👪 Essays on Family, Life & Experiences

In order to write a good paper, it is crucial to have a broad understanding of family, life, and experiences. This can be gleaned through many sources, such as conversations with family members, books, articles, and personal experiences. However, one of the most valuable sources of information on this topic is essay examples.

There are numerous free samples available in our database. These samples can provide valuable insights on how to structure and write an essay on this subject effectively. In addition, the database of essay examples can be an invaluable tool for education and learning. You can learn more about various components and different types of essays that you may encounter in the future.

Family, Life & Experiences

Three Individual Major Sources of Stress

Time Management People have different stress triggers depending on their environment, challenges, and personality. One of my major sources of stress is time management, and this has been a constant issue in my life since childhood. Studying and working part-time require good time management because both tasks are excessively demanding....

Family, Life & Experiences

Personal Memory of Miami and Link to Race and Ethnicity

First of all, it is worth saying that I am an American of a mostly European race with genetic admixtures of unidentified ethnicities. I have visited Miami several times, and I remember it as an amazing and unique big city located on the southeast side of Florida. It seems that...

Family, Life & Experiences

Three Influential Persons to Invite for Dinner

My choices of invitation for the three most influential persons that have ever lived to my dinner reservation would be Berra Biricik, Immanuel Kant, and Gabriel García Márquez. Berra Biricik, because of her professional mentorship and personal advice that shaped my life. Immanuel Kant, a great philosopher whose ideologies on...

Family, Life & Experiences

Personal Time Management Challenges

Time management is a very important instrument that helps to get all necessary tasks done. However, various challenges should be overcome to do things in time. The first serious challenge is interruptions and distractions. These terms encompass multiple external factors. They depend on individual characteristics because what distracts one person...

Family, Life & Experiences

Three Major Sources of Stress in Personal Life

Time Management  For me, time management is one of the most significant stressors that affect me almost every day. Unfortunately, even though I love studying and enjoy preparing for nearly every task I get, I still have severe problems with planning my activities and calculating how long it should take...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Families Better Off Now Than They Were 100 Years Ago

Coontz argues that family life in some aspects is much better today than it was in the 20th century. One of the factors is that today there is no child labor as it was experienced in the 20th century. Children used to work full-time in the mines, sweatshops, and also...

Family, Life & Experiences

Dogs as a Source of Support for Humans

For many centuries, dogs have been people’s companions and pets. The role of a dog in a modern family is controversial. It is a big responsibility to keep a dog, as it demands a lot of time, financial expenses, and attention. Nevertheless, a dog can serve as a great support...

Family, Life & Experiences

Significant Experiences and Their Contribution to London Business School

Growing up in Taiwan, I have observed that ethnic conflict has been deeply rooted in history between the Hokkien-speaking islanders who had settled in Taiwan for hundreds of years and the Mandarin-speaking mainlanders who were exiled to Taiwan after the civil war in China in 1947. The islanders pointed fingers...

Family, Life & Experiences

The TED Talk “Everything Happens for a Reason” by Kate Bowler

The TED Talk is titled “Everything happens for a reason” – and other lies I’ve loved. Kate Bowler gave it on July 2nd, 2019. The presenter discusses the notion of motivation, trying to figure out whether everything that happens in life has a reason. She does not explicitly address the...

Family, Life & Experiences

Personal Prejudice Is Not Justified by the Environment

“You mustn’t write anything that is inaccrochable.” – Ernest Hemingway Introduction The cultural environment in which a person interacts with other people is considered one of the strongest drivers influencing behavior and general worldview. Various sociological theories and concepts are based on the assessment of the social environment as a...

Family, Life & Experiences

Innate Talent Is Not a Gift but a Stimulus

“His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly’s wings.” – Ernest Hemingway Introduction People who are born talented often become world-famous for their skills. At the same time, the concept of talent is vague and cannot be considered a constant and...

Family, Life & Experiences

Changing Attitude Towards Marriage in the US

The institute of marriage and family was always perceived as something sacred and unquestionable by society. However, with the development of modern technologies and ideologies that significantly increased public awareness of the negative aspects of traditional marriage, the enthusiasm began to fade. That is why young people today treat marriage...

Family, Life & Experiences

Miscegenation Laws and Same-Sex Marriages

In times of worldwide globalization and liberalization of attitudes, sexual and racial minorities are getting more and more attention from the state. Thanks to the ability to express themselves openly on many social platforms, society has taken the needs of minorities much more seriously. Among these needs is the possibility...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Parental Family and the Personal Development

Parents constitute the child’s first social condition. The temperaments of parents play an essential role in every person’s life. It is no coincidence that a person mentally turns to his parents, especially his mother, in a difficult moment in life. Every child’s love for his or her parents is boundless,...

Family, Life & Experiences

Same-Sex Marriage: The Legality of the Concept

In this world, there is a vast number of controversial issues and topics that have worried human minds for centuries, but society still fails to come to a consensus. For example, these topics include racial equality, the rights of women, abortions, and, of course, same-sex marriage and sexual orientations in...

Family, Life & Experiences

Parents’ Accountability for Children’s Actions

Parenting in our modern era is a complex process, and every parent in the period of children’s upbringing, regardless of his awareness and training, goes through trials and mistakes. However, due to their age, children cannot be responsible for themselves. They are part of the family, so these are parents...

Family, Life & Experiences

Single-Parent Families’ Problems and Challenges

In recent years, the nuclear family setup is increasingly getting replaced by single-parenting. Commonly, single-family households consist of ones headed by a father and the others headed by a mother. However, single-parenting has been on the rise facilitating grandparents to raise their grandchildren in recent years. Despite the single-parent families...

Family, Life & Experiences

Parenting Styles in “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” by Amy Chua

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is a publication by a United States law professor and writer known as Amy Chua. The narrative in the book is an experience of how a Chinese mother raises her two daughters. The book is controversial because most people perceive that it compares Western...

Family, Life & Experiences

Middle Childhood: Biosocial Development

Middle childhood is the period between early childhood and early adolescence, which is approximately from ages six to eleven. According to Berk (2017), these years are the healthiest of the life span because they are safeguarded by both environment and genes, so deaths and fatal diseases are extremely rare during...

Family, Life & Experiences

When Will Things Get to Normal After the Death of a Loved One?

Grief is the emotional torture that engulfs a person after losing a loved one or experiencing a painful loss. It is difficult to control grief because it is a natural reaction to loss. The pain of grief can hinder linear thinking and sleep and even interfere with one physical growth....

Family, Life & Experiences

Should Gay Couples Have Equal Adoption Rights as Straight Couples?

Introduction Families nowadays are more diverse than ever, especially in the adoption sector, where transracial, multicultural, same-sex, and single-parent families are common. According to statistics on same-sex adoption, an increasing number of gay couples are adopting. In fact, same-sex couples are four times more likely than heterosexual couples to raise...

Family, Life & Experiences

How a Child with Autism Affects Parents’ Lifestyle

Introduction A family in which parents and relatives are engaged in raising a child with autism is a unique system with special relationships, where this offspring occupies a particular place. Hence, a family is a children’s home, where they live, play, learn to comprehend the environment, practically know what kindness,...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Technology and Social Media Impact on Parenting

Rapid technological advance affects all parts of human life, from recreational activities to socializing and relationships. In parenting, technology gives parents and children space and freedom to learn from others, surf for helpful information, develop socially, and keep in touch with society and distant relatives. However, the other perspective presents...

Family, Life & Experiences

Parenting Interventions and Divorced Mothers

Amato, P. R. (2010). Research on divorce: Continuing trends and new developments. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(3), 650-666. Amato (2010) reviews previous studies on different divorce topics, including the relationship between divorce and state of the parent and children, divorce predictors, and divorce interventions. The author reports the U.S....

Family, Life & Experiences

Onsite Childcare Justification Report

Introduction It is important pay attention to the fact that many people experience problems while balancing their opportunities for child care and job performance. Therefore, the problem is in the fact that in such large states as Texas, employees have to spend much time commuting to and from childcare sites...

Family, Life & Experiences

Cohabitation Versus Traditional Marriages

Introduction The rise in the behavior of cohabitation has seen the rate of marriage, especially among the African Americans decline over the years. According to Hattery and Smith (2007), “African American women are twice as likely to have never been married (41.9%) than their white counterparts” (p. 44). The issue...

Family, Life & Experiences

Friendship Between Men and Women

Introduction The question about if men and women can just be friends has been there for decades. Barely there are any two people that share similar opinions. If one happens to sample a group of people and ask them this question, he or she is likely to get varied answers...

Family, Life & Experiences

Parenting: Effective and Positive Strategies

Introduction When it comes to the meaning of the concept of parenting, not only the biological fathers and mothers are recognized as parents but also any other individuals involved in the process of taking care of a child and raising him or her (Geddes, Haw & Frank 2010, p. 7)....

Family, Life & Experiences

Polygamy in the Muslim Culture Context

Introduction The polygamy issue appears weird in the Christian communities and the reaction is always violent. Normally, polygamy is treated with horror and unanimous revulsion in Christian communities. Polygamy is the practice whereby a man marries many wives at the same time (Mensch, 2003). In principle, there exist three polygamy...

Family, Life & Experiences

How an Autist Child Affects a Functional Family

Abstract Autism is among the very many developmental disorders that affect young children. This neurological disorder causes the child to exhibit abnormalities in social behavior and difficulties in communication due to its adverse effect on the information processing part of the brain. It specifically causes a disconnection as well as...

Family, Life & Experiences

Native American Women Parenting off Reservations

Problem Statement Some researchers are interested in the needs of individuals who live on reservations. For instance, they examine social and economic aspects of people’s lives (Raheja, 2010). Many of the studies on this subject are aimed at examining the experiences of Native American women (Kuntz, Hill, Linkenbach, Lande, &...

Family, Life & Experiences

Parenting Styles Classification

Different parenting styles can greatly affect the independence and social competence of a child. There is a variety of various styles, but this paper will focus on the four most widely recognized: authoritative, authoritarian, indulging, and neglectful. Authoritative Parenting Authoritative parenting has been described as the most desirable style by...

Family, Life & Experiences

Parent-Child Relationships and Parental Authority

The importance of parental authority It seems to many children that their parents do not understand them. Of course, there is the age barrier that hampers full understanding between parents and children. More than that, parent-children relationships are a peculiar type of relationship with the authorized role of parents. This...

Family, Life & Experiences

My Ability to Convey Verbal Messages: Personal Experiences

Introduction Verbal messages are messages that are transmitted orally from one party to another. Oral simply means by word of mouth. As part of the overall course objectives, I decided to make deliberate attempts to uplift my ability to convey my verbal message after having realized that I had a...

Family, Life & Experiences

Arranged Marriages in a Modern World

Classical argument When the topic about an arranged marriage crosses my mind, I cannot help, but visualize in my mind the book that Zana Muhsen wrote, Sold. Zana and her sister Nadia are promised to be taken to Yemen by their father for a holiday. Little did the young Muslim...

Family, Life & Experiences

Effect of Gaming on People’s Social Lives

Introduction Over the years, lifestyle has changed dramatically in so many diverse ways. The sedentary lifestyles that most people have adopted have not come without consequences. The types of foods taken often are fast foods and those that require little or no preparation time at all. The ultimate consequence of...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Family Engagement in the Reading and Growth of a Child

Introduction Reading is one of the basic requirements for a child’s better growth and literacy acquisition. A child can never get literacy skills unless he/she can read. Reading provides knowledge since it is the basic source of information and understanding for children and even adults. The art of reading has...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Path-goal Leadership Theory: The Police Captain

Introduction Many theories explain leadership approaches. However, The Path-Goal Contingency theory is the highlight of this assignment and is evaluated Vis a Vis the role of Police Captain in charge of patrol. The Path-Goal Contingency theory is explained about my patrol team, which is led by the Police Captain and...

Family, Life & Experiences

Same-Sex Marriage in the United States

Despite the great controversy on whether same sex marriages should be legalized or not, it is scientifically evident that this phenomenon is natural. This assertion is evidenced by confirmation that homosexuality occurs even in the animal kingdom. Among the species involved are birds, monkeys and the great apes.In fact, it...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Effect of Divorce on Children

Introduction The process of separation between couples is often characterized by pain and anger often expressed against each other. In extreme cases, violence may erupt leading to physical and mental frustration including body harm. In such instances the most forgotten people are the children who are often used as pawns...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Importance of Family and Community Engagement in Elementary Schools

Family-school engagements are increasingly seen as powerful avenues for more equitable, culturally responsive, and collaborative schools (Auerbach, 2009). Although family engagement is not only desirable but also possible in schools, less research with insufficient data on its feasibility is documented. Institutional administrators are expected to be directly involved in initiating,...

Family, Life & Experiences

Need and Importance of Physical Fitness

The importance of regular physical activity has been emphasized since the times of the ancient Greeks. Still, nowadays, the decline of daily exercise and the growth of obesity among the average population takes place. Thus, people from school children to adults and senior citizens are becoming less physically fit in...

Family, Life & Experiences

Achieving and Maintaining Individual Excellence

Introduction Individual excellence is a state in which an individual have the quality of excelling in his or her undertakings. It is about an individual possessing good qualities and the highest degree possible. It can also be said that it means an outstanding feature that an individual possesses; it includes...

Family, Life & Experiences

Same Sex Marriage Question Analysis

The attitude towards same sex marriages has never been well defined in the society. There are people who are completely against them, while there are also a great number of those who support same-sex marriages. Such difference in attitudes led to that several states in the US allowed same sex...

Family, Life & Experiences

21st Century Families’ Attitudes Towards Adoption

Introduction Adopting children is a common phenomenon in our society. Although adoption has been in existence for a long time, motivation, process, and effect of adoption have changed with time. The 21st century has brought new and unique challenges in adoption. Some families are not able to support their children...

Family, Life & Experiences

Work-Life Balance: Theories, Studies, and Applications

Introduction At the onset of globalization, organizations have to redesign management practices and place people at the heart of the business. It’s a new trend in organizations aiming for a work and life balance. We say it’s a global village and we have to live and cope with globalization. Change...

Family, Life & Experiences

Effect of Friendship on Intimate Relationships

Introduction This paper presents data results as obtained after statistical evaluation of the effect of friendship on intimate relationships. It provides a detailed presentation and discussion of the results in light of the statistical outcomes obtained. It also presents the findings of hypothesis testing in light of the statistical relationship...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Importance of Work-Life Balance

Abstract The purpose of this investigation is to address the concept of balancing between the way people work and their private life is an issue of great concern in this corporate world. Many governments and business organizations have a better understanding of the concept of work-life balance and its now...

Family, Life & Experiences

Parenting Gifted Children Successfully Score

Parenting is a very important influence on the development of children, both in the physical and cognitive aspects. According to Campbell, parenting influences the child’s social development (1997). There are several challenges, which are even multiple in the parenting of gifted children. Some scales and scoring systems have been developed...

Family, Life & Experiences

Personal Standards for Choosing a Spouse

Introduction An understanding of the issues involved in any research has been considered critical in developing a clear picture of the significance of any type of research study. This plays a role in ensuring that the approaches adopted by a research have been placed in their right context. This paper...

Family, Life & Experiences

Native American Mothers’ Lives Off Reservations

Introduction to the Study For most parents, raising children is often described as a difficult feat. Families do not live in an isolated environment where they can just create their own set of rules and abide by them. Since they belong to a larger society, they need to adapt to...

Family, Life & Experiences

Free Relations and Systems Theory

Introduction The establishment of self-identity is highly dependent on the interactions approach in the “high modernity” society. For this reason, the individual plays a central role in influencing the way social systems function. As such, an individual’s behaviors and actions have a substantial effect on society as a whole, and...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Foundations and the Journey of Becoming a Doctoral-Level Psychologist

Abstract This course reflection dwells on the foundations and the journey of becoming a doctoral-level psychologist. The reflection touches on my past experiences within the field of psychological education including the interests and motivations that have brought me to this point. The reflection also touches on what I am trying...

Family, Life & Experiences

Experiential Family Psychotherapy

Introduction At the dawn of the 21st century, the world is witnessing an increase in the number of family-related problems. Such problems include an increase in divorce rates, a decrease in marriage rates, and marriage postponements among others (David, 2000, P. 1-14). Robinson (1993) stated that these problems have been...

Family, Life & Experiences

Marriage Institution in the US in 1960-70 and Now

The years between 1960 and 1970 brought about change in the marriage institution in the United States of America. The social norms changed drastically causing a major change to the family at large. During this era more women departed from their traditional role as housewives and engaged in formal employment...

Family, Life & Experiences

Social Support In Relation To Marital Problems

Background Conflicts or disagreements are unavoidable in any kind of relationship including a marriage relationship. While every marital relationship is considered to be unique just as the individuals involved are, some degree of disagreement is in fact necessary for the marriage to be lively and not a static one. The...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Holy Spirit: Conceptualization and Definition

Introduction After being converted from Hinduism to Christianity four years ago, I must note that I have experienced a gradual growth in my spiritual life. The changes I have experienced have revolutionised my perspective of life making me more determined to welcome each new day. I have had many interactions...

Family, Life & Experiences

Happiness & Education. “The Art of Life” Book by Bauman

Bauman raised a question of adult education in his work The Art of Life and it appeared to be a logical continuation to all his previous studies and attempts to modify the human way of thinking and consequently the way of life. Bauman was rather pessimistic about the role of...

Family, Life & Experiences

Family Structure and Its Effects on Children

Introduction The family structure in which a child grows plays a very important role in the future of the children. Children who grow up in a stable family background tend to be more successful in various aspects of life than children who grow up in an unstable family background. It...

Family, Life & Experiences

A Personal Reflection of Sudbury Valley School

Introduction Sudbury Valley School was established in 1968 at a time when freedom was gaining its course in the United States and people were being dissatisfied with the governments’ status quo. The following essay reflects on the concept of Sudbury school. Greenberg was among the founders of Sudbury valley school...

Family, Life & Experiences

Same-Sex Marriage as a Phenomenon

In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. More and more, gay couples are insisting that they receive the same legal rights that the traditional, heterosexual married couples receive. Gay rights advocates believe that it is inequitable and...

Family, Life & Experiences

Postpartum Depression Effect on Children Development

Introduction Depression is one of the diseases that are associated with diseases that cause disability in women. Women who are pregnant and those who are in their childbearing stage are at a high risk of suffering from depression. Depression especially during the perinatal stage may have dangerous effects or consequences...

Family, Life & Experiences

Same-Sex Marriage Ban as Violation of Rights

Introduction Obtaining acceptance and special recognition for marriages and unions is only one of a series of intensely contested factors that have arisen since the American gay and lesbian rights movement increased to fame in the heated political atmosphere of the 1970s. Today, the political implications of same-sex marriage do...

Family, Life & Experiences

Impact of Culture on the American Family System and Structure

The American family system has been under serious scrutiny and has faced criticism for its “downfall” and lack of “parental authority” resulting in the decay of discipline” for many years now (McGinley). In his article “The new American family” McGinley quotes Oscar Handlin who defines a traditional European family had...

Family, Life & Experiences

Pet Loss and Bereavement: Analysis and Questionnaires

Data Management and Analysis Demographic Information The interpretation of demographic information about pet loss and bereavement is so important because it helps the researcher to attain a conclusion. By interpreting the collected data or the filled questionnaires that was circulated among the people, we can see that- out of 40,...

Family, Life & Experiences

Intimate Worlds With Integration and Application

Introduction Clinical theory and practice are very much a construction of family normality, health or dysfunction. The cultural and professional diversity is remembered while practicing the systems therapy (Walsh, 2003). Research into the study and promotion of health has not covered the aspect of mental health over the previous years...

Family, Life & Experiences

Single Parents in the Air Force: A Work-Life Balance

Introduction The research done on families and single parenting is a vast expanse of literature in many different types of scholarly journals. The effects that a parent has on the development and growth of their children are a vital part of the formation of their character and future abilities. Therefore...

Family, Life & Experiences

Divorce Remarriage and Children Questions

Introduction The divorce as a process of separation of spouses, regardless on views and opinions, is a statistical fact in the life of the modern community. “In 2000 there were over 21 million divorces” , as stated by the divorce center, thus this process is still considered a sensitive subject...

Family, Life & Experiences

Heritage and Identity in Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’

To begin with, let us mention, that the short story “Everyday Use” was written by Alice Walker and it is a remarkable literary work that is worth readers’ attention due to its deep meaning and symbolism. The author manages to convey her ideas by means of describing three unique female...

Family, Life & Experiences

Social Malpractice: Same Sex Relationships/ Marriages

Every human society adheres to a certain norm on what ought to be done, by who, when, and how. These are the acceptable behaviors practiced as expected by the society from people within such a society. When actions from individuals in such a society tend to go against the stipulated...

Family, Life & Experiences

Adoption by Gay and Lesbian Couples

Summary Adoption by gay/lesbian couples should be banned because it sets a bad influence on the mental development of children. In order to function properly in a society of two different sexes, children need to be brought up by both parents. Family stability is required to raise an emotionally and...

Family, Life & Experiences

Egypt Families in Changed and Traditional Forms

Egyptians have families as their central and most important institution in societies. The country has a culture that advocates for stable families guided by Sharia laws on marriage and divorce. Families and kinship are respected and upheld; some families are blended as royal families mostly because of their leadership roles...

Family, Life & Experiences

Millennium Development and Well-Being of Families

Analyze how the Millennium Development Goals are related to the well being of families Millennium goals towards family settings targeted different aspects of social, economic, and cultural nature. At an international level and national level, families were recognized as the most important element in society. The role of women in...

Family, Life & Experiences

Japanese & Chinese Families and Their Differences

Japan and China are Asian countries that have had a rapid economic growth of late; Japan is the third-largest economy from China and the United States that are the second-largest and largest economies in the world respectively. Though different countries have different family settings, the two communities have managed to...

Family, Life & Experiences

Families from Global Sociological Perspectives

Writers of different articles, books, and journals of families in a global perspective use different sociological approaches to the matter. The most dominant approaches used are the functionalist perspective, feminist conflict perspective, and symbolic perspective. Although the three perspectives seem to be independent, they complement each other. According to functionalism...

Family, Life & Experiences

Planning a Wedding Between Two Individuals

Major Decision The decision that would fit this case is behavioral decision making. Planning a wedding for a Hindu and a Catholic is quite difficult to make. Looking at the cultural differences and challenges to be faced ahead, it is quite difficult to make such decisions. Making the decision follows...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Dufferin Grove Park Farmer’s Market

My Experience When it comes to food, fresh and straight from the farm has always had this undeniably delectable taste and, as such, for this blog entry I chose to explore the Dufferin Grove Park farmer’s market which is just a minute’s walk away from the Dufferin station westbound platform...

Family, Life & Experiences

How to Put a Baby to Bed?

Today, there are many young mothers who admit that they are in need of additional help and suggestions in order to cope with their routine tasks and never regret their decision to have a baby. One of the challenges is to understand that babies like to have their own schedules,...

Family, Life & Experiences

Social Exchange Theory and Human Relationships

Abstract Human relationships and friendships are usually governed by trust. When this trust dies, the relationship is usually harmed. This fact echoes the ideas associated with the social exchange theory. This essay applies the social exchange theory to a personal experience that took place two years ago. The ethical dilemmas...

Family, Life & Experiences

Family Changes in American and African Cultures

Fundamental changes occurring in families worldwide As the basic unit of society, the family is undergoing several changes. Study shows that the family regardless of the unique features in each country and continent is experiencing changes in terms of demography, a social position as well as economic disposition. Regarding demography,...

Family, Life & Experiences

Social Institution of Family in the USA

Birth Control Birth control defines a series of methods that both men and women use to prevent pregnancy. Cherlin (2009) says the introduction of birth control changed the structure of family formations (mostly from the 1960s to 1980s). Birth control helped to isolate sex and reproduction thereby giving women a...

Family, Life & Experiences

Family as a Social Institution

What does family mean to me? I come from a predominantly (INSERT ETHNICITY HERE) family that has been a part of (PLACE NAME OF HOME CITY HERE) for generations. In fact, due to the sheer length of time that our family has been in this particular region, there is a...

Family, Life & Experiences

Social Factors and Family Issues

Family Breakdowns and Re-Formations ~ Divorce and Post-Divorce Cherlin (1995) says deep respect for individualism and a strong commitment to religious values affect divorce rates in America. From this understanding, two social-structural factors that affect divorce in America include religion and family expectations. Similarly, two individualistic factors that affect divorce...

Family, Life & Experiences

Are Women Better Parents Than Men?

Introduction Lead- in The roles of a mother and a father are crucial for a child’s physical, mental, and moral development. However, according to widespread stereotype, women are better parents than men. Yet, this opinion is based on a very biased and gendered perception of parenting. Thesis This paper will...

Family, Life & Experiences

Parents’ Perception of Their Children’s Disability

Abstract The current paper investigates perceptions of diverse parents on the disability of their children in early childhood. It is based on a review of research literature; for the paper, 17 scholarly articles were used. The beliefs of parents from a range of diverse groups and cultures were explored; in...