Free 1100 Words Essay Examples - Page 3


Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

As a preface to “Huckleberry Finn,” Mark Twain wrote the following words:” Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.” (Twain, 7) Nevertheless, since...


“The Story of Childhood – Growing Up in Modern Britain” by Libby Brooks

The book of Libby Brooks “The Story of Childhood – Growing Up in Modern Britain” relates to the children that represent the majority of today’s children in Great Britain. All the stories are real as well characters performed are real too. The book refers to the problem of modern attitudes...

Politics & Government

Texas Government and Legislature: Gun Control

Guns are very powerful weapons that can be useful in the protection of the lives of citizens in a country. The protection of one life can be provided by an individual own self or it can also be offered by other people authorized by the government in a given state....

Tech & Engineering

Cell Phone Use in the Car Issue Analysis

Cell phone usage has exponentially increased in the past decade. The wireless connectivity as well as the multiple facilities provided by the cell phones has made them immensely popular. The cell phones have now become not just means of communication for people, but more like personal storage and computing devices...


Legacy of Versailles and Causes of World War II

Introduction The roots of any war are never limited to only one fact or event influencing someone’s worldview. Usually, the causes of disastrous bloodshed involve a variety of elements, some of which, however paradoxically it may sound, were meant to abolish military combats. One of such contradictory pages in the...


Abolition of Slavery and Women’s Rights Movement in the 19th Century

Introduction The Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution was beyond doubt the most critical change in the country’s law and social systems. Ratified in 1865, this Amendment abolished slavery and any kind of involuntary servitude, granting freedom from their former masters to all African Americans. Soon after, in 1968,...


Gamal Abdel Nasser and the Egyptian Revolution

Introduction Gamal Abdel Nasser was the Egyptian statesman and a key political figure, the second president of Egypt serving from 1956 until his death in 1970. The Egyptian revolution in which he played a great role as well as his presidency drastically changed the future of several generations of the...


Child Development Observation and Parent Interview

Parent Interview This research paper focuses on parent interviews and infant observation. The parent interview focuses on pregnancy and delivery, infant’s physical developmental milestones, infant’s socio-emotional milestones, cognitive developmental milestones, and the effects of parenthood on parents. Pregnancy and Delivery Briefly Describe the Experience of Pregnancy The infant’s mother explained...


Multicultural Psychology, Its History and Importance

Introduction Generally, psychology can be defined as a branch of science that studies the functioning of the human mind and how it affects human behavior, feelings and thinking. In other words, Multicultural psychology can be defined as the study of human mind relative to human behavior. Psychology is a broad...


Toys, Games, and Gender Socialization

Gender denotes social-cultural explanations concerning sex. The main question is: How do toys and games influence gender socialization? This is important because the manner in which people ought to act as females or males is socially instilled and defined. Individuals are socialized from their formative years as children where they...


“The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot

In spite of research indicating the methods helping to reduce inequality in healthcare, the problem of health disparities is still recognized as a critical question. In her award-winning book titled The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Skloot (2010) tells the story of a financially disadvantaged African-American cervical cancer patient whose...

Politics & Government

Capital Punishment Advantages and Disadvantages

Capital punishment or the death penalty is a type of a government-sanctioned execution whereby an offender is put to death for a committed crime. Capital punishment has been a highly controversial topic for a long time. People widely applied this brutal measure throughout the history. However, this question raised a...

Tech & Engineering

Learning Management Systems Project Monitoring

Introduction The LMS solution supports different e-learning models and integrated training programs for students. Monitoring the LMS implementation is an important step in the project management process that entails the measurement of project variables against certain project plans and milestones. It involves an ongoing evaluation of achievements, challenges, and potential...


The Great Depression in the US: Examining the Causes

Introduction The Great Depression, which lasted for approximately ten years, affected the financial affairs of such great powers as the United States, Germany, Canada, France, and the United Kingdom. The economic crisis that happened in these countries has significantly impacted the politics and economy of the US. The causes of...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks as a Revolutionary Technology

Introduction Social networks are structures comprised of different actors connected together by dyadic ties. Social networks “combine people into small groups, neighborhoods, or communities” (Papacharissi 201). Social networking has become possible because of the internet. The internet consists of “many people who are trying to make friends, gather information, develop...


Data Analysis and Practical Application

Summary Data analysis can be carried out with the aid of statistical software like SPSS or SAS in computer. Effective data analysis can be achieved by feeding proper information into the computer. It is good to choose the correct data technique for relevance and comprehensiveness if research work. Research analysis...


The Concept of Hero Definition

Whether or not a person should be considered to be a hero is a difficult question to answer. One of the principal issues of such categorization is the broad definition of heroism (Gonçalves 11). However, this paper intends to discuss this subject in order to overview various possible explanations of...


Abortion: Supporting and Opposing Arguments

Abortion is basically an act of removing the embryo from womb and terminating a pregnancy (Johnston 2-5). The issue of abortion is not new, it has been in the public domain and subjected to discourse for many years. It is still an emotive issue. This paper mainly discusses the issue...

Tech & Engineering

Interactive Whiteboards in Guided Inquiry-Based Learning

The proposed literature review aims to focus on the use of interactive whiteboards in guided inquiry-based learning in early childhood education. It is reported in the researches on the topic (e.g., Ju-Ling, Chien-Wen & Gwo-Jen, 2010; Spronken-Smith, Walker, Batchelor, O’Steen & Angelo, 2011) that there are different modes of inquiry-based...


Global Health and Human Security

Introduction Human security has emerged as the opposite of national security. While national security is concerned with resolving issues related to the country’s borders, human security focuses on people’s well-being and is related to human rights (Saladino slide 31). Human security relies on two main concepts: freedom from fear, meaning...


Professional Values in Community Service Work

Introduction Community service work focuses on helping the vulnerable populations and marginalised members of society. Since social workers directly interact with people, their professional values are of great importance to ensure proper practitioner-client relationship. The values underpinning community service work in Australia include social justice, commitment to social inclusion, respect...


Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of Development

The ecological theory of development as postulated by Urie Bronfenbrenner holds that several environmental systems are involved in the development of an individual. In this regard, five environmental systems are recognized: Microsystem: this setting includes an individual’s family, neighborhood, school, and peers. In a microsystem context, the individual plays an...


Data Collection Plan in Research

Work on the study of a particular issue requires compliance with a specific method of collecting and evaluating the received information. One of the most common ways of interpreting data is a mixed method that involves the use of both quantitative and qualitative data by the authors. A special place...


Gun Control: Social Contract Broken in the US

Introduction For a society to function effectively and for every member of it to be happy and satisfied, everyone needs to adhere to some rules and norms of behavior. There are many social contracts in the US that have been created to regulate the lives of individuals. However, it is...

Politics & Government

Capital Punishment: A Balanced Examination

Introduction Capital punishment is the death penalty, which is a way of punishing criminals by killing them. The essay explores the pros and cons of having capital punishment in the society. The people of United States are still debating about whether the government keep the capital punishment or stop it....


Sustainability and Waste Management

Main Components of the EPA’s Prescribed Waste Regulations and Role The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is guided by several components, namely classifications for reuse, classifications for contaminated soil, classifications for disposal (EPA Victoria para. 1). The role of the first component in ensuring wastes are properly managed entails classifications that...


Communication Methods: Verbal, Written and Nonverbal

Introduction Communication refers to the process of transmitting, sharing, and exchanging information using sounds, signs, and behaviors (Chandler & Munday, 2011). Communication enables people to express themselves, share ideas and thoughts, resolve differences, and express respect. Through communication, people exchange messages with the aim of achieving desired results. Communication takes...


Effective Communication Strategies

Introduction Communication is arguably the cornerstone on which any successful relationship, be it business or personal, is built. The importance of effective communication is universally acknowledged, and as Greene and Burleson (2003, p.8) demonstrate, a lot of research has been taken on the subject and numerous books written so as...


US Healthcare Law and Rulemaking System

Introduction The U.S. healthcare industry is highly governed by law. Thus, there are legal principles spelt out in federal and state laws that medical practitioners in the U.S. should observe. When legal issues that pertain to healthcare administration arise, U.S. courts may come in to help with interpretation of the...

Tech & Engineering

The Columbia Disaster and Safety Violations

Introduction The Columbia disaster—the disintegration of the space shuttle—happened in February 2003. All members of the crew of seven astronauts were killed in the crash. This case study gives a detailed description of the events and describes the main causes of the disaster. The first reason is related to the...


The Korean Community in Los Angeles

Where do members of this group live? The Korean community makes up almost 0.6% of the US population. It is important to note that the vast majority of these people are of South Korean descent. These people are often self-employed and run small businesses. It is necessary to add that...


Columbia River, Its Salmon Culture and Human Impact

History of Columbia River and salmon culture The formation of Columbia River is estimated to have started approximately between 12 and 17 million years ago (Miocene). It is roughly between 700,000 and 2million years ago that the river started taking its present course (during Pleistocene) (Hall, 2007). The river is...


Virtual Water and the Water-Energy Nexus

Today, human society has faced with the complicated challenge of growing resource scarcity. By the year 2030, the planet population will grow to over 8.5 billion people placing significant limitations on the availability of such crucial for the global economic resources as water, energy, and food (Wang 78). This is...


Development Theory and Human Rights

Human Rights Development theory and human rights were not linked until the end of the twentieth century. People used to focus on development in economic, political, and cultural domains without taking into account human resources and human rights. It was acceptable to focus on society as something general without going...


The American Revolution

Slave trade was crucial to the colonialists during the colonial times. It supplied slaves that provided manpower to their farms. Despite its essence, African slaves were not many. Majority of the colonial masters had not agreed on enslaving Africans because they related them with the indentured white servants that were...


Erickson’s Psychosocial Development and Its Stages

Introduction Erickson came up with a theory that modified the views of Freud to suit social definition. In theory, each developmental stage has a specific name, which is referred to as a task. Each developmental stage of human personality centers on emotional polarity, which he referred to as conflict. This...


The Effects of Population and Density Noise

Introduction We live in a world that increasingly becoming crowded as the human population increases and people migrate to urban areas. With the rise in population density, the noise has also become commonplace for most people. The levels of population density and noise have some effects on the psychological health...


Immigrants, Ethnicity, and Challenges in the US

History of immigration of the United States and nature of ethnicity The United States of America is a multicultural country in terms of race and ethnicity. The country comprises 6 officially recognized races, namely, Whites being the racial majority covering 73 % of the United States’ population, African Americans, who...

Politics & Government

North Korea’s Nuclear Program Threating the US

Introduction North Korea’s threat to the national security of the United States is due to its leadership, political dynamics, and military capabilities. The country’s dictatorial regime makes it impossible for many people to be part of national decisions and programs. North Korea has established alliances with countries such as Russia...

Tech & Engineering

Information Privacy and Personal Data Collection

Introduction In today’s informational world, the issue of information privacy is a growing concern. The fact that nowadays, most information is kept in electronic form leads to an increased risk of information leak, which might cause significant harm to the involved parties. Topic The topic of this paper is information...

Politics & Government

Lean Thinking in UK Public Sector

Introduction The competitive nature of business environments prompts managers to find new ways of optimizing their internal processes to increase profits and maintain a competitive advantage. The optimization effort is generally aimed at organizing business operations in such a way as to improve the efficiency of internal processes, reduce total...


Early Childhood Education Activities and Trends

Importance of Historical Trends in Early Childhood Education Early childhood education is a branch of education in terms of which children up to their eight years of age investigate the world, study new material, and develop their skills. The main task is to build a bridge between school and home...


Tensile Stress-Strain Diagrams Interpretation

When we refer to the mechanical properties of materials, whatever crosses the mind is the stress-strain curve. Ideally, both shear stress (σ) and strain (ε) testing are inevitable when it comes to material testing. While shear stress testing correlates the elongation force to the cross-sectional area of a material, tensile...

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Learning as a New Stage of E-Learning

How mobile technology changed the way we teach and learn Without a doubt, technology has revolutionized how teaching and learning take place in the contemporary world. This notwithstanding, it is obvious that the general approach to teaching has not changed. With or without the use of technology, teaching always involves...


Early Childhood Education and Care Articles

The New Face of Early Care and Education. Who Are We? And Where Are We Going? Source of the report The National Association for the Education of Young Children Article Summary There have been several changes in early childhood care and education. Currently, the field comprises of both three-year-olds and...


Technology in the Classroom: Mixed-Method Study

Research Questions in a Mixed Methods Study The peculiar feature of the study under analysis is that its authors make a decision to employ mixed methods to investigate the ways of how teachers use technologies in the classroom, evaluate internal and external barriers, and achieve a better understanding of the...

Tech & Engineering

Planning and Work Breakdown in Project Management

Project planning and the importance of its elements Project planning is a managerial tool used to schedule and report the progress of a certain project (Wallace & Henry, 2002). Every manager should prepare a project chart before starting a project because it serves as a timeline for the entire plan...


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Signs and Symptoms

Introduction The ‘Lot in Life’ chosen for this case is a 6-year-old who has just been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). There is no known cure for this condition. This section covers key issues related to the scenario. Overview ADHD is a brain disorder characterized by a continuing...


Student’s Self-Efficacy and Intervention Method

Interventions are effective approaches to influence students and change the learners’ behaviors (Mills, 2014). This paper aims to discuss the intervention method selected for influencing the students’ motivation to learn with the focus on the particular motivational strategy. Therefore, it is important to focus on the intervention overview, supporting literature,...

Politics & Government

International Crimes and Justice Systems

Introduction The process of globalization has brought many benefits and challenges. An increase in the rate of crime is one of the main challenges brought by the process of globalization (Carter & Pocar, 2013). Criminals are not just becoming advanced, they are also becoming diverse. They regularly engage in systematic...


The Future of Snowboard

Introduction Since the 1960s, snowboarding has been growing by leaps and bounds (Turnbull, Keogh, and Killing). At the moment, it is one of the fastest-growing sports. Its inclusion as a Winter Olympics sport is credited with the growth. As one of the most popular sporting events in the world, Winter...


Hotel Industry Performance

Introduction It is interesting to note that major hotel chains such as Ascott International, Four Seasons, Hilton, and Hyatt International all have the tendency to set up various hotels within or near a central business district (Bader 2007, pp. 179-185; Battle of the brands, 2008, p. 24-27). This presents a...


Paris Major Tourist Attractions

Introduction Paris is not only an entertainment-oriented city, but it is also a picturesque covered city. Tourists should consider Paris as one of their ‘must visit’ cities. This should especially be the case for tourists who appreciate the majestic architecture, unique weather patterns, and various entertainment platforms. Despite some minor...


Modern Architecture and Frank Gehry

Frank Owen Gehry stands out as one of the most creative, revolutionary, and inventive architects of the 20th century. His application of unusual materials and interlocking structures will remain an inspiration to all architects around the world. His celebrated talent is attributed to the success of his work in Guggenheim...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Dufferin Grove Park Farmer’s Market

My Experience When it comes to food, fresh and straight from the farm has always had this undeniably delectable taste and, as such, for this blog entry I chose to explore the Dufferin Grove Park farmer’s market which is just a minute’s walk away from the Dufferin station westbound platform...

Family, Life & Experiences

How to Put a Baby to Bed?

Today, there are many young mothers who admit that they are in need of additional help and suggestions in order to cope with their routine tasks and never regret their decision to have a baby. One of the challenges is to understand that babies like to have their own schedules,...

Family, Life & Experiences

Social Factors and Family Issues

Family Breakdowns and Re-Formations ~ Divorce and Post-Divorce Cherlin (1995) says deep respect for individualism and a strong commitment to religious values affect divorce rates in America. From this understanding, two social-structural factors that affect divorce in America include religion and family expectations. Similarly, two individualistic factors that affect divorce...


Prophet Muhammad and His Characteristics

Introduction Individuals are usually identified and associated with their behavioral characteristics and what they engage in their day to day lives. Different people go through different life experiences, which in one way or the other shape their behavior and determine the degree of success or failure they achieve in their...


Religion Sociology: Rational Choice Theory

Introduction At times, I wonder if religion can be placed deep down a human being or outside of human beings. In other words, is religion an external force or an innate force in human beings? Views on religion differ, but two schools of thought seem to arise strongly (Johnstone, 13)....


Second Language Acquisition Issues

Outline Developmental errors Transfer errors Language mixing Second Language Acquisition Many factors can influence the children’s success in learning the second language. Being brought up in the bilingual family, a person can develop speech skills in both languages simultaneously or in sequence. That is why, both languages can affect each...

Family, Life & Experiences

Are Women Better Parents Than Men?

Introduction Lead- in The roles of a mother and a father are crucial for a child’s physical, mental, and moral development. However, according to widespread stereotype, women are better parents than men. Yet, this opinion is based on a very biased and gendered perception of parenting. Thesis This paper will...


Foreignism, Media, Imperialism Influence on Culture

Introduction Globally, many stands have been held, as to how different foreign attributes and communal beliefs have had a direct influence on culture allowing for the loss of the much-treasured identity. In general, the addition of different varieties of political issues, economic concerns, and social behaviors in a specified cultural...


Developing Science Literacy for English Language Learners

Discussion of Results In this study, the researcher examined two classes of English-Language Learners (ELL) to conduct the experiment. As a result of the qualitative data analysis, both experimental and control classes revealed improvement among some of the students. However, the overall average mean of the experimental class increased significantly,...


Guillaume Apollinaire’s Surrealist Poetry

Eyeglasses For some you are a mask Disguising their true self. For some – a fashion choice Residing on a shelf. A window’s what you are to me, Through which I see the world. Without you it’s so unclear, And shapeless, and all burred. Group Surrealist Poem I would kill...


Jean Piaget – Cognitive Theorist

Introduction Jean Piaget made a significant contribution to education through his theory of cognitive developmental stage. The learner was a critical part of the theory. Piaget noted that cognitive development took place in different stages, but the interaction between biological factors and the environment played a major role in learning...


Contracts and Their Essential Elements

A contract is a binding agreement between two parties. The agreement usually lays down the terms and conditions which must be obeyed by both parties. One could be sued if they fail to observe the terms of a particular contract which they are privy to. For a contract to be...


Language’s Role in Cognitive Psychology

Introduction Theorists such as Vygotsky and Whorf have tried to explore the effects of language on cognitive psychology. Similarly, they have tried to explore the significance of human thought on language. Consequently, numerous outcomes have been received with ranging views on their interpretation. Notably, most theorists believe that language plays...


United States Nuclear Security

Introduction The existence of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear energy is the real threat to the United States and other actors in the international system. The US has various options regarding mitigating the nuclear energy problem, including equipping the medical personnel with adequate skills and tools to respond to...


Social Psychology Perspective

Psychology is the study of human behavioral changes that are influenced by societal circumstances (Myers, 1999). A human being behaves and reacts in a particular and specific way due to the environment where he or she lives. This paper will discuss two human behaviors that shape our lives. The two...


Renewable Sources of Energy: Controversies

“What do you think will happen if fossil fuels become exhausted?” Use of renewable sources of energy has gained popularity among many individuals and organizations. Some examples of renewable sources of energy include solar and wind. The emission of greenhouses and the risks associated with global warming have led to...

Tech & Engineering

Communication Technology Impacts

Introduction The world is changing due to the changes brought about by the emerging technologies. According to Chandra (2003), communication technology is one of the main aspects of emerging technologies that has affected many sectors of the economy in various ways. As the world gets increasingly globalized, the need to...


Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality

Introduction The purpose of this project is to analyze the biological and humanistic approaches to personality. Personality reflects elements of relatively enduring traits of individuals (Feist & Feist, 2009). It defines the behaviors of people. Both biological and humanistic approaches can be applied to explain personality. The humanistic approach stresses...


Fossil Fuel Consumption and Ways of Reduction

Introduction Over the years, reliance on fossil fuel has continued to rise throughout the world. While it does provide an alternative to energy production, it also poses a serious danger to the environment we live in. Drawing from a study by Frost, fossil fuel accounts for close to 85 per...


Part-Time Work Benefits for College Students

The practice of working part time while studying at college is typical of the United States and many European countries. The reasons for students’ interest in part-time work opportunities are often in the necessity of covering loans and other expenses, improving specific practical skills, socializing, and receiving the financial freedom...

Entertainment & Media

Communication Role in the Children’ Development

Communication is a way of expressing information or ideas between two or more persons. As a family engagement, the practice of communication is essential in raising awareness of the significance of speech, language, and communication. Language is an important ingredient in the development of children because it helps them communicate...

Entertainment & Media

Planning Business Negotiations

Introduction Planning business negotiations entails preparing a comprehensive plan to ensure that maximum payoffs are secured by the negotiation team on the negotiation table. This is why it is critical for a firm that seeks to engage in a business negotiation to prepare and familiarize with the issues that appertain...


African Studies: Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction The historical and current treatment of black women since the years of slavery until today, the devaluation of women in the U.S. society, and the idea that protecting women against violence is the burden of women have created a culture that fosters and accepts domestic violence and intimate partner...


Sociology: Personal Relationship and Practical Abilities

Opening Statement Practical abilities of an individual are vital in defining one’s future, and his or her ability to transform society. Life is based on what an individual can do to transform it to be a better place for all humanity. We all agree with the fact that interpersonal relationship...