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Politics & Government

Towards a Comprehensive Model to Use E-Government Services

The Phenomenon A major finding in a recent United Nations (UN) e-government survey exploring the inter-linkages between e-government and sustainable development efforts relates to the steady improvement in all the indicators of the e-government development index, implying that more and more countries are employing e-government policies and programs to sustain...


Moving Students Forward: Efficacy of Strategies for Teaching Struggling Students

Introduction to the Problem To quote the words of Neal Vivienne, “the Supreme Court of the United States in 1954, integrated public schools after the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case ruled that “separate but equal” was unconstitutional, and more than five decades later, black students still lag behind...


The Effect of a Mathematics Methodology Course on Teaching Efficacy

Literature Review Self-Efficacy Teacher education studies have for quite some time been considered as one of the factors affecting teachers’ behaviors, attitudes as well as effectiveness. Self-efficacy is referred to as the manner through which an individual organizes him/herself for the purposes of accomplishing certain goals. The concept is considered...


Assessing the Impact of the U.S. PATRIOT Act on Privacy Rights

The duration of my studies at (INSERT NAME OF UNIVERISTY HERE) has been a captivating, engaging and invaluable experience due to a number of individuals that have made it unforgettable and as such I would like to acknowledge their contributions to my scholastic achievement. First and foremost I would like...


Regional Integration Impact on Trade and Human Migration in Central Africa

Introduction to the Study Adepoju (2002) and other researchers have studied the current literature on CEMAC, which shows a gap in knowledge because few studies have attempted to examine the impact of regional integration on trade and human migration at the local level among the Central African states. Studies by...

Politics & Government

World Vision Mozambique: Non-Governmental Organizations

Introduction Human resource management (HRM) is a relatively new concept that has enabled organizations control their performance through effective management of employees. Organizations have globally adopted this concept as a central part of their operations with the aim being to influence staffing and performance at their respective institutions. Ownership and...


The Role of Parapsychology in Buddhism

Literature Review The core objective of this chapter is to provide the reader with an all-inclusive view on the subjects of parapsychology and the Pali canon. This is very important because this PhD project is an attempt to make a comparison between understanding of psychic power phenomenon as perceived in...


The Implementation Deficit in the Niger Delta

Introduction: Environment and development in the Niger Delta “The Niger Delta has an enormously rich natural endowment in the form of land, water, forests, and fauna. These assets, however, have been subjected to extreme degradation due to oil prospecting. For many people, this loss has been a direct route into...


Studio Olafur Eliasson: Contemporary Art Network

Introduction The notion of the contemporary artist’s studio may be perceived in several different ways: as a place, where the artist works, as a group of people who operate with the artist or under his or her guidance to produce the artworks, or as the brand on the art market....

Family, Life & Experiences

Native American Mothers’ Lives Off Reservations

Introduction to the Study For most parents, raising children is often described as a difficult feat. Families do not live in an isolated environment where they can just create their own set of rules and abide by them. Since they belong to a larger society, they need to adapt to...


Educating Non-English-Speaking Hispanic Students at Middle School

Abstract This study explores a selected school district bilingual program and the challenges faced-teaching non-English Hispanic students on the secondary level. Growth in the population of Hispanic families in Southeast Texas, classed as English Language Learners (ELL), is severely taxing the public education system. This study explored specific issues regarding...


Theory of Planned Behavior Analysis

Introduction Certain psychological disorders often induce irrational, maladaptive behaviors that bring about negative outcomes to the person’s health, safety, and reputation. These behaviors are commonly observed in institutionalized adults with developmental disabilities removed from society for closer monitoring and treatment by medical practitioners (Danford and Huber, 1981). One identified maladaptive...


The Development of Adult Learning Programs

Executive Summary This paper highlights different aspects of adult learning which affect the development of adult learning programs. Special emphasis is given to theories and philosophies underlying adult learning as a conceptual framework for the development of adult learning programs. Most of the facts highlighted in this study reiterate previously...


Students’ Perceptions of Academic Advisors, Leadership and Innovation Program

Introduction to Research Topic The United States of America is one of the countries that pays much attention to the sphere of education and tries to make a number of improvements in a short period of time. However, the presence of such issues as racial inequalities, low incomes, or unstable...


New Teacher Perception of Their Traditional or Alternative Initial Training

Introduction Principals are often faced with the task of motivating teachers who feel frustrated about whether they can meet all of their student needs. The insecurities arise because new teachers have no idea about how many of their students would live in situations which would interfere with their ability to...


Service Quality in Hotels

Introduction Firms in the service industries play a vital role in the development of any economy. The growing competition among the service organizations as well as the increased knowledge of the customers about the quality and cost of service through Internet drive the firms provide an exceptional service to their...


Business and Economics: Vietnamese Women Business

Background Introduction Mapping out the gender dimension of entrepreneurship in order to assess the objective base of women’s entrepreneurial capability is a challenging task” (Carter, 2000). In the recent past, there have been quite a number of studies and debates comparing make and female owned businesses. As it is in...

Politics & Government

Turkey’s Accession Problems to the European Union: Islam and the Territorial Disputes

Abstract The start of the negotiations for Turkey’s accession to the EU presents a vast reservoir of information but also unresolved issues on the Turkish-EU relations. The Cyprus issue is the most significant which may affect the entire process of accession. The disputes over the Aegean Sea and the Armenian...


Research Methodology: Review

Introduction This chapter intends to describe the methodology selected for conducting the study. The chapter clarifies what paradigm, research design, and methodological approach are chosen by the researcher. The description of the selected population, sample size, and the used instrumentation are also provided in the chapter. The aspects of the...


Conflicts Online Students Encounter that Promote Attrition Case Study

Introduction to the Study The focus of this study identified a group of students using what is considered to be a trend in higher education, the online medium. Further, this study examines the established inclination that students, who attend college, both online and in introductory courses have higher attrition rates...


Protective Mechanisms Between Bullying and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Abstract The current, quantitative study, replicates and adapts Nielson, Matthiesen, and Einarsen’s research (2008) which investigated a sense of coherence (SOC) lessening the relationship between exposure to bullying and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Adaptation of the study will include administration of the surveys online and utilizing members of the...


Relation Between Iran and America After 1979 Revolution

Introduction International relationships are critical for development of the world since these nations depend on each other for various reasons. Globalization process is causing more and more nations to be reliant on each other means in that the national boundaries are being ‘broken’ to create beneficial relationships. However, it’s been...


A Qualitative Investigation of Sustaining Spotlight Schools

Introduction Overview There is a considerable body of literature describing various theories and strategies for principals, school administrators, and teachers to improve schools. However, knowledge of such theories is not enough to ensure school improvement. Whitaker (2003) said, “The difference between more effective principals and their less effective colleagues is...


The Impact of Parent Involvement on Student Achievement

Introduction Background Griffin and Steen (2010) determined that the state of society and of schools compels stakeholders in the education system to continually improve the manner in which students are educated. Griffin and Steen addressed educators facilitating those students who could benefit from supplementary support and resources to meet their...


E-learning Evaluation and Organizational Performance

Introduction The traditional form of imparting training and education is changing phenomenally. The concept of e-learning has gained a foothold all across the world. The use of technology as an aid for imparting education and training has become a radical form of innovation and has provided a challenge to both...


Health of Intimate Partner Violence Analysis

The causes for prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence in African American freshmen students are their perceptions as well as community and family background. Introduction Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) arises from aggression towards an intimate partner. As According to Dutton, Donald G. (2006, p.11), personality is a fixed entity, and can...


Accounting Education in Community Colleges in Kuwait

Introduction For many developing nations the years that followed the two major world meetings namely the Dakar World Forum on Education and the meeting that elaborated the Millennium Development Goals, much has been done to reform education (King 2009). Following these meetings world leaders established that education was important for...


Computers Application in Education and Accounting

Outline In the early ’80s, technological advances in information technology and computer hardware began to take place at a very high rate. Owing to this computers and computer-related technologies began to encroach on most aspects of our lives. It was as a result of this that innovations such as the...


The Problem of Drug Use and Abuse

Introduction Predictive Questions to be Pursued In general, this paper will explore what will happen to the state of Israel in the near term. More specifically, given the early signals from the Obama administration, this paper delves into How will any kind of rapprochement between the U.S. and Iran affect...


Theory of Leadership in the Early Christian Church

Introduction Pastors and counselors of the church are confounded with various, difficult tasks of managing and counseling, as well as responsibilities of administration, leadership, and running the different affairs of the church. They are however aided by their Board of Directors or Councils, volunteers, and organizations within their respective communities....

Politics & Government

Public Administration Policy and Practice

Introduction The Policy and Practice of Public Administration are not at all same all over the different geographic area of the globe. USA is the most advanced superpower of the planet with its fifty states and Federal Republic form of government, when the Kuwait is an assortment of moderate Muslim...


BSS Systems & Chinese Wemers

Introduction The selection of the right approach for a research is an element of the research that holds the utmost significance and is a factor that should be decided upon in the early stages of the research. There are numerous research methods available and there are numerous schools of thought...

Politics & Government

Japan’s Role in ASEAN Regional Forum

Introduction The term “strengthening security”, as embodied in the title for this paper, carries with it a wider and broader scope than it actually means. This is because in carrying out this topic, strengthening security would further connote economic, political, and diplomatic, ties of Japan with the international community and...


The Special Education Teachers in Judaic Studies at Manhattan Day School

Introduction Background information Following the 1975 enactment of “The Education for All Handicapped Children “(as per the Public Law 94-142), there came into being a law that ensured that students with disabilities accessed education from the public school system just like their non-handicapped peers. From a historical perspective, not every...


Effect of Rap and Hip Hop on Women Juvenile Delinquents

Literature Review This chapter provides a review of the literature dedicated to the study of delinquent behavior among female juveniles. The influence of hip hop on deviational conduct of teenage girls has yet to be thoroughly examined there are many books and scholarly articles that can immensely contribute to understanding...


Teachers Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Music Education

Abstract This study seeks to explore the experiences of in-service teachers pursuing master’s degrees in music education through distance learning. With the development of information communication technology, distance learning through the Internet has gained ground globally. Presently, an increasing number of universities and colleges are offering online master’s programs. Music...


Qualitative Social Research Methods

Introduction All that is known and perceived about qualitative research the perceived is wrong (Rossiter). There has been a long-standing debate about the adequacy of research methods in social sciences. Historically there has been a universal bias towards quantitative research and qualitative research has been fraught with criticism for its...

Tech & Engineering

A Critical Examination of the Rules on Force Relative to the Cyberwarfare

Introduction Background Cyber-attacks or cyberwarfare is a new type of warfare that uses digital technology to distort, steal or erase critical information, which results in serious economic, political and social consequences. Many governments have come to appreciate the power of cyber warfare and are using it to attack other nations...


Language Choice of Intermarried Families in Japan

Language environment choice of bilingual families Although many children acquire one language at a time, children’s exposure to more than one language in their primary language acquisition has for centuries been the norm in many parts of the world. In particular, the Western worlds, greater mobility of people, and consequent...

Tech & Engineering

Scope of Improvement on the Environmental Impact of Air Travel

Abstract The given project is devoted to the in-depth investigation of the problem of air travel environmental impact and the ways it can be improved. The significance and importance of the problem precondition the increased attention to the analysis of the aviation industry as one of the most fast-growing spheres...


Women Empowerment That Can Break the Glass Ceiling

Abstract The effect of glass ceiling on the prospect of American women finds analysis in this paper. Significantly, the reasons for glass ceiling and ways and means of women’s empowerment as well as recommendations for their development and career advancement were discussed. Even the advantages and disadvantages of those recommendations...


Feminism in Post Colonial Period in the Backdrop of Clash of Cultures

Introduction The discussion in the paper is regarding the meaning of Jean Rhys in a post-colonial climate in the light of Spivak’s theory about feminism. The double oppression of race and gender of Creole and third world women are discussed in the light of imperialism and the sexual difference of...


Corporatism History and Causes

Executive Summary Corporatism is redefined to include Functional Corporatism and Ideological Corporatism with a further sub-division into Neo-corporatism, Experimental Corporatism, Ideological Corporatism and Historical Corporatism. This paper attempts to provide a broad definition of Corporatism together with the history and causes for the emergence of corporatist state structure. While detailing...


Treasure Hunters and American Aviation Archaeology

Introduction Aviation Archaeology is the practice of searching and recovering sites and wreckages of cashed aircraft. The subject is also known as aircraft archaeology, wreckology, and aerospace archaeology, crash hunting and other names. The activities involved include carrying out research using crash reports, finding and documenting the crash, recovering items...


Emmett Scott High School’s Social & Academic Culture

The purpose of this case study is to examine the roles that educators and students played in the social and academic culture of Emmet Scott High. Emmett Scott High opened in 1920 as a segregated school for African Americans in the city of Rock Hill. Although it closed in 1970,...


Leisure Satisfaction in School Teachers of Taiwan

Introduction Context of the study This research study is concerned with the relationships between leisure participation, leisure satisfaction and emotional intelligence amongst elementary school teachers in northern Taiwan. It is during early school years that children develop personalities and habits that shall impact on their lives later in life. It...

Entertainment & Media

Pixar’s Toy Story and the Incredibles: Application of Classical Animation Principles to Computer Animation

Abstract The purpose of this report is to examine how the animated movies are getting popular in the animation industry. The research approaches were selected in both “inductive” (phenomenological) in nature and “deductive” (positivist) in nature. The research methods were involving semi-structure interviews face to face from the movie makers...

Politics & Government

Gulf Council and European Union: Future Relations

Abstract EU-GCC relations have developed gradually and at first largely on a mutual basis. The relationship between European Union (EU) and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) can be traced back to the late 1980s when they signed a cooperation treaty, though relations between Europe and the Gulf States based on historical...


New Immigration Problem in Australia.

Main This study explores conceptual inconsistencies of Australian current immigration policy, as such that is being designed to correspond to the dogma of multiculturalism, rather then to a common sense. In it, we explain reasons why allowing ethnic immigrants to land in Australia cannot be thought of beneficial to the...

Politics & Government

Mortgaging Jamaica’s Policy Space: Structural Adjustment Policies and Shiprider Agreement

Abstract The goal of this thesis is to prepare a public policy framework on Jamaica’s sovereignty aspirations in different economic and political spheres like domestic affairs, defence, trade and international relations. Despite being a member of sovereign entities like the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Non Aligned Movement (NAM), Jamaica...


Homeland Security: Future Challenges

The main premise of this paper is that strict bureaucratic structures, inadequate finances, lack of coordination, reluctance to share intelligence information, fragmentation as opposed to integration, and a lack of accountability remain as the primary indicators of gaps in the US homeland security framework. Despite the mandate of the DHS...


How Females and Males Are Depicted in Films

Introduction Men and women are assigned different roles in the society, mainly because of their different biological and psychological and emotional makeup. This assigning of different roles between the two sexes is referred as gender roles. Gender roles can be defined as the behaviors and attitudes expected of the male...

Politics & Government

Turning Qatar Into an International Power

Abstract Recently, Qatar has been attempting to implement soft power strategies in order to increase its influence within the Middle East and the global stage of international relations. One way in which it has done so has been through the use of sports diplomacy and investments into culture (i.e. museums,...


The Role of Waste Management in Environment

Introduction to the Topic This dissertation is about the waste management which should be applied to the environment, organizations and all the countries present in the world in order to enhance the overall performance, environmental aspects and help them in boosting up in their growth and prosperity sectors. This chapter...

Politics & Government

Cross Border Mediation in Maritime Transportation-Related Disputes in European Union

Introduction Mediation could be said to be a kind of an original appeasement overture or conciliatory procedure which is primarily aimed for the speedy resolution of disputes, or business conflicts, emanating from trade-related issues. In the case of mediation, the procedure involves, inter alia, an appointment, upon request, of an...

Tech & Engineering

Performance Measurement in Engineering Projects and Management

Introduction Although it has long been recognised that performance measurement has an important role to play in the efficient and effective management of organisations, it remains a critical and much debated issue. Significant management time is being devoted to the questions – what and how should we measure – while...

Politics & Government

The Role of Internet in Non-Violent Revolution in Syria

Abstract The impact of internet on the spirit of the Syrian society is marked opposite to the interest of authoritarian rulers of the country. The more the society is being involved with the cyber world the more it is being aware of its present condition under the rule of the...

Politics & Government

The United States-European Union Trade Relations

Introduction This chapter provides the background for the dissertation. The research problem section links the ideas outlined in the background with trends that have been observed in the trade relations between the US and the European Union. This outlines the need to carry out the study, followed by the objectives....


Education Outcomes for Saudi Women

Methodology Introduction The methodology is the process of instructing the ways to do the research. It is, therefore, convenient for conducting the research and for analyzing the research questions. The process of methodology insists that much care should be given to the kinds and nature of procedures to be adhered...


Tradition and Innovation in Chinese Visual Arts

Abstract The dissertation is based on the objective of creating a multimedia art project based on Chinese arts and philosophy by using computer technology. The dissertation contains the description of the entire project as well as the research and literature review conducted around the topic. The project is carried out...

Politics & Government

Key Issues With Supply of Russian Gas in UK Market

Introduction The importance of researching the current trends in how supply and demand of Russia gas in UK interrelate with each other can hardly be underestimated, due to the fact that there are many objective reasons for consumption of natural gas in this country to significantly increase, during the course...


Case Study: Emmett Scott High School from 1965 to 1970

Introduction The purpose of this case study is to examine the roles that educators and students played in the social and academic culture of Emmett Scott High in Rock Hill, South Carolina from 1965 to its closing in 1970. Emmett Scott began in 1920 as a two-story, white frame house...


Risk Management for Secure International Schools in Hong Kong

Abstract This research project was designed to uncover the real perception of safety in Hong Kong International Schools among parents, teachers, administrators and students. To this end a literature review was done, which showed that there is certainly a rising trend world-wide towards violence in schools. It is with this...

Tech & Engineering

Data Strategic Applications’ Benefits in the Aviation Industry

Abstract This thesis aims to investigate the benefits of data strategic applications in the aviation industry. The study seeks to examine the impact of data strategic application and digitalization on the curated travel experience, security identification, customer experience, and airport services. Digital transformation and other important financial evolutions are motivating...


International Relations, International Development, and the Football Industry

Introduction “This week’s World Cup draw was one vast, popular geography lesson. Who knew or cared that Colombia had been turned into a land of refugees, its government powerless to stop right-wing paramilitaries wreaking revenge on Marxist guerrilla sympathisers, until England drew it in Group G on Thursday night?” (The...


Second Language Acquisition for the Adult

Introduction to the Problem This study examined the factors affecting second language acquisition in the adult classroom. This has explored how the Multiple Intelligence (MI) Theory of Howard Gardner might help adult learners in learning a second language. Even with the existence of traditional methods for teaching foreign languages, this...


Contemporary British Poetry

Introduction Veronica Forrest-Thomson, Barry MacSweeney and Jeremy Halvard Prynne are an interesting representation of contemporary poets. ‘Contemporary’ is a term that has been used to define the age of modernism and postmodernism. A finer stratification of times will categorize poetic works of poets such as J. H. Prynne, Veronica Forrest...


The Transition of Bibliometrics to Webometrics

Abstract The paper tries to unearth the transition of Bibliometrics to Webometrics. A qualitative approach is employed by the researcher for the purpose of the study as it best suits the research topic under consideration. The introductory part of the paper focuses on the scope and importance of webometrics and...

Tech & Engineering

User Involvement in Value Management of Construction Projects

Abstract The investigation was conducted to determine the impact of end-user Involvement in value Management of mega construction projects to ensure their satisfaction. The underlying objectives consisting of the history of value management, managing value in construction work, meeting value objectives, integrated value and risk management, user involvement in quality...


Student-Teacher Positive Relationships

Introduction Introduction to the Study For years, theorists have attempted to determine the most effective ways to educate our nation’s children. Millions of dollars have been spent in research to determine the best practices and processes to use for this purpose. Programs have been created, theories have been developed, and...

Politics & Government

Arab Revolution’s Success and Failure Factors

Abstract The current dissertation was carried to with a view to exploring the success and failure factors in the Arab spring. Like any other revolution, the Arab spring resulted to political unrests which swept across the MENA region. Different factors which have been explored in the research study include the...

Politics & Government

US Grand Strategy and the War on Terror: The Case of Iraq

Introduction Since the American Independence, US Grand strategy has seen dramatic shifts in its contours, scope and direction. In its early years after the union was declared, American Grand strategy was focused on first building the nation and a policy of isolationism and non-interference in the affairs of other nations....


The Effect of Geospatial Intelligence on Homeland Security

Abstract Geospatial intelligence has become an important concept in homeland security. As criminal gangs and terror groups continue to use sophisticated strategies to achieve their goals, the need to use emerging technologies in fighting their activities has become critical. The United States has taken lead in the use of geographic...

Tech & Engineering

Culture in Project Management

Abstract Due to the ongoing globalization of business, international expansion of different companies, and the emergence of culturally diverse environments, project managers face challenges that have not existed before. Some of these issues can have a significant adverse effect on the performance of the team, and so they should be...


The Role of Parental Involvement

Introduction Context of Inquiry The role of the family in early intervention has long been highlighted. It is said that the participation of parents in early intervention is vital to making sure that children with disabilities have the support they need (Bruder, 1998; Harry, 2008). Parents that are involved in...

Tech & Engineering

Construction Supply Chain Management Practices

Introduction This chapter serves as an introduction to the proposed project about its objectives and reasons for the project. It will also discuss the components of the essential supply chain practices showing how effective management of the supply chain may reduce cost and time overruns and subsequent litigations in the...


Engineering OleT Enzyme to Improve Biofuel Yield

Introduction Global energy demand is reported to increase significantly over the last one year. The Global Energy and CO2 Status Report that was released in March 2018 indicated that energy requirements all over the world increased by a margin of 2.1% in 2017, which was more than double the requirements...

Politics & Government

Syria’s Regime Change and Its Likely Aftermath

Abstract The Arab spring has toppled many regimes. The revolution has spread throughout most parts of the Middle East and it continues to cause a lot of uncertainty regarding its real aftermath. Syria is now grappling with the possibility of a regime change but there is very little understanding regarding...

Politics & Government

The UAE’s Homeland Security and Border Control

Abstract Homeland security and efficient border control measures are of extreme significance for the United Arab Emirates. The country experiences economic development while constantly improves the quality of life. At the same time, it is located in a constantly changing region of the world. The strategic location and substantial amounts...

Tech & Engineering

New Service Development in Mobile Phones Industry

Abstract Today’s business life has all been structured on the use of innovative services as an alternative that companies use to differentiate themselves from the intense and competitive market (Edvardsson, et al., 2000; Kelly & Storey, 2000). Though it has been ascertained that some of the companies have prospered in...

Politics & Government

Iran as a Challenge Security in Middle East

Introduction The question if the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) by the United States, France, the United Kingdom, China, Russia, and German could successfully curb Iran’s direct or covert nuclear bomb development activities still persists. In the past decade, perceptions of a nuclear-armed Iran as an existential threat to...

Tech & Engineering

Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching Millennials

Introduction and background of the study Introduction Technology in modern times provides a platform for the improvement of modalities of imparting knowledge (Mei-Ju, 2012). The emergence of different web-based technologies and the deployment of technology in the education sector is something that needs not is overemphasized. Among these technologies are...

Politics & Government

US Foreign Policy in the World Economy and Politics

Abstract In the International system, there are weak states and strong states. The weak states exist at the mercy of the most powerful states because they are forced to design domestic and foreign policies that reflect the wishes of the superpower. In the current international system, the United States is...

Tech & Engineering

E-Learning Programs in Saudi Universities: Risk Analysis

Abstract SR 168 billion or US$45 billion of the Saudi Arabian Government’s budget for 2012 was allotted to education and training. Furthermore, the Saudi e-learning market is predicted to be worth US$ 670 Million by 2014. Despite this expansion, rates of failure in e-learning project remain high, pointing to the...


Task-Based Extensive Reading for Young Omani Learners

Abstract The present paper is devoted to applying task-based extensive reading (ER) to young Omani learners who study English as a foreign language at Cycle 2 schools. To explore the topic, a mixed methods research was carried out, which used interviews and questionnaires to gather teachers’ opinions and experiences from...


Sustainable and Successful Construction in the UK

Abstract This research study has deeply looked at the balance between sustainable construction and project success in the current economical situation in the UK. The study sought to find that balance, by looking into how affordable sustainable forms of technology and methods could be used for sustainable construction, but still...


The Qatar World Cup Buildings and Facilities

Executive summary FIFA’s decision to award Qatar the vote to host the World Cup tournament in 2022 has created a lot of debate, excitement, uncertainties, opportunities and challenges to different stakeholders. It will be the first country in the gulf region to host the most watched sporting event in the...


The Contracts in Public and Private Projects of Oman

Introduction Unscheduled changes in construction contracts cannot be ruled out and they often cause additional work than planned. Such extra works are likely to cause additional cost and time to complete the construction project (Civitello, 1987). Understanding of the terms of the contract by the parties is bound to vary,...