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Ethical Obligation to Reform Immigration Policy

Bill Hing’s work ‘Ethical Borders’ reveals how countries have a moral responsibility of restructuring their immigration guidelines with reference to the fact that Mexicans’ migration into the US has been the result of American policy choices. I agree with Hinge’s viewpoint since immigration policies regulate the inflow and outflow of...


Gothic Architecture and Cathedrals

Many Cathedrals that were built during the 12th to 17th century used Gothic Architecture. Gothic architecture is one of the oldest, conspicuous, and unique styles of building cathedrals, private monuments, palaces, and citadels. This type of architecture is made up of numerous distinctive characteristics. As said earlier, several churches were...


Chinese Ancestry Worship and Reburial Rituals in the Fae’s Book “Bone”

The United States of America today is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. The diversity of people living there and the correlation between their cultures, backgrounds, self-identifications, and roots are very intense. Many cultures neighboring the territory of this country have assimilated, changed, or adjusted to the...

Tech & Engineering

How Voice Over Internet Protocol (Voip) Works

Introduction Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is an internet technology that enables voice and multimedia communications over computer Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. The technology is also referred to as IP telephony or voice over broadband (VoBB). VoIP refers to the various communication services such as voice, fax, and SMS that...

Tech & Engineering

IT Organizational, Key Manager Assessment, and Analysis

Introduction In order to have excellent an IT system, companies need to have clear objectives to be achieved. Design of systems is usually in a specific way, and consideration should emphasize on aspects of technicality. Employees should be involved in the process, engaging them allows for learning at the very...

Tech & Engineering

Social Intelligence Application in Various Fields

Social intelligence is the practice of getting well with others and bringing them to your world. This exercise involves people’s skills of understanding social dynamics, and enough knowledge to enable one to interact well with others. Social intelligence is a great factor to be considered by any organization that wants...

Tech & Engineering

Social Intelligence and Social Network Analysis

Introduction Two of the most significant advances in the 20th century have been the invention of the computer and the growth and development of networked systems. These two have transformed the way in which society interacts and in the last two decades, there has been a remarkable rise in the...

Tech & Engineering

Community Development Through the Wind Energy

Introduction In the world we live in today, energy is a very important resource to our day to day living. Energy is a backbone in running almost all human activities like cooking, food production, storage, etc. In the investigations, Balakrishnan (2006) admits that it is necessary to classify energy which...

Tech & Engineering

Development in Information Technology

Current development in information technology has proved to be beneficial especially due to the fact that it has stimulated development in different sectors. Nevertheless, by focusing on the problems that have resulted from the same, it is easier to conclude that it has resulted in more problems than the solutions....


Probation and Community Corrections

Introduction The perpetrators of probation and community corrections argue that there is a need to find an alternative to imprisonment of nonviolent offenders which is low cost given the financial constraint the federal government is facing. There is a need therefore to understand this alternative and how it works in...


Philosophical Life – The Way of Achieving Happiness

Philosophical life is the spiritual harmony between physical, emotional and spiritual human needs. People who are able to find the golden middle between these needs and satisfy the necessary physical needs and enlarge their spiritual world lead a valuable life. Those people who lead a philosophical life are really rich...


World Religions and Spiritual Journey

Ways to Practice Religion Most people today follow certain beliefs when making choices about their lives and future. Some belong to formal religious communities, such as Christians or Muslims. Others accept or deny divine guidance as a general concept without specific rules and traditions. Practicing religions may be private and...


Free Will and Determinism: Compatibilism Theory

Since ancient times, philosophers have been trying to provide people with answers to the questions of the meaning of life and the role of human beings in the world. Even though they all attempted to fill the life of individuals with purpose and make it easier and more explainable, the...


Technology in Disaster Preparedness

Introduction Disasters, both natural and anthropogenic, may result in significant damages to the infrastructure, economic losses, injuries, casualties, and the displacement of people. While many disasters, such as earthquakes or tornadoes, cannot be prevented, it is possible to mitigate their adverse impact by thorough preparation for them. As a rule,...


Human Trafficking: Violation of Human Rights

Human trafficking is a violation of human rights aimed against both the individual and the state, whose most frequent victims are women and children. It is also one of the forms of unlawful interference in the field of international family law since certain types of trafficking in persons are associated...

Family, Life & Experiences

Parenting Styles Classification

Different parenting styles can greatly affect the independence and social competence of a child. There is a variety of various styles, but this paper will focus on the four most widely recognized: authoritative, authoritarian, indulging, and neglectful. Authoritative Parenting Authoritative parenting has been described as the most desirable style by...


Islamic Civilization and Beliefs

Video #8 (Muhammad) Islam states that Muhammad is a prophet and the last Messenger of God who sent thousands of Messengers before him, including Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and Noah. According to Islamic beliefs, the angel Gabriel gave messages to Muhammad. The Quran affirms that God is one in all Abrahamic...


The Theme of Death in “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” by L. Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy’s story The Death of Ivan Ilyich is one of the most significant works in the genre of psychological prose. This story is a chronicle of the illness and death of a judicial official, which is preceded by the story of his life. This is a one-of-a-kind piece that...


Advantages and Disadvantages of Shopping Online

Introduction One of the fastest growing trends in the contemporary world is online shopping. It refers to a process through which people acquire various products or services online instead of visiting physical stores. This observable fact has been occasioned by a high rate of technological advancements and the growing uptake...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Path-goal Leadership Theory: The Police Captain

Introduction Many theories explain leadership approaches. However, The Path-Goal Contingency theory is the highlight of this assignment and is evaluated Vis a Vis the role of Police Captain in charge of patrol. The Path-Goal Contingency theory is explained about my patrol team, which is led by the Police Captain and...

Politics & Government

American Government and Policy Systems

American Interest Groups It is evident that one person is unlikely to make any difference to the U.S. government processes and politics. Since people’s power is in numbers, political institutions usually respond to a collective voice. That is why there are special organizations called American interest groups, also known as...


Equal Consideration of Human and Animal Interests

Introduction The principle of equality, as argued by Peter Singer, calls for humans to treat all animals in the same manner they would treat a fellow human being. Singer’s focus on animal rights is shaped through a utilitarian interpretation. Although Singer presents a sound defense, he failed to recognize the...


Religion and Politics in India

Introduction Globally, religion has always played an integral part in influencing political culture of nations. For many decades, not only has religion influenced social living through its doctrine teachings, but also has been continuously powerful in propelling political ideologies in many nations. Coupled with its linguistic federalism, ethnic problems, and...


Police Use of Deadly Force

Law enforcement agencies of any state attend, first of all, one single goal – to protect the citizens. Any country cares about the well-being of its residents and therefore creates specialized organizations that work to ensure this well-being. The purpose of the police is to monitor compliance with the law...


Social Organization of Religion

In his book Religion in Society: A Sociology of Religion, Johnstone addresses a variety of important questions, connected with religion and society. In the following paper, the two of these questions, (1) what the church-sect theory is, and (2) why religious conflicts take place, will be observed. First, speaking about...

Tech & Engineering

Managerial System Development Methodologies

Introduction System development methodologies pertain to steps followed to form, plan, and control the process of developing an information system. Conventional systems development methodologies include system prototyping, joint application design, and rapid application design. These systems differ based on techniques, teamwork, and the organization. Although these methods vary in their...

Politics & Government

Policy: Overcoming Racial Profiling

Problem-Solving Technique Employed The key issue of the problem was identified as public mistrust and critic of the police departments for their engaging in racial profiling, which caused the ineffectiveness of the law enforcement authorities in preventing general security. In order to rectify the problem of racial profiling, the program...


Advocating for Early Childhood Students: Subsidy Considerations

Introduction Early childhood development is a topic that requires precise attention from policy and decision-makers to ensure that childhood experiences would have a positive impact on a child’s life trajectory. Cognitive abilities, psychosocial skills, and relationships are the key issues that determine effective early childhood practices. This letter aims to...


Treatment With Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is a fundamentally new approach, representing a combination of biomedical technologies for treating gene defects by introducing new genetic constructs into the body that can restore or replace a defective gene. Such therapy allows people to fix errors caused by mutations in the DNA structure or DNA damage...


The Epic of Gilgamesh

Overview and the Summary of the Epic The story takes place in the ancient city of Uruk in the Sumer land. Uruk is reigned by the powerful yet tyrannical god-like king Gilgamesh. He abuses his power, but the people of the land do not oppose his will. He is indeed...


What Causes Global Warming and How It Can Be Fixed

Introduction The word global warming illustrates the increase in environmental temperatures all around the planet Earth. Evidence of global warming is pilling daily in life. The conditions are becoming tougher, and all the living organisms are struggling to withstand the extreme temperature conditions (Edward and Fredric 2011) The evidence of...


The Issue of Pornography in Church

Introduction Sometimes distinguishing between the clergy and the laity becomes difficult given the extraordinary behaviors that some clergymen portray. In unusual circumstances, even the pastors find themselves sinning. Poling (1994, p.118) states that “evil is systematic and organized at every level of human life, including in the religious level.” The...


The Role of Chinese Women in The Past and Present

Introduction The position of women in traditional Chinese society and family was predetermined from the moment of birth. It was believed that everyone has their own destiny established by Tian or Heaven (Back 2). There was no such thing as inequality between men and women in Chinese society. The man...


The Mixed Methods Research Designs

Cresewell (2011, p. 430) defines mixed methods research design as “a procedure for collecting, analyzing, and ‘mixing’ both qualitative and quantitative research methods in a single study so as to understand a research problem”. In terms of rationale, mixed methods research design has several characteristics. First, it calls for the...

Politics & Government

Political Parties: The Role in the Elections

The modern governing system is a complex network of political parties and participation in such parties involves working towards the administration and order in the country. During the presidential election it is more beneficial and influential to be involved in a political party because there are more ways and chances...


The United States’ Correctional Systems: Criminal Punishments

Introduction Human beings differ from animals since they have sets of laws that govern their behavior. Animals are primitive creatures since they are controlled by their impulses and immediate needs. Even though most animals are perceived to have a higher intelligence level than others they are all governed by crude...

Politics & Government

The Policy of a World Without Nuclear Weapons

Introduction Elimination or reduction of nuclear weapons is referred to as nuclear disarmament. It is aimed at doing away with nuclear weapons globally. Several demonstrations have taken place to eliminate nuclear weapons. The biggest anti-nuclear demonstration in the history of America took place in 1982, in New York. The advocates...


Correlation and Regression Analysis

Introduction This research will attempt to answer the question: ‘What combination of personal attributes, i.e. enthusiasm, integrity, toughness, confidence, fairness, warmth, humility, and industriousness, best predicts effective leadership or mentorship?’ Correlation and regression analyses will be used in the study to establish the relationship between the independent and the dependent...


Kenya: The Influence of Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is among the most important issues on the global economic and political agenda. However, it has taken almost 20 years for it to become an international priority. Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect, which requires the presence of greenhouse gases. The emission of greenhouse gases...


Causes and Effects of College Dropout

Introduction School dropout leads to lack of social integrations, which greatly affects a person’s ability to achieve personal life goals. Schooling is of paramount importance to people’s lives. A good education background is a key contributing factor to getting a good job and hence living a good life. Having the...


Dispositional and Evolutionary Theories of Personality

Introduction Human personality is one of the most fertile fields for investigation. Huge interest in this field is determined by its importance in everyday life. Personality psychology history is rich with prominent contributors. They develop theories that help us to understand the phenomena of personality. The complexity of human nature...


The Themes of Racial Pride and Personal Dignity in the Poetry of Langston Hughes

Racial pride and personal dignity Langston Hughes conveyed his willpower to write valiantly, brazenly, and impenitently concerning the life of the black working class regardless of great resistance and opposition. Even after he deliberately broke the political ties, he went on writing bold plays and poems that brilliantly expressed the...


The US Juvenile Justice System

Introduction Juvenile Delinquency is a serious problem in today’s society. The world, in which children descend into crime, seems to have its social mechanisms working wrong. In many countries to amend this situation, special institutions were elaborated to deal with young lawbreakers to prevent them from threading on a criminal...


Impact of Information Technology on Learning

Impact of Information Technology on Learning, Teaching and Human Resource Management in Educational Sector The scholars in this study were interested in determining the impact of information technology on learning in an organizational setting. The researchers noted that change is becoming a force that firms can no longer ignore I...


Proposition 8 and Same-Sex Marriages

Introduction Some years back, judges in the federal courts of California declared Proposition 8 to be a null and void proposal. For decades now, there has been a raging debate on the matter due to different stances exhibited by different factions. Nevertheless, what is proposition 8 in reality? Primarily, proposition...

Tech & Engineering

Mac Versus Personal Computer: Comparison and Contrast

Modern technologies set new challenges and opportunities for customers. The choice of a computer becomes more difficult than ever as each of them presents a wide range of options and characteristics. In this regard, it is necessary to compare and contrast Macintosh (Mac) and Personal Computer (PC), focusing on their...


The First Saudi Kingdom: History and Facts

Introduction The roots of the state system of Saudi Arabia lie in the religious reform movement of the mid-18th century, which was called Wahhabism and was the key code of rules for the first Saudi kingdom. The formation of Saudi Arabia as an independent and sovereign kingdom was a complex...


Employee Safety, Health, and Welfare Laws

Introduction The U.S Labor force follows varied laws, both from state and the federal government. The latter only applies to those working in the federal government, while the former applies to the rest. Those who do not apply the federal laws include domestic workers, employees of the local government, and...

Politics & Government

International Aids Programs

Introduction Aid is a term that is used to refer to help or assistance. In international relations, aid (also known as international aid or foreign aid) involves provision of help willingly by one country (donor) to another (recipient), given with the aim of benefiting the country in need (recipient). It...


Drug Treatment and Prevention Programs, Dare Program

Introduction The modern world is filled with vast information relating to the dangers and consequences of drug abuse in the society. Despite the vast knowledge present and the numerous laws that have been legislated for the sole purpose of curbing down drug manufacture and abuse of drugs, many people than...


Popular Music and Its Impact on the Economy and Politics

Introduction In the book ‘Studying Popular Music Culture’, by Tim Wall, the core theme and attention is linked to the acceptance of music civilization; the recognition and composition of music within the society. Based on this, the author is mainly concerned with the studies that merge the political financial system...

Entertainment & Media

The Adrian Peterson Child Endangerment Story

Introduction The story of Adrian Peterson is an example of how media follows up a developing story by shaping the circumstance and perspective of the audience. For example, the inclusion of third parties such as public opinion, politics and sports sponsors in a domestic violence case is fascinating (Campbell, Martin...


Motivation Definition and Concepts

Motivation is the process through which people are inspired to act (Drillings & O’Neil, 2004). Motivation can be initiated from biological and psychological sources as well as goal-oriented incentives. Internal sources of motivation originate from our emotions throughout our evolutionary history. External sources originate from factors in the surrounding environment....


Managing Stress Better: Personal Development

How to manage stress One should use a positive imagery theory to reduce stress as outlined in the This involves putting yourself in an imagination that positively brings relaxation to your body and mind. For instance, one can imagine being at the top of a high mountain where you...


Issue of Social Justice in the Cherry Hill Church

Introduction The privilege of individuals to enjoy social justice is another dilemma that the church community still struggles to achieve. In America, although churches adhere to the principles of Christianity, the issues of racial discrimination sometimes pervade into the church systems and affect the peaceful coexistence among the believers (Walton,...


Honeyville Church: Denominational or Congregational?

Introduction The Christian denomination is wide and often takes the route of denominational or congregational form. Congregational churches are protestant. Congregational churches use congregational governance where each congregation autonomously controls its church affairs (Wind, Burck, Camenisch, & McCann, 1991). Congregational churches normally appear as small units of churches. Conflicts are...


Historical Views of Leadership in Europe & Asia

Introduction The evaluation procedures consisted of a critical analysis of the similarities and the differences that existed in the views of leadership, which were extensively influenced by the duration in which they were brought forward. Bass (1990) argued that the past studies on leadership were based on leaders and their...


Equal Protection of the Laws: Case Assignment

In the United States, education is one of the most important hallmarks of its population. The government and local communities take numerous steps to make schools available to all children despite their families’ incomes, social statuses, races, and ethnicity. Each child should have an opportunity for an appropriate learning and...


Summer Transitional Program of the University of Maryland

The University of Maryland is the organization under analysis in terms of the effectiveness of its programs and strategies can be defined. This university is a good example of how a higher education system should look like and be developed regarding available resources. There are many academic departments and programs...


Academic Return on Investment

Case Assignment Today, the evaluation of school productivity is defined as one of the crucial points for consideration. It is not enough to control all school districts in the country. It is necessary to understand how this type of productivity may differ across the country and what fiscal practices and...


Short Stories A&P by John Updike

Plot summary The story is a first person narration kind of a story. The main character, Sammy, is a young boy of nineteen years. He had just completed his high school education and was therefore waiting to join the university. Meanwhile, Sammy secured a job at a grocery store in...


Gender Mainstreaming: Taking Action, Getting Results

Gender approach, gender analysis and consideration of gender-sensitive indicators are required for developing gender-sensitive programs and achieving the goals of gender equity and equality. The approach ignoring the social and economic differences between men and women is considered to be gender blind. A comprehensive analysis of the country’s economics is...


Online Education Versus Class Education

Online education is simply an education where the lecturers or the teachers are not physically present in class and digital learning is embraced, whereas it is different from learning in traditional classroom settings that are mostly widely used in many learning institutions. “The world has tremendously changed since the introduction...


Teachers and the Law

SLP Assignment In the United States, as well as in any other country, people pay special attention to education and the conditions under which students are able to develop their skills and improve their knowledge. It is hard to create the conditions under which all possible conflicts and misunderstandings could...


Education and the Legal System

Case Assignment Nowadays, people find it obligatory to discuss and understand the essence of intersections that exist between law and education. On the one hand, such necessity may be explained by the fact that modern people live in a highly litigious society where numerous steps can be taken to advocate...


Freedom of Expression and Religion

The United States Constitution is one of the most important documents that determine the rights of all citizens in the country. It protects human freedoms, provides appropriate government, and place necessary limitations to support control and order. The U.S. Constitution consists of several important amendments in terms of which fundamental...


Learning Experiences at Different Levels

Strategies for Success in Doctoral Programs Every stage of learning poses certain challenges to those trying to accomplish some course or receive a degree. Doctoral programs represent the highest level of education that a nursing specialist may endeavor to achieve. Requirements for such students are quite different from expectations from...

Politics & Government

America’s Global Role: Public Policy

Introduction Over the last six decades, the United States has seen different faces of public policy initiatives as concerns its global role. In fact, many believe that over this period, public policy has been the most critical issue facing the nation and that the last three decades has seen American...


“Othello” by William Shakespeare

The play, Othello, is full of terrible ironies. At the heart of these ironies is the symbol of a handkerchief. The handkerchief is given by Othello to Desdemona. Othello tells her that the handkerchief was made by a sibyl and it was used by his mother to ensure marital fidelity...


Othello: The Racial Issues in the Play

Anybody who has gone through the works of Shakespeare, or even a little bit of it, can never forget the immortal characters created by him. No wonder anybody who has heard the name of Shakespeare has heard the name of ‘Othello, the Moore of Venice’, the main character of his...


History of the Development of the American Constitution

Hobbes and Locke The Constitution of the United States is often considered as the ultimate law of the country and it provides a detailed framework for the connection of the Federal government to the states and the public to the United States. “American constitution has established on seventeen September 1787”...


Peer Pressure on Children in High School

Parents all over the world face pressure to control their teenage sons and daughters. They are crying for help to save their wards from the peer pressures. As soon as the children leave their school and step into high school they find themselves in a kind of glamour world. They...


Effects of Population Density

Noise pollution The urban environment is n area of increased noise pollution caused by traffic and other mechanisms located in cities. Pollutants may harm the senses of sight, taste, and smell and may also cause health hazards. Noise factors are widely used as a term for several areas of research...


Race Discrimination: Aspects, Effects

Abstract Racial discrimination is a major issue that segregates people socially depending on one’s skin color or place of origin. Discrimination according to race is not something that started yesterday but has existed since the colonial period. America is one of the countries with the high levels of racial discrimination...


Diversity Management: Equality and Diversity Issues

Introduction From the module on diversity management, I have been able to learn some of the things that were not clear to me and also got an in depth understanding of some issues that I have considered as stereotype since I was young. I thought things such as female feminism...


Jazz History, Complexity of Music, Cultural Factors

Introduction There is no specific definition on the word Jazz. To understand it better, many authors propose the use of broad definitions to incorporate all major definitions of jazz ranging from its origin, composition and its style of performance. The origin of Jazz music can be traced back to the...


Analysis of “The World is Flat” by Thomas Friedman

In the book, The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman writes about his journey to India during which he realizes that globalization has changed the core principles and concepts of economy. The book is devoted to the theme of globalization. Friedman suggests that the world has become flat because globalization has...


Hispanic American Diversity

The Latino American community or the Hispanic Americans refer to a huge and diverse population, which shares a common heritage and language but are significantly different from each other. They mainly include the Mexican Americans or Chicanos, the Puerto Ricans, the Cuban Americans, and the Central and South American consisting...


Modern Society: American Family Values

Introduction United States Ethnic Culture and family values are centered on individuals, messianic in nature, saving the world as aphorism, people are outspoken, expressive and efficient communicators, more individual influence and disseminated decision making prevails in negotiation style. US dealing with family counterparts are straight, more understated, gratitude and grudge...

Politics & Government

E-Government Policies and Decentralization in New Zealand

Defragmenting e-Government in New Zealand “Decentralization had brought benefits such as innovation, flexibility, and speed of response to New Zealand public services. Now that a more unified and collaborative approach was sought, could compulsion be introduced without undermining these valued advantages?” (Norman, 2007) The above mentioned words comprise the kernel...

Tech & Engineering

Computer Software Classification

Computer software refers to programs that direct the activities of computer systems. These programs are written by programmers who use specific programming languages to generate instructions that the computer understands through the use of language translators. Thus, computer software consists of the detailed preprogrammed instructions that control and coordinate the...


Education Strategies and Effective Learning in Classrooms

In the course of studying pedagogy, I have come to appreciate the right use of teaching strategies in instructing my students. The different aspects of learning are incorporated effectively in the classroom environment by the teacher’s involvement. As the class manager, I have the responsibility of ensuring that my students...


Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor Plunged US Into War With Axis Power

Discussion Japan’s unexpected attacks on Pearl Harbor deeply shocked American society and its policymakers. The loss of lives as a result of the attack was horrific, with nearly 2400 people dying in the assault. This attack marked the turning point in American history. It galvanized the American people into supporting...


Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Mathematics Teaching

Introduction The attitudes and beliefs of teachers in general are a very essential aspect of teaching and learning process. It is expected that for effective learning to be achieved, the teacher being a major stakeholder in the process, should have the right attitude towards the learners and the learning process....

Tech & Engineering

The Internet Communication

The Internet, as one of the types of communication, appeared in 1957 in the USA in order to create a new information transfer system. There are also other types of mass media such as radio, TV, and newspaper; and the Internet is the fourth type that entered the sphere of...

Tech & Engineering

Intellectual Property Rights and the Internet

Copyright Issues The Internet has proved to be and proficient medium in spreading out information and due to this, it poses challenges to the typical values of copyright law. Most significantly, the internet provides the public with flawless duplicates of various things which includes pictures, animation, text, videos, and other...


The Mean Rating for Job Satisfaction: Business Statistics Using GSS.SAV

For the three variables in question, the computed means are 42.5 hours worked per week, 13.2 years of educational attainment, and 3.85 siblings. Nominally, the mean for the first independent variable means that Americans typically work either 40 hours (5 days) or an additional half-day on Saturdays. The fact that...


The Lottery: Symbolism

Shirley Jackson possesses a well known reputation for dark fiction writing. Although her short story The Lottery generated a lot of controversy, it ranks as a great piece of fictional writing. Although possessing a very ordinary and mundane setting, the simplicity of Jackson’s direct writing technique and the way she...

Tech & Engineering

Internet Privacy at Work: Main Reasons

A policy on the usage of the internet spells out the behavior of internet browsing that is perceived to be the most appropriate within the workplace (Foltz, Cronan & Jones, 2005). Typically, such a policy seeks to enforce on the employees of an organization, time restrictions at a time when...


Sex Education at Schools Analysis

Sex education is one of the most controversial issues of the current generation. Almost all U.S. students receive some sort of sex education at least once between grades 7 and 12 with many schools addressing the matter of sex education as early as grade 5 (Sexuality Education in Fifth and...


Language Processing in Cognitive Psychology

Introduction Language is made up of words and is used to talk about everything. Language is essential as it gives as the ability to speak everyday about people, environment, objects, and places, about relations, property, states of being, and other things (Clarke, 1995). We require language to communicate about technology,...


Expressionism and Post-Impressionism in Art

Introduction We hear of an artistic movement that lasted only ten years total and are then told that this single art movement had a profound effect upon the art for the remainder of the century. How can this be so? How can one single approach to art have such wide-ranging...


Too High – The Cost of Textbooks

Though many states now have lotteries that help offset the cost of registration and fees at state colleges, students are still faced with the overwhelming expense of textbooks. In addition, scholarships offered by many universities cover tuition and fees, even room and board, but not the costs of textbooks. Parents...

Politics & Government

United States Setting National Security Policies

How does the U.S. prioritize national security decisions through various strategies? Ans: The national security decisions made by the US government follow certain considerations. They are prioritized according to the level of threat posed to the US in its homeland, towards its economy, and to its other interests in various...

Politics & Government

The Costs of the Death Penalty

The death penalty is one of the most controversial issues in the justice system influenced by economic, political, and social considerations. The death penalty is often considered immoral as it violates the human rights and freedoms of people granted by the Constitution. On the other hand, the death penalty is...

Tech & Engineering

High Performance Project Teams and Management

This paper outlines methods to create high-performance project teams while reflecting on their leadership and team experiences. A number of detailed steps are outlined through which better output; quality of work can be achieved. Conflict resolution measures have also been outlined clearly in this while analysis of team performance has...


Classroom Management: Creating Positive Learning Environments

Creating a positive learning environment within the classroom is a necessary prerequisite for an effective teaching-learning process and it has been the major challenge faced by teachers during the curriculum transaction. For this, an efficient teacher should employ the best approaches, methods, and strategies of teaching, keeping in mind the...


Animal Rights and Surrounding Issues

Introduction Some people believe that keeping animals in laboratories may be justified when, for example, experiments on them to stop suffering or disease in humans. However, I believe that animal testing is a cruel way of discovering new medicines. I believe that there are quicker, more efficient ways of finding...

Politics & Government

Global Political Economy: International Trade Organizations

International trade organizations are established to facilitate trade between nations. This facilitation takes place in three stages. Firstly, the organizations have to help member countries negotiate for trade agreements. Secondly, it has to be seen that all members have accepted the agreements made in the negotiations. The third stage is...

Politics & Government

Current Issues in Law Enforcement: War on Drugs

Every year millions of dollars are spent on curbing the use of illegal drugs. The overall costs of using these drugs fall under three categories: namely health costs, productivity losses, and other costs. Between the years 1992 and 1998, the cost of drug abuse incurred by society increased by5.9% annually....


Different Aspects’ Influence on Organizational Behavior

Introduction Personality and attitudes represent important micro, cognitively oriented variables in the study of organizational behavior (Luthans, 2005). Personality represents the ‘whole person’ concept. It includes perception, learning, motivation, decision-making, and more. Micro theory in organizational behavior deals with the behaviors and nature of individuals and small groups in organizations...