Free 900 Words Essay Examples

A 900-word essay is commonly assigned in middle and high school. A paper of 900 words is a great way for a student to quickly demonstrate their knowledge of a particular topic. One can be assigned a 900-word essay on marketing, political science, social studies. The typical genres are scholarly article review, assessment, informative essay.

As a rule, you won’t need to conduct an in-depth analysis to write a paper of 900 words. The keys to success are a solid outline, a clear thesis, conciseness, and originality. Check free 900-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!


Political Socialization in Modern Society

In today’s society, almost everyone has a set of political opinions or principles. Still, most individuals never stop considering why they hold these beliefs or how they came to have them. Even now, it is essential to consider whether those are the peoples’ original thoughts or whether others influenced them....

Tech & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence: The Role in Business

To this day, people continue to associate artificial intelligence or AI with something fantastic. However, opportunities exist to apply AI in various industries, which will significantly improve the company’s work. In particular, there are advantages to using AI in business, as it will dramatically improve the yield and efficiency of...


The Generalist Model of Social Work Practice

Introduction Social workers are an important link in modern society, as they assist people in every possible way in their daily problems, deciding what resources and social services will be needed for this. According to McMillan (2018), social practice is a tool that allows you to critically reflect on the...


Family Violence Issue Resolvent Through the Human Services

Introduction Family violence has been a significant concern for decades, and efforts to address the issue have involved many multiple environments of the public. Governments all around Australia now consider addressing the cultural causes of domestic and family violence to be a top priority. Organizations and government institutions provide various...

900-Word Essay FAQ

A 900 words essay would typically be about 4 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 900-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in a 900 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 9 to 10 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 18 to 30 minutes to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 900 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 900 words will take about 3 hours.

At a rough estimate, 900 words would take up about 90 to 95 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 900-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.


Abraham Lincoln’s Role in Stopping US Slavery

Introduction Slavery was one of the acts the colonialists exposed Africans to after kidnapping them from their native lands. During the 17th and 18th centuries, Africans were forced to work in the American colonies, where they labored in plantations that produced crops such as tobacco and cotton. While slavery may...


The Arab Spring’s Impacts on the Middle East

The Arab Spring Uprisings The term “Arab Spring” refers to a wave of anti-government demonstrations, upheavals, and armed rebellions that began in the early 2010s and spread throughout a significant portion of the Arab world. The social and political changes during the Arab Spring still impact the region. Although it...


Conclusion about Society in the United States in the Postwar Era

Introduction American society underwent a massive transformation after the war in 1945. The post-war era was characterized by massive economic development and the creation of Suburb communities. The affluent society experienced increased government spending, and their purchasing power experienced exponential growth. This essay analyzes the changes that occurred in American...

Tech & Engineering

Management Information System and Security

Introduction An information system is a technique that keeps, operates, and provides information. It comprises five components; hardware, software, network, database, and people. These constituents combine to perform various integrated functions such as input, process, output, feedback, and control. When the components are effectively coordinated and utilized by an organization,...

Tech & Engineering

Apple Inc.’s Business Processes & Technology

Introduction Every company or organization strives to achieve its goals and objectives through clear guidelines and milestones. Organizations are social structures built with well-defined patterns of activity. Business processes are activities that firms utilize to achieve organizational goals. Business processes need to be continually reviewed to ensure they do not...


Importance of Letters in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

Introduction Pride and Prejudice is one of the most remarkable and well-known works written by Jane Austen at the beginning of the 19th century. It is not just a true love story of two main characters, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, but a unique discussion of interpersonal relationships in status-biased...


Women Gender Roles Aspects Discussion

Introduction It is significant to mention that women in the last four decades have been able to change the perception of gender roles in society. The 20th century was a time of social and political transformations and revolutions, among which the so-called “women’s revolution” occurred (Eisend, 2019). It was the...

Tech & Engineering

Competitive Advantage Using Social Media and Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Social computing is an area that businesses can leverage to stay ahead of competitors. It refers to the interactive and collaborative facet of online behavior. Social computing elements include wikis, instant messaging, blogs, microblogging, and social networking sites. Social computing is supported by Web 2.0 through a framework of...


The Controversy of Ethics of Euthanasia

The debates concerning the topic of euthanasia have been going on in the world for decades. ‘Euthanasia’ is a word that comes from Greek and is translated as ‘good death’ (Rachels, 2017). What it refers to is the cessation of an individual’s life to end their pain, usually when they...


Social Construction of Gender Roles in Working Parents

The social construction of gender is the idea that sex is not predetermined but is instead a product of societal expectations and values. While some feminine and masculine qualities may be biologically determined, most behavior associated with gender is learned through socialization. This means that culture and other social influences...


Reconstruction: Radical Republicans

The era known as Reconstruction represented a chaotic period in the United States history. Abraham Lincoln has drastically reconsidered the attitudes around slavery and emancipation, starting the debate around Reconstruction. In the following years, his approach was contrasted with the actions of Radical Republicans, who advocated for a more forceful...


Setting in O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Introduction Human beings have an undeniable capacity for compassion and evil. The diabolical relationship and existence of the two are demonstrated by Flannery O’Connor in ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find.’ The story focuses on a grandmother living with her son’s nuclear family and their eventual demise at the...


Gas-Powered Vehicles vs. Electric-Powered Vehicles

Introduction Many drivers are having difficulty loading up as petroleum prices rise to new highs, but electric vehicle owners appear pleased with their purchases. One of the most significant problems to grasp and consider in today’s world is the debate between gas and electric automobiles (Asadi et al., 2021). There...


Poverty and Families in the United States

Introduction The concept of the deserving and undeserving poor has been around for centuries, and it continues to be a controversial topic in the United States today. Some believe that poverty results from personal failings and that the government should not be responsible for alleviating it. On the other hand,...

Family, Life & Experiences

Miscegenation Laws and Same-Sex Marriages

In times of worldwide globalization and liberalization of attitudes, sexual and racial minorities are getting more and more attention from the state. Thanks to the ability to express themselves openly on many social platforms, society has taken the needs of minorities much more seriously. Among these needs is the possibility...


Comparison of Martin Luther King Jr. and Alicia Garza Speeches

The Summary of the Two Speeches In the speech “I Have a Dream,” Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged more than two hundred and fifty thousand citizens to collect to stop racial discrimination. The basic idea of the address was to provide information to ordinary Americans about the high degree of...


Early Oral Language Development

Early childhood development is a vital stage of cognitive progress in children that should be used to enforce the active acquisition of learning skills. By exposing young learners to the factors that will launch the process of active development of cognitive skills, one will create premises for successful early development....


Aspects of World War II

World War I was a grand-scale conflict that started in 1914 and ended in 1918 with the defeat of Germany and its allies. After the signing of a peace treaty in Versailles, a French general, Ferdinand Foch, said “This is not peace. It is an armistice for twenty years”. There...


Power, International Law and Peacekeeping

Power, international law and peacekeeping form a major aspect of the global talk, forums and discussions; as the threat to global security, stability and understanding are threatened especially by the rise in the terrorist attacks; and the armed conflicts witnessed in the today’s political global affairs. This work is an...


Acquisition, Learning and Teaching Language

Britton, J. (1984). Teaching English: an International Challenge. London: Heinemann Educational Books. The author recollects the experience she had with her little son talking, singing and citing poems in his sleep. The way he recreated the words learned, the songs heard, the names of relatives living in another part of...

Family, Life & Experiences

Should Gay Couples Have Equal Adoption Rights as Straight Couples?

Introduction Families nowadays are more diverse than ever, especially in the adoption sector, where transracial, multicultural, same-sex, and single-parent families are common. According to statistics on same-sex adoption, an increasing number of gay couples are adopting. In fact, same-sex couples are four times more likely than heterosexual couples to raise...


Global Warming and Vector-Borne Diseases

The ability to protect the world and ensure an environment that supports effective human and ecological health for growth and development has been considered as a very critical component for sustainability. According to Betts et al (2001), the effects of global warming on health are indeed evident. This paper takes...


Selecting Methods and Conducting Research

Introduction Social studies have been increasing in complexity as the number of investigating variables and their aspects expand. Yet, the main objective of any research, which is to provide a validating and unbiased perspective on the matter, remains permanent. In this regard, it is essential to reflect on the study...

Entertainment & Media

Video Games’ Impact on Children and Adolescents

Video games have long been companions in developing various skills in children, teenagers, and adults. There are useful ones: strategic and critical thinking, reasoning, mathematical operations, wit. However, not all video games are helpful: violence and aggression increasingly accompany modern virtual worlds. Consequently, researchers are trying to link violence in...


Church and Government Relationships

Church and political power were intertwined globally several centuries ago, and this connection is still observed in many countries of the world. Nevertheless, democratic free states increasingly delve into the processes of secularization, reducing the importance of religion in the life of society. These processes have dangers associated with more...

Entertainment & Media

Fake News and Its Social Implications

Thesis Fake news is an ethical issue resulting from misinformation and impacting society. The most effective way to address this problem is through social platforms and websites to have quality assurance and for users to research. While social media has made it easier to access a tone of information, it...


It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

Introduction Parenting is a complex process that may involve many different parties – parents, schools, family members, local governments, and employers. According to the stages of maturation during the children’s lifespan development, these parties can interact at social, economic, and educational levels, providing support to families. This project aims to...

Tech & Engineering

Problematic Gaming and Addiction Among Children

Introduction To begin off, how many of you enjoy playing video games? What are your thoughts after watching this video? Do you have any resentment for your character’s death? How often would you play the game before giving up and turning it off? It is, after all, human nature to...


The Great Depression, the New Deal, and Social Injustice

Introduction The economic and social disaster caused by the great depression remains to be unprecedented in history. The period which lasted for almost five years affected almost every sector of the economy in all the states between 1929 and 1932 during the reign of President Herbert Hoover. Hoover’s handling of...

Entertainment & Media

How Mass Media Affects Body Dysmorphia and Eating Disorders

The qualities of mass media are involvement, connectedness, and user-generated content. In recent times, using mass media has become a compulsory portion of daily life. Mass media is commonly used for human connection, exposure to current affairs, and judgment. It is a fantastic opportunity to connect with individuals locally and...


Research Methods Critical Analysis

Introduction Research is an important part of the development of science in the modern world. The quality of any study is largely determined by the methods that are used in it. Both suitable methods can be selected, which can help to reveal the research question, and unsuitable ones, which limit...


The Trans-Atlantic African Slave Trade

The Trans-Atlantic African Slave Trade began with the insatiable thirst of the Muslim merchants for slaves. Initially, the Portuguese were only interested in gold and material goods. The primary issue was that sub- Saharan Africa was under the Islamic Empire control, which spread across the northern coast of Africa. The...


Issue of Homelessness in America

Introduction Homelessness is among the most significant social issues affecting individuals globally. Nearly half of the population in the world today faces homelessness at some point in life. Homelessness affects individuals and societies locally and internationally, which causes suffering and feeling of isolation among communities. Sociologists need to address the...


Loving Organic Foods: Case Report

Background Information The present report was commissioned by the chief analyst of the Diligent Consulting Group as a fulfillment of the request of Loving Organic Foods company. The request was to explore the factors that may motivate the customers to increase their spending on organic foods. Linear regression analysis revealed...


The Court System of the Georgia State

In the United States, court systems between states differ while upholding the same general purposes. Georgia’s court system comprises six trial-level tribunals: the probate, municipal, juvenile, superior, magistrate, state, and probate courts. There are also two appellate-level judicatures, including the Supreme and the Court of Appeals (Supreme Court of Georgia,...

Tech & Engineering

Violent Video Games and Children’s Empathy

Introduction People’s pastime has changed significantly over the past decades due to technology. Video games took one the critical places among children and adolescents’ hobbies. Video games are controlled by electronic equipment launched on special platforms using game consoles, computers, or other devices (Funk et al., 2003). The content of...


“Boarding School Seasons: American Indian Families, 1900-1940” by Child

Nowadays, being a student at a residential private school is prestigious and, to some extent, pretentious. Modern cinematography depicts such students as children of rich parents who are barely engaged in their education. Now, let us go back 100 years to see what the difference is. In this trip to...

Tech & Engineering

Migrating Technical Infrastructure to Cloud

Project Description Viability Cloud Computing to Companies project aims to substantiate why associations should have an urge to shift their infrastructure to the cloud. This shift includes the recommendation of the best cloud service providers. Organizations should also be aware of the merits and demerits of each product supplier. This...


The Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court Case Brief

Facts Obergefell v. Hodges case involves fourteen same-sex couples and two same-sex individuals whose partners were deceased. These individuals filed a lawsuit for four different states, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan. These appealing individuals wanted to validate the definition of marriage. Specifically, the abovementioned four states define marriage as a...

Tech & Engineering

Data Mining Algorithms: Applications

Over the years, technological advancement and the competitive business world have necessitated the development of various data mining algorithms. These different techniques have proved useful in obtaining important data from large sets of raw data. Data mining, therefore, is the processes through which different algorithms and software are used to...


Masculinity: A Different Way of Being a Man

Gender is one of the first social categories that youngsters learn in today’s society. Consequently, awareness of gender stereotypes is visible from early childhood on and into maturity. Masculinities and femininities are institutionally structured and elaborated as well as experienced via interactions, making gender ideology more than just individual characteristics....


Music Paper: The Type of Music Jazz

Introduction The type of music chosen for analysis is known as Jazz. This is a genre of music that derived its origins from a series of cultures but primarily depended on its African tradition. It was transmitted through slave immigration which occurred in the eighteenth century. This form of music...


Rhetorical Analysis of “Black Panther”

Introduction It can be said without exaggeration that Black Panther – which was filmed in 2018 by Ryan Coogler (IMDb) – is one of the most successful Marvel films to date. This action-adventure-Sci-Fi movie follows the early reign of King T’Challa of Wakanda when he was attacked by Eric Killmonger,...


The American Civil War and Its Aftermath Known as Reconstruction

Crucial political and socio-economic processes took place during the 19th century in the USA. Topics of concern included the issue of slavery, which led the federation to crisis and Civil war. The ensuing consequence of these processes in the country was Reconstruction. Making attempts to change the situation, the country’s...


Substance Abuse and Its Impact as a Social Issue

A social issue refers to peoples’ actions that affect a large population negatively. This issue originates typically from trauma and past events that need addressing before they persist and become uncontrollable. Drug abuse and addiction are social issues that have been a problem affecting many people over the years. However,...


Gender Diversity in the Workforce

Gender diversity in the workforce is the equal representation of men and women in organizations. It is one of the most significant components of managing a business in the current world because it provides the opportunity to protect the rights of all people and make businesses more effective. The strategy...


The Book “Coming of Age in Mississippi” by Anne Moody

The middle of the twentieth century was replete with both remarkable and notorious events, as well as diverse social movements, which have a complex long-term effect on American society. In particular, the mid-20th’s life and related events resonated in many people’s hearts, including ordinary and influential persons, who engraved their...


Should Juveniles be Treated as Adults

The fundamental idea behind American Juvenile Justice System, in most cases, is not to punish juveniles but to seek to rehabilitate them in American society. Therefore, in most cases, the motive of law would be not in terms of whether the juvenile is found guilty or innocent, but to carry...


Controversy: Animals in Research

Conducting experiments that involve the use of animals has been a controversial issue in science in recent decades, particularly due to the rise of the animal welfare movement. Some scientists claim that the use of animals is justified since it improves the quality and longevity of humans lives, while other...


Mitch Albom “Tuesdays with Morrie”. Mitch vs Morrie

Based on a real story, “Tuesdays with Morrie” is an excellent book for those seeking to find balance in life. The book by Mitch Albom is a great example of how two completely different people found such a perfect connection and, rather than having a teacher-student relationship, had a father-son...


Gender Workplace Discrimination

Discrimination in the workplace can have different forms and be based on different biases, beliefs, and stereotypes. Gender discrimination presents a severe issue among businesses and is portrayed through various activities and misconduct towards women. The research revealed that more than 40% of women in the US faced discrimination issues...


Space Race: History and Perspectives

The term “Space Race” refers to competition between the US and the USSR during the period of the Cold War for the successful implementation of their space programs. Both adversaries engaged in the Space Race due to several reasons: Spaceflight achievements could serve as the confirmation of the superiority of...


There Are Many Causes of Global Warming

Introduction Global warming has been defined as the rising in the average temperatures of the earth surface. The widespread melting of ice found on mountain peaks and the rising sea levels are the main signs of the rising global temperatures. The rising sea level and melting of ice are amongst...


Domestic Violence: Types of Victims

Introduction Domestic violence was officially acknowledged as a social and legal issue during the 1960s (Police Response, 2016). Nowadays police respond to reports of domestic violence as it does to any other kind of crime or infraction. However, domestic violence has its own set of issues that an officer should...


Bringing Science and Social Studies Together: Clinical Field Experience

Summary The primary goal of education is preparing younger generations for their adult life and helping them to integrate into society successfully. Students acquire knowledge and skills that are instrumental in understanding the world around them. Science and social science lessons are central to reaching these goals, and blending these...


Person-Centered Therapy: An Overview

A person-centered (formerly known as client-centered) therapy is an approach in psychotherapy developed by humanist psychologist Carl Rogers in the 1940s. As opposed to the psychodynamic perspective, Rogers’ theory (1980) emphasized the importance of consciousness, particularly that of high self-awareness, because it allows for making more informed choices, true to...


Light Propagation Through Stratified Medium

Background: Visible Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum Electromagnetic radiation is one of the many ways through which energy travels through space. The complete range of electromagnetic radiation is represented by the electromagnetic spectrum. Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and has a medium wavelength compared to the spectrum’s...

Entertainment & Media

Media & Technology in Society: “Free” and “Hate” Speech

Introduction Nowadays, technology and the media are inextricably linked, and neither can be isolated from current culture. This aspect of modern life contains several socially acute issues, and one of them is the topic of free speech and hate speech. While “free speech” has always been considered from a positive...


Human Anatomy and Physiology

Human body Organs The human body functions through a network of connections of the organ systems. Each organ system is structured to serve a specific purpose that enables the body to maintain homeostasis (Tortora and Derrickson, 2017, p. 19). The body system functions like a computer connection, whereby if there...


Racism and Discrimination: The Church Vision and Teaching

What are Racism and Discrimination? Racism and Discrimination are a form of social and personal disorder that adheres to the assumption that one race or social group is inherently superior to the other. They are socio-cultural ideas regarding the superiority of a particular individual by the race, religion, ethnicity or...


Study of the Problem of Cyberbullying

Research Design The research will be conducted using the correlational survey model, a quantitative research method aimed to determine the extent of a relationship between several variables using statistical data. Its purpose will be to establish patterns connecting demographic, social, and psychological factors and cyberbullying behavior among adolescents. This method...


The Different Theories of Motivation

This paper is an attempt to evaluate the different theories of motivation. The theories under consideration are Ella’s Biological Theory of Motivation, the Psychosocial Theory of Motivation by Marcelo, and the Interactionist Theory of Motivation by Masoko. It also analyses the relation between emotion and motivation in each case. Sam’s...


How an Operant Conditioning Influences Child Development

Impact of Operant Conditioning on Development Child development is closely associated with the way in which parents may condition them to develop favorable and appropriate behaviors throughout the period of growing up. Thus, operant conditioning, which was initially developed by B.F. Skinner, is implemented to change behaviors by using a...


Personal Philosophy of Special Education

Education is widely recognized as a basic human right that contributes to the individual’s social development and well-being. In a just society, all members should have fair access to learning opportunities irrespective of their social background or personal abilities. Special education serves this goal by addressing the unique learning needs...


Qualitative and Mixed Methods: Research Method and Research Design

Various research methods are used for different purposes in order to reach the research goal. There are three main types of such methods: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research. Incompatibility thesis implies that solely one of the two research methods should be used (either qualitative or quantitative). Nevertheless, a creative...


Phonological Awareness for Students: Implementing Small Group Activities

Implementing Small Group Activities The implementation of diverse activities requires proper planning, the development of all the necessary materials, and a considerable degree of flexibility. According to the existing standards, students should develop several skills that include the recognition of syllables, differentiation between sounds, and rhyming (California Department of Education,...


English Language Teaching: Strategies and Methods

The required readings for this topic have widened my perspective on vocabulary development. I would like to implement the techniques that combine writing and drawing when teaching vocabulary to ELL students, and the Vocabulary Quilt is an appropriate strategy (Grand Canyon University Student Success Center, n.d.; Grand Canyon University, 2015;...


Intercultural Interactions: Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Challenges

Abstract In the present age, young people have difficulties socializing with people from other cultures who they meet at school and the workplace because of communication obstacles. If people can acknowledge and appreciate other communities, they can be able to associate well with people from diverse cultures. People need to...


Development Session for Cross-Functional Team

Functional Roles Management (Dean/assistant dean/department heads) – oversee staff management and implementation of programs and initiatives, making strategic decisions. Assist students with academic planning and course enrollment. Academic Faculty (professors/instructors) – those present should be invested in helping students both inside the classroom and beyond – hold the responsibility of...


African American History: Lost and Rewritten

Introduction Racism is a prominent issue in the modern political and social landscape, especially in the United States. While the Black Lives Matter movement continues to attract attention to the problem by protests, many people look back at history to reflect on how racial injustice became so influential and widespread....


Book review “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey

Introduction This manuscript is the single most popular leadership and management book that has ever been published in modern times. The main maxim in the book’s caption is that it is dedicated to people’s well-being. Rather than embarking upon specific difficulties or making outward changes to procedures and schemes, Covey’s...


Role and Functions of Law

Introduction Law is a concept that has a long historical background. The human society has depended on law to govern its different faculties such as business and politics. The Roman Empire for example defines law as a set of commandments. These commandments required people to have an honorable life, inflict...


Analysis of Cultures: Deaf Culture, White Culture, and Black Culture

Introduction A culture comprises beliefs, values, behaviors, attitudes, traditions, knowledge, skills, and language that shape the way of life in a given social group. Since different people have different cultures depending on their social backgrounds, they have developed unique ways of communications that are unique to the knowledge, skills, values,...


The Challenges of Contemporary Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice

Racial and ethnical prejudice The criminal justice system of the United States has made significant leaps in its legal system overhaul in past years. However, the issue of racial and ethnical prejudice continues to haunt the system (Cole et al, 2012, p.52). The various criminal justice agencies experience challenges while...

Tech & Engineering

Digital Crime: Identity Theft, Computer Forensics, Online Fraud

Introduction Digital crime is a kind of crime that involves the use of cyberspace in that the people involved in the crime use the internet when committing the crime. The crimes can either be targeted to either an individual or an organization by the use of modern technology and the...


Stem Cells, Their Biology and Applications

Dear Patrick, I wanted to respond to all your queries on stem cells through this letter. First, you need to know what stem cells are. They are unspecialized cells that can differentiate and self regenerate. To differentiate is to develop into another cell type while self-regeneration refers to the process...


The Issue of the Child Poverty

Child poverty in rich countries is very disturbing as children in developed countries live in unacceptable poverty that denies them the opportunities to develop properly and become economically independent citizens in the future. The poverty rates are higher in some rich countries than in others and the disparity is attributed...


The Impact and Provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) addresses a number of urgent problems facing the nation’s health care scheme, for example lack of admittance to health care related insurance coverage. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act guarantees that every American has access to excellence, reasonable health...


Use of the Common Law

The common law in the United States traces its origin to England in the Great Britain. The common law came into being when the Normans conquered England and legal systems were installed. The common law was put in place to take consideration of the local environment of the crime and...


Different Cultural Practices in Healthcare

Introduction Different cultural practices and believes practiced by different groups in the society tend to have either negative or positive impact on health of those people. In reviewing how cultural diversity affects health of the people in that particular group we will look at native americans and how their cultural...


Business Organizations and Forms of Entities

There are several forms of business entities that govern the operation of various business organizations in the world today. Research asserts that the majority of the large businesses operate either as corporations, partnerships, or limited liability companies (LLC). The main differences among the three entities occur in the formation requirements,...


Criminal Justice: Aspects of Criminal Law

Introduction The American judicial system has two types of courts, federal courts and state courts. They work together in strengthening the justice system in the country. Federal courts use laws that are binding to all the citizens while state courts operate on laws designed specifically for particular states. This paper...


The U.S. Airline Industry: Effects of September 9-11

Introduction Airport security has become paramount in the wake of attacks targeting airplanes and airport facilities. A number of security measures have been taken and others upgraded following the happenings of September 9/11. There is need to ensure more security or that security is beefed up since airliners remain a...


Ethical Issues and Dilemmas in the Criminal Justice

Introduction The criminal justice professionals face ethical issues every day while carrying out the duties that can be related to the criminal justice system. The main purpose of the paper is to provide the factual analysis of the ethical situations and to examine how the choices affected the individual, community,...


Fifth Amendment Right against Self-Incrimination

An accused person has the right to plead the fifth. The Fifth Amendment gives an accused person the right to remain silent. In the case of Miranda v Arizona (1966), the supreme court of the United States held that,” In the absence of other effective measures, the following procedures are...


Active and Passive Euthanasia as a Mercy Killing

Euthanasia from a general perspective is simply defined as mercy killing. In this case, the two divisions of mercy killing recorded as passive and active euthanasia require a vital investigation. Based on this it can be argued that passive euthanasia is at times allowable while active euthanasia is always prohibited....


“Allegory of the Cave” by Plato

Allegory of the cave is one of the most interpreted and reflected upon among the thoughts of Plato. It is one of the far-fetched analogies in the history of philosophy. Plato’s cave analogy arises in the conversation between Socrates and Glaucon, Heidegger, and Sadler (1988) claim that “Plato introduces the...


The Role of Carbon Dioxide in Climate Change

Introduction The longstanding issue with climate change has been recognized as a source of a majority of current and future disasters that endanger the lives of all species on the planet. Such changes have happened before human civilization, but the current situation is caused by the direct impact of anthropogenic...


The Causes of the American Civil War

The Northern and the Southern states of America were on a collision course for many years before the Civil War. Although the people living in the U.S. shared a common history, language, traditions, and religion, they saw the country’s future differently. The reasons for the outbreak of a military conflict...


Do Jews, Christians, and Muslims Have the Same God?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the three main monotheistic religions closely linked to one another. Founded in the same region of the world around the same period, they share similar sacred texts, and all recognize Abraham as a forefather. However, their views on God are slightly different, shaped by varied...


Ethics and Code of Conduct

The ethical considerations are inherent in the overall criminal justice system since they determine the categorization of deeds as moral or immoral. Ultimately, moral reasoning helps law enforcers define the level of punishment appropriate for a particular crime. There are multiple reasons why ethics and integrity are essential for a...

Family, Life & Experiences

Same-Sex Marriage in the United States

Despite the great controversy on whether same sex marriages should be legalized or not, it is scientifically evident that this phenomenon is natural. This assertion is evidenced by confirmation that homosexuality occurs even in the animal kingdom. Among the species involved are birds, monkeys and the great apes.In fact, it...


Death in Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

Literary pieces have always tempted both esteemed critics and layman audience to seek interpretations of their meaning. Robert Frost’s poems are some of the most widely discussed pieces. One of the most notorious poems by Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Day,” has gained excessive attention both on...


How the 1960s Cinema Change Culture

The cinematography of the 1960s was a combination of rebelliousness, fun, frivolity, and at the same time, an era of tragic social and political events of civil rights movement and the cold war, all of which reflected on the cinematic pictures of that decade. This ten-year period represented a unique...


US Department of Education

The United States forms many bodies and federal agencies to ensure the functioning of society and the rights of people. US Department of Education is one of the federal agents whose goal is to provide every US citizen with a decent level of education; however, some problems are not easy...


Moon Formation and Lunar Astronomical Missions

Introduction The history of human existence is closely connected with the only natural satellite of the planet — the Moon. This celestial body accompanied the development of the Earth practically from the very beginning: Moon was present at all stages of the planet’s geochemical and biological evolution. Thus, the origin...


The Developments in Quantitative and Qualitative Research Today

The methods used by modern researchers continuously evolve. These techniques tend to become more sophisticated and accurate; moreover, they are more oriented to the needs of people or the challenges that they face. This paper is aimed at discussing the recent developments in both quantitative and qualitative research. It seems...