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Studying Abroad: Personal and Professional Advantages

Abstract This paper addresses the issue of studying in foreign countries and the advantages it brings to international learners and the countries that these learners are connected to. The paper claims and aims to convince the reader that studying abroad is a useful practice that, despite some disadvantages, brings numerous...


Women’s Role in the Victorian Society

Introduction The Victorian era refers to a period in Great Britain under the rule of Queen Victoria. This period was between 1837 and 1901. There are endless debates regarding the place of women in this society (Broadview Press 96; Thomas 1-3). These debates not only outline the origin of discussions...


The Causes of Global Warming

Global warming is the rise in the earth’s exterior air and oceans’ normal temperatures since the 1950s and its anticipated continuation. Over the 20th century, the earth’s temperatures increased by 0.18 degrees Celsius. Scientists assert that the increase in the temperature was due to increase in greenhouse gases in the...

Entertainment & Media

Communication Strategies: Conflict Resolution Practices

Introduction Conflicts are a part of human life and in both professional and personal settings, conflicts are bound to arise. People are certain to have differing opinions at one point or the other. They are also bound to misunderstand each other as they interact and this can lead to conflicts....

Entertainment & Media

Convergence Implications in Canada Communication Policy

Introduction Canada is one of the major global broadband markets (Wu 79). Previous years have seen telecommunication operators and broadcasters as separate entities. The incessant growth in this particular field has necessitated the concerned authorities to adopt certain policies that might simplify the working conditions of these two groups. Even...


The Real Effects of Greenhouse Gases

Introduction Studies have established that one of the greatest challenges in contemporary society is the issue of greenhouse gases. Experts have noted that the world continues to experience the effects of climate change due to increased human activity. Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming by reflecting radiation from the earth’s...

Entertainment & Media

Should Cell Phone Use in Cars be Banned?

Over the course of the years, computers and other computerized gadgets have become an integral part of the business and social environment. This has been as a result of their efficiency, accuracy, and speed which have revolutionized the manner in which business and social interactions are conducted. An important concept...

Entertainment & Media

Virtual Public Relations of Pepsi and Coca-Cola Companies

Introduction Virtual public relations are very important aspects of every business as the relations determine the success and profitability of the business. PR helps in communicating with potential customers and spreading information about a particular company. International companies are obligated to invest heavily in managing their PR as it determines...


Conflict, Its Classification and Management

Definition of conflict The term conflict refers to the disagreements, misunderstandings, or differences which arise between different individuals. In day-to-day activities, for instance, in places of work, schools, churches, or at home, people encounter different types of conflicts. In most cases, conflicts emerge as a result of differences in beliefs,...


Language Manipulation

The use of words that give different but related meaning to the actual one is regarded as an abuse of language. The meaning derived when language is manipulated can be vague at times, but for people with a common agenda, for instance, opponents to a particular cause, it may not....


Sex and Gender in “Sociology” by Macionis and Gerber

Introduction Various social aspects define individuals. The gender and age discipline is the defining unit among age sets within the community. However, gender roles are key aspects of a traditional society, with women accorded the lowest positions within the societal task completion. In the book, there is a depiction of...


Part-Time Work Benefits for College Students

The practice of working part time while studying at college is typical of the United States and many European countries. The reasons for students’ interest in part-time work opportunities are often in the necessity of covering loans and other expenses, improving specific practical skills, socializing, and receiving the financial freedom...

Entertainment & Media

WalMart Company’s Communication Strategies

Introduction Wal-Mart is the largest retail store in the world. This firm is operating in a highly competitive industry. To manage this type of competition, this firm needs a communication system that will make it pass the relevant information to the stakeholders within the shortest period. The communication strategy that...

Entertainment & Media

Communication Role in the Children’ Development

Communication is a way of expressing information or ideas between two or more persons. As a family engagement, the practice of communication is essential in raising awareness of the significance of speech, language, and communication. Language is an important ingredient in the development of children because it helps them communicate...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks: More Problems Than Solutions

Summary In the past decade, social networks have become prevalent with many people preferring them as the means by which to keep in touch. This has led to the establishment of many social networking sites. The SNSs have brought about significant merits and demerits for the users. To begin with,...

Tech & Engineering

Technology and Customer Service

Abstract In this paper, the meaning of technology is well outlined and its major impact on different services that are offered to customers by different people in the world of business. Some major developments that have taken place in the way services are delivered to customers have been discussed. It...

Entertainment & Media

Planning Business Negotiations

Introduction Planning business negotiations entails preparing a comprehensive plan to ensure that maximum payoffs are secured by the negotiation team on the negotiation table. This is why it is critical for a firm that seeks to engage in a business negotiation to prepare and familiarize with the issues that appertain...


Early Childhood Cognitive-Based Philosophy

Introduction Early childhood development is decisive for the life of children. Thus, the role of an early childhood educator is a great responsibility. Choosing early childhood education as a career, a person should be aware of diverse challenges, the necessity of constant change, and be ready to develop as a...


Fresh Food for Low Income Families and Individuals

Executive Summary In the recent past, food shortage has become a major problem in the world. The problem is brought about by, among others, droughts, wars, and climate change. Most of the persons affected by food shortage rely on donations to survive. In this paper, the author examined the problem...


Technology and Social Change from Sociological Perspectives

Introduction Technology This refers to all aspects (machines, skills and knowledge) that are used by people to make life easier and better. This means that technology refers to material and non-material aspects that make human life to continue despite the challenges that people face in the society (Jordan, 2014). Social...


21st Century Skills Development

Introduction The 21st century is considered to be the century of media, information, and technology. The world around us is very different from what it was in the days before – it is evolving at an alarming rate. Students need to keep up and ride the wave of change if...


Queer Activism: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender

Literature Review Research shows that the involvement of the LGBT in activism influences their social development significantly (Bilodeau 29, Komives et al. 593). Active involvement influences their lives, career aspirations, and social justice perspectives. Additionally, LGBTs who openly engage in activism related to their identity often reinforce their involvement in...


The Cold War and the United States Response

What was the Cold War? How did the United States respond? Among people who lived in the second half of the twentieth century, a word-combination “cold war” is strongly associated with the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union after the Second World War. At that time, the...


English East India Company and the Great Rebellion of 1857

Introduction Civilization mission is one of the major factors used to justify colonization. It involves the spread of western culture to indigenous communities. Its pedigree can be traced to the middle ages in the Christian tradition. At the time, the European colonial powers saw people from other nations as inferior...


Chinese Americans: History and Discrimination

The Chinese have been living in USA since the eighteenth century, though some claim that they have been living there from as early as the seventeenth century. In the middle of the nineteenth century, there was great migration of the Chinese due to abundance of gold in California, while others...


Single-Sex Education

Introduction The issue of whether boys and girls should learn together or separately is very controversial. There is a heated debate on whether single-sex or mixed-sex schools are better. Parents are in a dilemma about the type of school to take their children to. This has been brought about by...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technologies System

Introduction Information systems refer to all the machines involved in the running of a business in a given period. These factors combined to provide information that ensures smooth business operations. These information systems can be grouped into the following five categories. Decision support systems; Expert systems; Management information systems; Transaction...

Tech & Engineering

Information Systems and Its Types

Introduction Information systems refer to hardware and software used to organize, create and distribute data. It finds its basis in information and computing and seeks to improve business models using various computer science algorithms. Information systems are useful in delivering support and aiding decision making. It comprises of hardware, software,...

Tech & Engineering

The HRIS Implementation Project

The development of a project management plan relies on several issues. One of these elements is the development of an accurate objective, or set of objectives in the project. Usually, the preparatory phase of any project determines its potential for success. In the case of GenRays, the interviews with various...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media and the Business Community

Social media is an informal channel of communication that has turned out to be a place where business communities thrive as they interact and sell their products. With the improvement in information technology that has diversified the market, it has become possible to sell a product to clients across the...


Heavy Metal Music Gender Trends

Methodology Every research project must have a clear method that defines the approach that is taken in the collection of any data, analysis of the collected data, and the presentation of the analyzed data in the form of the texts and figures. According to Kothari (2005)1, conducting research is a...

Politics & Government

The Right of Gun Control

The right for private citizens to bear arms and be able to use them whenever it is necessary is a constitutional right in many western countries. This right, however, is no longer guaranteed in some countries, considering the nature of the current world where misuse of guns has become prevalent....

Politics & Government

Al-Qaeda as the Brightest Example of Terrorism

One of the crucial points in the idea of terrorism is the way of how terrorists move and raise their money to promote their activities and achieve desirable results. Al-Qaeda, a famous Islamist military organization, has a number of funding methods such as hawala, financial institutions, and cash couriers. Hawala...


Fashion Trends During 2014-2015 Years

The abundance of products makes producers add you create products with added value (it is often associated with the concept of fashion). It is clear that customers are not ready to spend their money on some goods, but they are now looking for fashionable things. It is possible to identify...


African Studies: Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction The historical and current treatment of black women since the years of slavery until today, the devaluation of women in the U.S. society, and the idea that protecting women against violence is the burden of women have created a culture that fosters and accepts domestic violence and intimate partner...


Marx’s and King’s Notions of Alienation Differences

Karl Marx developed the Theory of Alienation to explain the relationship between capitalism and its effect on the wellbeing of workers. According to the theory, workers lose control of their lives after securing employment and as such become alienated from their families, communities, and society. Marx maintained that workers lack...


Social Issues: Abortion in US

According to Weitz (2010, p. 161), “abortion occurs when a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy”. This practice makes sure the pregnancy does not result in a child. Many individuals use prescription drugs or surgeries to terminate their pregnancies. These methods depend on the stage of the pregnancy. Abortion has...


Social Issues: The Uses of Global Poverty

Poverty refers to a situation of server deprivation of basic human wants. With the help of eleven functions of global poverty, readers can understand why poverty exists in today’s society. Poverty has influenced the price of commodities, making products affordable for wealthy nations. Developing countries provide ground for the manufacture...


Human Rights and Its Meanings

Introduction If you go out to the streets and ask different people what it means to have human rights, you are likely to get a wide range of answers. Human rights are defined as “rights that belong to an individual as a consequence of being human” (“Human Rights”). This concept...


Psychological Issues: Freedom of Choice

As modernization continues, people become more obsessed with the desire to enjoy certain rights. Most of the freedoms that people have increasingly gained access to can be summarised into one – the freedom of choice (Hazel & Barry, 2010). People enjoy the freedom of choice when they are allowed to...


Environment: Greenhouse Gases and Hydrological Cycles

Greenhouse gases emissions are a variety of gaseous compounds that are air pollutants, which include, but not limited to, carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons. These gases act as a “lid” trapping energy from the sun and, preventing the heat from going back out into space so that the earth can cool....


The Environment Pollution in US

The environment is becoming extremely polluted through the burning of naturally occurring problem. The air pollution is already a problem in many countries, and the US is not an exception. A nation has developed many strategies to help reduce toxic air emissions, and one of them is to promote and...


American Culture Reflection in Sport

Culture is what unites people and forms nations. It is also based on four pillars: norms, values, ideas, and symbols. Of course, sport is one of the most significant parts of US culture, as lots of people are involved in this sphere. Sport is now one of the most significant...


Environment: Global Warming and Rapidly Rising Sea Levels

Global sea level rise has centrally featured in most debates in recent times, although it is not entirely a new phenomenon. The water level has been rising over the years, but marked changes were witnessed in the twentieth century. “The increase in the sea level in the twentieth century alone...


Sociology: Personal Relationship and Practical Abilities

Opening Statement Practical abilities of an individual are vital in defining one’s future, and his or her ability to transform society. Life is based on what an individual can do to transform it to be a better place for all humanity. We all agree with the fact that interpersonal relationship...

Entertainment & Media

Public Relations: Field of Communication

Summary of the Article The authors begin by identifying “public relations” as a subfield of applied communication (Botan and Taylor 645). The professional practice happens to have its theoretical aspect and research base. Public relations “remains one of the unique types of applied communication” (Botan and Taylor, 645). Other branches...


Does Money Determine Success?

I do not agree with the notion peddled around that only individuals who get more money are successful. More money does not determine success in life. It is obvious that money accords comfort since one can get anything needed at any time. Nevertheless, I disagree that it implies one is...


Organic Food

Introduction Demand for organic food has increased in the last few years. However, very few people fully comprehend what organic food is. Many households have embraced organic food, leading to increased demand. According to Organic Monitor (2010), demand increased before the GFC in 2009. This paper will discuss organic food...

Politics & Government

Post-Cold War Conflict

Introduction The Cold War ended, but the problem of the global security environment acquired a new meaning. Moreover, the issue also needed some new approaches to its solving because of great political and economic changes in the world. The end of the Cold War could not be considered as the...


Africans in America – the Growth of Slavery in the 1600s and 1700s

Introduction American slavery involved the ownership of persons who were subjected to work without consent and contracts. The southern side focused on cash crop cultivation as the main economic activity while the northern side agricultural activities were less. In the north, slaves were used in domestic work and skilled crafts...


Humanism and Renaissance Period

The aim of this essay is to comprehend the influences prompted by both south and north renaissance. The affected humanity studies such influences in terms of arts, sciences, mathematics, and church. Also, it looks at how their works of art influenced humanity and the world (D’Elia, 2009). These works include...

Politics & Government

Democracy Threats

Introduction The purpose of voting is to elect political leaders through the democratic process. All citizens in the United States and democracies in the world have the right to vote. Voting is the only way through citizens exercises power on who to represent them and determine how to be represented....


Discrimination in the United States of America

The United States of America has experienced an impressive change from the discrimination which was common in the country up to the 20th century. Various personalities like Martin Luther King Junior died while fighting discrimination in society. The society was suffering from the chronic disease of social discrimination that was...


Energy, Technology and Climate Change

Is innovation key to economic progress? I agree that innovation towards alternative energy is a key to economic progress since it would enhance technical performance and demarcation of a product or service while improving technological cost-competitiveness. While sustaining the economy for the long term, innovation would not deplete natural resources...