a need...


Child Poverty in Canada Problem Analysis

Introduction to child poverty in Canada Many people have made the mistake of assuming that only people living in third-world developing countries face the challenge of child poverty. However, sadly, in reality, it is not so. Canada, which promises equality to its entire population, has been facing the problem of...

Tech & Engineering

Systems Acquisition and Implementation Management

Introduction To determine the directional influence of particular information systems on organizational decision-making, it is necessary to look at associated cost-reduction effects. Organizations like THM Corporation can employ new information systems to allow the cost-reduction effect to work in the direction of either centralization or decentralization. For example, the implementation...


Domestic Traveller’s Planning Tool in New Zealand

Introduction This dissertation defines a market-driven interactive portal that fulfils multiple interrelated objectives. The first, over-arching goal is to allow ‘Kiwi Airline’ to penetrate the domestic air travel market in New Zealand. One viable strategy in pursuit of this goal requires gaining presence in media that reach all relevant target...


Women’s Rights Movements During the Reconstruction Period

Introduction The end of the Civil War became a turning point in America’s history since it contributed to the advancement of the civil rights of those who had been discriminated against. The new amendments to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery and provided men with the right to vote regardless of...


Anaplasma Phagocytophilum and Tick Genes Analysis

Anaplasma phagocytophilum, the contributing agent of human granulocytic anaplasmosis and tick-borne fever, is the recently renamed obligate intracellular bacterium following the restructuring of the families Rickettsiaceae and Anaplasmataceae in the order Rickettsiaceae. It causes disease in humans, horses, dogs, and ruminants. This name was given replacing three species of granulocytic...

Family, Life & Experiences

My Ability to Convey Verbal Messages: Personal Experiences

Introduction Verbal messages are messages that are transmitted orally from one party to another. Oral simply means by word of mouth. As part of the overall course objectives, I decided to make deliberate attempts to uplift my ability to convey my verbal message after having realized that I had a...


Why Juveniles Should be Waived to Adult Courts

Introduction Human civilization has from ancient times acknowledged the fact that children are the future of the present civilization. Our modern era also believes in these ideals and this being the case, our society has always strived to ensure that children and the youth are given the best opportunity to...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Effect of Divorce on Children

Introduction The process of separation between couples is often characterized by pain and anger often expressed against each other. In extreme cases, violence may erupt leading to physical and mental frustration including body harm. In such instances the most forgotten people are the children who are often used as pawns...

Tech & Engineering

Agile Project Management

Abstract The business environment in which organizations operate today is always changing, and it is becoming more and more complex. Organizations, both private and public, feel increasing pressures that force them to respond quickly to changing conditions and to be innovative in the way that they operate. Ever since the...


Everyday Communication on Climate Change

Today, the problem of climate change is one of the most controversial issues since scientific evidence shows that the situation is critical, yet mass competence remains low. The different opinions of political parties largely impact the views of people and complicate the beliefs about climate change. While the Republicans seem...


Fire Authority: Law, Ethics and Globalization

Introduction The jurisdiction of a fire authority is defined by the executive body under which the department falls under. As a fire authority department, we have therefore been able to offer service and training to the communities that we are mandated to serve with diligence and guided by the law....