Ethics in Research: Understanding Its Importance
This paper emphasizes the importance of ethics in research by explaining how to uphold ethical principles. An exploration of important ethical issues also forms an integral part of this study.
A paper of 3500 to 3600 words is not always an essay. Assignments of such a length are typical for graduate-level studies. The structure of a 3500 words essay will largely depend on the institution, the discipline, and your professor’s requirements. The possible topics might be: cyberbullying among middle-school students, the impact of income inequality on economic growth, etc.
You will need to conduct an in-depth analysis in order to write a 3500-word essay. The keys to success are: meaningful research, a correctly formulated thesis, a well-thought-out structure, and an extensive bibliography list. Check free 3500-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!
This paper emphasizes the importance of ethics in research by explaining how to uphold ethical principles. An exploration of important ethical issues also forms an integral part of this study.
Abstract Technological inventions are disruptive business aspects with substantial prospects and influence in several industries. Over the last three years, technological advancements have sparked various developments in the global business, considering the need for reformation. This assessment investigates the technological developments in the oil and gas sector. The outcomes of...
Introduction Hybrid cloud is a type of cloud environment where different clouds and/or on-premise infrastructure function together, as interconnected mechanism. The benefits of hybrid cloud are that it is more variable, allows for faster application development, and combines the better qualities of other clouds while mitigating their disadvantages. For example,...
Introduction The development of the Clemente Global Summit will have a lot of tasks that will require to take place simultaneously hence the application of the agile project management approach. The agile process involves continuous development and improvement of a project whereby the project manager breaks it into phases and...
A 3500 words essay would typically be about 14 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 3500-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.
How many paragraphs are there in a 3500 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 35 to 36 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.
It usually takes 1 to 2 hours to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 3500 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 3500 words will take about 11 hours 40 minutes.
At a rough estimate, 3500 words would take up about 350 to 355 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 3500-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.
Introduction The administrator aims to incorporate GIS to provide precise data visualizations and mapping to manage the database. A “geographic information system” (GIS) refers to generating, accomplishing, examining, and plotting all kinds of data. It attaches information to a plan, assimilating location facts (where possessions are) through all categories of...
Introduction In the past two decades, the Rwandan genocide has been subjected to a resurgence in academic historiographic research, with the expanding diversity of disciplines. In its thematic interpretation, genocide is a paradigmatic instance of ethnic conflict and is core to the rapidly evolving field of genocide studies. It is...
Abstract This paper is related to the topic of the high gun injury and death rates, which have been a persistent problem in the U.S. over a long period of time, and is aimed at proposing a number of possible steps that could reduce these rates by introducing stricter gun...
Introduction In the various jurisdictions of the world, the legal systems have similar and varying descriptions and provisions of the Law of Torts. Specifically, the Law of Torts implies the collection of remedies, obligations, and rights that are considered in the corridors of justice to relieve individuals suffering harm emanating...
Executive Summary The study focuses on examining the resilience of Austria to the threat of cyber-attack. The approach includes a qualitative study and a review of government sources and academic literature. The main sections entail introduction, literature review and methodology, key findings and discussions, conclusion, and recommendation. Under the introduction,...
Introduction The problem of racism in the US has a link with colonial era and the times of slave trade. Legal and suctioned privileges from the paradigms of social seclusion were given to the white communities while African-Americans and other minority groups that were often regarded as cheap laborers for...
Introduction Many parents and educators have agreed that the education system in the United States is constantly changing. Over the past two decades, a massive amount of dollars has been spent on resources to reform and improve the education system (Weiss, 2015). Many other curriculums and initiatives have preceded the...
Introduction Attention deficiency disorder (ADHD), is a behavioral disorder that is prevalent in small children that sometimes continues to the child’s maturity. The disorder is characterized by academic difficulties, learning difficulties, social difficulties and inability to be attentive. Currently, the disorder affects 8-10% of all the children and is among...
Introduction Traditional perceptions of careers are slowly being replaced by new views. Career management was once viewed as a role for employers. Job security was a reality and careers were associated with jobs. However, these factors are no longer true today; off-shoring, mergers & acquisitions and downsizing are the new...
Introduction The Millennial Generation is otherwise known as Generation Y, Generation Next or Net Generation. This statement describes a given demographic cohort that came after generation X. The members of Millennial Generation are habitually referred to as the Millennials or they can also be referred to as Echo Boomers. According...
Introduction Alcohol abuse among the elderly is an issue that has raised concern among the medical practitioners and the society in general. According to Ham (2007), abuse of alcohol by the aging individuals may pose serious health problem to the victims because of the reduced ability of the body system...
Introduction The subject of abortion in the United States has been recurrent and continues to generate controversies. While moralists have always argued against an-all-full measure legalization of abortion, there are many reasons why it should be permitted. In spite of the many different oppositions registered against abortion, there have been...
The literature review reveals the link between the research question and its objectives. The dissertation aims to address the following objectives: To explore the regional strategy to attract tourists; To profile the type of tourist who travel for Gastronomy; To identify the importance of the local suppliers as economy is...
Introduction The defense of human rights is neither a soft issue nor one that can be separated from the use of military force to defeat terrorists, for it is by defending human rights that the United States can expand the circle of security and prosperity and, with it, the international...
There is increasing evidence that bacteria can “talk” to each other, and in gram-negative bacteria, the “language” used for monitoring and responding to their own abundance has recently been termed quorum sensing. ( Fuqua, 269-75) In at least one human pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, this apparently universal gram-negative “language” seems to...
Introduction The music industry has the dubious distinction of being the digital piracy guinea pig. It is one of the first industries to come face-to-face with the Internet’s ability to undermine the integrity of more conventional distribution channels. The preponderance of downloadable music available online from services such as KaZaa,...
Pharmacogenetics is a field of study that entails examining the impact of genes on the body’s response to specific medications. This field is also referred to as pharmacogenomics. Genes are made up of DNA sequences that hold information about unique physical traits. However, they also influence the safety and efficacy...
Introduction Intellectual property is someone’s original creation. It could be creative writing, certain words or phrases, a piece of art, or lyrics of a song. Intellectual property like any other property needs to be protected in order to accord the owner maximum benefit from it. Unauthorised use of intellectual property...
Introduction Implementation of research results relies fundamentally on the conclusions we mitigate from the results. Quality and accurate findings undergo criticism to evaluate between the conclusions that we make. These conclusions assist humanity to develop and establish incredible strategies of performing to prosper in their day-to-day life situations. It is...
Introduction The issue of prison crowding has taken a central place in the criminal justice debate over the past decade. Most of the states and the Federal Bureau of Prisons have reported serious overcrowding problems with complaints by prisoners and administrators growing in intensity as the rate of prison growth...
Importance of analyzing spatial city sustainability factors Research by Banai (2005, p.4) shows that the use of geospatial data provides a wide range of solutions to the problems encountered by governments in different areas of land and environmental mapping. Some of the critical areas where geospatial data is applied include...
Introduction Ben Food(s) Pte is a major food distribution company in Pacific Asia majoring in Animal and poultry products as well as wines and beverages. With a business history of over half a century, the company has grown and expanded with a wide supply chain and shop outlets across the...
Abstract This research paper looks at aviation security and how it is affecting how operations are conducted in airports. The paper examines in depth what has triggered all this frenzy in our airports and gauges how people rate the security measures put in place. It does this by incorporating mainly...
The appropriate introduction of safety culture seems to be properly administered on the basis of conventional logical method of deduction that is the transference from general to special notions. Thus, the initial notion of safety culture of practical nature can be formulated as the way safety issues are monitored or...
Freedom of expression in colonial America Laws in America in the early sixties restricted freedom of expression for almost thirty years before the first newspaper was published (Pember, 1997). For instance, statutes in Massachusetts made it a crime to publish anything without first getting prior approval from the government. Twenty-Eight...
Overview of Quality Quality is generally defined as a measure of excellence in a firm’s production process and outcome (Swanson, Esposito & Jester 1999, p.33) or as Bowen P (1985, p. 87) puts it, “the state of being free from defects, deficiencies, and significant variations” and that quality embraces cost,...
Over the past fifty years, a range of policies have been formulated to address the ever-deteriorating educational standards of schools in the United States (Ravenscroft 453). Critical among them has been the measures aimed at increasing public spending on education (Mishra 6). Regardless, however, the levels of socio-economic growth, in...
The different methods used to detect DNA damage for human blood samples and the best one to date: Radiation, chemical mutagens (carcinogens), and oxidative radicals cause DNA breakdown, which in normal course is repaired by the action of enzymes and other antioxidants. However, if the damage-to-repair homeostasis is collapsed, cells...
Introduction Small organizations are frequently understaffed and in many cases, they have to operate on a tight budget. Large organizations on the other hand have ample resources and funds to take up CMMI projects. However, small organizations must find ways and means to ensure that they manage to get the...
Introduction Advertising is a way of market communication that is aimed at pleading the consumers or the persons targeted to buy or get interested in a certain commodity. Advertisement entails mentioning the type or the identity of the particular item an organization intends to introduce in the target market (Jhully...
Introduction and Literature Review Correlation analysis is a statistical assessment technique employed when studying the strength of an association between two continuous variables (Pollock 2015). Correlation analysis determines possible links between variables. However, it does not identify the cause-effect aspect of the connection because it does not consider other variables...
Abstract This dissertation examines the effectiveness of implementing PBIS in changing the behavior problems of students in urban schools. The behavior of learners is seen as an integral aspect that plays a significant role in the promotion of academic performance. The ever-changing technological landscape has continually influenced the nature of...
There are mMany issues get involved with the rights of foreign bornregarding domestic workers’ rights in Kuwait. In this This paper my main focus is on highlighting some of the intended and unintended effects of the policies made in Kuwait for domestic workers. is highlighting the issues faced by domestic...
Introduction The United States is one of the nations where racial discrimination has been a common practice for a very long time. However, there has been a concerted effort in this society to fight this vice. This country is composed of people of different races. Many people from other nations...
Introduction Terrorism as a topic has been widely studied and discussed in various disciplines, with the financial approach focusing on the effects it has on the economic field. There exist a number of counter-terrorism measures that have been adopted by different states depending on the threats that each pose to...
Importance The subject pertaining to headship effectiveness has been the concern of scientific study for a long time from as early as in the 1980s. This topic is thus important as it assists teacher leaders in establishing if instructional competencies of principals differ relying on the kind of school they...
Introduction The concealed realities about the augmenting international wars triggered by terrorism remain the most contested global predicament for several decades. The increasing international terrorism activities have always put nations’ security at stake with several militant activities focusing on possible remedies to avert the condition (Sen 2008). Researchers across the...
The State initiated Victorian Desalination Project under its water management strategy referred to as Our Water Our Future in June 2007 to support Melbourne’s water supply. This was a reaction to rapid population growth, a decrease in water reserves, and climate change noted from 2007 Winter-Spring rain and floods of...
Introduction The term policy is used to refer to a decree or regulation that touches on several aspects of a region concerning the economic social or geographic nature of the area. The main idea for implementing policies meant to curb adolescent problems is that there are some that have already...
Background Like any other focused nation, Jamaica has developed a National Development Plan referred to as Vision 2030 Jamaica. The blueprint aims at fostering development to ensure that Jamaica is “the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business” (Planning Institute of Jamaica 2010). [1] In the...
Introduction Although information systems research has made substantial strides toward understanding the antecedents of IT adoption through variance-based models such as the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), a stream of existing research (e.g., Beaudry & Pinsonneault 2010; Shareef et al...
Introduction The issue of terrorism seized the global attention in the year 2001 when terrorist brought down the World Trade Centre in the city of New York. The two towers represented the U.S. enormous economic and military power. The attacks were well planned, synchronized and effected. The attack itself achieved...
Abstract There has been the need to recognise gifted students in schools in terms of the way their curriculum should be structured. Curriculum for gifted students should be a bit different from that of the average and challenged learners. In terms of quality, teaching the intellectual capacity of talented students...
Abstract In the spheres of global security, the principal concern over the last ten years has been terrorism. The subject of terrorism has been with us for as long as we can remember but it became a global issue after the 9/11 attack. Numerous approaches have been used to combat...
Abstract In the contemporary world of business, technology is an essential element for enhancing competitive advantage. In addition to technology, globalization is also essential for large corporations in enhancing the expansion of markets for goods and services coupled with sourcing for cheap and competitive labor among other advantages. However, these...
Introduction This section analyzes the concepts of justice and social equity. In the process, the section further provides explanations of the two concepts. In addition, the section presents some examples of threats to the concepts. The last part of the section shows the relationship between the two concepts of justice...
Introduction The various designs used in display and control systems are very useful in the control of human factors within transportation. This article gives an in-depth review of several design factors based on information controls, displays and system operations. The aim is to discuss the various experiences related to human...
Introduction Effective people management is an essential element that organisations should focus on in their strategic human resource management practices. Leblebici (2012) opines that nowadays the “relationship between employees and employers may be seen upside down” (p.38). The high rate of global economic growth has presented individuals with numerous job...
Introduction Researchers use different methodologies when conducting their research based on the nature of their study and other factors. Sometimes researchers select methods that cannot address pertinent issues comprehensively in their area of research. Such wrong moves would result in unreliable data collection or analysis processing; making conclusions invalid. In...
Introduction: Revealing the Test Results Motivation is an essential part of a student’s evolution as a learner, both in terms of their academic life and in a more general sense, i.e., the willingness to cognize the unknown and to improve one’s skills, evolving as a professional. Therefore, it is crucial...
Introduction Osei (2013) argues that pursuing a doctoral degree is a fundamental aspect in individuals’ efforts to improve their career. However, one must meet certain requirements in order to obtain a doctoral degree. One of the requirements entails completing assignments and dissertations. Writing dissertations is a complex process, which covers...
Introduction: Education for African American Women in XXI Century Research Topic: Education Issues for African American Women The XXI century has opened a plethora of education related opportunities to a range of people. Since it is practically impossible to get a good job without a degree, the significance of new...
Abstract The proposed research will focus on investigating education of minority children younger than 5 years. The main problem under consideration is the issue that the development of some children’s language and speech skills is slow because their environment and caregiving are poor. As a result, young children may be...
Introduction Choir directors possess the relevant skills in playing musical, pedagogical, liturgical, and administrative roles. In performing their functions, choir directors influence their participants in several ways as they embark on music-making sessions and other choral activities. Mantie (2012) emphasizes that the ways in which the choir directors undertake their...
Introduction General Overview Western Sahara is one of the disputed territories in the globe. It is located in the Maghreb region in the northern part of the African continent. It is bordered by Morocco to the north, Mauritania to the south and east, and Algeria to the northeast (Jensen 12)....
Using a minimum of five peer-reviewed articles from you specialization education leadership, compared and contrast at least three theories applicable to your specialization. Using one of the theories discussed above, select five additional peer-reviewed sources ad explain how theory adds or may add to our understanding of your specialization. Include...
Introduction Many physicians, parents and coaches worry about the effect of performance enhancing drugs (PED) in schools and colleges (Amy, n.d.). The Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) reports that in every thirty student-athletes, one will use performance-enhancing drugs like steroids (“Coalition addresses abuse of performance-enhancing drugs,” 2004). Research should...
Abstract The goal of creating this report was to develop an inclusive education plan for a legally blind student based on an inclusive education framework. The inclusive education framework designed is based on national goals and standards for inclusive education, inclusion of community and parental involvement, allocation of infrastructure, curricula...
Introduction The upcoming research will deal with the complex problems related to the implementation of the US international policy in Afghanistan. The social welfare policy of the US Department of Defense aims to ensure law-enforcement system in underdeveloped countries through Embedded Police Mentors’ (EPMs) training and assistance. The topic of...
Introduction Over the years, psychologists and scholars have been seeking to understand the very nature of human beings, along with concerted efforts to unearth how an individual develops a certain personality. In other words, scholars have been trying to address the development of different personalities. The overall study of personality...
While speaking about the musical heritage of the nineteenth century, composers, musicians, researchers, and critics usually refer to the figure of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky as one of the most acknowledged representatives of the Russian music tradition. This prominent person is an author of many remarkable compositions, operas, and symphonies. However,...
The Act President Obama assented to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (simply referred to as the Dodd-Frank Act) to make it a federal law on July 21, 2010 (White House, n.d). The Dodd-Frank Act was realized after more than a year of work to change the...
Abstract Background Improving the quality of PD and ensuring that the objectives of a project are fully accomplished is critical to the functioning of an organization. For this purpose, a well-developed knowledge management system is required. With the adoption of the KMBSs, one will integrate the principles of quality and...
Introduction Early development of social and emotional skills is key to success in life. Socio-emotional competence comprises several major characteristics. First, a socially and emotionally competent person possesses excellent communication and critical thinking skills, which are particularly important in today’s rapidly evolving society (Sancassiani et al., 2015). Other qualities associated...
Introduction A fairly simple analogy can be used to describe the human being, an analogy that has been used by many scholars in the study of human behavior. This complex being can be likened to a personal computer. A personal computer has basic features such as the profile of the...
The study targets a community in the rural area within the United States. The main problem that this population faces is poor transport system that impedes their ability to access government-sponsored welfare programs. According to Burholt and Scharf (2014), the United States has one of the best transport systems within...
Abstract Motivating students has never been an easy task. It requires the use of correct techniques and putting forth of effort in order to achieve a given set of goals. It is extremely challenging for an instructor to teach students who are less motivated and disinterested in the learning activity....
Abstract This study points out that Hayek’s view of capitalism does not resemble the same points of views advocated by other proponents of capitalism. His support of capitalism is rather unusual because he limits his objectives and targets a specific audience (petty bourgeoisie), as opposed to the general populace, or...
Introduction Domestic violence against women includes physical assaults, sexual assaults, emotional abuse, isolation, threats, intimidation, financial control, and many other forms (Williamson, 2010). Domestic violence can lastingly damage a woman’s self-confidence, self-respect, self-esteem, and social and family life. However, it is important to note that men, while often the perpetrators...
Introduction “The average American intellectual standard is lower than the average Japanese standard because of the blacks and Hispanics in the U.S” (Acuña, p. 29). This is a remark made by Yasuhiro Nakasone, a Japanese Prime minister, when he was making reference to the intellectual differences between people of different...
Introduction Background Recently we have observed an influx of immigrant workers into the United States from several countries with a majority being from Latin America and Asia. Today the United States has one of the highest numbers of immigrants taking up an average of 14% of the total American population,...
Various theoretical approaches exist in the framework of contemporary education and learning. Among them are behaviorist, humanistic and cognitive theories. An approach may be outlined as an assumption, which tends to expound on the functionality of a given aspect of human behavior, especially when undertaken during studies. Consequently, a lot...
Introduction Psychologists define emotions as an experience that is psychologically integrated into the mind of an individual, as a result of the interaction of the external and internal forces biochemically, in most cases we find that an individual’s emotions are associated with the character of the person, since the biochemical...
Themes The theme of “infant growth” surfaces in Kohlberg’s moral development theory because infants are normally under the authority of their parents. Moreover, infant growth is almost synonymously characterized by punishments (for the frequent mistakes infants make because they are not old enough to understand what is right and what...
Introduction Lawrence of Arabia was an incredible military strategist who used unconventional tactics to succeed over an overwhelming number of Turkish troops and thus boost his nation’s efforts in the Middle East. Lieutenant Thomas Lawrence role in the British campaign in the Middle Eastern region has been debated for decades...
Introduction Ethics refers to a code of conduct that informs one of what is acceptable and what is not thus it basically defines what is required of a person when carrying out any task. In light of this, all institutions of learning have put in place regulations and policies in...
Introduction At the dawn of the 21st century, the world is witnessing an increase in the number of family-related problems. Such problems include an increase in divorce rates, a decrease in marriage rates, and marriage postponements among others (David, 2000, P. 1-14). Robinson (1993) stated that these problems have been...
Introduction In order for the results of any scientific research to be accepted, ethical principles that are developed through different bodies of research must be followed. American psychological Association (APA, 2011) provides ethical principles that are applied in many social science studies. Other academic research bodies such as the National...
Introduction Explorative questionnaires were administered to a sample of 200 respondents representing consumers of Cyprus airline services. All respondents were passengers across the different airlines in Cyprus. Their opinions were sought in regard to the specific objectives of the study. These four main objectives were: To identify service quality factors...
Abstract Advertising has significantly developed in cyberspace as the internet grows more popular. Online advertisements are recognized as an adept marketing strategy for their reach and cost-efficiency. Two popular types of online advertisements are web banners and pop-ups. This paper aims to determine consumers’ attitudes and reactions towards online web...
Introduction According to Ford-Martin and Frey, Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) refers to a number of various illness and symptoms that health experts have noticed in the US soldiers and their allies who took part in the Persian Gulf War between the years 1990 to 1991 (Ford-Martin and Frey, 2005). Scholars...
Introduction The progressive education era in North America involved years when the federal governments grew increasingly active in educational issues, regulating the sector that was believed to form the core of America’s future. It was also the period when the government regulated several other sectors of the economy such as...
Introduction For many years, language teachers have consistently used technological aids in teaching foreign languages in different learning institutions. Technological aid has often come in the context of computer-aided teaching through the support of the World Wide Web to create a comprehensive online learning experience for students (Levy, 1997, p....
Introduction The community experiences a burden that is linked from crime and violence. There exist direct consequences that are linked to the quality of life. These consequences may include the reduced lifespan, intensive feeling of insecurity and a change in the way people behave due to the reduction in the...
Overview Since September 11, 2001, first responders have made significant progress strengthening capabilities needed to defend the nation against the threat of WMD coupled with terrorist threats. The DHS national guidelines developed and implemented nationwide have provided a durable framework for multi-agency coordination and cooperation. This is important because terrorist...
Abstract Education as a Second Language (ESL) is a program designed to help students with limited proficiency in English. The program has an international implication as most if not all its students are derived internationally. This gives it its importance in enhancing cross-border transition. However, the program still has extrinsic...
Introduction Adolescent sex offenders (ASOs) have been defined as young people from the age of twelve to eighteen who commit any illegal sexual act as defined by the sex crime statutes of the jurisdiction in which the offense occurred, with a person of any age either through use of force,...
Introduction The use of crime data has been on the increase in the recent past. For instance, many organizations such as Forbes have, on many occasions, used crime data reports to compile a list of ‘America’s Safest Cities’, with the hope of encouraging people as well as law enforcers to...
Introduction Historically, each civilization has managed to define and design methods to punish those who go against society’s codes of conduct. In the 16th and 17th centuries,’ Europe applied brutal or rather cruel methods of punishments in death and mutilation. In the mid and late 20th century, however, rehabilitation was...
Abstract This paper explores the relationship between taking notes and interactive learning processes in the classroom. It will examine Fiore’s (1985) research about classroom activities. This paper will also draw inferences from eight other sources. These assumptions will be based on my thesis, which states that interactive learning is more...
Introduction NLP was an ideology propagated in the United States in the 1970s, and has largely been popularized as one means through which individuals can develop their self as well as their communication. The term was proposed by Bandler and Grinder (1975a) as a “purported systematic, cybernetic links between a...
Abstract This research study is a form of an argumentative research paper that seeks to explore whether or not Du and Etisalat, the two telecommunications organizations that have been licensed to provide VoIP services, should block their users from utilizing this technology. Background information of VoIP shall be examined, regarding...
The purpose of this study is to determine if there is truth in the assumption that by adding an incentive at the end of a transaction, a customer may potentially feel as though they were treated better than normal. As a result, customers who take a customer satisfaction survey may...
Abstract Crystal Hotels is a Hospitality and catering company which is a leading global player in the hospitality industry. The company is natively American with Headquarters in Georgia. The company has a formidable global network with entail sub-networks in the world over. As part of re-branding process CH introduced a...
Introduction English has acquired an international reputation as a world language due in large part to the globalized power relations of companies and governments (Graddol, 1997). English as a second language, also known as an ELS program, has evolved over the years and influenced economical and social sectors. Much advancement...
Analyzing the Education system of Hispanic women in the light of Peter Senge Peter Senge presents the idea of learning as organizational success and analyzes learning on the basis of what he refers to as ‘shift of mind’. It is this ‘shift’ that is responsible for bringing change to any...
Introduction Use case modeling has become the foundation of the most popular de facto standard technique for performing software requirements analysis and specification. However, use case modeling has its well-known problems, and different requirements engineers typically perform use case modeling differently. This paper provides a hierarchically organized set of detailed...
Introduction Chayefsky’s unforgettable piece of screenwriting and popular movies of the American golden era has stamped his everlasting fame and name in the field of showbiz and literature. According to Jacqueline Z. Davis, Barbara G., and Lawrence A. Fleischman Executive Director for the Performing Arts, “Paddy Chayefsky was an innovative...