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“Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway: Literary Analysis

Ernest Hemingway is one of the most remarkable and talented masters of a word in American literature who managed not only to amaze his audience with the beauty of his laconic writing style but also offered important practical lessons to learn. Just like most of Hemingway’s stories, “Hills Like White...


Protagonist in Edgar Alan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”

Introduction Thesis: Focusing on the details of the narrator’s emotional state and feelings, Edgar Allan Poe draws the readers’ attention not to the aspect of the man’s guilt, but to the peculiarities of the narrator’s psychological illness and his impossibility to perceive reality objectively. Thus, the narrator suffers from a...


Gender Issues Perception and Changes Over Time

The term gender is defined as the biological and physiological construction of human beings; it does also refer to a man or a woman’s cultural behaviors of practicing masculinity or femininity (Devor 528). It is by the definition of gender that most of the world’s cultural beliefs and practices led...

Entertainment & Media

Advertisement for VitaminWater FlavorCreator

Vitaminwater’s Facebook Flavorcreator advertisement promotes the product by using three specialized propaganda techniques: name-calling, testimonials, and glittering generalities. These three techniques are some of the most persuasive knowns and, in combination, can result in many sales. The first technique gets the attention of the audience and promotes an emotional reaction....


Social Environment Weight on Personality Development

Proposed Research Paper This paper seeks to address the importance of the social environment on the development of an individual’s personality. Every person has distinct hereditary or environmentally gained traits. This paper will address some factors that make these variations. The answer to this issue can be tracked from environmental...


Osmosis Egg Lab Report

Objective of the Experiment The experiment is aimed at giving a better understanding of osmosis process and the different experiment conditions under which osmosis occurs. Introduction Osmosis is a process whereby water or any fluid moves from the area of less concentration of dissolved particles to a region of high...

Entertainment & Media

Social Impact of Interactive Advertising

Introduction This paper explores the social impacts of an interactive advertisement on society. The interactive advertisement refers to the process of creating a product or service awareness for the consumers through online applications on internet sites. Interactive ads are made of multi-media web banners that can allow one to navigate...


Tim O’Brien “The Things They Carried” Review

Introduction Tim O’Brien, the narrator in “The Things They Carried” is very engaging in his definitions and explanations of the various ‘things’ that the soldiers carried. These things ranged from physical burdens comprising of ammunition and other social amenities and necessities such as food and medication to emotional baggage such...

Tech & Engineering

Internet Use in High Schools

Introduction The concept of education and effective learning in Secondary schools in Saudi Arabia has faced several revolutions. High Schools in this area have depended on traditional modes of learning and teaching which has resulted in very little impact on the student’s learning. These traditional strategies are centered towards classroom...


Changing Behaviors by Changing the Classroom Environment

Article Summary The chosen article is entitled, “Changing Behaviors by Changing the Classroom Environment.” The authors of the article present an experiment they conducted in the classroom of a teacher who started to have discipline problems with the students. They propose that by moving around a classroom, the behavior that...


Characterization in Raymond Carver’s Cathedral

Cathedral, the short story by Raymond Carver has a small number of characters who are nevertheless very interesting. They are have been developed by the author of the short story in an excellent way to the level that it is possible to have a comprehensive view of the traits of...


Race and Your Community

Introduction Racialism refers to race discrimination. This means that a certain race is considered to be more superior to others (Floyd-Wilson, M. 2003, p.8). The discriminated race is segregated from facilities and opportunities such as education, medical services, and employment. On the other hand ethnicity identity is the sense of...


The Importance of Communication Skills

Introduction Communication refers to the process by which information is passed from one entity to the other. This process needs a wide range of skills that include listening, making observations, asking questions, processing, carrying out an analysis, and evaluation. Employing all these processes undergoes development and spreads to all aspects...


“The Question of HU” by Jonathan D. Spence

Introduction The Question of Hu is a tale that focuses on the story of two men; Jesuit Jean-François Foucquet and John Hu. It was written by Jonathan D. Spence. Foucquet is a French man who wishes to translate Chinese religious texts. He intends to convince the Christian community that Chinese...


Role of Human Resource Development in Curriculum Design

Introduction Training and development are important fields of human resource management. It is aimed at improving the skills and performance of individuals in their professional activity. The importance of curriculum development activity exceeds the planning and development of educational programs. The curriculum is a strategic element that defines the whole...

Family, Life & Experiences

Marriage Institution in the US in 1960-70 and Now

The years between 1960 and 1970 brought about change in the marriage institution in the United States of America. The social norms changed drastically causing a major change to the family at large. During this era more women departed from their traditional role as housewives and engaged in formal employment...


Fundamentals of Psychological Testing

Introduction Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental functions. The professionals involved in this field are referred to as psychologists. The term test refers to a form of examination with an objective to determine an outcome. Therefore, a psychological test is a scientific examination of human behavior...


Abortion. Why I Have a Proponent View?

Introduction The problem of abortion is far discussed in the contemporary society. This issue considers men and women as well, because of the global character of the problem for the drive of population. In particular, the society is unofficially divided into opponents and proponents of this feature of life, pro-lifers...


Culturama. Dominica’s Carib Indians – The Kalinago

Introduction The Caribs, the first Dominica’s people, are considered to be the largest cultural group making about 3500 – 4000 people. The original name of the nation is Kalinago; its farms and homes are concentrated on eight hamlets, such as Crayfish, Bataca, Sinekou, Mahaut River, ST Cyr, Touna Aute, Salybia...


Principles of Utilitarianism

Introduction The basic moral principle of utilitarianism is the principle of utility also termed as the principle of greatest happiness. The principle states that the rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by its utility or usefulness where usefulness in greater sense means how much pleasure or happiness the...


Cognition. Introspective Psychology.

Cognitive psychology as a discipline has come of age. It is defined as the study of human mental processes and their role in thinking, feeling, and behaving. Other broad categories of cognitive psychology study include; memory, perception, comprehension, and production of language, acquisition of knowledge and expertise, decision making, and...

Politics & Government

Political Parties in the United States of America

The two major political parties in the United States are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. The minor parties that am going to discuss in this essay are the green party and the constitution party. I will compare and contrast the two major parties as well as the two...


African Americans Civil Rights

From 1861 to 1865, there was a civil war between the southern and northern states in the United States of America. The issues leading to the war mainly revolved around slavery which was widespread in the south and generally opposed in the north. The civil war led to the reconstruction...


First, Second, and Third Waves of Women Movement’s

Feminism is categorized into three waves, that is, first, second, and third waves. The first wave feminist relates to the women’s movement in the 19th century for women’s rights in Europe and America. The second wave of feminism dominated in the 1960s and 1970s. The different types of women’s movements...


Drug Related Crimes: Causes and Effects

Introduction Drug related crimes are criminal activities such as shoplifting, burglary, vehicle crimes and robbery which are committed by the youth due to the influence of alcohol or under the influence of alcohol. Therefore drugs are related to crime in two ways: possession, use and distribution of drugs is a...


“Invisible Man” by Ralph Ellison

The present essay is devoted to the discussion of the male figures described in a famous work of Ralph Ellison titled “Invisible Man” – this book was published in 1952 and won him great fame. It was widely recognized during the author’s lifetime and after his death because it was...


“Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer

The story of Christopher McCandless by Jon Krakauer is a manifest of a man’s challenge to himself and nature. Inspired by true events in the life of the 24-year-old person it is a testimony of the high values prominence. It is also the result of testing the will in terms...


Short Story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

In the short story “Everyday Use” Alice Walker focuses on the concept of cultural heritage and the way it can be perceived (or even distorted) by different people. One of the main characters, Dee is a person who attempts to alienate herself from her roots in every possible way. She...


History of Jazz Music

Introduction Jazz has its roots in the African American communities living in United States particularly in the south. Jazz is a musical art that incorporates African (mainly West African) and European styles. Since its inception in the early 20th century, Jazz has transformed due to influence from the popular music...


Gene and Phineas in “A Separate Peace” by John Knowles

Introduction The novel “A separate Peace” by John Knowles is a truly remarkable work, which gives insights into the inner worlds of two ordinary boys, exploring crucial topics, like jealousy, betrayal, true friendship, forgiveness, relationships between people. It introduces a flashback narration of the protagonist of the story Gene about...


Alternative Dispute Resolution

Disputed are resolved outside the court with the help of this method. A large part of dispute resolution field is covered by Alternative Dispute Resolution processes. In first paragraph we will see the introduction of Alternative Dispute Resolution, in second paragraph we will discuss about the types of Alternative Dispute...


Ethical and Psychological Egoism

Introduction Egoism is considered to be the global aspect in the philosophy and is thoroughly studied by all the thinkers of the world. Egoism is defined as self motivation or goal aimed at the satisfaction of one’s own needs. The theory of egoism has been examined throughout centuries because it...


“Boyz n the Hood” by John Singleton

“They want us to kill ourselves… the best way you can destroy a people you take their ability to reproduce themselves.” This reflects the opening lines of the movie Boyz ‘n’ the Hood and the death toll concerning African Americans. “One of out of every twenty-one Black males will be...


“The Last Knight” Book by Norman Cantor

The Last Knight – The Twilight of the Middle Ages and the Birth of the Modern Era is a non-fictional book by Norman F. Cantor. It is the fourth edition published by Free Press, New York, 2004. The story is set in England in the late 14th century at the...


Hamlet as the Hero of the Play

The story of Shakespeare’s famous play Hamlet revolves around the hero Hamlet, who is rather than being an action hero is (contrary to the expectations of the audience) a hero of INACTION. Revenge is the main motive in the play. But it is the delay in action rather than action...


“Trifles” by Susan Glaspell.

Introduction “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell is a one act play which analyzes the investigation of the murder of John Wright through various dialogues of men and women that are connected to the victim and his accused wife. This paper addresses the themes that occurred throughout the play that help to...


Facets of E-Learning in Education

Introduction With a growing number of courses offered online, the major concern is about the role of instructors. Rendering online instructions is a challenging approach for delivering classroom-like education to remote learners. Even now, online education is mostly imparted as extended studies or some sort of continuing education; but over...


The Art of Drama. ‘Hamlet’ by William Shakespeare

Introduction In the play ‘Hamlet’, by William Shakespeare, a complex plot is created right at the commencement of the play including the murder of King Hamlet of Denmark and the hurried marriage of Gertrude (Hamlet’s mother) to the late king’s brother, Claudius. The play however revolves around the task undertaken...

Politics & Government

Marijuana Legalization and Its Beneficial Effects

The topic of marijuana legalization has been discussed for more than a decade with multiple arguments supporting and contesting the idea. Furthermore, there is some evidence that can be employed in the discussion: in several countries, including Portugal and the Netherlands, real-life experiments took place, the results of which should...


The Metacognitive Approach in Education

Introduction Metacognition is the knowledge concerning ones owns cognitive processes and the active monitoring and the regulation of these processes in the pursuit of ones goals. It involves the active reflection of what you already know and what you think coupled with cognitive self management that is the ability to...


Karl Marx’s View on Class Differentiation

Introduction The unearthing in the existence of classes in modern society by Karl Max is a sense of direction to extricate the exploitation classes from the yoke of bourgeois class. In response to the rejoinder, Karl Marx explored the possibility of that the existence of classes is only bound up...


Cognitive Psychology and Research Programs

Abstract These are some of the foundational questions that cognitive psychology examines. They are foundational partly because each concerns the nature of basic psychological ability, abilities that we often take for granted, yet which are vital to our normal, healthy functioning and are key to our understanding of what it...


Psychological Testing and Its Major Concepts

Definition of a test In the field of psychology, a test refers to a highly standardized process that examines the sensual ability and mental processes of an individual (Rogers, 2007). According to experts, a test does not examine every aspect of an individual. It uses certain elements of an individual’s...


Learning Needs in Education

The learning process is an important part of the evolution of any business and organization. Companies that are the quickest to adapt to the changing circumstances and customer demands have a competitive advantage (Boshyk 2016). This process involves constant learning and quality improvement. The purpose of this paper is to...


Animal Experimentation: Ethical and Practical Issues

Introduction When talking about animal experimentation, it is hard not to mention the quote by Jeremy Bentham, who formulated the ethical question like the following: “The question is not ‘Can they reason?’ nor ‘Can they talk?’ but ‘Can they suffer?’ Why should the law refuse its protection to any sensitive...


Personality Traits and Musical Elements Preferences

Participants The participants for this study involved one hundred and forty-five university students, aged between nineteen and twenty-six. The students were randomly selected to listen to music as hypothesized and all the participants agreed to take part in listening to music without any knowledge on the relevance of their participation....

Entertainment & Media

Are Social Media and Networking Good for Society?

Introduction Social media or social networks include online platforms used by people to share posts, pictures, and other material. Social media platforms are highly popular among people of different age groups and occupations. For instance, Twitter is widely used by government officials to improve online presence and image, whereas Tumblr...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks Importance and Aspects

Introduction Before social media, the sharing of information still existed back then, currently, social media enables connections on digital media to be documented and posted publicly on the internet. Social networks developed in the past were used for academic and profit-making purposes. Technologies have since evolved facilitating user-generated, collaborative, and...


Chapters 11-20 of David Potter’s “Impending Crisis”

Introduction David Potter, in his book, “The Impending Crisis,” analyzed in detail issues, events, and personalities that occurred in American history between 1848 and 1861. The author explored the genesis and impacts of the conflict between the South and the North. Potter argued that although the Northerners and Southerners had...


Developmental Psychology in Adolescence

Adolescence is one of the main developmental stages that is widely defined as the period between 13 and 18 years. This life stage is a transition from childhood into adulthood, which is why many psychologists consider it to be one of the critical periods in people’s life. This transitional stage...


The Affordable Care Act Provisions

The affordable care act has related provisions in titles one to ten. Title one reflects on the quality and affordable health benefits for American citizens. The provisions of the title are rules and mandates of employers, insurance companies, and tax credits. Title two lays down the role of public programs...


Descriptive and Inferential Statistics and Measures

Introduction Statistical methods are tools used by the psychological researcher to summarize and draw conclusions about collected and predict data about population. This research paper discusses the difference between the descriptive statistics and the inferential statistics. It has also described the measurement scales and measures of central tendency. The measures...


Property Co-Ownership at Law and in Equity

Property ownership at law and in equity Section 34(6) of the Law of Property Act 1925 treats co-owners as one legal entity: they are joint tenants in law (McKenzie & Phillips, 2012: 282). The Trustee Act 1925 limits the number of joint tenants of a legal estate to four persons....

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks and Their Value for Marketing

Social networks have become an indispensable part of many people’s lives and an important platform for companies. Businesses can develop strong relationships with their customers through various social media, including but not limited to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, What’s Up, LinkedIn, and so forth. Social networking is one of the...


Addictions: Theories and Cases

Terminology Related to Addictions The first scenario is about a female calling an addictions professional employee to make an appointment, as she has been referred by a court. She claims that another car, which ran a red light, hit her vehicle. A police officer who arrived at the scene of...

Tech & Engineering

Virtual and Global Project Teams Management

How the Course has Met My Expectations The course has met my expectations in various ways. First, it has enabled me to grasp the concepts of global and virtual teams. Global teams work on a project that is being completed in more than one country. Virtual teams, on the other...


Students and Their Educational Needs

Understanding Students and Their Diverse Educational Needs An important point to consider in the planning of teaching methods to be adopted by a teacher is the diversity that exists among the students. Diversity is witnessed in different perspectives including age, gender, culture, and other forms of social diversity. If diversity...


Different Vision of the Young and Older Adults

Summary Gina – 24 years old John – 71 years old The young and older adults inherently displayed various perspectives on life-related aspects. Gina demonstrates a more relaxed approach as her family members are all alive and well. She does not give significant meaning to any childhood memories or activities...

Politics & Government

Non-Profit Organizations’ Management Practices

Management Practices in the Varying Types of Non-Profit Organizations Globalization and the advent of modern technologies have led to considerable changes in organizations and organizational management, especially in non-profit establishments. According to Harrison and Wicks (2013), “traditional notions of institutions and how to manage them may have suited more stable...


Psychology’s Diverse Nature

Introduction Psychology encompasses the study of human mental processes, behaviors, and emotions. It can substantially contribute to understanding of human relationships and actions. The study of human behaviors, experiences, and mental processes occur in diverse socio-cultural contexts making psychology a diverse field of study. Its theories and principles are applicable...

Politics & Government

Community Policing of the U.S.

Introduction The United States experienced tremendous growth in urban areas in the 1960s, and this led to an exponential increase in populations in towns and cities. Consequently, there was an increase in the demand for employment opportunities. Since the supply of labor was more than the available jobs, most of...

Politics & Government

The Current US – Mexican Border Policy Failures

Introduction The war has been lost. Over the past four decades, the issue concerning illegal drug transportation from Mexico to the USA has been brewing, with major political discussions triggered and a series of important strategic steps having been made, only to have the same problem of drug peddling from...

Tech & Engineering

Technology-Education Relationship, Pros and Cons

Introduction The 21st century is characterized by significant growth in technology—one of the technologies which have undergone significant growth in Information Communication Technology (ICT). According to Inoue (2007, p.7), the growth in ICT has revolutionized other economic sectors, such as the education sector. This research paper is aimed at evaluating...


Family Violence Effects on Family Members

Statement of the Problem Despite the fact that domestic or family violence has always been a prevalent issue in patriarchal societies, the topic has been widely marginalized and perceived as unimportant by the public. However, the development of feminism and other human rights movements gave the opportunity for the victims...


Religion Philosophy: Aquinas’s and Hume’s Theories

Second Way Aquinas’s argument for the existence of God in “The Second Way” The argument of Aquinas is based on the concept of cause and effect wherein all present and future events, objects, and even people are categorized under the concept of an effect that come about as a result...


Non-Christian Religions: Sikhism, Islam, Judaism

Guru Nanak The declaration meant that Guru Nanak did not recognize God to serve the Muslims or Hindus only. He embraced unity in God for all humankind. I think that Guru Nanak’s conception of the divine is unique. It is not easy for someone to accept God and considers Him...


Hip Hop Music, Culture and Famous Artists

Since the early 20th century, music has undergone considerable transformation. These changes are attributed to the reactions against the impressionist movements of the 19th century. In the mission to develop new lingo and forms, artists have come up with different genres of music. Each genre targets a specific audience. Currently,...


Impacts of World War l

World War 1 Economic impacts of World War 1 The United States was one of the countries that were directly involved in the First World War. Consequently, the country realized direct impacts of the war in terms of its economy. One of the economic effects of the First World War,...


E-Concert Report: Pieces by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Introduction Among the universal geniuses of Romantic music, one of the most prominent personalities is the Russian composer of the late nineteenth century, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840–1893). The uniqueness of his composing talent revealed itself in a multitude of works in different genres which combine in themselves both a high...

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Phone Use While Driving and Its Impact

Cell phone use during driving leads to a series of detrimental effects on the behavior of the driver. Essentially, this happens when the driver has a conversation when driving during text messaging while dialing numbers on the phone while at the wheel, as well as other smart functions like surfing...

Politics & Government

The Issue of Gun Control

Introduction The act of political courage that will be examined in this paper was done by President Barack Obama when he addressed the issue of gun control after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 20 children and 6 adults dead as a direct result of automatic weapons...


The Intelligence Role in Homeland Security Activities

Background on the Role of Intelligence in Homeland Security Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the need for closer cooperation between various institutions of security increased significantly. In particular, there has been a special focus on how information is collected, analyzed, and distributed in the process of protecting the homeland from...


Queer Activism: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender

Literature Review Research shows that the involvement of the LGBT in activism influences their social development significantly (Bilodeau 29, Komives et al. 593). Active involvement influences their lives, career aspirations, and social justice perspectives. Additionally, LGBTs who openly engage in activism related to their identity often reinforce their involvement in...


Psychological Issues: Freedom of Choice

As modernization continues, people become more obsessed with the desire to enjoy certain rights. Most of the freedoms that people have increasingly gained access to can be summarised into one – the freedom of choice (Hazel & Barry, 2010). People enjoy the freedom of choice when they are allowed to...


Organic Food

Introduction Demand for organic food has increased in the last few years. However, very few people fully comprehend what organic food is. Many households have embraced organic food, leading to increased demand. According to Organic Monitor (2010), demand increased before the GFC in 2009. This paper will discuss organic food...