🌳 Essays on Environment

The environment is under threat from many human activities. For example, we are polluting the environment with our waste products, cutting down forests at an alarming rate, and causing the extinction of many species of plants and animals. As a result, we must take steps to protect the environment.

Recycling our waste products instead of simply throwing them away is one way to help. Another way to protect the environment is by planting trees and supporting conservation efforts. By taking these measures, we can help ensure our environment’s sustainability. You can find samples of essays on the environment and many other related topics in our database.


Recycling Strategies for Disposing of Products

There are different wastes that are produced by a company. There are those that can be recycled by the same company or by another company. There are other wastes that cannot be recycled. To protect the environment, the recyclable ones should be recycled, and those that cannot be recycled should...


Global Aspects Affecting Climate

Much has been told about the global climate change during the last several decades. The humanity consumed too much, exploited the invaluable natural resources not giving anything in return. While the significant amount of researchers, the world leaders, and their supporters emphasize the importance of more active actions, the vast...


Igneous Rocks Description and Origin

The word “igneous” is a Latin word for fire. This means igneous originate from hot, fluid material called “lava” that erupts on the earth’s surface during a volcanic activity or un-erupted lava at shallow depths within bodies. These types of rock are either formed at the surface of the earth...


The National Park System’s Environmental Problems

There are seven main areas of environmental problems that face the National Park all around the world. These include overuse, insufficient funds for park operation, threats to wildlife, the concession systems, energy and mineral development, atmospheric pollution, and activities on neighboring lands. The major problem comes from the visitors coming...


Global Warming vs. Ozone Depletion

The atmosphere of the earth is multi-layered. The layer nearest to the surface is the troposphere. Followed by it is the stratosphere, where the ozone layer is located, which protects the earth, from ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation, considered to be harmful to all forms of life – humans, plants, and animals....


Continental Mountain Ranges and Ocean Lifecycle

Continental mountain ranges formation refers to geological procedures that mark mountain ranges whose understanding has been simplified by plate tectonics. The movement of plate tectonics is responsible for the formation of mountain chains which can occur in different manners. One of the methods is through subduction, which causes the oceanic...


Nuclear Accidents Danger Analysis

When an industrial accident involving a key nuclear power plant happens, it is as good as a nuclear accident happening in all other regions of the world. These may be the consequences and impacts of the accident. When an accident of a significant nuclear power plant occurs at one point,...


Thermal Power Generating Plant – Impact

Ensult Limited undertook an environmental impact study on behalf of the town council and the residents of Greenopolis Town. The town council wants to construct a thermal power plant to generate 250 MW of power to meet the rising power demand. However, some of the locals opposed the idea on...


Why There Should Be Container Deposit Legislation

Introduction As it would be observed, waste management has become a major challenge for many developed countries in the world. Today, nations have to deal with increased tonnes of waste every year as a result of economic growth and increased urban developments, among other factors. Even though many countries have...


Climate Change Brings Various Negative Impacts in Our Indoor Environment

Abstract For a very long time, scientists have clarified the relationship between the quality of air in our environment and climate change. In fact, various researches that try to explain the effect of climate change on indoor environment are underway. Researches that have been accomplished indicate that climate change can...


Reducing Carbon Footprint in Air Line Industry

Executive summery Airline industry faces a number of challenges in trying to cut down their carbon footprint. Nonetheless, there are a myriad of opportunities that when adopted, the industry will ultimately curb the problem. Among the proposed ones include using bio-fuel, develop plans to effectively and efficient use energy, reduce...


Renewable Energy Generation in Scotland

Introduction Scotland has been an oil and offshore natural gas producer for over forty years. However, in the recent years, Scotland has had a significant increase in the annual total electricity generated from renewable sources. Renewable electricity generated in 2009 was about 27.4% of the total electricity consumption. This was...


Major Milestones of the Kyoto Treaty and Montreal Protocol

Kyoto Treaty The Kyoto treaty is a protocol established by the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, which intended to fight global warming to stabilize the concentration of gases from a greenhouse in the atmosphere. The main aim of this was to prevent interference in climate change by dangerous...


Interactive Experiences in Transportation and Logistics Management that Mainstream Global Environment Concerns

The central question,” What interactive experience is shared by transportation and logistics management in mainstreaming global environment concerns?” has characteristics of emerging design and is relatively open-ended. The same applies to the associated sub-questions thereof. The global rise in atmospheric temperatures stemming from global warming is phenomenal, and this has...


The Role of Commission of Education and Communication

Why the IUCN Needs a Commission of Education and Communication (CEC) The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) works together with various agencies in order to conserve the universe. The union mobilizes many people across the world in order to promote the idea of conservation. This practice will eventually...


Scenario Investigation of Waste Management in Australia

Introduction Environmental performance is a critical aspect for facilities offering disposal of waste services in Australia. There exist various legislations on environmental performance, whose aim is to promote and monitor responsible waste management by waste disposal facilities in the country. This report evaluates how SITA Lucas Height Company in NSW...


Biogeography: Australia’s Place in World Climate Zones

Current world climate zones are determined according to the zonation pattern based on differences in sea and air temperature. According to this zonation pattern, the basic climate zones are Tropical, Temperate, and Polar Zones, as it is presented in Figure 1. The mentioned zonation pattern can be explained with references...


Environmental Situation in Haiti and Proposed Solutions

The environmental situation in Haiti is paradoxical. On the one hand, the country has a variety of natural resources. On the other hand, people have practically no access to these resources. Apart from the resource exploitation problem, Haiti also has serious environmental issues, pollution being the most severe of them....


Limiting Nutrients in Freshwater and Marine Systems

Marine ecology allows for a stoichiometric determination of the ratios of key elements necessary to support life in aquatic ecosystems. For this purpose, the Redfield ratio has traditionally been used, numerically setting the ratio of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus as 106:16:1. It is worth noting that this stoichiometric proportion is...


Recovery of the Plant Community After Grazing vs. Fire

The effects of wildfires on the coastal sage scrub differ from other sources of disturbances such as grazing. First, fire disturbances on habitat are usually non-selective for particular plants implying that an entire area that is covered with plants may be scorched. In addition, fire disturbances get rid of both...


Modern Technologies and Volcanic Eruptions Prevention

The main advantage of modern technologies and innovative solutions used by the US is that they allow the state to inform populations on time and prevent mass destructions. The eruptions not only vary in their style and power, but also in their effects and interaction with the natural and the...


Climate Change and Global Warming Controversy

Climate change refers to the conspicuous variations in either the average state of climate on earth or its variation over a period of time. This may occur due to internal forces or even due to external reasons, due to population growth or usage of land resources. The impact of greenhouse...


Climate Change, Its Causes and Human Responsibility

Climatic change has many negative effects on people and their environment. Some of the effects can give rise to dry spells, tsunamis, increased occurrences of hurricanes, and melting of ice in the northern and southern poles, among others. Generally, climatic change is a rapid and unexpected change in various natural...


Pollution Impact on the Modern Environment

Pollution poses devastating consequences on the environment. In particular, various types of pollution, including water, air, soil, noise, and light contamination, contribute to the degradation of the environment to a considerable extent. As such, it is crucial to mitigate diverse forms of pollution as a way of enhancing the sustainability...


Urban Pollution and Its Environmental Effects

It could be hardly denied that the contemporary state of environmental health and the environment at large is immensely worrying. Numerous factors are contributing to the aggravation of the situation. These factors include but are not limited to the emissions of toxic gases that reinforce the “greenhouse effect,” the excessive...


Mozambique Population Access to Water and Implications

Water is a very important resource that people use daily in domestic, agricultural, and industrial activities. The scarcity of water in Mozambique has significant social implications because 50% of people in rural areas walk for more than 30 minutes in search of water, while about 5% of them access piped...


The Tragedy of the Commons Description

Garret Hardin coined the term Tragedy of the Commons. Hardin used the term in reference to a situation that occurs when shared resources are overexploited and exhausted. In such a situation, overuse occurs when the benefits from using a particular reserve benefit an individual, whereas the price of degradation of...


Climate Change and Its Negative Impact on Society

Although some people deny the existence of climate change, it is still a rather acute problem. Climate change matters because it changes the globe’s temperature, creating impossible conditions for some plants (medical and edible), animals, and insects. Sometimes even the tiniest change in the climate can destroy the species humans...


Environmental Impact of Demand for Transportation

Transportation started to span the entire world in 1920, and since then, it has posed a lot of challenges in the world. Whereas the transportation sector has assisted most individuals and companies in giving them mobility and also means of transporting goods and services, it has exhibited impacts on the...


Nuclear Power: Beneficial Uses and Threats

If we look at the history of human usage of energy, the sun was the first energy source that gave us light and heat. The discovery of fire resulted in the possibility of burning wood for cooking and heating. Renewable sources of energy such as sun, wind, biomass, and hydropower...


Reducing Emissions of Carbon Cioxide and Other Gases

Greenhouse gases are gases that occur in the Earth’s atmosphere and tend to take in or send forth radiation within the thermal infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This process leads to the greenhouse effect, which involves the absorption and the radiation of thermal radiation in all directions by the...


Urbanisation Impact on Streams and Rivers

Hydrological impacts due to urbanization have compromised water quality, such as sedimentation, habitat changes, loss of fish, and increased temperatures. Most hydrological impacts are caused by runoff volumes and velocities of trying to urbanize cities, causing major strain to the water streams. Hydrologic impacts on water streams due to increased...


Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Concentration Over 150 Years

The recent trends in atmospheric concentration reveal that this greenhouse has level has been steadily increasing with time. For instance, the concentration of CO2 has been rising at a margin of 1.5ppm annually since 1970 up to the advent of the new millennium, although this annual rise in carbon dioxide...


Catastrophic Organizational Failure in Examples

Textual evidence from the investigation of disasters shows that accidents have a background, cultural context, and history. Examples of recent disasters which have a background of human failure due to the complexity of the system are the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident and the deepwater horizon spill in the Gulf of...


Environmental Trends Showing Improvement

According to Adebobola, “the spread of democratic government brings more support for spreading resources to address environmental problems, in the remote rural areas.” These efforts to reverse the trend in environmental degradation have not gone without having positive impacts on environmental trends. There are trends at both local and global...


How Solar Energy Can Be Used as a Source of Energy Supply?

While solar power is utilized much in home heating, electricity, solar cooking panels, etc., replacing the transportation fuel is still underexplored. While huge, relatively slow vehicles like ships could utilize solar power with large onboard solar panels, small faster vehicles such as cars cannot use such onboard solar panels. The...


The Technology Behind Solar Energy

Sun is the primary source of clean and abundant energy. It is estimated that 120,000 TW of radiation is deposited by the sun on the surface of the Earth. This will be more than enough for all energy requirements by human beings. The sun is the only natural power source...


Sustainability and the Global Footprint

Abstract An ecological footprint is an instrument that enables an educated guess of the biologically fruitful area required to uphold existing consumption patterns. While doing so, it considers man’s activities making it possible to predict the impact of such activities on the surroundings. This report examined the ecological footprints of...


Integration of Sustainability into Waste Management Practices

Managing electronic waste is one of those tasks of the XXI century that appeared with the advent of technological advances and might seem easy at first, yet, at a second glance, pose a number of difficulties to the users of modern technology. Much like industries and households, schools produce impressive...


Haiti and Japan’s Earthquake Comparative Analysis

Comparison of the pre-disaster and post-disaster development conditions and challenges in the Japan and Haiti A study of the two disasters from the pre-disaster to the post-disaster recovery period is a clear signal that there are great variations in the level of preparedness and response to disasters between the two...


Wastewater Treatment Techniques: Anaerobic Digestion

Introduction Wastewater treatment techniques are necessities in the contemporary world. This is attributable to amplified proportions of wastes, which are resultant features of anthropogenic activities. Noticeably, anaerobic digestion is an organic procedure that utilizes anaerobic microbes to physically, degrade untreated constituents of wastes in the absence of oxygen (Guillermo &...


The Offshore Drilling Project: Environmental Impact

Introduction and Development Description Environmental impact assessment has the objectives of determining effects of a proposed project on a site of location of the same project. The proposed M Field development comprises of the following: The drilling of three production wells The installation of a 76km 16’’ pipeline with a...


Environmental Science: Main Principles

Most of the problems that affect mankind are normally stemming from the environment. It is in this regard that people found it necessary to find solutions to those environmental problems. “Environmental science can be defined as a field of study that provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the...


Environmental Concerns Regarding Water Pollution

Introduction In today’s contemporary world, environmental changes caused by pollution and human activity affect everyone globally. Climate change is the result of industrialization, technological advancement, increased world population, and the demand for mass production. As its effects become more prominent, more people take notice of the problem and seek to...


Rise in Sea Level and Climatic Change

Scientists expect that the climatic change will continue to pose related impacts if nothing changes about human activities and natural causes that affect the process. For instance, temperatures will continue to increase in the future. Carbon dioxide emissions absorb heat and re-emit it, causing extra heating on earth. However, if...


Gas-Powered Vehicles vs. Electric-Powered Vehicles

Introduction Many drivers are having difficulty loading up as petroleum prices rise to new highs, but electric vehicle owners appear pleased with their purchases. One of the most significant problems to grasp and consider in today’s world is the debate between gas and electric automobiles (Asadi et al., 2021). There...


Global Environment: The Critical Threats

Introduction The United Nations has a number of programs aimed at protecting the environment and mitigating the effects of climate change. One example is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which seeks to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. As the consultant for United Nations climate and...


Hurricane Katrina: The Powerful Natural Disaster

Introduction Hurricane Katrina became a powerful natural disaster that claimed many lives and a national tragedy. Both the devastating hurricane itself and the lack of preparation by local and regional authorities led to significant losses among the population. A natural disaster destroyed many buildings and flooded New Orleans to restore...


Global Warming and Vector-Borne Diseases

The ability to protect the world and ensure an environment that supports effective human and ecological health for growth and development has been considered as a very critical component for sustainability. According to Betts et al (2001), the effects of global warming on health are indeed evident. This paper takes...


Social and Environmental Reporting Assurance

Introduction By the end of 1970s, the most significant issue that came to light was caring for the environment. Although there were volunteers within the society but a favourable response from the business community, in this regard, started coming in at the advent of 1990s. Big companies started publishing environmental...


Is Solar Energy Important for the Future of Humanity?

Introduction The Climate crisis has been a serious challenge for the modern world. Global warming caused by an increase in CO2 emissions is a threat to all of the planet. The temperature is rising, which causes the melting of glaciers and leads to natural disasters. In addition, soil, water, and...


Solar Energy Effects on the Environment

Introduction Recently, the issue of climate change has been a topic of discussion by all governments in the world. A call has been made for the world to focus on developing renewable power rather than using non-renewable fuel. Solar energy has been one of the alternatives to the use of...


An Emergency Operations Center During Hurricane Harvey

Introduction Natural disasters always cause massive damage to urban infrastructure. Hurricanes occur relatively often on the North American mainland, which also brings many problems. Hurricane Harvey caused the region’s most enormous flood in Texas, from which many businesses and people are still struggling to recover. The colossal damage caused by...


Global Warming: Solutions to the Problem

Global warming implies an increase of the average temperature on the Earth. Such heating up is associated with human economic activity. Now, the humanity knows precisely which types of activity provoke the tremendous growth in the average temperature on the planet. The leading causes of global warming are vehicles, mining...


Recycled Products and Waste Management in Vermont

Globally, increased recycling of waste products has been immensely influenced by significant trends, including energy, climate change, natural resource depletion, rising commodity prices, information revolution, and increased corporate and governmental sustainability. Vermont has a solid waste plan that focuses on waste reduction strategies for materials such as sludges, household hazardous...


In Arizona, Collaboration Averts Water Disaster

Abstract This paper is a summary essay for Ted Cooke’s article about the problem of drought in the Colorado River basin and methods of overcoming it. The purpose of the article is to present a detailed description and analysis of the factors that caused the drought, as well as solutions...


A Solution to Remedy Climate Change

Introduction Climate change is the change of climate patterns caused by human activities and greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental pollution and pollutants, also known as anthropogenic, have resulted in a 1-degree Celsius increase in temperature. If human activities persist, the temperature increase will likely increase to more than 1.5 degrees by...


The Impact of Global Warming: Unveiling Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Today, the topic of climate change is one of the most discussed and essential in the world. Moreover, the discussion left the university classrooms and became part of world politics. Over the past 100 years, the Earth’s temperature has risen by 1°. It was enough to disappear from the face...


Contribution of Wind Energy to the Energy Needs of the Globe

Introduction Wind power is a form of solar energy that uses wind to generate electricity. Wind energy is produced when wind converts kinetic energy in the turbines to mechanical energy. A generator is used to convert the mechanical power into electricity. At times, the mechanical power can be utilized directly...


The Health Effects of Air Pollution in America

Air pollution is currently a global issue faced by many countries. It is the presence of solid, liquid, and gaseous particles in the atmosphere, which reduces the air quality, thus harming humans’ health and all living things (Landrigan, 2017). There are various causes of air pollution, including agricultural activities, mining...


Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food

Agriculture is a crucial sector in the United States of America. Besides ensuring food security, it contributes more than $300 billion to the national economy each year. However, changes in the climate have resulted in detrimental effects on agriculture and food security. This paper will examine four aspects of climate...


Sustainability: the Natural Step and Sustainability

Sustainability has become increasingly crucial for all businesses in all areas. Sustainability is a business strategy for producing long-term value by considering how a specific firm performs in the environmental, social, and economic contexts. The concept behind sustainability is that establishing such measures boosts firm lifespan. Firms realize the need...


Fossil Fuels as Source of Non-Renewable Energy

The energy industries depend on fossil fuel to run the machines, but the energy is exhaustible and depleted, making it unreliable. On the contrary, using the non-exhaustible source such as solar power and water turbines gives a hopeful future because they never run out (Chapman et al., 2018). Fossil fuel...


Hurricane Katrina: Overview, Impact, Response

Overview of the Hurricane Hurricane Katrina is rightfully referred as one of the most destructive and largest disasters the United States has ever experienced. The financial losses amount to almost $110 billion, with thousands of people injured, hundreds becoming disabled, and 1200 dead. The events occurring on the Louisiana coast...


Causes of Climate Change

Ahmed states that climate change has been there for the past 50 years yet little to no concern has been given to its control. Global warming is caused by an increase in temperatures caused by gases released upon burning fossil fuels. Methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide are the major...


There Are Many Causes of Global Warming

Introduction Global warming has been defined as the rising in the average temperatures of the earth surface. The widespread melting of ice found on mountain peaks and the rising sea levels are the main signs of the rising global temperatures. The rising sea level and melting of ice are amongst...


Environmental Injustice During COVID-19

Case The underlying concept of environmental injustice implies the disproportionally spread environmental risks for particular communities or human groups compared to the rest of society. The increased concern for the unequal environmental treatment and consequences is considerably accelerated by political and economic injustices (Kaltmeier et al.). Over the last year,...


Flint Poisoning: Environmental Racism and Racial Capitalism

Laura Pulido is seeking to fight for the fate of the Flint state, which is highly exposed to environmental racism and racial capitalism. She specifically unpacks various issues that expose the people of Flint to danger, unveils the actual situation of the state, the cause of the detrimental situation, and...


Fossil Fuels as a Significant Part of the Future Energy Mix

The transition to greener energies promoted by environmental scientists is a complicated process. This measure seems feasible from the point of view of ecological needs. However, governments’ orientation on benefits provided by fossil fuels does not contribute to the development of new measures. The world is not ready for a...


Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Himalayan Region

IRENA is short for the International Renewable Energy Agency, an organization that provides guidance to countries in switching to the viable energy sources. Moreover, the purpose of this unrivaled agency is to provide necessary information on a subject, such as data about renewable energy, best practice material, advice about financial...


The Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Problem Mitigation

Nowadays, environmental concerns are becoming increasingly urgent. Economy and industry are closely integrated with ecology, since they not only affect natural resources, but are dependent on them. Power and food industry, in particular, regularly consume large amounts of the planet’s water supply. On the other hand, energy is needed to...


Concepts of Green Supply Chain Management

Introduction It is an established fact that products come from raw materials extracted from the environment. The extraction of the material requires a rigorous technological process, sometimes with the use of chemicals and other complicated methods to separate the core element from the raw material that may finally produce a...


Small Green Business and Greenwashing

Introduction For all types of businesses especially retailers it is a challenge communicating to consumers their green initiatives in a clear way that the consumers can understand them. Most businesses have been trying to sell their products, while at the same time focusing on active reduction of their negative impacts...


Biodegradable Materials: Sustainable Packaging

Introduction Global business packaging environment is rapidly changing to conform to new trends of competitive advantage. Sustainable packaging inventiveness therefore gives a sustainable cost reduction strategy in businesses and the growing need to lessen costs in operations, transport and materials. This paper describes biodegradable materials and how they contribute to...


Possible Use of Alternative Energy Sources

Problem Statement Introduction This dissertation critically investigates the convenience of utilizing alternative energy sources and their feasibility and effectiveness in the economic reality to assess the future prospect of business in the context of the finiteness of existing energy resources. In the modern world, the growing requirement for more energy...


Atomic Power as a Renewable Energy Source

Introduction Nuclear energy is the future of energy and the only sustainable source that will never be limited. The increasing population and depleting energy resources have urged scientists to look for sustainable energy sources. Petroleum, gas, and other sources of energy will be extinct in the coming 100 years or...


Sustainability Strategies in the UAE

Sustaining the ecosystem has become an increasing call for most countries worldwide and UAE is no exception. This paper explores UAE and how sustainability strategies are being undertaken. More concisely, the paper will explore companies and suppliers embracing sustainability. Besides, the paper will point out government initiatives such as Demand-Side...


Spatial Decision Support System in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Introduction Problem Statement Sustainable development within urban areas has become a great challenge for various governments. The Abu Dhabi Emirate is the capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE) and is one of the fastest developing cities in the region. There is a boom in the infrastructural sector and the city’s...


Disaster Management in Philadelphia

Introduction Disasters have affected many countries globally, afflicting millions of people and causing numerous fatalities in addition to the depletion of national resources and communities’ displacement. Further, many leaders and policy-makers are faced with aftermath consequences resulting from disaster impacts; thus, the need for hazard preparedness and awareness; thus, providing...


Climate Change and Its Impact on Freshwater

The Earth’s climate experiences change throughout the whole period of the planet’s existence, but the process rapidly accelerated within the last two centuries. The abnormal increase in temperatures is called global warming, and 95% of it results from human activities like manufacturing and the broad utilization of greenhouse gases (NASA,...


Sustainability and Climate Change

Introduction There is little doubt that our planet has been undergoing a steady rise in temperatures from the mid-20th century. Figures released by various organizations such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), among others,...


Communication With the Public During Crisis Situations

Introduction In modern society, each firm or organization is susceptible to a crisis given the fact that even the largest bureaucracies are unable to handle a disaster in case it does not employ the modern steps towards emergency mitigation. Due to the emergence and development of communication channels, the organization...


Disaster Planning for Families

Introduction Natural disasters can strike with little or no warning. When a disaster such as a deluge strikes, Noah’s ark may really come in handy. A natural calamity leaves in its wake not only the loss of property but also more importantly the lives of people caused by death. It...


Understanding Bioenergy and Its Future Perspectives

Introduction The term of Bioenergy could seem like very typical or difficult to understand in the first sight but it is a fact that Bioenergy exists since the time civilization came into being and is with the whole society since that time. Bioenergy is the most important and huge part...


Implications of Global Warming in Human Health

Introduction Global warming can be defined as the increase in the temperature of the Earth’s surface. Global warming is a great health hazard to mankind. Scientists believe that if no measures are taken to curb global warming, human health will go to be adversely affected. Implications of global warming in...


Consumers Views on Green Consumerism

Executive Summary Environmentally friendly behaviors comprise the efforts of an individual to reduce the negative impacts, which might cause harm to both physical and natural environment. This can only be achieved by decreasing the amount of resources used and the energy used in production. In addition to that, individuals can...


The Benefit of Biofuels From Plants

Introduction People have used petroleum as the primary transportation energy for a long time. Nevertheless, petroleum is not the only fuel that can power trucks and cars. Individuals have come up with an alternative, environmentally friendly sources of fuel. Today, people extract biofuel from plants such as soybeans and corn....


Marine and Coastal Climate Change in Australia

Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to discuss the preparedness of Australia in terms of policy, planning, and management to mitigate the effects of climate change on marine and coastal environments. Climate change is not only a global issue but also a continental issue that affects Australia. Transport...


Global Warming at Australia: Environmental Health

Introduction The environment is very delicate and needs protection if it is expected to help sustain humanity. Global warming is an issue that has raised a lot of concern globally. The developed countries, especially China and the United States, have been identified to be the leading countries where greenhouse gases...


Renewable Sources of Energy in Qatar

Introduction Energy is used for various purposes. In the modern industrialized world, it is used both for domestic and industrial purposes. According to Boyle, 2004, the world consumes 6×1013 kilowatt-hour annually. The challenge that the world is facing is the depletion of energy sources mostly non-renewable sources. On the other...


Acid Rain:Definition and Causes

Acid rain is precipitation with a pH below 5.6, attributed largely to impurities dissolved from emitted automobile exhausts as well as pollutants from combust hydrocarbons. Acid rain includes precipitation of acid fog, acid sleet and acid snow. The impacts of acid precipitation are acidic threats of rains; however, this may...


Oil Exploration Effects on Soil and Underground Water

Abstract Indeed, our lives, soil, underground water and the environment as a whole are greatly affected by the activities of oil exploration and production. Notably, oil exploration and production activities are very common in regions such as Alberta, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia. Oil exploration sites have proved to be very...


Indoor Air Quality in Offices in Abu Dhabi

Effect of climatic conditions on Indoor air quality Climatic conditions have an adverse effect on indoor air quality, and hence the health of the individuals under consideration. When a certain location possesses extremely hot summers, then this condition is likely to increase the indoor temperature as well (Muhamad et al.,...


Acid Rain: Effects and Reduction

Introduction The release of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide into the atmosphere causes a reaction with oxygen and ozone to yield sulfuric and nitric acid in which the rate is increased further in the presence of sunlight. The deposition of these two compounds onto the Earth’s surface is the phenomenon...


Strategies for Safeguarding Egypt’s Nile River from Pollution

Description of river Nile River Nile is the largest river in the world. River Nile covers a total distance of 6,625 kilometers and runs through the Sahara desert. Lake Victoria is considered the primary source of River Nile. Other secondary water catchments areas of river Nile include the Ethiopia, Eritrea,...


Green Building-Material Efficiency and Indoor Environmental Quality Enhancement

Green Building Green building refers to erecting or putting up structures using environmentally efficient ways starting from the initial design, construction, and maintenance to conserve the environment. Several technologies to support green building have emerged about reducing pollution and waste from homes while ensuring occupants’ health is not at risk....


The Consequences of Global Warming on Human Society

Introduction The increase in global temperatures has adversely affected biodiversity. Climatic changes have effects on the health and economy of people in different ways (Riebeek, 2011). Global warming pollutants such as carbon dioxide form a thick layer that blankets the earth. This layer is responsible for trapping heat from the...


Vicious Circle of Poverty in Brazil

Introduction The prevalence of poverty in many areas of the developing world has transformed little in the past years. About 70 percent of the rural populations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America live in poverty (Dunand, 1992). According to Katel, Kregel, and Reinert (2009, p. 102), the vicious circle of...


Nuclear Energy as the Most Cost-Effective Source

Nuclear energy produces the most economical electricity in that it is cost-effective especially when compared to other sources such as geothermal and other natural energy sources. For one, all the costs involved in researching and developing nuclear applications are sponsored by the government. This, therefore, means that the cost of...