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Popular Sample Essays

Politics & Government

What are the Implied Powers of Congress?

The definition of “implied powers” applies to powers that are not expressly provided to Congress by the Constitution but are nevertheless exercised by it. They are considered to be “necessary and proper” for the effective execution of those powers granted to it by the Constitution. Explanation: The authors of the...


“White Privilege” Term Definition

The term “white privilege” is a result of racism that comes as doctrine related to three key components. The first component is the fact racism is aimed to determine racial differences in such fields as beliefs, features of character, and intelligence level. The second component represents racism as the assertion...


Massachusetts Government Act and the Way of Governing

Massachusetts Government Act was the law adopted by the UK Parliament in 1774 went down in history together with other laws that are called “unbearable.” It was adopted on 20 May 1774, acquired full power with July 1, 1774. Explanation: Government Act of Massachusetts canceled the election of councilors governor...


The Main Principles of the Constitution?

The basic principles of the Constitution are the statements that formed its basis and ensure the rights and freedom of citizens. The seven principles of the US Constitution are checks and balances, federalism, individual rights, limited government, popular sovereignty, republicanism, and separation of powers. Explanation: Each of the seven principles...


Cultural Stereotypes and its Impact on Organizational Behavior

The stereotype is often referred to as the common group of people who are accepted commonly in the world. The stereotypes are the common race or the people with the various endangered culture and traditions. The stereotype word has its origin from Greek history, which is known as the solid...


The Roles of the Gods in Homer’s and Aeschylus’ Works

According to Homer in the Iliad book Vol. 1, the gods had the role of disciplining people who went astray by sending them an evil sickness to kill them as in the case of Latona’s son on the first page. Importantly, Homer used gods in order to add winds to...


Vietnam War Debate and African American Freedom Struggle

During the Vietnam War, African American civil rights movements faced severe division and disparities due to the shift in non-violent views. Although Martin Luther King Jr. was a thorough proponent of peaceful protesting, some Black activists decided to fight racial discrimination with violence. However, King’s involvement in the Vietnam War...


Assessment Types of Children in Early Childhood Classrooms

Assessments are crucially important in early childhood education due to the amount of helpful data on children’s development that they provide. Screenings are a form of assessment that involves testing young children’s development with reference to the basic areas of health, such as motor coordination, speech development, cognitive abilities, interpersonal...


Factors Outside the Curriculum Affecting the Cultural Trends in Society

This research would also consider some other factors that to an extent seem to affect the cultural trends in the society. It will also be sought to establish the effect of other factors affecting the curriculum, which in the long run would affect the culture trends within the society. Some...


How Abolitionist Movement Influenced Suffrage Movement

In the majority of countries, discrimination on the basis of race and gender is prohibited. Before discrimination was recognized as a social problem, the members of the abolitionist and suffrage movements had to work hard in order to improve the distribution of political power. The abolitionist movement impacted the suffrage...


Emerging Health Care Law

The American health care system is radically different from those to which residents of Europe or other continents are accustomed. Despite significant financial investments in health care, the quality of medical services and public health indicators do not rank Americans at the top of the ratings. It is worth saying...


Family & Medical Leave Act and Violations in Practice

According to the United States department of labor, the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 states that eligible employees may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in a 12-month period for specified family and medical reasons. According to the Act, the employers covered are public agencies, including...


Changing Trends and Forces in Classical Arts

During the classical period, the fact that the Romans were dominating proved to be very influential in art and architecture. The philosophies of naturalism and idealism shaped the culture and all aspects of life in this period. From an intellectual point of view, there emerged the need to articulate the...


Egyptian Art Functions and Religion

In ancient Egypt, the dead were accorded respect just like the living. Symbolism was a very dominant style in the culture of the Egyptians and it was affected using the various forms of art. Art was used by the Egyptians to reflect the relationship between the living and the dead....


Jewish Religious Tradition’s Uniqueness and Development

Judaism was the religion of the Jewish people. It was a monotheistic belief system based on the ethics and principles that are found in the Jewish bible. According to history, the religion began when God had a covenant with Abraham. The Hebrews considered their belief to be a divine revelation...


European Politics, Economics, Society in 1450-1650

During 1450-1650, the Papacy lost its authority and power over the life of the state (in the 17th century). The new social order was marked by the strong power of the ruler and the military strength of the sovereign. The political order was marked by the emergence of nation-states. Such...


How the North’s War Aims Evolved Between 1861 and 1863

The Civil War facilitated far-reaching changes in the life of American society, with one of the most significant being the destruction of the institution of slavery. At the start of the war, Congress nearly unanimously agreed upon the fact that the Union had no plans associated with interfering with slavery....

Politics & Government

Seven Principles in the Context of International Relations

There are seven principles that revolve around the field of realism. The first one is the importance of evidence-based analysis to have a better or positive view of human nature. This kind of approach is essential since it tries to describe the thoughts of human beings and how they can...


Second World War and Its Effects

The effects of WWII included the surrender of Germany and Japan, the formation of the Atlantic Charter, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. WWII came to an end when Germany signed the Instrument of Surrender. The Potsdam Agreement has signed that obliged Germany to postwar reparations, demilitarization, and denazification....


The Period Between the First and Second World Wars

The period between WWI and WWII mostly resembled the era after WWII, mainly because of the attempts to maintain peace between countries. The League of Nations, discussed earlier, held hopes to solve arguments with negotiations. Moreover, the peace movement originated that aimed to analyze the causes and consequences of the...


Fuchs’s Models of Immigrants in United States History

Despite the hardships that immigrants faced when coming to the United States, their contributions to the development of the country as it is known today cannot be replaced. The United States is a country that has been built and transformed by successive migration waves from any part of the globe....


Karl Marx on Workers’ Relation to Products of Their Labour

The object is the product or the commodity the worker has produced. Objectification is the “loss of and bondage to the object, and appropriation as estrangement, as alienation”. The worker is reduced into an object, or he becomes a slave to the object he has created. He is alienated from...


First World War and Its Major Causes

One of the causes of World War I was the formation of military alliances and Europe’s segregation. These alliances were formed to ensure protection from allied countries in case of any threat. Thus, unions were formed between Russia and Serbia, Japan and Britain, Germany and Austria-Hungary, France and Russia. The...


Slavery Laws: Whiteness and Blackness

The significance of Anthony Johnson in the establishment of differentiation between Black and White people cannot be disputed. Johnson was a free black man who purchased the property in Virginia and was declared legally capable of owning a slave after being freed from servitude himself. The role of Nathaniel Bacon...


First World War and Its Effects

WWI affected countries in many ways, including financial hardship and technological and medical development, and it also changed people’s ideology. WWI left the most extensive European monarchies such as Turkey, Russia, and Austria-Hungary in debt and made the US the wealthiest country in the world. National currency devaluation affected countries...


Second World War and Its Causes

The agreement to end WWI did not resolve existing problems in the countries. The destruction that was caused by WWI led to the next war, World War II (WWII). The causes included the formation of the Treaty of Versailles agreement, rising militarism and nationalism in Germany and Japan, and the...


Hobbes’ “Social Contract” Argument Analysis

According to Hobbes, human being ought to avoid the state of nature. He asserts that if one is concerned to avoid violent death, then he should avoid the state of nature. Human have a duty to do what he can to avoid this situation or to end it. Hobbes view...


Data Collection Method Tools Overview

Data collection methods entail the collection of evidence based on facts or figures where a valid conclusion may be drawn from. Data can be either quantitative or qualitative. The qualitative data is the data obtained from observations, tales or attributes while the qualitative data signifies the data that can be...


History of the European Middle Age

European history, according to Flavio Biondo, is divided into three time zones: the classical civilization of Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Modern Times. The years included begins from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century to the start of the Early Modern Period (16th century). This...


The Philosophy of the Proper Role of the Courts

Since the commencement of the Constitution in America, there have been two schools of thought in the Supreme Court. They pertain firstly to the invocation of judicial restraint as a court policy which implies that greater power and autonomy is given to lower courts and political bodies in taking decisions....

Politics & Government

The Persistence of a 2-Party System Contribute to or Detract From American Democracy

The persistence of a two-party system has both positive and negative effects on the function of American democracy. The parties contribute to the organization and operation of the government. Many of the positions in the congress are a function of the two-party system, such as Majority and Minority leaders, and...


Good Government in Jacques Rousseau’s “The Social Contract”

A good government needs to resolve issues relating to social injustice, inequality, slavery and other social evils. Rousseau was also equally vociferous against private property and wealth amassing terming it as against common social laws, where a socialistic pattern of society needed to be enforced. Coming to the aspects of...


White Collar Crime and Its Definition Controversy

White-collar crime involves illegal activities that involve manipulation and concealment where prosecutors determine the person liable for prosecution depending on his status. Some crimes are very dangerous and need to be dealt with immediately without discrimination or favor. White-collar crime depends on the class of people when taking disciplinary action...


Research Designs in a Scientific Study

According to “research design provides the glue that holds the research project together. A design is used to structure the research, to show how all of the major parts of the research project — the samples or groups, measures, treatments or programs, and methods of assignment — work together...

Tech & Engineering

Software Development Personnel and Roles

Software development personnel Developing software for large corporations like Exxon Mobil is a long and complicated matter. It usually requires a large team of personnel from various fields in the software industry. The type of personnel required in such a case is given below. Software analyst This person is considered...

Tech & Engineering

Trends and Mistakes in Software Development

Many software projects contain a database component, typically a relational database (RDBMS). With sufficient processing power and correct database design, a good RDBMS can easily handle large databases. Object-oriented data and the expanded use of multimedia data types place a huge strain on RDBMS systems developed to hold relatively small...

Tech & Engineering

Avionics and Aircraft Maintenance Technicians’ Skills

A person who loves electronics and gadgetry and wishes to be part of a profession that deals with such elements will obviously become very efficient as an avionics and aircraft technician. This is one of the cherished professions of many energetic, high-spirited youths of the day. “It’s a highly specialized...


Art and Its Purpose Within Society

Art actually contained messages beyond reflecting mythological stories and religious believes and actually the artist felt the urge to rely on these messages to their fellow men since they had experience in them. For instance, in Christo’s Running Fence, it can actually be defined as art in the sense that...


Problem-Solving Knowledge in the Real World

Now, let us consider the ways to deal with specific problems in real world situations with the knowledge we possess. Problem solving is an essential part of human life which may be “defined as any goal-directed sequence of cognitive operations.” For our evaluation, let us use the example of the...

Tech & Engineering

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Interior

Architects, real estate professionals, facility managers, engineers, interior designers, landscape architects, construction managers, lenders, and government officials all use LEED to help transform the built environment to sustainability. State and local governments across the country are adopting LEED for public-owned and public-funded buildings; there are LEED initiatives in federal agencies,...


The Controversies of Ethics in Society

Ethics are needed to resolve three different kinds of conflict that are relevant to the necessity of ethics and they are conflicts of ideas or beliefs; conflicts of interest and conflict of strife. There are different interpretations of ethics. Take the case of illegal immigrants or the discrimination against blacks...


The History of the Black Death in Europe

The first outbreak of the disease occurred in England during 1348-1349 and it is suggested that came to Europe from the town of Caffa on the Black sea. It is believed the plague originated in Asia and moved west with Mongol armies and traders. The Tartars had been struck by...


LGBTQ Community: History, Immigration, Health Outcomes

LGBTQ community history Political, legal, and economic challenges include the lack of regulations to protect such people from biased attitudes among employers. Forms of discrimination Regardless of the attempts to build a tolerant society, LGBTQ communities remain highly stigmatized and experience various forms of discrimination. Historically, this group experienced institutional...


Utilitarian Take on Distributive Justice

One distinct group is the utilitarians, who find that distributive justice under the difference principle is disappointing on the grounds that a massive consequence in total welfare may have to be compensated to bring into being a comparatively small benefit for the worst off. Utilitarianism believes in the maximization of...


Unethical Treatment of Immigrants

The problem of unethical treatment of immigrants by the country’s indigenous people is quite acute in the modern world. In some companies, there is discrimination based on the level of wages or racial grounds. It may also be unethical to exploit labor, as there are cases when people who come...


Intelligence: What Makes It Up?

The components or processes of the development of intelligence are ambiguous in the psychometric approach. The scores of intelligence tests cannot answer questions such as: What particular ability can be regarded as a component of intelligence? Or, how do individuals come to the solution of the problem? The psychometric approach...


Viola’s Disguise in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”

William Shakespeare’s comedy “Twelfth Night” explores the themes of identity and self. In a bid to protect herself after the death of her brother and father, Viola, the main character, seeks refuge in the guise of a male. In one day, she is transformed from an upper-class female into a...


Nuclear Power: Beneficial Uses and Threats

If we look at the history of human usage of energy, the sun was the first energy source that gave us light and heat. The discovery of fire resulted in the possibility of burning wood for cooking and heating. Renewable sources of energy such as sun, wind, biomass, and hydropower...

Entertainment & Media

Medium Is the Message: What Does It Mean?

To define the word medium as the message, it is wise to define the two words medium and message appropriately. This will help to eliminate the chances of jumping to conclusions. According to McLuhan, the medium is an extension that occurs in us. For example, a wheel is taken to...


Socrates on True Philosophers in the Face of Death

Phaedo is one of the most important Plato’s dialogues where Socrates speaks about the mission of philosophy, philosophy, the distinction between body and soul. One of the crucial arguments Plato puts forward through Socrates’ words is that philosophers are amongst the most virtuous people in the world. After their death,...


The Role of Money in the Evolution of Banking and Financial Markets

Fiat currency has a long history, having been used in China in the 7th century. The widespread use of paper money started in the 10th century after its first issuance by the government. The value of the notes was pegged at a fixed exchange rate for silk, silver, or gold....


The Division of Labor in Modern Societies

The division of labor could be defined as a separation of practical activities based on specialization. In other words, each individual is occupied with whatever he could do better than anyone else in his community. From the perspective of Durkheim, the separation of responsibilities includes “capitalists, managers, professionals, employees and...


Bullying Sexual Minorities: Multiple Systems of Interactions

Issues of GLBTQ have raised concern not only among the persons victimized but also other members of society. Today, there are means of helping these people to develop and become important members of society. Different governments around the world have formulated policies to address the problems of discrimination of students...


Poems of Allen Ginsberg and Dylan Thomas Analysis

Literary devices are an integral part of any poem as they allow authors to embed deep meanings with a few words. Allen Ginsberg and Dylan Thomas also use a variety of literary devices to bring sense to their poems. For example, Ginsberg’s poem’s central element is allusion as he refers...


The Concepts of Community and Demographics

The Community A community is a group of people living together in the same region, who frequently interact with one another. According to Cohen, it refers to people of a given population living in the same geographical region. They share the same infrastructure of the community such as roads, schools,...


How Development Has Affected Culture Negatively in Poor Countries

Poor countries may be defined according to their development and poverty levels. In most poor countries development is hampered by corruption and bad governance. A lot of the governments’ money is being embezzled by a few individuals and as result, they have to depend on aid and loans from the...


Critical Race Theory: Internalized Oppression Definition

Internalized racism may be defined as a racial hierarchy, consciously or subconsciously accepted by an individual, in which people of color are consistently ranked below white people. It is supported by but not limited to the exhibiting belief that one racial group is inferior while another’s culture and thinking aspects...


The Concept of Christianity in Texts and Biographies

The three texts where Christianity and being a Christian are two of the most important elements in terms of narration are Cugoano, De Crevecoeur, and Sancho. The relation between slavery and Christianity in these texts is rather close because each of these three authors raises the concept of the unity...


The Various Courts in the United States

A court is a governmental institution that is granted powers to arbitrate officially authorized arguments and allot administrative fairness while following the decrees provided by law. Different countries in the world have their own courts with varying types of rules practiced and implemented in the courts. Consequently, this paper will...


The O. J. Simpson Case of 1994

In Simpson’s case, Christopher Darden was the prosecutor who took the task of investigating into the case and analyzing the evidence. During his activity, it was not very smooth as anticipated. There were some problems that he encountered during the process before proving Simpson guilty of murdering her ex-wife. First,...

Politics & Government

The Four Democratic Concepts

The four democratic concepts/principles include property relations as one of the major principles of democracy, freedom or liberty, majority as the basic source of decisions which should be treated as sovereign, and equality which can be considered to have different meanings and forms in various theories. Thus, the concept of...


Ethnicity and Race: What’s the Difference?

The notions of ethnicity and race are often misinterpreted or erroneously used as synonyms, and though they are closely related, they still represent completely different ideas. Ethnicity stands for the cultural traits pertaining to people in a certain geographic area, which include their language, religion, and customs. In contrast to...


Race: Anthropological and Biological Definitions

The concept of dividing people into races started as an attempt to study the biological differences of people residing in different territories and leading various lifestyles. However, further studies transferred these ideas to the level of social and cultural differences, and that has brought many contradictions to the initial idea...


Phonological Awareness in Individuals With Reading Disabilities

Phonological awareness refers to the recognition of language sounds and serves as a significant component of phonological processing. Poor readers demonstrate lower phonological awareness since they have challenges with phoneme segmentation during reading. Children with reading disabilities are likely to have problems with pronouncing unknown words, which means that they...


The Importance of Daily Logs in Criminal Investigation

Daily logs are documents which are associated with several activities such as crimes. The daily crime logs are usually published after proving out that they are in compliance with both the centralized as well as the laws of the individual state. This however entails persistent reporting from the national desk...

Politics & Government

U.S. Immigration Policy and Its Processes

Over 30% of newly coming to the U.S. legal immigrants are the holders of “preference visas”. It means that they have sponsors among employers or family members, being already either permanent residents or citizens. The reality is that these reference visas are not available to everyone on an equal basis....


The Opioid Crisis in the United States

The opioid crisis in the United States has long been a major national health-related problem. Dayton, Ohio, is a valuable city for analyzing the opioid epidemic and possible mitigation strategies. Montgomery County is the region with the highest number of unintentional opioid overdoses. The reasons for this situation are socio-economic...


The Cultural Trip to the Saudi Arabia

If I intended a trip to Saudi Arabia, I would be most concerned about not violating the norms of reverence and respect as rooted in the host culture. First of all, I would do my best not to appear disdainful by using practices common in my culture but objectionable among...


The Conversational Norms in the Eastern Europe Culture

I had a personal encounter with conversational norms different from those accepted in my culture when, on one occasion, I met a recent arrival from Eastern Europe. After I inquired, “How are you?” my interlocutor began describing the problems in his professional life. It was a notable deviation from “I...

Tech & Engineering

The Role of Technology in Globalization

Information and communication technology (ICT) has boosted intercultural communication considerably in the past decades. Access to the Internet allows people from all over the globe to exchange information at a moment’s notice. Using the Internet decreases the costs of communication drastically, as it does not rely on physical media that...


Employment Laws Narrowing Down Candidates to Interview

Due to the necessity to adopt an unbiased approach toward selecting the people that qualify for the job, the existing regulations should be used to provide each candidate with a chance to exhibit their abilities and skills. At this point, one should address the very idea of equality and the...


Employment Laws Affect Attracting Candidates to Companies

In the contemporary business environment, it is crucial to provide equal opportunities to all participants of business relationships. Recent changes in the legal framework have offered chances for people belonging to minorities and vulnerable populations to be represented in the business world to a greater extent. Therefore, for my industry,...


Homelessness in South Central Los Angeles

Introduction Despite the recent communal efforts and governmental policies that provide accessible housing and assist low-income families, the problem of homelessness is still highly relevant in the USA. The issue is particularly noticeable in California, accounting for more than 25% of the total amount of homeless people (State of Homelessness...


East and West Cultural Differences and Education

Education acquired from the West is normally diversified by the multicultural exposure that is acquired by students in these Western countries. Multicultural differences in thinking and performing should be accommodated in all third world countries. A realistic conceptualization of a global society can be achieved through a diversified Exchange program...


Differences Between East and West in Education Ways

New techniques of thinking, doing things and giving opinions can only be acquired through education. Education can be different in different parts of the world especially the Western countries such as the United States of America and the United Kingdom. Students from third world countries prefer schooling in developed countries...


Communication Expectations of an 18-Month-Old

The first two years of a child’s life are critical for the development of each domain or skill area – cognitive, emotional, and adaptive. A typical 18-month-old toddler is actively developing and practicing language skills; however, since his or her speech apparatus is not yet fully formed, one should not...


Reconstruction: Was It a Success or a Failure?

It took less than 50 years for historians to declare the impeachment οf President Andrew Johnson “a solemn theatrical fiasco.” From the perspective οf a century, Harvard scholar Raoul Berger called it “a sobering admonition against lighthearted resort to such removal οf the president.” History may be no kinder in...


Reasons of Confederacy’s Defeat During Civil War

At many stages, events on the battlefield might have gone differently. Historians stress different moments when the Confederacy was either unlucky or missed opportunities. Confederate forces might have been more pro-active after First Manassas. The Trent Affair could have brought Britain into the war on the Confederate side. Had Stonewall...


How Contracts of Employment Are Established

The four essential elements of a valid contract are offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention to create legal relations. An offer is a promise do to something, such as hire a person for a position; it should be capable of acceptance. After an offer is made, it can be either accepted,...


Rudolph Otto’s vs. Religious Mystics’ Approaches

Religious experiences play an essential role in human life because it is how a person can establish relationships with God and strengthen his or her fate. Spiritual readings usually introduce many approaches, either actual or delusory. According to Rowe, there are two significant attitudes toward religious experiences. One of them...


American Progressive Movement and Its Participants

The Progressive Movement of the 1920s represented a massive change in the levels of political activism among American citizens and the overall attitude toward the course that the U.S. government was taking at the time. In the “era of the massive explosive growth,” the public discontent with the choices made...


The Major Speech Problems: Causes and Mechanisms

Speech disorders include articulation (phonological), stuttering (fluency), and voice disorders. A phonological or articulation involves errors in sound production, use, representation or organization. There is the substitution of one sound for another, omissions of sounds or distortion of sound. The severity varies from mild to severe and is more common...


Two Best Presidents Assessment

The two best presidents: Theodore Roosevelt and his nephew, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR considered Theodore Roosevelt the greatest man he had ever met because of his energy, his zeal for reform, and his vision. He rates as one of the best presidents not only because he was a war hero,...

Politics & Government

Reasons Why Franklin Delano Roosevelt Was the Greatest Leader

The first New Deal began in 1933 and focused on banking reform, work relief programs, and the end of the gold standard. That included the establishment of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which guaranteed deposits up to $5,000, thereby restoring public confidence in the banking system. Huge public works programs...


Religious Terrorist Organizations on Separate Continents

The religious terrorist groups are the GIA, Hamas, and the American Christian White Supremacists. The GIA terrorist group comes from Algeria. The country got its independence from France in 1962 after a bloody battle that left several people dead. The existence of Islam was not felt in Algeria in the...


Logical Fallacies: Ad Hominem Attacks and Circular Arguments

Despite being the manifestations of logical mistakes, ad hominem arguments can still appeal to different audiences, sometimes including well-educated people. Any person has his or her own opinions about people’s characteristics, and personal preferences affect one’s ability to think critically, especially when it comes to sensitive topics. Thus, if my...

Politics & Government

Food Waste Policy Stakeholders in the UAE

The main stakeholders in the policies addressing food waste are the UAE residents, the residents of the developing countries who experience hunger, and the UAE government. The residents of the UAE play a significant role in resolving the policy problem. Thus, the main factor of the problem resolution is people’s...


Philosophy of Religion: What About Beauty?

People take multiple steps to understand the components of the universe, as well as nature and the role of its creator. According to Rowe, the design argument is based on the idea that many things exist in specific order, design, and condition. With time, this position can be reinforced due...


African American and Amish Cultural Development in the US

The African American culture has a strong presence in the United States, affecting the relationships between citizens ad defining the communication process in various domains, from business to education to healthcare. The African American culture started with the oral tradition and the transfer of cultural knowledge about essential traditions and...


Afro-American and Amish Cultural Development in the US

The African American heritage in the USA is represented by considerable contributions to the country’s culture. The roots of African American culture may be traced in Africa. Due to the aftermath of slavery and racial discrimination, African American culture had not been able to flourish in the USA for a...

Tech & Engineering

Data Mining Tools and How to Use Them

The emergence of the Internet allowed organisations to receive large quantities of data about their consumers, which can be used to enhance the efficiency of operations. However, in order to successfully interpret and use this information, it has to be collected and sorted correctly, which is the main task of...


Embryonic Stem Cells vs. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Production ESCs are formed from a human embryo using the undifferentiated internal mass of cells. In contrast, IPSCs are produced from the reprogramming of different types of somatic cell types from diverse animal species. Both types of stem cells are pluripotent, meaning that they can differentiate into products of the...


Healthcare Providers and Transgender Community

The contemporary discrimination against transgender community members by healthcare providers causes several negative consequences. The most critical of them refers to inadequate access to healthcare services. Safer et al. (2016) state that insufficient knowledge of health professionals regarding the given topic is the main reason that leads to considerable health...

Tech & Engineering

Database vs. Flat Files System

Databases allow storing files on servers, for example, online shops, and retrieve the information when necessary. A distinct feature of a database is that it is a set of data that can be accessed in various ways. When compared to traditional file storage on a computer, one can argue that...

Entertainment & Media

Cancel Culture: Causes and Consequences

Introduction Throughout the whole history, humanity has observed various forms of ex-communication or public humiliation, primarily executed concerning famous and influential figures to make them correspond to social conformity. Nowadays, a new version, generally known as “canceling” or “calling-out,” has acquired tremendous significance, directed at depriving support or even condemning...


Eliminating Racism With Affirmative Action Programs

The rates of the working poor among African Americans are considerably high for several reasons. The first one and the most important is racial discrimination that has been fought for years now and yet impacted the society of the United States severely. The stereotypes surrounding the black population and the...


Reducing Emissions of Carbon Cioxide and Other Gases

Greenhouse gases are gases that occur in the Earth’s atmosphere and tend to take in or send forth radiation within the thermal infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This process leads to the greenhouse effect, which involves the absorption and the radiation of thermal radiation in all directions by the...


Translation from Linguistic and Cultural Perspectives

Many translations of foreign languages may be poor. This comes when the translator knows the foreign language extremely well but is poor in his language, and vice versa. There are several difficulties people find when translating foreign languages. In the medical field, for example, new scientific terms are continuously discovered....


The United States’ History and Cultural Values

The history of the US has since long affected its culture and the prevailing values of its citizens. The cold war is at the forefront as one of the historical events that shaped the culture of the US. People feared the looming communism, and this brought fear among them. It...


Urbanisation Impact on Streams and Rivers

Hydrological impacts due to urbanization have compromised water quality, such as sedimentation, habitat changes, loss of fish, and increased temperatures. Most hydrological impacts are caused by runoff volumes and velocities of trying to urbanize cities, causing major strain to the water streams. Hydrologic impacts on water streams due to increased...


Glaucon on the Institution of Justice Arising

Glaucon had a radical idea that the institution of justice did not arise from the desire to do good but it came out as a means to an end and that to his mind it is a compromise between good and evil. Therefore, the institution of justice arose from the...


Virtue: Term Definition by Socrates

Socratic virtue is equated with justice and moral excellence. It is the doing of good and the refraining from evil. It is the desire to do what is right and doing ones best not to cause harm to others. It the wonderful things that one can expect from a good...