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Popular Sample Essays

Family, Life & Experiences

When Will Things Get to Normal After the Death of a Loved One?

Grief is the emotional torture that engulfs a person after losing a loved one or experiencing a painful loss. It is difficult to control grief because it is a natural reaction to loss. The pain of grief can hinder linear thinking and sleep and even interfere with one physical growth....

Family, Life & Experiences

Should Gay Couples Have Equal Adoption Rights as Straight Couples?

Introduction Families nowadays are more diverse than ever, especially in the adoption sector, where transracial, multicultural, same-sex, and single-parent families are common. According to statistics on same-sex adoption, an increasing number of gay couples are adopting. In fact, same-sex couples are four times more likely than heterosexual couples to raise...

Family, Life & Experiences

How a Child with Autism Affects Parents’ Lifestyle

Introduction A family in which parents and relatives are engaged in raising a child with autism is a unique system with special relationships, where this offspring occupies a particular place. Hence, a family is a children’s home, where they live, play, learn to comprehend the environment, practically know what kindness,...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Technology and Social Media Impact on Parenting

Rapid technological advance affects all parts of human life, from recreational activities to socializing and relationships. In parenting, technology gives parents and children space and freedom to learn from others, surf for helpful information, develop socially, and keep in touch with society and distant relatives. However, the other perspective presents...


Plato’s Dialogue “Euthyphro” and the Divine Command Theory

In Plato’s dialogue Euthyphro, Euthyphro and Socrates discuss the dilemma of whether the pious is loved by gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by gods. Initially, the speakers posit that they should perceive the pious as something loved by all gods. Then, they...


The Philosopher and the State in Ancient Times

Ancient philosophy refers to the early Greek and Roman thoughts from classical periods which developed during the fifth century BC. Several philosophers contributed to the people’s understanding of concepts by expressing their minds on human anatomy, the nature of the world, and the perceived value of life. Examples of popular...


The Nervous System and the Human Brain

Nervous System The nervous system is one of the most important systems of the human body, and its study is a process that requires a comprehensive analysis of its functions. This system consists of the CNS and PNS, which, in turn, consist of the brain and spinal cord, as well...


Hurricane Katrina: The Powerful Natural Disaster

Introduction Hurricane Katrina became a powerful natural disaster that claimed many lives and a national tragedy. Both the devastating hurricane itself and the lack of preparation by local and regional authorities led to significant losses among the population. A natural disaster destroyed many buildings and flooded New Orleans to restore...


Global Warming and Vector-Borne Diseases

The ability to protect the world and ensure an environment that supports effective human and ecological health for growth and development has been considered as a very critical component for sustainability. According to Betts et al (2001), the effects of global warming on health are indeed evident. This paper takes...


Will and Its Influence on Moral Theories and Actions

Introduction The morality system helps determine the right or the wrong conduct and is inherently connected to ethics, the philosophical study of one’s moral performance. The essence of moral and ethical studies is based on the canon of Western philosophical ethics, which are primarily developed in Aristotelian and Kantian theories....


Social and Environmental Reporting Assurance

Introduction By the end of 1970s, the most significant issue that came to light was caring for the environment. Although there were volunteers within the society but a favourable response from the business community, in this regard, started coming in at the advent of 1990s. Big companies started publishing environmental...


Is Solar Energy Important for the Future of Humanity?

Introduction The Climate crisis has been a serious challenge for the modern world. Global warming caused by an increase in CO2 emissions is a threat to all of the planet. The temperature is rising, which causes the melting of glaciers and leads to natural disasters. In addition, soil, water, and...


Solar Energy Effects on the Environment

Introduction Recently, the issue of climate change has been a topic of discussion by all governments in the world. A call has been made for the world to focus on developing renewable power rather than using non-renewable fuel. Solar energy has been one of the alternatives to the use of...


An Emergency Operations Center During Hurricane Harvey

Introduction Natural disasters always cause massive damage to urban infrastructure. Hurricanes occur relatively often on the North American mainland, which also brings many problems. Hurricane Harvey caused the region’s most enormous flood in Texas, from which many businesses and people are still struggling to recover. The colossal damage caused by...


The Indian Church of God for Young Adults

Introduction Many churches across the world have demonstrated how difficult it is to maintaining and improve the attendance of teenagers as well as young adults. The dilemma has also been experienced in many establishments and venues in the present era (Niemelä, 2015). It is important to note that the church...

Entertainment & Media

How Media and Technology Address Social Issues

Communication is an essential part of people’s lives, and its multiple forms allow transferring messages in many different ways. Today, technology influences all spheres of life, including communication, and people become more affected by the media. Due to the significance of these forms of communication, they can be used to...


Why Young Adults May Leave the Church

In most of the church populations, the number of youths compared to older people is lower. It is the case in most of the Baptist, evangelical and Pentecostal churches. Hence this paper focuses on analyzing why the youth may leave the church and the methods other churches have taken to...

Tech & Engineering

The Use of Technology in Distance Learning

Introduction The shift from traditional teaching methodologies to online learning requires integrating distance learning technologies that deliver teaching materials and learning to students enrolled in such programs. In this case, course content and educational materials are delivered through web-based applications over the internet, offering greater flexibility and convenience. However, the...

Tech & Engineering

Computer Hardware and Software Components

Hardware Components Central Processing Unit (CPU)- The CPU is a component responsible for enabling a computer to function as it serves as the computer’s brain. The CPU is composed of sub-components such as the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), instruction pointers, cache, memory management unit, control unit and random-access unit. Memory/storage–...


Global Warming: Solutions to the Problem

Global warming implies an increase of the average temperature on the Earth. Such heating up is associated with human economic activity. Now, the humanity knows precisely which types of activity provoke the tremendous growth in the average temperature on the planet. The leading causes of global warming are vehicles, mining...


Selecting Methods and Conducting Research

Introduction Social studies have been increasing in complexity as the number of investigating variables and their aspects expand. Yet, the main objective of any research, which is to provide a validating and unbiased perspective on the matter, remains permanent. In this regard, it is essential to reflect on the study...


Recycled Products and Waste Management in Vermont

Globally, increased recycling of waste products has been immensely influenced by significant trends, including energy, climate change, natural resource depletion, rising commodity prices, information revolution, and increased corporate and governmental sustainability. Vermont has a solid waste plan that focuses on waste reduction strategies for materials such as sludges, household hazardous...


In Arizona, Collaboration Averts Water Disaster

Abstract This paper is a summary essay for Ted Cooke’s article about the problem of drought in the Colorado River basin and methods of overcoming it. The purpose of the article is to present a detailed description and analysis of the factors that caused the drought, as well as solutions...


A Solution to Remedy Climate Change

Introduction Climate change is the change of climate patterns caused by human activities and greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental pollution and pollutants, also known as anthropogenic, have resulted in a 1-degree Celsius increase in temperature. If human activities persist, the temperature increase will likely increase to more than 1.5 degrees by...


The Impact of Global Warming: Unveiling Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Today, the topic of climate change is one of the most discussed and essential in the world. Moreover, the discussion left the university classrooms and became part of world politics. Over the past 100 years, the Earth’s temperature has risen by 1°. It was enough to disappear from the face...


Contribution of Wind Energy to the Energy Needs of the Globe

Introduction Wind power is a form of solar energy that uses wind to generate electricity. Wind energy is produced when wind converts kinetic energy in the turbines to mechanical energy. A generator is used to convert the mechanical power into electricity. At times, the mechanical power can be utilized directly...


The Health Effects of Air Pollution in America

Air pollution is currently a global issue faced by many countries. It is the presence of solid, liquid, and gaseous particles in the atmosphere, which reduces the air quality, thus harming humans’ health and all living things (Landrigan, 2017). There are various causes of air pollution, including agricultural activities, mining...


Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food

Agriculture is a crucial sector in the United States of America. Besides ensuring food security, it contributes more than $300 billion to the national economy each year. However, changes in the climate have resulted in detrimental effects on agriculture and food security. This paper will examine four aspects of climate...


Sustainability: the Natural Step and Sustainability

Sustainability has become increasingly crucial for all businesses in all areas. Sustainability is a business strategy for producing long-term value by considering how a specific firm performs in the environmental, social, and economic contexts. The concept behind sustainability is that establishing such measures boosts firm lifespan. Firms realize the need...


Fossil Fuels as Source of Non-Renewable Energy

The energy industries depend on fossil fuel to run the machines, but the energy is exhaustible and depleted, making it unreliable. On the contrary, using the non-exhaustible source such as solar power and water turbines gives a hopeful future because they never run out (Chapman et al., 2018). Fossil fuel...


Hurricane Katrina: Overview, Impact, Response

Overview of the Hurricane Hurricane Katrina is rightfully referred as one of the most destructive and largest disasters the United States has ever experienced. The financial losses amount to almost $110 billion, with thousands of people injured, hundreds becoming disabled, and 1200 dead. The events occurring on the Louisiana coast...


Causes of Climate Change

Ahmed states that climate change has been there for the past 50 years yet little to no concern has been given to its control. Global warming is caused by an increase in temperatures caused by gases released upon burning fossil fuels. Methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide are the major...


Anselm’s Argument: The Existence of God

Anselm’s argument has been designed to prove the existence of God. The first premise presented in the argument is based on the assumption that God is the greatest being that can be imagined by any person. On this basis, the philosopher states that if God does not exist, there is...


Celebration of Eid Al-Fitr: Its Importance, Traditions, and Meaning

Introduction Given the fact that Islam is, by far, the most prominent and widely spread religion in the Middle East, it is only understandable that many celebrations associated with the region are Muslim. One of these is Eid al-Fitr, which is celebrated at the end of the holy month of...


Central Elements of Islam, Christianity and Judaism

Introduction The world’s three main religions; Christianity, Islamic and Judaism, see themselves to possess a common relationship in a number of aspects including the case of Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus (Matlins & Magida 110) all of whom are mentioned the scriptures; however, interestingly, this common connection has not guaranteed...


Religion Within the Context of Human Development

Today, there are approximately 21 major religions, and billions of people all over the world are committed to them. The term “religion” describes “various systems of belief and practice concerning what people determine to be sacred or spiritual” (Little, 2016, p. 624). This phenomenon is important for sociology and psychology...


Mark’s Gospel: Author, Audience, and Interpretation

The Gospel of Mark: General Information The Gospel of Mark is the earliest of the four Gospels and was most likely written in Rome around AD 70. It is known from the Epistles that Mark wrote it for Gentile Christians. This is evident because there are few references to Jewish...

Entertainment & Media

Video Games’ Impact on Children and Adolescents

Video games have long been companions in developing various skills in children, teenagers, and adults. There are useful ones: strategic and critical thinking, reasoning, mathematical operations, wit. However, not all video games are helpful: violence and aggression increasingly accompany modern virtual worlds. Consequently, researchers are trying to link violence in...


Five Qualitative Approaches to the Inquiry

There are five qualitative approaches to the inquiry which may be used in the research, depending on its peculiarity, purpose and research questions that are aimed to be answered. Narrative research, phenomenological research, grounded theory research, ethnographic research, and case study research are the approaches to qualitative research which exist...

Entertainment & Media

Advertising Plan for Starbucks Coffee

Introduction This advertising plan explores Starbucks’ coffee delivery focusing on its situation analysis, advertising Objectives, advertising (creative) Strategy, advertising budget, and testing and Evaluation. The first section of this plan emphasizes the Starbucks coffee situation analysis, including Porter’s five forces, PESTEL analysis, and SWOT analysis, of Starbucks coffee delivery. The...

Entertainment & Media

Black Lives Matter: Representation in Social Media

The idea of social media participation as a form of political and social activism might have been taken with a grain of salt before. Nevertheless, with the rise of the impact that social networks have had on the promotion of social concerns, the specified form of supporting political and social...


Genetics Knowledge and Its Role in Medicine

Nurses have been playing an integral role in ensuring patients’ welfare. One way they use to achieve better healthcare is through alerting individuals at risk of given diseases through the incorporation of genetic information. There are several implications of genetic and genomic in drug abuse. Genomic technologies can be used...


Oxidation Reaction: The Primary Salt Effect

The central purpose of this experiment is to study the primary salt effect in the oxidation reaction of iodide ions to iodine during sodium thiosulfate titration. Reference to Procedure All steps of the procedure of this experiment were performed according to the theoretical guidelines given by Amdur & Hammes (1966),...


Famous People Who Converted to Islam

Introduction Religion is one of the ways through which individuals develop a sense of belonging and identity. There are many religions globally founded on different beliefs and principles. Although an individual may be brought up by parents subscribing to one religion, he or she may, at some point in life,...


The Love of God and the Love of a Neighbor

In my view, the love of God and the love of neighbor are inseparable aspects and are joined together to form the greatest commandment. It is impossible to love God effectively if one does not love their neighbors. Similarly, one cannot claim to love their neighbor effectively if they do...


Impact of Campaigns on the World

Introduction The 20th century was a period of intense campaigns for social change as there was general enlightenment of the masses across the globe. Campaigns that advocated for social change during this period were vital in ensuring the progress witnessed in the modern world. These movements were crucial in granting...

Tech & Engineering

Authorization and Access Control

Introduction System authentication is the verification of a user’s identification by a computer coordination. When a user asks access to a certain resource, authentication is required to ensure that the user’s identity is verified. Credentials, such as a username and password, are used to verify a person’s identity. If a...


Impact of Civil Rights and Black Power Movements on Black People Rights

Both the Civil Rights and the subsequent Black Power Movements played a significant role in promoting Black people’s rights. However, they acted differently, and in this difference lay their power. While the Civil Rights organized peaceful protests, adding legitimacy to black people’s claims, Black Power Movement engaged in street protests...


Cognitive Development in Childhood

Introduction The module is devoted to analyzing the theories of cognitive development, the roles of nature and nurture, and the impact of research on education. Children accumulate the necessary for facing their needs knowledge through the process of cognitive development. Thinking is an exceptional mental process because it involves such...


What Important Periods in Time Caused Serial Killings to Increase

Introduction Serial murders are the most significant and most horrible criminal offenses because they are violent and put psychological pressure on society. Murder is not a new crime, but it was not until the second half of the twentieth century that serial cases received close attention. During this period, there...


Review of Ludwig Van Beethoven Life

Ludwig Van Beethoven is among the most admired composers of Western music. Beethoven was born in Bonn, and his father has promoted the boy’s musical talent since an early age. He is best known as a classical music composer, working during the Classical and Romantic eras. However, Beethoven was also...


Analysis of Mexican America History

Introduction The origin of Mexican Americans can be traced back to the nineteen’s century when the hostile nature of these relations was established. Neil Foley presented his view of these events in detail in chapter one, “The Genesis of Mexican America.” It was interesting to learn from this chapter the...


Church and Government Relationships

Church and political power were intertwined globally several centuries ago, and this connection is still observed in many countries of the world. Nevertheless, democratic free states increasingly delve into the processes of secularization, reducing the importance of religion in the life of society. These processes have dangers associated with more...


Religious Values in War and Peace

If there are any values in this world that appear to have a purely relativistic essence, it would be the religious ones. This is because, religion as culturally-existential phenomenon, does not have innate qualities, despite the fact “representatives of God on Earth” are trying to convince us in otherwise. In...


Marcus Garvey’s Contributions to History

Marcus Garvey was a political activist and theorist who made significant contributions to history. Garvey was born in 1887 and died in 1940; his goal was to establish an autonomous state that would safeguard and enhance the lives of black people worldwide (Ledgister, 2019; Jagmohan, 2020). Before decolonization, his transnational...


Christianity and Hinduism: Basic Worldview Beliefs

People’s faith can significantly determine their attitude to diseases and various ways of treating them. For this reason, medical personnel need to know the basics of religious views. Christianity and Hinduism are among the most widespread religions, and there is a possibility that their representatives will meet in hospital conditions....


The Existence of God and Ontological Arguments

The existence of God remains one of the major points of discussion in the secular world and the major point of misunderstandings in the development of understanding of Abrahamic religions, in general, and Christianity, in particular. Presently, a range of perspectives for considering God’s existence are present in the Christian...

Entertainment & Media

Political Advertisements Should Be Banned on Social Media

Introduction Over the past decades, political ads have become one of the main campaign strategies for politicians vying for various seats. Most young voters use social media platforms to become a target for politicians. The use of social media as a tool for political campaigns has been witnessed worldwide. The...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Marketing: Importance, Benefits, and Usage

Introduction Social media marketing involves the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit to market business products and services. Through these platforms, organizations engage with existing customers as well as reach new ones as they promote their organizational culture, statement, and mission. One of the...

Entertainment & Media

Fake News and Its Social Implications

Thesis Fake news is an ethical issue resulting from misinformation and impacting society. The most effective way to address this problem is through social platforms and websites to have quality assurance and for users to research. While social media has made it easier to access a tone of information, it...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management and Operational Failings

Executive Summary After the information technology meltdown at the TSB bank, about 1.9 million customers were locked out from accessing their bank accounts. This problem resulted from the bank’s information technology system migration from its former parent company Lloyds banking group. In my previous report, it was clear that the...

Entertainment & Media

Popular Culture, Commercialization and Industrialization

Introduction Popular culture, also known as pop culture, can be explained by various theories, one of them being mass cultural theory. Pop culture is a collection of beliefs, objects, and beliefs that contain the widely shared meaning of a social system. The mass cultural theory asserts that society is transformed...

Entertainment & Media

Use of Social Networks by Underage Children

Introduction The social network is a completely fulfilling source of information and a means for the development of today’s children. This is because networks help kids present themselves, which is very significant at this age period. On the Internet, they have the opportunity to project their desired image to the...


Chapters 11-12 of Women in World History by Hughes

Chapter 11 Summary The first key concept to understand was the rise of political parties in China, the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party. The rise of new Asian societies after 1800 entailed both a push for liberation from traditional feudal constraints and the seeking of new paths to modernization....


Gender Differences in Caring About Children

There is an open debate regarding men’s and women’s attitudes toward children. Many people believe that women care more about children, while others disagree. It may be challenging to evaluate the “amount of care” that the representatives of different genders express. However, though there is much evidence from various historical...


Drug Abuse Among Teenagers and College Students

Abstract This study explores the association between early initiators and psychoactive substance use predisposing young adults and adolescents to drug abuse. It has utilized five articles that have prospectively discussed how early initiators, such as a family history of drug use and behavioral and environmental factors, can increase young adults’...


It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

Introduction Parenting is a complex process that may involve many different parties – parents, schools, family members, local governments, and employers. According to the stages of maturation during the children’s lifespan development, these parties can interact at social, economic, and educational levels, providing support to families. This project aims to...

Entertainment & Media

Misinformation in Social Media

In modern society, the internet and social media have replaced real-life communication for many people. Social networking sites have become an integral part of fulfilling lives of every member of society. People spend most of their free time on social networking sites contacting friends and family, finding the inspiration for...

Entertainment & Media

Video Games and Their Adverse Effects on Youth

Introduction Video games are part of the entertainment industry with a multi-million dollar turnover. The expansion of the business and the rapid growth of the audience have made video games an integral part of popular culture and people’s everyday lives. At present, almost every young person has a computer or...

Entertainment & Media

Fake News as a Problem of Modern Society

Thesis Fake news is socially impactful unethical problem because it misleads. Fake news is incorrect or misleading information and is presented as news. Fake news is frequently published with the intent of harming a person’s or entity’s reputation or profiting from advertising income. With the internet and social media, particularly...

Entertainment & Media

How Social Media Use Affects Adolescents

Introduction With the development of the Internet and the rise of social media, people began spending more and more time online. Adolescents belong to the most vulnerable population, for whom spending time on social networking websites may have adverse effects on their mental wellbeing, happiness, and social identity formation. According...


Case Studies on the Civil Rights Movement: Key Events and Figures

The Civil Rights Movement was the battle for social justice that happened between the 1950s and the 1960s for Black Americans to gain equal rights under the United States law. While the Civil War was instrumental in officially abolishing slavery, it did not stop the discrimination against Black people who...


The Colonization of North America

The history of New America began relatively recently – only in the 16th century. It was then that new people started to arrive on the continent discovered by Columbus. Interestingly, all those people belonged to different nationalities and cultures.1 They were distinguished from each other by the languages they spoke,...

Tech & Engineering

Data and Information Management and Administration

Introduction The administrator aims to incorporate GIS to provide precise data visualizations and mapping to manage the database. A “geographic information system” (GIS) refers to generating, accomplishing, examining, and plotting all kinds of data. It attaches information to a plan, assimilating location facts (where possessions are) through all categories of...


Aspects of the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The concept of human rights and freedoms came to America with the revolutionary movements of the mid-nineteenth century. In 1865, the American Civil War ended with the victory of the Northern states, which advocated the abolition of slavery throughout the United States. Consequently, in December 1865, the 13th Amendment...


African Americans and the American Revolution

Introduction African Americans were both participants and symbols in the American Revolution since they were active on the battlefronts and behind the lines. They participated in the American Revolution for one specific goal, not for the place or the people. Their main goal was the freedom of choice, and they...

Entertainment & Media

The Value of Using Social Media to Form Ties with Students

Abstract The research proposal entails different sections that help justify that social media has great value when it comes to helping to form ties with students in another campus class in a technical communication class. The paper contains an introduction that gives the reasons why the research was done. The...


Social Inequalities and Child’s Well-Being

Introduction Social inequality has become a critical debate in the contemporary world. Many of the social problems faced by society can be attributed to the fact that some populations are advantaged or privileged, often at the expense of others. According to Thrift and Sugarman (2019, p. 5), social inequality was...


The Evil of Abortion: A Pro Life Standpoint

Introduction Abortion denotes the considered cessation of the life of a fetus before it is born. Abortion has been a famous practice for mankind since time immemorial and involves either medical or non-medical removal of the developing fetus for various reasons. Abortion was illegal in the past, with religion and...


‘War on Drugs’ and Adverse Social Impact

The illegal possession of drugs has been seen as an issue by policymakers, who attempted to address it with the ‘war on drugs.’ This term describes a set of policies and laws that the government in the United States implemented in 1971 to address the high incidents of drug abuse....

Tech & Engineering

Problematic Gaming and Addiction Among Children

Introduction To begin off, how many of you enjoy playing video games? What are your thoughts after watching this video? Do you have any resentment for your character’s death? How often would you play the game before giving up and turning it off? It is, after all, human nature to...


Internet Use and Well-Being Among College Students

Reverse Outline Topic and Main Ideas: Topic: The authors measure the influence of the Internet expansion on college students’ internal and external well-being factors. Main Idea: The study aims to explore the relationship between Internet use and indicators of well-being for college students using social anxiety, loneliness, family cohesion, and...

Entertainment & Media

The “Grizzly Man” Documentary by Werner Herzog

The documentary Grizzly Man shows Timothy Treadwell – a man who went to Alaska to live side by side with grizzly bears, protecting them and filming a huge amount of material on camera. The documentary was released in 2005 by director Werner Herzog. The picture is true video footage of...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks’ Impact on Society

Annotated Bibliography Phoon, Andie. “Social Media and Its Stark Influence on Society.” WRIT: Journal of First-Year Writing, vol. 1, no. 1, 2017, pp. 1-6, Web. This article brings extra value to the topic under discussion. According to the author, social media “has robbed most youths of the ability to flourish...


Importance of Drug Abuse Interventions

Introduction Schools globally have faced many issues from teen pregnancies, HIV and AIDS, substance abuse and violence, among other issues. These unhealthy behaviors have resulted in adulthood disorders among students and have generally affected the students’ health. Substance abuse is one of the risky behaviors that students usually engage in....


Leadership Intervention in the “Invictus” Movie

Introduction Invictus is a movie based on Nelson Mandela’s inspirational story and his efforts to unite South Africans. He was newly elected as the president of the nation and had a vision of eliminating racism. He believed that he could fulfill his dream of uniting the people of his country...


The Great Depression, the New Deal, and Social Injustice

Introduction The economic and social disaster caused by the great depression remains to be unprecedented in history. The period which lasted for almost five years affected almost every sector of the economy in all the states between 1929 and 1932 during the reign of President Herbert Hoover. Hoover’s handling of...


Conflicting Visions of Heritage in Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’

This story tells about a woman’s decision to give family heirlooms to one of her daughters. Mama chooses Maggie when she realizes that Maggie’s perceptions of heritage and preserving culture are right and justified. Dee described those quilts as “old-fashioned, out of style,” while Maggie learned to create her own...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media and Mental Ill Health in Young People

Social media and mental ill-health is a major social issue as it affects several young people worldwide. Although online platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have made it possible for people to be connected despite their different locations, this has come at a high cost, especially for the youth. One...

Entertainment & Media

The Acts on Children’s Protection Online

There are two significant laws that tend to protect children. The first of them is the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) of 2000, which “requires US schools and public libraries that are recipients of federal government Internet E-rate funding to install a “technology protection measure” to protect children from internet...


Analysis of Tragedy in “Oedipus the King”

A common adage goes that destiny or fate can only be delayed but never stopped. Fate is a spiritual aspect thought by people to have the ability to control life. According to many cultural beliefs worldwide, not even the most vital human being can oppose fate. The need to control...


Chemical Equilibrium in Solution

Introduction The dispersion of molecules of iodine 12 between immiscible liquids solvents, water, or carbon tetrachloride was used to estimate the molarity of the 12 substances involved at balance in the aqueous solution. The lack of information regarding activity coefficients for any complexes present complicates the investigation. Early scientists recognized...


Freedom of Speech: The Constitution of the United States

Human rights in the United States are enshrined in the US Constitution, its amendments, federal and state laws. The first ten amendments to the Constitution, which constitute the Bill of Rights, were added to the Constitution in 1791. The amendments proclaimed freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of...

Tech & Engineering

Information Assets Management: Security Program and Policies

Information assets management is the field that illustrates the approach to the security, governance, and realization of the value of information assets. In case information has value for an organization that stores it, it is to be managed efficiently to maximize opportunities of its profitability and reduce risks that correlate...


Life Appreciation in Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place”

The Human Condition Hemmingway’s A Clean, Well-Lighted Place illustrates that the human condition varies based on one’s appreciation of life and age. The author uses symbolism and characterization to illustrate these points through the four characters he portrays. The young waiter is depicted as an impatient and brash individual who...


Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” Analysis

The poem “because I could not stop for death” by Emily Dickinson explores death, eternity, its cyclical nature, and uncertainties associated with its occurrence. The poet personifies death from the beginning and allows the speaker to narrate experiences after death. At the start of the poem, the reader is introduced...


Homelessness as a Social Problem

Introduction While several issues exist in the United States, homelessness is one of the most urgent. Homelessness is a social problem that received major attention in the 1980s during Ronald Reagan’s presidency and is yet not solved these days (Hanson & Toro, 2020). At the time, community psychologists identified homelessness...


Supreme Court Ruling of Marbury v. Madison

Introduction Despite being often used interchangeably, civil rights and civil liberties differ. Civil rights serve as legal protection against discrimination, while civil liberties are stated by Constitution to ensure fundamental human freedoms, for example, freedom of speech (Domino, 2018). In order to uphold these pillars of today’s society, the legal...


Durkheim’s Theory Used in Social Solidarity

Durkheim was a French-born philosopher who contributed to the social solidarity theory, which is part of social solidarity. Durkheim’s theory states that the life of groups and social organizations cannot be broken down and equated to the psychology of the individuals. Social solidarity emphasizes the independence between individuals in a...


Irony in “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction Irony can be generally defined as the expression of certain thoughts by using language that would normally mean something opposite to the intended message. Verbal irony refers to intentionally produced statements that convey one meaning when understood literally but need to be taken as the opposite of that literal...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networking Influence on Psychology

Social networking sites have significantly alleviated interpersonal communication and made information more accessible. Today, everyone has accounts on social networking sites and spends much time checking other people’s profiles, forming an overview of the personalities based on the posted information. Generally, the modern process of socialization includes active participation in...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: History and Growth

Introduction Social media is one of the most significant phenomena that has disrupted marketing. The phenomenal growth of social media has provided organizations with platforms to significantly and efficiently expand their business. Today, social media is the center of modern life; however, it has a long history. Social media is...