🌳 Essays on Environment - Page 2


Water Depletion Causes Overview

Introduction According to World Waters Council 2010, over a sixth of the world population has no access to safe drinking water. It is estimated that 70% of the world surface is covered with water, 97% of this water is salty found in oceans and seas, and 2% are in polar...


Aspects of Climate Change

Introduction One challenge facing the world today is how to handle issues of global warming and climatic changes; human activities have been blamed as one of the major causes of climatic change and depletion of the environment. Experts have continued debates on the role that human beings play in climatic...


Maritime Risk Assessment. Environmental Management

Maritime risk assessment and management has now gained greater concern in view of the need to ensure safety of vessels, people onboard vessels and the environment. Organizations such as the International Maritime Organization have been established and vested with the responsibility of ensuring the safety of offshore operators against any...


How to Protect the Egypt Nile River From Pollution

The global environmental problems are what strike the world today more than economic and political issues, though being tightly interconnected. It is hard to imagine how many environmental problems there are nowadays due to technological progress and human activities. Of course, one of the greatest and the most debatable issues...


Impact of Human Population Growth on the Ecosystem

For a long time, human population growth has been a key issue of concern with some countries imposing strict population control measures. A man entirely depends on the ecosystem for his survival; he derives resources from it. However, when the population size is not properly checked, the rate at which...


Fire Development, Growth, and Spreads

Introduction Fire is an essential component of any ecosystem. It is clear that fire is important to human beings but at the same time, it can be a factor that endangers the human species and its property. Hence, knowledge about fire is as essential as fire itself. Knowledge about development,...


Comparative Study of Ecological Developments From a Domestic to an Urban Level Projects

Introduction General Analysis Research about Ecological Issues Human society is inconsistent in interaction with its environs through the daily activities it engages in. In the process, there is a distortion in the naturalness of the environment where these interactions occur. The bracing of the environment, preservation of its organs, ensuring...


Industrial Wastes: Monetization of Wastes

The industrial revolution of the 21st century has worsened the problems related to industrial waste. The innovation of new products like computers, food substances, and drugs, chemicals for commercial or domestic purposes has led to more waste generation. Industrial operations take various forms and these include production, processing, or manufacturing....


Green Space as an Urban Environment of Sydney

Introduction The importance of an ecosystem as a component of sustainable development cannot be overstated. An ecosystem comprises both the living and non-living organisms in an area. These include animals, plants, buildings, and water among others. No specific size can be used to describe an ecosystem. In the recent past,...


Design and Development of Greener Vehicle Ventilation System

Abstract The issue of global warming and associated risks has been the cause for much debate in recent years. Despite the grave danger posed by this looming climatic disaster many countries are hard pressed to increase pressure within their borders in relation to suggested regulatory legislation. The issue of compliance...


Technology in Disaster Preparedness

Introduction Disasters, both natural and anthropogenic, may result in significant damages to the infrastructure, economic losses, injuries, casualties, and the displacement of people. While many disasters, such as earthquakes or tornadoes, cannot be prevented, it is possible to mitigate their adverse impact by thorough preparation for them. As a rule,...


The Role of Carbon Dioxide in Climate Change

Introduction The longstanding issue with climate change has been recognized as a source of a majority of current and future disasters that endanger the lives of all species on the planet. Such changes have happened before human civilization, but the current situation is caused by the direct impact of anthropogenic...


Emergency Preparedness and Response

In cases of natural disasters or terrorist attacks, the federal government agency FEMA, under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), leads the response efforts among states and localities. Given the similar level of response needed for natural disasters and terrorist attacks, alongside the lack of resources available in most localities,...


Pollution of the Marine Environment

The world ocean covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface, and hundreds of thousands of marine species contribute to its biodiversity. All the oceanic animals, plants, and bacteria that exist in the ocean are considered marine life. Before the first environmental laws were implemented in the second part of the...


Methodologies in Wastewater Minimization

Abstract Wastewater is an environmental problem. Managing it is one of the many challenges engineers of refineries and oil complexes have to cope with. However, once it is resolved and adequate measures and activities have been instituted, it can help in the form of savings for the company and the...


Solid Waste Management

Introduction As Kuwait’s economy grows, the total amount of generated solid waste also increases. In addition, increasing urban density and active building add to the issues with industrial by-products and garbage. Management, utilization, and recycling are paramount processes that help Kuwait continue sustainable growth and achieve prosperity. Current State of...


Climate Change. Problems. Effects

The issue of climate change has gone beyond the framework of environmental problems, and it permeates the global economy. It has promoted relations between countries, and this tendency will persist for the upcoming decades. Moreover, climate change will affect not only the economy but also the culture between countries, and...


Elements of a Green City: Case Study of Masdar City

Abstract This study focuses on the use of green energy technologies in today’s cities. The benefits of green energy will be studied in depth and an understanding of how green energy is produced will be acquired. The study will carry out a case study oon Masdar city, a planned city...


Comparison of Microbiological Water Quality Standards for Swimming Beaches

Abstract Water quality is a contentious issue in Hong Kong. Hong Kong island is densely populated and heavily commercialized. The water use and the need to flush waste water or sewage from the populated areas of the population cause the pollution of the local waters, the same water that is...


Alternate Energy Sources: Hydrogen

Hydrogen is an alternative source of energy for fossil fuels. Since the current energy is no predictable and reliable an alternative source of energy is preferred. The demand of energy is rapidly increasing. While the raw materials required producing fossil fuel energy is slow disappearing. The supply of oil, coal...


Global Warming: From Theory to Fact

The theory of global warming is becoming more and more popular – it is discussed in the media, many people research on all of the possibilities that may be related to or caused by the warming. There are many articles on the World Wide Web that describe a possible impact...


Everyday Communication on Climate Change

Today, the problem of climate change is one of the most controversial issues since scientific evidence shows that the situation is critical, yet mass competence remains low. The different opinions of political parties largely impact the views of people and complicate the beliefs about climate change. While the Republicans seem...


Fossil Fuel and Hydrogen Fuel

Introduction Hydrogen fuel in the modern days is being used as an alternative source of energy in order to overcome the recent climatic changes and create sustainable sources of energy. People are being encouraged to use more hydrogen energy so as to reduce the use of fossil fuels which cause...


Fossil Fuels and Alternative Energy Sources

Introduction The increase in energy demand and increasing global climate change have called for the need for less dependency on fossil fuels to help curb greenhouse gas emissions. Fossil fuels can be defined as geology, plant, and animal organic material deposits over a long period. The majorly used fossil fuel...


Long-Term Solutions for Global Warming

Introduction Global warming refers to the slow increase in the temperature of the surface of the earth. It can, thus, be described as a climate change that leads to an increase in the temperature of the earth over a long period of time. From this definition, it is apparent that...


Fire Authority: Law, Ethics and Globalization

Introduction The jurisdiction of a fire authority is defined by the executive body under which the department falls under. As a fire authority department, we have therefore been able to offer service and training to the communities that we are mandated to serve with diligence and guided by the law....


Whats Solar Power?

For centuries now, most people have used solar power as a source of energy. Although most energy used today has its source from the sun, not all of it can be termed to be solar power. When we talk of solar power in terms of renewable energy, it is associated...


Global Warming, Climate Change, and Society’s Impact on the Environment

Introduction Global warming and climate change are formidable challenges to mankind as they threaten the world’s social and economic structure. Human activities induce a rise in global temperatures and a change in rainfall patterns. A catastrophe might be unavoidable unless mankind realizes the potential menace presented by climate change on...


Extreme Weather Events + Geographies of Globalization

Introduction The world is facing a number of disasters and serious problems. The issue of Climate Change specifically because of Global Warming is considered the most significant global environmental problem currently. It is a major concern and a focus of attention of people, communities, politicians, governments, businesses, scientists, environmentalists, and...


Sustainable Water Management: An Example From Amsterdam, Netherlands

Introduction Fresh water is one of the elementary needs of a human organism. It is also used for a variety of utilitarian needs like washing dishes, showering, flushing the toilet, heating homes, and for other uses. Fresh water reserves on planet Earth are limited so humanity have to develop and...


Personal Responsibility Towards the Natural World

Introduction Conservation of natural resources is a responsibility that every inhabitant of the Earth must take seriously. Our call to be good stewards of the environment is to ensure that the future generation has their share of the provisions of the natural resources. These resources are considered very limited in...


Waste to Energy

Introduction The management of resources, which are freshly extracted from the nature and those that are discarded influence the present environmental conditions and the future availability of natural resources largely (Kollikkathara, Feng, & Stern, 2009). However, the traditional importance that has been given on the exploitation of natural resources to...


The Effects of the BP Oil Spill

On 20th April, a Deepwater Horizon oil rig belonging to the BP oil company blew up in the Gulf of Mexico. The rig killed 11 employees and started an uncontrolled oil leakage into the ocean. Attempts to manage the spill by use of controlled-burning, dispersants, and plugging the leakage were...


What Causes Global Warming and How It Can Be Fixed

Introduction The word global warming illustrates the increase in environmental temperatures all around the planet Earth. Evidence of global warming is pilling daily in life. The conditions are becoming tougher, and all the living organisms are struggling to withstand the extreme temperature conditions (Edward and Fredric 2011) The evidence of...


The Effects of Climate Change

It is evidently true that there has been a significant increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmospheres by up to 40 percent today, than it was in the years preceding the industrial revolution (L11). There is equally a strong correlation between the concentration of carbon dioxide and...


Renewable vs. Coal or Nuclear-Generated Energy

Introduction The paper discusses the importance of using renewable energy rather than using the conventional methods of power generation. Currently the amount of energy used on average by the house holds constitutes to a very big amount of green house gas emissions. The use of renewable energy can greatly reduce...


Global Warming. Main Rules to Follow

There is little doubt that our earth is undergoing a gradual increase in temperature: global warming is real. Baffling statistics by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) indicate that the earth’s temperature has risen by roughly 0.6 degrees Celsius, the highest since the mid 1800s, further reports indicate that...


Oil Management and Governance in Niger

Brief Proposal Many countries that are endowed with rich natural resources are often expected to have better social and economic outcomes, compared to their counterparts that do not have these resources (Kadafa 2012). This is why some of the major economies in the Middle East and Africa have better economic...


Environmental Justice Concern of Groundwork Lawrence

The issue of good (equal) food choices is similar to mankinds to the issues of a safe environment (without wars and conflicts). This assumption leads toward drawing up the significance of environmental justice (EJ) across the United States (Goldstein, 2003). In this respect, the example of the self-identified community of...


Implementing Environmental Sustainability in Dubai

Introduction Malloy (2013) defines environmental sustainability as the ability to use natural resources to meet current needs in a way that makes it possible for the future generation to meet their needs. The concept of sustainability has become very relevant in the United Arab Emirates as the country moves towards...


Nuclear Plant Risk Assessment

Summary The use of nuclear energy is increasingly emerging as the energy source of the future due to its high degree of sustainability and its clean nature. It especially has an upper hand against carbonized fossil fuels that emit global warming gases that have adverse effects on human lives. The...


Kenya: The Influence of Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is among the most important issues on the global economic and political agenda. However, it has taken almost 20 years for it to become an international priority. Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect, which requires the presence of greenhouse gases. The emission of greenhouse gases...


Ways of Reducing Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is an imminent world disaster that should concern everyone, irrespective of age or gender. All that lives on earth must be aware of the factors that lead to or facilitate global warming. This way, the world will be able to come up with appropriate measures to mitigate...


The Sand Storms: Remote Sensing and Meteorological Variables

Introduction Globally, sand storms cause serious environmental, health, and economic problems (Rivas-Perea & Rosiles, 2012). However, when they occur, their effects are more serious in urban areas because of the high concentration of people and economic establishments in these areas. Environmentalists register serious concerns regarding sand storms because of their...


The Hospitality Industry: Sustainable Development

Introduction The society that we are living in is dynamic in the sense that its values, practices, beliefs, and morals change with time to reflect the current norms and practices. These changes are essential especially in keeping up with the developments that are taking place at the level of an...


The United Arab Emirates: Security Crisis Management

Abstract The need for a crisis management program for the United Arab Emirates is critical because of the potential threat presented by Iran’s widely dispersed nuclear facilities. Threat from a nuclear emergency because of the nuclear facilities justifies the need to initiate a security crisis risk management program based on...


Strategies for Sustainable Integrated Oil Disaster Management in West Africa

Introduction Background Information According to Coppola (2011, p. 252), disasters are situations or occurrences that devastate the local capabilities. In this context, disasters appeal for national or worldwide help. Disasters are categorized into two major classes; natural and non-natural disasters. Contextually, natural disasters are comprised of hydro-meteorological and Geophysical disasters....


Victorian Desalination Project

The State initiated Victorian Desalination Project under its water management strategy referred to as Our Water Our Future in June 2007 to support Melbourne’s water supply. This was a reaction to rapid population growth, a decrease in water reserves, and climate change noted from 2007 Winter-Spring rain and floods of...


Institutional Arrangements of Oil Spill Pollution in the Niger Delta: The Niger Delta Implementation Deficit

Introduction Background to study In a bid to ensure that natural resources enhance economic development and facilitate environmental sustainability, nations must design and implement institutional frameworks to streamline and ensure sustainability. Governance constitutes one of the essential institutional frameworks that facilitate functional operations coupled with the sustainability of national development...


Oil Spill Management in Niger Delta Institutional Arrangements

Introduction Environmental degradation in Nigeria and regions along Niger Delta has persisted for many years due to oil spillage (Eweje 2006, p. 30). In this regard, an examination of governance of oil spillage in Niger Delta raises critical issues in regard to policy and legislative framework associated with oil exploration...


Jeddah Floods and Adaptation Strategies in the City of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Today, the issue of both natural and man-made disasters has become a considerable problem that requires attention. For example, economic development results in overuse of the natural resources and the increase of the average global temperature, which causes serious climate change and induces disastrous events in the areas where they...


Regulatory Implementation Deficit in the Niger Delta

Introduction Covering about 12000 m2, the Niger Delta constitutes slightly above 8 % of the land surface of Nigeria. The region also has a highly diverse ecosystem. It is made of four major ecological domains. These include a number of natural vegetation types like swamps and rainforests. There has been...


The Implementation Deficit in the Niger Delta

Introduction: Environment and development in the Niger Delta “The Niger Delta has an enormously rich natural endowment in the form of land, water, forests, and fauna. These assets, however, have been subjected to extreme degradation due to oil prospecting. For many people, this loss has been a direct route into...


Natural Disasters Prevention: A Tabletop Exercise

Week 5 Tabletop Abstract Disasters lead to disruptions in society, which can result in long-term and short-term impacts. Two types of disasters have been discussed in this paper, which are hurricanes and sinkholes. A sinkhole is a depression in the ground that occurs in areas where physical and chemical events...


South Carolina Disaster Management Plan

Running head: Hazard Mitigation Plan Introduction Adequate planning is key to managing and responding to disasters and emergencies (South Carolina Emergency Division, 2013). Every state is expected to develop ways of mitigating risks. Governments should introduce reforms that would help its people to respond to disasters when they occur. Many...


The Evolution of the Theoretical Framework on Climate Change Adaptation

Introduction The current paper pertains to the topic of adaptation to the changes in climate; more specifically, it addresses the problem of the evolution of the conceptual framework which was utilized in order to describe the issues related to climatic transformation. Therefore, the main concepts which served as a core...


Solutions to the Environmental Crisis in Vietnam

Introduction As the population of individuals from different parts of the globe increases radically, it is more apparent that there is need to devise systems of protecting the environment. Failure to protect the environment might lead to a severe environmental crisis that will result in the disappearance of the globe...


Man Vs Nature: Dujiangyan Irrigation System Case Study

Statement of the case Few people even in the contemporary modern world enjoying the benefits of technology and scientific innovations have been able to surpass achievements by Shu’s Governor Li Bing. People of Shu State had suffered for many years from flooding along the Minjiang River. Minjiang is one of...


Comparison of Conceptual and UAE Improved Framework

Introduction The Incident Command System (ICS) is a coordinated approach applied in the direction, management, and synchronization of emergency reactions. Therefore, this system provides a common chain of command that responders from various agencies use to be effective during emergency responses (Jensen & Thompson 2016). A previous review showed that...


Saudi Residents’ Perceptions of Protected Areas

Introduction Today, protected areas provide unique opportunities for people to preserve the biological, cultural, and historical value of certain areas. With the recent popularization of ecotourism all over the world, protected areas became increasingly popular with international visitors and eco-tourists. Protected areas are usually bright and eye-catching, and have a...


Environmental Sustainability in the Dubai Police Force

Abstract Environmental sustainability should be embraced by all organizations to ensure the efficient use of renewable and non-renewable resources and minimize adverse environmental impacts. This concept has received increased attention in the United Arab Emirates as the country approaches its Vision 2021 celebrations. The police department plays a vital role...


Health Physics: Particulate Pollution in Cities

Introduction An aerosol is a substance that presupposes the existence of a gaseous medium. It comprises tiny particles that can be either liquid or solid. They are known as particulate matter (PM), elements that pollute the air. The general public is aware of the fact that their health depends on...


Sustainability in the Built Environment

Introduction The 21st century presents, perhaps the most overwhelming challenges to the survival of humanity and continuity of life on planet earth. In addition to problems such as terrorism and economic uncertainties, environmental challenges including pollution and unsustainable resource use have emerged as the most serious global threats to life....


Health Effects of Particulate Matter

The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that particulate matter (PM) air pollution is one of the main causes of mortality. Professionals argue that it causes approximately 800,000 premature deaths annually (Jahn et al.). Such critical statistics attracted the attention of numerous prominent researchers, motivating them to study the way air...


Renewable Fuels as the Best Alternative Shift

Introduction The past few decades have witnessed an interesting and consistent global encouragement for the alternative usage of bio fuels over cracked or refined petroleum. Day by day, the call for use of bio fuels in homes, automobiles, airlines as well as industries is heard louder. Government of countries investing...


Global Warming Causes and Solutions

Introduction Sharp population increase and high overreliance on fossil fuels are factors that are associated with the problems affecting contemporary society. Global warming is among the environmental issues that pose a great environmental challenge to many countries. Changes in climatic patterns are a big threat to some cities since they...


Environmental Issues in Developing and Developed Countries

Introduction Inequality between developed and developing countries is quite high and keeps widening, there are many reasons for this, which includes: poor governance and government policies, lack of individual responsibility among others (Anonymous, 2010). The major global issues of concern today include: Energy, population growth, war and conflict, Environmental pollution,...


Illegal Toxic Waste Dumping: Different Kinds of Forces

In 2005, the authorities of Czech began to notice considerable amounts of metropolitan waste for the first time. The waste was being transported unlawfully from Germany into the Czech Republic. Even though the situation is restricted on two nations, it fits in a chronological pattern of unlawful inter-national German waste...


Desertification on Ecosystems Effects

Introduction Over the past century, mankind has been forced to recognize and appreciate the delicate balance that exists between him and the environment. During this period, there have been environmental changes, which have had detrimental effects such as desertification, floods and droughts in different regions across the world. However, Spoolman...


Global Warming Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Global Warming The Earth’s temperature is “controlled by the balance between the input from energy of the sun and the loss of this back into space” (Maslin 4). This balance can be altered if certain atmospheric gases are injected into the atmospheric system. Energy from the sun is radiated back...


Critical Evaluation of U.S. Rejection of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol

Climate change has been acknowledged a global environmental problem therefore calling for a global solution. The adverse effects on the environment that result from greenhouse gases, especially CO2 being concentrated in the atmosphere, have appeared to be obvious to human beings thus prompting for action by governments all over the...


Is Global Warming a Myth?

The problem of Global warming is considered one of the most troubling issues of contemporary era. It has been noticed that the average air temperature in different parts of the world is being on constant rise, ever since the humanity’s existence began to depend more and more on exploitation of...


Molybdenum in Ground Waters in Carbonate Aquifers

Abstract The immense health problems caused by the extremes of Mo concentration in drinking water are raising a major issue of concern. This is because of the variation in Mo concentration in water. Research has shown that low and high concentrations of Mo have immense effects on the health of...


Climate Change Effect on Coral Reef Communities

Introduction Healthy corals reefs are filled with life, sounds and activity as thousands of fish and invertebrates species that inhabit them, but, currently few coral reefs are this abundant in species as they were a few decades ago. Surveys from 1960s and 19970s show that coral cover on undisturbed reefs...


Environmental Damage Because of Oil Spills

Introduction Crude oil is a fossil fuel that is most commonly used by all countries of the world. The total global consumption of crude oil and oil derivatives is 10 million metric tons per day, out of which the share of the U.S is 2.6 million metric tons per day...


Women Involvement in Water Management

Introduction Life and living normally revolve around water within Bangladesh There is fast increase in the population, the water surface is getting depleted fast as well as the groundwater resources, regular floods and famine and deterioration of the quality of water because of pollution contamination by arsenic compounds and other...


Mitigation to Recovery After Disasters

Introduction To begin with it is necessary to mention that the sphere of emergency management is generally focused in the instant and urgent factors of disasters. These are the responses functions linked with fire protection, medical services and civil defense. The mitigation process, and the emergency management in general entails...


Soft-Path Water Management Study in Abu Dhabi

This paper will focus on describing the methodology implemented in the research to answer the study question of whether ‘soft path’ water management can be analyzed and applied for sustainable water management in Abu Dhabi. It will include an explanation of the selection of participants for the qualitative interviews, the...


Who Is Responsible for Global Warming: Human or Nature

Introduction The modern world is full of different dangers and nature may become the main danger. Climate change may bring a lot of inconveniences to people’s life or even the elimination of the whole of mankind. Nature is a very powerful instrument that is not only used by people but...


Environmental Conservation. Resource Management

Introduction Many countries in the world are reporting fast fading natural forests and game reserves. This could be attributed to the increasing population of human beings that are encroaching on the forests, cutting down trees to either get land for settlement or get wood for timber and other uses. This...


The Role of Waste Management in Environment

Introduction to the Topic This dissertation is about the waste management which should be applied to the environment, organizations and all the countries present in the world in order to enhance the overall performance, environmental aspects and help them in boosting up in their growth and prosperity sectors. This chapter...


Forestry and Arts Science. The Problem of Forest Fires

Emergency Response Systems Planning The extent to which what is known about natural hazards and how to respond to natural disasters can be applied to forest fire management. Introduction The rise of many cases of wildfires occurring in forests has been of great concern to many governments of different nations....


Packaging Industry: Trends and Methods

Abstract Packaging is an integral part of almost all products and the packaging industry is now worth US$ 424 billion and growing. A wide variety of materials are used for packaging including paper, plastic, glass, aluminum and other mixed-materials. Paper and plastic happens to be the most sought after materials...


Water Shortage and Contamination in South Florida

Introduction Environmental degradation has been a priority concern for the states over the years. Undeniably, this is causing severe harm to the mankind. The frequent environmental degradation has been a matter of threat to the survival of both mankind and other living organisms. Much logically, the issue of water shortage...


Climate Change: Reasons, Kyoto Protocol

What have been the causes of climate change? In recent, there has been an increasing trend in the change of the climate in the world. Since the 1980s, there has been growing concern in the world on the issue of climate change. Though climate change can be traced to have...


Global Warming: Evidence ‘Pros’ and ‘Cons’

Introduction There are different views and understandings of the problem of global warming, its significance, and its threat to the population. Global warming in turn is causing climate change, which is manifested in rising sea levels, droughts and floods, damage to agriculture, and harm to natural ecosystems and species. The...


Analysis on Climate Change and Global Impact

Executive Summary Climate change has a great impact on trade and hospitality since most of the environmental resources are the main areas that boost tourism i.e. they are foundation of tourism and hospitality. Many tourist attraction centers are contributed by the environmental appearance such as species of animals and plants...


Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is a term that describes an increase in the average global temperature and is often associated with global warming which is the subject of great debate and concern worldwide. Although warnings about the human-generated causes of an enhanced greenhouse effect and the subsequent catastrophic outcomes have been...


Nuclear Power Plants Advantages

Electricity enhances human productivity, maintains comfort and safety, and contributes to development of economy. Every person benefits of electricity everyday. While the majority of people do not think where the electricity comes from, the key source of electricity is nuclear power plant. Nuclear generated electricity is unique because it addresses...


Economic Growth and Environment in China

A foreign businessman inside an office building in Hong Kong was gazing out of the window. The smog was so dense that he couldn’t see the other building. China’s major cities, which have seen rapid economic growth, are witnessing rising pollution, sandstorms, and desertification. Beginning in the late 1970s, China’s...


Which Projects Have, or Will Be, Implemented in the UAE to Improve the Country’s Sustainability by Improving the Efficiency of Energy Use?

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been struggling with sustainability issues for many years. Energy conservation and climate change have been two of the most challenging problems. In that regard, the country has developed its sustainability framework that corresponds to the United Nation’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) for 2030. Examples...


Global Warming Skepticism and Reality

Introduction The debate about the causes of global warming has been going for an extended period, and many nations have united to solve it. The causes of global warming have been said to be caused by human beings, and scientists have done a lot of research to prove this. However,...


Nuclear vs. Gas: NuScale Power Company

Existing Policies New England currently experiences significant issues concerning its energy industry, which results in conflicting policies. On the one hand, policies support the deployment and development of solar and wind energy capacity in the region. These alternative sources of power displace energy from fossil plants and their emissions. But,...


Water Resources in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction Current water sources in the territory of the UAE (United Arab Emirates) can be divided into two major categories (conventional and non-conventional). Conventional water sources imply natural methods of collecting rain and groundwater. Non-conventional resources are usually made by humans and are based on filtering or the appropriate treatment...


Environmental Security: Global Warming and Pollution

Introduction Although climate changes, natural or caused by human activities, occur relatively slowly, they cover huge regions and therefore can be a serious problem for humanity. Significant changes are fraught with a shift in climatic zones, which may force people to rebuild their economic activities completely or partially. The issue...


Dubai Coast: Environmental Sampling and Analysis

Importance of sampling and analysis during environmental research Sampling can be regarded as the systematic selection of part or some elements within a given population for study. In sampling, a small part of the whole data is selected and used for the study. Sampling is very important in the environmental...


The Major Contributors to Water Pollution

Introduction Water pollution is a severe issue in the world because of the severe implications that it cause to living organisms and their impact on the ecosystem. Pollutants are substances that are in a place where they should not be, and they usually contribute to problems when consumed by living...


The Australian Government and Carbon Dioxide Emission

Introduction Energy can be defined as the capability to work. Energy comes in different forms such as light, motion, heat, electricity, among others. Energy can be stored, amplified or converted for use in different ways. The energy sources can be split down into two different categories (i.e. renewable and non...


Renewable Energy Sources in the US

Energy engineering is a field of study that deals with energy minimization. This article mainly talks about how the United States has switched to renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal to combat global warming and problems associated with fuel fossils. Being a person who majors in...


Water Pollution and Associated Health Risks

The deterioration of the environmental situation all over the globe is inseparably linked with the pollution of the atmosphere, soil, and water with agricultural, industrial, and domestic human activities. Since the abstraction of water for drinking purposes is made from underground and open water sources, it becomes evident that all...


Environmental Issues and Plastic Industries

Introduction There is rapid growth in environmental problems all over the world, which could be attributed to a rapid increase in population growth, putting a lot of strain on the environment as well as natural resources. Several domains contribute to environmental degradation, some of which include; industrial pollution, deforestation, land...