📺 Essays on Entertainment & Media

Entertainment & media are two industries that are growing at a very rapid pace. Today, they contribute significantly to the economy and impact almost every individual. To write a good paper on entertainment & media, one should first understand the concepts of these industries.

To help you with that, there are numerous essay samples in the EduFixers database. These examples can provide great insight into how to approach this topic. Remember, when writing an entertainment & media essay, it is essential to be clear, concise, and well-informed. You can quickly write an excellent paper on entertainment & media with a little bit of effort.

Entertainment & Media

Gaming Aggregators Research

Online gaming became a demanded and well-developed industry where aggregators like Steam, Origin, and Humble Bundle allow creators to earn by distributing the playing experience among these platforms’ subscribers. Business models, policies, and procedures are mostly similar: platforms earn from advertisement, subscriptions, and by taking the percentage of sales revenues,...

Entertainment & Media

Global Film Industry – India

The development of the movie industry in India is mostly conditional upon the actions of present-day companies. Therefore, the latter is concerned about increasing its influence by entering into a new partnership with western film production companies (Menon, 2018). This practice has proved to be beneficial in terms of ensuring...

Entertainment & Media

Media Inflicting Fear on Citizens

Media has always been a powerful tool capable of causing intense emotions among its audience. Such power was perfectly demonstrated by the 1938 radio broadcast, frightening millions of listeners about aliens’ imaginary invasion (Freedom Forum, 2011). Although technological advancements have increased the overall awareness of the public, the stories distributed...

Entertainment & Media

Media Representations of Ageing and Older People

Introduction More than ever, the media is significantly affecting how society perceives the world. Projected through social media, TV, movies, magazines, and commercials, the ideas generated by individuals can now be distributed to wide audiences and to influence perceptions. The inaccurate and negative portrayal of ageing and older people is...

Entertainment & Media

Twitter as the Most Creative Development

First of all, we should define creativity. Creativity is the ability to create something new by using innovative or unusual approaches. In most cases, creativity comes from the specific vision of a situation and the ability to analyze it from a different angle. For the business world, creativity ensures the...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networking Sites for Businesses and Users

Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have improved their values from mere friends’ connections to promoters and marketers of businesses which have proved to be very effective. For instance, the selling of the banner spaces has been used for marketing some companies on these sites. What one needs to...

Entertainment & Media

The Infographics: Social Media Advertising

The information portrayed in the infographics gives a clear picture of how technology is changing the product promotion is done. It emphasizes the importance of social media advertising and the way it has revolutionized marketing. Looking at the infographics, it is clear that even the large companies turn to social...

Entertainment & Media

Reasons for Prosperity of Cirque du Soleil

Cirque du Soleil is undoubtedly an incredible phenomenon of modern time that also continues to be an extremely prosperous theatrical production in comparison with the whole entertainment industry chronology. Moreover, this organization is one of the most successful international businesses that made his creator, Guy Laliberté, a billionaire starting from...

Entertainment & Media

Media in the Political System Overview

Media in the political system are forms of communication facilitating the production, propagation, and exchange of political views with the help of networks providing opportunities for engagement and cooperation. The system has numerous purposes in a democratic society, including informing the public by providing them with the information necessary for...

Entertainment & Media

Latino Culture in American Media: Questions to Ask

The chosen topic of Latino and American media seems to be broad and too general. However, several questions may be used to narrow down research. For example, several questions concerning the media concept can be posed: What are the most frequently used media sources in American society? How many people...

Entertainment & Media

Mass Media Evolution and Influence on American Culture

The biggest evolutions in mass media in the last century can be attributed to considering the advent of broadcast communications such as television and radio and new media such as the creation of the Internet. Both had their own substages, such as in the 20th century, at first radio became...

Entertainment & Media

Fake News’ and Responsibility on Social Media

First, it is important to understand the fundamental difference between social media websites and traditional news platforms as a source of news. The key difference is the centralized nature of the latter. In the case of a news portal, the information is obtained, presented, and distributed using company resources. On...

Entertainment & Media

Why Do So Few Actresses Seem to Be Movie Stars Today?

A movie star can be defined as a ‘celebrity who is well-known, or famous, for his or her starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures’. It also defines an actor or actress who is ‘recognized as a marketable commodity and whose name is used to promote a film in trailers...

Entertainment & Media

The Structure and Function of Social Networks

Access to social networks varies between individuals. Social networks facilitate bonding between people. This support may affect health directly or indirectly, and either positively or negatively. Direct effects occur through their impact on stress levels, self-esteem, exercise, sexual activity, or the utilization of health services. Furthermore, bonding relationships influence health...

Entertainment & Media

Police Portrayal in a Contemporary Television Program

The police play a critical role in the maintenance of law and order through the enforcement of different pieces of legislation. However, it is critical to note that the success of the police in discharging their duties depends on the periphery players. Among the periphery, players are the media. The...

Entertainment & Media

Sources of Media and Public Opinion

The sources of media play one of the key roles in the public opinion formation regarding older people. Eventually, newspapers and television cause a crucial influence on how a phenomenon of older age and older people, in particular, is accepted by the audience. Public portrayals quite often determine what kind...

Entertainment & Media

Medium Is the Message: What Does It Mean?

To define the word medium as the message, it is wise to define the two words medium and message appropriately. This will help to eliminate the chances of jumping to conclusions. According to McLuhan, the medium is an extension that occurs in us. For example, a wheel is taken to...

Entertainment & Media

Cancel Culture: Causes and Consequences

Introduction Throughout the whole history, humanity has observed various forms of ex-communication or public humiliation, primarily executed concerning famous and influential figures to make them correspond to social conformity. Nowadays, a new version, generally known as “canceling” or “calling-out,” has acquired tremendous significance, directed at depriving support or even condemning...

Entertainment & Media

Television, Movies, and Games’ Relationships with Culture

Televisions have become the major communication media used to display different cultural values as well as to inform and educate the public on different topics and issues. A TV screen can be connected to other gadgets to display images as well as to play video games. It is through these...

Entertainment & Media

Digital Media Impact on Children

As an ever-developing technology, digital media has rapidly changed our world. From daily routines and work to entertainment and leisure, digital media surrounds us. It shapes us, just as we shape it. It exerts great influence on the young, fragile minds of our children, and the next generation is going...

Entertainment & Media

Virtual Communication: Development of the Social Self

Introduction The emergence of social networks has affected the development of the Internet towards integration, combining capabilities within a single, multi-user web platform. They enable people to communicate with friends, find new acquaintances of interest, and participate in discussions. In particular, image-based social networks such as Instagram currently have happened...

Entertainment & Media

Advertising and Consumer Autonomy

Introduction Advertising is the backbone of the business industry because it provides critical information about products and services to potential consumers in a timely and cost-effective way. However, there have been heated arguments on the role of advertising and its morality in human society since some organizations take advantage of...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media and Mental Health

Introduction The preservation of the well-being of the young population plays a vital role since the future development of society depends on it. However, there are more and more negative factors that cause concern. One of these aspects is social networks, often used by young adults and teens. Phenomena such...

Entertainment & Media

Media Representation of Female Gender

The media play a critical role in contemporary society for interpretation, mass mobilization concerning various issues, and entertainment. Equally, the media is a crucial actor in gender representation and equality through fair gender portrayal and inclusion. However, the portrayal of women in the media is subverted for financial gains and...

Entertainment & Media

Thesis: Do Social Media Algorithms Lead to Harmful Social Polarization?

Abstract Political polarization has recently become a serious issue in many democratic societies. Numerous scholars point to the increasing role of digital platforms as one of the most significant factors standing behind the phenomenon. At the same time, social media are believed to be primarily the tools that should not...

Entertainment & Media

The Effects of Social Media on Society

Introduction Social media refers to a collection of online communication platforms focused on community-based input, engagement, content sharing, and cooperation. Social media platforms allow users to communicate with one another and create social connections worldwide (Akram and Kumar 351). Social media outlines how publishers may reach thousands of people with...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Networks and Their Benefits

Introduction In the present realities of the information age, social media networks have become essential to online communication and business purposes. Namely, they unite people globally, make information accessible, offer education opportunities, and create a healthy environment for business ideas. These benefits are vital to the development in most areas...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: The Content Regulation

Introduction The Cambridge Analytica scandal captivated the interests and resentment of the global media, consumers, legislators, and authorities in 2018. It indicated that individuals are concerned about invasions of privacy and corporate abuses of power. The controversy is one among many showing that social media privacy consistently concerns people’s dignity,...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networking and Online Identities

Introduction Social media use has evolved to include different aims and objectives. In recent years social media gas been used to promote social activism such as through the #MeToo movement (Mendes et al. 2018). Social media platforms such as social networking sites and blogs demand users to develop virtual representations...

Entertainment & Media

Ethical Advertising and Marketing Strategies

Introduction Advertisement is the promotion of products, brands, or services to viewers or interested parties to attract their further interest, engagement, and sales. Advertisement is slightly different from other marketing strategies since it is paid for. The content’s creator has total control over the entire advertisement. Advertisements are guaranteed to...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Platforms and Their Harmful Impact

Currently, social media platforms rank among the most visited sites globally due to their large fan base and consumer appeal. However, many individuals argue that social media does more harm to society than good because of data privacy and security issues, its unreliability as a marketing solution, and its potential...

Entertainment & Media

The Impact of Social Networks on Human Mental Health

Introduction The advent of social media applications has completely positively changed people’s lives. Today, users can find any information of interest through the worldwide network without leaving home. Most of the people’s working and entertainment spheres such as business, music, works of literature, communities of interest, and news are centered...

Entertainment & Media

The African American Women Stereotyping in Media

Abstract In the research conducted over the past decades, much attention has been drawn to the effect media discourse has on the audience. As far as ethnic minorities are concerned, such effect has been closely associated with using stereotypical tropes for portraying minority communities either due to ignorance or for...

Entertainment & Media

Instagram Addiction and Self-Esteem in High School Students

Purpose Previous research by other researchers indicates a positive correlation between Instagram addiction and self-esteem by high school students depending on the time spent on the social platforms. However, little is known about the extent and the reasons for social media addiction. Besides, it is unclear how social media addiction...

Entertainment & Media

Participation of Media in Our Lives

Media can be confidently called an inalienable part of human life, influencing their perception of surroundings, shaping their opinions, and setting interests, wishes, and goals. Indeed, we rarely pay attention to how slowly but steadily media integrates and controls our routine. Being constantly in the background of all humans’ histories,...

Entertainment & Media

The Animals Film on Drug Addiction

Collin Schiffli’s film Animals (2014) is a story about two addicts – Jude and Bobbie. The film is titled Animals because it reveals the true animalistic nature of drug addicts and compares them with caged animals. The images and sounds of animals appear throughout the film, emphasizing some crucial moments...

Entertainment & Media

How Media and Technology Address Social Issues

Communication is an essential part of people’s lives, and its multiple forms allow transferring messages in many different ways. Today, technology influences all spheres of life, including communication, and people become more affected by the media. Due to the significance of these forms of communication, they can be used to...

Entertainment & Media

Video Games’ Impact on Children and Adolescents

Video games have long been companions in developing various skills in children, teenagers, and adults. There are useful ones: strategic and critical thinking, reasoning, mathematical operations, wit. However, not all video games are helpful: violence and aggression increasingly accompany modern virtual worlds. Consequently, researchers are trying to link violence in...

Entertainment & Media

Advertising Plan for Starbucks Coffee

Introduction This advertising plan explores Starbucks’ coffee delivery focusing on its situation analysis, advertising Objectives, advertising (creative) Strategy, advertising budget, and testing and Evaluation. The first section of this plan emphasizes the Starbucks coffee situation analysis, including Porter’s five forces, PESTEL analysis, and SWOT analysis, of Starbucks coffee delivery. The...

Entertainment & Media

Black Lives Matter: Representation in Social Media

The idea of social media participation as a form of political and social activism might have been taken with a grain of salt before. Nevertheless, with the rise of the impact that social networks have had on the promotion of social concerns, the specified form of supporting political and social...

Entertainment & Media

Political Advertisements Should Be Banned on Social Media

Introduction Over the past decades, political ads have become one of the main campaign strategies for politicians vying for various seats. Most young voters use social media platforms to become a target for politicians. The use of social media as a tool for political campaigns has been witnessed worldwide. The...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Marketing: Importance, Benefits, and Usage

Introduction Social media marketing involves the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit to market business products and services. Through these platforms, organizations engage with existing customers as well as reach new ones as they promote their organizational culture, statement, and mission. One of the...

Entertainment & Media

Fake News and Its Social Implications

Thesis Fake news is an ethical issue resulting from misinformation and impacting society. The most effective way to address this problem is through social platforms and websites to have quality assurance and for users to research. While social media has made it easier to access a tone of information, it...

Entertainment & Media

Popular Culture, Commercialization and Industrialization

Introduction Popular culture, also known as pop culture, can be explained by various theories, one of them being mass cultural theory. Pop culture is a collection of beliefs, objects, and beliefs that contain the widely shared meaning of a social system. The mass cultural theory asserts that society is transformed...

Entertainment & Media

Use of Social Networks by Underage Children

Introduction The social network is a completely fulfilling source of information and a means for the development of today’s children. This is because networks help kids present themselves, which is very significant at this age period. On the Internet, they have the opportunity to project their desired image to the...

Entertainment & Media

Misinformation in Social Media

In modern society, the internet and social media have replaced real-life communication for many people. Social networking sites have become an integral part of fulfilling lives of every member of society. People spend most of their free time on social networking sites contacting friends and family, finding the inspiration for...

Entertainment & Media

Video Games and Their Adverse Effects on Youth

Introduction Video games are part of the entertainment industry with a multi-million dollar turnover. The expansion of the business and the rapid growth of the audience have made video games an integral part of popular culture and people’s everyday lives. At present, almost every young person has a computer or...

Entertainment & Media

Fake News as a Problem of Modern Society

Thesis Fake news is socially impactful unethical problem because it misleads. Fake news is incorrect or misleading information and is presented as news. Fake news is frequently published with the intent of harming a person’s or entity’s reputation or profiting from advertising income. With the internet and social media, particularly...

Entertainment & Media

How Social Media Use Affects Adolescents

Introduction With the development of the Internet and the rise of social media, people began spending more and more time online. Adolescents belong to the most vulnerable population, for whom spending time on social networking websites may have adverse effects on their mental wellbeing, happiness, and social identity formation. According...

Entertainment & Media

The Value of Using Social Media to Form Ties with Students

Abstract The research proposal entails different sections that help justify that social media has great value when it comes to helping to form ties with students in another campus class in a technical communication class. The paper contains an introduction that gives the reasons why the research was done. The...

Entertainment & Media

The “Grizzly Man” Documentary by Werner Herzog

The documentary Grizzly Man shows Timothy Treadwell – a man who went to Alaska to live side by side with grizzly bears, protecting them and filming a huge amount of material on camera. The documentary was released in 2005 by director Werner Herzog. The picture is true video footage of...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks’ Impact on Society

Annotated Bibliography Phoon, Andie. “Social Media and Its Stark Influence on Society.” WRIT: Journal of First-Year Writing, vol. 1, no. 1, 2017, pp. 1-6, Web. This article brings extra value to the topic under discussion. According to the author, social media “has robbed most youths of the ability to flourish...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media and Mental Ill Health in Young People

Social media and mental ill-health is a major social issue as it affects several young people worldwide. Although online platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have made it possible for people to be connected despite their different locations, this has come at a high cost, especially for the youth. One...

Entertainment & Media

The Acts on Children’s Protection Online

There are two significant laws that tend to protect children. The first of them is the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) of 2000, which “requires US schools and public libraries that are recipients of federal government Internet E-rate funding to install a “technology protection measure” to protect children from internet...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networking Influence on Psychology

Social networking sites have significantly alleviated interpersonal communication and made information more accessible. Today, everyone has accounts on social networking sites and spends much time checking other people’s profiles, forming an overview of the personalities based on the posted information. Generally, the modern process of socialization includes active participation in...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: History and Growth

Introduction Social media is one of the most significant phenomena that has disrupted marketing. The phenomenal growth of social media has provided organizations with platforms to significantly and efficiently expand their business. Today, social media is the center of modern life; however, it has a long history. Social media is...

Entertainment & Media

How Mass Media Affects Body Dysmorphia and Eating Disorders

The qualities of mass media are involvement, connectedness, and user-generated content. In recent times, using mass media has become a compulsory portion of daily life. Mass media is commonly used for human connection, exposure to current affairs, and judgment. It is a fantastic opportunity to connect with individuals locally and...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Influencers Help Consumers Make Informed Decisions

The digitization of the word of mouth enshrines the optimal utilization of interactions among consumers in determining the prominent brand and product. In this case, social media influencers play a vital role in asserting the purchasing decision among consumers based on their loyalty and satisfaction. The establishment of the networking...

Entertainment & Media

The Effect of Social Media on Society

With the advent of popular social networks, the usual communication skills between people have changed, and the changes seem irreversible. It is believed that social networks have a positive effect on the communication skills of users, as they allow people to communicate when far from each other. However, numerous studies...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks’ Impact and Related Concerns

Introduction In recent years, social networks have become widespread in the United States and around the world. All this is connected with the development of information and communication technologies; social networks have begun to play a significant role in the life of any society. In today’s world, social networks are...

Entertainment & Media

The Role of the Media in Arab Spring: A Case Study of Al-Jazeera

Introduction Various scholars define the term media variously, depending on their professional and personal orientation. Many of them, however, agree that media refers to a variety of information channels available in the society. In our society today, the media plays an important role in enlightening people on issues that influence...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Marketing in Saudi Arabia: Research Proposal

Introduction The notion of social media in the worldwide context has now gone far beyond plain means and communication and pastime for the youth. In fact, social media is the platform aimed at helping people find various perspectives on leisure, education, and financial well-being. Some of the most widespread marketing...

Entertainment & Media

Digital Self-Harm, Causes and Interventions: Annotated Bibliography

Research question: How social media contributes to digital self-harm/self-harm among adolescents, and which measures can be taken to address the rising issue? Patchin, J. W., & Hinduja, S. (2017). Digital self-harm among adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 61(6), 761-766. In their article, Patchin and Hinduja (2017) explore digital aggression directed...

Entertainment & Media

Media & Technology in Society: “Free” and “Hate” Speech

Introduction Nowadays, technology and the media are inextricably linked, and neither can be isolated from current culture. This aspect of modern life contains several socially acute issues, and one of them is the topic of free speech and hate speech. While “free speech” has always been considered from a positive...

Entertainment & Media

Effects of Music in Advertising

Pleasant music can be used as a background feature in commercials. Both the background features and product information must be included in a commercial for it to be appealing. Apart from music, there are other background features such as humor and attractive colors which play a major role in affecting...

Entertainment & Media

Social Enterprises in The Corporation Documentary

Social enterprises are business structures aimed not just to maximize profit but also to reach specific socio-environmental goals. The Corporation (2003), the award-winning Canadian documentary, examines the modern corporation and criticizes it for disregarding human well-being and concerning only with money. The documentary illustrates how the modern-day corporation functions and...

Entertainment & Media

The Controversial Social Media

Introduction Social media is the most potent and unrivaled weapon in world politics. The arrival of Web-based technologies and the exponential rise of access, including social networking sites by members of society, have been among them during this digital age. One essential feature of innovation is that it enables individuals...

Entertainment & Media

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal: Overview

Introduction In the contemporary world, all aspects of society, including the personal data of individuals and organizations, continually become more digitalized with the increasing impact of technology. This phenomenon inevitably leads to a greater rate of cybercrime and potential breaches of private information. The Cambridge Analytica scandal occurred in 2018...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: Why People Should Stop Using It

Outline Therefore, people should quit messengers and other similar apps for communication to protect themselves from degradation and the loss of moral values. Reason 1: The use of social media leads to the development of addiction among people. Reason 2: People who spend much time online tend to lose their...

Entertainment & Media

TV Violence and Children’s Aggressiveness

Abstract One of the notable changes in the social environment since the twentieth century has been mass media’s saturation of culture and daily lives. The mass media has become the center of many children’s lives, which has had an enormous impact on their values, beliefs, and behaviors. This study is...

Entertainment & Media

Ida B. Wells: The Legacy of Lynching

Introduction Ida B. Wells was born to a family of slave parents who went through hard times in the south. Ida’s parents had to bring her up under hardships to give her education and a livelihood during her younger years (Rings, 2013). Ida was exposed to the atrocities of the...

Entertainment & Media

Television and Cinematic Censorship in Middle East

Abstract Censorship on television, as well as cinemas, has been implemented by a majority of the Middle East countries. The move has been made to protect the citizens of these countries from harmful media content, such as sexual scenes. Censorship is also done to protect the Islam religion primarily from...

Entertainment & Media

Researching of Impact of Social Media

Summary In the present day, social media may be regarded as a fundamental part of people’s everyday lives. In general, the term social media is related to computer-based technology of virtual networks built in order to share information, ideas, and thoughts. In other words, it refers to applications and websites...

Entertainment & Media

The Influence and Consequences of the Takeover of the Cadbury’s Company by Kraft

Introduction Different news articles from broadsheets and tabloids use different ways to present stories. The media tries to inform and entertain different types of audiences. The media creates diverse emotions and ideas using unique industry practices. This can be defined as impression management techniques. These strategies can be used by...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Networks’ Impact on Modern People

Social media is one of the key tools for influencing people and disseminating information. Despite the great benefits and communication opportunities they provide, they remain a serious way of controlling. People do not always notice the smallest details that affect their consciousness, but social media can shape society. This essay...

Entertainment & Media

Printed Design: Impact on the Society

Introduction Power of print has been enormous in our society. It has contributed to the power of thought, altered human behavior, encouraged individualism, political weapons and promoted advertisement among other important aspects. This paper describes the relationship that exists between societal mood and printed design. In fixing the connection, the...

Entertainment & Media

Typography in Advertising: History and Theory

Introduction: The Background This project examines typography in advertising over time. It considers the origin and the current state of the art in order to make a reasonable prediction about where it is going. Typeface or typography has been studied in psychology as it relates to educational theory, early reading...

Entertainment & Media

Magazine Advertisements: The Use of Sex

Introduction Background The advertising industry is a major revenue generation machine. The industry functions on a global scale and is one of the few that tend to have a direct influence on lifestyles and their evolution with time. A very simple example of the expanse and scope of advertising can...

Entertainment & Media

Millennial Generation: The Role of Social Media

Introduction The Millennial Generation is otherwise known as Generation Y, Generation Next or Net Generation. This statement describes a given demographic cohort that came after generation X. The members of Millennial Generation are habitually referred to as the Millennials or they can also be referred to as Echo Boomers. According...

Entertainment & Media

Youth in Media in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom

Abstract Media and young people are closely connected with each other. Young people have been portraying in the media for centuries. Media can influence the generation of its epoch both negatively and positively. It can change youth’s way of life and global problems perception. For a long period youth culture...

Entertainment & Media

Morality of Investigative Reporting and Misrepresentation

In the course of investigative reporting, the journalist can indulge in dubious practices such as faking identity, hiding identity, and undertaking jobs under pretenses. Whether such actions can be considered morally right is a widely debated question. Journalists must seek the truth and report it as completely as possible. As...

Entertainment & Media

How Video Gaming Has Changed the World

The advent of the personal computer was almost as important as the invention of the printing press since it has made information available to far more people than ever before. However, the publicizing of the Internet has brought a paradigm shift that has created a whole new world, and a...

Entertainment & Media

Event Management: Hosting Mega-Events

Executive Summary The purpose of this study is to consider the various aspects of hosting mega-events and how it underpins the economies of the locations in which major and mega-events and international sports events are held. Event Management has gained immense popularity, since it connotes urbanization regeneration, tourist trade, investments,...

Entertainment & Media

The Media Use of Short Videos as a Strategic Tool

Introduction In the recent decade, YouTube has become a critical tool for commercial advertisement, with short ads plated before the start of the majority of videos on the platform. In contrast to traditional advertisers, companies that have chosen to advertise on YouTube have the opportunity to engage with their audience...

Entertainment & Media

Researching of Social Media and Marketing

Social media may be defined as an online service, site, or platform created to arrange social relations. Via the mentioned resources, people can post any information or find it. It an efficient tool in the framework of marketing. “Blogs, microblogs, social networks, media creation and sharing sites, social news sites,...

Entertainment & Media

Teenagers’ Communication and Social Media Impact

Peer relations structure a significant setting where youngsters get input concerning their social conduct. Accordingly, teenagers have occasions to figure out how to partake in a gathering effectively and to get familiar with the sensations of social connection and acknowledgment. The youth used to spend much time together offline in...

Entertainment & Media

Pilot Research Study: The Impact of Internet on Education for Students

Introduction Internet can be regarded as one of the devices that can be utilized to survey and obtain more facts on any topic. These days, the internet has made contemporary life so relaxing. By a single click, information would be availed to an individual. The internet has a major responsibility...

Entertainment & Media

Canned Spam Act – Impact on Consumers

Introduction The use of e-mail services has greatly revolutionized the society in numerous areas. In the process, this usage has created its share of new difficulties, such as the influx of spam. According to Arora (2006), spam may be defined as unsolicited email, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately...

Entertainment & Media

The Media Technology Shapes Our Life

In this debate, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to start by disapproving the points made by the previous opponent. First, the speaker attempted to tell us that social media enhances the education system because modern students are finding it easy to access and share knowledge from a wide range...

Entertainment & Media

Video Games in Teenagers: Are They Beneficial?

Introduction Parents are able to control children and bar them from what they perceive as wrong during their tender years. However, this is not possible during the teenage as it is the age of exploration where every teen wants to try almost everything. Video games present the subject of interest...

Entertainment & Media

MTV as a ‘Gospel’ of the Contemporary Society

Introduction The article in question focuses on a famous TV channel that some people see as a threat to morality and Christian values. Some people believe that the MTV channel controls the “most up-front element of defiant youth culture” (Hamerlinck 44). In opposition to these views, the author contends that...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Impact on Political Leaders

Introduction Since the start of the internet boom, in the early nineties, there has been significant growth in the number of networked people. In fact, the number of networked people has increased from a few million people, in the early nineties, to a few billion people in the 2000s. A...

Entertainment & Media

Using of Social Media Sites

Newsgroups A newsgroup is a depository for messages received from various users in remote locations. Newsgroups are normally within a Usenet program and they perform the same function as discussion forums on the internet. People post messages on newsgroups with the aim of letting other users to read and respond...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks Can Be a Way of Connecting People

Introduction Social network is a social organization made up of individuals or members who are connected by one or more factors such as friendship, similar interests, kinship, culture, social status and prestige among others aspects (Shah, 2010). Social networking is possible between different people especially at workplace, at school, at...

Entertainment & Media

Identification Online: Falsing Issue

Information Technology (IT) is undoubtedly one of the fastest-growing technologies in the 21st century, connecting people who barely know each other from all parts of the world (BGSU pr. 1). Facebook for instance, has become very popular as a social networking site for all ages of people, all over the...

Entertainment & Media

Language and Media Impact on Perceptions of Drug Use

Literature Review Researchers have conducted numerous studies to investigate the effect of language and phrasing of survey questions on respondents’ views regarding drug use (Meise et al. 2009). More so, many researchers have confirmed that the wording of survey questions often affects an individual’s support of drug prevention strategies. Similarly,...

Entertainment & Media

Negative Impacts of Adult Cartoon Television Programs on Children

Most individuals perceive cartoons as mighty creatures with great powers, a fact that makes most people disregard the negative impacts most adult cartoon programs can have on children, because of the nature of content in most of such programs. Watching cartoon programs has become a primary interest of many young...

Entertainment & Media

The Problems of Digital Signage and Its Solution

Digital Signage Solution In a nutshell the digital signage solution is the use of computer software and hardware to deliver “advertising content” to consumers. Traditionally, the job of advertisers centered on the use of TV and radio ads. If digital signage is comparable to a “smart bomb” that can be...

Entertainment & Media

The Case of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Relationship

The case study selected was that of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who split from the royal family of the UK in February 2020. The research looked at how the media used different framing theories to come up with relevant media content for their respective audiences. Since their wedding, different...

Entertainment & Media

Multi-Factor Authentication for Social Networking Website

Introduction Social networking is not a new notion. Even before the advent of the internet, social networks existed in the form of, for example, a university, a club, etc. Social networking means at least three or more individuals meeting up and exchanging information. This was based on the understanding that...

Entertainment & Media

How Do Parents See the Influence of Social Media Advertisements on Their Children

Introduction Advertising is an integral part of the modern world, and people encounter it everywhere: on television, radio, on the street, in shops, and even on strangers and friends. However, while adults most often can assess their needs and opportunities and resist the influence of advertising, they cannot refuse their...