🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻 Essays on Sociology - Page 2


The Comparison of Rural and Urban Counties in the USA

It is sometimes difficult to understand how people put up with the hassles of city life. The common denominator in most urban centers is pollution; overcrowding; stress; high cost of living; high crime rate; and never having enough time to spend with loved ones. In urban centers people work so...


Workplace Discrimination Against Sexual Minorities

Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation does not enjoy protection as a protected characteristic. As a result, gays and lesbians experience discrimination in the workplace. Although the Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 mentions “sex” as a category entitled for protection, courts are unanimous in holding...


Culture, Peer Interaction and Socioemotional Development

Peer observation and interaction are the most direct ways that children influence their acculturation. Peer contact provides children with the social skills that are necessary for their growth. Suppose kids are not acclimated to these encounters. In that case, they will not be able to gain the essential abilities to...


Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability: The Concept in Context

Abstract The concept of Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability (ERS) has a potential of being just the right ideology that is needed to battle existing environmental problems and various societal dysfunctions. This research paper discusses the existing issues along with potential solutions and the importance of one’s values in their implementation....


The Challenge for Social Security

Social security refers to the programs that provide social protection against socially recognized conditions like poverty, disability, unemployment, old age, etc. It also refers to access to food, clothing, education, shelter and medical care. Challenges The social security future challenges are caused by the aging population in European countries. Social...


Gender Discrimination: Glass Ceiling & Glass Cliff

Gender discrimination can be described as unequal treatment of different individuals due to their gender. Mostly it is disadvantageous for the people of that gender and might be observed in all fields of life. It affects the life experience of these people from early childhood. The glass ceiling in sociology...


The Case of the Ethical Belief That Cannot Pass the Litmus Test

Examples of beliefs that can pass the litmus test are best observed in the laws of nature such as an object that is thrown up will fall or that time passage is inevitable. These beliefs are commonly observed and are qualified by each one of us. Such beliefs do not...


The Issue of the Substance Use and Abuse

Introduction The age group of 18-20 years old is at high risk of abuse of substances such as marijuana, cocaine and alcohol. Being a young adult presents unique challenges which are part of life since it is the period of transition in life. Moreover, most young people at this age...


Marx’s Theory on Schools Tending to Teach to Upper Class

Karl Marx’s theory regarding the schools which tend to teach to the biased upper class can be seen as controversial. On the one hand, the modern representation of the upper class can be seen as the representation of capitalism, where the representatives of that class are people who managed to...


Hannah Arendt and Albert Memmi on Imperialism and Racism

Even the brief analysis of how Arendt and Memmi discuss the relationship between racism and imperialism points out the fact that authors’ ideas, in regards to the discussed subject matter, are being essentially the same. After all, both authors never cease exposing the evilness of imperialism and racism while positioning...


Communication Between Cultures

Larry Samovar, the primary author of Communication between Cultures, has an extensive background in the field of intercultural communication. He is an academic scholar of renown and authority, who received his Ph.D. from Purdue University, worked there for five years, and is currently an Emeritus Professor at San Diego University....


High- and Low-Context Cultures in Communication

High-context culture communications are where formal and indirect styles are used in communication. It involves the use of both verbal and nonverbal techniques to put the information across. Excellent observation and listening skills are paramount for one to understand the information and interact effectively. The culture takes the responsibility of...


Ecological Model and Eating Habits of School-Aged American Children

The ecological model can be used to increase understanding of eating habits, especially among adolescents. This model examines the influences of individual, social environment, example, peers, physical environment, example, school, and macro-system factors on behaviors. At the interpersonal level, a household is an important place in which to target a...


Family Structure and Support Issues

It is important to understand the community factors that may influence family units in various ways. One of the community factors that may affect family units is insecurity. It creates an environment where members of the family are always concerned about their lives. In some extreme cases, it may cause...


Ethical Issues of Transgenderism

The Bible is clear in its understanding of men and woman concerning the issue of transgenderism. It lays out a clear picture of the moral or ethical issues associated with the phenomenon of transgenderism. It provides that one is either a man or a woman and that the phenomenon of...


Inequality and Perception of Status

Introduction Individuals experience at least one social problem: poverty and unemployment, poor health, alcoholism, or family issues. According to sociology, individual challenges are primarily grounded in matters caused by societal aspects. Blaming the system shifts focus to various social conditions, such as decrepit schools, that explain these difficulties. Ultimately, this...


The Concept of Occupation Evolution since 1975

One of the most crucial aspects of modern social life is the idea occupational has evolved into a well-developed system. However, it must be marked that the concept developed in a rather peculiar way, which predetermined its present state. Despite the popular image of occupation, this is far from being...


Non-Verbal Communication Modes and Zones

Non-verbal communication is the most intimate strategy of sharing information since it focuses on in-depth understanding and reaction to a specific situation. Examples of non-verbal communication include maintaining eye contact, body language, empathetic and sympathetic listening (Mokhtari, 2013). Cognition and Behavior Role-Playing systems may alter this communication system since this...


Punishment: Class Relations and Ideological Justification

Social theories emphasize that punishment and criminal laws are a reflection of the social structure within our society aimed at maintaining political and economic order. Social structures determine the enforcement of law in contemporary society. In relation to Marxist theory, punishment is a tool used by the rich and the...


Justifying Aim of Punishment for Utilitarians

The utilitarianism theory suggests that the ultimate consequences determine the choices of actions. Regarding this theory, individuals weigh the outcomes of their actions before embarking on them. The utilitarianism theory proposes that the state should punish offenders but in a desirable manner to achieve the objectives of a favourable society....


“Discriminatory” and Plural Society

One can define discrimination as any social act that produces unfair distribution of valued resources, and is either based on age, sex, race, tribal group or even social groups of individuals or groups. The pattern and perception of discrimination in the society has undergone diverse changes, having been overturned through...


“Primacy of Plants” by Johnston Review

“Primacy of Plants” is a profound Anishnabeg parable simplistically illustrating the essential relevance of plant life to man’s existence. Anishinaabe scholar, language teacher, story teller, ethnologist and essayist, Basil H. Johnston, recounts the tale in his classic Native American anthology, Ojibway Heritage (1990), an expose on Ojibwa culture (beliefs, values,...


The Role Self-Interest Play in Society

The concept of self-interest is believed to have emerged in relation to financing. Its primary meaning is close to that of the word ‘commodities’. With time, however, its meaning has changed almost completely and in the modern world in means egoism, selfishness, and individualism. Though economists are constantly trying to...


Affirmative Action and Reverse Discrimination at Workplaces

Discrimination in any form and expression is undoubtedly bad and unacceptable at the workplace. However, countries with a high rate of incoming foreigners from less developed countries often establish very strict hiring standards in order to prevent ethnic and racial minorities to enter the working place equally with native residents....


Key Developmental Events in the Young Adult Stage

The eight-stage theory of life cycle development of Erik Erikson suggests that human development continues throughout life and is greatly influenced by culture and social environment. Erikson propounded eight ages of man, which include infancy, early childhood years, preschool years, school years, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood....


Why Informal Social Controls Are Important to Policing

Harmony must exist in any society for it to exist. Therefore, to maintain order, society requires rules and regulations to be followed. To ensure that these rules and order are observed, society requires implementing such rules. This is because it is accepted that the absence of effective crime controls mechanisms...


Interest Groups on Different Issues

Nowadays there are a great number of interest groups that claim to voice the public opinion on such issues as gun control, abortion, or capital punishment. It is rather hard to identify the measure of their effectiveness because they include both political and moral issues for consideration, which is already...


Futures Without Violence Organization’s Evaluation

Introduction Domestic violence is a pervasive public health issue that has severe consequences for people, communities, and families. The majority of Americans will visit a healthcare professional at some time, and the hospital environment provides a key prospect for early detection. Potentially preventive interventions of domestic abuse assessments in medical...


Social Service Workers’ Multiple Definitions of Family

The competence and professionalism of social service workers are determined not only by work experience but also by approaches to interacting with the target audience. In particular, when working with families, these employees adhere to flexible communication strategies to maintain ethical standards and, at the same time, implement the objectives...


Active, Critical, and Empathic Listening Strategies

Interpersonal relationship at the workplace involves effective listening, untangling of thought and expression of heartfelt problems, and acceptance of matters that cannot be changed. Effective listening is very essential in the workplace. There are three types of listening skills; active listening is when the receiver of information is mentally attentive...


Dominance and Benefits in Interpersonal Relationships

From a social perspective, mutual benefit is a norm of the response to positive behavior with another friendly approach. People tend to be nice and cooperative in reaction to a welcoming approach but nasty and cruel when responding to a hostile occurrence. Communicative action theory underscores the contrary opinion involving...


The Reconciling of Women’s Rights With Religious Beliefs

It is impossible to reconcile women’s rights with religious beliefs. For instance, it will be meaningless to equate women to men. Diverse religions also clearly distinguish men from women, changing this will be like committing an abomination. Nature too dictates the appropriate things to be done in society, and since...


The Agent of Socialization. What is Its Role in a Person’s Life?

Human socialization occurs within the framework of similar social systems; therefore, it is possible to talk about the uniformity of motives and values that are formed in these systems. The main agents of human socialization are heredity, family, school, street, television and the Internet, books, public organizations, type of social...


Social Workers Help Families with Mental Illness

Introduction Social workers support families in complex financial, drug, alcohol, and discrimination situations. Social workers provide such families with opportunities to diagnose diseases and connect with legal or medical structures. Families with at least one mentally ill member often meet discrimination and feel solid societal stigma. Some families are not...


“White Privilege” Term Definition

The term “white privilege” is a result of racism that comes as doctrine related to three key components. The first component is the fact racism is aimed to determine racial differences in such fields as beliefs, features of character, and intelligence level. The second component represents racism as the assertion...


Cultural Stereotypes and its Impact on Organizational Behavior

The stereotype is often referred to as the common group of people who are accepted commonly in the world. The stereotypes are the common race or the people with the various endangered culture and traditions. The stereotype word has its origin from Greek history, which is known as the solid...


The Controversies of Ethics in Society

Ethics are needed to resolve three different kinds of conflict that are relevant to the necessity of ethics and they are conflicts of ideas or beliefs; conflicts of interest and conflict of strife. There are different interpretations of ethics. Take the case of illegal immigrants or the discrimination against blacks...


LGBTQ Community: History, Immigration, Health Outcomes

LGBTQ community history Political, legal, and economic challenges include the lack of regulations to protect such people from biased attitudes among employers. Forms of discrimination Regardless of the attempts to build a tolerant society, LGBTQ communities remain highly stigmatized and experience various forms of discrimination. Historically, this group experienced institutional...


Unethical Treatment of Immigrants

The problem of unethical treatment of immigrants by the country’s indigenous people is quite acute in the modern world. In some companies, there is discrimination based on the level of wages or racial grounds. It may also be unethical to exploit labor, as there are cases when people who come...


The Division of Labor in Modern Societies

The division of labor could be defined as a separation of practical activities based on specialization. In other words, each individual is occupied with whatever he could do better than anyone else in his community. From the perspective of Durkheim, the separation of responsibilities includes “capitalists, managers, professionals, employees and...


Bullying Sexual Minorities: Multiple Systems of Interactions

Issues of GLBTQ have raised concern not only among the persons victimized but also other members of society. Today, there are means of helping these people to develop and become important members of society. Different governments around the world have formulated policies to address the problems of discrimination of students...


Critical Race Theory: Internalized Oppression Definition

Internalized racism may be defined as a racial hierarchy, consciously or subconsciously accepted by an individual, in which people of color are consistently ranked below white people. It is supported by but not limited to the exhibiting belief that one racial group is inferior while another’s culture and thinking aspects...


Homelessness in South Central Los Angeles

Introduction Despite the recent communal efforts and governmental policies that provide accessible housing and assist low-income families, the problem of homelessness is still highly relevant in the USA. The issue is particularly noticeable in California, accounting for more than 25% of the total amount of homeless people (State of Homelessness...


Healthcare Providers and Transgender Community

The contemporary discrimination against transgender community members by healthcare providers causes several negative consequences. The most critical of them refers to inadequate access to healthcare services. Safer et al. (2016) state that insufficient knowledge of health professionals regarding the given topic is the main reason that leads to considerable health...


Eliminating Racism With Affirmative Action Programs

The rates of the working poor among African Americans are considerably high for several reasons. The first one and the most important is racial discrimination that has been fought for years now and yet impacted the society of the United States severely. The stereotypes surrounding the black population and the...


Bullying Sexual Minorities from Different Perspectives

Failure of reporting these incidences to school staff or adults was realized (66% did not report), and a low percentage (29%) said that school staff gave ineffective intervention after reporting incidences according to GLSEN. Evidence of the negative impact of harassment of GLBTQ in high schools can be evidenced by...


Bullying Sexual Minorities from Cross-Cultural Perspectives

Some communities and countries have well-defined rules and policies that deal with discrimination of people on gender and sexual orientation while others do not have clearly defined rules. Even where rules exist, implementation is a problem in some cases because the problem of harassment can still be identified. It can...


Inequality in the US and Other Advanced Industrial Countries

Research by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has shown that inequality is most prevalent among wealthy nations. This goes against what many people would be expecting. Modernization and democracy as preached by the developed nations ought to bring the level of earning by households to the highest possible...


American Dream of Upward Mobility for Modern Generation

The social mobility question is often used to question the much-hyped American dream often talked about in sarcasm. Social mobility is simply the ability, chance, or possibility that an individual or group of persons such as a family can change through time from one social stratification to the other. Generational...


A Class Divided: Third-Grade Class and Adults at Work

A Class Divided There are some similarities between the dynamics in Jane Elliot’s third-grade class and the adults who work in organizations. She is highly successful in triggering the desired emotions and reactions among the group of people whom she places on the top so that they feel confident about...


How Are Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Class Interconnected?

Race, class and gender shape experience. Racism is a belief that one race is superior over all others. Sexism is one of discrimination forms according to which one sex is believed to be inherently superior over the other sex. Both sexism and racism shape the culture of society. Culture refers...


Violence as the Biggest Challenge for Women Today

Violence against women is one of the most pervasive societal issues undermining the wellbeing of women. Violence and patriarchy are intrinsically related, with male violence against women being viewed as a means to exert power and control over the weaker gender. According to statistics by the UN, 35% of women...


“Trouble Persons Industries” Support Deaf

The members of “trouble persons industries” tend to support the linguistic minority construction of deafness. “Medical practices with children and adults who are members of a linguistic and cultural minority known as the DEAF-WORLD”. Medical practitioners, deaf children, and deaf adults are members of this linguistic minority construction. The parents...


Two Dominant Social Constructions of Deafness by Lane

There are two dominant social constructions of deafness. They are disability construction and linguistic minority construction. People with hearing disabilities come under the deaf community. The linguistic minority consists of a very small group of people with separate manual language, associations, and culture. They differ from the other deaf people...


The Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Age discrimination in the workplace remains to be a major problem. One of the pieces of evidence that support age discrimination lies in talent and recruitment management. Most employers state that the age gap has an impact on their process of recruitment. Almost less than 50 percent of the companies...


Child and Adolescent from a Social Constructivist Approach

A social construction entails any phenomenon that is created or constructed with the intentional or unintentional consent of the particular people of the society after following a particular culture that escorts them to behave in a certain manner that encompasses the follow up of conventional rules. Social construction is an...


Graying Population in Developed and Underdeveloped Countries

Low mortality combined with low fertility produces a population with a high proportion of older adults. The median age of the population rises, and the population experiences “aging” or “graying.” Further increase in the number of women beyond the age of child-bearing reduces the fertility rate even more. Life expectancy...


Social Structure of the Social Setting

The best social structure that best describes my position in society is a social institution. A social institution has the role of fulfilling a certain function in society. Seeing that I am a father, this is a social institution that shows continuity in the generations that were started by my...


Work-Life Balance in Employed Women

Work-life balance involves evaluating how employed individuals balance time spent at and outside their occupation. In ancient days, women mainly concentrated on their kitchens, and those who had jobs worked in industries, shops, and farms. However, with the rapid advance in the economy, a greater number of them are getting...


Feminism: Current Gendered Movements and Causes

The third wave of the feminist movement has caused a range of debates and has stirred quite a turmoil across the globe. In hindsight, what made it so powerful and, thus, subjected to such strong opposition from the conservative side was its propensity to advocating for the rights of the...


Ethical Decision Making Impact on Social Change

Decision-making has diverse impacts on society. Decisions are normally made to bring a lucrative change to the management and the production of various institutions. In any decision-making scenario, it is basically the responsibility of the administrators to make sure that effective decisions are made. They initiate new strategies and modes...


State of Ethics in a School as a Workplace

The present state of ethics in the workplace is very devastating. This is because of the nature and the way people in these workplaces behave when managing various departments of the companies they work for. Many organizations are now not prospering and growing as they are supposed to. The kind...


How Women Are Affected by Gender and Race

Women have for the longest time possible fought for equality, and as a result of their effort, notable progress has been achieved in such areas as reproductive rights, the right to vote, and equal pay. Unfortunately, society still remains largely patriarchal, and women in different parts of the world still...


The Second Wave of Feminism and Its Criticism

The second wave of feminism refers to a phase of feminist thought and activity that took place in the United States between the early 1960s and the 1980s. This wave of feminism spread fast to different parts of the Western world. Its aim was to increase equality for women. The...


Unfair Treatment Experience Based on Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity has always been a source of conflict and possible division of individuals along ethnic lines. On the basis of this assertion, there are individuals who will never acknowledge or appreciate other people’s culture. Cultural diversity should be embraced by societies and, by extension, the people in it. No...


Interpersonal Communications: Principles and Misconceptions

Communication is the process of transmitting or imparting information to a receiver. In the case of interpersonal communication, both the transmitter and receiver are human beings, although they need not necessarily be in direct physical contact with each other. Therefore, for communication to be affected in interpersonal relationships, there are...


War on Drugs: Is America Winning It?

America has a pool of experience of drug interdiction. Even though it is not a new entrant to the war on drugs, its achievements are not significant. As such, there is a series of critical problems that needs to be discussed. The principal reason why it might be claimed that...


Drug Enforcement: What Is the Most Effective Form?

While discussing the most effective form of drug enforcement, it is, first and foremost, necessary to identify the main driver of the growing flow of drugs within the country. Abadinsy explains that the incidence of the use of drugs is in direct proportion to their availability. As such, it becomes...


Re-Entry Policy in US Society After Prisons

According to The Re-Entry Policy Council, approximately “650,000 people were released from prison in 2004”. It means that many people with criminal records try to re-entry American society. It is sad to say that not all of them cope with the task, and recidivism rates are relatively high across the...


Which Social Issues Are Most Relevant?

The most common social issues examples in society include bad habits, drug abuse, social stratification, racism, sexism, chauvinism, crime, bribery, and corruption. Explanation: With the development of humankind and under the influence of the latest technologies, new problems arise that people have not even thought about before. They accumulate and,...


What’s the Difference Between Equity and Equality?

Equity admits that different people have diverse conditions and attempts to fill the gap. It distributes resources in accordance with individual needs, while equality divides the resources between all the subjects equally because it aims to treat all people as they are the same in their rights. Explanation: Both equality...


Difference in the Cultural Connotation of the Two Images

Image A represents the logo of the organization of Amnesty International aimed at suggesting the role of the company in protecting against unfair imprisonment as a social injustice. The image presents a burning candle encircled by a wire. The wire would represent the unjust torture of the prisoners. The other...


The Five Theories of Migration to Construct a Coherent Theory of Migration

The theories of migration are: The Neoclassical theory bases its arguments on differential wages. This means that international migration is necessitated by the scarcity of labor in some nations and the surplus of labor in others. The geographical disparity in labor supply and demand acts as the incentive of migration....


Racial Tensions and Immigration in California

The state of California has always been famous for its ethnic and cultural diversity. However, various groups and nations have never been treated fairly and respectfully enough. As mentioned by Starr: “American California was founded on racial distinctions and repressions: the disenfranchisement of black and Asians, the aggression against Mexican...


Civil Rights vs. Black Lives Matter Movement

After learning about the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, I have a better understanding of the current protests in the country. I believe that the current Black Lives Matter movement is comparable to the Civil Rights Movement in various respects. One of the similarities between the two movements...


Counseling the Culturally Diverse Individuals

As an independent woman who grew up in a predominantly western society, I tend to prefer egalitarian relationships over hierarchical ones. I believe that an equal spread of responsibilities between two partners that form a family is necessary for the cohesive development of the social institution that provides greater happiness...


Social Support Theory and Crime Prevention

Concerning its scientific novelty, the social support theory attempts to find new links between the transmission of social capital and risk factors for crime. Its basic concept, social support, has been known long before the emergence of Cullen’s theory and used to study the factors impacting the sources of crime...


The Impact of Individualism, Ethnic Nationalism, and Class Rule on Society

The three ideologies – individualism, ethnic nationalism, and class rule emerged to connect opinions regarding social, political, and cultural nature of the society. According to Lockard (2011), nationalism unifies people who share the same culture on a particular territory. It can be argued that such an approach illuminates any possibility...


Role of Classes and Early Urbanization in Society

As social classes, priests and bureaucracy have always played an important role in the emergence of societies with their own cultures and perspectives on the course of life. In ancient Mesopotamia, the two classes were closely interconnected since the very first Sumerian civilizations have most likely been ruled by a...


Violence Against Queer Community and Construction of Gender

Most cultures of the world have strict gender identities, making a clear distinction between males and females. These identities are widely perceived as natural since such distinction is also evident in animals and birds. The application of strict gender identities to people, on the other hand, means that both women...


Racial Discrimination Regarding Attraction and Romance

The tendency of discrimination occurs due to social and psychological factors which can be attributed to implicit and explicit attitudes. Implicit biases are subconscious reactions that are often associated with specific encounters or categories, such as race and sexuality. Therefore, implicit bias is the most reliable indicator of discrimination. While...


Relevant Education: Erika Lee’s The Making of Asian America

The outlook on Asian Americans as a minority that has succeeded in integrating into the new culture and become prosperous as a whole is somewhat common in society. Popular sentiments, particularly the anti-racism calls that have become more frequent in recent years, appear to ignore Asians, including them into the...


North American and the Gulf Region: The New Theory of Migration

The new theory of migration is based on the fact that migration is mainly a consequence of a lack of labor in developed countries. Such countries then move to developing countries to tap the excess skilled labor, which is made easier by the high wages offered in these developed countries...


Ideas in Montgomery’s “Different Cultures, Different Childhoods”

At the beginning of the article “Different cultures, different childhoods,” Montgomery states that there is a significant difference between modern and historical childhoods. In comparison to the previous centuries, children nowadays have fewer responsibilities and more entertainment in their lives. They are not expected to earn their daily bread; instead,...


Loretta C. Ford: Gender Perspectives in Leadership

Real leadership is a talent of directing people in their activities toward the supposed way of success despite personal pretenses as for it. This simple definition of leadership as such runs the gamut of those who serve people. The question is that nursing is the subject matter in the discussion....


Parental Substance Abuse and Family Structure

Introduction Family structure plays an essential role in a child’s development into a fully-functioning member of society. The primary focus of this paper is how parental substance abuse damages the family structure and how it affects children in the future because childhood trauma has a lifelong influence on individuals. This...


An Emergency Plan for Disabled People

People with physical and mental disabilities are among the most vulnerable during crises. The reason is that they do not function normally and cannot run or hide from a calamity on their own; thus, they require assistance. This assistance is usually delayed, and as a result, people may be killed...


The Gender Pay Gap in Male and Female Professions

Introduction The difference between men’s and women’s median earnings is known as the gender pay gap. The pay disparity between traditionally male and female professions and the level of education and positions held all contribute to this gap. Since generalizations based on averages are unreliable, it is crucial to consider...


Conflict Resolution: Approaches and Strategies

The problems associated with the study of conflicts have a right to exist. Problems appear not only to professional psychologists and sociologists but also politicians, managers, teachers, and social workers – all those in their practical activity are connected with human interaction problems. Unfortunately, this growing interest is connected in...


Women in Global Leadership Roles

Men and women have been differentiated based on their gender for a long time. Society has put certain expectations on female and male individuals concerning diverse aspects of life, such as occupation and parenting. For instance, representatives of distinct genders can labor in the same field, yet women’s work is...


Dealing with Immigration to the United States

Immigration happens when individuals go to live permanently in foreign countries. People immigrate for many reasons, such as getting away from a forced or abusive marriage, escaping conflict and persecution, the effects of natural disasters, and other environmental factors. Whatever the purpose or reason for resettlement, the influx of migrants...


History of Cocaine and Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol and cocaine abuse has a history dating several centuries. The origin of cocaine can be traced to 5000 BC in the Inca Empire in Peru, where the first uses of coca were discovered (Hart & Ksir, 2018). Today, coca leaves are still consumed in the same way as in...


Alcohol and Drug Dependencies in Marriage

Alcohol and drug dependencies have been a significant problem among the populations of different countries around the globe. One of the subjects often discussed in association with this issue is the cause and effect of substance abuse in marriage and family life of the individuals struggling with the dependencies. Many...


Women in Society: Historical and Modern Roles

History remains significant in understanding the contemporary woman, her roles, challenges, and evolution. Traditionally, women were confined to their homes, with roles ranging from cooking for the family and raising children. However, events such as the world wars, civil rights movements, and industrialization liberated women by giving them a chance...


The Codes of Ethics for Engineers

First of all, it is worth defining what a code of ethics is in principle. A code of ethics is, in fact, a document that sets out the ethical principles and standards that engineers must adhere to. The Code is intended to guide ethical decision-making, encourage professional conduct, and help...


Abortion Rights and the Abortion Ban in America

Introduction The abortion ban has been a controversial topic in the United States, and this is not the first time the debate has been to the Supreme Court. It has become one of the most important political issues in the country recently. The Court ruled in Roe v Wade that...


Gender and Socially Constructed Identity

In modern times, the issue of social self-identification has become more acute. Identity is important in terms of building interaction with others. Therefore, gender is a socially constructed identity that can be interpreted differently around the globe. One should recognize the difference between gender, sex, and sexuality. Sex comprises biological...


Stage Theories of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith

Introduction Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith are influential thinkers of the eighteenth century. Although the two authors acted on various scopes, they were of the same time and provided relatively similar views on human evolution. Natural order and intellectual properties became the standpoints on which Rousseau and Smith debated and...


Gender and Race: The Social Constructs

The norms of society as a whole are rather complicated, but two important components should be highlighted. The first is that they may serve as a guide for how people are expected to behave in our own communities. They assist in understanding what is morally and ethically good and wrong,...


The Generalist Model of Social Work Practice

Introduction Social workers are an important link in modern society, as they assist people in every possible way in their daily problems, deciding what resources and social services will be needed for this. According to McMillan (2018), social practice is a tool that allows you to critically reflect on the...


Reducing Wage Disparity: Strategies for Gender and Ethnic Pay Gap

Introduction Over the years, there has been inequality rooted in the labour markets whereby both males and females provide services; however, during payment, men are considered and receive high wages than women. Similarly, in the same case of a rise in ethnic minorities, individuals from marginalized groups do not obtain...


COVID-19 Crisis Management and Communication

Introduction Various crises and challenging situations may be rather damaging for companies or societies and require specific management efforts. When a certain crisis situation arises, depending on its magnitude, it can disrupt the usual rhythm of the life of a group of people, make significant changes in the work of...