📐 Essays on Design

Design is often used synonymously with the term “template.” In design, there is usually a basic framework that is followed. For example, in architecture, this term may refer to a floor plan or layout of a building. In fashion design, it might be about the silhouette or overall look of a garment. And in web design, the term will probably define the layout or structure of a website.

Understanding the basics of design is vital before you start writing your paper. Otherwise, you may find yourself unable to express your ideas fully. Thankfully, you can learn about design from various resources. There are books on design theory and practice, as well as online courses and tutorials. You can also find a wealth of design essay examples by searching through our database. By taking some time to learn about design, you’ll be better prepared to write a high-quality paper that meets your professor’s expectations.


Technical Handbooks in the Next 50 Years

The current building activities have rendered most of the European area a concrete environment. To have and maintain a green and sustainable environment, standards, and regulations regarding the conservation of forests to improve the percentage of the green environment should be included in the Technical Handbooks. This will be a...


Application Architectures in Use Today

Application architecture determines which hardware performs each of the four basic functions of an application: data storage, data access logic, application logic, and presentation logic. There are three main types of application architecture that are used today: server-based, client-based, and client-server architecture. Client-server architecture is considered to be the most...


Glass as a Construction Material

Introduction Transparent building materials have become popular in contemporary architecture. Glass is a non-crystalline transparent solid material with widespread applications in aesthetics, tableware, windows, and optoelectronics. This material is primarily manufactured from sand which is typically melted down and undergoes a chemical transformation. The architectural glass used in construction is...


Metamorphosis of Fashion Illustration

Introduction Fashion illustration is one of the greatest unique areas of specialization in the creative arts. It begins by fashion designing through a piece of paper before implementation by practical illustration. Fashion illustration is an underused style applied in the communication of fashion art and design due to the development...


Design: Visual Perception

Introduction In this project, the works of various traditional and contemporary designers who have fundamentally informed my research have primarily motivated me. I have identified six designers; three represent the traditional form of design while the other three depict the contemporary design. Firstly, the traditional designers who have influenced my...


Impact of Fashion on the Sexuality

Introduction There has always been a strong relation between fashion and sexuality. For a long time, this has been evident because different genders have always had an idea of what constitutes acceptable clothing (Crane 2000, p. 1). For instance, during the medieval times, women were always perceived to be respectable...


The Eye of Avant-Garde and Avant-Garde Fashion

Although the term Avant Garde literally means ‘before the troops’, the actual movement it describes gives more of an impression of abandoning the troops, and leaving them far behind, in real life. The Avant Garde as a term to describe art was first used in the early decades of the...


Fetish Wear’s Effect on Luxury Fashion Industry

Introduction Background Fashion industry has undergone a significant evolution from the traditional dressing code to the modern-day well-designed attire that many young people have borrowed to the extent of influencing even the older generation. Fetish wear represents a significant cultural change. There has been a slow change in fashion design...


Lightweight Concrete Used in the Construction of Medium Rise Buildings

Introduction Lightweight concrete has successfully been used in the construction of medium-rise buildings, with results showing a significant level of satisfaction in the durability, safety, and serviceability of the structures (Shilstone 1994, p.1; Young, Mindess, Gray & Bentur 1998. P.34). Research has shown that the underlying properties of lightweight concrete...


Tolerances and Structural Capacity of Steelwork Buildings

Metal fabrication After the production of molten metal that is either ferrous or nonferrous having the right metallurgical possessions has been produced it is shed into an appearance that can go into an assortment of shaping procedures. lately, producer have been trying to incorporate the use of continuous casting methods...


Environmental Benefits and Problems of Concrete

Introduction Millions of tones of concrete are used annually worldwide. This industry then is very critical and plays a vital role in attaining sustainable development. The changes taking place in the political and social climate and the environment, in general, are making society cease to consider the environment to be...


Digital System Design Using VHDL

Introduction The design process of complex systems includes many stages. The stages of operational specification modeling and system performance modeling are two very important stages in the design life-cycle and their importance is growing as they particularly help produce the initial definition of the system. The quality of the initial...


The Sydney Opera House: The Construction Details

Abstract This report surveys the construction details of the Sydney Opera House. The report starts by outlining a brief history and the cultural orientation of the house. The main discussion then focuses on other key details that relate to this house such as the site and the purpose for the...


Concrete Incorporating Waste Material Thermal Performance

Abstract An investigation into the thermal performance of waste aggregate concretes was conducted to answer the research question about the thermal behavior of waste aggregate concretes. Typically, the use of waste aggregate concrete has experienced a rise in the construction industry in the recent past. A detailed investigation of the...


Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe’s Seagram Building Architecture

Abstract This report is aimed at discussing the architectural aspects of the Seagram Building which was designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in collaboration with Phillip Johnson. This project represents such a movement as the International Style that was developed in the middle of the twentieth century. It was...


Unbroken – Broken Symmetries in Architecture

Introduction Architecture is the outcome that results from the combination of art and science through planning, design and construction (Booth, 2011). Architecture has been used for years to represent the art and culture of all the civilizations that has been present in the world. Through architecture, societies have been able...


Fashion Trend Forecasting in Kazakhstan

The research purpose Probably, the Kazakhstan designers follow fashionable tendencies or they have their own source of inspiration. To determine where they get their inspirations to design and forecast trends, the study will perform the following tasks: Analyzing the main definitions of fashion and fashionable tendencies To reveal the nature...


Demolition or Refurbishment of Old Domestic Buildings

Introduction The debate on the refurbishment or demolition of old buildings with the underlying need to boost environmental, social, and economic viabilities is a debate that has raged on in many countries over the centuries. According to ODPM (2003) report, UK policies have been reflected in the demolitions of insanitary...


Mahan Garden: Interpretation of Ecological Design Principles

Introduction Due to the hostile environment in the Persian Plateau, gardening design was improvised so as to cope with the negative factors brought about by this. This has led to an improvised design of gardening that adapts to the harsh Iranian landscape. Persia is centrally located in what is today...


Precedents Study Analysis of Museums Worldwide

Introduction Various architects have designed various historical buildings that are still iconic to date. Some of the greatest buildings to be designed by famous architects include museums. Most of the museums have unique structures and reflect the architect’s creativity through the designs and the materials used. This is a paper...


Sustainable Green Building Construction

Background Consumption demands on naturally occurring materials and energy sources in the world today are viewed to be critical factors and driving forces behind the concept of sustainability in the architectural world. The concept focuses on unique properties of reusability and recyclability of these resources with minimal impact on the...


Delay in Design Architectural Process

Introduction UAE is one of the pioneers in improving economies in the Middle East, and the centre for its improvement relies on the real estate business as a vital segment. It is thought of one of the biggest areas in the UAE economy; the legislature is using billions of dollars...


Gothic Architecture and Cathedrals

Many Cathedrals that were built during the 12th to 17th century used Gothic Architecture. Gothic architecture is one of the oldest, conspicuous, and unique styles of building cathedrals, private monuments, palaces, and citadels. This type of architecture is made up of numerous distinctive characteristics. As said earlier, several churches were...


Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

Overview Section 1 focuses on the relationship between Indoor Air Quality and HVACs. It starts with a definition of HVAC systems and takes a look at some of the types of systems in use. This section then draws attention to the effects of HVAC systems on indoor air quality. Greater...


Achieving Sustainable Building

Introduction Architects design buildings according to the needs of their clients; every building is constructed with a specific objective. It is imperative to ascertain whether a building has been able to achieve the desired objective or not. It is understood that construction of buildings and other structures involves utilisation of...


Land Use Planning

Introduction The term land use planning is essentially used to refer to the various measures to take so as to ensure that land is efficiently and effectively used in a way that prevents conflicts. Accordingly, planning is a significant instrument (affecting) regulating development, land uses, and the communities’ needs besides...


Use of Cascading Styles Sheets (CSS) in Web Design

Cascading style sheet (CSS) is a programming language that defines how a page requested by the client is to be rendered in the web browser. It is used in conjunction with HTML or XHTML markup languages. CSS can be used to manipulate page colors making pages to be more attractive,...


Minimisation of New Building Carbon Footprint

Introduction Neoclassical economics have played a pivotal role in dictating sustainability in the contemporary world. Decision making in global governments has leaned towards privatization and deregulation owing to neoclassical economics. The rationale of building sustainability across all countries is to cater for environmental matters whereby the natural environment is closely...


Sustainable Building Materials and Technologies in the Construction and Building Industry

Abstract Sustainable building materials and technologies, which are used in the construction and building industry provide solutions for addressing the problems of discharging waste products and materials into the environment. The process of converting raw materials into finished products, including the conversion of raw materials to cement and concrete consumes...


New and Innovative Construction Materials and Methods

The construction industry uses more natural resources than any other industry world over. However, continuous use of natural resources results in environmental degradation. Currently, there are measures in all industries meant to control the usage of such resources in order to enhance environmental sustainability. Just like other industries, the construction...


Eco-Friendly Design in London Urban Areas

Introduction Lack of fresh and potable water in societies and communities is gradually becoming a problem to many peoples. This development is increasing the rate at which people are affected with waterborne diseases or spending extra money to have clean water available in homes and public places for usage. The...


New Seismic Design Techniques in Turkish Architecture

Introduction An analysis that was conducted about ten years ago regarding the world’s most populous cities and their vulnerabilities to major natural hazards came up with findings that paint a bleak future for these cities. The study, cited in Taubencock, Roth and Dech (2008), assessed the status of 100 most...


Modern Design of the 20th Century

Introduction The architecture design of the 20th century is characterized by the reflection of art elements peculiar to the Enlightenment of Modernity epochs. The development of design movements in the 20th century was based on the consequences of political and social revolutions. The impact of technological development resulted in the...


Annotated Bibliography: Life of Adam Robert

Rykwert, J & Rykwert, 1985, The brothers Adam: the men and the style, Collins, London. The book under consideration is written by the architectural historian, so it is impossible to say that the author provided wrong judgments, as his experience and knowledge in the field of architecture were rather significant....


Fisherman’s Bend Architecture

Melbourne City must architecturally metamorphose Fisherman’s Bend into a business community in the forefront of the global economic environment. The research focuses on Melbourne as the city having the second highest number of buildings in Australia. The research focuses on the Melbourne City Council’s plan to transform Fisherman’s Bend into...


Urban Design and a Healthy Mind and Body

Introduction The origin and the subsequent development of urban design and human health demonstrate a clear line of a strong relationship that exists between metropolitan development and its well-being. Evidence gathered on urban designs and its relationship to improving human conditions is very striking. Many of these studies have concluded...


Fire Protection Engineering

I chose my major which is fire protection engineering because it is one of the most dynamic engineering fields and has become an increasingly important engineering field in the contemporary world. The construction industry has boomed over the last few decades and this boom necessitates more fire engineers because fire...


The Way You Dress Is the Way You Will Be Adressed

Introduction Clothes are things we wear for different purposes. Some people see clothes as a way of staying covered, others look further and say it reflects who we are and at times we are identified with what we wear. Clothes came into existence as a result of the necessity for...


Yarra River Valley Park and Finns Reserve in Templestowe, Melbourne Landscape Analysis

Introduction The objects of this study are the Yarra River Valley Park and Finns Reserve in Templestowe, Melbourne. The Yarra River Valley Park and the Finns Reserve are the recreational parks surrounded by the urban environment designed to offer a variety of socializing and playing opportunities for the individual, family,...


Roman Importance of Games and Baths

The ancient time—a mysterious and attractive place that people of today know very little about. The many great civilizations of the past lead to the world that people currently live in. These cultures had beliefs, rituals and traditions that were very unique, guiding the public through their daily lives, being...


Recycled Aggregate Concrete Beams Performance

Introduction It is believed that the use of recycled materials in the making of concrete started during the period of World War 2, these materials were used in the construction of base course for roads. The basic advantage of adopting these materials for constructional purposesis economic , other schools of...


Analysis of Le Corbusier’s Colour Choices

Introduction Le Corbusier is a Swiss architect and designer who was one of the pioneers of the International Style in architecture. Le Corbusier or, to be more exact, Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris (his real name), was born in Switzerland in 1887. From the early childhood, La Corbusier was attracted to the visual...


Mental Competency: Insanity in Criminal Court Cases

Generally, mental competency may refer to the capacity to comprehend the nature as well as the activity in which a person is involved. Contrarily, incompetency may refer to the loss of this capacity to make and as well act as a person, basing these on your personal decisions. The elementary...


Ethical Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists

Ethical conflicts have significantly emerged as important concerns in the process of legal dispensation particularly when it comes to the involvement of forensic psychologists. Mental health professionals as well as other psychologists have often been grossly blamed for influencing lawyers’ decisions on serious legal matters. The magnitude of politics is...


Multiculturalism in Forensic Psychology Practice

Generally, the concept of multiculturalism has always been defined based on the context of the discussion. Despite this, the influence of multiculturalism in the practice of forensic psychology can never be assumed. In the context of the US, multiculturalism remains largely as a socio-political operation or revolution that stipulates the...


Design, Well-Being and Ageing Study

Introduction The following is a research proposal on design, well being, and ageing. Design is a major component of research that affects human life. The concern in this research is on the death because of fuel poverty in the United Kingdom. Part one of this research will explore the objectives...


Moorish Interior Design vs Japanese Interior Design

It is worth noting that interior design entails various concepts and meanings as it deals with the planning and design of the interior space of the premise creating a solid, harmonious composition. Despite a variety of different aspects of interior design, the two main characteristics of almost any style are...


Urban Sprawl Management in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate the measures of ‘urban sprawl management’ in Saudi Arabia using Riyadh as the case study. The study addresses the research objectives of assessing the principles of urban planning, investigating the current state of urban planning in Saudi Arabia, assessing the impact...


Urban Decline and Urban Shrinkage

The purpose of this paper is to explore the phenomenon known as urban decline, its meaning, causes, and features. In addition, the paper provides a distinction between urban decline and urban shrinkage. A variety of aspects and dimensions of urban decline are explored and defined for a purpose to establish...


Zaha Hadid Deconstructivism in Interior Design

Introduction This case study looks at the cultural influences that have informed the interior designs of Zaha Hadid from a Deconstructivism perspective. Deconstructivism Deconstructivism emerged in the 1980s as a new form of modern architecture to replace postmodern architecture. Deconstructivism adopted the ‘form follows fantasy’ concept, and in 1988, it...


Urban Decline: Literature Review and Methodology

Literature Review Dimensions of Urban Decline When it comes to the discussion of the dimensions of urban decline, it is important to point out that they are multiple and the major debate concerning them involves the issues of the inclusion of certain dimensions and the exclusion of the others to...


Interior Gardens for Office Buildings

Introduction This study examines the benefits of designing gardens for interior office buildings to reduce office stress factors that adversely impact employee productivity. The goal is to increase performance in highly stressed business environments. Organizations should recognize that negative stress factors in office environments that cause poor employee performance are...


Interior Design Trend Forecasting and Agencies

Executive Summary The purpose of this critical reflective report was to research and evaluate existing interior design trend forecasting and agencies, as well as practical applications of the observed trends. From works of some of the leading trend forecasting agencies, it was established that colour, materials, technology/digital, environmental factors, privacy,...


Computer Graphics: Human Pose Estimation and Recovering

Retrieval and tracking of coherent human motion from monocular images in a consistent form is a defying question because of the following factors. First is the suppleness of human motion, second are the different body types, and third is the changeability and unevenness of the styles of body movements. Finally,...


Urban Development and Planning in Dublin

The aim of the literature review is to examine and analyze current literature on the topic under discussion and determine the main trends in urban development and planning. All researchers agree that the persisting process of urbanization, the worst excesses of a post-industrial society, and the explosion in population growth...


Human Motion Capture Methods and Development

Abstract There are lots of technical and expert supports are needed in order to bring in the actual act of motion capture. This paper is dealing with the integral factors related to human motion capture methods. At the same time the emphasis has also been laid over the various developmental...


Knowledge of Design in Education

Abstract The article relates the issues of the acquisition of knowledge in the sphere of design, and emphasizes the necessity of teaching the students to think creatively, with the application of design knowledge. It describes various approaches of teaching students, and is claimed to compare these approaches. The pedagogical frames...


Object Contour Vectorization Methods

Images are graphical representations of statistical data and they help a lot in presenting data graphically. Images’ are the best option to deal with different types of data easily and effectively. It’s universally proved that videos and images state data effectively and it’s very easy to deliver any message with...


Gangs and Community-Based Organizations in Chicago

Plan of Study In the research concerned with the contributions of Chicago Gangs and Community Development Organizations to the urban community, I pursue the following objectives. First of all, I plan to attract more public attention and make society more aware of the burning issue, as Wyrick & Howell (2004)...


Islamic Interior Architecture and Environmental Design

Abstract This dissertation is concerned with an assessment of the Islamic interior design elements and principals. To start with, contemporary interior design elements and principles have been explored, with a view to aiding in a comparative assessment with those from Islam. The significance of the study at hand has also...


Zara in the International Market

Introduction Zara is a leading Spanish fashion company established in the year 1975 in La Coruna by Amancio Ortega , who began his clothing career as an assistant tailor. It forms a major part of retail group known as Inditex, which is a major fast growing industry in the global...


Protection in the Construction Industry

Introduction As buildings continue to expand upward, the level of danger they pose on construction workers increases as a direct result of the inherent dangers of working several hundred feet from the ground as well as various other causes for concern related to carelessness and equipment malfunction (Hinze & Teizer,...


Illustration History in the 20th Century’s America

General Overview of the Period The majority of historical, social, political, and cultural events have been introduced through illustrations. Visual modes of representation, such as magazines, comics, and advertisements, have reflected society in accordance with existing artistic forms and styles. Indeed, illustrators of all times have always strived to interpret...


Personal Mission: Fashion Industry

Personal mission My mission is to use the knowledge that I have acquired in school to create a positive impact on the fashion industry by designing products that will improve people’s lives. Also, my dream is to design products that will be useful, functional, and aesthetically appealing to be appreciated...


Modern Architecture and Frank Gehry

Frank Owen Gehry stands out as one of the most creative, revolutionary, and inventive architects of the 20th century. His application of unusual materials and interlocking structures will remain an inspiration to all architects around the world. His celebrated talent is attributed to the success of his work in Guggenheim...


Computer Visualizations and Renderings

The primary intent of muqarnas is to populate the otherwise bare space that may appear between two parts of a structure, whether for load-bearing or purely decorative purposes. Overall, the muqarnas is a unique product of Islamic culture alongside forms such as calligraphy and may be considered defining for Islamic...


Suburban Neighborhood Design for Physical Activity

Introduction Seeing that the target neighborhood can be identified as suburbia, tract housing can be viewed as the key feature of the area under analysis. Most of the elements are located in very close proximity to each other, therefore, leaving very little space in between. The houses mentioned above are...


Joint Technical Architecture and Systems Integration

Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) simplifies and improves the system’s ability to maintain combined and joint operations in an investment strategy taken as a whole. The JTA is responsible for ensuring the interoperability of all strategic, tactical, and maintenance of systems. It also authorizes guidelines and standards for acquisition and system...


Sustainable and Successful Construction in the UK

Abstract This research study has deeply looked at the balance between sustainable construction and project success in the current economical situation in the UK. The study sought to find that balance, by looking into how affordable sustainable forms of technology and methods could be used for sustainable construction, but still...


The Contracts in Public and Private Projects of Oman

Introduction Unscheduled changes in construction contracts cannot be ruled out and they often cause additional work than planned. Such extra works are likely to cause additional cost and time to complete the construction project (Civitello, 1987). Understanding of the terms of the contract by the parties is bound to vary,...


Website for an Online Game Development Company

Executive summary The purpose of this report is to detail the findings to the web developer on the key issues to consider while planning for the development of the website. The paper highlights the key objective of the websites, which includes the creation of direct revenue streams for the company...


Sustainable Building and Environmental Design

Sustainable Building The article for review explores a campus building known as Singer building-Building 22 which is situated in Melbourne, Australia. The idea of the project was to add an extra story to the existing structure while creating sustainable accommodation for the International and development portfolio staff. This has been...


Modernity Impact on Islamic Geometry and Architecture

Introduction The issue of traditional Islamic motifs and designs and the impact of modernity in these elements are not extensively studied by researchers. Researchers examined other areas and criticism by influential traditionalists that original concepts and tenets of Islam would be disrupted by modernity, acted as a barrier for a...