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Effects of Child Labor in Farming to Children

Child labor in farming is defined as involving children in farm duties that interfere with their personal development and their human rights. The issue of child labor is affecting many countries across the globe. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has observed that sixty percent of child labor...


Language Barrier in Communication

Introduction Communication is integral for the survival of individuals, cultures, and countries. A language is a tool of communication used by individuals within the healthcare sector (Ali and Watson 1). This tool enables providers to share ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others. Despite its significance, language can also act as...


Communication: What We Learn From Non-Verbal Cues

Introduction Non-verbal cues usually involve the use of facial expressions, vocal intonation, gestures, and posture to communicate. This essay uses the three-point proof technique to describe what we learn from non-verbal cues. Non-Verbal Cues are Very Powerful Complementation of Verbal Communication Non-verbal cues help emphasize the message being said, thus...


Evaluating the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Impacts and Challenges

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) attempts to reduce health care costs and help the vulnerable categories of Americans who are not able to pay for needed health insurance. However, after the passage of the ACA, the debates over fiscal pressure of Medicare and Medicaid have increased substantially,...


The Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court Case Brief

Facts Obergefell v. Hodges case involves fourteen same-sex couples and two same-sex individuals whose partners were deceased. These individuals filed a lawsuit for four different states, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan. These appealing individuals wanted to validate the definition of marriage. Specifically, the abovementioned four states define marriage as a...


Dylan Thomas “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”

Poems have significant impacts on our social lives, as they pass the message and keep people informed. Understanding the message in a poem requires concentration and alertness of one’s mind. Poems have different styles, which content creators use to incorporate messages. Dylan Thomas wrote the poem entitled “Do not go...


Aspects of Contemporary Art

Introduction Many people think of art as something at least a century old and fail to consider the contemporary masterpieces that are being made in the present. However, the art world is flourishing, with the pieces being a reflection of the ever-changing world. Contemporary art is the definition of the...


Cultural Artifacts and Their Theme

The first selected cultural artifact is the poem “The Colonel” by Carolyn Forché. It was written in El Salvador in 1978 in the middle of a civil war between the US-backed military and government on the one side and the Foarabundo Martí National Liberation Front on the other side. In...


The Supreme Court Ruling in the US vs. Bass Case

Bass was convicted of two of the assault weapons murders-the killings of Armenty Shelton and his brother Patrick. In a third codifying accusation, the defendant was charged and convicted of conspiracy to retain with deliberate intent and distribute over five kilos of cocaine and more than 50 grams of illicit...

Tech & Engineering

Creating and Effectively Managing a Virtual Team

Introduction Global technological advancements have greatly revolutionized the way human beings interact and work the changes being witnessed are on the rise. This has left organizations with no option but to style up look so as to leverage on the numerous opportunities that have become available. Faced with increased pressure...

Tech & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence Overview

Introduction The quantity of data generated by humans and machines currently far exceeds the ability of human beings to absorb, interpret and make complex decisions. Therefore, machine learning forms the foundation and perspective of complex strategic planning in computer learning (Shabbir and Anwer 1). AI is, therefore, a multi-faceted, interdisciplinary...


Edgar Allan Poe’s Life and How It Influenced His Writing Career

Introduction Thesis: Edgar Allan Poe’s writing career was largely influenced by events that happened around him. Paragraphs Edgar Poe’s background information and his new family. Poe’s education history. The end of his education and the start of his writing career. The international copyright infringement saga and how it impacted Poe....

Tech & Engineering

Open Data Policies: Benefits, Issues, and Best Practices

Introduction The Open Data Policy is a U.S. policy governing the management, storage, and publication of data by government agencies. Although initially presented in an Executive Order by Barack Obama’s administration in the U.S., similar policies are being adopted internationally. It requires that data collected or created by such agencies...

Tech & Engineering

Data Mining Algorithms: Applications

Over the years, technological advancement and the competitive business world have necessitated the development of various data mining algorithms. These different techniques have proved useful in obtaining important data from large sets of raw data. Data mining, therefore, is the processes through which different algorithms and software are used to...

Tech & Engineering

Discussion of the UK Huawei Ban

The article at the center of this discussion has been posted online by Business Standard – a popular free business newspaper. It covers the details of the recent decision of the United Kingdom government to ban all Huawei equipment from the country’s 5G network. The decision to prohibit the purchase...

Tech & Engineering

Policies Enhancing Information Security of Global Distribution, Inc.

Executive Summary The increase in demand for data driven service at GDI is the source of emerging security and system integrity risks. The firm needs to implement policies to address these issues to reduce the impact of the associated risks. The critical assets requiring policy protection include the 81 remote...

Tech & Engineering

State Government IT Security Policies

Introduction Having a clearly articulated information technology (IT) security policy is crucial for any organization, including state agencies and offices in the executive branch. A well-established IT security policy prevents unauthorized disclosure, access, use, or modification of information assets of an organization (Briffa et al., 2020). Illinois Department of Innovation...

Tech & Engineering

Information Systems and Software Application

Introduction Streamlining business processes with appropriate information technology software’s is critical towards success in the world of today. This streamlining has been transforming businesses to operate in modern information age discarding the traditional way of conducting business or managing organizational resources. This has been important to many organizations because it...

Tech & Engineering

The Future of Voice over Internet Protocol

VoIP is a technological solution which allows users to maintain telephone connection over cyberspace. It implies transferring audio signal using Internet Protocol networks. How VoIP Works VoIP transforms analog signal into digital one by utilizing various codecs. Codecs process voice signals and create data packages which are then sent out...

Tech & Engineering

Testing Software and Web Application Performance Tool

Introduction The given literature review will primarily focus on the topic of Web Application Performance Tool (WAPT), which is utilized in order to test web-based interfaces and related applications. Aside from general background, this literature review contains sections of load testing and stress testing comparisons and the section discussing gaps...


The Complexities of Illegal Immigration in the United States

The problem of illegal immigration is one of the most vital ones for American society. Thousands of people who try to cross the border are detained and deported out of the country without any chance to go back. This problem is complex and has many reasons, and there are two...


Women’s Liberation: Feminism in Society

Introduction The pervasive description of Betty Friedan as posed in her publication in 1963 posits that women within the mainstream American Society are subjected to the feminine mystique. Society assumed after the Second World War that women were only justified to find fulfillment through sexual passivity, housework, child-rearing, and marriage....


Aspects of Immigration in Modern US Life

Introduction Several factors that prevent the development of effective strategic decisions in this area influence the U.S. immigration policy. Such factors include the influence of changeable public attitudes, misunderstanding of the social and economic nature of immigration, and the established practice of favoring the country’s indigenous population to the detriment...


White-collar Crimes: The Bernie Madoff Ponzi Scheme

White-collar cases or crimes have provided challenges, especially in the economic sector. Berghoff and Spiekermann (2018) state that nowadays, not a single day goes by without reports about corporate crimes and professional misconduct. This shows clearly how white-collar crimes have been rampant in modern society. As a result, several legal...

Tech & Engineering

Knowledge Management Tools in the 21st Century

Introduction Many scholars acknowledge that the knowledge management field is an emerging field that has not developed to its full potential. Nonaka &Takeuchi (1995) says that knowledge management is the creation, dissemination, use of knowledge through processes that have been put in place by stakeholders in the field (p. 67)....

Tech & Engineering

Advantages of the Computer Games

Introduction A computer game refers to an electronic game that entails contact with a user interface to produce image response on a video gadget. Other references given to computer games are PC games or video games. The electronic gadgets employed in playing computer games are referred to as platforms. Illustrations...

Tech & Engineering

Digital Forensics Research Pape

Introduction When designing local networks’ IT architecture, whether it is a large enterprise, a small company, or a home network, security is a key performance criterion. Protecting networks from outside interference, regular checks, and optimizing computational processes and node links are priorities for creating a quality system. Nevertheless, it is...


Criminal Justice System in the US, China and Japan

Criminal justice refers to the process of administering justice to law offenders. It involves a committed offense, the police, and a court system that determines whether the offender is guilty or not and gives a ruling on the matter. Certain behaviors are unacceptable in a community. The legal system has...


Legalization of Medical and Recreational Marijuana in America

Introduction The legalization of marijuana has been a key subject in the US and also many other countries around the world. The previous years have been characterized by substantial shifts in cultural notions that are directed towards marijuana. There seem to be potential problems and also health concerns over the...


Causes of Crimes, Theories and Crime Behavior

Introduction Criminology requires a person to understand the reason that makes people commit crimes. It provides a platform on which mechanisms of solving and handling criminal behavior. In the past years, various theories, which are related to causes of crime, have emerged. Besides, researchers continue to explore these theories. This...


English Common Law and Penal Law in the United States

Law is a system of rules enforced by the government to regulate behavior. It is a fundamental aspect of modern society that requires the peaceful coexistence of billions of people. United States law functions at a federal and state level guided by common law and civil statutes. Common law, also...


The United States Court System

The court system is part of the judiciary branch of government. The judiciary branch, in its turn, is equaled to the other two branches, which are the legislative and executive ones. The main task of the judiciary branch is to interpret the laws and apply them to solve conflicts and...


Slavery and Its Impact on the United States

Introduction The problem of racial discrimination against blacks has always been widely covered by the media in the United States. The Black Lives Matter movement has reached a new level in recent years. There are still cases of racial discrimination that are widely covered by the media. That is why...


Technology and Crime Analysis

Introduction Crime analysis encompasses structured, diagnostic procedures that police officers use to obtain prompt and relevant data about crime trends and pattern correlations. The tactic enhances crime prevention and investigation, criminal apprehension, and department process’ evaluation (Braga et al., 2019). Information technology is used in analyzing wrongdoing because it ensures...


“On Being Brought From Africa to America” by Wheatley

Introduction The poems written by Phillis Wheatley are unique literary works that reflect the life of slaves in the new country. However, the most significant piece seems to be “On Being Brought from Africa to America,” and its selection is conditional upon the fact that it represents the beginning of...


Theme in Everyday Use by Alice Walker

The short story Everyday Use was published by Alice Walker in 1973 and is included in the short stories collection In Love and Trouble. The critical theme in Alice Walker’s stories is racial discrimination, minority issues, and the infringement of women’s rights. In her novels and short stories, she often...


White-Collar Crime Theory Research

Abstract White-collar crimes theory includes organizational deviance and overuse of power; however, individual-based violations tend to occur in financial operations. The case of a fraudulent obtain of $2 million from the Paycheck Protection Program loans established to help small businesses survive the COVID-19 pandemic has been analyzed in the research....


Miss Emily & Father in “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

Summary William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily is a short story told from a first-person narrative. The story begins with the narrator informing the audience about the funeral of Miss Emily Grierson (Faulkner 6). Although the “whole town” attended the funeral, the woman had been alone for at least a...


Masculinity: A Different Way of Being a Man

Gender is one of the first social categories that youngsters learn in today’s society. Consequently, awareness of gender stereotypes is visible from early childhood on and into maturity. Masculinities and femininities are institutionally structured and elaborated as well as experienced via interactions, making gender ideology more than just individual characteristics....


Machiavelli’s “The Prince” and Bad Characters in Movies

Ayer, David. Training Day. Warner Bros. Publishing, 2001.  This source is an intangible primary source of data. Training Day is a movie on David Ayer’s book Training Day and produced by Warner Bros Pictures in 2001. The author and producers try to show why the African American Community perceives violence...


Social Commentary in Pop Music Industry

Contemporary pop music is a fairly young art form that developed in the 20th and 21st century into one of the most influential cultural industries. The phenomenon of popular music is so pervasive that sometimes a person is not inclined to pay critical attention to this phenomenon. People live in...


Music Paper: The Type of Music Jazz

Introduction The type of music chosen for analysis is known as Jazz. This is a genre of music that derived its origins from a series of cultures but primarily depended on its African tradition. It was transmitted through slave immigration which occurred in the eighteenth century. This form of music...

Tech & Engineering

Security Analysis: Findings & Recommendations for Air Force Reserve Command

Introduction The Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) – Is an exceptional branch of the forces that tenders their support to the Air Force in the United States. Specifically, this body monitors communications, intelligence and natural disasters aftermaths such as aerial spray of mosquitoes and hurricane occurrences (Air Force Reserve Command,...


Jim Crow and Segregation Era’s Implications for Modern African American History

Introduction The socio-historical paradigm of race manifests the centuries of people’s struggle and fight for fundamental rights and freedoms. As far the African American history is concerned, the historical timeline is replete with oppression, slavery, dehumanization, and social justice breakthroughs such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting...


The Black Lives Matter Movement and the Perspective of Peggy Hubbard

Society consists of individuals that profess various and often conflicting worldviews and intentions. Communication of people that carry opposing values has the potential to turn into a clash. The Black Lives Matter movement and the perspective of Peggy Hubbard are the indicators of the extent of severity to which the...


Rhetorical Analysis of “Black Panther”

Introduction It can be said without exaggeration that Black Panther – which was filmed in 2018 by Ryan Coogler (IMDb) – is one of the most successful Marvel films to date. This action-adventure-Sci-Fi movie follows the early reign of King T’Challa of Wakanda when he was attacked by Eric Killmonger,...


Strategic Marketing of New Upcoming Artist: Slavaki & Elusive Records

Outline The music marketing plan is meant to promote a new unsigned artist who may not have enough resources to splash out extravagant marketing strategies. It defines both new and traditional techniques for marketing, taking into consideration the cost and status factor. Despite all the limitations, the plan is expected...


Allegory in “Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving

Introduction Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle is an allegorical short story, disguising criticism about the British and American government behind an unusual story of a Dutchman. Irving used allegory to analyze and represent a different angle self-identification problem (N.N. Li and L.M. Li 307). Indeed, the resistance of Rip Van...


Two Versions of the “Strange Fruit” – by Billie Holiday and by Nina Simone

Strange Fruit is a song of rebellion against one of the most appalling kinds of discrimination – the racial discrimination. The poem, written by Abel Meeropol and originally performed by Billie Holiday, refers to the recurring cases of the Black Americans lynching, which occurred in the United States at the...


Social Use of Music in Contemporary American Society

Music has been part of American society due to its impact on day-to-day life. It has been a tool used to address the social, political, and economic issues in America, linking the poor and the rich. Music in the United States has experienced significant transformation due to the emergence of...


Domestic Violence as a Form of Child Abuse

Researchers estimate that three to 17.8 million children are compelled to witness a form of domestic violence on an annual basis. The fact that domestic violence subjects a child to physical, behavioral, and emotional torture makes it a form of child abuse. Moreover, these children are prone to child maltreatment,...


The Affordable Care Act and Healthcare Equity

Access to quality and prompt healthcare is a fundamental human right issue that all Americans should enjoy and uphold. Notably, most Americans still depend on out-of-pocket payments to fund their medical expenses because of the lack of comprehensive insurance coverage (Griffith, Evans, & Bor, 2017). The Affordable Care Act is...

Tech & Engineering

4G Wireless Networks: Overview

3G wireless networks and 4G networks Both 3rd and 4th generations are mobile communication standards set to define the general airwaves utility. They are both forms of transmissions that carry information in form of voice and data. The most notable difference between the two transmission networks is the speed and...


Drug and Alcohol Abuse Within Employees

Due Date Walmart Supercenter 7065 N Ingram Ave Fresno, CA 93650 Dear Walmart: The attached report, requested by you from July 7, describes how you can address the issue of drug and alcohol abuse to the employees from your company. I believe that you will find the results of this...


The American Civil War and Its Aftermath Known as Reconstruction

Crucial political and socio-economic processes took place during the 19th century in the USA. Topics of concern included the issue of slavery, which led the federation to crisis and Civil war. The ensuing consequence of these processes in the country was Reconstruction. Making attempts to change the situation, the country’s...


Substance Abuse and Its Impact as a Social Issue

A social issue refers to peoples’ actions that affect a large population negatively. This issue originates typically from trauma and past events that need addressing before they persist and become uncontrollable. Drug abuse and addiction are social issues that have been a problem affecting many people over the years. However,...


Multidimensional Theory in Social Work Practice

Social work is a professional sphere of paramount importance in contemporary society. Accordingly, those who engage in it are expected to meet the requirements set by the noble goal of the field. Counselors often work with some of the most vulnerable social groups, which lays additional emphasis on the vital...


The African-American Struggle for Civil Rights in Texas

Introduction With so many changes taking place over a few decades, both people and the government of Texas were no longer capable of resisting such major societal transformations as urbanization and industrialization. Thus, with the rapid development of urban centers, local activists began advocacy for quality education, temperance, corporate regulation,...


How Harper Lee’s Life Is Reflected in To Kill a Mockingbird

Harper Lee is an eminent author for her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The novel was a resounding success and resulted in Lee winning the Pulitzer Prize. The common themes depicted in the novel include a young girl’s coming-of-age, racism, and prejudice. The novel To Kill Mockingbird centers on the...


Conflict and Symbolism in Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”

Hills Like White Elephants is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway, published first in 1927, which later became a part of his storybook Men Without Women in 1955. The story focuses on a couple that travels from the valley of the Ebro to Madrid. The author does not provide...

Tech & Engineering

Project Quality Management for Project Managers

Project Management In the present world of fast-changing technology coupled with varying user needs, it is challenging for project managers to achieve project objectives. According to Khan (2019), leaders should consider “smarter planning and new concepts to help their projects succeed” (p. 693). Therefore, project management entails using different know-how,...


Analysis of “On the Death of Dr. Robert Levet” by Levet

In my imagination, Hope is dressed in a white dress – the color which makes people believe that tomorrow is a better day. She seems to be a nice woman, but she has cunning nature. This means that people’s comfort may disappear if they continue to do nothing but hope...


Abortion as a Modern-Day Dilemma for the U.S. Community

Abstract In the context of present-day developments, the question of abortion is actively discussed, and opposing opinions on this issue are expressed. On the one hand, the decision on abortion regard only the woman and her body. In addition, unintended pregnancy is likely to affect the life of a child....


The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution

All 27 amendments of the US Constitution are immensely significant. However, this paper discusses the fourth amendment that was ratified on December 15, 1791. According to the fourth amendment, searches and seizures that are not backed up with a solid reason are prohibited. Besides, this amendment establishes criteria for search...

Tech & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence in the Information Technology Industry

Introduction There are numerous debates on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and devices in the business environment and the global economy today. That is not a surprise, considering the recent progress, success, and demonstrations of AI in e-commerce, healthcare systems, and cybersecurity (Parry & Battista, 2019). These aspects...


Willy Loman’s Failure in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

Introduction The play Death of a Salesman by the playwright Arthur Miller is one of the most famous literary works about the American Dream. The central character is Willy Loman, a salesman whose salary is not enough to pay his numerous debts. In twentieth-century literature, he is considered an example...

Tech & Engineering

Nuclear Power Plant

Abstract At the present nearly 20% of Kuwait’s entire oil production goes immediately towards supplying its various power plants into order to meet the energy requirements of its populace. The inherent problem with this lies with the fact that the oil reserves in Kuwait are a finite resource and eventually...


Obergefell vs Hodges Case’s Supreme Court Ruling

The concept of marriage is dynamic with different views from philosophy and religion, derived from faith, culture, races, and changes in civilization. Throughout history, marriage is seen as a uniting factor between the opposite sex which defines a lifelong commitment. In both religion and philosophy, the centrality of marriage is...

Tech & Engineering

Impact of New Technologies on Oil Production

Introduction The oil and gas industry is one of the most important and crucial industries in the world. Because of the availability and affordable cost of production in mining of this resource, oil and gas has been the primary source of energy globally for many decades now (Fenwick, 2011). The...


A Basic Understanding of Juvenile Justice

Introduction This paper provides a basic understanding of juvenile justice in reference to the steadily rising figures relating to youth or juvenile violence. The paper also touches on various aspects of youth and juvenile delinquency: a historical perspective, trends and response by the government, children-rights groups, and society in general...


Gender Diversity in the Workforce

Gender diversity in the workforce is the equal representation of men and women in organizations. It is one of the most significant components of managing a business in the current world because it provides the opportunity to protect the rights of all people and make businesses more effective. The strategy...


“A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty: Analysis

Introduction Despite decades of social progress and the continuous dialogue on the subject matter, racism remains a tragic yet inalienable part of American reality. Indeed, instances of racism as the notion that has been institutionalized and virtually become ubiquitous in the American social context has trickled into every single environment...


Women in Shakespeare’s Richard III

Introduction The paradigm of literary heritage remains one of the central issues of literary analysis and qualitative studies due to an increasing variety of interpretations that revolve around pieces of writing created long before the current patterns of social perception and moral justification of actions. Thus, the context of today’s...


American Revolution as Turning Point in US History

Introduction The events in the history of a state comprise a complex system of changes that occur in response to some new ideas or critical situations. Such events serve as turning points or triggers of bigger shifts in state formation and development, so it is essential to research the events...


The Effects of Police Racial Profiling on People’s Attitudes

Introduction Racial profiling is when law enforcement uses considerations such as religion, ethnicity, race, and nationality to single out targets for criminal charges. The debate over racial profiling has been a persistent fixture in the reports for some time, and it cannot be overlooked. Americans will be deeply aware of...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology Code of Ethics

Introduction Professionals in the Information Technology sector are usually expected to adhere to a particular code of ethics. These (I.T.) workers often process sensitive information aided by methods and equipment with high sophistication. They are therefore expected to adhere to a given ethical code. Information technology workers usually play a...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management: Strategies, Challenges, Communication

Introduction Human Resources (HR) management is a crucial aspect of leading a business as success depends on how people cooperate and apply their skills to achieve goals. For broad, global, or digital projects, HR generalists for different units effectively maintain employees’ performance. However, such a strategy is expensive, and the...

Tech & Engineering

Choosing a Research Question and a Statistical Test for the Data

Introduction In statistical analysis, it is critical to properly formulate a research question and to determine the variables to be measured and the tests to be run. This paper offers a research question that could be answered using the “WK1.spss.Dataset.New.sav” dataset, and explains which test needs to be carried out...

Tech & Engineering

The Managing Virtual Teams

Introduction Technology innovation in organizations has changed how team work and managed. Increasingly, organizations are using virtual teams in their operations; virtual teams are teams whose members are separated by time and/or space and they interact electronically and few occasions face-to-face meetings. Virtual teams are beneficial to organizations since they...


Discussion of Edgar Allan Poe Life

Early America was abundant in influential, prudent individuals that shaped the period and foundation of modern American culture and society. Both in crisis and prosperity, the Northern part of the continent produced people with creative minds that cared for the nation. The fruits of their works made the independence of...


Aspects of American Revolution

The causes and events leading up to the American Revolution are integral to understanding the revolution as a whole, including how it happened, why it happened, and why events developed as they did during the process itself. Many of the most important events took place between the development of the...

Tech & Engineering

Intellectual Property Protection in the Information Age

How should intellectual property be protected in the information age? The arrival of computer technology has led to a faster access to information and ideas through digital networks typical of the information age. The information age has also radically changed how people collect and manipulate information especially through the use...

Tech & Engineering

Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

Introduction Data encryption on the Internet is a common practice that allows users to transmit and store data securely. Encryption is required by many different functions and applications, from paying for purchases on the Internet to using gadgets such equipment as smart electrical appliances or smart homes. For this reason,...


Black Lives Matter: Racial Perspectives on Social Media

Introduction Black Lives Matter is the movement for social changes and the rights of African Americans in the United States. With the advance of social networking sites (SNSs) and other social media resources, Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has grown into a social campaign against police officers’ violence and racial...


Common Law and Civil Law: Cases Discussion

In each and every court case, a different type of law is applied depending on the country, type and class of court, facts of the case among other reasons. Among the many types of laws applied are common and civil laws. This paper explains the two types of laws discussing...


The Correctional System: Prison in the United States

Prisons in the US hold a large number of inmates. According to Sawyer and Wagner (2020), almost 1.3 million people are confined in state prisons; 226,000 are held in federal prisons and jails, and 631,000 are confined in local jails. Among state prisoners, 713,000 offenders are convicted of violent crimes,...


Importance of Gun Control

Introduction Generally, guns as weapons portray a very dangerous and violent image among the public because of some unexpected and unlikely events. Keeping a gun or a weapon of any sort is considered to be perilous to the general public. Due to this, gun control is set up by the...


The New Mount Rushmore: The «American Sisters» Monument

The common desire for equality, diversity, and inclusivity has been one of the most valuable pursuits of the American nation. Today, a lot of previously suppressed groups have earned their validation in society with the help of courageous activists of the past. There is a perfect opportunity to commemorate their...


The Progressive Era in the United States

The progressive era was a period between the 1980s and 1920s in the US that was dominated by political reforms and social activism. As a result, the era gave rise to various aspects and legislations, including democracy, efficiency, regulation, social justice, prohibition, and conservation processes. This progressive movement brought about...


The Spanish-American War of 1898

Reconstruction governments The reconstruction process in the southern states was a painstaking process that was marred in controversies and mainly driven by republican governments. After the American civil war of 1861-1865, slavery and slave institutions were abolished. As a result of the abolishment of slavery, there was the emergence of...


The Issue of Race and Ethnic Groups

The issue of race and ethnic groups has been ongoing for many years, decades, even centuries now. It is an inseparable part of American history and should never be ignored or forgotten by the society we live in. Sadly, the race question has been exploited by ideology so often that...


Causes of the Great Depression

The problem of the Great Depression occupies a prominent place in American history. The crisis that resulted in massive unemployment, the collapse of the financial sector, and other severe problems left an imprint on the United States, and today, its study is still relevant. Numerous reasons that led to the...


Social Stratification and Gender Inequalities

Social Stratification Stratification within the US can be found in public schools. Some schools produce quality graduates with more opportunities in the job market, whereas some schools produce graduates with only a few skills and few job opportunities. The provision of quality education is dependent on the budget of each...


What Caused the American Civil War

Introduction The American Civil War was a military conflict that occurred in the United States in 1861-1865, between the Union of 20 states and the four border slave states of the North that remained in the Union on the one hand, and the Confederation of 11 slave states of the...


Black Masculinity in the US in the 19th, 20th, and 21st Centuries

The new gender agenda significantly changes the view of self-determination, masculinity, and femininity. Even though stereotypes break, they still have a significant influence and can limit individual’s freedom. Moreover, some groups are pressured simultaneously due to several factors. For example, the perception of masculinity of African American men is influenced...


America as a New World: Native Depopulation in North America

Introduction Columbian exchange refers to the two-way Atlantic traffic between America, Europe, and Africa. Columbian exchange facilitated the exchange of animals, plants, communicable diseases, and culture. The other main use of the Columbian exchange was the exchange of ideas between the Americans and Afro-Eurasian hemispheres. This was only possible after...


Newspaper Article Analysis

The author of this article, Stephen McCall Jr, is a highly regarded historian in the international community. McCall is not only a specialist in the study of the Freemasonry movement of the 1830s in New York, but he is also a member and a Past Master of Moody Lodge located...


American Reconstruction Period (1865-1877)

Introduction Reconstruction era is the period in US history that succeeded the American Civil War of 1861 to 1865. Reconstruction years between 1865 to 1877 were marked by several attempts to rectify the improprieties of slavery and the difficulties emanating from the readmission of the eleven states that had earlier...


Lincoln’s View of Slavery Before and During Civil War

Introduction The United States of America has proceeded a long way toward eliminating racial prejudice and stereotypes. The Civil War marked the start of this process, and President Lincoln became a symbol of the struggle for the country unit and the abolition of enslavement. However, his vision of slavery and...


When the Chinese First Came to the U.S.

At the beginning of the 19th century, China had begun receiving news of gold deposits that the U.S discovered in California. China and the U.S had the Burlingame treaty in 1868, which lifted all the previous immigration restrictions (Babones 10). The lifting of the limitation caused an influx of immigrants...


Applying Social Action Theory to Social Issues

Introduction German philosopher and historian Max Weber is worth mentioning among the fathers of sociology. The discipline was recognized as a separate one in the second half of the 19th century, after its complete formation and separation from several other fields of knowledge. Weber’s views have made a substantial contribution...


Animal Exploitation. Animal Agriculture and Climate Change

The quality of life experienced by animals can be considered a tremendously controversial topic for discussions in modern society. In fact, advocacy groups and humanitarians highlight that animals should be perceived as sentient creatures that should not be a part of exploitative industries. At the same time, it is still...