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Psychological Testing and Its Major Concepts

Definition of a test In the field of psychology, a test refers to a highly standardized process that examines the sensual ability and mental processes of an individual (Rogers, 2007). According to experts, a test does not examine every aspect of an individual. It uses certain elements of an individual’s...


Social Learning Theory

One of the major perspectives within behaviorism, social learning theory, states that behaviors are learned through observation and imitation. Even though children and adolescents are particularly exposed to social learning, there are almost no age limitations to the development of new behaviors. Due to the development of communication technologies, the...


Dark Matter: The Issue of True Identity

Introduction What constitutes one’s self? When one’s personality begins and ends? What are the origins of a person’s identity? These questions have been discussed in the fields of philosophy and psychology for centuries, and yet there is still no consensus on the topic of personal identity. Body theory and memory...


Multicultural Psychology, Its History and Importance

Introduction Generally, psychology can be defined as a branch of science that studies the functioning of the human mind and how it affects human behavior, feelings and thinking. In other words, Multicultural psychology can be defined as the study of human mind relative to human behavior. Psychology is a broad...


Capital Punishment Process Analysis

As defined by James (2003) capital punishment is the execution (killing) of an individual by the state because of a crime that he/she has committed.It is also referred to as the death penalty. Capital punishment denies the person moral reforms. Punishment of any kind should hold the offender responsible, that...


Media Violence Laws and Their Effectiveness

Rising levels of violence in the media, be it in movies, computer games, or the Internet, have been a topic of concern for the last several decades. With technological advancements in the television and gaming industry, violent entertainment is becoming more and more realistic. The appearance of computers, game stations,...


Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The definition of sexual harassment may be difficult to produce because of numerous subtypes and meanings that relate to inappropriate sexual advances. This type of harassment can also be displayed by request for physical favors. Nonetheless, harassment can take a verbal form as well. The majority of organizations perceive sexual...


Imprisonment and Punishment: Life Should Mean Life

Introduction In various states, the legislature differently considers the time required to serve a criminal sentence of life imprisonment. In some countries, life sentences are assigned the minimum amount of time that they need to serve in prison as punishment. Currently, in the criminal legislation of foreign countries there are...


Gun Control Policies and Consequences in the US

Introduction The United States of America has by far the highest firearm ownership rate in the world. This tendency is due to the relatively non-restrictive gun control laws of the country, as the right to bear arms is codified in the Constitution. However, gun ownership comes with risks, and the...


Inner City Education and the Rest of the Nation

Education – Introduction By Education is meant that unique process by which people attain knowledge, skill, and moral values. An ideal education develops an acknowledgement of cultural heritage in people so that they might lead happier lives and also helps make them become productive citizens as well as members of...


Reform of the Law on Affordable Health Care

Introduction Even though ACA has accumulated several accomplishments, some of its approaches appeared to be ineffective. In reforming ACA, the US can learn from health care policies implemented by other countries to improve its current health care system. Analyzing relevant experiences from abroad, especially existing policies that work, may help...


An Investigation Between Personality and Infidelity Among Millennials

Executive Summary This study assumes an age-based perspective in investigating people’s attitudes towards infidelity. It was domiciled in an institutional setting and 50 respondents (aged between 23 and 38 years) took part in it. The goal of the study was to investigate the relationship between personality and infidelity among Millennials....


Investigating Change Blindness: Psychological Approaches

Abstract This document presents the findings of an experiment investigating change blindness among a group of 250 respondents. The participants viewed 16 everyday scenes and stated whether they detected a change or not. A change was recorded when they clicked on the associated image. Sixteen scenes were presented to the...


Childhood Sexual Abuse and Adolescents’ Self-Esteem

Introduction Child sexual abuse can be defined as an action where an adult takes advantage of their dominant position to use a child to attain sexual pleasure, arousal, or satisfaction (Sánchez-Meca, Rosa-Alcázar, & López-Soler, 2011). Such actions may also be considered abuse when there are imbalanced circumstances between the injured...

Politics & Government

Policy Making: Fewer Guns, Less Violence

A large number of deaths and injuries caused by firearms attracts close attention of many policy-makers. Their main task is to develop strategies for addressing this issue. This paper will discuss the relationship between the availability of guns and violence. At first, it is necessary to examine the major tendencies...

Politics & Government

Presidential Leadership in Foreign Policy-Making: Obama’s Decisions

Introduction In the area of foreign policy, the US president has always been allowed broad power to protect and project America’s national interests around the world. It is the president who is responsible for setting policies, responding to foreign events, managing conflicts, negotiating international agreements, and governing the military. The...

Politics & Government

US Foreign Aid Policy to the Middle East

Introduction Foreign aid plays a major role in promoting the US foreign policy aspiration in the Middle East. The US has several major interests in the Middle East, ranging from the support of the Israeli government and its peace with neighboring Arab countries, especially Palestine, safeguarding the crucial oil supplies,...


Learning Needs in Education

The learning process is an important part of the evolution of any business and organization. Companies that are the quickest to adapt to the changing circumstances and customer demands have a competitive advantage (Boshyk 2016). This process involves constant learning and quality improvement. The purpose of this paper is to...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management: The Managerial Process

Project Communications Plan A successful project implementation starts with accurately and competently organized communication system. Proper quality and speed of data exchange between different stakeholders within a project ensures the sustainability of teamwork and contributes to the timely corrections and ultimate delivery of the project outcomes. The choice of methods...

Tech & Engineering

Enterprise Resource Planning Assignment

Discussion Part The implementation of the ERP is challenging for any organization disregarding whether the ‘big bang’ or phased approach is used. The ‘big bang’ approach suggests that the company will shift from the old ERP to the new one at a single point in time. The advantage of such...

Tech & Engineering

Nine Challenges of Alternative Energy

The modern energetic system which relies predominantly on fossil fuel is considered to be dangerous for the environment. Two major drawbacks of non-renewable sources of energy, such as coal or petroleum, are Carbon emissions and their limited reserves. As Chau et al. (2015) claim, “energy generated from fossil fuels produces...

Tech & Engineering

Allstates Insurance Company’s Data Security and Trend Analysis

Introduction In the world today there is a problem relating to information. This is because most companies have suffered a great deal due to the loss of information. Private and confidential information stored by companies has found themselves in the wrong hands that use them for personal gains. For the...

Tech & Engineering

The Role of Social Communication Tools in Education

Introduction and Theoretical Framework The present research aims at analyzing the perceptions of Saudi students toward the use of social media in their education as a means of supporting the learning process. Investigating students’ understanding of social media is crucial since it is closely associated with contemporary educational methods. Acquiring...


Family Systems Therapy Perspective

Family Therapy Field Family therapy is a broad topic for discussion that includes the necessity to investigate and modify the relationships in a family. According to the offered reading, there are three major aspects in family therapy, and they include a system with its properties of wholeness, relationship, and equifinality,...


Which Projects Have, or Will Be, Implemented in the UAE to Improve the Country’s Sustainability by Improving the Efficiency of Energy Use?

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been struggling with sustainability issues for many years. Energy conservation and climate change have been two of the most challenging problems. In that regard, the country has developed its sustainability framework that corresponds to the United Nation’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) for 2030. Examples...


Global Warming Skepticism and Reality

Introduction The debate about the causes of global warming has been going for an extended period, and many nations have united to solve it. The causes of global warming have been said to be caused by human beings, and scientists have done a lot of research to prove this. However,...


Nuclear vs. Gas: NuScale Power Company

Existing Policies New England currently experiences significant issues concerning its energy industry, which results in conflicting policies. On the one hand, policies support the deployment and development of solar and wind energy capacity in the region. These alternative sources of power displace energy from fossil plants and their emissions. But,...


Drugs, Crime, and Criminal Activities

According to Glen R Hanson and Peter J Venturelli, “There is a long-established close association between drug abuse and criminality.” There are two contrasting views in this approach. The first one is that criminal behavior develops to support a drug addiction, and the second one is that criminality is inherently...


Criminal Justice Discrimination: Foster v. Chatman

Abstract Although the attempts to eradicate any forms of discrimination from every domain of modern life have been taken a countless number of times, the phenomenon persists in contemporary society due to its flaws. Particularly, the imperfections of the present-day justice system create loopholes for discrimination to enter its domain,...

Tech & Engineering

Will Robots Take Over Human Jobs?

With technological advancement, increasingly more robots are being employed in different sectors, particularly in jobs that appear difficult or dangerous for human beings. Most people are convinced that robots will take their jobs in the future. On the contrary, some individuals have a conflicting perception that robots do not have...


Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Justice System

Abstract The paper considers the acute issue of racial inequality and prejudice in the field of criminal justice, in particular, juvenile justice. The author provides a brief historical analysis of racial discrimination history in the USA and investigates recent cases and events of racial prejudice in the criminal justice system,...


Violence in American Schools as a Social Issue

In recent years, an increasing number of incomprehensible multiple killings committed by students at schools are being reported and many students, parents, and teachers are surrounded by threats of violence. There is a grave concern across the nation on the epidemic of youth crime that spills from streets to schools,...


Ethics in Sports Industry and Engineering

Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest may arise when the primary interest is influence by the secondary interest that can have an adverse influence on one’s professional judgment and objectives. A potential conflict of interest can occur in this topic because of my work in the field of engineering...


Children’s Rights in Different Interpretations

Introduction A child is any human being below the age of eighteen and should be treated as a person not as a sub person. Children’s rights are the rights of children as human rights but they give special attention to the needs, care and protection of the children. Children need...


Religion as Limiting Women Freewill and Freedom of Expression

Introduction Since time in sundry, mankind has been a religious being who believes in the existence of some higher power or medium. The boundary of religion expands between thoughts and mystics in an attempt by mankind to experience self-discovery. These religious teachings influence a belief system organized into notions, cults,...


Abortion: Pro-life and Pro-Choice Sides of Debates

Introduction Abortion is the name for a situation in which a pregnancy is terminated before the term has been completed, thus the fetus is terminated whilst it is still inside its mother’s womb. There are two different types of abortion they are natural abortion, this is otherwise known as a...


Legal Drinking Age and U.S. vs. European Alcohol Consumption Patterns

The scopes of alcohol consumption have become a serious concern over the past decades for the world community and the US in particular. Unlike European countries, the US government decided to raise the minimum legal drinking age to 21, while most countries allow alcohol consumption from 18. Such a law...


Students’ Attitudes Towards Paid & Free Education

Introduction A good education has the potential to change lives. Governments are, therefore, investing significant amounts of capital in educating their citizens to make them competent enough to serve in the world’s workforce. Employers are also looking for employees with adequate skills that make them competent for the job market....


Standardized Test: A Measure of Students Intelligence or Ability to Pursue College

Introduction A standardized test (SAT) requires answering the questions or a set of questions from a common group in the same manner and is scored in a coherent “standard” manner. These tests might facilitate equity by contributing to the admissions of students due to their cognitive skills and personal achievements....


Assessment in Early Childhood Education

Introduction Assessments in early childhood education involve “a process of gathering information about a child, reviewing the information, and then using the same data to plan educational activities that are at a level the child can understand and is able to learn from” (WGBH Educational Foundation, 2014, p. 2). There...


Reading Skills in Children: Collaborative Action Research

Introduction Knowledge acquisition and learning are natural processes that initiate at a very early age in children. For some children though, this process is a little slow affecting their academic achievements as well as effective learning. It then is the responsibility of the teacher to find the appropriate methods needed...


Black Lives Matter Movement

Media history is full of various events, such as the invention of the television and the Internet, the introduction of Apple products, or the popularity of Instagram blogs among individuals. Those moments have shaped the modern perception of media services and how the global community is receiving and exchanging information....

Tech & Engineering, a Virtual Personal Assistant

Overview Nowadays, it is hard to imagine a day without a computer. This technology has already penetrated millions of homes and working settings, and people depend on the opportunities offered by recent technological progress. The rise of technologies provokes the need for artificial intelligence (AI) as an attempt to develop...

Politics & Government

A New Energy Policy for the United States

Introduction The changes experienced in different countries across the globe have led to new energy demands. This means that most of the sources of fuel might become depleted in the next few decades unless governments implement appropriate measures. Currently, this growing need is met by the major fossil fuels, including...

Politics & Government

W. R. Mead: American Foreign Policy Is Hamiltonian

Walter Russell Mead argues that one of the four basic paradigms of American foreign policy has been Hamiltonian. History shows that the Federalists, the post- 1812 National Republicans, the Whigs, and the Republican Party have all been guided by Hamiltonian principles in foreign policy for most of their history. Hamiltonian...

Politics & Government

Policy in Education

Introduction The policy-making process in different public spheres at local, federal, or state levels occurs upon the identification of a problem solution to it through the agenda. The educational field entails a broad system of issues that require a thorough plan of action. One such issue is the problem of...

Politics & Government

Humanitarian Intervention

Humanitarian intervention is a concept that is used for denoting the application of a military force of one state against another, with a public statement and recognition that the goal of the force is ending the violations of human rights. While there is some variation in how humanitarian interventions are...

Politics & Government

Liberalism: War, Peace & World Order

Introduction Any discussion of international peace, world order, conflicts, and wars usually takes place in the context of certain philosophical paradigms and theories. These thoughts and principles influence the public’s approach to organize the order in the world, building peace, and resolving conflicts. Liberalism is one such theory, providing a...

Tech & Engineering

Concrete Masonry Corporation’s Project Processes

Introduction The project to move some of Concrete Masonry Corporation’s production capabilities into Eastern Europe is currently in the early planning stage. As such, the detailed plan has not emerged yet, and the manager, Kevin Lewis, does not know which specific activities he will have to carry out to complete...


Gender Discrimination at Work in the United States

Introduction According to human resource management experts, any form of discrimination within the workplace is illegal. However, regardless of the fact that the law protects employees from all forms of bias, studies on the dynamics of the contemporary workplace have shown that gender discrimination is quite problematic (Lipman 70). Women...


Toys, Games, and Gender Socialization

Gender denotes social-cultural explanations concerning sex. The main question is: How do toys and games influence gender socialization? This is important because the manner in which people ought to act as females or males is socially instilled and defined. Individuals are socialized from their formative years as children where they...


Depth in Ashliman’s “Dharmabuddhi and Pâpabuddhi”

The concept and perception of depth in art is the ability of a piece of work to explore more than two dimensions. It is the ability of a product of art to interrogate and appeal to more than the visible dimension. It is the ability of the artwork to move...


Alexander of Macedon: A Historical Biography by Green

Introduction Alexander of Macedon, 356–323 BC: A Historical Biography is a notable book written by Peter Green. The author is a British novelist and classical scholar, famous for his historical books. The presented work can be considered one of the most significant ones Green has written. Moreover, the book can...


“Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving

Washing Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle” is a powerful historical material that describes the issues experienced by many Americans before and after the Revolutionary War. The author uses the life of Rip Van Winkle to analyze the practices of many communities. The story highlights the economic activities embraced by different people...


“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce

Introduction Ambrose Bierce was an American journalist and author. He participated in the Civil War, serving in the Ninth Indiana Infantry.1 During this period, Bierce published various articles and essays. Afterwards, he started a new career as a journalist. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is Bierce’s most famous story....


Reading Between the Lines: My Papa’s Waltz and Mending Wall

Theodore Roethke – My Papa’s Waltz Being easily one of the most misunderstood poems in the history of American poetry, My Papa’s Waltz is appealing to the general audience in many ways. Personally, I like the poem for several reasons, one of them being the atmosphere that the given poem...


Folklore Genres and Analysis

Introduction Throughout this course, I have learned many things that I was not aware of hitherto concerning traditions and especially folklores. Folklore, which is also popularly known as ‘lore’, includes oral history, music, jokes, proverbs, legends, fairy tales, tall tales, as well as traditional customs of different cultures or groups....


The Characters of Eleonora and Tia Roma Comparison

Topic Is it relevant to discuss Eleonora in “Eleonora” by Edgar Allan Poe and Tia Roma in Torquemada at the Stake by Benito Perez Galdos as agents of knowledge or as objectified characters? Textual evidence Quote #1 (from text #1) Eleonora “grieved to think that, having entombed her in the...


“The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot

In spite of research indicating the methods helping to reduce inequality in healthcare, the problem of health disparities is still recognized as a critical question. In her award-winning book titled The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Skloot (2010) tells the story of a financially disadvantaged African-American cervical cancer patient whose...


“The Tipping Point” a Book by Malcolm Gladwell

Introduction The concept of “the tipping point” can be boiled down to a series of events that lead to a sudden change. This can encompass a variety of aspects such as the sell off period in a stock market after months or years of a bull run, the sudden popularity...


Problems of a Student New to Online Learning

Introduction Internet technologies have become an essential tool in many fields, including education. The development of various massive open online courses (MOOCs), as well as implementing e-learning instruments in higher education, have enabled people to get access to a vast amount of learning opportunities. However, even though the instructional materials...


The Role of Parental Involvement

Introduction Context of Inquiry The role of the family in early intervention has long been highlighted. It is said that the participation of parents in early intervention is vital to making sure that children with disabilities have the support they need (Bruder, 1998; Harry, 2008). Parents that are involved in...


Key Developments in Special Education

Introduction Inclusion in education is an essential subject that must be addressed by the government to ensure the equality of opportunities for all people. Individuals with disabilities face unique challenges in education since it may be difficult for them to achieve the same level of academic performance as other students....


Assessment in Early Childhood: Special Education

Introduction Assessments may occur for different objectives and their attributes depend on the planned intention. In the United States, assessment in early childhood settings is described as the practice of collecting information systematically and evaluating it to establish whether anything requires being done in a different way (Reichow, Boyd, Barton,...


Ethical Issue in Education: Cheating in Schools

Introduction Cheating has been a big issue of concern in many educational institutions. The notion of cheating has been defined as the act of presenting the work of others as your original work (McCabe, Terivino, & Butterfield, 2001). It may involve copying during exams, seeking unauthorized assistance when doing assignments,...

Politics & Government

Jews and Arabs: Peace Obstacles and Challenges

Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict has existed for decades, and it has proved to have significant effects on the Middle East economy. Despite the incessant fighting between the two groups, negotiations have proceeded with significant successes since the commencement of the conflict. The conflict originated from the Arab’s denial of a...


Education in Saudi Arabia

The History of the Education System in Saudi Arabia Education was established in Saudi Arabia some time before the formation of the country in 1932. According to Alrashidi and Phan (2015), King Abdul-Aziz established the Directorate of Education in 1925 to complement the mosque and Quranic school-based practices of the...

Tech & Engineering

Computers’ Role in Modern Education

Introduction Humanity has experienced rapid advancement in the area of technologies for the past several decades. Electronic computing devices are now the basic means of data processing in the business, science, communications, entertainment, education, and other spheres of human activities. The omnipresence of computers and digital technologies in modern society...

Tech & Engineering

Hydraulic Fracking Wastewater Treatment Technologies for Petroleum Engineers

Abstract This paper presents the basics of hydraulic fracking and discusses various possibilities of wastewater management technologies. Factors include water composition, delivery methods, and purification processes. The paper outlines the environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing which highlights the importance of wastewater treatment. The main scope of the paper investigates the...

Tech & Engineering

RapidMiner Company on a Field of Data Mining

Introduction To stay competitive in an ever-changing technological environment, companies have to use the available data as a tool for predicting what may occur in the future. Thus, predictive analytics plays an essential role in capturing useful information and employ it for modeling customer behaviors, patterns of sales, and other...

Tech & Engineering

Technology and Its Impact on Teaching

Digitalization of different spheres and professions of the modern world brings significant changes to everyday activities. One of the fields in which technology is emerging the most rapidly during the last decades in education. Therefore, technological tools and digital methods have become more widespread in educational spheres. Our institution has...


Two English Language Textbooks Comparison

Abstract The evaluation of textbooks is highly important for teaching English in Saudi Arabia. A common problem, which Saudi Arabian English teachers face, is an inappropriate portrayal of foreign values in textbooks. In this work, the researcher has examined the problems that exist in this sphere and fulfilled a comprehensive...

Politics & Government

Capital Punishment Advantages and Disadvantages

Capital punishment or the death penalty is a type of a government-sanctioned execution whereby an offender is put to death for a committed crime. Capital punishment has been a highly controversial topic for a long time. People widely applied this brutal measure throughout the history. However, this question raised a...

Tech & Engineering

Learning Management Systems Project Monitoring

Introduction The LMS solution supports different e-learning models and integrated training programs for students. Monitoring the LMS implementation is an important step in the project management process that entails the measurement of project variables against certain project plans and milestones. It involves an ongoing evaluation of achievements, challenges, and potential...


Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Definition

People can exchange different types of information at various levels of understanding. Communication as the process of interaction is not limited to verbal or written messages and implies a wide range of possibilities for transmitting necessary data. Regarding intimate relationships, the level of communication has special features since there is...


Animal Experimentation: Ethical and Practical Issues

Introduction When talking about animal experimentation, it is hard not to mention the quote by Jeremy Bentham, who formulated the ethical question like the following: “The question is not ‘Can they reason?’ nor ‘Can they talk?’ but ‘Can they suffer?’ Why should the law refuse its protection to any sensitive...


The Black Lives Matter Movement

Black Lives Matter (BLM) refers to a global activism lobby group that has brought the inequalities against members of the African American community in the United States to global attention. It was founded in 2013 following the shooting of an African American teenage boy by a white man who was...


Sociological Issues in the Concept of “Double-Consciousness” by Du Bois

The Concept of “Double-Consciousness “ Du Bois’s book became a sensation of the time and is still a work that shows the view and feelings of black people in America from historical and sociological sides. The concept of “double-consciousness” reflects the state of African Americans who are forced to identify...


Gender Roles in Society: The Need Change Old Paradigms

Introduction Historically, there has been a more or less strict division of men’s and women’s gender roles in life, to which the vast majority of people used to confirm. Most typically, females were viewed as the ones who had to look after the children, husband, and household. Males, on the...


Domestic Violence Services Funding Decrease

Introduction Domestic violence is one of the most prevalent crimes in the USA. Yearly FBI analyses indicate an incidence of 900,000 to 3,000,000 domestic violence crimes being reported to the police (Garcia-Moreno et al. 1686). At the same time, the number of underreported crimes is much larger. Some sources indicate...


Personal Development Plan

Personal development plan is a step by step guidance that an individual lay down, based on self awareness, own reflection and assessment, expectations or endings, and strategies that one is willing to apply to affect this plan in order to accomplish his or her life goals. Competencies I am a...


Psychology: Personality Trait Model

Introduction People tend to use various adjectives to describe how a person behaves in public, with friends, or alone. Words like “kind,” “good,” “cruel,” careless,” “introverted,” and others come to our minds whenever we think of someone. These words represent traits of an individual personality, which are stable characteristics used...


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD) is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by severe emotional wounds after a traumatic experience. Sufferers of PSTD have a recurrence of memories of fear and persistent threat leaving the individual with a feeling of shattered and entirely devastated by events. This condition...


Videogame Addiction and Its Impact on Children

Introduction Have you ever cracked a German soldier’s skull open with a trench shovel? Would you like your children to experience that as well? In some video games, you can do it. Risky and violent entertainment is the locomotive of the gaming industry. Games offer a variety of experiences that...


Music, Media and Culture Influence on Behavior

The issue under investigation Human behavior is a product of various interrelated factors that walk alongside our lives starting with early childhood and is even thought to be closely related to genetics and predicted by it (Hartwell, 2014). The issue under investigation deals with the influence of such variables as...


Low Self-Esteem Women and Their Relationships with Men

Introduction Relationships in this age and time are going through a series of problems. One of the major issues that most couples face is the issue of cheating spouses. This reason has several causes, and one of its major causes is women having low self-esteem issues (Stevenson-Hinde, 2007). These women...


Ivan the Terrible – A Statesman or a Madman?

Introduction Ivan the Terrible was one of the most famous and influential Russian rulers in its history. He is remembered for his reforms of the Russian state, which strengthened the central power of the monarch and weakened the nobility and the Boyars, as well as for his expansion to the...


The Great Depression in the US: Examining the Causes

Introduction The Great Depression, which lasted for approximately ten years, affected the financial affairs of such great powers as the United States, Germany, Canada, France, and the United Kingdom. The economic crisis that happened in these countries has significantly impacted the politics and economy of the US. The causes of...


How Slavery Has Shaped the Lives of African Americans?

Introduction One of our country’s bleak moments in history is the slavery incident that continues to haunt the nations almost two centuries after the slavery institution was officially abolished by the Lincoln administration. Slavery was crucial to the economic well-being of the colonies in North American, whose plantation heavily relied...


The Long-Term Effects of the 1967 Six Day War

Who participated in the war, and why? The six-day war was fought by various countries in the Middle East region. Essentially, the war was between various Arab countries against Israel. The Arab countries that actively participated in the six-day war included Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Prior to the 1967 war,...


American Indian Environmental Movement in Arizona

Quote According to Sheridan, the creation of Native American reservations in Arizona “proceeded sporadically and haphazardly over 119 years” (305). Booth states that “modern Native Americans face different challenges than did their ancestors, and many of those challenges affect how they can now relate to the land” (330). Paraphrase Original...


Social Status of African-Americans during 1920-2000

In XIX – XX centuries, segregation and discrimination of black Americans was enshrined in the laws of Southern states. The active struggle against racism in the United States began after the Second World War. The supporters of racist views felt they were supporting the just beliefs. The segregation was firmly...

Politics & Government

Military of One: Unification of the US Armed Forces

Preface The subsequent discussion involves reasons for unifying the United States of America armed forces. The idea for contemplating merging the forces is a reaction to the outcry of Americans for the continuous deterioration in performance of the United States of America armed forces, as well as huge expenses that...

Politics & Government

Israeli-Palestinian Peace Establishment

A person with certain values will usually feel more comfortable dealing with a person who carries values similar to his or hers. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been growing and building up to create more tension and problems between the two neighbors neglecting the common values that can be further recognized...

Tech & Engineering

Construction Supply Chain Management Practices

Introduction This chapter serves as an introduction to the proposed project about its objectives and reasons for the project. It will also discuss the components of the essential supply chain practices showing how effective management of the supply chain may reduce cost and time overruns and subsequent litigations in the...

Politics & Government

American Security Intelligence and Influences on It

How Failure to Share and Analyze Information Leads to Intel Failures The American intelligence system is a diverse system, which contains different agencies with different responsibilities. Some of the most notable security agencies are the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), and the Central Intelligence Agency...

Politics & Government

World Trade Organization as a Global Institution

The World Trade Organization is the sole global body that deals with fairness in trade among nations. It designs rules to ensure that large economies and small economies are at par in economic growth. However, its policies and propositions are not popular with most nations. It aims to facilitate demand...

Politics & Government

Realism and Neo-Realism in International Relations

Introduction Realism and neo-realism originated from war in the 5th Century BC. Hans made his first contribution to the concepts in 1948. Kenneth Waltz further made his contributions to the concepts in 1979 and he did this by first describing the concepts separately. Realism Realism is a term that has...

Entertainment & Media

Batman Comics Adaptation for Film and TV

Introduction Batman is a famous comic book character who often appears on TV and in films. The character has a significant number of fans and is one of the most popular superheroes in the DC comics universe. Throughout the years, there have been many attempts at adapting Batman’s story for...

Entertainment & Media

The Documentary “Cuban Missile Crisis: Three Men Go To War”

This documentary movie describes the events, which have gone down in history as the tensest moment of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. In spite of the fact that the Cuban Missile Crises have been resolved without a direct armed encounter, the events...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Impact on South Korea, China, Egypt

Introduction In modern, Internet-powered communication, social media has taken an especially important place, being the vehicle for sharing news, opinions, and other types of valuable information. The era of the Internet and the emergence of social networking has defined a range of trends in global culture, the propensity toward cultural...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks as a Revolutionary Technology

Introduction Social networks are structures comprised of different actors connected together by dyadic ties. Social networks “combine people into small groups, neighborhoods, or communities” (Papacharissi 201). Social networking has become possible because of the internet. The internet consists of “many people who are trying to make friends, gather information, develop...