🧪 Essays on Sciences - Page 5


Library Financial Management: Qualitative Research

Opening Statement Uncertain economic conditions have forced many organizations to experience budget cuts. The private sector has led this trend by downsizing their operations and adapting to the harsh business environment (DeAlmeida, 1997). Although the public sector experiences the same economic challenges, it has been slow to do the same...


Knowledge Creation Methods: Literature Synthesis

Despite the clarity with which each scholar appears to arrive at a conclusion for which organizational theory is most suitable, it is nevertheless, near impossible for one to determine which theory is best for which context. Indeed, for over 20 years, the problem of organizations theory has been the center...


General Education: Motivation

Student motivation is one of the central topics within the field of general education. It is vital to understand factors affecting students’ motivation as it can be regarded as one of the pillars of the good performance. Researchers have paid significant attention to the problem and its manifold facets have...


Analysis of EFA, CFA, SEM

In this study, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and regression analysis are applied instead of using the combination of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). In spite of the fact that CFA and SEM are often selected by researchers in order to examine relationships between variables and test...


Gene Mapping: Types and Significance

Introduction Gene mapping is an investigation method that allows determining genes’ loci on chromosomes and distances between them. As a result, a full genome map or a map of a particular chromosome can be obtained. Gene mapping started to develop at the beginning of the 20th century (Nimbalkar et al....


Technology and Research in the Arab World

Introduction According to the report prepared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), easy access to new digital technologies enhances the status of research worldwide and leads companies to emphasize their research and development (Brito, 2010). The appearance and recognition of global institutions has improved investment and...


Social System Network Analysis: Centrality

Introduction In network analysis, centrality is a commonly studied concept. Several measures deal with such terms as closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, degree centrality, eigenvector centrality, data centrality, flow betweenness, rush index, and 1969 Taylor measure is one of them. In most cases, principles for these measures are not acknowledged. They...


Focus Group Research Method

Description The Focus group research method has been widely perceived as a qualitative research methodology that seeks to address questions or collect information that necessitates deep understanding and those that other qualitative methods cannot achieve. As Glitz (1997) suggests, the method involves asking a group of people about their feelings,...


J. Spender on Knowledge, Learning and Memory

Summary This paper criticizes the article by J.C. Spender titled “Organizational knowledge, learning, and memory: three concepts in search of a theory”. This article is divided into four parts, the first part deals with shortcomings found in the contemporary organizational learning literature, particularly when it comes to positivism. The article...


M. Lampert on Mathematical Problems Solution

Discussion, analysis, and critique In this article, there is conscious guessing in attempts to solve mathematical problems through modesty and the use of prescribed models. Initially, Lampert argues –as discussed by Lakatos- that mathematical pathways are unclear. The accepted process of mathematical justification needs deductive proofing. With increased growth in...


Shift Work – Compare and Critique the Methodology

In a bid to meet the increased work demands, a significant number of organizations have adopted the 24/7 mode of operations. This means that despite everything, work never seizes in such organizations. This then calls for staff to work odd hours, often in shifts, to handle the increased workload effectively....


Narrative Research Design

Introduction Qualitative research focuses on the development of explanations of the various social phenomena, with the view to helping the population understand why things are the way they are. Qualitative research answers questions such as: “why people behave the way they do; how opinions and attitudes are formed; how people...


How Superintendents Effect Change

Introduction For many decades school district leadership has been the focus of a vast body of research work (Bredeson & Kose, 2007; Cuban & Usdan, 2003). This phenomenon has been occasioned by the urge among educators and policymakers to establish what these leaders can do to foster changes in school...


Chi-Square Using SPSS Analysis

Introduction This document is an essay that captures the solutions to the assignment given on nonparametric tests and chi-square with SPSS. In this assignment, there are seven tasks to be accomplished. The first task is to state the statistical assumptions that underlie a chi-square test. The second task is to...


Survey Research Methodology and Case Study Methodology

Executive Summary Case study and survey research are methodologies used in research. This paper explains the use of survey research methodology and case study methodology. It also explains the application of these types of methodologies and their suitability in different types of research e.g. micro-finance and women empowerment. It further...


Math Requirements in Fashion Merchandising New Study

Introduction To conduct this research I will use a between-subjects design. In this method, I will divide the sample into two groups. One of the groups will be a control group. The control group will not be allowed to use calculators while working on mathematical problems. The use of between...


Action Research Method of Data Collection

Introduction Action research is a method that entails a deep inquiry into an individual practice in service. It is aimed at moving into an envisioned future that is aligned with values. It involves a consistent study of one’s actions and the effects of these actions in the working place. Thus,...


Research-Worthy Problem Statement Development

Introduction Ideally, a good research project should clearly identify the question to be answered, and set the ways and means through which the researcher will meet the research objectives. Specifically, a good research project answers the ‘who, what, where, when, why and how’ questions. To obtain all the needful answers,...


The Concept of Theory: Main Aspects

Introduction Theory is an important part of study that scholars and students depend on for knowledge. The development of research is dependent on research in every field. Theory is inevitably used in all areas of study and serves many purposes among them solving problems and generating knowledge (Henderikus 2010, p....


Research Methods and Its Evaluation

Introduction Project appraisal is a logical technique for gathering, investigating, and applying the data to respond to problems about task strategies and agendas chiefly regarding their efficacy and competence. In civic segment, stakeholders will fancy being acquainted with whether the programs they are backing or executing have consequences. A valuation...


How a Superintendent Affects Change?

Introduction Conventional wisdom on the nature and scope of many social systems holds that meaningful change cannot be handed on a silver platter (Schein, 1985). Administrators, managers, and leaders along with their followers need to work intensively to achieve the results by initiating and following through change-inducing interventional measures that...


Research Methods for Everyday Life

Introduction Collecting data is different from presenting because the process of collection is just putting together facts that support an idea. The researcher understands the nature of a particular phenomenon by studying the data and interpreting it suit the hypothesis. This is not the case with the audience since they...


Achieving Outerspace Security Effectiveness

Outer space is a fundamental resource to all of us regardless of whether our origin is from developing or already developed nations. The concept of outer space must be kept free from attack with the holistic view of humankind. Outer space security is founded on the Transparency and Confidence- Building...


Qualitative Study and Research Questions as a Research Methodologies

This qualitative study will employ four methodologies that will aid in getting an understanding of the connection between the principals’ mode of administration and strategies to the sustained success in the three selected “Spotlight schools” in Illinois. The research questions that were formulated for this study include the following; What...


IT Outsourcing and Off-Shoring: Research Questions

Research Questions In this study, the three types of quantitative research questions will be employed. Descriptive research questions will be utilized to seek answers pertaining to queries asking the frequency at which IT outsourcing and offshoring in businesses takes place. The question addresses the issues arising from quantity, that is,...


Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Research Methods

Introduction Research is a critical educational tool. Scientific, as well as other disciplinary studies are conducted to expand the existing knowledge base by making new discoveries, expounding on them by highlighting new developments and connections, or correcting them by gathering relevant evidence to counter the already recorded data. Every research...


Journal Article by Lin and Hsieh Critique

Introduction, Purpose and Significance of the Study The study conducted by Lin and Hsieh (2010) is titled “International strategy implementation: Roles of subsidiaries, operational capabilities, and procedural justice”. The main purpose of the study is to “propose a framework to propose how the segregation of operational capabilities and procedural justice...


The Belmont Report: Research Methods and Designs

Research designs and methods used to conduct surveys have been strictly censured in the past decade. Institutional review board resolutions are now an enhanced role with regard to research activities done by policy research and academic institutions. There are new guidelines introduced by Federal agencies that compel academic, professional and...


IT Outsourcing and Offshoring: Research Method and Design

Mixed Methods Mixed research method is theoretically more multifaceted because it offers a foundation for triangulation. However, more frequently, the method turns out to be the base for diverse ways of modeling of a research problem. The method facilitates examining identical things from a diverse perspective, although it frequently emerges...


Theory and Practice: Organization Science

Introduction Theory has been used in the academic field as a source of knowledge. It has also been used in the business world to inform, solve problems and to encourage the success of organizations. The application of theory is largely dependent on the available theories and thus scholars have continually...


Scientific Research: Ethical Principles

Introduction In order for the results of any scientific research to be accepted, ethical principles that are developed through different bodies of research must be followed. American psychological Association (APA, 2011) provides ethical principles that are applied in many social science studies. Other academic research bodies such as the National...


Experimental Methods in Tribology

Introduction Tribology is the study of science and technology about the interactions of surfaces in relative motion and the related subjects and practices that can be explained on the basis of such principles as friction(the part of physics), lubrication (the part of chemistry ), and wear (the part of material...


Causes of Poverty in Africa: Research Designs

Quantitative Research Design Quantitative research designs pose various advantages and disadvantages to a researcher. More importantly, the quantitative research design poses several advantages and disadvantages to the analysis of how poverty can be reduced in Africa. Quantitative designs are categorized in various groups including experimental designs, longitudinal designs, cross-sectional designs,...


Research Design: Qualitative Approach

The age of value-free inquiry for the human disciplines is over [Denzin & Lincoln 2003]. The vocabulary entry defines ‘value-free’ as ‘free from criteria imposed by subjective values or standards; purely objective’. Hence, with the above mentioned statement Denzin & Lincoln convey qualitative research, opposite to pure objectivity and monism...


Phenomenological Research Methods

Introduction Phenomenology is a philosophy as well as a research method through which a researcher seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the lived experiences of the subjects of the investigation (Grbich, 2007). It is a type of qualitative researcher method which is interested mainly in describing, reflecting, interpreting, and...


Research Methodology: Review

Introduction This chapter intends to describe the methodology selected for conducting the study. The chapter clarifies what paradigm, research design, and methodological approach are chosen by the researcher. The description of the selected population, sample size, and the used instrumentation are also provided in the chapter. The aspects of the...


Emirati Women Role in the Perception of Barriers to E-Commerce in the UAE

Introduction As Berry (2009) asserts, e-commerce is a term that is used to refer to the process of selling and purchasing goods and services over a variety of electronic systems (p. 237). Examples of these electronic systems include the internet, computer networks and any other telecommunication network. This technological advancement...


Retail Sectors and Effect Due to Recession

Research Philosophy Business and management studies can be seen founded upon different philosophical positions, understanding of which can be seen essential to the overall quality of the study’s design. The consideration of the research philosophy in a study, not only clarifies its nature and the type of evidence required but...


Delphi Method also Known as the Delphi Technique

Introduction to Task Analysis To understand the essence of task analysis it is important to glimpse at the working conditions prevalent in the past and the changes that have taken place thus prompting the need to change accordingly. It has been observed by Waagen, that in the past the job...


The Research Design and Methodology

Introduction This paper explores the research design and methodology used in the study. Research design constitutes research decisions made in choosing the research methodology. The research design must consider the purpose and objectives of the research. Some essential decisions made in designing a research study include sampling methods adopted, methods...


Research Strategies and Major Steps

Introduction The First step in researching any research involves early preparation. This involves creating and recording a guideline that one will use as a guideline as one does the research. The tools required for research and the appropriate storage places are the things that need to appear in the guideline....


Classical Era Wine Presses of the Levant and Israel Areas

Introduction The area of the world commonly referred to as the Middle East contains within it areas that have historically been used for the cultivation of vineyards and subsequently wine. Evidence of wine production and the tools utilized within the process has been uncovered at sites stretching back to the...


Genetics and Stem Cells Research

Introduction Development in Genetics With the rapid development in genetics, the occurrence of active support for such direction in science was paralleled with corresponding opposition against the implementation of genetic technologies. The actions of such opposition were mainly directed toward driving the public opinion against the potential consequences of the...


Personal and Privacy Information Protection

Problem Statement The research problem of the paper is closely associated with the necessity to discuss the issues of personal information privacy, and evaluate the means of information protection. Originally, the means and tools of information protection entail various aspects of privacy and protection in general, consequently, none of them...


Education Case Study and Qualitative Research

Introduction Qualitative research has an important role in understanding various disciplines of this world and how they complement other forms of knowledge. The core Qualitative research methods can be described as ways to comprehend in-depth interviews of individuals and small groups, systematic field observation of their behavior and analysis of...


Embryonic Stem Cell Research Funding

Introduction In recent years, medical science has made a great leap toward the development of cures for incurable diseases. A fear of the misuse of scientific knowledge has marked many of the debates. In contrast to tradition medicine, the main advantage of stem-cell research is that doctors will be able...


E-learning Evaluation and Organizational Performance

Introduction The traditional form of imparting training and education is changing phenomenally. The concept of e-learning has gained a foothold all across the world. The use of technology as an aid for imparting education and training has become a radical form of innovation and has provided a challenge to both...


Political Science Research on Ethical Problems Analysis

Introduction A good and successful political science research should hold a good human factor attribute, which include; accountability, integrity, responsibility, loyalty, motivation, wisdom, honesty, commitment, vision, skills, dedication, creativity, knowledge, trustworthy and ethnic sensitivity. Those individuals who advocate for professional ethics assert that research ethics must be adhered to in...


Monitoring Microbial Diversity Using rRNA Genes

Introduction The existence of living organisms in the community is related to their in-depth distribution. This often marked by the high population of a number of species of the genus becomes a problematic aspect with regard to the thorough understanding of the organism’s varied or diverse habitats. In the case...


Relationship of Incentives and Customer Service Evaluations

The purpose of this study is to determine if there is truth in the assumption that by adding an incentive at the end of a transaction, a customer may potentially feel as though they were treated better than normal. As a result, customers who take a customer satisfaction survey may...


“The Hidden Connections” by Fritjof Capra

‘The Hidden Connections’ is a genre produced by Fritjof Capra in which Capra has revised the age-old questions of human existence and its relationship with the external and internal milieu, but with a new perspective. Capra has made a successful attempt in trying to provide an accurate picture of the...


Use of Music in Classrooms of in-Service Teachers

Introduction Pre-service teachers are given a course in ‘fundamental of music’ or ‘music methods’ in teacher training program. It is natural to assume that the perception of these pre-service teachers about the program and different component of this program will have a strong bearing on the time that they will...


Quantitative Research Methodology

Introduction Creswell (2003) defines quantitative research as a systematic methodology used to measure how a particular number of people feel, think or behave in a certain manner. The methodology uses samples to obtain quantitative data through interviews, questionnaires, or observation. It is the systematic analysis of quantitative properties and aspects...


Quantitative Study of Leadership Styles

Introduction In quantitative research, we categorize features, tally them, and even create more intricate arithmetical models to explain what is seen. Results can be generalized to a bigger population; moreover, the direct relationship can be made linking two corpora, as long as applicable sampling and significance techniques have been used...


Complex Biological Networks: Modeling, Analysis, Simulation

Significance of Research Recent advances in genetic technologies and the completion of the Human Genome Project have generated a plethora of information that is essential to the understanding of specific aspects of human biology and medicine. Alongside the goal of sequencing the entire human genome and identifying genes associated with...


Research Methodology Methods and Techniques

Introduction There are different approaches to research including theories and methods. There two well-documented general approaches that are use mostly in academic researches. These approaches are quantitative research and qualitative research methods (Cresswell, 1994). Before choosing a research method one needs to understand how these two approaches to research work...


Prehistoric Decoration on Stone in Orkney

Introduction The character of Orkney’s incised stonework is a topic that has been seriously under-researched and all but ignored by the archaeological community. This paper is a commencement rather than a conclusion intended to introduce the abstract inscriptions carved into the Orcadian landscape during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. It...


Treasure Hunters and American Aviation Archaeology

Introduction Aviation Archaeology is the practice of searching and recovering sites and wreckages of cashed aircraft. The subject is also known as aircraft archaeology, wreckology, and aerospace archaeology, crash hunting and other names. The activities involved include carrying out research using crash reports, finding and documenting the crash, recovering items...


The PKC in the Invitro-Matured Oocytes of the Pig

Introduction In-vitro maturation technique or IVM plays an important role in animal biotechnology, as this technique has been established as it is recognized for its crucial role in some important aspects such as the clinical applications in human beings, and in expanding some agriculturally important populations and some endangered species....


Information Technology Service Delivery Management

Methodology This project deals with the development of proper IT Service Delivery Management practices and procedures in relation to support for a fast-paced, demanding, and changing business environment. In the context of operations, communication relates to inter personnel communication such as phone, documents, memos, email, FAX, and voicemail. These communicative...


The Mean Rating for Job Satisfaction: Business Statistics Using GSS.SAV

For the three variables in question, the computed means are 42.5 hours worked per week, 13.2 years of educational attainment, and 3.85 siblings. Nominally, the mean for the first independent variable means that Americans typically work either 40 hours (5 days) or an additional half-day on Saturdays. The fact that...


Biochemistry: Zinc Metabolism

Introduction Zinc is an essential nutrient that functions in growth, reproduction, tissue repair, and cellular immunity. Zinc recommendations of 5 mg/day for breast-fed infants are met from mobilization of liver stores and the approximately 2 mg of Zinc obtained each day in breast milk. Formula-fed infants have greater needs due...


Qualitative Research Methods in Business

Introduction As globalization takes root in the world economy, many businesses are starting to operate at an international level. However, majority of the chief executives of small and big companies will readily admit that penetrating the international market scene is no easy task. Despite the cut-throat competition for the ever-dwindling...


Systems, Process & Data Modeling in Researching

Advantages of the case model method A case study may be defined as a method that “examines a phenomenon in its natural setting, employing multiple methods of data collection to gather information from one or a few entities (people, groups, or organizations).” (Benbasat, Goldstein, & Mead, 1987, p. 370) Case...


Space Programs, Safety Issues, and Review of Technologies in Use

Introduction A space program in this new age is constrained by severe safety protocols, precision controls, and maneuverability requirements, and drastic cost reduction mandates. This situation necessitated the development of a low thrust high precision propulsion system as an efficient and cost-effective alternative to the commonly used chemical or advanced...


Human Development Theories Analysis

Introduction There are many theories that have been developed over the years in order to help us understand how and why we develop as we do. While some aspects may appear odd and limited by today’s standards there are undeniably at least some parts of these theories which still hold...


TRPM2 and P2X7: Structure-Function and Regulation

Significance of research  This investigation could enable us to understand diverse physiological and pathophysiological processes that are linked with the channel assembly and expression of TRPM 2 channels in neuronal, cardiovascular, immune, and endothelial cells (Rong Xia et al., 2008). As the importance of oxidative stress is gaining importance in...


Methodology of Interview

Methodology Useful data collection is one of the primary issues that should be considered when conducting a research study. First (2008) emphasizes that inaccurate data collection affects the research findings adversely, hence the validity of the course. Some of the widely used sources of data include primary and secondary sources....


A Mathematical and Computational Model of Glutamate Metabolism in Ripening Tomatoes

Abstract Fruit development and ripening involves a plethora of biochemical and molecular events. As such the regulation and kinetics of enzymatic reactions that are considered fundamental and central need to be understood in plants like tomato. This is because in the recent period significant interest has grown on this crop...


Interactive Whiteboards Implementation Research

Research Tools The study implemented a mixed methods design in order to obtain the advantages of both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Furthermore, the mixed methods design was useful in terms of integration, giving the researcher confidence in the conclusions and results drawn from the study (McKim, 2017). To provide...


Importance of Methodology in Research

Introduction A research methodology is an important part of establishing how a research can be conducted. A research methodology is a plan as to how a study should be conducted. There is various research methodologies like qualitative and quantitative which are in use. In this section it would be discussed...


The Transition of Bibliometrics to Webometrics

Abstract The paper tries to unearth the transition of Bibliometrics to Webometrics. A qualitative approach is employed by the researcher for the purpose of the study as it best suits the research topic under consideration. The introductory part of the paper focuses on the scope and importance of webometrics and...


Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Business Research

Introduction A research design whether quantitative or qualitative is the philosophical or general principle framework that guides the research. Qualitative research aims at exploring behaviors, attitudes, and experiences using research methods, instruments, or tools like questionnaires, interviews, or focus groups (case studies), attempting to get an in-depth participants’ opinion. Examples...


Genetically Modified Organisms: Scientific Research

Introduction The genetic material in genetically modified organisms is altered through recombinant DNA technology. The process takes place in vitro, whereby a pool of DNA molecules is established from different sources to create a single gene. The DNA from the newly formed gene is administered to an organism and it...


History, Archaeology, and Bible

Introduction The account of how and why the Bible was created – and how it fits the unusual history of the people of Israel – is intimately associated with a fascinating account of modern detection. The search has focused on a tiny land, edged in on two sides by wasteland...


“The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” by Thomas Kuhn

Kuhn’s phases of scientific history are advocated for in his theory that science has a “cycle of revolutions” within which it functions. In this theory, he put forward the scientific history as having five phases namely: Pure paradigm phase (the non-science phase); paradigmatic science (Normal science phase); the crisis phase;...


Review of Microbiology Concepts

Ensuring microbiological safety of the food products is one of the state healthcare system’s priority tasks, the solution of which is directly aimed at protecting public health. Abebe et al. (2020) claim that “Salmonella species, L. monocytogenes, and E. coli are the major zoonotic bacterial pathogens which are the causative...


Effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy in Human Treatment

Stem cell research followed the invention of techniques which aimed at altering the genetic material and human cells production methods in the Laboratory. In 1988,James Thomson University, of Madison, was able to get cells from embryos and grew them in laboratory, and later started a stem cell research, establishing the...


Should Human Cloning Be Allowed?

Introduction Cloning is the technical term that refers to the scientific genetic replication method. The scientific society worldwide is in the process of exploring the similarity in the characteristics between the original being and its duplicated clone and the impact of genetics on the similarity between the two replicas (Pakhare...


Student Life Stress and Health Related Quality of Life

Abstract The aim of the research is to investigate the correlation between health problems and quality of life among medical students and impact on stress on their health. It is supposed that the quality of life can be positively improved, if the stress in the lives of medical students is...


Correlational and Descriptive Research Methods

The relationship between theory and research is interconnecting, research’s main objective is to search or test a theory. Theory, on the other hand, depends on research for development (Fawcett and Downs, Pp. 4-7). There are many types of research, but basically, research is either applied to aim to solve an...


Solar Energy Capture and Biohydrogen Production

Abstract Solar radiation energy capture, conversion of photo energy to chemical energy, and biopolymers by a number of photoautotrophic organisms constitute the basis of life on the planet. Through complex, molecular machinery and processes for the efficient production of energy, photoautotrophs have efficiently converted solar energy into chemical energy for...


Genetically Modified Crop Technology Implications

Introduction Global events such as overpopulation, climate change, and a shortage of food resources have led to the use of biotechnology in agriculture to produce genetically modified crops. Genetic modifications allow plants to withstand any potential environmental and farms can produce higher amounts of harvested crop yields. However, the introduction...


Engineering OleT Enzyme to Improve Biofuel Yield

Introduction Global energy demand is reported to increase significantly over the last one year. The Global Energy and CO2 Status Report that was released in March 2018 indicated that energy requirements all over the world increased by a margin of 2.1% in 2017, which was more than double the requirements...


Qualitative Research: Data Collection, Analysis, and Management

Qualitative research is one of the techniques used to gather and analyze data. It can be applied both in the scientific field and regarding business (e.g., market research can be performed using a qualitative approach). It can be useful when trying to gain a general understanding of an issue. Corbin...


Benefits of Stem Cell Research and Use

Three types of stem cell research classified according to the source of the stem cells: adult stem cells, fetal stem cells and embryonic stem cells Does the end justify the means? This is the question that reigns at the mention of stem cell research. With human beings being faced with...


Business Research Methods

The two types of discourse Discourse is a tool to convey the meaning of what a person wants to say. There are two major types of discourse such as exposition and argument (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). Exposition comprises statements that describe events or concepts and does not provide any explanations....


Data Analysis and Practical Application

Summary Data analysis can be carried out with the aid of statistical software like SPSS or SAS in computer. Effective data analysis can be achieved by feeding proper information into the computer. It is good to choose the correct data technique for relevance and comprehensiveness if research work. Research analysis...


Systems Thinking and Mental Models

Systems thinking for the enterprise: new and emerging perspectives Key Points The key points in this article include addressing the term enterprise. The author says that in the context of the paper, it refers to a unit comprising of interdependent resources. These include people, funding, technology, organizations, and processes. However,...


Sunflower Plant, Its Growth and Biomass in the UAE

Background Knowledge The Middle East region has arid and semi-arid climatic conditions that are characterised by water scarcity and high temperatures that result in high evaporation rates (Dubreuil et al., 2013; Voss et al., 2013; Beaumont, Blake & Wagstaff 2016). Additionally, the loose soils and desert winds contribute to air...


Data Collection Plan in Research

Work on the study of a particular issue requires compliance with a specific method of collecting and evaluating the received information. One of the most common ways of interpreting data is a mixed method that involves the use of both quantitative and qualitative data by the authors. A special place...


Qualitative Method for Research Proposal

The success and validity of any study depend on the choice of the research method. Different research approaches may be used to analyze the results of a study. However, a researcher must select the best research method in order to draw a practical conclusion. This proposal presents and justifies the...


Embryonic Stem Cells for Growing Body Parts

Introduction Background Life begins when a single cell develops into tissues, muscles, bones, and organs that give rise to different body parts. Stem cell research promises to be of potential help to people living with body damaging diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, and many others. ESC has the...


Large-Scale Shift to Organic Farming

Introduction Of the three basic human needs, food is the most vital taking primacy over shelter and clothing. All governments have therefore made it a priority to protect their citizens against hunger and ensure food security. Because of modern advances, there has been a huge population increase combined with lower...


Critical Analysis and Evaluation

Introduction To undertake critical analysis and evaluation, the assessment selected two journal articles from the Electronic Reserve readings representing qualitative study and quantitative study. The first journal article by Baxa (2015) is a qualitative study, whereas the second journal article by Han and Finkelstein (2013) is a quantitative study. Critical...


Qualitative Research of Manufacturing Processes

Qualitative research is based on collecting opinions and feedback regarding someone’s experience and self-evaluation in a particular field. It helps to identify strengths and weaknesses within a company. Although qualitative research is sometimes perceived as inaccurate due to the lack of mathematical formulas that would assess the level of coincidence,...


Organic and Non-Organic Makeup

Makeup is an inseparable element of most girls and women’s toilet. Nowadays, in the era of diversity, there are thousands of manufacturers, which offer numerous options for cosmetics in order to satisfy the particular needs of different consumers. However, it is important to realize that there is a significant difference...


Data Analysis Techniques and Statistical Tests’ Worth

What Are the Data Saying? Medical research can be developed in a variety of ways, depending on a researcher, his or her background knowledge, and available resources. As soon as a topic is chosen, and research questions are developed, the establishment of research design and size is required. Statistics are...