🎨 Essays on Art

Art can encompass many mediums and forms, from painting and sculpture to film and architecture. As a result, understanding art can be challenging, and writing an essay about it can be even more daunting. However, art is also a critical part of many academic disciplines, and understanding it is essential to succeed in many assignments.

One way to learn more about art is to consult a database of essay examples. This can be a valuable resource when trying to understand a particular artwork or when developing your own ideas for an essay. By reading through examples of high-scoring art essays, you can better understand what kind of analysis is expected. Therefore, if you’re feeling stuck, don’t hesitate to consult the database of our art essay examples – it just might be the tool you need to complete your assignment.


The Tragedy “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

Hamlet’s state of mind in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet remains a mystery to many readers. While there have been constant debates on whether Hamlet is insane or he is faking insanity as a strategy to avenge his father’s death, there is clear evidence throughout the play that Hamlet is fully aware...


The Important Steps That Are Involved in the Processing of Images

Introduction This paper aims to explain the different steps that are involved in the processing of a digital image. This paper will begin with the first process which is capturing the image using a device. The second part of this paper will discuss the process of acquiring a digital image....


Food as an Art Form: Studying an Artifact

There are so many forms of art so that it is not always easy to comprehend their essence, purposes, and messages. A number of people make captivating attempts to define as many art forms as possible, and Elizabeth Telfer shares her own vision of art and defines food as one...


Vocal Music as the Predominantly Appealing One for Today’s Audience

Music is a critically powerful tool used by many people to achieve the desired emotional state or relax and enjoy themselves. The favorite genres and the preferences of either vocal or instrumental music largely depend on a specific individual. However, some general trends still exist and are defined by the...


Irish Step and Thailand Khon Masked Dance Drama

Introduction Traditional dancing practices are a fundamental element of any culture. Traditional or “folk dance, generally, a type of dance that is a vernacular, usually recreational, expression of a past or present culture” (Kealiinohomoku). Traditional dances serve as a religious practice, social ritual, and a means of telling myths and...


The Documentary “The Rise of ISIS”

ISIS, otherwise known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Islamic State (IS), sets an aim to create an Islamic state called the caliphate across Syria, Iran, and beyond them. The group strictly follows Sharia Law, which is rooted in the Islamic dogma of the eighth...


The Corporation Movie Review

The Corporation which is a movie directed by Mark Achbar critically analyzes what is referred to as ‘the dominant institution of our era.’ (Joseph 1) In a very satirical manner, it exposes the recent upsurge of corporate crimes and loathes the portrayal by the media of the crisis as being...


Government Surveillance in G. Orwell’s 1984 Novel and Film

One of this movie’s main features is that the citizens of Oceania are under constant government surveillance. The fact that they are observed and heard through telescreens and microphones significantly influences their lives and behavior. Some of the movie’s main characters have to hide things, whisper, write secret notes, meet...


Italian and French Opera Between 1670 and 1750

The Baroque era heralded several major changes to opera as a genre in both French and Italian culture. The Italian opera demonstrated a clear case of style dominating over substance. For instance, the number of voices used in arias was increased significantly to 4–8, as in Giovanni Gabrielli’s In Ecclesiis....


Robert Wilson, a Current Stage and Theatre Director

Robert Wilson is a famous art director, writer, performer, and stage designer. He is considered to be one of the most outstanding representatives of the theatrical advance guard. Though his first performances had been shown in America, he made a name for himself in Europe, after the staging of his...


Famous American Artists and Reasons of Their Fame

The starting point of the heyday of American fine art can be considered the middle of the 19th century. Andy Warhol, Georgia O’Keeffe, Edward Hopper, and Jean-Michel Basquiat are universally recognized as the most talented, innovative, and famous American artists. It is thanks to them and many other painters that...


“Gangs Of New York” and Its Relation to History

The movie “Gangs of New York” has been discussed from variety of different perspectives; however, only very few people realise that it contains a strong political message, as opposed to being just another Hollywood flick, filled with violence and cheap sentiments. This was one of the reasons why I have...


Film Music Changes in the 1960s on the Psycho Example

A remarkable film in American cinematography, Psycho, created by Alfred Hitchcock owes its success not only to the outstanding director but also to a prominent composer Bernard Hermann. The soundtrack to the movie changed the overall attitude to music in filmmaking. Since the 1960s, music, and sounds have acquired a...


Frank Lloyd Wright’s Organic Architecture Movement

Frank Lloyd Wright is famous for his contribution to the design and development of a movement of Organic Architecture. He insisted that the buildings should be constructed with an emphasis on the domestic vernacular features, meaning their correspondence to the needs of their inhabitants. Wright advocated for the simplicity proportional...


The Process of Shame to Violence in Bergman Film: “Shame”

“Shame” has shown us that any man or woman is capable of deplorable deeds, when they are placed in conditions that could perpetuate this behavior. Remorse was subjective to each of the characters exhibited. First was Jan, a very sensitive and emotional character. Jan cried often and seemingly did not...


Pop Art Culture – Andy Warhol’s Mao

Usually, in certain movements, there is one exact person who glorified it most, and often it is not the founder, but such a star, with whom the whole direction is associated. When mentioning pop art, bright paintings and acid colors appear in the imagination. Among them, pieces created by Andy...


The Final Scene of the Singin’ in the Rain: Review

I have selected the final scene of the Singin’ in the Rain because I liked it the most. In this five-minute long cut, Lina lip-syncs into a microphone while Kathy sings instead of her behind the curtain. At the end of it, R.F., Don, and Cosmo reveal the real star...


Religion in the Media: Poisoned Well Composition

In September, a sculpture depicting the deceased head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II, over a “bloody” pool with a meteorite in his hands appeared in the Polish capital. The composition called Poisoned well was installed in front of the National Museum, timed to coincide with the...


International Ladies Garment Workers Union’s Song

International Ladies Garment Workers Union In the 1981 commercial in the video, the workers sing one of today’s most recognizable union songs. The union used this commercial to rally Americans to buy American-made clothes. In the last stanza of the song, the workers advise Americans to always look for the...


Edvard Munch and The Scream Painting

Edvard Munch was a Norwegian artist who was born in 1863 and whose works have gained international attention and been recognized as the greatest examples of late 19th and early 20th-century art. He became one of the founding fathers of Expressionism, the movement which promoted a new approach to art,...


Most Valuable Figures in Musicology

Theodor W. Adorno is widely known as a famous composer and musicologist. He was one of the members of the Frankfurt School and devoted a great part of his life to the critics of the music. In general he accepted and understood only the music of such musicians as Anton...


What Are the Most Famous Film Versions of Pride & Prejudice?

Jane Austen wrote the novel in the far 1812. The famous story inspired filmmakers to create their own screen adaptations. There are many film versions, with the most famous ones of 2005, 1995 and 1980 years. More Information The 1980-year version presents Jane Austin’s novel in a mini-series. A common...


How is Bridget Jones’s Diary Connected to Pride and Prejudice?

Bridget Jones’s Diary is thought to be a modern version of Pride and Prejudice. Set in a different era, a 1996 novel about Bridget Jones develops similar topics as the original in some ways. More Information Bridget Jones’s Diary, a 1996 novel by Helen Fielding, is a modern adaptation of...


A Fair Use Defense in Grey Album and Biz Markie Cases

The motifs and melodies, as well as the rhythm of music and the beat in the “Grey Album,” were taken from Beatles’ songs. When someone hears a song from it, the first thing that draws attention is the distinct sound of the Beatles. It is difficult to say what is...


Metonyms in the Lumumba and Kony 2012 Videos

The colonial past of Africa impacts its present and future. Today, the complex post-colonial environment with its problems results in the emergence of different attempts to establish a new power, create a new state, and find a new course for development. However, there are multiple issues associated with this activity...


Bach’s Style as Heard in the Vocal Music

Having a very solid foundation as the basis for composing his works, Bach would engage in the creative process that bordered a “jazzy” improvisation. For example, the famous Cantata BWV 127 incorporated elements that are both ornate and expressive; the harmony, which underlies the composition traditionally, is washed away by...


Changing Trends and Forces in Classical Arts

During the classical period, the fact that the Romans were dominating proved to be very influential in art and architecture. The philosophies of naturalism and idealism shaped the culture and all aspects of life in this period. From an intellectual point of view, there emerged the need to articulate the...


Egyptian Art Functions and Religion

In ancient Egypt, the dead were accorded respect just like the living. Symbolism was a very dominant style in the culture of the Egyptians and it was affected using the various forms of art. Art was used by the Egyptians to reflect the relationship between the living and the dead....


Art and Its Purpose Within Society

Art actually contained messages beyond reflecting mythological stories and religious believes and actually the artist felt the urge to rely on these messages to their fellow men since they had experience in them. For instance, in Christo’s Running Fence, it can actually be defined as art in the sense that...


Nien Cheng’s Art Treasures and Artist Representation

Porcelain treasures such as wine cups are nearly three hundred years old and priceless and cannot be replaced by any modern artist. These represent to her a Chinese cultural heritage that every Chinese should be proud of. The Blanc de chine Goddess of Mercy, Guanyin, a genuine artifact of the...


Sociopolitical Role of Art in African Tribes

Art is highly valued in African tribes. Of course, their understanding of art is rather different from ours but, still, it is no less important. Conversation, oral tradition, and literature are the most crucial types of art in Igbo tribes that make a social and political influence. Taking the role...


Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin Opera’s Aspects

Eugene Onegin is an opera composed by Tchaikovsky. One of its best performances was maintained in 1983. The opera was played in three acts, but its plot required more scene changes, which attracted my attention greatly. As the first act started, the audience and the viewers could see only a...


Tchaikovsky’s Sixth Symphony’s Aspects

Pyotr Tchaikovsky was an outstanding Russian composer of the 19th century whose works appealed to the international public, including Europeans and Americans. For his talent, he was awarded by Emperor Alexander III and achieved enormous success. However, it did not prevent him from facing personal crisis and depression. Some music...


Tchaikovsky’s Ballets’ Unique Aspects

According to Tchaikovsky’s brother’s words, the composer was a big admirer of the ballet who was looking for any chance to employ his musical talent in the art of dance. However, the ballet was not considered as a high-quality form of art, but, on the other hand, a primitive endeavor...


Asian and Pacific American Filmmaking Trends

Despite the successes of some contemporary films, Asian Americans remain underrepresented in the nation’s filmmaking. Their presence is growing, and they are becoming more prominent in television, but there are still numerous challenges that have to be overcome. Mainstream filmmaking, in particular, is showing a lack of Asian American directors,...


Mental Health Illness in the Film “When a Man Loves a Woman”

The film “When a Man Loves a Woman” is a mixture of genres. However, the relevant one in this context is that it aims to highlight the role of a family when dealing with an individual having an addiction. Even though the couple in the film is a perfect presentation...


Nothing Is More Serious Than Comedy

“Comedy is a mirror of everyday life (Evanthius)”; “Comedy blends pain with pleasure (Plato)”; “It imitates our reality (Aristotle)”. There are plenty of reasons to think that comedy is funny. The question, however, is not purely, whether comedy films make one laugh or not; the real issue is what lies...


Arts and Crafts Movement in Melbourne

Introduction The achievement of the Arts and Crafts movement in Melbourne, between 1888 and 1916 are not easy to enumerate. However, with a wealth of books and literature surrounding the art movement in Australia, one can easily deduce that the art movement matured in Melbourne at around this time. According...


“Home” by Yann Arthus-Bertrand as a Controversial Art Example

Introduction Controversial art implies a range of craftsmanship pieces that are intrusive and may contain discreditable or even hostile language. The motivation behind disputable fine arts is to show how absurd and ironic concepts or an entire life can be. The creators of this kind of art like to incite...


Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring”

Summary Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring” is a work that has caused a shock within the audience on the night of the premier. The theme of a primal ritual and the use of Slavic elements both in the musical composition, choreography, and costumes add uniqueness to this work. Regardless, this ballet...


Graffiti: Street Art or Vandalism

Introduction Each of us has at least once paid attention to how, among the faded monochrome buildings, we encountered bright, defiant inscriptions and drawings on the walls, which some consider art, and others think it is hooliganism. Surely, everyone knows the word graffiti which comes from the Italian “scratch”; the...


Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” Painting Analysis

Introduction The painting for this assignment is Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night. He painted this masterpiece in 1889 while locked up in an asylum found in Saint Remy (MoMA, n.d.). The painting got completed a year before he committed suicide, perhaps a side-effect of his mental illness. The Starry Night,...


“My Neighbor Totoro” Filmed by Hayao Miyazaki Review

My Neighbor Totoro, filmed in 1988 by famed animator Hayao Miyazaki, is one of the iconic animated tales produced by Studio Ghibli and one of my favorite movies. This cartoon embodies the main motives of Miyazaki’s work – childhood, the fidelity of friends, the dark side of the personality, and...


Modernism Presented in Art Museums

Introduction The museum format went through significant transformations in the 20th century. For a long time, museums collected the art of previous generations. The demonstration of contemporary art required new approaches and fresh ideas. Modernization attempts appeared most often in the design of the outer parts of buildings; museums received...


Pop Art as a Form of Modern Art

Introduction Pop art is the modern form of liberal art characterized by various techniques of imagery taken from commercial and popular culture, thus the name pop art. This form of art has been seen as a game-changer for advertising, film, and entertainment. Countries like the United Kingdom and the United...


Evaluating Art Exercise – Documentary Collages

In my opinion, the best collage is “A Russian composer’s piano and brilliant mind: Igor Stravinsky.” This collage simultaneously seeks to capture the most significant, memorable, and unique moments associated with the Russian composer and his creations. Mainly, the impact of the painting affects thoughts, mind, feelings, and perceptions, generating...


The Little Village Girl with Red Carnation

The painting addressed in this visual analysis paper is the work created by Spanish artist Adolfo Guiard Larrauri The Little Village Girl with Red Carnation, 1903. It is an oil on canvas portrait painted in the style of impressionism. At first sight, the artwork might seem to display an ordinary...


Louis Armstrong’s Cultural Contribution

Introduction The study of the humanities is of interest for research as it can provide a relatively large amount of information about previous eras and their representatives. Consequently, this work aims to study the work and evaluate the contribution of such a distinguished musician as Louis Armstrong, who had a...


Mozart’s Third Violin Concert Performance Skills

Mozart’s third violin concerto is widely considered to be one of the greatest violin pieces in classical music. It is one of the five concerti that Mozart wrote for the violin in 1775. The concerto consists of three movements: Allegro, Adagio, and Rondeau Allegro, with short pauses in between them....


The Third Man Film Genre Analysis

The Third Man is a 1949 film directed by British director Carol Reed. The film was well-received by critics and became one of the classics of the film-noir genre. According to the British Film Institute survey of the best British film of the twentieth century, The Third Man was voted...


Review of Ludwig Van Beethoven Life

Ludwig Van Beethoven is among the most admired composers of Western music. Beethoven was born in Bonn, and his father has promoted the boy’s musical talent since an early age. He is best known as a classical music composer, working during the Classical and Romantic eras. However, Beethoven was also...


Leadership Intervention in the “Invictus” Movie

Introduction Invictus is a movie based on Nelson Mandela’s inspirational story and his efforts to unite South Africans. He was newly elected as the president of the nation and had a vision of eliminating racism. He believed that he could fulfill his dream of uniting the people of his country...


Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” Book and Film

Jane Austen’s novels have many loyal fans, and these books’ screen adaptations are very popular. The film Pride & Prejudice, directed by Joe Wright and released in 2005, is one of the film versions of Austen’s novel – Pride and Prejudice. This adaptation, focusing on its target audience, is presented...


Arthur Farwell: Composer Career and the Most Famous Works

Personal Background Arthur Farwell (1872-1952) was an American composer who devoted his life to promoting a ‘new American music’ which included the elements of traditional Native American and African-American music culture. Although originally, he did not plan to become a professional musician, he ultimately became one of the most influential...


“Flute Concert with Frederick the Great in Sanssouci” Artwork by Menzel

As a rule, contribution to art is not what monarchs are typically remembered for; however, as seen in Adolph Menzel’s painting, “Flute Concert with Frederick the Great in Sanssouci,” Frederick the Great made quite a difference in the art domain by promoting the significance of music along with innovations in...


Aspects of Contemporary Art

Introduction Many people think of art as something at least a century old and fail to consider the contemporary masterpieces that are being made in the present. However, the art world is flourishing, with the pieces being a reflection of the ever-changing world. Contemporary art is the definition of the...


Cultural Artifacts and Their Theme

The first selected cultural artifact is the poem “The Colonel” by Carolyn Forché. It was written in El Salvador in 1978 in the middle of a civil war between the US-backed military and government on the one side and the Foarabundo Martí National Liberation Front on the other side. In...


Machiavelli’s “The Prince” and Bad Characters in Movies

Ayer, David. Training Day. Warner Bros. Publishing, 2001.  This source is an intangible primary source of data. Training Day is a movie on David Ayer’s book Training Day and produced by Warner Bros Pictures in 2001. The author and producers try to show why the African American Community perceives violence...


Social Commentary in Pop Music Industry

Contemporary pop music is a fairly young art form that developed in the 20th and 21st century into one of the most influential cultural industries. The phenomenon of popular music is so pervasive that sometimes a person is not inclined to pay critical attention to this phenomenon. People live in...


Music Paper: The Type of Music Jazz

Introduction The type of music chosen for analysis is known as Jazz. This is a genre of music that derived its origins from a series of cultures but primarily depended on its African tradition. It was transmitted through slave immigration which occurred in the eighteenth century. This form of music...


Rhetorical Analysis of “Black Panther”

Introduction It can be said without exaggeration that Black Panther – which was filmed in 2018 by Ryan Coogler (IMDb) – is one of the most successful Marvel films to date. This action-adventure-Sci-Fi movie follows the early reign of King T’Challa of Wakanda when he was attacked by Eric Killmonger,...


Strategic Marketing of New Upcoming Artist: Slavaki & Elusive Records

Outline The music marketing plan is meant to promote a new unsigned artist who may not have enough resources to splash out extravagant marketing strategies. It defines both new and traditional techniques for marketing, taking into consideration the cost and status factor. Despite all the limitations, the plan is expected...


Two Versions of the “Strange Fruit” – by Billie Holiday and by Nina Simone

Strange Fruit is a song of rebellion against one of the most appalling kinds of discrimination – the racial discrimination. The poem, written by Abel Meeropol and originally performed by Billie Holiday, refers to the recurring cases of the Black Americans lynching, which occurred in the United States at the...


Social Use of Music in Contemporary American Society

Music has been part of American society due to its impact on day-to-day life. It has been a tool used to address the social, political, and economic issues in America, linking the poor and the rich. Music in the United States has experienced significant transformation due to the emergence of...


Hip-Hop and Theatre, Hip-Hop in Theatre or Hip-Hop Theatre

One definition of Hip-Hop is popular subculture especially of inner-city youths associated with rap music graffiti, break dancing & with the style & fashions of African American inner-city residents. Hip-Hop is more than just a genre of music, but it has become a way of life, a culture and one...


Woodstock The Music Event and Festival

Woodstock was a unique music festival that brought people together for three days to spread a message of peace, love, and music. It was dabbed ‘Woodstock’ because the organizers had initially chosen to hold it in Woodstock town of New York. However, the location was changed to forty miles from...


Literature vs. Cinema: Compare and Contrast Essay

Humanity has always been drawn to art – it is known from history that even ancient people showed signs of creativity. This is evidenced by rock paintings or images of animals and people on clay tablets. With the development of humankind, art has also evolved – speech, writing, and music...


American Popular Music and Its Styles

Outlaw Country Music The country music genre has changed over time, moving towards a more intellectual and freewheeling direction. One of the most influential progressive country artists was Willie Nelson, who took an unconventional music approach. The artist began to gain popularity in the 70s of the 20th century, organizing...


Philosophy of “Fight Club” Film by David Fincher

Fight Club is a 1999 film that was directed by David Fincher. The screenplay of the film was written by Jim Uhls. The story of the film is based on Chuck Palahniuk’s film. Palahniuk had written the screenplay in 1996. There are several characters in the film, but the three...


Game of Thrones: Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things

Society tends to shape the way people perceive things and consequently how they react to them. For instance, the act of taking something that belongs to another person without his or her permission is known as stealing and in society’s eyes, it is wrong and by extension illegal. This perception...


Hip Hop and Rap: A Scapegoat for Aggression Among Listeners?

Abstract Much has been said and written about hip hop or rap causing mood alteration, specifically aggression or violence. While mass murderers or terrorists are rarely linked to forms of musical conditioning before historical crime acts, rap and hip hop on the other has attracted much criticism and blame to...


Digital Age and the Phenomenon of Snapshot Photography

Introduction Culture is in a constant process of transformation from some periods with well-established cultural ideas to others, when many elements of the picture of the world change to their opposites. One of the reasons for the change of cultural eras is alterations in the system of perception and assessment...


Principles of Form, Function, and Lighting in Museums of Contemporary and Digital Art

Introduction Principles of form, function, and lighting have a major impact on different museums. Such elements influence approaches in which audience may need to explore museums of contemporary and digital art. The analysis will explore the concept of the principles in museums of contemporary and digital art. Principles in museum...


Influence of Culture and Technology on the Stage Design

Introduction Revolution of the theatre has taken place through different stages throughout human history. These range from Hellenistic Theatres to the present theatres. The earliest productions were limited given the nature of the theatre buildings. The theatre buildings did not accommodate multiple features of plays and other scenes of theatre.1...


Evolution of Theatres Design

Introduction Theatre design can be conceptualised as the art of designing space for the different kinds of performances such as drama, poetry and so forth. The performers are always in front of the audience in what is referred to as live performances. The participants in this form of art use...


The Mind of Music: Psychology of Musicians

This dissertation is aimed at exploring the psychology of musicians who perform. It looks at their artistic and professional development, their difficulties during learning, especially during their youth and how they acquire skills. It explores how they develop their talent and how they function when they work professionally. The project...


Principles of Museum in Contemporary and Digital Art

Introduction Few literatures explicitly explain the difference between contemporary art and digital art. However, there is no doubt regarding the fact that both forms of art represent different eras in the history of art. Smith explains that contemporary art is a collection of art works produced after the Second World...


Museums of Contemporary and Digital Art

Introduction The museums of contemporary and digital art have gained a lot of prominence because they have improved the way people view and understand the art pieces that are displayed in them. Contemporary museums of art have become more responsive to the changing lifestyles and ideas, which are ever-evolving in...


The National Museum of Australia (NMA)

Introduction Buildings are known to communicate and convey meanings to the public. Architects have managed to capture such meanings through their designs (Whyte 2006). This research paper analyses the way in which the ‘meaning’ of the building is explicitly and implicitly conveyed by using the National Museum of Australia as...


Various Steps Involved in the Digital Image

Introduction The research paper endeavors to explore the various steps involved in the digital image processing procedure. The first procedure of the digital image processing entails the use of a device to capture the image. Thereafter, the process of acquiring the digital image is executed. The steps of image enhancement,...


Art in the UK: Values and the Legitimacy of Support

Art is one fascinating genre of study in human history. Thus, many theories have sprung to attest its meaning in the society. Barasch, in his hedonistic theory, designates that the importance of art involves satisfactions of human senses, which, the media, of beauty expressions give – the delight in sound,...


Graffiti as an Art Form: Analysis

Introduction During my junior and senior years at the International School of Bangkok, I served as the president of an art club and an International Baccalaureate Higher Level art student. This offered me an opportunity to organize an activity for the orphanage kids to prepare art projects on a weekly...


“The Godfather” Film by Francis Ford Coppola

The Godfather (1972) is one of the most recognized works by Francis Ford Coppola, and one of the best movies in the history of American films. The film was brilliantly made, utilizing all aspects of cinematography at the time. One aspect of the film that should be specifically emphasized and...


How the 1960s Cinema Change Culture

The cinematography of the 1960s was a combination of rebelliousness, fun, frivolity, and at the same time, an era of tragic social and political events of civil rights movement and the cold war, all of which reflected on the cinematic pictures of that decade. This ten-year period represented a unique...


Clarke’s “The Sentinel” vs. “2001: A Space Odyssey” by Kubrick

Introduction Space exploration has provided fascinating and intriguing ideas for films, literary work, and real life. The existence of mysterious and intellectual life forms also intrigues readers and viewers alike. Both Arthur Clarke’s “the Sentinel” and Stanley Kubrick’s film “2001: A Space Odyssey” are also fascinating and intriguing art works....


Chamber Music in the Early Twentieth Century

Abstract At the beginning of the twentieth century, chamber music developed specific features, and trios of the clarinet, violin, and piano became popular because of the unique sound produced by these instruments when they were used in one ensemble. From this point, the purpose of this dissertation has been to...


Debussy’s String Quartet and His Influence on Symphonic Music

Introduction Opening statement and introduction of the topic Claude Debussy (1862-1918) was very instrumental in shaping the development of the present day string quartet. His decision to move away from Wagnerism and introduce a new element of impressionism into music was groundbreaking at the time (Lesure 4). According to Haylock,...


Leonardo Da Vinci: Biography, Style and Work

Introduction Leonardo da Vinci is one of the best-known artists of all time. Perhaps the most famous Renaissance figure, possessed of a broad variety of interests, he left a lasting impact on both science and art. This essay aims to highlight his most celebrated works, describe his aesthetic and explain...


Eduord Manet’s Olympia

At the time it was first made public, Eduord Manet’s painting Olympia was greeted with a widespread public scandal. The art world of France in 1865 could not appreciate the aesthetic leap that Manet had taken in his early start on Modernism for a simple reason that they were shocked...


The History and Concept of Rock Music

Introduction Rock music as it is known today is a widely popular musical art form that has evolved considerably resulting in the development of different types of rock music. Ranging from Pop Punk from artists such as Avril Lavigne to Rap Rock from Eminem, Synth-rock from Skrillex, Hard Rock from...


Folk Music: Evolution of the Term and Scholars’ Works

The term folk music was coined in the late 18th century in reference to a type of music (Ledgin, 2010). Folk music became very popular and influential during the 20th century. Since then, folk music has been defined using several meanings. In English speaking nations, folk music has been in...


“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” by Blake Edwards

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a movie that was made in America in the year 1961. It is based on the highly popular narrative written by Truman Capote that has a similar title. Under movie director Blake Edwards, the movie was categorized under classic romantic comedy genre pooled with drama. The...


Preservation of Cultural History Through Photography

Introduction Photography is the creation of lasting images through the use of a device that records the light emitted or reflected by an object. Light or other electromagnetic radiations may be recorded chemically or electronically. Chemicals that enable the recording of images include the film. Electronic photography is made possible...


“A Bar at the Folies-Bergere” by Edouard Manet

Introduction Painted in 1881 at a time when the impressionist movement was spawning into modernism, Edouard Manet’s A Bar at the Folies-Bergere provides a striking glimpse into Parisian social life towards the end of the 19th century. It was chosen due to its sensory triggers. There are few quality works...


There Will Be Blood Film’s Mise-en-Scene and Cinematography

‘There will be blood’ is a chilling movie with razor-sharp editing and creative direction. The sound engineering in this movie is of special mention and the makers of the movie tell us the gruesome tale of vengeance, greed, and violence with wonderful camerawork. However, the best aspect of this movie...


“Solaris” by Tarkovsky: Psychological Decline and Experience of K. Kelvin

Introduction Human consciousness is a bottomless well – full of mystery and unexpected desires. It always tries to escape the physical body and to become material. Human intelligence, hence, has always strived for the unknown and here, science plays the role of motivator and trigger of all human deeds. In...


A Film Review of Harriet B. Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”

Introduction The film Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a film that thrills a lot of people. This is a film that exhibits Harriet Beecher Stowe’s never-ending model of American writing. The book Uncle Tom’s Cabin was given credit by President Lincoln during the commencement of the 1861 American civil war. The...


Popular Music and Its Impact on the Economy and Politics

Introduction In the book ‘Studying Popular Music Culture’, by Tim Wall, the core theme and attention is linked to the acceptance of music civilization; the recognition and composition of music within the society. Based on this, the author is mainly concerned with the studies that merge the political financial system...


The Metropolitan Museum of Art Financial Problems

Introduction The Metropolitan Museum of Art was established in the mid-1870s in New York. The main objective of founding this museum was to nurture the study of fine arts while advancing the application of arts to practical life. However, with the rapid social, economic, and technological changes that have been...


Importance of a Choir Director in Music Making

Introduction Choir directors possess the relevant skills in playing musical, pedagogical, liturgical, and administrative roles. In performing their functions, choir directors influence their participants in several ways as they embark on music-making sessions and other choral activities. Mantie (2012) emphasizes that the ways in which the choir directors undertake their...


Studio Olafur Eliasson: Contemporary Art Network

Introduction The notion of the contemporary artist’s studio may be perceived in several different ways: as a place, where the artist works, as a group of people who operate with the artist or under his or her guidance to produce the artworks, or as the brand on the art market....


Doris Salcedo: Moral-Political Art and Suffering

Introduction One of Salcedo’s most successful pieces of art was Shibboleth that was created in 2007 at Tate Modern in London. To understand the moral and political aspect of the art, and how it portrays suffering in society, it will be necessary to have a brief analysis of this artist....