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Twins’ Story in Samuel Holiday’s Under the Eagle

The Twins’ story illustrates the necessity and importance of symbolism and ritual in Navajo culture. However, the more important meaning of the story is the narrative that spirituality and reliance on traditional symbolic values help people find their way even in the most difficult life situations. Based on this, we...


Fight-or-Flight Response: When Is It Necessary?

The fight or flight response is necessary because it occurs automatically as a psychological reaction to anything frightening or stressful. From a medical perspective, any threat to the human body activates the sympathetic nervous system, which triggers an urgent stress response that directs the body to either flee or face...


The Strategic Goal of Weathermen

Fueled by the events occurring after the Vietnam War, the Weathermen aimed at overthrowing what they deemed as the imperialist power structure within American society and promoting the ideas of Communism. However, the strategy used by the organization was so over-the-place and lacking consistency that its actions were mostly incoherent....


Factors That Lead to US’ Involvement in WWI

The factor for the American involvement in World War I was the submarine war, declared by the German Empire. Buenviaje notes that after the German scuppered several American ships in early 1917, on April 6, 2017, the United States Congress announced the beginning of hostilities. However, an equally significant factor...


The Play “An Enemy of the People” by Henrik Ibsen

The play An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen is considered especially emotionally loaded, as it expresses the author’s social fears and a cry from the heart. In addition, this performance has a personal relationship with the author, as it is his response to the negative public opinion about...


Violence and Terror in “Waiting for the Barbarians”

Introduction The study of literary works of various epochs and times can provide valuable information about the problems of society at that time. This is due to the fact that many authors have thus made an attempt to spread awareness about existing issues. Thus, this academic paper aims to review...


The Tragedy “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

Hamlet’s state of mind in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet remains a mystery to many readers. While there have been constant debates on whether Hamlet is insane or he is faking insanity as a strategy to avenge his father’s death, there is clear evidence throughout the play that Hamlet is fully aware...


Emotional Abuse and Depression in Feminist Short Stories

Introduction Feminist literature created on the verge of the 19th and 20th centuries signifies the inequalities between women and men in society. This inequality was manifested through the economic dependence of women on their husbands, female isolation due to the restrictions of their domestic gender roles, and the emerging existential...


“The City We Became” Novel by Nora K. Jemisin

Introduction The City We Became, an award-winning urban fantasy novel by Nora K. Jemisin, incorporates various ideas and concepts relevant to the modern era. Whereas racism, oppression, social injustice, and gentrification may be considered the primary keywords of the narrative, one can see interconnectedness as a subtle yet highly important...


Relevance of Orwell’s “1984” in Today’s World

The novel Nineteen Eighty-Four or 1984 has become one of Orwell’s most famous works and one of the best-known dystopian works. The author used themes and plots that he saw in the world of his day (Bradfield, 2019). In this context, 1984 was never a prediction but rather a reflection...


“The Little Prince” by Saint-Exupery as a Mirror

It is difficult to name a single book that influenced me the most. After all, every book a person reads brings something new, teaches, and makes one reflect on the nature of things or events. However, there are books one wants to reread again and again, and each time he...


Settings in “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury

The story entitled “All Summer in a Day” raises the themes of human cruelty and inability to accept and respect differences. The topics are masterfully depicted by description of the settings of the story that play a vital role in bringing the message home to the reader. The main idea...


The Book “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran

Introduction Kahlil Gibran is among the most decorated poets whose works have been significant to society. The Prophet remains one of the Kahlil’s greatest writings that uses religious fiction to address general issues in society. The book has been quoted on several occasions, including weddings and situations where spiritual guidance...


Title Nazis’ Beliefs and Ideas to Change Germany

After World War 1, many countries were under severe economic instability and political unsteadiness as well. Munich became politically unstable after the war, and, thus, it needed leadership that would steer them back on course. The people were eager to have leadership that would bring change and reforms to them....


What Actions Prompted the Border Control Offensive

Border control activity is an essential issue for developed and prospective countries nowadays. The major reasons are that the difference between living standards and conditions is great in the countries of the modern world. As people tend to seek a better life, they try to move to the place or...


Independence Processes in Spanish vs. Portuguese Latin America

Even though the independence processes in Spanish and Portuguese Latin America had many similar points, the mother countries were different, which caused a range of distinctions. The first discrepancy deals with the way independence were granted. The leaders of the countries had different relations with the population. Agustin de Iturbide...


The Problem of Evil and Suffering

Evil and suffering are basic realities in everyday life. Human beings witness suffering within themselves and others, and this serves as proof that evil exists in this world. Evil and suffering do not discriminate whether a person is “rich or poor, young or old.” The problem of evil and suffering...


Reconstruction: What Was It Designed to Do?

The reconstruction was the period between 1865 – 1877 when the US government attempted to rebuild the South, which had suffered devastating losses due to the civil war, and ensured that the former slave population gained equal rights with the white population. A major aim of the reconstruction efforts was...


Federal Policies’ Impact on Native Americans’ Tribal Life

As the US government engaged in Western expansion in the 19th century, it came across the Native Americans who had historically occupied these lands. Various Federal policies were implemented to remove the native population or assimilate these people into white America. The policies had some notable impacts on Native American...


The Labor Union Movement After the Civil War

The new industrial age that came after the Civil War led to tremendous economic growth in the US. A large number of Americans went to supply the unskilled labor needed in industries. The abundance of unskilled workers gave the factory owners an advantage as they could overwork them while paying...


Nativism & Social Darwinism and Business in the 19th Century

Two philosophies that gained prominence in post-Civil War America were Social Darwinism and Nativism. These two played a crucial role in the rise of big business. Social Darwinism, which was based on Charles Darwin’s evolution theory, proposed that only the fittest businesses in the US would survive. The philosophy supported...


Deterioration of Conditions for Blacks in the 19th Century

The political, economic, and social conditions of blacks in the US were better off in the immediate years after the Civil War, but they deteriorated later. In spite of the protection afforded to the African American population by the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, the White population in the...


Progressivism: Labor Movement, Women’s Rights, Big Business

The progressivism philosophy essentially states that scientific discoveries and economic developments are advances that can help improve human life. Progressivism supported using the available technology to bring about positive changes and increase the government’s role in the social and economic lives of Americans. The greatest advocates of the movement were...


Spanish-American War: Causes and Consequences

The Spanish-American War of 1898 was essentially the first war waged by the US since the Civil War. The war was precipitated by the destruction of a US battleship that had been stationed in Havana to protect American interests in the country, owing to widespread unrest. While the causes of...


Date Rape Drugs and Protection from Them

Rape drugs are substances that facilitate sexual assault, making a victim vulnerable. Common types of them are Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), Rohypnol or Flunitrazepam, Ketamine, and alcohol. The mentioned medications can be used together with alcohol which boosts their effect. GHB makes an individual sleepy and weak, slowing heartbeat and breathing....


Victorian Supreme Court’s Social Media Activities

For a long time, the court proceedings have been availed to the public through court reporting by journalists. However, this scope of reporting has been limited because of the way the information reaches the wider public. Several countries are opting to widen the scope of reporting court proceedings through the...


Search Warrant Execution by Law Enforcers

The police officers are supposed to knock on the door of a premise they intend to search. This regulation is known as the “knock-and-announce rule,” although it is only reasonable in incidences where police officers do not anticipate the retaliatory attack. The officers must allow a logical duration before they...


The Origin of the Legal Defence “Insanity”

The insanity defense is one of the areas in which law and psychology intersect, as the expertise of a psychiatrist is required in cases that involve the principle. The origin of the “insanity” defense can be traced back to 1843 in Britain. M’Naughten, a mentally unstable woodcutter, had devised a...


How Archaeologists Reconstruct Ancient Environments

Archaeology is a complex, multifaceted discipline which pursues an objective of paramount importance. The aim of this field is to unravel the lost mysteries of the past, shedding light on the life and culture of ancient civilizations. While it is nearly impossible to draw a conclusion with absolute certainty, archaeologists...


Plato on Tradition, Knowledge and True Belief

For Plato, the definitions of knowledge, tradition, and true beliefs were critical since men’s philosophical intentions were to study the world in depth. Plato commented that people often confuse these categories and live in ignorance, substituting fundamental knowledge for traditional beliefs. Thus, the deliberate classification of the three aspects of...


Socrates: Knowledge Is More Valuable Than True Opinion

Finding the connection between knowledge and true opinion is an essential part of Socrates’ philosophy. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that a thorough knowledge of Socrates’ ideals and the truth is impossible because of the small number of primary sources which have preserved the philosopher’s views. Most of the worldviews...


Reliability of Roman Sources About Cleopatra

The study of historical figures itself involves serious risks since it is usually based on the research of significant personalities and phenomena described in a series of subjective sources. Risks and distortions are especially relevant in the case of crucial historical people who stood at the center of military and...


Cleopatra’s Reputation as a Product of “Misrepresentation”

An extensive discussion of the bias and subjectivity of existing sources, along with the difficulty of trusting primary sources, allows concluding that the political image of the Ptolemaic empress has many nuances and elements which may not have fully corresponded to reality. As a rule, a person’s reputation is built...


Factors of the Founding of the Chesapeake Bay Colony

The factors that led to the founding of Massachusetts Bay were basically the increasing tension in England. The factors for the Chesapeake Bay include block expansion of the French towards their settlements. The factors that led to the founding of Massachusetts Bay were basically the increasing tension in England. The...


The Hamdi v. Rumsfeld Case’s Ruling with Reasoning

As a U.S. citizen accused of being an “illegal enemy combatant, Yaser Eram Hamdi was captured in Afghanistan by the Afghan Northern Alliance in 2001. The U.S. government accused Hamdi was in Afghanistan fighting for the Taliban, while Hamdi, through his father, had claimed that he was merely there as...


The Gitlow v. New York Case’s Ruling with Reasoning

As a member of the Communist Labor Party of the United States, Benjamin Gitlow participated in the writing and distribution of a pamphlet published by his party called the Left Wing Manifesto. This pamphlet seemed to convince people of the United States to rise up and overthrow their government and...


Social Movements That Embrace a Racist Ideology

The majority of racist movements follow and closely resemble the standard depiction of social movements. These racist social movements are broadly categorized into four distinct branches based on their development and respective ideologies: the Ku Klux Klan, the Christian Identity and neo-Pagan racists, Racist Skinheads, and neo-Nazis. Despite having far-reaching...

Politics & Government

Violent Means Used in Response to Social Movements

The government has too frequently employed violent tactics to silence social movements based on specific conditions of intervention. Inadvertently, some of this violence, such as the mass violence motivated by centuries of racial harassment by state agents and private citizens against people of color, led to the development of social...


Litigation in the Wrong Business Transaction Case

Litigation is the best legal method of settling a dispute between the friend and her organization. In the litigation process, the case is brought to the court of law, having the jurisdiction to hear the case. First, she will have to file the case with the district clerk stating whether...


Trial, Summary Jury Trial, Mini Trial, and Private Trial

A trial A trial is a form of dispute resolution. The accused and the accuser both appear before a jury or judge as they present their testimonies in a formal setting and are guided by sets of formal rules. A trial may be held before a judge (bench trial) or...


English Settlements in the Chesapeake Region and New England

Despite the fact that New England and Chesapeake were both settlement areas of the English people, they grew to be two different societies by the period around 1700. In this case, this distinctiveness occurred as a result of developments in economic, social, and religious ideas. As far as the immigrants...

Tech & Engineering

Quality in Software Development Projects

In software development, quality is the main priority of the company. Specific standards and specifications help programmers to follow high quality and meet the needs and demands of the customers. Typically, a programmer starts to work from a written specification (or spec, as it is commonly known). A specification is...


Violation of the Constitution in Learning Institutions

Speeches during a graduation ceremony are a norm that is widely recognized throughout the world and the US in particular. However, the US Constitution harbors certain restrictions on the type of speeches given on these auspicious occasions. The scenario at hand involves a non-denominational salutatorian prayer. The First Amendment has...


28th Amendment to Prohibit Individuals’ Right to Privacy

Currently, there are twenty-seven amendments to the United States Constitution. I consider that the twenty-eighth amendment needs to be enacted to prohibit individuals’ right to privacy. Precisely speaking, I would like to limit the freedom of the press to some extent. As a rule, journalists interfere in the private life...


Common Organizational Designs for Traditional Police

Based on the merits of each organizational structure, the best choice would be the divisional structure since police organizations deal with a wide variety of different criminal cases, which require the creation of various departments to deal specifically with them. Simple Structure – utilized by many startups, this type of...


Legal Responsibility in an Understaffed Hospital

The Legal Responsibility of the Nurse Laws and regulations obligate nurses to act professionally and responsibly when providing care. Potter et al. have asserted that nurses can face a malpractice lawsuit or termination of duties if they contravene the codes of ethical conduct. The nurse in the depicted scenario had...


Why a Crime News Story May Be a ‘Newsworthy’ Matter

On October 20, 2013, a crime news story featured in The Daily Telegraph newspaper reported about the police being worried about the level of silence that had been portrayed by people after the murder of a supposed drug peddler. Khaled Kahwaji was the suspected drug peddler. The crime occurred in...


The Various Ways to Terminate the Contract

Introduction to contracts Most of the principle laws are a culmination of rulings in England. Hence, most legal statutes emanate from the English common law. Contract law in Australia is largely similar to the English statutes on contracts, but there are various differences created through the enactment of a variety...


The Theoretical Perspectives on Crime and White-Collar Crime

At first, one can mention rational choice theory according to which an individual is able to identify and weigh the positive and negative a certain decision. It implies that a person can perpetuate a white-collar crime if he/she believes that this decision will not produce any negative consequences. Additionally, it...


Objective Reasonable Person Standard

The judicial system recognizes a reasonable person as a hypothetical person of fictitious nature crafted by the law courts and communicated by the case law and jury instructions. One is morally obligated to look at all the case’s perspectives before establishing how a reasonable man would have acted. The reasonable...


Sex Discrimination and Employment Under Islamic law

Before hiring a woman as a part-time agent, SSC should have considered all cultural and social conditions. Specifically, the security agency failed to take into consideration that Saudi Arabian people found sex discrimination acceptable as far as employment procedures were concerned. With regard to the US constitutions, specifically to amendment...


Criminal Law: A Jury Trial and Its Steps

The first step of this process is jury selection. This step entails a selection of jurors from an already prepared list which is produced by a court or, in some cases, a jury commission. The selected jurors are then put in a jury pool where they are questioned by the...


Why Did Hitler Blame the Jews?

Hitler firmly believed that Jews were the main reason for global economic downfalls due to their increased influence of the capital. In addition, Hitler hated Jews due to the notion that Jews undermined strong national traditions of German people and their way of life. The party’s hostile attitude towards Jews...


Consumer Protection Laws Are Meant to Do What?

Consumer rights and the law on consumer protection allow people to fight against abuse by sellers and producers of consumer ignorance. These laws are designed to deter sellers of goods and services from abusing their capabilities when they try to make a profit by taking advantage of the lack of...


Gender-Based Teachers’ Classroom Strategies

Tannen offers another theory for improving education, which is also related to communication. According to the researcher, a good education gives students particular ways of learning that depend on gender. This means that the educational process must be built so that all students receive and process information according to their...


Medieval Culture: Positive Things to Learn

Although most people believe that the Middle Ages was a dark period in the history of humanity, there exist reasons to believe that the situation was not as dark as it was often painted. During this period, a number of significant achievements in the cultural area were registered, including the...


The Major Environmental Influences on Criminal Justice Organizations

Criminal justice organizations have elaborate operational mechanisms designed to achieve the set goals, objectives, missions, and visions. However, these organizations are subject to external factors and stressors coming from the environment within which they operate. According to Allen and Sawhney, some of these environmental factors that influence criminal justice organizations...


Strategic Defense Initiative and Its Political Implications

The SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) was a USSR-US arms control policy that regulated the production and use of nuclear weapons between the two countries. The strategy employed here had several stringent conditions that put hard constraints in the implementation. There had to be the confidence limit measures which were to...


Criminal Sentencing Reforms and Proposals

Previously before criminal sentencing reforms, federal judges had extremely wide discretion in sentencing, and that they were free to enforce any sentence varying from probation to the statutory maximum. The offenders had no meaningful appeal of the sentence. The sentencing depended on the judge’s understanding of the concept of justice...


Sentencing Forms in Different Jurisdictions

Death penalty This kind of sentencing is meant for those who commit first-degree murder through aggravated situations. The defendants who have been convicted of capital offenses do have a right to forward allaying situations to the attention of the sentencing authority so that only individuals deserving to die for their...


Natural Theology and Theistic Religions

It is the philosophical capability of analyzing various aspects of religious contemplation that allowed David Hume to study weaknesses of every set notion of religious dogmatism. What he believed was that any religion is successful if analyzed on the basis of two attitudes, impressions and ideas. The first attitude possesses...


Indian Relationships and European Invasion

The “Colombian Exchange” was the biological and cultural consequences of the European immigration to America. While the exchange started with the first settlers and explorers that visited North America the main effects began when Columbus brought his ships containing livestock, plants and settlers to the new world. This exchange changed both...


European Adaptation and Trades With Indians

The different European powers started their original dealings with the Indians in various ways. The French used diplomacy which allowed them to build a large empire even if it did not have much of a population. The Spanish did not learn the importance of diplomacy until after the Pueblo War of Independence...


Origins of Native Peoples in America Theories

The timeline of humans living in North America is the subject of much debate among archeologists, historians and Indian traditions. While there is evidence that can be used to create a timeline there are outliers in the data which increase the length of time possible for humans to have been in...


Characters in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”

In Act 3 of “A Doll’s House”, Nora waits in anxious anticipation of her husband’s opening Krogstad’s letter. She knows about it, of course, before they go to the dance, and learns from Mrs. Linde that the letter is still in her husband’s letter box awaiting him. Her nervousness and...


The End of the Cold War

The Cold War should have had mixed aftermath on Third World conflict. It will have major ramifications for theorists and practitioners of international relations. The longstanding controversy in international relations theory on the connection between polarity and stability has remained unsettled. If the end of the Cold War is jeopardized,...

Politics & Government

The Non-Partisan Elections to Select City Officials in the USA

There is a good reason why partisan politics is popular all over the world. It is a byproduct of man’s ability to organize and create efficient systems. If elections are held on a regular basis then it is just logical to establish a group that not only will groom the...


Friedrich Nietzsche’s Critique of the Enlightenment

Friedrich Nietzsche criticized the ideas of the Enlightenment as the intellectual and cultural tradition. Despite the Enlightenment view of human nature as the free choice to use one’s intelligence, Nietzsche indicated that all human actions are driven by the same psychological impulses. All people react in the same way. All...


Role of Transportation in American Economy History

Transportation was a critical element of American development both politically and economically. While highway driven Trucks have replaced the Railroad for many transportation duties, today railroads still occupy a vital role in the countries economy as one of the cheapest and most economical methods of moving large quantities of bulk...


Gender Inequality at the Workplace: Causes and Solutions

Gender inequality is viewed as a complex phenomenon that occurs in organizations and various businesses. The most harmful inequalities that women face are related to human resources practice as it deals with training, promotion opportunities, and payment. The nature of gender discrimination is in the interrelation of processes, structures, and...


Judicial Branch of Texas Government

Among the three branches of power, the judiciary can have the most significant impact on individuals. For example, the legislative branch passes laws, but courts have an opportunity to interpret them differently. Furthermore, courts have the right to find governors’ actions or decisions unconstitutional. Even though many people tend to...

Tech & Engineering

Improper Language Use In Technical Communication

Amongst programmers, improper language may lead to a failed program or the program producing syntax or logic errors. The use of technical words may cause discontent among business executives in a luncheon. The executives will then lose interest in the subject matter. Inappropriate words in teleconference bring confusion among the...


What Could the Modern Version of Pride and Prejudice Be?

The best Pride and Prejudice modern version is Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding. Bridget’s and Mark Darcy’s romantic story reminds of Elizabeth’s and Mr. Darcy’s love line. The plot of both writings coincides in several moments. Both Austen’s Elizabeth and Fielding’s Bridget try to look for a perfect match....


Deaths During Police Contact and Procedures to Prevent Them

The shooting of Michael Brown, a black eighteen-year-old, happened in Ferguson when the police officer Darren Wilson tried to stop him after the teenager stole some cigarillos from the store nearby. The man was unarmed, and according to the reports, they had an altercation with the officer at the police...


Legal Obligations and Development Instruments

A vote for a new draft convention on supply chain security would reduce the probability of transportation of mass destroying weapons. Legally there will be improved surveillance, and convention members shall be able to access increased security levels and reduced threats from illegal cargo. Another implication is more cooperation between...


Workplace Rumors and Harassment Lawsuit

The female employee may file a lawsuit for harassment, but as the plaintiff, she must show that she was harassed based on a protected class characteristic and that the unwelcome harassment resulted in altered working conditions and created a hostile environment warranting a liability for the employer. The employee can...


Labor Law: Goodman v. L.A. Weight Loss Centers

This case concerns a morbidly obese man (plaintiff) weighing 350 pounds who was denied the job of a sales counselor for a weight loss center and was asked to reapply after shedding seventy pounds though he was otherwise qualified. Employers are prohibited from discriminating against particular aspects, such as political...


Proslavery Arguments that Are Difficult to Address

The economic argument supporting the slave trade was that the sudden abolition of slavery would have negative impacts on the American economy since slave labor was a major factor of production. For instance, the proponents of slavery were worried that the cotton economy would go under, rice production would cease...


Russian Federation vs. Soviet Republic Differences

It could be hardly doubted that the Soviet Union was an immensely influential political power in the 20th century. However, the continuous decay of the Soviet Union resulted in the emergence of a new country, the Russian Federation. The newly emerged country would have numerous similarities with its predecessor. However,...


US Educational Reforms over the Past Hundred Years

It could be stated with certainty the education is one of the core aspects of the development of an individual. The importance of educational practices is well recognized in the majority of countries around the world. Enough, the United States is not an exception. However, it is also evident that...


Islamic Contributions to Medieval Western Society

This question might appear to be controversial since people from Muslim countries are usually portrayed as enemies of the Western world due to terrorist attacks related to Islamic ideology in recent decades. However, it is of high importance to investigate this question in an unbiased manner because Muslims have contributed...


Having and Being Differences for Erich Fromm

In the book To Have or to Be? E. Fromm creates two different states of personality: to have and to be. People belonging to “the have mode” concentrate on material gains and material benefits while “to be mode” people concentrate on creative and meaningful work. The everyday experiences are constructed...


The United States’ Overseas Expansion in the 19th Century

The rising of the United States Empire started in the 18th and 19th centuries taking the westward expansion of the coast colonies and armed campaigns against the original North Americans. Following the extension of its grip to the Northern lands in the later years of the nineteenth century; the US...


The Northwest Territories’ Life in 1899

Northwest Territories, which currently is the Alberta, is formally the ordinance for United States governmental territory in the Northwest of the river Ohio. It is also known as freedom ordinance, which was an act of the congress of the confederation of the United States. The ordinance was passed in 1987...

Tech & Engineering

Data Communications Standards and Making Bodies

The data communication standards are the documents that contain authentic information for the implementation of new technology. The purpose of the standards is to provide one method for integrating different technologies so that they can interoperate without any error. By implementation of standards, the different or same technology products can...

Politics & Government

Technology Transfer to a Developing Nation

Technology transfer is an important condition for sustained growth. The article reviewed in the scope of this paper is titled “Challenges in Technology Transfer from Developed to Developing Countries.” In it, the authors discuss several barriers in implementation of new technological solutions for waste management in Middle Europe. Waste management...


The Hutu Masses Rise-up Against the Tutsi

The Hutu versus Tutsi massacres were based on tribal differences between the minority Tutsi ‘upper class’ and the majority Hutus ‘lower class’ in Rwanda. Tutsi aristocratic domination during the colonial period ended in 1962 with the independence of Rwanda and the installation of a Hutu majority government that promptly began...


Fanon and Memmi vs. Abufarha on Imperialism

There can be little doubt as to the fact that both Memmi and Fanon would have enjoyed reading Abufarha’s book – after all, it promotes the idea that indulging in suicidal violence against Israeli authorities is the legitimate way for Palestinians to deal with oppression: “The targeting of civilians in...


The Use of U.S. Military Power Since the End of the Cold War

There can be no doubts as to the fact that, after the end of Cold War, the America’s military power played a crucial role in shaping up world’s socio-political realities. In fact, after the collapse of Soviet Union, majority of political observers had rightly predicted that that absence of counter-balancing...


American Foreign Policy in the Post-World War II Era

The history of the United States has its own milestone dates and periods of special significance. The period of time that followed the World War II (1945 – 1963) played the crucial role in the recovery of the depressive US economy and formulated the principles of the country’s foreign policy...


Women’s Roles and Rights During the Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution had a significant impact on the position of the American woman, allowing her to participate more actively in the social and political life of the country. Despite the predominant preservation of the domestic nature of women’s lives, they gradually became more independent. Women were ready to do...


Political and Religious Liberties After American Revolution

Before the Revolution, the majority of colonies supported religious institutions with public money and discriminated in voting in elections and holding office against Jews, Catholics, and Dissenting Protestants. On the eve of independence, Baptists who refused to pay taxes for supporting local ministers of congregations were being jailed. Nevertheless, religious...


The History of American Urban Politics

The 2010s in urban America have been marked by the depopulation of the cities and the shrinking of the metropolitan areas. The concerning trend co-occurred with the revival and proliferation of suburban life, mimicking the characteristic division between the city and the country in the 20th century. Apparently, Americans’ movement...


The Effect of Urban Sprawl on U.S. Society

After World War 2, American society experienced both demographic and cultural shifts. There was an economic boom, which allowed for more spending for working-class families. There was also a tremendous population increase of over 17 million in the 1950’s decade. This led to the urban sprawl or the moving of...


“Morning Song” Poem by Sylvia Plath

“Morning Song” has been written by Sylvia Plath as a part of her “Ariel” collection. This poem reveals her personal issues through a mixture of somber and joyous moments. Sylvia Plath has made the poem extremely powerful by using ironic wit, metaphors, fantastic imagery, assonance, and controlled stanzas. A number...


The Bill of Rights for Enemy Combatants

The Bill of Rights is an integral part of the United States judicial system. It also identifies rights given to criminally accused persons. Namely, it ensures the prohibition of the re-prosecution for the same offense, the right that nobody should testify against himself in a criminal case, and the right...


Presidential Executive Privilege Invoked by Truman

The case of Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer clearly demonstrates the situation when the President invoked the presidential executive privilege. The circumstances of the case occurred in 1952. Workers’ strikes in the steel industry plants organized in the period of the Korean War, which began in 1950, caused...


International Sale of Damaged Goods and Conflict Settlement

The buyer should contact the seller to replace or repair the damaged goods. According to Article 79 of CISG, the seller under international sale of goods is obligated to replace the goods when an accident damages them. For instance, when the goods are damaged in transit, the seller has not...


International Sale of Damaged Goods and Receiver’s Claims

The buyer can claim damages for the loss of profits. The buyer can claim loss of profit on actual order due to breach of contract. However, the court has to determine the foreseeability, causation, and actual proof of damages. The loss of profit must be a direct result of a...


A New Law Regarding the Regulation of Internet Content

Regulating the internet can be complicated. However, if we accept the proposition that accessing the internet is wrong, illegal, and offensive, then we have to think about ways of regulating internet content from a broader perspective. The internet content can be regulated from the constitutional approach. In this case, the...


Congressional and Presidential Privilege in the Constitution

According to the Constitution (Sec. 1, Art. II), the executive power is granted to the President of the United States. This definition is based on the principle that separation of powers determines the role of the President as the head of the entire executive branch, in other words, as the...


“Privacy and Civil Liberties Board” Article by Harris

Shane Harris’ piece published in The Washington Post titled “Privacy and civil liberties board will review surveillance law that has vexed Trump” discusses how a state board is exploring its powers to monitor people’s communications. The author explains that an independent government agency formed to protect Americans’ privacy and civil...