🏺 Essays on Culture

In its broadest sense, culture includes all the shared customs, beliefs, values, and behaviors of a group of people. In academic writing, culture is often used as a shorthand for “the cultural context of” something—for example, the culture of the Renaissance or the cultural context of post-World War II America.

Before you start writing your essay, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with some examples of papers that have successfully incorporated culture into their analysis. A quick search in the EduFixers online database will yield hundreds of academic paper samples on various topics. Reading these papers can give you a better sense of how to successfully incorporate culture into your work.


Medieval Culture: Positive Things to Learn

Although most people believe that the Middle Ages was a dark period in the history of humanity, there exist reasons to believe that the situation was not as dark as it was often painted. During this period, a number of significant achievements in the cultural area were registered, including the...


The Native Americans’ Perspectives on Life

Native American’s culture and perception of life issues have gone through many changes since the onset of European contact. On an environmental perspective, Native Americans of the Colorado region have attitudes and values that define their perspective on environmental issues like forests, water, agriculture, mining and pollution, settlement among others....


People in the United States and India

There are numerous dissimilarities between cultures in American and Indian. The United States is a nation that is very diverse that makes American life as difficult as it is. There are lots of special regions in the US and occupy a continent. Above the method of several centuries, immigrants from...


Igbo Values Are Similar to Those Held by People in the West

Discussing the interpretation of Igbo traditions in the book Things fall apart by Chinua Achebe, it may be concluded that they are both similar and different from Western traditions. First of all, it should be mentioned that the book describes the period of great changes in the lives, traditions, and...


Why is Culture Important?

Culture is a vast concept that unites different social group’s beliefs, languages, rules, and more. Culture influences every aspect of human’s life and contributes to the enrichment of society. It helps to identify personality, fulfil human’s needs to be a part of the community and to be understood. Moreover, culture...


Material Objects in American Culture

The objects of the material world are easily recognizable in my room, although they only slightly reflect American culture. My place is rather modest, as well as the things that are in it. Next to the bed, I have my cell phone, or rather a smartphone, and a charger for...


Cuban Culture Pattern of Communication

Culture entails the norms and values that define a certain group of people. As such, it is a way of life. Different people can be distinguished by their different cultural practices. Culture is normally passed down from one generation to the next through language, media, social relationships, and customs. Cuba...


Who Are the Samaritans?

The Samaritans are a group of people, an ethnoreligious tribe originating from the Israelites with their religion, traditions and history. Explanation: Samaritans themselves claim that their ancestors were mainly the Northern Israelite tribes, people from Ephraim and Manasseh, who survived in 722 BCE the demolition of the Kingdom of Israel...


Madness as a Cultural Construction

In any culture, there exist notions of dysfunction that westerners have tried to categorize as either mental or biological. These categorizations reflect our personal ways of the conception of human beings and of the domains in which problems may occur. Researchers have tended to describe and explain indigenous systems and...


Interaction Between Communication and Culture

Communication and culture are often unique concepts, but their influences on society often overlap. In most instances, cultural influences have dictated how media should permeate through different aspects of society. At the same time, it is important to point out that the media has also had a significant impact on...


American and Latino Cultures in Media and Society

There are many ways to learn about different cultures and use this knowledge to understand human behaviors, reasons for prejudice, and social expectations. However, the media remains one of the most frequent and real sources of easy-to-finding and employable information. Nowadays, in the United States, representatives of different cultures live...


Collectivism and Individualism in Different Cultures

The theory of observing some segment of the society, rather than the personage, the fundamental component of social, economic, and political concern is what collectivism advocates for. Collectivism stipulates that the claims of the state, associates, groups, or families must supersede that of individuals. It demands that an individual must...


New Identity Concepts in Multicultural Society

It is a common scenario to find people living together with different religions, races, and nationalities. It brings the concept of metropolitan, which is common in large cities like London, Berlin, New York, and many others. Multiculturalism refers to the acceptance and encouragement of manifold ethnicities in a geographical area...


Navajo People Beliefs About Health and Healing

The Navajo people practice beliefs and traditions about health that are deeply rooted in their religious faith. Navajo healing practices entail restoring the well-being and harmony to an individual’s lifestyle. First, most of the Navajo ceremonies are for the protection from bad luck while others are done particularly for healing....


Cultural Studies of Group Similarities and Differences

The presentation of the complex nature and the false perception of group similarities as a commonly accepted way of behavior within society requires a critical analysis in understanding what an ideal culture should be for modern society. As such, cultures are built on delineating the human consciousness in being insensitive...


How Development Has Affected Culture Negatively in Poor Countries

Poor countries may be defined according to their development and poverty levels. In most poor countries development is hampered by corruption and bad governance. A lot of the governments’ money is being embezzled by a few individuals and as result, they have to depend on aid and loans from the...


The Conversational Norms in the Eastern Europe Culture

I had a personal encounter with conversational norms different from those accepted in my culture when, on one occasion, I met a recent arrival from Eastern Europe. After I inquired, “How are you?” my interlocutor began describing the problems in his professional life. It was a notable deviation from “I...


African American and Amish Cultural Development in the US

The African American culture has a strong presence in the United States, affecting the relationships between citizens ad defining the communication process in various domains, from business to education to healthcare. The African American culture started with the oral tradition and the transfer of cultural knowledge about essential traditions and...


Afro-American and Amish Cultural Development in the US

The African American heritage in the USA is represented by considerable contributions to the country’s culture. The roots of African American culture may be traced in Africa. Due to the aftermath of slavery and racial discrimination, African American culture had not been able to flourish in the USA for a...


Story of the Tortoise and the Birds Parable Significance

The significance of parables in Ibo’s tradition may not be overestimated. It seems that parables are given as the symbols of life which people have to lead. Taking the example of the parable Tortoise and the Birds, it is notable that it is one of the best examples of Ibo’s...


Ritual, Ceremony, and Hierarchy Importance Among the Ibos

Rituals, ceremonies, and hierarchy are crucial in Igbo traditions. To prove this statement, it is important to present some examples of rituals from the book. The ritual of the kola nut symbolizes the Ibo’s tradition and desire to please their gods. When two tribes want to start a war, a...


Value in the Presence of Multiple Cultural Centers

The world always shows diversity in a very vast range. “A philosophy that recognizes ethnic diversity within a society and that encourages others to be enlightened by worthwhile contributions to society by those of diverse ethnic backgrounds.” The above is the definition of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism always adds to the social...


Conflicting Cultural Values Problem

The views of the superior position of Western culture over others have been examined by investigators worldwide. It was sorted out that the superior centricity of Europe, along with the feminist and majestic principles, was just accepted due to the economic factors prevailing in the production and business fields. The...


The Impact of Culture on the Workplace

Culture is the behavior that has been much practiced by an individual since childhood. Culture is considered a significant factor in a person’s life. The culture of the person demonstrates how he behaves in a particular situation and exhibits a certain set of manners. The culture of the people also...


Fadiman’s The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Reflection

Anne Fadiman’s book «The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down» is an exciting immersion into the Hmong culture, especially their spiritual beliefs, healthcare approaches, and familiar relationships. The differences between traditional Eastern and advanced Western medicine are both frightening and fascinating, making the comparative perspective exceptionally interesting. I felt...


The Lunar New Year Festival Celebration

The Lunar New Year festival is a joint celebration that is celebrated among the Asian countries, partially influenced by China. It is a China-based celebration characterized by various cultural activities that are done to grace the occasion. The Festival begins with the people celebrating the new moon and ends with...


Human Behavior and Culture: The Relationship Analysis

Human behavior refers to how people act and connect, while on the other hand, culture is defined as customs and social behaviors of a particular community or people. Human behavior is categorized into four basic personality types: pessimistic, optimistic, trusting, and envious. An individual’s cultural construct is based on the...


Taiye Selasi’s “Don’t Ask Where I’m From…” Talk

Culture is a concept that could be hard to understand, let alone measure, sometimes. As we go through with our lives, we meet a wide variety of very different people who carry very different experiences. After watching Taiye Selasi’s TED talk, I have reflected deeply on everything she said about...


Hindu Culture: An Immersion Project

For the immersion project, I selected to observe the Hindu culture as represented by the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). I selected this culture because I have always been interested in India and its religion. Moreover, my friend, a member of ISKCON, offered me to visit one of the...


Perceived Values of Generation X

Generation X are likely to self-report higher self-transcendence values compared to how generation Y and baby boomers report the same self-transcendence values of Generation X. In addition, Generation X will report higher Self-Enhancement values compared to Generation Y and baby boomers perceptions of Generation X’s self enhancement values. This paper...


Cultural Relativism, Its Strengths and Weaknesses

Abstract Culture is a difficult word to define, however it is the origin of evaluation of different matters of the act. The aim of this essay is to review briefly, yet comprehensively, the core of cultural relativism, some arguments, point of strength and weaknesses. Introduction Culture as a term is...


The Spreading of the Hawaiian Identity

Introduction It was October 13th 2018, the Lewis & Clark College football team took a trip to McMinnville, Oregon to take on the Linfield Wildcats. Randy is a 6’0” 205 pound Native Hawaiian male. Randy has straight long hair reaching down to his shoulders, stands out with a pop from...


Analysis of Cultures: Deaf Culture, White Culture, and Black Culture

Introduction A culture comprises beliefs, values, behaviors, attitudes, traditions, knowledge, skills, and language that shape the way of life in a given social group. Since different people have different cultures depending on their social backgrounds, they have developed unique ways of communications that are unique to the knowledge, skills, values,...


The National Centre of Popular Music

Introduction The National Centre for Popular Music was opened in March 1999 as a museum in Sheffield, England. It was to be a museum for contemporary music and culture. The center had cost the National Lottery about 15 million pounds. The building was designed by Branson Coates Architects. This firm...


Different Cultural Practices in Healthcare

Introduction Different cultural practices and believes practiced by different groups in the society tend to have either negative or positive impact on health of those people. In reviewing how cultural diversity affects health of the people in that particular group we will look at native americans and how their cultural...


Undertaking Construction Projects in Emirates

Introduction The other major challenges that were noted are related to the economic disruptions because of the business cycles that are exaggerated. If these economic fluctuations are accompanied by exchange rate fluctuations, this could have an effect on the cash flow for the contractors, especially if their payments are denominated...


‘Native Americans: Traditional Healing’

Introduction The article ‘Native Americans: Traditional healing’ by Broome and Broome, gives an insight into the cultural and health related differences between Native Americans and American Indians. This paper addresses some of the issues that health care providers face when communicating across cultures and how these problems can be addressed...


Cultural Sites Adding to the Unesco World Heritage List

Introduction The world today is faced with many challenges that threaten the existence of humanity and the world itself. Although industrialization, urbanization, population growth, globalization, and other changes have brought positive effects to humanity, they have come with their negative effects. Today there is a strong debate on environmental change....


Culture, Globalization and Intercultural Adaptation

Introduction Nowadays, intercultural communication is one of the essential aspects of human life in society because globalization brought people together from different parts of the world. Personal and business correspondence, political and cultural dialogue, all forms of cooperation require to know and consider the characteristics of partners associated with their...


Participation of African Americans in Clinical Trials

This research will differ substantially from other work carried out on the topic because not only will it get to the root cause of low African American participation in clinical trials by determining the most influential reasons, but it will also look for solutions to this problem of low participation....


Safety Culture in an ICU: Omani Registered Nurses’ Perception

The appropriate introduction of safety culture seems to be properly administered on the basis of conventional logical method of deduction that is the transference from general to special notions. Thus, the initial notion of safety culture of practical nature can be formulated as the way safety issues are monitored or...


Customer Relationship in a Cross-Cultural Context

Introduction This paper defines the nature and structure of the topic, ‘An Evaluation of Executives’ Perceptions of Customer Relationship Management in a Cross-cultural Context’ in the e-retailing industry. Customer care and the relationship between customers and the company depend on the nature of the strategy of the company and the...


Experiences of Native American Indian Women on and off Reservations

Introduction Human beings have no power of choosing where to be borne or under what culture to be brought up given the circumstances surrounding the birth process. As a result, many people find themselves under circumstances which they could not want to identify themselves with under different conditions. Many go...


Cross-Cultural Management Problems

Introduction This paper offers a cross-cultural briefing report to a new female Muslim manager who was transferred from Lebanon by Clever Clogs International in her mid-thirties to work in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The company, which operates in the finance industry, intends to change its banking system in the Netherlands through the...


Public Sector Reforms and its Impacts on Governance

Abstract The public sector reforms are ongoing across the world as a response to the urgent need of reducing the governments’ national deficits. Governments across the world face similar challenges, which include strained budgets against increased expectations and slow growth. In almost every country in the world, the public service...


Postmodernism and Consumer Society by Fredric Jameson

Introduction In the article, “Postmodernism and Consumer society”, by Fredric Jameson, the author attempts to review postmodernism as a concept that attracts the attention of most scholars. Unlike some of the scholars who try to link modernism and postmodernism, Jameson contradicts the two concepts. However, he focuses on a variety...


A Sense of Cultural Self-Identity: Stereotypes and Cultural Values

There can only be few doubts that one’s awareness of the factors that contribute to the formation of the sense of cultural self-identity in people will come as an indispensable asset within the context of how he or she may go about striving to attain social/professional prominence. The validity of...


Enhancing Diversity in Libraries

Introduction Libraries collect and preserve information and therefore should be accessible to all, regardless of race or ethnicity. However, there have been racial and ethnic disparities in access to library services and hiring of library employees. Over the years, many libraries have attempted to develop programs that will ensure that...


How Various Races and Ethnicities View the Library

Introduction “The average American intellectual standard is lower than the average Japanese standard because of the blacks and Hispanics in the U.S” (Acuña, p. 29). This is a remark made by Yasuhiro Nakasone, a Japanese Prime minister, when he was making reference to the intellectual differences between people of different...


Unreached People Group Project: Fulani People of the Gambia

Introduction The goal of promoting native missions is to propagate the gospel into regions that are yet to be reached. The Western part of Africa is concentrated by such unreached zones, waiting to hear the gospel. After the reconciliation of man with God upon the death and resurrection of Jesus,...


Presentation for the Russian Musical Society

The Russian Musical Society was founded in St. Petersburg in 1859, and this event attracted the public’s attention because of perspectives that could open for Russian musicians, composers, and listeners as representatives of different social classes (Sargeant 54). In order to focus on the social context related to the establishment...


Socio-Cultural Challenges: An IRA-Nian Perspective

Sustainable Development seeks to achieve a best compromise position or establish a win-win scenario between three dimensions; social wellbeing (e.g. health and safety), economic performance (e.g. profitability, reliability, business), and environmental impact (e.g. water pollution, air emissions, soil quality, waste management). However, much of the theory underpinning sustainable development has...


Haitian-hood: Past and Modernist Experience

Introduction The present literature review aims to reveal the essence of Haitian nationalism, ethics and self-care, and the anthropology of trauma. Through the interweaving of these topics, one may understand the history, religion, and culture of Haitian people, their complicated past and present, and may see the development of Haitian-hood...


“The Sociology of Culture” by Reynolds Williams

Introduction Williams explores the concept of cultural analysis based on three definitions of culture. The ideal definition considers culture as “…a state or a process of human perfection in terms of certain absolute or universal values” (Williams 60). It can also be looked up in terms of social aspects. From...


Cultural Variations Models

Regional Issues One of the main challenges facing the central Africa region is poverty. Poverty is undoubtedly one of the greatest hindrances towards the achievement of individual goals. This has hampered growth in all aspects and brings about a lot of social and economic problems. Lack of decisive action by...


Aspects of Afro-Caribbean People

Black Atlantic Striving to be both White and Black takes some particular form of double consciousness. The modern black Europeans, such as the Anglo-Africans of the earlier generations stood between two immense cultural assemblages, both of which have mutated through the course of the modern world, which formed them and...


Modern Society: American Family Values

Introduction United States Ethnic Culture and family values are centered on individuals, messianic in nature, saving the world as aphorism, people are outspoken, expressive and efficient communicators, more individual influence and disseminated decision making prevails in negotiation style. US dealing with family counterparts are straight, more understated, gratitude and grudge...


Intercultural Communication and Staff in Tourism

Introduction Globalization has presented a new twist in the tourism sector. Many problems have emerged between tourists and their host communities in many aspects. The problem emanates from the different cultural backgrounds of the hosts and the tourists. According to Richardson (2001), many of these problems occur because researchers in...


Culturama. Dominica’s Carib Indians – The Kalinago

Introduction The Caribs, the first Dominica’s people, are considered to be the largest cultural group making about 3500 – 4000 people. The original name of the nation is Kalinago; its farms and homes are concentrated on eight hamlets, such as Crayfish, Bataca, Sinekou, Mahaut River, ST Cyr, Touna Aute, Salybia...


International Human Resource Management

Introduction The current business climate has become so complicated and competitive that an organization’s survival is dependent on how competitively it is able to align its internal structures, as well as strategies to deal with macroeconomic pressures. Following saturation in home markets, many organizations prefer to diversify their trade to...


How the Arab Pop World Objectifies the Women’s Body

Introduction Seated around a lunch table at the Higher Institute of Music in Damascus, Maya Yousef and twins Nadia and Hala Muhamna – members of an all-girl’s classical music ensemble – offer vociferous protest. “[These music videos are] not about being openminded,” says Nadia, whose trendy skirt and top would...


The Influence of the Hip Hop Culture on African American Youth.

Introduction While discussing and analyzing the influence of the hip hop music on African American young people, it is necessary to take into consideration the influence of this musical culture on the politics and the internal policies within the United States. It is also important for one to concern the...


Differences Between the Brazilian and American Cultures

Abstract Every country has its own unique values, beliefs, and ethical principles which vary according to the culture practiced. Cultural practices affect not only the way people live their lives but also how businesses are conducted. This paper aims to examine the culture of Brazil including its values, practices, and...


Culture, Cultural Identity and Related Phenomena

Processes That Originate, Maintain and Reinforced Cultural Identity Reflecting upon one’s culture is essential for creating a proper understanding of their environment and exploring the characteristics of their cultural identity. The surrounding cultural and ideological context has a significant impact on a growing individual’s vision of themselves, their traits, and...


What Is Cultural Pluralism?

Abstract In this paper, I have discussed cultural pluralism as an aspect that affects political, social, and religious systems in society. Cultural issues that cause diversity in the modern world have been explained while the benefits and drawbacks of cultural pluralism have been explained. It has also been established that...


The Nayar Native Group of India

Introduction The Nayar of India comprises an Indian native group, living in the Kerala region. The group has an elaborate cultural and traditional practice. The Nayar also follows a matrilineal revolution. The culture of the Nayar’s enables them to practice polygyny. The Nayar people are involved in agriculture, which is...


“Becoming American, Becoming Ethnic” by Dublin

Introduction Culture is embedded in all aspects of human life, from the way they dress, eat, interact, spend free time, recreate, learn, as well as speak. To belong to a certain ethnic group, one has to display compliance in all these aspects of life. Education, religion, feeding habits, work, language...


The Parisian Culture: European and Islamic Cultures

Introduction The paper aims to answer the question about the aspects of cross-cultural encounters in Paris as well as about the origins of the modern intercultural interactions that are observed in the city as a result of the racial and cultural diversity. Thesis: The modern Parisian culture includes different interdependent...


Culture and Language in Social Life

Introduction Culture and language are interconnected since the former describes people’s lifestyles, including language, customs, and the articulation of distinctiveness of people. It may refer to a common interest held by a group, such as the culture of reading, the popular culture, a common language, or a heritage held by...


Modern Popular Culture

Criteria for Defining Modern Popular Culture In light of developing a criterion for defining modern popular culture, it is essential to consider that the concept incorporates two aspects which include modernity and popularity. The aspect of popularity contends that popular culture is widely accepted by the concerned people. On the...


Cultural Diversity and Inclusion in Society

Introduction Today, the whole world has been singled out to comprise one global village, which has been necessitated through globalization. As a result, it has been easier to communicate even for those people who are separated by great distances. Hence, global needs have to be addressed to facilitate the process....


Japanese Manga and Anime

The relationship between Japan and the West in the Historical Development of Manga and Anime – and Comics and Animation The origin of anime does not have specific origins. In the nineteenth century, the anime, viewed as a part of the animation culture emerged. It appeared in the Meiji era,...


Building Cross Cultural Competence

​Introduction Discrimination against members of a different religious background is nothing new in western states. However, when one analyzes such an occurrence in its cultural context, one realizes that there is more at play than mere discrimination. The event under analysis is an attack against an Iranian girl for her...


Foreignism, Media, Imperialism Influence on Culture

Introduction Globally, many stands have been held, as to how different foreign attributes and communal beliefs have had a direct influence on culture allowing for the loss of the much-treasured identity. In general, the addition of different varieties of political issues, economic concerns, and social behaviors in a specified cultural...


Hip-Hop in Japan and Cultural Globalization

Introduction Hip-hop revolution in Japan gave the youths an opportunity to express themselves, and develop their skills. This resulted in the commercialization of music with many artists and fans from diverse backgrounds joining the industry. Gemba, which is a Japanese name for a hip-hop scene consists of the fans and...