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Mixed Method Research Study: Strategies in Everyday Personal Goals

Mixed research method refers to the emerging of research that advances in qualitative and quantitative data within a single program of inquiry. The main goal of mixed method research is to expand and reinforce a study’s conclusion that contributes to the published literature. Qualitative and quantitative research correspond to each...


Chinua Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart”: Plot and Psychoanalysis of the Okonkwo

Introduction Africa joined the process of world artistic creation relatively late. The anti-colonial movement and the emergence of national consciousness contributed to the awakening of cultural life. By the 40-the 50s of the XX century, there was already journalistic poetry in Nigeria, cheap amateur novels of book bazaars that met...


Bullying in Schools: History, Causes, Solutions

Bullying is a problem that anyone who went to a school had to encounter. It involves repeated and deliberate efforts to hurt, exclude or scare somebody. From its definition, bullying is a physical or verbal antagonism that includes imbalanced power between the bully and the bullied, and thus it leads...


Identity Development: Definition and Adolescents Identity Development

Define Identity Development As children grow and develop with time, they go through many stages of forming their identity. Adolescents experience many crucial changes and shifts in their personalities and behavior when they become adolescents. There are several theories on identity development and how this process affects teenagers. Erik Erikson...


Censorship and Freedom of Speech

The main idea of ​​censorship is the recognition of the right of the state to restrict the dissemination of information that the state considers harmful or undesirable. Censorship is a form of restriction of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, television, and other media, due to legislatively approved norms...


The Problem of Racism in the USA

The issue of race is often discussed in the political sphere, education, and other areas of human life as a concept that requires more attention. However, the claim that race is not biological but social helps see it differently. Since it is not biological but social, it implies that people...


The Process of Socialization: Case Study

The socialization process goes throughout the entire life – from the very birth of a person to old age. In socialization, a person masters social norms and roles and interacts with other people; the personality is formed in this process. A person becomes a social being due to the socialization...


The Gods in Homer’s Epic Poem “The Iliad”

Homer’s epic poem, The Iliad is a story about the siege of Troy city by the Greeks and the Trojan War. The poem contains dramatic scenes of battle that require gods’ intervention on behalf of different characters. The Iliad introduces its readers to an entire society of the gods including...


Social Norms and Their Function in Society

Introduction The social norms are codes of interaction because they clearly explain the role of an individual or person in different scenarios and distinguish between right and wrong. On the one hand, they guide people’s engagement patterns, and on the other hand, they differentiate between human and animal behavior and...


Language and Symbols in Communication

Language is a big part of almost every sphere of people’s lives. Without language and communication signs, it would be impossible to contribute to any of the subjects, be it politics, media, or a simple conversation with another person. It is true that with the help of proper knowledge of...


Researching of Police Discretion

Summary One of the essential principles of police performance is openness and publicity. Interaction with civil society institutions allows the law enforcement system to conduct a constructive dialogue in solving many issues. Joint work with legal and public organizations makes it possible to ensure the observance and respect of citizens’...


The Historiography of Rwandan Genocide

Introduction In the past two decades, the Rwandan genocide has been subjected to a resurgence in academic historiographic research, with the expanding diversity of disciplines. In its thematic interpretation, genocide is a paradigmatic instance of ethnic conflict and is core to the rapidly evolving field of genocide studies. It is...


Communication Issues at the Workplace

It is hard to overestimate the value of effective communication – either written or verbal – in every sphere of our lives, including the workplace. However, many conflicts may arise due to the lack of awareness about and training in how to interact with others in a manner that reduces...

Entertainment & Media

How Mass Media Affects Body Dysmorphia and Eating Disorders

The qualities of mass media are involvement, connectedness, and user-generated content. In recent times, using mass media has become a compulsory portion of daily life. Mass media is commonly used for human connection, exposure to current affairs, and judgment. It is a fantastic opportunity to connect with individuals locally and...

Tech & Engineering

Preventing Identity Theft Among Adolescents

Introduction Social media has undoubtedly entered the public consciousness in more ways than one. In 2021, there are none but a few groups limited to older people, those without Internet access, or individuals deliberately rejecting digitization who do not use Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat. Social applications such as the ones...


A White Identity in “The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man” by Johnson

The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man is a pure fictional story which is all about race acceptance as well as fitting in. Throughout the novel, the protagonist as well as narrator, who are both black and white, truly fight to determine his true identity. Despite the fact that the narrator...


Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” Book and Film

Jane Austen’s novels have many loyal fans, and these books’ screen adaptations are very popular. The film Pride & Prejudice, directed by Joe Wright and released in 2005, is one of the film versions of Austen’s novel – Pride and Prejudice. This adaptation, focusing on its target audience, is presented...


Theme of Memory in Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie”

The Glass Menagerie is a memory play written by Tennessee Williams and set in St. Louis in 1937, whose actions are based on the narrator’s memories, Tom Wingfield. Tom is a protagonist and a narrator who presents the analysis of past events directly to the audience, and he takes part...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Influencers Help Consumers Make Informed Decisions

The digitization of the word of mouth enshrines the optimal utilization of interactions among consumers in determining the prominent brand and product. In this case, social media influencers play a vital role in asserting the purchasing decision among consumers based on their loyalty and satisfaction. The establishment of the networking...

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Devices and Cybersecurity

Medical state structures and commercial organizations have daily access to many personal data, including date of birth, first and last name of patients and staff, marital status. The issue of security is particularly acute in front of medical institutions, where data such as diagnoses, research results, and medical histories are...


The African American Civil Rights Movement History

The Civil Rights Movement refers to the struggle of black Americans for social justice and equal rights under the laws of the United States of America, which took place mainly in the 1950s and 1960s. The Civil War officially abolished slavery, but it did not end discrimination against black people...

Tech & Engineering

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

Introduction Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) are security tools that are often utilized to mitigate potential security violations and ensure that the computers and the whole network are safe. Most cases of intrusion occur when hackers intend to compromise the system and gain access to the most sensitive areas...

Tech & Engineering

Group Project Management Aspects

Abstract Group projects are often more productive and successful than individual ones because various skills and ideas are incorporated into a single team. However, adequate preparations and management are required to ensure the assignment is completed satisfactorily. Consequently, it was only appropriate that we followed the right steps of forming...

Tech & Engineering

Impact of Technology on Society and Various Fields

Currently, technology has dominated most sectors of the economy such that operations can’t take place without its involvement. Due to this abrupt growth of technology, there has been an imbalance between everyday life activities, resulting in positive and negative outcomes. The advantages of technology are numerous to society because of...


Henrik Ibsen’s Play “A Doll’s House”

A Doll’s House, a play by Henrik Ibsen, is a nineteenth-century drama that startled several theatre groups and literary readers at the time. It focuses on women’s responsibilities and expectations, particularly those of housewives. Ibsen goes into detail about the physiological responsibilities of those in the time. He depicts the...


LGBT Student Bullying in Schools

Introduction LGBTQ individuals face a distinct set of challenges: discrimination, social stigma, and often rejection from family members, resulting in mental and physical strains. Based on recent statistics, there is a longstanding trend showing that LGBTQ members are four times likely to face violence in their lives compared to their...


Child Abuse as Modern Society Challenge

Child abuse is among the leading challenges that children face at a point in their live, hence, it attract the attention of the world activists and children rights advocates. Child abuse is a serious offence that affects the development of the society, and cause severe psychological and physical problems to...


Introducing the Standards for Minimum Wage Rates in the US

Introduction The process of introducing the standards for minimum wage rates in the US was neither rapid nor easy to implement. It began in the late 1930s with the introduction of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and has undergone major changes since then. Minimum wage rates and reforms related...


The Need to Raise the Minimum Driving Age

Introduction One of the promising possibilities of American social policy is to allow young people as young as sixteen to drive. This solution seems particularly interesting to discuss in view of the fact that the age of the majority of an American citizens is eighteen. In other words, with regard...


LGBTQ Students Bullying in Schools

Introduction Bullying has been a prevalent form of violence among teenagers for many decades. To some, it is interpreted as a part of growing up. Such reasoning does not consider the repercussions these aggressive behaviors have on the child being picked on occasionally. It is even worse when the child...


Mental Illness Factor of Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction Most American youths and teens have experienced mental illness factors such as substance abuse disorder, anxiety, personality disorder, and varying mood changes. It is noted that juveniles experience several mental illnesses, making them victims of juvenile delinquency. These disorders pose a significant threat to the well-being of the youths...


Racial Discrimination of African Americans During Jim Crow’s Era

Research Questions Birth of discrimination during Jim Crow’s era Anti-discrimination movement Ending period of existance of the Jim Crow’s era Thesis Statement In the first half of the twentieth century, African Americans have been experiencing social pressure and discrimination. Many actions have been done to reduce racism, but not all...


Representation of US Women in Politics

Introduction The representation of women in elective positions in the United States has always been low. Elected officeholders primarily consist of males as women struggle to succeed in politics. Most challenges women face can be linked to structural factors. Although women voters are higher than men, female politicians are fewer...


Civil Rights Case in the City of Chicago

Introduction The case was argued in December 1968 and determined in March 1969. The case originated from Dick Gregory, who organized a demonstration in Chicago in 1966. Protesters gathered to voice their displeasure with the city of Chicago’s policy of segregated public schools. The protesters marched to by then-Mayor Richard...


Robert Frost: Work, Scholarly Criticism, and Biographical Information

Introduction During the early twentieth century, Robert Frost was discouraged from pursuing the life of letters. Thus, Frost turned their attention to raising chickens, selling eggs, and crafting local color-piece journals like Farm-poultry and The Eastern Poultryman (Rashid et al.). This proved to be a tragic time for the family...


Transgender Diversity in the USA Society

Introduction Transgender diversity is one of the most powerful and influential trends in today’s society. On the one hand, it develops positive tensions in society so that more people become concerned about the freedom of self-expression and self-consideration. On the other hand, this trend influences society to restate the most...


Research Methods Critical Analysis

Introduction Research is an important part of the development of science in the modern world. The quality of any study is largely determined by the methods that are used in it. Both suitable methods can be selected, which can help to reveal the research question, and unsuitable ones, which limit...


Comparison of Rome and the US

The article of Ibeji (2011) compares two great republics – the Roman Empire and the United States of America. The main idea proclaimed by Ibeji (2011) is that both Rome and the US unintentionally became global superpowers and even hegemons. The primary means to achieving a superior position in the...

Tech & Engineering

Methods of IT Project Management

The fashion industry is one of the most dynamic sectors around the globe, and the dynamism arises from the diverse needs of the client base. Fashion is a personal statement and a symbol of societal status that also defines a person’s culture and individuality. As a result, clients are always...


Quantitative and Qualitative Research and Its Aims

Quantitative research is concerned with the calculation of observation results. Quantitative data is any data presented in a numerical format, such as statistics, percentages, etc. Causal-comparative research is done primarily to explain and better understand the causal processes involved in creating an event, feature, or relationship, usually by bringing together...


Quantitative Research and Its Four Designs

The quantitative research approach focuses on quantifiable data, such as numbers and figures, in both collection and analysis (Aspers & Corte, 2019). It is scientific in nature, with the use of statistical data reducing the time and efforts researchers need to describe the results (Eyisi, 2016). The types of quantitative...

Tech & Engineering

The Effect of Technology on Aviation Security

Abstract The study examined the adoption and implementation of technology in the aviation industry and how this affects security in the industry. The purpose of this research is informed by the threats that the aviation industry continues to experience since the 1960s, when over 130 hijackings were recorded, especially for...


Quantitative Methods and Analysis

Quantitative Measures Quantitative research methods highlight objective measures, numerical and mathematical analysis of information. Data is gathered through surveys, questionnaires, polls, or manipulation of pre-existing records using computational techniques (Brancati 2018). Therefore, the main focus is collecting numerical data and simplifying it for people (Brancati 2018). Also, it aims at...


The Trans-Atlantic African Slave Trade

The Trans-Atlantic African Slave Trade began with the insatiable thirst of the Muslim merchants for slaves. Initially, the Portuguese were only interested in gold and material goods. The primary issue was that sub- Saharan Africa was under the Islamic Empire control, which spread across the northern coast of Africa. The...


Striate Cortical Damage in Monkeys and Humans

Background Visual cortex damage or lesions may often lead to blindness which, in many patients’ cases, is impossible to treat. After the cortex damage, another specific peculiarity of the human occipital lobe occurs (Bagins et al., 2019). The patients may locate visual stimuli being unaware of position, shape, color, and...


China’s History, Economy, Culture and Political System

History China was one of the earliest civilized nations in the world and the source of world major inventions like gunpowder, paper, printing and compass. It is the nation with the world’s longest system of writing and the most widely spoken language in the world, Chinese. It is against this...


Nuclear Share of Electricity Generation

Different opinions surrounded the topic of nuclear power usage for the last 50 years. While some people strongly suggest that nuclear power is dangerous, other people state that nuclear power is far more progressive and cleaner than coal and oil sourced energy. This paper will uncover the basic physical principles...


The Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Islands

The ability to produce power by influencing atoms, either by breaking them apart or fusing them, is nuclear power. By dividing its atoms, a material such as uranium may be utilized to generate heat and even electricity. Usually, power plants need the energy to produce electricity, while nuclear reactors do...


Hospital Errors and Infections: Research Methods

Method To conduct a successful and valid research, it is important to determine the methods one is going to use during it. There are various methods in healthcare researches that are used; they are all based on research paradigms also known as qualitative and quantities methods. Depending on the type...


Black Americans and the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction Throughout the twentieth century, racial segregation dominated the United States, but a turning point came in 1960. The state’s dark-skinned heritage began to struggle to equalize all citizens, regardless of their race. It is important to note that the struggle for rights was nonviolent, but extremely effective. Although the...


Men in Glaspell’s “Trifles” and Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” Plays

The two plays portray conflicts that arise in society due to the assumptions that men hold about women. The communities are male-dominated. Gender roles come explicitly in the plays as male masculinity drives the notion of incapability of the women to think intelligently towards matters of great concern to society...


Genetic Cloning: Advantages and Disadvantages

Abstract Cloning is the process of creating a copy of particular organisms, including genes, tissues, and cells. There are three types of cloning, which are gene, reproductive and therapeutic ones. Although its beneficial effect is undeniable, for instance, providing an opportunity to have children for ones, who have specific illnesses,...


The Black Lives Matter Movement Impact on American Society

The Black Lives Matter movement was a struggle for social justice and equality for African Americans between the 1950s and 1960s. It altered the social order of that time, providing legal rights for millions of African Americans. This essay claims that the movement made a long-lasting change in American society....


Gender Inequality in Higher Education: Challenges and Solutions

Abstract The problem of gender inequality has been a persistent and unresolved issue in social and professional life in the United States of America and globally. The implications of the problem for higher education proved to be omnipresent, including women’s underrepresentation in leadership positions, gender-based discrimination cases, sexual harassment, inequality-oriented...


Importance of the Consent Principle in Ethical Research

The fourth principle of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights is consent, which refers to the pre-emptive acceptance of the human subject to participate in an ethical study. It is established to protect the decision of the human subjects during any research. Ethical research involves active interaction with...


Aspects of Tay–Sachs Disease

Currently, medical experts are aware of numerous genetic diseases, diverse in the severity of their course, consequences, and the effect on the organs. In this regard, Tay–Sachs disease is one of the most complicated and simultaneously rarest disorders, which still cannot be entirely treated by any available means. The objective...


Business Statistics. Regression Models for Forecasting

Scatter diagram A scatter diagram is a diagram that plots two related variables. The explanatory variable is on the x – axis while the explained variable is on the y – axis. In this case, the price of houses is plotted on the y – axis while the area of...


Harriet Tubman: Important Historical Figure

Summary Harriet Ross Tubman played many roles in her life – a slave, slave liberator, Union Army spy, suffragette, and a public speaker. She used the force of her convictions to free people and fight against oppression. As a result, Tubman joined the ranks of the most eminent abolitionists, completing...


Issue of Homelessness in America

Introduction Homelessness is among the most significant social issues affecting individuals globally. Nearly half of the population in the world today faces homelessness at some point in life. Homelessness affects individuals and societies locally and internationally, which causes suffering and feeling of isolation among communities. Sociologists need to address the...


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

It is hard not to agree with the fact that TANF is an essential program for families who want to get back on track. TANF, standing for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, provides territories with opportunities to implement programs aimed at helping low-income families to become economically self-sufficient. This initiative...


Loving Organic Foods: Case Report

Background Information The present report was commissioned by the chief analyst of the Diligent Consulting Group as a fulfillment of the request of Loving Organic Foods company. The request was to explore the factors that may motivate the customers to increase their spending on organic foods. Linear regression analysis revealed...


The Court System of the Georgia State

In the United States, court systems between states differ while upholding the same general purposes. Georgia’s court system comprises six trial-level tribunals: the probate, municipal, juvenile, superior, magistrate, state, and probate courts. There are also two appellate-level judicatures, including the Supreme and the Court of Appeals (Supreme Court of Georgia,...


Health Promotion on Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Substance Abuse Substance use disorder is a disease marked by a harmful pattern of substance use that causes significant issues or suffering, including resistance to or abstinence from the substance, as well as additional issues that the substance might create for the sufferer socially, professionally, or academically. Drug addiction has...

Tech & Engineering

Technology and Evolution of Communication

Technology has transformed people’s lives to a considerable extent in all spheres, including communication. Two hundred years ago, people had to write letters or meet personally to communicate. One hundred years ago, people could communicate with little attention to distance as they had telephones. Nowadays, people are constantly in contact...

Tech & Engineering

Violent Video Games and Children’s Empathy

Introduction People’s pastime has changed significantly over the past decades due to technology. Video games took one the critical places among children and adolescents’ hobbies. Video games are controlled by electronic equipment launched on special platforms using game consoles, computers, or other devices (Funk et al., 2003). The content of...


The National and California Constitutions: Comparative Analysis

Similarities The Constitution of California divides government into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, following the example of the US Constitution. The national government is divided into the President, the Congress, and the Supreme Court, while the State of California government consists of the Governor, the California State Legislature, and...


Race and Crime: Is There a Correlation?

Abstract Crime has always been a topic closely connected with race and ethnicity. In the United States of America, where a large variety of different groups of people intersect and interact, discussions of criminality and statistics have permeated public discourse for multiple decades. Statistically, the US currently boasts a disproportionate...


Sexual Abuse of Children vs. Familial Abuse

Nowadays, many laws and regulations govern the types of sexual abuse. Moreover, they determine the specific actions that fall within this definition, as well as the punishment for the deed. Usually, the definition of sexual abuse includes acts of a sexual nature by one person in relation to another. Likewise,...


Discrimination Against Minority Groups, Races, and Ethnic Groups

Discrimination in the United States Humans have different features and cultures which improve their relations and socialization. However, the differences have led to conflicts among the people. Globalization has taken place in the world due to employment and other economic challenges, whereby people move from their country to another country....


“Boarding School Seasons: American Indian Families, 1900-1940” by Child

Nowadays, being a student at a residential private school is prestigious and, to some extent, pretentious. Modern cinematography depicts such students as children of rich parents who are barely engaged in their education. Now, let us go back 100 years to see what the difference is. In this trip to...


Human and Sex Trafficking in Spain

Introduction Human and sex trafficking have continued to plague many communities globally despite being abolished in many nations. Although human trafficking was made illegal in Spain in 2010, data on the subject is limited, comprising only cases formally designated by police as having a strong leaning towards sex trafficking (Villacampa...


Discussion of Gender and Modernity

Introduction The modern world society is characterized by profound structural changes. There is a process of restructuring of social institutions, a change in social values and way of life. In addition, previously customary ideas about the role of women in the family have undergone a significant adjustment in the minds...


Comparing Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods of Study

The Rationale for Choosing the Methods Considered The rationale for choosing each of the three main types of methods for a study (quantitative, qualitative, mixed) as given in the video “Musings: Aligning Research Question and Methodology” (n.d.) is summarized below. Quantitative Methods If enough research on the topic already exists,...


Arthur Farwell: Composer Career and the Most Famous Works

Personal Background Arthur Farwell (1872-1952) was an American composer who devoted his life to promoting a ‘new American music’ which included the elements of traditional Native American and African-American music culture. Although originally, he did not plan to become a professional musician, he ultimately became one of the most influential...


Tom in “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams

Some playwrights utilize intriguing approaches to setting up the scene; for example, by making a narrator a direct participant of the events, the writer can convey more meaning. “The Glass Menagerie” is a play written by Tennessee Williams in 1944 (Williams, 1). Interestingly, the central character of this play, whose...


Impact of Domestic Violence on Children in the Classroom

Many societal issues affect the quality of children’s education in modern classrooms. Domestic violence is not just another problem supported by statistical data and vivid examples. It is a challenge that changes human lives and determines education in a variety of ways. In her article, Lloyd (2018) underlines that children’s...


The Ethical Challenges Associated With Gay Marriage

The union between persons of the same gender is referred to as gay marriage. The term ‘marriage equality’ is frequently used by proponents of legal acceptance of homosexual marriage. Ethics is a science concerned with morality and human values. There are varieties of ethical theories that focus on distinct aspects...


Negative Effects of Child Abuse

Introduction Parents, in ideal circumstances, protect young kids and adolescents from distress and act as co-regulators of morphology and physiology. Children brought up by such caregivers progressively develop these regulating skills over time. As a result, they often start school with well-regulated behavioral, psychological, and physiological states, which prepares them...


Characteristics of Juvenile Delinquency and Its Prevention

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is an integral part of crime in general and has its specific features, making it possible to consider it an independent object of criminological study. The need for such a separation is due to the peculiarities of minors’ physical, mental, and moral development and their social immaturity....


Realism in Alice Sebold’s Novel “The Lovely Bones”

Alice Sebold’s novel, The Lovely Bones, tells the story of the Salmon family and the tragic murder of Susie Salmon. The Salmon family lives together in the quaint town of Norristown, Pennsylvania. Susie was the eldest of the Salmon’s three children whom George Harvey raped and murdered (p.15). He proceeded...


Children’s Foster Care and Associated Problems

Introduction Children who either lost their parents or were rejected by them are forced to live in relative or non-relative families or pre-adoption homes provided by the state. A lack of parents negatively impacts them: they tend to develop different problems and usually have little or no support. In that...


Revenge, Deceit, and Murder in “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Poe

Introduction The Cask of Amontillado, a short story by Edgar Poe, revolves around secret murder, revenge, and deception. In an Italian-based setting, Poe shows how Montressor tricks his friend Fortunato into trapping him in a prehistoric catacomb. In the story, Poe uses the two main characters, Fortunato and Montresor, to...


Theme of “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor

The theme “A good man is hard to find” is the main idea of the short story written by Flannery O’Connor in 1953 year. In this piece of literature, the author describes a situation from the perspective of the main character, which is a Grandmother. In her work, an American...


Economic Inequalities in the Modern United States

Introduction In many parts of the world, some people get treated differently from others due to various reasons. Some of those reasons are related to economic inequalities in society. While people from certain social classes have particular benefits, such as higher household income, people from other classes often struggle to...


Broken Windows Theory of Policing and Crime Rates

Introduction Before the development and implementation of the broken windows theory, authorities focused on serious crimes such as rape, robbery, and murder. However, the developers of the theory viewed crime differently as they saw serious misconduct as a result of disorder (Newberry, 2017). Thus, if they eliminated the misdemeanors, severe...


The Great Depression and the New Deal

When Roosevelt entered office, the first thing he did was confront the banking sector’s developing problems. His government launched new legislation, like the New Deal, which resulted in the development of numerous new statutes and institutions to improve the ailing economy. The government implemented this legislative proposal four years after...


Two Sisters in “Two Ways to Belong in America” by Bharati Mukherjee

Introduction Of all the social issues that have developed in the U.S. over the entire course of its existence, the question of race perpetuates all of its domains, including sociocultural, sociopolitical, and socioeconomic ones. The challenges of belonging and, quite often, even surviving the weight of racial and ethnic prejudices...

Tech & Engineering

Data Mining Algorithms for Business Intelligence

Abstract Data mining joins computer science and statistics used to discover trends from the information bank. The main objective is to generate useful information from large data and mold it into understandable structures that can make key decisions and predictions for the future. Data mining algorithms have been used for...


Public’s View of Crime and Criminality

Summary The advancement of technology has resulted in the emergence of different methods for people worldwide to consume media. Whether written, aired, marketed, or shared, media outlets serve as conduits for social interaction. For some individuals, printed daily newspapers and publications serve as information on events occurring locally, nationally, and...


Ethical and Legal Issues in the Case

Ethical Issue That Arises in This Case Individuals often face situations that require them to make decisions based on their ethics. People’s actions shape their moral principles and ethical views or alter their concern for wrong, right, and harmful activities (Dewey and Imagination, 2020). Ethics originates from individual consciousness of...


Renaissance in Italian City-States

The term renaissance means “rebirth” or rather revival of an activity that has not been done for quite a long period. In this case, one should refer to the Italians recalling their ancient activities, such as artwork, and political and economic progress to satisfy their needs (Burckhardt & Middlemore, 2019)....


Trade and the Silk Roads

Silk roads, otherwise known as silk routes, refer to ancient trade roads that connected China with the West. It is responsible for carrying goods and ideas between two significant civilizations of China and Rome. Silk traveled towards the West while other goods like gold, wool, and silver traveled towards the...


Making Abortion Illegal: Woman’s and Child’s Rights

Nowadays, there is a significant concern about abortion in medical practice. Undoubtedly, many women might not be ready to give birth to a child for many reasons, and abortion becomes an exit for them. However, this process might be equated to the murder of a child. It is essential to...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology Project Risks

Successful initiation, implementation, and conclusion of a project are necessary, especially when implementing Information Technology (IT) projects. The project team needs to ensure that the IT project is conducted well and the deliverables are delivered within the budget, on time, and fulfill the stated project scope that should offer the...

Tech & Engineering

The Chunnel Tunnel: Engineering Project

Introduction One of the marvels of modern engineering is the 50.5 km long undersea rail tunnel commonly referred to as the “Chunnel tunnel” linking northern France and the United Kingdom. The American society of civil engineers (ASCI) identifies the channel as one of the seven wonders of the modern world....


“Flute Concert with Frederick the Great in Sanssouci” Artwork by Menzel

As a rule, contribution to art is not what monarchs are typically remembered for; however, as seen in Adolph Menzel’s painting, “Flute Concert with Frederick the Great in Sanssouci,” Frederick the Great made quite a difference in the art domain by promoting the significance of music along with innovations in...

Tech & Engineering

Migrating Technical Infrastructure to Cloud

Project Description Viability Cloud Computing to Companies project aims to substantiate why associations should have an urge to shift their infrastructure to the cloud. This shift includes the recommendation of the best cloud service providers. Organizations should also be aware of the merits and demerits of each product supplier. This...


Cultural Feminism in “Herland” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Herland 1915 novel by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is often applauded as a feminist utopian narrative ahead of its time. The story was first published in The Forerunner, a literary magazine owned by Gilman, and later, in the 1970s, as an independent novel, the second wave of the feminist main focus...


Evolution of the Disgraced Human Soul – From Swords to the Clubs of War

The history of weapons began with the appearance of man on earth and the need to aggressively confront the outside world to survive in it. The first weapons were sharp stones, then humanity went through all the stages of formation associated with the use of one or another metal –...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management: Project Management Principles

Project management is a process of applying various skills, methods, and knowledge to accomplish certain project objectives. A project manager typically regulates the whole process and allocates the budget for the expenses. Project Management Institute provides 12 principles of leading a successful project (see Appendix A). From these principles, adaptability...

Tech & Engineering

Use of Data in Business. Knowledge Management Systems

Data is a key aspect in business intelligence and analytics. Business intelligence focuses on the present, taking data to apply it towards enhanced decision-making through aggregation, visualization, and analysis which can improve operational efficiency. This paper continues building on the example of a medium-sized business offering business development education services....


Animal and Human Rights Interpersonal Comparison

Many philosophers have disagreed as non-human animal rights are concerned. Some argue that animals have no rights and are generally abused and mistreated, while other environmental ethicist recognizes the need for animal rights. The arguments are based on the fact that these animals can also feel pain just like humans....