Free 600 Words Essay Examples

A 600-word essay is commonly assigned in middle and high school. A paper of 600 words is a great way for a student to quickly demonstrate their knowledge of a particular topic. One can be assigned a 600-word essay on social studies, education, natural sciences. The typical genres are assessment, book review, informative essay.

As a rule, you won’t need to conduct an in-depth analysis to write a paper of 600 words. The keys to success are a solid outline, a clear thesis, conciseness, and originality. Check free 600-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!


Equality of Opportunity in the United States

Introduction Inequality in the United States has been experienced by various groups in the country. For instance, women and Black people are two sets of demography that have endured a lack of opportunity in politics, business, and education. Although this is true, on the one hand, Black community has failed...


Women in Colonial America: Colonial Philadelphia

It is no secret that a woman’s life in colonial America was challenging and exhausting. Women played a significant role in their family’s survival, as they were responsible for making most of the necessities, taking care of family members, cooking, and more. They could not be on par with men...


The Gender Pay Gap in Male and Female Professions

Introduction The difference between men’s and women’s median earnings is known as the gender pay gap. The pay disparity between traditionally male and female professions and the level of education and positions held all contribute to this gap. Since generalizations based on averages are unreliable, it is crucial to consider...


Conflict Resolution: Approaches and Strategies

The problems associated with the study of conflicts have a right to exist. Problems appear not only to professional psychologists and sociologists but also politicians, managers, teachers, and social workers – all those in their practical activity are connected with human interaction problems. Unfortunately, this growing interest is connected in...

600-Word Essay FAQ

A 600 words essay would typically be about 2,5 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 600-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in a 600 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 6 to 7 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 12 to 20 minutes to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 600 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 600 words will take about 2 hours.

At a rough estimate, 600 words would take up about 60 to 65 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 600-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.


Women in Global Leadership Roles

Men and women have been differentiated based on their gender for a long time. Society has put certain expectations on female and male individuals concerning diverse aspects of life, such as occupation and parenting. For instance, representatives of distinct genders can labor in the same field, yet women’s work is...


The Codes of Ethics for Engineers

First of all, it is worth defining what a code of ethics is in principle. A code of ethics is, in fact, a document that sets out the ethical principles and standards that engineers must adhere to. The Code is intended to guide ethical decision-making, encourage professional conduct, and help...


“The Minister’s Black Veil” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Introduction The paradoxical nature of hidden secrets makes them both attract the audience’s attention and avert their eyes in fear or disgust. In his short story “The Minister’s Black Veil,” Nathaniel Hawthorne defined as the “producer of the most finished and penetrating of the numerous ‘short stories’” ponders over the...


Persuasion and Resistance in Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants

Persuasion is an essential communication tool used to alter other people’s beliefs, intentions, and attitudes by using words, actions, or suggestions. The persuader explains the stated proposal’s advantages, while the person with a different viewpoint debunks the proposal by stating the disadvantage of the said action. The sporadic conversation in...


Abortion as a Human Rights Issue

All pregnant women and girls should have access to legal and safe abortion as it is a human rights issue. Various interpretations of the human rights laws by authoritative human rights bodies such as the United Nations show that denying women this right is a form of discrimination. Further, it...


Ethics and Integrity in Academic Work

Academic ethics and integrity are the backbone of nursing education focused on providing the best possible care to patients. Academic ethics refers to the core principles of knowledge advancement with the goal of serving society. Smith, Glasgow and Dreher (2020, p. 64) underline that “the academic world does not have...


The Presidency of Andrew Jackson

The US has been overseen by many presidents, and each head of the country was perceived differently by the nation. Andrew Jackson was adored by the common people who regarded him as a reflection of themselves (Heidler and Heidler 11). At that time, public men were the prevalent group in...

Tech & Engineering

Waterfall and Agile Software Development

To successfully complete the software development project, one must thoroughly understand the many specified processes and techniques that go into making stable software. Every strategy has benefits and drawbacks, and every person has their own reasons for favoring a certain way. The project manager or development team will choose the...


Does Shakespeare Still Matter?

Introduction Many of Shakespeare’s thoughts about the struggle between good and evil, about deals with human nature, are timeless, as are most of the characters and passions described by him. Shakespeare is a great playwright who created unfading and ageless works of art. What then, what now, next to people,...

Tech & Engineering

Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory

Introduction Nowadays, with the advent of mobile phones, more and more people use them while driving. Distracted driving while talking, messaging, or viewing information on a phone has become one of the leading causes of accidents. However, few people consider the use of phones while driving a serious issue and...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management and Its Role in Business

Introduction Project management refers to applying experience, knowledge, skills, methods, and processes to achieve particular objectives based on the acceptance criteria and parameters. In businesses, project management provides final deliverables constrained to a budget and timescale. It also ensures that a business aligns its strategic goals to meet corporate objectives....


Conflicts in the “Fences” Play by August Wilson

Introduction August Wilson considered conflict an important part of character development. A reader can see how Wilson’s characters experience and handle conflicts in Fences, one of his most famous plays. In particular, Troy Maxson, the play’s tragic protagonist, becomes a bitter, stubborn man who believes in self-created illusions and does...


The Suicide Rate Rise in the United States

Introduction It is important to note that the selected issue of interest is the suicide rate rise in the United States. Suicide is an act performed by an individual where he or she intentionally causes his or her death. One of the most common reasons for suicide is suicidality, which...


Abortion: Liberal and Conservative Viewpoints

Introduction The moral issue of abortion in the US remains relevant, especially nowadays, as Roe v. Wade has been overturned. With over 250,000 abortions conducted in 2019, abortion represents one of the most regularly executed medical procedures among reproductive-age females (Kortsmit et al., 2020). Civil disagreement enhances political, cultural, and...


Human Rights and Terrorism as Modern Problems

Human rights are legally enshrined principles by which people’s rights are judged in different countries and at other times. The history of this document is ancient. Back in the 13th century, the first analogs appeared, which are now considered to be ancient documents with fixed rights and freedoms (Angelo and...

Tech & Engineering

Data Security Measures and the Importance of Securing Data

Introduction Initially, the availability of paper records was restricted to health records. Access to Electronic Health Records and other information systems is now possible anywhere. Subsequently, proper security measures must be implemented to protect data in all three states: data in use, data at rest, and data in motion (Sayles...


Dr. Martin Luther King’s “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” Analysis

When writing this letter, Martin Luther King Jr. was detained at Birmingham Jail because he participated in a peaceful protest. He explains the circumstances under which the protest was organized and his disappointment with his fellow clergymen who criticized his involvement. They claimed that such means of gaining public support...


Human Research-Related Ethical Issues

Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich Point: The nurses and physicians were actively involved in the sterilization, experimentation, and killings conducted in Nazi Germany, many doing so voluntarily after being radicalized by ideology (UTHealth Nursing, 2017). Explanation: I believe this point is important because it emphasizes the...

Tech & Engineering

The Impact of Smartphones on People’s Lives

Smartphones became a considerable part of many lives after the 2007 first iPhone release. The first action most people do after waking up is opening their phone. In a similar way, smartphones are the last things people see before falling asleep. The breakthrough piece of technology slowly replaced watches, calendars,...


The American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”

The American Dream is a vision that observes that America is a land that should provide a fuller, more productive, and a better life for its citizens. Besides, social order should equalize every woman and man to embrace the fullest capable stature and be seen for what they are irrespective...


Pop Art as a Form of Modern Art

Introduction Pop art is the modern form of liberal art characterized by various techniques of imagery taken from commercial and popular culture, thus the name pop art. This form of art has been seen as a game-changer for advertising, film, and entertainment. Countries like the United Kingdom and the United...

Tech & Engineering

Business Operations Management in Galveston

Business Scenario Potential implications that result from natural disasters and pandemic events would lead to having to stop the organization’s operations in Galveston. Such natural cataclysm as hurricane Ike caused billions of dollars of damage and killed many people (Irvine, 2022). Despite the residents wanting to build a barrier to...

Tech & Engineering

The Project of the Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House (SOH) is a modern musical arts center on the shores of Sydney Harbour in Sydney, Australia. Despite the beauty and majesty of this structure, the design and construction process took place with a lot of mistakes and misunderstandings within the working teams. The project of the...


The Ancient Societies: Perception of Women

Introduction The general idea of women in ancient cultures was the role of a woman as a mother and wife. However, Egyptian women were full members of their society, while Chinese were not perceived as people. Women in the Ancient Mayan society, Paleolithic community and African tribes were given the...


The Little Village Girl with Red Carnation

The painting addressed in this visual analysis paper is the work created by Spanish artist Adolfo Guiard Larrauri The Little Village Girl with Red Carnation, 1903. It is an oil on canvas portrait painted in the style of impressionism. At first sight, the artwork might seem to display an ordinary...


Human Nature in Philosophy of Locke and Hobbes

The philosophy of the New Age after the Renaissance and the Dark Middle Ages brings an entirely new look at the man and his meaning of being on Earth. Philosophers of the new time rationalized man ruined the dualism of the divine and the human, and passed to the duality...


The Criminal Justice System Reforms in Texas

The Criminal Justice System in Texas The American justice structure is complicated, with state courts, local courts, federal courts, judges, and jails. For reduction of incarceration rates, this complex network must be decrypted. If you are a regular American citizen, you have probably had to deal with the courts (Eisen,...


Discussion of Piaget and Vygotsky Theories

Children’s cognitive growth helps them analyze their experiences and settings as they become more conscious. Margaret Mead, an American cultural anthropologist, believes children from the moment they are conceived until they become independent individuals, need to be taught how to think and not what to think. Cognitive development theories are...


Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin: A Story Analysis

Introduction Sonny’s Blues is a tale about a Harlem family penned by James Baldwin. The narrative follows the adventures of two brothers, specifically the younger of them, Sonny, who becomes hooked on heroin and ends up in prison (Baldwin 4). The narrative is told from the perspective of the elder...


Analysis of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is one of the most influential stories created in American culture and literature. The story is a narration of a village that holds an annual lottery. The fate of the lottery winner is dark and cruel. When readers are introduced to the story, they may think...


Chapters 9-10 of Global Women’s Issues by Aragon & Miller

Chapter 9 This chapter dwells on the history and importance of the women’s rights movement worldwide. Human rights are fundamental freedoms and rights given to an individual once they are born. Women’s rights are rights to promote equality among men and women in order for the latter to gain undeniable...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Platforms and Their Harmful Impact

Currently, social media platforms rank among the most visited sites globally due to their large fan base and consumer appeal. However, many individuals argue that social media does more harm to society than good because of data privacy and security issues, its unreliability as a marketing solution, and its potential...


Slave Labor in American Colonies

Introduction The Slave trade played an undeniable role in the long and grim American history of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil War. Although conversations about slave labor in the U.S. center on the South and Civil War, they extend back to the British colonies in Northern America. The slave...


The Role of the Individual in the Community

Individual and Appearance of a Group The term “individual” refers to a single person while community refers to a group of individuals who develop communications and other forms of interaction. A community is mainly structured in a specific way due to the actions and interactions of various individuals. Communities are...


How Is the Role of Islamic Women Revolutionized in Our Society?

The case for gender equality in the Muslim world – Maha Akeel (Article of the TV company) This article is devoted to the problem of inequality in Muslim states, where the strong power of the patriarchy does not allow Islamic women to feel free. The Middle Eastern world (and not...


Human Behavior and Culture: The Relationship Analysis

Human behavior refers to how people act and connect, while on the other hand, culture is defined as customs and social behaviors of a particular community or people. Human behavior is categorized into four basic personality types: pessimistic, optimistic, trusting, and envious. An individual’s cultural construct is based on the...


There Are Only Two Tenses – Past and Present

It seems to be a well-known fact that the English language has three different tenses divided into 4 aspects in the grammar system: Present, Past, Future, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, and Future Perfect. An extensive body of linguistic and psycholinguistic research is done concerning the concept of time and its...


Identity Texts in Multilingual Classrooms

The world has changed — we have been living in a globalized society for quite a long time. Under that “we,” I mean the population of the economically developed Global North: Canada, the USA, and Western Europe. “We” are facing a trend of increased migration from the so-called Global South...

Entertainment & Media

How Media and Technology Address Social Issues

Communication is an essential part of people’s lives, and its multiple forms allow transferring messages in many different ways. Today, technology influences all spheres of life, including communication, and people become more affected by the media. Due to the significance of these forms of communication, they can be used to...


The Impact of Global Warming: Unveiling Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Today, the topic of climate change is one of the most discussed and essential in the world. Moreover, the discussion left the university classrooms and became part of world politics. Over the past 100 years, the Earth’s temperature has risen by 1°. It was enough to disappear from the face...


Causes of Climate Change

Ahmed states that climate change has been there for the past 50 years yet little to no concern has been given to its control. Global warming is caused by an increase in temperatures caused by gases released upon burning fossil fuels. Methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide are the major...


Religion Within the Context of Human Development

Today, there are approximately 21 major religions, and billions of people all over the world are committed to them. The term “religion” describes “various systems of belief and practice concerning what people determine to be sacred or spiritual” (Little, 2016, p. 624). This phenomenon is important for sociology and psychology...


Life Appreciation in Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place”

The Human Condition Hemmingway’s A Clean, Well-Lighted Place illustrates that the human condition varies based on one’s appreciation of life and age. The author uses symbolism and characterization to illustrate these points through the four characters he portrays. The young waiter is depicted as an impatient and brash individual who...


Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” Analysis

The poem “because I could not stop for death” by Emily Dickinson explores death, eternity, its cyclical nature, and uncertainties associated with its occurrence. The poet personifies death from the beginning and allows the speaker to narrate experiences after death. At the start of the poem, the reader is introduced...


Irony in “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction Irony can be generally defined as the expression of certain thoughts by using language that would normally mean something opposite to the intended message. Verbal irony refers to intentionally produced statements that convey one meaning when understood literally but need to be taken as the opposite of that literal...


Mixed Method Research Study: Strategies in Everyday Personal Goals

Mixed research method refers to the emerging of research that advances in qualitative and quantitative data within a single program of inquiry. The main goal of mixed method research is to expand and reinforce a study’s conclusion that contributes to the published literature. Qualitative and quantitative research correspond to each...


The Problem of Racism in the USA

The issue of race is often discussed in the political sphere, education, and other areas of human life as a concept that requires more attention. However, the claim that race is not biological but social helps see it differently. Since it is not biological but social, it implies that people...


Researching of Police Discretion

Summary One of the essential principles of police performance is openness and publicity. Interaction with civil society institutions allows the law enforcement system to conduct a constructive dialogue in solving many issues. Joint work with legal and public organizations makes it possible to ensure the observance and respect of citizens’...


Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” Book and Film

Jane Austen’s novels have many loyal fans, and these books’ screen adaptations are very popular. The film Pride & Prejudice, directed by Joe Wright and released in 2005, is one of the film versions of Austen’s novel – Pride and Prejudice. This adaptation, focusing on its target audience, is presented...


Theme of Memory in Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie”

The Glass Menagerie is a memory play written by Tennessee Williams and set in St. Louis in 1937, whose actions are based on the narrator’s memories, Tom Wingfield. Tom is a protagonist and a narrator who presents the analysis of past events directly to the audience, and he takes part...


The African American Civil Rights Movement History

The Civil Rights Movement refers to the struggle of black Americans for social justice and equal rights under the laws of the United States of America, which took place mainly in the 1950s and 1960s. The Civil War officially abolished slavery, but it did not end discrimination against black people...


Health Promotion on Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Substance Abuse Substance use disorder is a disease marked by a harmful pattern of substance use that causes significant issues or suffering, including resistance to or abstinence from the substance, as well as additional issues that the substance might create for the sufferer socially, professionally, or academically. Drug addiction has...


The National and California Constitutions: Comparative Analysis

Similarities The Constitution of California divides government into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, following the example of the US Constitution. The national government is divided into the President, the Congress, and the Supreme Court, while the State of California government consists of the Governor, the California State Legislature, and...


Discrimination Against Minority Groups, Races, and Ethnic Groups

Discrimination in the United States Humans have different features and cultures which improve their relations and socialization. However, the differences have led to conflicts among the people. Globalization has taken place in the world due to employment and other economic challenges, whereby people move from their country to another country....


Comparing Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods of Study

The Rationale for Choosing the Methods Considered The rationale for choosing each of the three main types of methods for a study (quantitative, qualitative, mixed) as given in the video “Musings: Aligning Research Question and Methodology” (n.d.) is summarized below. Quantitative Methods If enough research on the topic already exists,...


Realism in Alice Sebold’s Novel “The Lovely Bones”

Alice Sebold’s novel, The Lovely Bones, tells the story of the Salmon family and the tragic murder of Susie Salmon. The Salmon family lives together in the quaint town of Norristown, Pennsylvania. Susie was the eldest of the Salmon’s three children whom George Harvey raped and murdered (p.15). He proceeded...


Children’s Foster Care and Associated Problems

Introduction Children who either lost their parents or were rejected by them are forced to live in relative or non-relative families or pre-adoption homes provided by the state. A lack of parents negatively impacts them: they tend to develop different problems and usually have little or no support. In that...


Revenge, Deceit, and Murder in “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Poe

Introduction The Cask of Amontillado, a short story by Edgar Poe, revolves around secret murder, revenge, and deception. In an Italian-based setting, Poe shows how Montressor tricks his friend Fortunato into trapping him in a prehistoric catacomb. In the story, Poe uses the two main characters, Fortunato and Montresor, to...


The Great Depression and the New Deal

When Roosevelt entered office, the first thing he did was confront the banking sector’s developing problems. His government launched new legislation, like the New Deal, which resulted in the development of numerous new statutes and institutions to improve the ailing economy. The government implemented this legislative proposal four years after...

Tech & Engineering

Data Mining Algorithms for Business Intelligence

Abstract Data mining joins computer science and statistics used to discover trends from the information bank. The main objective is to generate useful information from large data and mold it into understandable structures that can make key decisions and predictions for the future. Data mining algorithms have been used for...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management: Project Management Principles

Project management is a process of applying various skills, methods, and knowledge to accomplish certain project objectives. A project manager typically regulates the whole process and allocates the budget for the expenses. Project Management Institute provides 12 principles of leading a successful project (see Appendix A). From these principles, adaptability...

Tech & Engineering

Use of Data in Business. Knowledge Management Systems

Data is a key aspect in business intelligence and analytics. Business intelligence focuses on the present, taking data to apply it towards enhanced decision-making through aggregation, visualization, and analysis which can improve operational efficiency. This paper continues building on the example of a medium-sized business offering business development education services....


The United States Court System

The court system is part of the judiciary branch of government. The judiciary branch, in its turn, is equaled to the other two branches, which are the legislative and executive ones. The main task of the judiciary branch is to interpret the laws and apply them to solve conflicts and...


Miss Emily & Father in “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

Summary William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily is a short story told from a first-person narrative. The story begins with the narrator informing the audience about the funeral of Miss Emily Grierson (Faulkner 6). Although the “whole town” attended the funeral, the woman had been alone for at least a...


Machiavelli’s “The Prince” and Bad Characters in Movies

Ayer, David. Training Day. Warner Bros. Publishing, 2001.  This source is an intangible primary source of data. Training Day is a movie on David Ayer’s book Training Day and produced by Warner Bros Pictures in 2001. The author and producers try to show why the African American Community perceives violence...


How Harper Lee’s Life Is Reflected in To Kill a Mockingbird

Harper Lee is an eminent author for her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The novel was a resounding success and resulted in Lee winning the Pulitzer Prize. The common themes depicted in the novel include a young girl’s coming-of-age, racism, and prejudice. The novel To Kill Mockingbird centers on the...


Obergefell vs Hodges Case’s Supreme Court Ruling

The concept of marriage is dynamic with different views from philosophy and religion, derived from faith, culture, races, and changes in civilization. Throughout history, marriage is seen as a uniting factor between the opposite sex which defines a lifelong commitment. In both religion and philosophy, the centrality of marriage is...

Tech & Engineering

Choosing a Research Question and a Statistical Test for the Data

Introduction In statistical analysis, it is critical to properly formulate a research question and to determine the variables to be measured and the tests to be run. This paper offers a research question that could be answered using the “WK1.spss.Dataset.New.sav” dataset, and explains which test needs to be carried out...


Environmental Injustice During COVID-19

Case The underlying concept of environmental injustice implies the disproportionally spread environmental risks for particular communities or human groups compared to the rest of society. The increased concern for the unequal environmental treatment and consequences is considerably accelerated by political and economic injustices (Kaltmeier et al.). Over the last year,...


Flint Poisoning: Environmental Racism and Racial Capitalism

Laura Pulido is seeking to fight for the fate of the Flint state, which is highly exposed to environmental racism and racial capitalism. She specifically unpacks various issues that expose the people of Flint to danger, unveils the actual situation of the state, the cause of the detrimental situation, and...


“Cancer Alley” Phenomenon and Its Prevention

It is worth noting that it is necessary to recognize that humans cannot live without industry; the sector occupies a dominant position. However, people ignore the harm and sometimes racial discrimination behind it all. The place called “cancer alley” became the place of appearance of such a phenomenon as environmental...


Research of Educational Change: What Motivates Students to Learn?

Introduction Motivation is important in order to make students learn and achieve personal and educational goals (Mamlok-Naaman, 2011). However, educators and parents experience problems while motivating students to work at home and convince them to pay attention to preparing for assessments (Hancock, 2012; Kitsantas & Zimmerman, 2009). The purpose of...


Eastern Religions of Buddhism and Hinduism

Religion has been the sort to help people seek their higher being and believe in a superior being that controls man’s existence. This practice has also been found helpful in health as most people tend to keep their faith and will to live, which is essential for sick people. There...


World War II Changes to America

The impact of World War II was tremendous for the United States. Many industries underwent serious challenges, and people needed to work hard to earn a living and protect their lives. America replaced its isolationist beliefs with internationalist rage and addressed recent technological and social progress to resist the growing...


The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin: Analysis

“The Story of an Hour” is a short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894. The title correlates with the moment when the main character, Louise Mallard, learns that her husband Brantley died in a train accident, and then she knows that he is still alive. This essay aims to...


Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost

Robert Frost (1874 – 1963) is an American poet whose poems mostly depicted rural life. He is known for such works as Fire and Ice, The Road Not Taken, Acquainted with the Night, and others. Frost has received more than 40 honorary degrees, including four Pulitzer Prizes. During his life,...

Tech & Engineering

Physical View: The Intelligence Transportation System

The information exchanges and transportation systems that back up the Intelligence Transportation System (ITS) are collectively known as the Physical view. The architecture of this outlook is shown as an integrated set of physical objects, consisting of terminators and subsystems that interrelate and exchange data to support the ITS service...


Literature vs. Cinema: Compare and Contrast Essay

Humanity has always been drawn to art – it is known from history that even ancient people showed signs of creativity. This is evidenced by rock paintings or images of animals and people on clay tablets. With the development of humankind, art has also evolved – speech, writing, and music...


Evaluation of Strain Theory

The strain theory is a criminology and sociology theory that attempts to explain causes of maladaptive behavior by stating that society and related institutions pressure on individuals to achieve socially accepted goals. Although this theory is mainly focused on environmental factors, it is able to explain youth drug issues from...


Death Penalty Writing and Its Complexity Analysis

The Issue of Death Penalty Capital punishment has always been a highly debatable topic, both from a moral and legal perspective, throughout humanity’s history. Some societies allowed the death penalty; some banned it based on tradition or religious beliefs. Even in this age of globalization and international human rights law,...


Trafficking in Human Beings Is a Problem of the Times

Introduction Human trafficking is a global problem that affects the lives of millions of people in almost every country in the world and that deprives them of their human dignity. As one of the worst crimes in the world, human trafficking misleads and victimizes women, men, and children from all...


Three Main Theories of Ethics in Decision-Making

To understand ethical decision-making, it is significant to internalize that not every person settles on choices the same way, utilizing similar data or a choice guideline. It is well-known that four of the main ethical objectives incorporate beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, and justice (Zeni et al., 2016). The...

Politics & Government

Death Penalty: Arguments For and Against

The death penalty has been a matter of intense debate and it has generated a lot of controversies for ages and one comes across a large number of arguments for and against this punishment. The death penalty was prevalent at one stage or another in many nations and several of...


Kindergarten Children’s Needs and Behavior Plan

Physical needs Children at the kindergarten level have to be provided with the appropriate physical learning environment because this stage marks the peak of their motor skill learning. Children should portray positive learning in motor skills to enable effective interaction with their environment. Meeting the physical needs of children in...

Entertainment & Media

Researching of Social Media and Marketing

Social media may be defined as an online service, site, or platform created to arrange social relations. Via the mentioned resources, people can post any information or find it. It an efficient tool in the framework of marketing. “Blogs, microblogs, social networks, media creation and sharing sites, social news sites,...


Harlem Renaissance in Emergence of New Black America

The termination of the Civil War in 1865 marked a new era in the United States as black Americans gained their freedom. However, this achievement was shuttered as white supremacy was reintroduced in the late 1870s. White legislators instituted detrimental racial laws which segregated Africans as second-class citizens. The enforcement...

Politics & Government

Death Penalty Appeals in the US

Since the beginning of the 19th century, people on both social and legislative levels started questioning the existing patterns of human rights and freedoms. Hence, after the slavery abolition, the global community has become anthropocentric, and people from all over the world from that moment were considered equally vital social...


Kelo v. City of New London Case Analysis

The city of New London had approved an integrated development plan that was aimed at commercializing a given area. This was after Pfizer, a drug company, built a new plant in the city of New London, Connecticut. The development plan was to have a resort hotel, a conference center as...


Substance Abuse: Addiction Science

Introduction Substance abuse is among the greatest social problems around the world. In this article, substance abuse is discussed and the impact it has on the US is examined. The supra-cultural theory is used to explain one of the causes of substance abuse and finally a conclusion is drawn. Substance...


The Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights

The Fourth Amendment is a part of the Bill of Rights, which is a section of the American constitution. It states that people and their property need to be safe and should not be subjected to unfair search and seizure. In addition, it states that a search warrant should be...


The Future of Juvenile Justice System in New York

Introduction The juvenile justice system was developed with the main aim of diverting or correcting young offenders. The system encouraged rehabilitation of the youth depending on their crime and personal needs. The juvenile justice system has been of great help to the entire nation hence its future should be seriously...

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Phone Safety

Mobile phones safety There are incredible global desires to use mobile phones despite the long-term health concerns. Mobile phones have been used beyond their commercial purposes. They are now considered as safety aids, an essential component of individuals’ lives and standard means of communication. Research studies carried out on mobile...


Implications of Global Warming in Human Health

Introduction Global warming can be defined as the increase in the temperature of the Earth’s surface. Global warming is a great health hazard to mankind. Scientists believe that if no measures are taken to curb global warming, human health will go to be adversely affected. Implications of global warming in...


Demonstration of the Millikan’s Experiment With a Mass of Pennies

Introduction Nobel laureate, Robert Millikan quantified the unit charge of an electron courtesy of his oil drop experiment in the year 1909. As such, in his experimental setup, he was able to charge minute oil droplets under free fall between charged plates inside a chamber, suspend them courtesy of an...


Law Ethics: The Concept of Human Rights

Introduction A clear definition of the term “human rights” is one of the major factors that contribute to upholding the values of members of a given society and, indeed, the entire universe. However, describing the difference between social and human rights necessitates thoughtfulness because it is compounded with conflicting inferences....


‘Native Americans: Traditional Healing’

Introduction The article ‘Native Americans: Traditional healing’ by Broome and Broome, gives an insight into the cultural and health related differences between Native Americans and American Indians. This paper addresses some of the issues that health care providers face when communicating across cultures and how these problems can be addressed...


Criminal, Civil, Trial Court Systems Differences

Abstract This presentation dwells upon some differences between such types of the court systems as criminal, civil, trial, appeals, courts of last resort, courts of general jurisdiction, courts of specific jurisdiction. Focus of the court The criminal court focuses on criminal issues including but not confined to assault, theft, robbery,...