🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻 Essays on Sociology - Page 3


“Modern Communication Infrastructure…” by Temu

The journal article Modern Communication Infrastructure as a Means of Cultural Diffusion seeks to demonstrate that current technological advancements have increased the rate of cultural integration. Technology has had a significant impact on many aspects of day-to-day life, including altering the way people communicate over long distances (Temu, 2022). This...


Family Violence Issue Resolvent Through the Human Services

Introduction Family violence has been a significant concern for decades, and efforts to address the issue have involved many multiple environments of the public. Governments all around Australia now consider addressing the cultural causes of domestic and family violence to be a top priority. Organizations and government institutions provide various...


The Queer (LGBTQ) Community Discrimination and Rights Violation

It is widely acknowledged that wellness and individual rights are intertwined. The rights to inclusivity, freedom from discriminatory practices, life, and the freedom to marry and raise a family are covered by various articles under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (United Nations). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and Queer...


The Concepts of Culture and Society

The concepts of culture and society are often confused as the same nowadays when they are clearly entirely different. As a matter of fact, the former is a primary source of conformity for people, considering that they comply with their culture’s primary components. Furthermore, culture is a part of society...


Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors Concepts

Introduction There is a need to understand the differences between concepts such as knowledge, skills, and behaviors in contemporary society. In the process of searching for a job or processing information, a person can notice their mention constantly. In some contexts, they are used interchangeably, but this is not always...


Cuban and Guatemalan Refugees: Immigration Policies

Substantial refugee migrations are those in which populations depart in significant numbers intending to escape and move to a secure location. On the one hand, reasons for Cuban refugees migrating to the United States include the expectation of economic limitations, agricultural reform legislation, and Cuban patriotism. On the other hand,...


Abortion as a Human Rights Issue

All pregnant women and girls should have access to legal and safe abortion as it is a human rights issue. Various interpretations of the human rights laws by authoritative human rights bodies such as the United Nations show that denying women this right is a form of discrimination. Further, it...


Supporting Domestic Violence Victims

Introduction Domestic violence occurs when a member of the victim’s household commits an act of violence towards them. Potential accomplices may include current and former spouses, direct family members, extended family members, and close family friends. Thus, when there is a close relationship between the perpetrator and the victim, the...


Human Trafficking in the United States

Human trafficking continues to be a significant issue of concern worldwide. Although constitutions of all countries guarantee citizens freedom, for example, in choosing what to do with their life, thousands of people fail to enjoy that autonomy because of being victims of human trafficking. Indeed, abolition of the slave trade...


The Impact of the Internet on Human Society

A wide range of organizational and human systems have been impacted by the growth of connectivity and the extraordinary increase in the creation and consumption of digital data. The internet age has seen discussions on whether human and technological interaction shifts are positive or negative for society. Analysts frequently worry...


HIV/AIDS: The Public Perceptions

Introduction Various diseases affecting the human body are common in society, and the perception of each disease is different. For instance, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) have been negatively thought of for many years. Since the registered outbreak of AIDS in 1981, the infection has become...


Ethics and Integrity in Academic Work

Academic ethics and integrity are the backbone of nursing education focused on providing the best possible care to patients. Academic ethics refers to the core principles of knowledge advancement with the goal of serving society. Smith, Glasgow and Dreher (2020, p. 64) underline that “the academic world does not have...


Expansion of Substance Abuse Services

Introduction Substance abuse is a problem that affects everyone in our society. Substance abuse can significantly impact individuals and their families, businesses, and communities. The costs of substance abuse include medical expenses, criminal justice expenses, loss of income and productivity, and costs to society in the form of social welfare...


Promotions for Women in the Tech Industry

Introduction Methods of Data Collection The data collection methods include analysis of documents, government publications, and records from official UK datasets and data from previous studies. The gender pay gap in the UK 2021 dataset provided by the Office for National Statistics (2021) will be used to investigate the glass...


The COVID-19 Transmission in Australia

Research Question How has the current interventions employed in Australia to control and monitor the spread of COVID-19 been helpful in public settings with focus on the transport sector. Background The novel coronavirus was identified on 7th January 2020 by the Chinese scientist. As of 21st April 2022, a total...


Feminism in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

Introduction Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein characterizes women as passive, disposable, and persons fulfilling a utilitarian purpose. Female characters such as Elizabeth, Agatha, Justin, Margaret, and Safie serve as a portal for the male characters in the story. They are frequently mentioned in the novel when they are used as instruments...


The Case for Marijuana Legalization: Benefits and Challenges

The elimination of all government-enforced sanctions for owning and consuming marijuana is commonly referred to as legalization. Highlighting marijuana use, or cannabis, legalization in this case allows for the sale and cultivation of marijuana at household in the majority of, but not absolutely all, circumstances. In fact, marijuana legalization is...


The Controversy of Human Cloning

Introduction The pace of scientific study and discovery has not slowed in the last decade. Every day, scientific journals and the news media report on fresh and deep findings that appear to unlock doors that it was never known to exist. Scientists have often endeavored, via their studies, to enter...


Sociological Critique of Piaget’s Theory

Introduction The following paper presents a sociological critique of Piaget’s sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist who spent the beginning stages of his career working for a French psychologist Alfred Binet, developing intelligence testing that led to him concluding that children’s thinking is different from...


Emotional Equality of Men and Women

Introduction The notion of equality between men and women is doubtful due to varied physical and emotional factors. To start with, the definition of equality is treated differently from the different genders’ perspectives. For a woman, equality is respect for her work and personal achievements, the opportunity to receive the...


A Critique of “Sustainable Fashion”

Introduction The impact of manufacturing on the environment is the subject of countless papers and reports. Among them are such large parts of the economy as energy, transportation, and agriculture. However, none of them are as connected to the current trends in people’s consumption as the fashion industry. Clothing manufacturing...


The Animal Rights Compliance Problem

The present study explores the problem of compliance with animal rights. The methods used in the paper include information analysis and literary review. In the first stage, the relevant literature was selected, where one found evidence of the current problem’s topicality. In addition, the current paper will demonstrate the importance...


Population Growth and Its Future Effects

The human population has been rapidly growing in the past two centuries. According to data, the human population has significantly increased from 1 billion in 1800 to nearly eight billion in 2020. This is a growth rate of about 84 billion people annually at a rate of 1.1% (UN, 2020)....


Women Gender Roles Aspects Discussion

Introduction It is significant to mention that women in the last four decades have been able to change the perception of gender roles in society. The 20th century was a time of social and political transformations and revolutions, among which the so-called “women’s revolution” occurred (Eisend, 2019). It was the...


The Code of Ethics for Criminologists

Introduction Codes of ethics are widely used by organizations to set the standard of professional behavior and ensure that members of these entities behave in a way that is moral. Unlike legal policies, these codes typically do not have a formal enforcement mechanism, as any professional is expected to behave...


Natural Rights Philosophy in the US Political System

The philosophy of natural rights is a doctrine in the philosophy of law and jurisprudence. It recognizes that a person has a number of inalienable rights that belong to them based on the very fact of their belonging to the human race (American government, 2016). The main idea of the...


Self-Reflection of Leadership

Self-reflection is critically important for people in any field because team management is found in any profession and may be required at any time. First, to achieve the best results, individuals should be able to analyze their principles, values, beliefs, and behaviors. One of my fundamental principles is self-reflection. Ardelt...


Understanding and Meeting the Requirements of Veterans

Understanding and meeting the requirements of veterans and providing them with the resources they need to reintegrate into society is crucial when bridging the gap between military service and civilian work. As described by Stern (2017), many veterans have a hard time readjusting to civilian life, dealing with post-traumatic stress,...


Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia in the Context of Sharia

Introduction Among the world’s religions, Islam is the second-largest, with many Muslims worldwide approaching the two billion mark. The growing number of adherents to Islam naturally raises questions related to gender justice. The traditional notion in Western thought that women in Islam are oppressed by patriarchal society may be mistaken...


The Suicide Rate Rise in the United States

Introduction It is important to note that the selected issue of interest is the suicide rate rise in the United States. Suicide is an act performed by an individual where he or she intentionally causes his or her death. One of the most common reasons for suicide is suicidality, which...


Protecting Human Research Participants

Introduction Everyone has the right to privacy and security, even when it comes to science. Protection of Human Research Participants plays an essential role in Human Research and regulates the field of human research. The objective of protecting participants is to minimize or avoid harm to the participant in the...


Working With Women and Victims of Domestic Violence

Introduction Domestic violence is a severe problem; it is necessary to develop practical measures to combat it. First of all, effective methods of working with women and victims of domestic violence are required. It is proposed to make social assistance centers gender-inclusive and trust-based. The second initiative proposes to introduce...


Intimate Partner Violence in the United States

Introduction Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a severe social and public health issue in the United States and worldwide. IPV constitutes various violent, abusive, or predatory behaviors committed against a partner in a romantic relationship (Caetano et al., 2019). It can impact different populations, regardless of gender, race and ethnicity,...


Primary Institutions in the UK and the US

Introduction Society’s dominant institution plays a crucial role in a nation’s development as they offer a necessary foundation for the growth and progress of the people. The five primary or dominant institutions in society in the USA are the family, political, economy, education and religion. All these institutions are interrelated...


Abortion: Liberal and Conservative Viewpoints

Introduction The moral issue of abortion in the US remains relevant, especially nowadays, as Roe v. Wade has been overturned. With over 250,000 abortions conducted in 2019, abortion represents one of the most regularly executed medical procedures among reproductive-age females (Kortsmit et al., 2020). Civil disagreement enhances political, cultural, and...


Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements

Introduction Contemporary society is highly influenced by the opinions and ideas transmitted through a variety of media sources. With the advancement of digital media in line with the conventional sources of information, the exposure to advertisements is uncontrolled. It implies that the audiences consume advertising content perceiving the messages as...


The Social Movements for Human Rights

Human rights should be protected following the Constitution’s requirements. As a result, they are fundamental privileges for both communities and nations. Individuals with the ability to enjoy their human rights can associate with those of other races, religions, or traditions as long as the Constitution protects them. Human rights encompass...


Human Rights and Terrorism as Modern Problems

Human rights are legally enshrined principles by which people’s rights are judged in different countries and at other times. The history of this document is ancient. Back in the 13th century, the first analogs appeared, which are now considered to be ancient documents with fixed rights and freedoms (Angelo and...


Why Felons Should Not Lose Their Right to Vote

Purpose Statement By the end of the speech, the audience will agree that felons should be allowed to vote like any other citizen. Background of the Problem Voting to elect leaders is a fundamental right of citizenship in mature democracies. However, more than six million individuals in the United States...


The Concept of a Single Story for a Family

The concept of a single story is a harmful way to form an opinion. One of the examples of its dangers is the attitude towards changing families. Many people form their judgments based solely on their personal experience, unable to understand and tolerate different practices. This social issue breeds much...


Population Growth: Population Issue

In an environment with perfect conditions and the availability of unlimited resources, exponential growth is possible for an extended period of time, although it is unlikely to last forever. In exponential growth, the cycle of reproduction creates a large pool of population candidates to produce the next cycle. However, exponential...


Social Services in the First Nations Communities

Introduction The state is the entity that is legally obligated to fulfill the fundamental human rights of its citizens to freedom of speech, education, and medical care. When there is the need to ensure that the country’s entire population has access to essential services, the state must be in a...


Alcohol and Aggressive Behaviors: An Experimental Study

Abstract The proposed paper is devoted to investigating the role alcohol plays in the emergence and development of violent behaviors. Substance abuse has always been associated with range and physical abuse. For this reason, the study aimed to determine the causation between alcohol and violence. An experiment was conducted implying...


The Unconstitutional Nature and Adverse Implications of Banning Abortion Rights

Introduction On June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court made a far-reaching historic decision to overturn the Roe v. Wade ruling that established women’s constitutional right to abortion in 1973. Although the decision caught some people by surprise, most Americans anticipated such outcome as there were rumors from early...


Human Research-Related Ethical Issues

Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich Point: The nurses and physicians were actively involved in the sterilization, experimentation, and killings conducted in Nazi Germany, many doing so voluntarily after being radicalized by ideology (UTHealth Nursing, 2017). Explanation: I believe this point is important because it emphasizes the...


Stop Tobacco Smoking Interventions

Introduction Tobacco is one of the leading misused substances in the world today. Nearly 50% of adults in the United States are active smokers (Hersi et al., 2019). Hence, smoking cigarettes is a clinical issue because excessive smoking has been proven to cause various chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease,...


History of Slavery in United States

One of the oldest traditions in humankind is the practice of slavery. It has been documented by anthropologists in practically every continent and civilization, going all the way back to the Neolithic era of human existence (“Abolitionism movement,” n.d.). The first substantial initiatives to outlaw forced labor and stop human...


The Role of Social Work in the Issue of Oppression of the Elderly

Older adults can face oppression and discrimination in almost every area of ​​life. The emotional gap between generations leads to the fact that older people do not feel part of an ever-changing society. This leads to cases of misunderstanding and even violence from the younger generation. Discrimination in the medical...


Legalization of Marijuana: Benefits and Drawbacks

The debate over whether or not drugs should be legalized has been going on for a long time. There have been many discussions that supports and those that are against the legalization of marijuana has led to a decrease in crime. The decriminalization of marijuana in several states has, contrary...


The Controversy of Ethics of Euthanasia

The debates concerning the topic of euthanasia have been going on in the world for decades. ‘Euthanasia’ is a word that comes from Greek and is translated as ‘good death’ (Rachels, 2017). What it refers to is the cessation of an individual’s life to end their pain, usually when they...


Human Trafficking: Commercial Sexual Exploitation

Human trafficking (HT) has affected numerous people, ruining lives and leading to trauma development in victims. Unfortunately, the U.S. is not secure from HT; on the contrary, reports establish that the extent of HT has been rising in the U.S. (Franchino-Olsen, 2021). Specifically, according to the World Population Review, a...


Human Trafficking in Australia

Introduction Human traffickings, like practices resembling slavery or slavery itself, revolves around human rights issues that deal with complicated crimes, forced marriages and labor, and servitude. Throughout the world, human trafficking takes place as children, women, and even men are exploited for several reasons, among them organ harvesting, forced marriages,...


Sociology of the Black Lives Matter Movement

Introduction The Black Lives Matter movement erupted as a social movement battling police brutality in relation to innocent African-American citizens of the United States. Over the past decade, protests in multiple countries of the world, including those in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the United States, focused on sharing anti-racist assertions...


Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence

Language Used When Describing Domestic Family Violence In domestic violence, there are various ways one can describe violence in a relationship. It is important to note that there is a difference between domestic violence and intimate partner violence. The former means violence between individuals in a domestic situation plus can...


Global Health Goals and Health Disparities

Due to its fundamental worldwide tasks of developing, monitoring, and upholding international conventions and regulations, as well as organizing numerous actors toward shared goals, the World Health Organization (WHO) plays a crucial role in the global governance of health and illness. The most widely embraced, all-inclusive, and laser-focused framework for...


Social Construction of Gender Roles in Working Parents

The social construction of gender is the idea that sex is not predetermined but is instead a product of societal expectations and values. While some feminine and masculine qualities may be biologically determined, most behavior associated with gender is learned through socialization. This means that culture and other social influences...


Transgender People’s Participation in Women’s Sports

Introduction The sex and gender of the individual is a relevant topic for modern society. One of the spectrums of this area is the participation of transgender people in professional women’s sports. This problem is ambiguous, because, on the one hand, it corresponds to the self-determination of a person, but...


Racial Discrimination and Prejudice in the US

Introduction The problem of unequal treatment of people is one of the most urgent problems. In particular, this aspect concerns prejudice and discrimination against members of the black population. A significant contribution to the development of this kind of relationship is the long history of slavery, which has left a...


Social Problems Driving Mass Incarceration in the U.S.

The United States is the world leader in the number of prisoners. The country’s prison population, which has grown to millions, is seen as a unique social phenomenon, and is referred to as a policy of mass incarceration. The term spread in America back in the early 1970s, when the...


Gender Stratification Factors and Change

Introduction Gender stratification refers to the dissimilarities between males and females concerning privilege, supremacy, and affluence. In most societies, gender is usually a communally organized principle, representing the unequal division between women and men. An excellent example of gender stratification is the number of females is always fewer than the...


Social Intelligence: Main Theories

Introduction Social intelligence is the ability of a person to understand and contextualize their emotions and the emotions of others. The effective use of emotions and emotional states to direct and assist people in performing better in their daily lives and work. Understanding people and their behavior can aid communication,...


Poverty and Families in the United States

Introduction The concept of the deserving and undeserving poor has been around for centuries, and it continues to be a controversial topic in the United States today. Some believe that poverty results from personal failings and that the government should not be responsible for alleviating it. On the other hand,...


Muslims’ Position in the United States’ Society

Allam, H. (2021). Muslims see disparities in January 6 investigation. The Washington Post. Web. Say investigation reveals disparities in the processing of terrorist cases. For example, Dean Obeidallah, a Muslim comedian and radio broadcaster, refers to the riots at the US Capitol against Al-Qaeda in the United States that carried...


Internet Pornography in Public Libraries

The variety of information available on the Internet is tremendous. Some sites are useful for scientific and individual study and leisure, and others contain content that might be considered disturbing, such as pornography. Since the Internet became accessible in educational establishments and public libraries, there has been a dispute regarding...


Immigrant Children in Sports Activities

The case study design is a useful qualitative method for an in-depth exploration of a phenomenon. This paper is an analysis of the article by Marconnot et al. (2019), “Recognition of barriers to physical activity promotion in immigrant children in Spain: A qualitative case study.” The authors employed a case...


Social Media Campaign to Prevent Child Abuse in Communities

Background Child abuse is one of the most underserved and neglected public health issues in the US because it is hidden from the eyes of the public. Child abuse refers to the exposure of children to physical, emotional, and environmental conditions that derail their development. The most common maltreatment is...


Analysis of Gender Roles Aspects

Background The subject of gender role has significantly transformed in the modern society compared to the traditional perspective. Traditionally, roles and responsibilities were assigned according to gender. Men were given superior role that depicted them to be important members of the society than women who were assigned inferior roles that...


A Comparison of Women’s Lives in the Past and Present

Women are the most resilient and marginalized people in the world. Men have always dominated many industries, and women were subjects to the cult of womanhood where they could be child bearers and home keepers. However, as years went by, women became more accustomed to working than staying at home,...


Thomas Jefferson and the Challenge of Living in a Slave Society

Introduction Thomas Jefferson holds a prominent position among the outstanding American personalities. His political views were expressed in the Declaration of Independence of 1776. Jefferson sought to build a new republic in America representing a classical democracy in which human rights would be fully respected (Strauch, 2017). Even though he...


Sex Work and Prostitution Terms

Introduction Prostitution is considered one of the oldest professions in the world but still remains highly stigmatized in modern society. There is no international consensus on what exactly qualifies as prostitution beyond “paid sex,” and it is a regulated industry only in a handful of countries (McMillan et al. 2)....


Black Lives Matter as Controversial Issue

The racial injustice surrounding the African-American population has been a topic of discourse for a significant amount of time. Given the persistence of numerous stereotypes and the lack of equality ingrained into the lives of numerous black populations, social movements to highlight these problems have been created. Black Lives Matter...


Racism and Discrimination Issues in the US

Introduction Racism as an ideology or system of views enshrines the division of people into large groups, termed races. They are united by each group’s inherited physical traits, mentality, intellect, morals, and culture. The racism proclaims the inherent superiority of some races against others, or one race above the rest....


Gender: The Social Construction

Introduction Gender is a constructed description of a woman or a man conceptualized on task, functions, and roles attributed to men and women in public or private life within the society. Therefore gender can not be described based on the sex of an individual or based on the biological nature...


Global Economic and Political Causes of Human Trafficking

Introduction There are many social issues that affect different countries around the world, forming a different set of everyday freedoms challenges. Weak people are in danger anytime there is deprivation, struggle, an absence of instruction, or political instability. Illegal exploitation is the quickest developing criminal area on earth. Most of...


Current Chemical Use and Addiction Trends in the US

Trends in LSD use among US adults: 2015–2018 The purpose of conducting the research was to perform a deep, comprehensive, and thorough study of the current trend of LSD use among the United States adult population over the past decade. Research questions are “what is the prevalence of the tendency...


Ageism, Financial Insecurity and Older People’s Rights

Ageism is one of the most significant social challenges affecting older people’s rights. Ageism in healthcare is a widespread issue with negative health repercussions for elderly individuals (Nemiroff, 2022). While accessing services from numerous amenities, senior citizens are usually treated with contempt and prejudice. Ageism takes many forms, ranging from...


Marijuana: Benefits of Decriminalization

The historical view surrounding marijuana is based on the various culture of the indigenous people of America. Marijuana was used to treat multiple ailments such as headache, insomnia, rheumatic pain, and headache. Its beneficial outcome made it listed among the licit drugs in 1850 by Pharmacopoeia of the United States...


Heterosexuality and Sexual Contract in The Proud Family

The chosen TV series is “The Proud Family – Louder and Prouder” Season 1, Episode 4. These TV series explore gender concepts in family relations and the community. The show is exciting, as it is a perfect method for people, especially teenagers, to eliminate established stereotypes about sexuality and gender....


Discussion of Women’s Reproductive Rights

US law and politics have long ignored women’s demand for autonomy as citizens with equal rights to men. Women were not full rights-bearing citizens From Revolutionary-era republicanism to 19th-century democracy. A dispute in the Supreme Court, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, continued over a century after the 19th Amendment...


Discussion of Piaget and Vygotsky Theories

Children’s cognitive growth helps them analyze their experiences and settings as they become more conscious. Margaret Mead, an American cultural anthropologist, believes children from the moment they are conceived until they become independent individuals, need to be taught how to think and not what to think. Cognitive development theories are...


Immigration and Citizenship in the United States

Introduction This presentation aims to discuss immigration and citizenship and explain why people migrate to the United States. In addition, it discusses various immigration laws that exist in the country. Both the positive and negative impacts of immigration are also highlighted and show why it has remained a contentious subject....


The Ethical Philosophy of Utilitarianism

Introduction An ethical problem has been faced by philosophers throughout the history of normative ethics when it comes to making a decision on what is morally proper or bad. Morality is grounded on human reason and universal moral rule in deontology. Traditional utilitarianism, on the other hand, stresses that deeds,...


Black Lives Matter vs. Blues Lives Matter

The question of defunding and abolishing police forces has always been common for citizens of the United States. People evaluate the work of police from different perspectives, and actions produced by officers might express both positive and negative emotions from civilians. The idea of police defunding had appeared recently when...


Gender Role Stereotypes and Child Aggression

Introduction Gender roles refer to the societal perception of how people should function and conduct themselves based on their sex as either male or female. Gender roles stereotypes are strong beliefs about these specified gender roles (Shin et al., 2018). The stereotypes differ based on cultural settings and change over...


Theory of Domestic Violence and Its Impact

Summary Domestic violence can be characterized as a series of actions in any relationship to gain or retain dominance and influence over a current or former partner. Forms of violence can be categorized into four broad categories: physical, sexual, financial, and psychological abuse. Domestic violence includes all actions that create...


Social Issue of International Drug Trafficking

Introduction In the era of globalization, social problems have traversed national boundaries, posing severe challenges to the international community. Drug trafficking, terrorism, and corruption are some of society’s critical challenges that have necessitated collaborative solutions on a global scale. Notably, weak border control policies, increased substance abuse, and a lack...


War’s Negative Impacts on Family Life and Children

Introduction There are many negative effects of war: human sacrifice and destruction of the economic system, but one of the most powerful influences with a delayed effect is the psychological impact on families, and especially on children. Children in war zones are physically and mentally damaged by war experiences. Direct...


Morality of Animal Testing: the Ethical Issues of Animal Testing

Introduction Testing of drugs and cosmetics on animals has been a relevant social and political issue for the longest time, with little progress on the problem. However, at present, there are various social movements and federal acts that protect animal rights and strive to improve the ecological situation. For instance,...


Perspectives and Implications of the Social Disability Model

The medical model of disability is a conceptual approach that relates the diagnosis of disability to a person’s physical body. The main goal of this model is to correct a disability through medical intervention. This approach focuses on treatment and assumes that a “compassionate” society should invest resources in health...


Chapters 9-10 of Global Women’s Issues by Aragon & Miller

Chapter 9 This chapter dwells on the history and importance of the women’s rights movement worldwide. Human rights are fundamental freedoms and rights given to an individual once they are born. Women’s rights are rights to promote equality among men and women in order for the latter to gain undeniable...


The Importance of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is a necessary condition for the existence of people. Without it is impossible for a person to fully form any skills of interaction. The movie You’ve got mail tells how the owner of a small bookstore gets acquainted by mail with the owner of a chain of book...


Human Cloning: Ethical Dilemma

The process of cloning living beings has been at the center of a heated debate for the last two decades. Since the first living organism, being Dolly the Sheep, was cloned in 1996, people were left wondering if human cloning would ever be scientifically possible. Furthermore, questions regarding the ethical...


Immigration and Issues of Economic Development

Introduction Immigration is becoming an issue of concern to the world as there are increased migrations into various countries, including the United States and Europe countries. Immigration, thus, is defined as both the legal and illegal movement of people from one’s country to a destination country where they have no...


Diversity Issue in Today’s Organizations

Diversity encompasses how people identify themselves and how others perceive them. Examples include age, gender, color, religion, economic upbringing, and culture. Many businesses in the 21st century aspire for increased diversity in their staff. A diversified company has a better chance of finding new markets, attracting desired people of all...


The Problem of Abortion in the United States

Abortion is legal in every state and territory of the United States, though limits and accessibility vary by state. Abortion is a contentious and divided subject in American society, art, and politics, with anti-abortion legislation in place in every form (Dickman 1157). In general, the Republican Party has pushed to...


Familial Factors in Reducing Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction Although there are many complex crime-causing factors, family and familial factors rank among the leading causes of juvenile delinquency. The conventional interventions to juvenile delinquency have far-reaching and detrimental effects on minors and do not reduce incidences of recidivism. Players in the criminal justice system recognize the contribution of...


Growing Up in Poverty and Its Impact on Education

Introduction It is hard to disagree that in this world, there is a vast number of severe issues and weaknesses that have to be addressed immediately. Unfortunately, although many of them have continuous adverse effects on different groups of society, it is still impossible to successfully address these concerns. One...


Substance Abuse Among Youths and Intervention

Youths Drug Use In many societies worldwide, the youths have identified an easy way of satisfying and coping with life conditions through involvement in substance abuse. Substance abuse has become a common factor; nearly 70% of the youth take alcohol before graduating from high school (“Substance Use and Abuse in...


Challenges That Australian Families Face That Might Affect Their Mental Health

Introduction A family consists of two or more individuals related by birth, adoption, or marriage who live in the same household. Many Australians prefer smaller families with one to two children. They place a lot of significance on relations because families provide emotional, social, and financial support. Nevertheless, mental illness...


Differences in Education, Economics, and Health

The U.S. is a multiethnic country where people of various races were categorized into six main groups. These groups are black/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders, and white (OMH, 2021). The first five represent social and ethnic minorities, while the sixth is the majority in...


Development of Human Rights Over Time

Introduction The modern elements of human rights existed and remained functional in both Western and non-western societies from ancient times. However, the idea of tying human rights on individual rights to life and liberty was formed in the eighteenth century. The great civilizations from the past played a major role...


How Black Feminist Theory Impacts African American Women

African American women remain underrepresented in positions of senior leadership in the federal government due to many reasons. Even though there are many women who are educated and highly capable of accomplishing remarkable goals in governmental positions, the lack of mechanisms for diversity, equal opportunities, and mentorship creates significant barriers...