🧪 Essays on Sciences


Extrasolar Planets Search and Current Achievements

Introduction Astronomers have always strived to penetrate the sky and look at the invisible. It is very difficult to observe extrasolar planets directly. The radial velocity method and the transit methods are used to find them. The purpose of this research paper is to explore the current achievements in the...


Diversity Management at Marketing Companies in Memphis, Tennessee

Introduction In the era of globalization and decreasing barriers between cultures, workplace diversity facilitates better collaboration and the necessity to encourage commitment to embrace change and differences. Both tangible and intangible benefits can be achieved, ranging from conflict resolution to increased exposure. Researching the problem of the lack of diversity...


Statistics: Principles and Methods

Introduction The absence of an independent variable in research should be viewed as a cause of concern. The point is, any quasi-experimental study has to involve the manipulation of one or more independent variables that already exist (such as race, gender, age). These variables may be either categorical or continuous....


Controversy Between the Existence of God and Evolution

Introduction The question concerning the origin of the Earth and humans has been a subject of ongoing discussion for many centuries. With the development of science, long-established religious ideas about God’s creation of the world encountered an opposing view justifying that the Earth, as well as all living forms on...


Does Evolution Explain Human Nature?

Evolution Respected schools of thought, have overlapping ideologies of what Evolution is all about. Almost all of them, seem to see Evolution as an alteration in traits of a given generation or population. When a given population is divided into sub-units, usually very small in nature, these units or groups...


Water Supply System: Maryland

Maryland is one of the states in the larger United States of America. It is situated in the mid-Atlantic region and is bordered to the south and west with West Virginia and District of Columbia; to the north with Pennsylvania and the west is Delaware (FindArticles.com). Based on the findings...


Educational Research Methods and Applications

Introduction Educational research is always conducted in order to investigate the patterns of behaviour among pupils, students and teachers in schools. This research is done by examining work products such as standardize tests results and documents. Similarly to other socials sciences, qualitative and quantitative research methods are used in educational...


Lean Game and Bullwhip Game

Lean Game Introduction The lean manufacturing process is generally defined as the business performance strategy that regulates the manufacturing stage by reducing the manufacturing wastes and improving the manufacturing process. The key problems and risks that are considered in this game are over-production, waiting time, transportation, processing, inventory, motion and...


Water Resources: Their Beneficial Uses

Introduction The crucial role that water plays in people’s lives cannot be underestimated. Water is one of the most essential resources that man cannot do without. All forms of life on earth entirely depend on water man derives his water from various sources. These sources include streams, rivers, springs, lakes,...


Understanding Quantitative Research Methods

Research Methodology Every research applies a specific research approach to arrive at a given conclusion based on the availability of time and resources. According to Powell (2010, p. 26), it is important to choose the most appropriate research method that would provide highly reliable data because many people always depend...


The Effects of Diverse Culture of a Business in UAE

Introduction Overview of the United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates is a relatively young federation comprised of seven Gulf States. Each state bears its own unique history and cultural identity. Based on the 2008 statistics, the country has a population of 4,621,399 and the officially spoken language is Arabic...


Challenges of Using a Western Teaching Approach in Kuwait

Abstract In this paper what was explored were two challenges of using a western teaching approach in Kuwait. These challenges consist of gender segregation in colleges and universities as well as the concept of “wasta” (i.e. social networks). Males and females within Kuwait are taught in separate schools from elementary...


Evolution of Personal Standards for Choosing a Spouse

Introduction The contemporary world is multicultural although the global changes and transformations in human activities have enhanced mutual dependence and mutual bond amongst individuals of different cultures (Perilloux et al., 2011). Whilst efforts to enhance multiculturalism among nationalists and immigrants are currently underway across the world, the notion of cultural...


Qualitative and Quantitative Research Method

Qualitative Research Question Qualitative research is mainly used in social sciences. However, the method can be applied in other disciplines such as marketing and psychology (Finlay, 2002). This research method aims at studying human behavior and determining the reasons which trigger such behavior. It also tries to know how people...


Metamorphic Rocks: Origin and Formation

Introduction Metamorphic rocks are formed when pre-formed and old rocks undergo metamorphism, which is a process whereby the rocks are exposed to high temperatures and pressure. The rocks are initially under intense pressure due to the outer layers exerting tons and tons of pressure on the inner layers. The pressure...


Assessing and Recommending Quantitative Research Design

Introduction Researchers apply several research designs when performing different types of research. A research design is important because it leads a researcher when collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and scientifically presenting data (Mitchell, & Jolly, 2012; Knight, 2010). The types of research usually vary according to the nature of data that research...


Margaret Wente “Polar Bears Don’t Need Us to Save Them”

Introduction Margaret Wente, author of the editorial Polar Bears Don’t Need Us to Save Them has undertaken an in-depth evaluation of the issues and concerns that scientists have raised regarding polar bears over time. The subject that the author has discussed in the editorial is not just debated but is...


Can Hot Water Freeze Faster Than Cold Water?

Introduction To most people, the idea that hot water freezes faster than cold water seems illogical. However, this is an absolute fact. This phenomenon had been met with lots of disapproval prior to the year 1969. However, an experiment performed by a Tanzanian high school student, Mpemba, confirmed that indeed...


Theory Building and Paradigms in Research

Introduction Theories often play a crucial role in developing academic research. The importance of theories in research is especially profound in the conceptualization and guidance of research findings. Ironically, Henderikus (2010) reports the lack of a common conception of theory among researchers. However, since doctoral research greatly relies on theoretical...


ANOVA: Test of Normality of the Data

Introduction Most statistical techniques assume that distributions of scores on dependent variables are normal. In this case, a normal distribution represents a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve, which has the greatest frequency of scores in the middle, with smaller frequencies towards the extremes (Gravetter and Wallnau, 2000; Everitt, 1996). Skewness tests for...


Computers for Virtualization: Qualitative Study

The Envisioned Context Introduction This study gives a comprehensive activity enumeration from the previous research done on Desktop Virtualization. It will look at the problem statements as well as the research questions used to give clarity of the research design and methods preferred for the research. The paper will also...


Qualitative and Quantitative Research Characteristics

Characteristics of Research Research can assume diverse approaches such as qualitative or quantitative. The methodology applied is dependent on the nature of the task; however, both methods can be merged in mixed approaches to provide detailed inferences. According to Bernard (2011), the two methods exude differences in their analytical methodology,...


The Meaning of Theory and the Implications

Introduction This paper will address the meaning of theory in research. It seeks to find out why theories are important in the process of conducting research. The paper also discusses the different meanings of theory in research according to different scholars and the processes used in theory building in the...


Quantitative Research Plan: Five Approaches and Theory

Introduction In both qualitative and qualitative research, theory plays a central role in contextualizing research because it provides frameworks, concepts, constructs, and models, which elucidate a given phenomenon. Researchers have found that theories are indispensable elements in research since they are the foundation of research (Creswell, 2009; Elliot, 2005). In...


Five Approaches: Problem, Purpose, and Research Questions

Narrative Approach A narrative is an approach of qualitative research, which uses storytelling as a way of deriving data. Elliot (2005) asserts that the narrative approach focuses on the experiences of an individual and deriving meaning from the experiences. Since the experiences of individuals are unique, the narrative approach enables...


Comprehensive Model to use E-Government Services

Introduction Although information systems research has made substantial strides toward understanding the antecedents of IT adoption through variance-based models such as the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), a stream of existing research (e.g., Beaudry & Pinsonneault 2010; Shareef et al...


Quantitative Research and its Aspects

Methodology It is important to define research methods before the actual process of collecting data (Vogt 2007, p. 52). Every research project uses a given research method in order to arrive at a given conclusion based on the resources available, the nature of the research itself, and other research factors...


Application of Relevant Theory and Research to Real Life Situations

Introduction A theory or hypothesis comprises meanings, interconnected ideas, and suggestions that explicate or foresee proceedings by identifying any associations that can be realized among variables. It provides a methodical strategy of understanding issues such as the proceedings, conduct, or any circumstance. Different hypotheses differ in scope based on the...


Justifing Research Methodology in Organizational Leadership

Research Methods Background The research problem arises from exploitation of the migrant workers who have moved from their respective countries to Malaysia after facing various challenges (Chai & Xiao, 2011; Kull, 2010). The government has neglected the welfare of migrants because it does not monitor the behavior of the native...


Public Administration and Social Change Strategies

Introduction Many researchers have published a lot of information about the operational challenges that public libraries face every day (Fratianni, Savona & Kirton, 2007; Verheul, Tammaro & Witt, 2010). Other researchers have acknowledged the fact that public libraries have the task to guarantee efficient service deliveries to the members of...


Measurement and Scaling Concepts

Definition of Measurement From a simplistic perspective, measurement can be defined as the assignment of numbers to the parameters of an occurrence, commodity, or events among other things. On the basis of a critical view, however, measurement cannot be restricted to the assignment of real numbers to an object since...


Qualitative Research Mini Study: Clayton County Library

Introduction This paper is a pilot study that investigates how Clayton County Library (Georgia) can improve its financial position through financial diversification. By seeking the views of three respondents through in-depth interviews, this paper provides a snapshot of how the main research would be like. Through its findings, this study...


Theory, Approach, Methods in Qualitative Study

Introduction This paper analyzes the relationship between theory, approach, and methods in qualitative studies. This analysis occurs in the context of a proposed study that aims to investigate how to diversify funds to enhance the financial stability of Clayton County Library. This paper explains the conceptual framework and research approaches...


Methodology and Design for the Research

Introduction Effective people management is an essential element that organisations should focus on in their strategic human resource management practices. Leblebici (2012) opines that nowadays the “relationship between employees and employers may be seen upside down” (p.38). The high rate of global economic growth has presented individuals with numerous job...


Hypothetical Research Design Plans

Introduction The process of planning a research project is one of the essential aspects of conducting a research study. Lack of effective planning has negative effects on the quality of a research project, and thus its generalization to the entire research population. One of the most important phases in the...


Best Practice Suggestions: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Similarities between Quantitative and Qualitative Methods Quantitative and qualitative methods are the most commonly used approaches to conducting research. The two have some striking similarities that a researcher should be aware of when making the decision on which of them may be appropriate for given research. One factor that both...


Questionnairy Design Concept and Its Importance for a Research Study

Introduction Gaining market intelligence is a fundamental issue in developing managerial competence. Lietz (2010) asserts that market intelligence allows individuals in different levels of management to make effective decisions. One of the mechanisms of gaining market intelligence includes conducting market research in order to gather relevant market data. However, the...


Draft Research Questions: Motivating Employees

In the current competitive business environment, organizations have realized that the only way to be successful is to have a team of dedicated employees who are always willing to go the extra mile in meeting the demand of customers. Various approaches to maintaining a pool of motivated employees have been...


Hypothetical Research Approaches

Introduction All researchers are aimed at confirming or exploring some important aspects that are associated with topics of interest. Confirmatory or exploratory strategies are based on research approaches, which are characterized by different methods of data collection and analysis (Creswell, 2013; Leedy & Ormrod, 2013). Thus, when a researcher thinks...


Fun in the Workplace: Research Approaches

Hypothetical research approaches The influence of fun in the workplace on employees’ performance, motivation, and cooperation can be examined with the help of different research methodologies. For example, it is possible to choose the qualitative approach. In this case, a researcher should focus on the opinions of respondents such as...


Transition for Nurse Graduates in Saudi Arabia: An Exploratory Study

Methodology Introduction to the chapter This research aims at exploring the nurse transition programs that ought to transform New Graduate Nurses (NGNs) into professional nurses. The study results will be very controversial; therefore, it is necessary to employ an organised approach to achieve the required results. Research methodology enables the...


Determining a Suitable Ph.D. Research Problem

Introduction One of the basics of conducting quality research is the understanding of the research problems. Leedy and Ormrod (2005) argue that the success of a good research project depends on how the problem is stated. As such, stating the problem in a clear and precise manner will contribute hugely...


Abduction Approach and Theoretical Saturation

Thematic Analysis: Definition, Advantages, and Disadvantages A characteristic feature of the modern stage of psychology is the desire of scholars to develop such research methods that would be relevant to the object under the study, since this science involves not only the very theme but also the facts lying outside...


Action and Evaluation Research: Data Collection and Analysis

Case Assignment Action research is a type of research method that aims at solving a certain problem or discussing a reflective process the goal of which is to find a solution to a problem. As a rule, it is done by an educator or a group of educators for other...


Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis

Case Assignment Introduction of a Quantitative Article In the majority of cases, men are defined as more appropriate and beneficial examples of leaders than women. However, to disprove this theme and discuss this problem from a new perspective, the researchers introduce different methods and use different sources. For example, the...


Marketing and Human Resources Management in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction There is no doubt that the technological progress made over the past few decades has opened a plethora of opportunities for the UAE companies, in general, and the Dubai organizations, in particular, to explore new opportunities in local and global markets, improve services quality, and attract new customers. The...


Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Researchers

Introduction The decision to conduct research is not an easy task because much work has to be done and much time has to be spent. Researchers can make mistakes at the initial stage of the work when the necessity to choose a research method takes place. There are two main...


Insider Action Research: Method of Business Management

Literature Synthesis Introduction Action research remains a complex phenomenon, which implies the necessity of modification and introduction of the adjustments in the organization. Nonetheless, it is evident that challenges have a tendency to exist. The articles and publications, which were chosen for the literature synthesis, imply my understanding of the...


Framing the Case Into the Action Plan

Introduction It could be said that the crude oil industry continually experiences the layoff of workers, as it is one of the major reasons to reach sustainability on the market. The governance of my company continues to decrease the quantity of personnel and cuts the employees’ benefits to remain competitive...


Action Research Process: Literature Review

Introduction The process of Action Research (AR) and the features that distinguish it from other research methods have been described by numerous studies. The literature review provided in this paper focuses on methods and tools of AR as well as the key principles of AR conducting to demonstrate how AR...


Research Design and Approaches Review

Research Approaches Abductive research is an approach used to generate scientific accounts appropriate for the concrete case from everyday usual accounts or rules. Thus, in contrast to induction and deduction, abduction allows discovering particular phenomena or cases oriented first to the general rule and consequences. As a result, the abductive...


Research in Management and Organizational Settings

Introduction The systematic planning of actions that are applied to the collection of information and subsequent analysis of data in a logical manner that help in the realization of the purpose of a given study is called a study design. Examples of study designs include descriptive, cross-sectional, experimental, and explorative...


NVivo Program: Methodology in Qualitative Study

Interviews In qualitative research, interview is a popular and valued method of data collection. Kahan and Cannell state that “An interview is a purposeful discussion between two or more people” (Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill 318). While conducting a qualitative research, the researcher can draw detailed and extensive information from the...


Literature Synthesis While Conducting Management Study

Introduction Research methods are very important in any form of research work since they form the basis for which a researcher collects, analyzes, as well as displays data after carrying out a given study. As such, research methods are a necessity when conducting research. However, the types of research methods...


Research Methodology Determination in Conducting Study

Introduction The choice of a research topic determines the type of methodologies to be employed when conducting a particular study. The researcher has to design the appropriate methodology to fit the case under study. The research methodology entails considering various aspects, which include identifying the research study undertaken, the process...


Theory Essence in Research Conduct

Introduction The term theory appears to have various meanings based on contending research models. For example, it can mean a formative edict or system of rules, especially in the natural sciences. It may also mean a concept or collection of ideas that are valuable in gaining an in-depth understanding of...


Critical Literature Synthesis in Case Study Conduct

Introduction When conducting research, it is important to have an understanding of the appropriate methods that can help in gathering relevant data to directly respond to the research questions. The case study of Swire Oil and Gas Company is typical research where it will be very important to collect specific...


Research Paradigms: Information-Seeking Methodology

Research Paradigm Research methods are greatly influenced by the paradigms used in the research. “Two scholars who hold different beliefs[paradigms]…may be interested in examining the same phenomenon but their beliefs will lead them to set up their studies very differently because of their differing views of the evidence, analysis and...


Qualitative Study Conduct: Collecting Data

Introduction When conducting research, it is very important to ensure that the quality of data meets the expectations of the intended audience. According to Merriam and Merriam (2009), the nature of data collected will define the validity and reliability of the findings that will be made by the researcher. Quality...


Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks for Gas Separation

Introduction Soft, porous crystals are porous solids that pass a highly ordered network and structural transformability (Sugiyama et al, 2012). Soft or flexible porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have found applications in molecular recognition, selective gas adsorption/separation, or chemical sensing (Tan &cheetham, 2011). When compared with solid porous MOFs, the soft,...


Qualitative Research Critical Literature Review

Introduction Qualitative research is one of the most commonly used research methods in social sciences. Punch (2005, p. 89) defines qualitative research as “Ethnographic, naturalistic, anthropological, field, or participant observer research.” As this definition suggests, qualitative research methods involves investigation of specific issues through field studies, case studies, ethnographic, anthropological,...


Fun at Work: Research Variables

‘Fun at work’ entails any social or interpersonal task that is meant to be entertaining in nature. The tasks are meant to provide employees with amusement, joy, and pleasure when carrying out their usual duties at the workplace. The activities do not necessarily have to be related to the job...


Qualitative and Quantitative Research Design Issues

Introduction A research design is an overall technique used to bring together different elements of a study. The process allows the researcher to effectively and clearly address a research problem. On its part, a research plan comprises the blueprint that is used for analysis, collection, and measurement of inputs needed...


Sport & Society Studies: Statistical Design

Research structure is significant because it makes it easier for the reader to read and comprehend it. Every peer-reviewed research, qualitative and quantitative, can be divided into three parts, which include the research question, data collection, and data analysis. The paper offers a statistical framework of articles selected from the...


Critiquing Research Articles: A Personal Toolkit

Toolkit for Article Critique Credibility Was the article written by a scholar, who already has a record in academic journals? Was the article published in a scholarly journal or by a respectful academic publishing agency? Was the article published five years ago at most? Is the article intended for scholars,...


Professional Sports Activities’ Socioeconomic Impact

Introduction The impact of sports activities is beyond the field. The current paper proposes an approach that can be used to develop a literature review about the socioeconomic impact of professional activities. The process of selecting a research problem is achieved by developing a conceptual framework as discussed in the...


Mathematics Course and Students’ Professional Vision

Methodology Introduction The purpose of this research was to examine how the specific course in mathematics could change the students’ visions of their professional competence. In order to examine how experiences in learning the aspects of the mathematics methodology course and in teaching mathematics could affect teachers’ self-efficacy, both quantitative...


The Biogeographic Distribution of Australian Taxa

Biogeographic classifications are imperative for understanding the distribution of fauna and flora in different regions. Biogeographic distribution has become critical in comprehending causative factors associated with evolution based on elements of geologic phenomena or dynamics of biological orientations. Plate tectonics The tectonics has been recognised as a major element that...


Social Research: Ontological and Epistemological Assumptions

Introduction According to Baert (2005), social research refers to a systematised form of investigation. The aim of such an undertaking is to gain knowledge on social problems and phenomena in human society. On the other hand, Bryman (2004) defines this form of research as a scientific undertaking that utilises logical...


Identifying Major Threats to Validity

This assignment consists of two parts. The first one is a chart that highlights the major threats for conclusion, construct and external validities, while the second section explains the major threats to external validity and highlights possible ways of minimizing them. The first part appears below. Chart Threats Description of...


The Discipline of Nursing Students

Quantitative Study Statement of the Problem The problem statement is stated clearly, and it is easy to identify. In Sweden, one of the biggest problems in nursing education is passing exams, and this statement is stated unambiguously. This problem is significant in nursing because students are expected to pass certain...


Local Talent vs. Expatriate Talent in the United Arab Emirates Private Sector

Correlation Analysis Social Factors The correlation table (Table 1) indicates that social factors have a strong positive correlation with the provision of job opportunities for Emiratis (r = 0.77) and a very weak positive correlation with employment due to quota requirements (r = 0.13). Moreover, the tables indicate that social...


“Stressors Among Hispanic Adults From Immigrant Families in the US” by Rojas

Introduction The present paper critiques an article by Rojas, Grzywacz, Zapata Roblyer, Crain, and Cervantes (2016), which was published in a peer-reviewed journal “Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology” in July 2016. The article considers an issue related to multiculturalism: it reviews the stressors experienced by immigrant Hispanic populations in...


Genetic Diseases Overview and Analysis

Abstract In this study, the aim was to determine if sickle cell anemia is uniquely common among the Blacks of sub-Sahara descent. Several studies have suggested that indeed this disease is not only common among the African Americans but also people living in sub-Sahara Africa. The review of the existing...


Locating the Tools for Data Retrieval and Analysis

Introduction Designing the strategy that will allow for efficient talent management and an adequate use of the recruits’ skills and abilities is an essential requirement for an HR manager in any organization willing to gain recognition in the designated area. However, it is comparatively hard to locate the strategy that...


Tisdell’s and Merriam & Mohamad’s Qualitative Studies

Introduction Researchers usually study the aspects of adult education and cultural impacts with the focus on the qualitative methodology. However, even though researchers often select the standard structure of qualitative papers to present their studies’ results, there is a variety of approaches to applying tools that are characteristic of this...


Social Research: Qualitative Methodology

Introduction Qualitative research method is a method used to research different ways of handling a research problem. Though the method has faced criticism from those who vouch for the objectivity in quantitative methods, qualitative research has revolutionized the research world by providing a better way of handling issues in social...


German Travelers in Oman, the History of Oman’s Exploration

Introduction Throughout the course of history, Oman has been traditionally looked upon as a strategically important part of the Arabian Peninsula. In its turn, this can be partially explained by the particulars of the country’s geographical location – while occupying the peninsula’s Southeast, Oman never ceased taking advantage of laying...


Effects of CRCT on Student Performance

Introduction Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) is a test that is administered at all public schools at the end of the year in the state of Georgia before a student proceeds to the next grade. These tests are conducted for mathematics, English/language arts (ELA), sciences, and social studies. CRCTs were enacted...


Markov Analysis and Competing Values Framework

Introduction Comparable to decision analysis, Markov analysis is a probabilistic technique, but it does not offer a recommended decision. Rather, Markov analysis offers probabilistic materials concerning a condition that needs a resolution, which can assist a decision-maker to make an informed choice. That is, this analysis technique does not perform...


Review Correlation and Regression in Education

Assignment Exploratory Data Analysis of Chamorro-Premuzic.sav Age. Descriptive statistics (Table 1) shows the age of respondents varies from zero to 43 years with a mean of 19.60, mode of 18, and a standard deviation of 3.448. In distribution, the age of respondents has positive skew (skewness = 2.35) and a...


Operational Meteorology Forecasters

Meteorological observations are made for different reasons. They are used for continuous monitoring of climate conditions, extreme weather warnings, investigating the atmosphere, local weather-dependent activities, hydrology, farming meteorology, meteorology research, and climatology. Meteorologists analyze aspects of the Earth’s climate and their effect on the ecosystem. Climate forecasters apply their research...


Empirical Research Literature Evaluation

Research Assessment To determine whether the conclusions of empirical research are logically supported or not, it is necessary to check whether they offer assertions based on research findings. In conclusions are not logically supported, they invalidate most of the study because it means that the hypothesis has not been confirmed,...


Quasi-Experimental and Experimental Designs Data

Introduction After identifying research objectives, hypotheses, and research questions, it is necessary to determine how the objectives are going to be achieved. This step involves identifying the do’s and don’ts of the research as well as statistical analyses to confirm or refute the established hypotheses. These aspects encompass the essentials...


Private For-Profit and Nonprofit Organizational Leaders: Gender Inequality

Research Design This three-article dissertation will be developed in several stages. This project will be mixed by its nature and based on the analysis of qualitative information to contribute to a conceptual and theoretical framework and quantitative information to support the importance and effectiveness of the chosen intervention (Harwell, 2011)....


Statistics. Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Gender

Introduction This paper provides an analysis of data about the perceived self-efficacy of future teachers of mathematics. An ANCOVA will be conducted to determine whether there is a significant difference in the self-efficacy levels (the dependent variable, post_total, interval/ratio scale of measurement) between males and females (the independent variable, gender,...


Vector-Based Delivery of a VEGF Inhibitor in Acute Myeloid Leuekmic Cells

Abstract Many malignancies depend on unique body processes such as angiogenesis for their progression and survival. Management of malignancies entails targeting specific components behind the processes such as the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and/or associated receptors. This study investigates the outcome of viral delivery systems like soluble vascular endothelial...


Compatibilism in the Block View of Time

The description of time in Physics is known as block time. According to this definition, time is like any other constraint in Physics, with no underlying movement and with no major distinction between the future and the present. However, such an observation of time is in disagreement with our natural...


Role of Theory in the Research

Introduction Research is undertaken through defined research designs and methodologies. Qualitative research is both complex and detailed depending on the field of study. In the field of social sciences, both researchers and participants work in a team to ensure that the objectives of the study project are achieved within scheduled...


Anthropology: The Culture of the People of River Front

Introduction The aim of the ethnographer was to understand the culture of the people of the River Front. This is because it is a city which is in America but has a lot of people who are not Americans. It is composed of mainly European people who live permanently in...


Kruskal-Wallis: Independent and Dependent Variables

Introduction Kruskal-Wallis test is a non-parametric statistical method of analysis that compares the means of more than two groups of independent variables. This paper reports and interprets the significant Kruskal-Wallis findings between 5 incident command systems, 7 CD departments, academic qualification and job position. A total of 42 factors are...


Similarities in Umayyad Desert Palaces

Introduction Sparkling on the desert mist, they ascend like the distant illusion to mock, ethereal buildings, challenging someone to look at them again. Is that actually a four square palace, towered and equipped, rising from the desert? Why is a brick building in the midst of the desert? And why...


The Action Research Process and Methodology

Abstract The research paper explains the action research methodology. It clarifies its appropriateness in the teaching profession to assist in solving problems. Using available literature, the research paper reveals the action research in problem solving for specific problems. Action research follows a cycle of planning, action, observation and reflection until...


Self Assessment on Qualitative Research

Qualitative data may be in form of photos, patterns of computer materials, video tapes and objects. Analysis of these data may take place in different stages of the research study, including: concept making stage, data collection stage, interpretation stage and writing stage. The basis upon which the data is analyzed...


Qualitative Research Method

Guaranteeing Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research Trustworthiness in qualitative research means consistency, objectivity and lack of ambiguity in testing statistical data or sets of measurements. In other words, it implies how accurate the measuring device is in measuring what it alleges to measure. It relates to the ability of research instruments...


Advertisment Research Preparation

Researchers use different methods of data collection. The mode chosen depends on the type of data needed and the suitability of the data collection method. Each particular method in use has associated strengths and weaknesses. The most common interview methods are face-to-face, over-the-phone interviews, video conference interviews, email, or synchronous...


Performance Measurement Action Research

Introduction An Action research Project conducted by Centre for Facilities Management (CFM). Research is a scientific inquiry from the knowledge believed to be true, to the knowledge that is proven as true. Explanation During the research period, the CFM was in charge of the estate and facilities inside a central...


An Analysis of the Benefits and Detriments of Contracts in Agriculture

Introduction This synthesis attempts to address various contract approaches in agriculture. The analysis and comparison are based on the study of several works in the academic fraternity. However, the focus of this writing is on the three main sources below here: Dubois, Pierre, and Tomislav Vukina. “Growers Risk Aversion and...