Free 800 Words Essay Examples - Page 2

Tech & Engineering

Security of the Wired and Wireless Networks

Introduction First of all, it is necessary to mention that in spite of the development of IT, and increase of the comfort of using the latest achievements of the humanity, the issues of safety stay eternally the hot problem for any user. The case study only revealed the fact that...


Why Gay Marriage Should Be Accepted

Homosexuals and lesbians are not less human because of their status. Campaigns against gay marriage do not have any solid arguments but are only full of prejudice. Human beings have no right to judge others based on their sexuality because no one is perfect. The same people who were against...


United States Supreme Court: Georgia Supreme Court

United States Supreme Court The United States Supreme Court is mad up of one Chief Justice and Six Justices: Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. Current Justices (United States Supreme Court, 2007): Justice John Paul Stevens: Appointed to the United States Supreme Court in 1975 Justice Antonin Scalia: Appointed to...


Critiquing an Article on Low Cost Airlines

Airline industry plays a major role in the development of tourism. Recently, the air transport industry has experienced a tremendous growth in terms of operating companies especially in low cost airlines/carriers (Dobruszke 252). In his article, “An Analysis of European Low-Cost Airlines and their Networks”, Dobruszkes focuses his analysis on...


Climate Change and Its Impact on Freshwater

The Earth’s climate experiences change throughout the whole period of the planet’s existence, but the process rapidly accelerated within the last two centuries. The abnormal increase in temperatures is called global warming, and 95% of it results from human activities like manufacturing and the broad utilization of greenhouse gases (NASA,...


Police Role in Homeland Security

Terrorism has become a worldwide concern and especially since September 11, 2011, the United States Homeland Security has changed several policies. The issues that came up in the threat of a terrorist attack have spread their influence to all institutions and law enforcement authorities. The recent modifications to the police...


Changing the Policy of the Aviation and Homeland Security

Introduction: The First Steps Have Been Made Washington, DC – Another range of changes have been made concerning the already existing TSC No Fly List. A list of those who are known as people involved into terrorist activities, the given list seems to have become completely inadequate (Abad-Santos, 2012), which...


Development of The U.S. Social Security Program

Introduction Social security is an administrative body of the United States government that deals with insurance programs not only for the elderly but also for people with physical disabilities. It also caters to benefits on survivors. Due to the inevitable life experiences such as death, aging, severe diseases as well...


The Right to Counsel the United States

In the US, the right to counsel is protected by the fifth and sixth constitutional amendments. According to these amendments, every defendant has a right to be represented by a lawyer. When a defendant cannot afford to hire a counsel, the government should meet his or her legal expenses (Tomkovicz,...


Human Cloning and Human Dignity

Introduction The amount of progress that has been achieved through science is enormous. Science has been used to explain abstract phenomena like gravity, reproduction, cosmology, etc, which were not well known to mankind. With these kinds of discoveries in place, there has been plenty of remarkable progress made in fields...


Hate Crime Data in New York and Los Angeles

Crime is all over. There is not a single place where an act of crime is not reported. This may range from crimes of murder, burglary, arson, rape, larceny, and hate crime among others. This essay will talk about the Federal Bureau of Investigations’ Uniform Crime Report on hate crime....


Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Introduction The assumption that all the measurements made on the universe at specific places and time intervals will be similar stood for a long time before the theory of relativity was introduced. Relativity therefore means that measurements will be dependent on the relative motions of the person making the observations...


Police Department Organization

Types of police agencies There are different police agencies in the local, state, and federal levels. These agencies differ from one another with regards to their organization and responsibilities. The different police agencies are also different with regards to jurisdiction and operations. The local police force is made up of...


Stem Cells: Achievements and Ways for Further Research

Abstract Stem cells have given much hope by promising to significantly increase the numbers and range of patients who could gain from transplants and to offer cell replacement remedies to treat unbearable illnesses such-as diabetes, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s ailment. The subject concerning stem cells is politically charged, quickening environmentalists to...


The Use of Media by Terrorism

The media plays a great role in defining the audience’s perspectives concerning issues happening all over the world. Terrorists have often used some form of media to advocate their cause. They use different forms of media to attract attention and show what they are doing. In fact, terrorism is just...


Community-Oriented Versus Problem-Oriented Policing

Community-oriented policing is a collaborative work of the community and the police to identify and solve an issue. This branch of policing was initially established as an alternative to the traditional models of policing and helped in establishing the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. The act put...


The Right to Die: Euthanasia Legalization in Maryland

Introduction Euthanasia is one of the controversial and widely contested issues in legal circles across the world. The United States is not an exception, as many state governments have made numerous efforts to develop effective policies and legislation geared towards addressing the issue. Mercy killing or the act of painlessly...


Women in the Military: World War II

Introduction Ever since the American revolutions, women have played a significant role in as far as military conflicts are concerned. However, it was not until World War II started that the role of women in the military gained immense prominence. Their participation was prompted by the realization that the total...


A Memorandum on Labor Laws Applying to the Workplace

Introduction Labor laws are guidelines that regulate the relationship between employees, unions, employers, and the government. The legislations serve a number of purposes. The primary role of the decrees is to create a balance between the bargaining power of the workers and their managers. According to Budd, these laws grant...

Tech & Engineering

Evaluation of the Project the Presence or Absence of the ED Staffing

The effectiveness of the project implementation and proposed solution for the concrete facility depends on the outcomes of the intervention. In this context, it is important to determine approaches that are appropriate to evaluate the project’s results. Furthermore, it is significant to identify variables relevant to assess the outcomes of...


Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and How to Resolve It

Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the world’s oldest and most dealt with conflict ever to be seen. However, with the world’s best minds, this conflict remains a challenge with mediators after mediators fail to come up with a concrete solution to it. History has proven us wrong to treat this...

Entertainment & Media

MTV as a ‘Gospel’ of the Contemporary Society

Introduction The article in question focuses on a famous TV channel that some people see as a threat to morality and Christian values. Some people believe that the MTV channel controls the “most up-front element of defiant youth culture” (Hamerlinck 44). In opposition to these views, the author contends that...


Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research

Participants Research is an extensive process that entails planning, collection of data, analysis, and drawing conclusions. However, the most important part is identifying the population in which the sample would be drawn from. In this study, participants would be identified in advance through sampling. Those involved in research would be...


Nuclear Energy as the Most Cost-Effective Source

Nuclear energy produces the most economical electricity in that it is cost-effective especially when compared to other sources such as geothermal and other natural energy sources. For one, all the costs involved in researching and developing nuclear applications are sponsored by the government. This, therefore, means that the cost of...


Water Depletion Causes Overview

Introduction According to World Waters Council 2010, over a sixth of the world population has no access to safe drinking water. It is estimated that 70% of the world surface is covered with water, 97% of this water is salty found in oceans and seas, and 2% are in polar...


Aspects of Climate Change

Introduction One challenge facing the world today is how to handle issues of global warming and climatic changes; human activities have been blamed as one of the major causes of climatic change and depletion of the environment. Experts have continued debates on the role that human beings play in climatic...


Patient Rights under the HIPAA

Introduction The HIPPA Act of 1996 is a federal law that addresses various areas under health care. The areas include health insurance, confidentiality of the patients, the administrative costs of health care, as well as the security of information relating to health care. The HIPAA Act was especially keen on...

Tech & Engineering

Basic Network Technology

Computer networks are becoming an important tool that organizations are relying on to facilitate the execution of organizational processes. Company networks serve to facilitate communication processes in the company and facilitate management processes through the use frameworks such as the company intranet. In addition, connectivity to the internet comes with...


Effective Communication: Review

Introduction Effective communication refers to a situation in which a person can express his/ herself either verbally or non-verbally in the best way possible. This means that it is acceptable to both the culture and situation in that particular society. Effective communication entails giving the right information at the right...

Tech & Engineering

Necessity of Security Management

Introduction Security management in an organization refers to activities undertaken by organizations to protect their computer systems from unauthorized access and data loss. Computer systems in organizations handle data most of which is confidential. Good security management is an attribute of a good information system. Poor information management can bring...


How to Protect the Egypt Nile River From Pollution

The global environmental problems are what strike the world today more than economic and political issues, though being tightly interconnected. It is hard to imagine how many environmental problems there are nowadays due to technological progress and human activities. Of course, one of the greatest and the most debatable issues...


The Code of Ethics: Definition and Purpose

Introduction In any contemporary democratic society, police roles remain a critical component in ensuring a safe environment. The role of police officers in realizing this goal is undoubted. Law enforcers must maintain principles and standards as they implement their duties. In simple terms, the “code of ethics” constitutes the norms,...


Education on Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse

Introduction Alcohol abuse is the term used to describe the repeated consumption of alcohol despite experiencing negative impacts. The effects of alcohol drinking include harm to one’s health, the relationship with other people becoming affected, and the ability to do work. Signs that one is abusing alcohol include; becoming irresponsible...


Certified Latent Fingerprint Examination Jobs

Introduction According to Barnes (pp. 2-3), the use of fingerprints is one of the most dependable ways of identifying different individuals who possess unique fingerprint patterns. Historically, dating experiments show that builders of the Egyptian pyramids were the first to trace the first human fingerprints more than 4,000 years ago....

Tech & Engineering

Organizational Philosophies and Technology

Organizational philosophies and technology within my organization The organization chosen is the United States government. Its various agencies, departments and branches are critical aspects of the analysis. Ethical technology policies form an important part of the organizational philosophies. The US government has a range of policies that are designed to...

Tech & Engineering

Effectively Managing Virtual Teams and Teamwork

A Virtual Team A group of people working at different geographic locations but connected electronically form a virtual team. However, they telecommute with the possibility of occasionally meeting face to face. To qualify as a team, it must be composed of twenty-five or more people. Virtual teams are characterized by...


Codes of Professional Responsibility

Every profession in the world has its ethical ground, which determines the behavior and attitudes of its representatives. Professional ethics includes both defined rules and moral rules, which as a rule are implied (Brooks, 2010). These rules constitute professional responsibilities, and their system is called the code of professional responsibility....

Tech & Engineering

Digital TV: DVB-T in Australia

Introduction The abbreviation DVB-T stands for the term Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial. The first successful attempt of DVB-T usage was carried out in 1997 in Great Britain and since then the technology has won the considerable popularity around the world (Radio Electronics, 2009). The work of the DVB-T is...


The Euthyphro Problem and Solution

Introduction The Euthyphro problem originates from the conversation Socrates has with Euthyphro is one of Plato’s earlier dialogues titled “Euthyphro”. Set outside the courthouse in Athens, the conversation between Socrates and Euthyphro revolves around the concept of ‘piety’. Through the exchange of dialogues, Socrates tries to arrive at a convincing...


How Can Hydrogen Be Used as Fuel to Propel Vehicles?

Introduction The article Switching to a US hydrogen fuel cell vehicle fleet: The resultant change in emissions, energy use, and greenhouse gases by Colella, W., Jacobson, M. and Golden. D. was published in Journal of Power Sources in October 2005. The greatest part of the information contained in this study...


Drug Testing and Polygraph Testing

Drug testing and polygraph testing are popular tools control used by the criminal justice system and in the workplace. Despite the benefits and opportunities proposed by these control methods, they violate human rights and privacy issues. According to statistical data, there are three-fifths of the organizations that are currently testing...

Tech & Engineering

Software Development Project: The Project Manager Job

It can be well stated that technical skills or people skills are more important to the team manager in a software development project. The job of the project manager is to look at the activities of the people or team and motivate them to complete the job on time or...


Scientific Taxonomy and Earth’s Biodiversity

The characteristics which classify all the species that have been selected in the list in the Kingdom Animalia is that they are known as Metazoa and are heterotrophic and multicellular organisms. They consume their food and then digest it in their internal cavities. This category does not contain any prokaryotes...


Investigating Service Failures in the Airline Industry

Introduction In the airline industry, differences between passengers’ good and bad flight experiences are caused by a number of service failures like missed connections, cancellations, seat denials, baggage mishandling, or flight delays (Suzuki, 2004). These service failures influence the reputation of the airline and thus the probability of the travellers...

Tech & Engineering

Technology in Educational Setting: Preparing a Speech

The topic of increasing the efficiency of the learning process for educators is relevant since young people often use digital technologies in their daily lives. Consequently, it will be interesting to learn about expanding opportunities for their use. Since the audience is mixed, it is important to stick to a...


Sociology of Religion Theory

Religion is a powerful force, which brings together societal members in a common form of worship. It is deeply ingrained in the hearts of the people. Religion influences the existence of human society in all realms of life, including social, political and cultural perspectives. Religion has a long history that...


The Efficiency of Drug Courts in U.S. Court System

The U.S. court system is characterized by its complexity and the division into courts at the state and federal levels. They are complemented by the so-called specialized courts that have limited jurisdiction and focus on specific crimes such as, for example, drugs. In order to see a clear picture of...


Descartes Arguments on the Existence of God

Descartes argues that he does not doubt that he exists. Having determined that he exists, he knows his fundamental nature is to be a thinking object. He says that he saw the universe that is the stars, the sky, and the earth with senses, and therefore they are doubtful. He...

Family, Life & Experiences

Need and Importance of Physical Fitness

The importance of regular physical activity has been emphasized since the times of the ancient Greeks. Still, nowadays, the decline of daily exercise and the growth of obesity among the average population takes place. Thus, people from school children to adults and senior citizens are becoming less physically fit in...


An Old Soldier’s Ballad

The American Revolutionary War can be regarded as one of the most tragic periods in the history of the United States. However, it is also the time of great hopes and magnificent personalities who fought for their ideals and beliefs. Numerous artifacts remain primary sources of people’s memory and knowledge...


Sustainable Water Management: An Example From Amsterdam, Netherlands

Introduction Fresh water is one of the elementary needs of a human organism. It is also used for a variety of utilitarian needs like washing dishes, showering, flushing the toilet, heating homes, and for other uses. Fresh water reserves on planet Earth are limited so humanity have to develop and...


Personal Responsibility Towards the Natural World

Introduction Conservation of natural resources is a responsibility that every inhabitant of the Earth must take seriously. Our call to be good stewards of the environment is to ensure that the future generation has their share of the provisions of the natural resources. These resources are considered very limited in...


The Effects of the BP Oil Spill

On 20th April, a Deepwater Horizon oil rig belonging to the BP oil company blew up in the Gulf of Mexico. The rig killed 11 employees and started an uncontrolled oil leakage into the ocean. Attempts to manage the spill by use of controlled-burning, dispersants, and plugging the leakage were...


Examining a Case Study Method. Critical Tasks

The selection of a research method is one of the most critical tasks for any study. Among a variety of research designs, it is possible to distinguish between descriptive, experimental, cohort, and so on. A case study can be identified as a method to explore a particular problem in an...


Life Skills Need to Be Taught in High Schools

The Problem and Its Significance Life skills play a crucial role in individuals’ overall development and their integration into communities. Hermens et al. define such abilities as “skills that enable individuals to succeed in the different environments in which they live, such as school, home, and in their neighborhoods” (408)....


Janie in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God

Fear is a universal emotion that has a powerful presence both in life and in literature. It can keep people from danger, and it can shackle them, preventing them from living their lives to the fullest. Most of the characters in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God belong...


Effect of Globalization on Education

Introduction Globalization is a term that is used to refer to the changing political, economic, and cultural trends that began from 1970 to date. Globalization is characterized by; liberalization of world economies, the dominance of western political, economic, and cultural life, the growth of information technology, and lastly global integration...


Evaluating the Character Education Program

Introduction The logical evaluation of a program is generally based on the matters of an assessment of its efficiency, its structure, and helpfulness in solving particular aspects of education. The ways of evaluating the program may be numerous, nevertheless, the main aim of the evaluation should be closely associated with...


Workers’ Rights and Labor Law: Key Aspects

Countries that violate labor laws Many countries in the world violate workers’ rights. They expose them to poor working conditions, low wages, and long working hours. They also deprive them of access to law protection. Countries, such as Kuwait and Malaysia, are known for violation of human labor laws. In...


Global Warming. Main Rules to Follow

There is little doubt that our earth is undergoing a gradual increase in temperature: global warming is real. Baffling statistics by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) indicate that the earth’s temperature has risen by roughly 0.6 degrees Celsius, the highest since the mid 1800s, further reports indicate that...


Adult Learning Theory: Andragogy

The history of andragogy The process of education is not a simple one. There are a lot of theories that explain how to teach people and how they learn. One of the best-known theories of adult learning is andragogy. This theory was introduced by the American educator, Malcolm Knowles in...


Environmental Justice Concern of Groundwork Lawrence

The issue of good (equal) food choices is similar to mankinds to the issues of a safe environment (without wars and conflicts). This assumption leads toward drawing up the significance of environmental justice (EJ) across the United States (Goldstein, 2003). In this respect, the example of the self-identified community of...

Politics & Government

The Reasons Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized

Introduction Marijuana is a product of a plant known as Cannabis sativa. People refer to is as weed, pot or ganja. Users normally use marijuana for recreational purposes. It relaxes the mind and gives the user a happy feeling. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the active element in Marijuana. This element causes an...


Ways of Reducing Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is an imminent world disaster that should concern everyone, irrespective of age or gender. All that lives on earth must be aware of the factors that lead to or facilitate global warming. This way, the world will be able to come up with appropriate measures to mitigate...

Politics & Government

Today’s Government and Illegal Immigration

Today’s government of the United States has to deal with a wide range of issues concerning both domestic and foreign policy. The fight against illegal immigration has always been one of the major problems of the USA. In 1994, the government started to construct the Great Wall between Mexico and...

Entertainment & Media

Radical Doubt on “Baltimore: Anatomy of an American City” Documentary

The documentary “Baltimore: Anatomy of an American City” has sets of frameworks, which craft the message into the “unitary whole”. The documentary features conflict and consensus frameworks, which are based on dualistic narratives. Throughout the episode, the author depicts this framework in ways that deserve a keen eye. These conflicting...

Politics & Government

Deficit Spending in United States Government

Introduction Deficit spending is usual for the United States government. When taxes are not enough to meet the requirements stated in the federal budget, the difference is covered by borrowed funds. It means that the government works in the deficit. However, deficit spending is not a sound practice because it...


The First Amendment and Separation between State and Religion

Aspects of Regulation of the First Amendment The First Amendment to the constitution of the United States is considered by many people to be very crucial as it guarantees various fundamental rights. The First Amendment touches on various freedoms, including religion, assembly, and speech, among other important freedoms (Hamburger, 2004)....

Tech & Engineering

Cost Effective and Sustainable Practices for Project Construction in UAE

Aim The aim is to try to find out the cost effective, sustainable, and efficient ways to run construction projects in the UAE. Objectives Clarify what sustainability is and its relevance to construction management Find out what sustainable measures and practices are adopted by the UAE construction and their effectiveness...


Development of Women’s Rights in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction During the medieval times, Arabian countries used Islamic laws to determine the position of individuals within the society. These laws differentiated people according to their religion, age, sex, and status. Therefore, the categories of people depended on the group that the law placed one in. women, men, Muslims and...


Crime and Violence: Punishment Law

Introduction Crime refers to any act punishable by law. On the other hand violence refers to either animal or human behaviour that poses a threat to cause injury to an intended person. Violent acts may include armed robbery, homicide, forcible rape, aggravated assault as well as gang violence. For an...


Statistics: Principles and Methods

Introduction The absence of an independent variable in research should be viewed as a cause of concern. The point is, any quasi-experimental study has to involve the manipulation of one or more independent variables that already exist (such as race, gender, age). These variables may be either categorical or continuous....


Organizational Psychology

Defining organizational psychology Organizational psychology refers to the scientific study of organizations, workplaces, and employees ( Jex & Britt, 2008). The success of an organization is improved when the well-being of the people operating inside organizations is improved. It is therefore the responsibility of an organizational psychologist to research and...


Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Verbal and nonverbal communications are probably the most interesting means of human expression. Both have been examined thoroughly and the contemporary scholar society knows several categories that comprise deliberate features of verbal and nonverbal communication. This research paper will elaborate on verbal and nonverbal communication, their functions, principles, and implementation...

Tech & Engineering

The Impact of Communication and Information Technologies on Business Development

Introduction Communication technology is a new development to deliver, store or transmit information through electronic or graphic use in our transforming world. Information technology on the other hand as defined by the Information Technology Association of American (2010) is ‘the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information...


What Is Hip-Hop Subculture?

Introduction In defining a subculture, the broader perspective of culture must be considered as its definition is more or less related to that of culture. However, there is a minimal difference that separates the two terms. While culture is defined as a level that is attributed to the attainment of...


9/11 Attacks: Disaster, Crisis, and Trauma

A brief description of a 9/11 disaster and its impacts on populations The September 11 terror attack was the first largest terrorist attack that claimed thousands of lives. According to a survey conducted, the 9/11 that targeted Pentagon has been regarded as the deadliest attack that ever occurred on the...


“A Bar at the Folies-Bergere” by Edouard Manet

Introduction Painted in 1881 at a time when the impressionist movement was spawning into modernism, Edouard Manet’s A Bar at the Folies-Bergere provides a striking glimpse into Parisian social life towards the end of the 19th century. It was chosen due to its sensory triggers. There are few quality works...


There Will Be Blood Film’s Mise-en-Scene and Cinematography

‘There will be blood’ is a chilling movie with razor-sharp editing and creative direction. The sound engineering in this movie is of special mention and the makers of the movie tell us the gruesome tale of vengeance, greed, and violence with wonderful camerawork. However, the best aspect of this movie...


Theoretical Perspectives on Human Development: Freud, Piaget and Skinner

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development analyzes the nature and development of human intelligence. It is more focused on the nature of knowledge and how human beings gradually acquire and use it. Piaget believes that reality involves continuous but dynamic transformations. He proposes that “operative intelligence is behind all the manipulation...


Reducing Unwanted Teen Pregnancies

Teens experience a lot of biological changes in their lives. It is during teenage period that individuals develop strong desire to have sex. Without adequate information on reproductive health, many teens have ended up with unplanned pregnancies. This paper discusses suggestive measures that can be enforced to reduce teen pregnancies....


Sociology of Gambling

Gambling can be defined as money wagering or just something else that is of value materially on the outcome of a certain uncertain event with major goal or a hopeful intent of becoming a winner of more goods or some additional cash. Gaming on the other hand is a word...

Politics & Government

The Communist Party in Russia

After the events of 1991 Russia was acknowledged by the world community a political and cultural successor country of the U.S.S.R. Although many years have passed after the Dissolution of the Soviet Union, different events which remind the Soviet past of Russia take place in the country nowadays. For example,...


Understanding and Treating Borderline Personality Disorder

A borderline personality disorder is characterized by continuous instability in a person’s self _image, changes in the mood of the person most of the time, and even break-ups in close personal relationships which always leads to distress and loss of friendships. People with this kind of borderline personality disorder are...

Politics & Government

Water Distribution System in Virginia State

History of Water Service in the State, Communities Served Richmond, VA., pioneered water treatment plants in the United States with the establishment of a slow sand filtration plant in 1832. Nearly three decades had passed since multi-filter municipal treatments plants opened in Scotland and Paris but the rudimentary process sufficed...

Politics & Government

Water Supply and Plumbing System in California

Introduction The Plumbing system and water supply in California is one of the most important commodities and aspects of comfort. Nevertheless, it is used not only for recreation, leisure or comfort, as it is also needed for medical requirements and fire fighting measures. The letter is one of the most...


“Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles

In the Sophocles’ famous play, Oedipus Rex, the protagonist Oedipus cannot be held accountable for committing patricide and incest. From the time Oedipus was born fate had already marked him. No amount of running could save him from his fate. The actions he commits of killing his father and marrying...


Biological Foundations and Adult Sexuality

Interaction between hormones and behavior and effect on adult sexuality Biological activities in the human body are triggered by hormones. These are chemicals that are secreted from different glands in the body whenever it is necessary to perform required functions. They act as messengers and are generally needed for the...


Mohanti’s Through Brown Eyes and Naipaul’s The Mimic Men

Through Brown Eyes is a non-fiction novel written by Prafulla Mohanti. It is a lively account of his ventures in the western world. In the novel, he states how he meets and encounters the wrath of racism, prejudice, and colonialism. As an immigrant, the first words of the first page...

Politics & Government

Importance of Social Responsibility

Introduction Social responsibility is the ethical or moral theory which an organization or an individual must adhere to for example a government of every country or state has a responsibility to ensure that her people are not invaded by enemies. The responsibility of an individual or an organization may be...


Mental Health and Causes of Mental Illness

Abstract A person’s mental health has been an intriguing part of studies among associations, medical doctors, and professions that serve mentally diseased clients. Experts are yet to find the exact cause of mental illness, but, a blend of environmental, physical, and psychological conditions have been linked to it as shown...


“The Fish” by Elizabeth Bishop

Introduction The poem is about an inward struggle of the speaker between enjoying a triumph and empathizing with the prey. The speaker has just caught a fish that apparently has managed to break free from the hooks of many fishermen. However, the speaker is unable to enjoy his triumph as...


History of Modern Psychology

Introduction The history of psychology can be traced back to the times of the Ancient Greeks; this is the period when the ancient Greeks studied the mind and behavior of man. Some reports also suggest that it existed in the ancient Egypt. In the early and middle 1800s psychology was...


Private For-Profit and Nonprofit Organizational Leaders: Gender Inequality

Research Design This three-article dissertation will be developed in several stages. This project will be mixed by its nature and based on the analysis of qualitative information to contribute to a conceptual and theoretical framework and quantitative information to support the importance and effectiveness of the chosen intervention (Harwell, 2011)....


“Gray Ghosts of the Confederacy” by Richard S. Brownlee

Introduction Gray Ghosts of the Confederacy: Guerilla Warfare in the West, 1861 – 1865 by Richard Brownlee is a non-fiction work, containing reliable information on the warfare in Missouri and Kansas during the Civil War. This book is one of the most careful analyses of irregular warfare in the nineteenth...


Foundations of Psychology: Schools of Thoughts

There is no other field that has attracted attention than psychology. Psychology seems to explain almost every aspect of human behaviors. Psychology offers various fascinating explanations for events and experiences in life. In addition, psychologists give explanations to some behaviors that seem obvious such as smiling. The validity of these...


Human Memory System and Process

The human memory system has no equivalent even the most advanced of technologies have not been able to replicate it with success and they are still at it. This compilation seeks to establish the memory process from stimuli to long-term memory. It also outlines the causes of forgetfulness and how...


Current Labor Relation Techniques

Introduction The national labor laws began after the harsh economic times of the 1930s. The Great Depression led to a low employment rate. As a direct consequence, the general standards of living went down. The economic times were not favorable to individuals and companies. The National Labor Relations Act was...

Politics & Government

The Republican War on Science

Political affairs in the United States have never been so fundamentally affected by science. Over a long period of time, the scientist and the Science were not valued, as significant to the government. One can say that disregard for scientific thought has dramatically ripened with the present conservative group of...


Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl’ by Jacobs

In her book, ‘Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl’, Harriet Jacobs writes “slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women” (Jacobs 64). As Linda in the book, the writer is saddened when it dawned on her that she was expecting a baby girl,...


Slavery in the Book by Oates “Jubilee Lights”

Introduction In his book, “Fires of Jubilee”, author Stephen Oates takes us back two centuries in a small town in Southampton County, Virginia in the United States. Fires of Jubilee has a place in history because it was a defining moment for the people of South Virginia when they chose...