Free 4000 Words Essay Examples

A paper of 4000 to 4100 words is not always an essay. Assignments of such a length are typical for graduate-level studies. The structure of a 4000 words essay will largely depend on the institution, the discipline, and your professor’s requirements. The possible topics might be: the origins and evolution of American English, distance learning in the era of COVID-19, etc.

You will need to conduct an in-depth analysis in order to write a 4000-word essay. The keys to success are: meaningful research, a correctly formulated thesis, a well-thought-out structure, and an extensive bibliography list. Check free 4000-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!


International Security: Empirical Studies Analysis

A critical part of doctoral studies is the ability to scrutinize and evaluate academic literature. This paper demonstrates it by analyzing empirical studies crucial to the understanding of international security.


Active Learning and Inclusion in English Active Learning

Introduction Inclusion has become one of the most critical issues in sociology relatively recently. Modern trends in society are dictated by the processes of globalization and highlight equal opportunities, respect, and solidarity for every person. Inclusive education implies that the learning process must be built on these values. If at...

Tech & Engineering

Methods of IT Project Management

The fashion industry is one of the most dynamic sectors around the globe, and the dynamism arises from the diverse needs of the client base. Fashion is a personal statement and a symbol of societal status that also defines a person’s culture and individuality. As a result, clients are always...


American Indian Policy and Its Historical Origins

Abstract As the population of Native Americans continues to increase in the 21st century, the problems in the reservations become more challenging to solve. Over 562 federally accepted Native tribes face different issues that significantly contributed to the demographic region and traditional structure. This essay provides an extensive overview of...

4000-Word Essay FAQ

A 4000 words essay would typically be about 16 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 4000-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in a 4000 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 40 to 41 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes an hour and a half to 2 hours to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 4000 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 4000 words will take about 13 hours 20 minutes.

At a rough estimate, 4000 words would take up about 400 to 405 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 4000-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.


Employment Legislation: Legal System

Legal System Aims and Objectives of Employment Regulation Fairness is one of the core objectives of employment regulation. It is pertinent that employers demonstrate fairness by providing equal opportunities and equal pay for the people they hire. For instance, the Race Relations Act of 1976 is intended to ensure that...


Engagement in Play and Its Outcomes for Children’s Development

Abstract Play is an important self-regulation and development tool used by early childhood educators to improve children’s results and prepare them for academic activities. The paper outlines the direct correlation between engagement in play and outcomes. It means that young learners can benefit from various forms of interaction and acquire...


Glass as a Construction Material

Introduction Transparent building materials have become popular in contemporary architecture. Glass is a non-crystalline transparent solid material with widespread applications in aesthetics, tableware, windows, and optoelectronics. This material is primarily manufactured from sand which is typically melted down and undergoes a chemical transformation. The architectural glass used in construction is...

Tech & Engineering

Self-Service Checkouts as Technological Innovation

Introduction The research process involved various data collection methods that included both primary and secondary procedures. The scope of the study was to investigate the technological innovation and customer interface of self-service checkouts using suitable study demographics and study settings. The research process involved aspects such as the assessment of...

Entertainment & Media

The Influence and Consequences of the Takeover of the Cadbury’s Company by Kraft

Introduction Different news articles from broadsheets and tabloids use different ways to present stories. The media tries to inform and entertain different types of audiences. The media creates diverse emotions and ideas using unique industry practices. This can be defined as impression management techniques. These strategies can be used by...


Retaining Walls: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Retaining walls are special types of soil used to support the earth and avoid thoil from moving downwards. The idea is to even out slopes and make available constructive areas at diverse elevations. Therefore, a retaining wall is a construction or a structure designed and built to resist the...


Analysis of Piles and Pile Cap Foundation

Introduction In pile foundations, pile cap families are used; the pile cap families are shipped with the Revit structure. Pile foundation may be simply considered as a structure supported by piles. Pile foundation is applicable in environments where the circumstances of the soil are not good. Pile foundation provides for...


Raft Foundation: Advantages, Disadvantages and Types

Introduction Foundations are used with soils that have a low bearing density; despite this the soil should be firm enough to support high columns and wall loads. Foundation can be supported by piles and these piles aid in minimizing the structured settlement which is built on a soil that is...


Ireland from the 18th Century to the 20th Century

Introduction Art has always been a means to reflect reality. In different ages, painters focused on various “crucial questions” of political, social and cultural character that were represented in the painting, sculpture and architecture. Painting is one of the most “expressive” forms of art that has always been a reflection...


The UNIDROIT Interpretation in the Light of Sharia

This paper will start by explaining the concepts of Sharia law. In addition, this paper will explain how Islamic law interprets the UNIDROIT principle. This will entail a discussion of the ideals of Sharia, which are vital in the interpretation of UNIDROIT. Islamic law follows the Quran, which has broad...

Politics & Government

Can Foreign Aid Solve Worldwide Poverty?

Introduction Over three billion people worldwide live below the poverty line, that is, they live on less than a dollar a day. Thousands of children perish daily due to conditions that relate to poverty. Some of these conditions include diarrhea and malaria. Millions do not have access to immunizations and...

Tech & Engineering

Surveillance and Society in the United Kingdom

Introduction The use of CCTV surveillance has become commonplace in the United Kingdom. Hardly can citizens and tourists move through several blocs without being recorded by several cameras. Fact that these cameras have found their way into private properties is causing much worry to members of the public whose every...


Linguistic Politeness: Gender Differences

Introduction Language, culture and communication are deeply interrelated phenomena. Language can be defined as a system of linguistic signs and symbols that has a major purpose of supporting human interactions, self-expression, and information exchange. Nevertheless, the latter is not the only function of language. As noted by Kirch (1973), “language...

Tech & Engineering

Evaluation of a Digital Library: A Case Study

Abstract The development of digital libraries has changed the handling and access to information. Using such a library involves a computer-human interface as well as commands and search strategies to retrieve information. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a digital library in an institution of higher learning that...


Geographical Information Systems for Urban Management

Introduction Geographic information system (GIS) is a term used to describe a comprehensive system that has been designed to manage, analyze, manipulate, store, capture and present geographical data (Longley 2005, p. 21). GIS entails complex use of database technology, cartography as well as statistical analysis. It is an important tool...


Undertaking Construction Projects in Emirates

Introduction The other major challenges that were noted are related to the economic disruptions because of the business cycles that are exaggerated. If these economic fluctuations are accompanied by exchange rate fluctuations, this could have an effect on the cash flow for the contractors, especially if their payments are denominated...


Aviation Security in Passengers Transportation

Abstract The transport industry has greatly improved over the past years, for instance, passengers’ safety. The concerns of passengers’ safety were raised due to the September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center via a passenger plane that was forced to blast into the building. This led to the...

Family, Life & Experiences

How an Autist Child Affects a Functional Family

Abstract Autism is among the very many developmental disorders that affect young children. This neurological disorder causes the child to exhibit abnormalities in social behavior and difficulties in communication due to its adverse effect on the information processing part of the brain. It specifically causes a disconnection as well as...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Impact on Political Leaders

Introduction Since the start of the internet boom, in the early nineties, there has been significant growth in the number of networked people. In fact, the number of networked people has increased from a few million people, in the early nineties, to a few billion people in the 2000s. A...

Tech & Engineering

Aviation Industry: Effect of Space Weather Phenomena

Abstract This paper analyzes the effect of space weather storms on the current navigation, communication and traffic surveillance systems. According to Afraimovich, E. L., Demyanov, V. V., Gavrilyuk, N. S., Ishin, A. B., Smolkov, G. a. (2009) powerful radio emission from the sunduring solar flares on December 6 and 13,...

Tech & Engineering

An Overview of Atomic Force Microscopy

Introduction Anatomic force microscope is a scanning probe microscope (Fundamental Theory of Atomic Force Microscopy, n.d.). Scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) are meant to quantify properties such as friction, magnetism, and height using a probe. Early forms of electron microscopes such as the scanning tunneling microscope can only obtain images of...


Maritime Risk Assessment. Environmental Management

Maritime risk assessment and management has now gained greater concern in view of the need to ensure safety of vessels, people onboard vessels and the environment. Organizations such as the International Maritime Organization have been established and vested with the responsibility of ensuring the safety of offshore operators against any...


Law of Tort and the Rules of the Contract Law

Contract and Its Discharge A contract is always defined as an act of bringing an agreement between two or more people who intend to come up with a legally binding obligation. In most cases, the word binding is always used to ensure that the contract is valid and enforceable. In...


Computer Forensics Lab and Investigations Training

Introduction Computer forensics refers to the use of a computer expert program to collect, interpret, preserve, analyze and produce data from either volatile or non-volatile media storage devices. It is a branch of digital forensic science that is related to examining digital media in a forensic manner with the main...


Fabrication of Resonant Tunnelling Diodes

Hall Effect Measurements Before the discovery of quantum mechanics only the resistance R and conductance G considered as measurable physical quantities. Quantum mechanics deals with complex electrical transport measurement. i.e. density n and mobility µ. A Hall Effect measurement utilizes two sample geometries: Long and narrow hall bar Van der...

Tech & Engineering

Kaspersky Internet Security Firewall Assessment

Abstract This experiment aimed to conduct an assessment on firewall security, based on the experiments conducted on a firewall utility of Kaspersky Internet Security. This entailed undertaking a series of tests on the firewall utility to ascertain the security capabilities of a firewall on a network. The experimental environment was...


Chemistry: Reactive Metabolites

Introduction The process of developing and introducing new drugs involves mainly the biotransformation of drugs that are already in existence. This processes result in chemically reactive metabolites of varying pharmacological and toxicological effects, which necessitates the need for profiling and screening, in order to identify the general beneficial effects of...


Intelligence-Led Policing: Security, Intelligence, Policy

The intelligence-led policing was a model that was employed to ensure that there is an intelligence-crime reduction which was based on three processes to realize this. They included: law enforcement to interpret the criminal environment, the influence of the decision makers and the decision makers’ impact on the criminal environment....

Tech & Engineering

Database Security and Auditing

Introduction Database security has a lot of significance to the organization because it determines the organization’s data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The level of information security determines the right person to have access to the data, the data type of data that a particular user should access this can be...


Strategies in Airline Business

Introduction Airline industry is highly competitive like most industries. Competition is highly intense on the routes which are more profitable. The growth of the industry is closely linked to economic growth. An airline seat comes under the category of intangible and perishable goods and hence marketers take usually special care...

Tech & Engineering

Reliability of Pile Testing in Hong Kong

Introduction The Pile test is mainly used to test piles using the application of an axial load or force which covers vertical and raking piles which are often analyzed when they are compressed (GIF 1). The term compression is hereby used to define a pile that would resist an axial...

Tech & Engineering

Details of the IT Infrastructure

Abstract This paper presents a proposal for a model of IT infrastructure which is tailored to enable a business establishment better service its clientele base and enhance its administrative and communication as well operational network. The thrust of this business is to provide advance rental training facilities offer many services...

Tech & Engineering

Migration From Ris/Ghost Cast Thin Images to Wds

Introduction The project is a transition from RIS/Ghostcast Thin Images to Windows Deployment Services (WDS) Thick Images in a Built to Order (BTO) environment, determining WDS server infrastructure with full WDS option on unicast and multicast deployments. Network bandwidth, installation mode, converting RIS based images to WIM based images. Network...

Tech & Engineering

Design Optimization of Multi-element Aerodynamic Configurations

Aerodynamic optimization has been actively studied since the publication of a paper by Hicks and Henne in the 1970s (Hicks, & Henne, 1978) regarding the topic. Since then, several works on the optimization of full aircraft configurations (Reuther, Alonso, Jameson, Eimlinger, & Saunders, 1999; Secanell & Suleman, 2005), leave alone...

Tech & Engineering

Website in Schools

Abstract This dissertation addresses the technology of website use in schools to enhance learning and communication between and among all participants. The dissertation aims to explore the technology of website use in schools for the purpose of enhancing learning and communication for the benefit of the pupils, parents, teachers, school...

Politics & Government

Impact of Effective Leadership in the Public Sector in the United Arab Emirates

Abstract Leadership in the public sector is a sensitive topic in the United Arab Emirates that is yet to be effectively explored by local scholars. The government is heavily involved in numerous developmental projects as a way of spurring economic growth and reducing overreliance on the oil and gas sector....


Learners’ Perception of Personal Learning Environment

Abstract The present research paper aims to investigate the students’ perceptions of the personalized learning environments (PLEs) in higher educational settings. The creation of PLEs and their impacts on the learning effects have received limited attention from scholarly researchers. This observation can be attributed to the fact that the technology-enhanced...

Politics & Government

The Concept of E-Government Adoption

Scholars have conducted extensive research on the issue of e-governance especially its relevance in modern society. Bwalya (2009, p. 89) notes that the world is changing very fast due to technological advancement, and this has made it necessary to find better management approaches other than the traditional ways of governance....


The Measurement of Knowledge

Introduction Hunt (100) says knowledge is justified and true. This definition has led to the introduction of measurement tools for assessing the correctness and factuality of knowledge. The simple interpretation shows that the factuality of information establishes if a person understands, or does not understand, something. From this nature, knowledge...

Politics & Government

Clayton County Library System: A Developed Policy Scenario

Abstract This section describes the Clayton County Library System concerning issues of public policy development, enactment, and implementation. In the process, it considers the library’s policy on children. It, therefore, explains how the policy issue was addressed in the organization, a clarification of desired outcomes, the actual approach used to...


The Effect of On-Line Bookings on Maltese Hotels

Introduction When online bookings were first introduced into the hospitality industry, many of the Maltese three-star hotels believed that this would open an opportunity to expand. Most of these hotels considered online tour companies as the best way through which this industry could be developed in this country. They believed...


The Sand Storms: Remote Sensing and Meteorological Variables

Introduction Globally, sand storms cause serious environmental, health, and economic problems (Rivas-Perea & Rosiles, 2012). However, when they occur, their effects are more serious in urban areas because of the high concentration of people and economic establishments in these areas. Environmentalists register serious concerns regarding sand storms because of their...


Terrorism in Africa

Introduction Several theorists had predicted differently about what the world would turn out to be after the end of the Cold War. Some believed that it was the end of history while others feared for the worst. Towards the end of the 20th century, fears of terrorist attacks dominated the...

Tech & Engineering

Computer Network Defense Appliance and Situational Awareness

Introduction Computer systems of any organization face an immense threat due to malicious attacks. One of the paramount measures to mitigate these threats is to conduct a situational analysis of an organization’s computer networks coupled with information systems. Upon doing this, an organization becomes strategically placed to engineer sound and...


Psychometric Testing in Recruiting Police Candidates

Introduction For the past thirty years, psychometric tests have been crucial in the selection and recruitment processes. Today the tests are common in many organizations during the recruitment process. The police force is no different. These tests would improve the quality of service as compared to the traditional mass training,...


Mathematical Vocabulary Strategies & Student Achievement

Introduction Statement of Problem Educational articulacy and lucidity focus on the effects of mathematical vocabularies on students’ achievements. This is inclusive of poorly performing students as well as those with learning complications and disabilities. It is observable that most students, especially those with English as not their first language, continue...


Social Workers’ Managerial and Administrative Capabilities in Social Work Administration

Introduction The past decade has seen mounting interest in trying to understand the role of a social worker in management. As such, professional development has become an urgent necessity in the domain of social administration, with a steadily increasing adjustments and violations of business management and general administration being enforced...


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is not an individual therapeutic technique, but a broad term that categorizes therapies that are related (Dobson & Dozois, 2010). Cognitive behavioral therapy includes treatments that endeavor to modify overt behavior through altering an individual’s thinking, understanding, one’s suppositions, and the individual’s strategies of responding to various situations...


Legal Systems, Labor Relations and Regulatory Practices

Introduction There was no common practice to join trade union or labor movement in Mozambique until its freedom from the colonial rule of Portugal in 1975; however, the workers were required to earn more than a substantial level to qualify as a member of trade union – this was a...


Organizational Development – School

Introduction Schools have an obligation to deliver quality education continuously. Students and pupils have the right to attend well-performing schools that any state can provide. Educators and school managers have a prerequisite obligation to ensure that they provide such institutions. This concern has made many nations and states deploy various...


Experiences of Native American Indian Women on and off Reservations

Introduction Human beings have no power of choosing where to be borne or under what culture to be brought up given the circumstances surrounding the birth process. As a result, many people find themselves under circumstances which they could not want to identify themselves with under different conditions. Many go...

Politics & Government

E-Government Development: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Introduction The growth of information and communication technology [ICT] has greatly influenced human life in a number of ways. ICT has also affected public service sectors. Rokhman (2011) argues that numerous changes have occurred with reference to the provision of government services due to the ICT development. Subsequently, the level...


Immigration Policies Affecting the Success of Immigrants in United States and Canada

Introduction Immigration is the act of moving from one’s country of birth to another country to settle. Immigration is a great economic aspect that helps in filling openings in the labor market and increasing economic growth in the host countries. Although locals would feel threatened that the skilled immigrants would...


U.S. Educational Legislation and Improvement of Student Performance

Introduction According to statistic data, in 2012, the US students’ performance in mathematics was below average. Among all the thirty-four countries represented in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), such as Germany, Japan, and Israel, the United States were ranked only twenty-seventh (Results from PISA, 2012). The statistical numbers...


NVivo Program: Methodology in Qualitative Study

Interviews In qualitative research, interview is a popular and valued method of data collection. Kahan and Cannell state that “An interview is a purposeful discussion between two or more people” (Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill 318). While conducting a qualitative research, the researcher can draw detailed and extensive information from the...


Borderline Personality Disorder

Abstract Over the past few decades, experts in the discipline of psychiatry have delved into developmental precursors for psychological disorders. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is among the sensitive psychological conditions that have affected between 2% to 4% of the general population in all societies. BPD is a complex illness that...


Theory Essence in Research Conduct

Introduction The term theory appears to have various meanings based on contending research models. For example, it can mean a formative edict or system of rules, especially in the natural sciences. It may also mean a concept or collection of ideas that are valuable in gaining an in-depth understanding of...


Mathematics Methodology Course and Teaching Efficacy

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of mathematics methodology courses on the self-efficacy and beliefs of pre-service teachers (Ediger, 2012; Hart, Smith, Smith & Swars, 2007), as well as to examine the possible factors responsible for shaping the efficacy beliefs regarding teaching practice among pre-service teachers...

Tech & Engineering

Digital Heritage and Its Technologies

Introduction Preservation of cultural heritage is among the primary concerns of contemporary societies. Its significance has both economic and cultural roots. Culture and heritage are meaningful for both personal and collective developments of an individual. Culture and heritage are necessary for satisfying aesthetic, spiritual, and cultural needs. Moreover, they convey...


Interior Gardens for Office Buildings

Introduction This study examines the benefits of designing gardens for interior office buildings to reduce office stress factors that adversely impact employee productivity. The goal is to increase performance in highly stressed business environments. Organizations should recognize that negative stress factors in office environments that cause poor employee performance are...

Entertainment & Media

Research Survey Tool Utilizing a Quantitative Design

The construct that is the focus of this research is social media usage in society. It entails the use of wide-ranging Internet-based applications and services for online exchanges or the sharing of user-generated content (Hu & Zhang, 2016). Common social media services include blogs, wikis, social networking and media-sharing sites,...


Health Physics: Particulate Pollution in Cities

Introduction An aerosol is a substance that presupposes the existence of a gaseous medium. It comprises tiny particles that can be either liquid or solid. They are known as particulate matter (PM), elements that pollute the air. The general public is aware of the fact that their health depends on...


Sustainability in the Built Environment

Introduction The 21st century presents, perhaps the most overwhelming challenges to the survival of humanity and continuity of life on planet earth. In addition to problems such as terrorism and economic uncertainties, environmental challenges including pollution and unsustainable resource use have emerged as the most serious global threats to life....


The Intimate Partner Abuse

One area of study that has attracted the attention of many researchers is behavior, thoughts and feelings/motions of individuals, and the way the environment in which individuals live affects these aspects. The environment could refer to other individuals or media that are in the individual’s vicinity. A social psychologist merges...


The Role of Leadership in Teacher Turnover

Introduction During the last decade, the rate at which teachers are leaving schools in the United States is devastating (Szczesiul & Huizenga, 2014). When the opportunity presents, many teachers opt to leave schools for better working conditions or other professions. This phenomenon is referred to as teacher turnover and is...


The Concept of Assistive Technology

Introduction Assistive technology (AT) is a generic term that describes tools that are used to maintain or improve the functional capabilities of a learner with a disability in all aspects of life. AT ranges from low tech devices that do not require much training and do not have complex features...

Politics & Government

Elections and Political Processes Program in America

Executive summary Elections offer an avenue for citizens to be involved in decision making, in addition to holding their representatives accountable. The political legitimacy that credible elections confer is essential for robust states and provides a crucial mandate if governments are to have the capacity to tackle a myriad of...


Teacher Perception: Bullying and Participation in Classes

Introduction Bullying entails either physical or mental oppression that has been repeated for considerably long period of time. It is also characterized by misuse of certain given authorities in a harmonious relationship between or among several people. A bully person will tend to secure control of the victim, or the...


Problem-Based Learning as a Teaching Method vs. The Traditional

Introduction Problem-based learning (PBL) is a constructivist model of education in which learning is viewed as a process of active knowledge building rather than passive knowledge reception (Evensen & Hmelo, 2000). Constructivist theory holds that learners cannot passively absorb new information, but must incorporate it with pre-existing knowledge to build...


Socio-Cultural Challenges: An IRA-Nian Perspective

Sustainable Development seeks to achieve a best compromise position or establish a win-win scenario between three dimensions; social wellbeing (e.g. health and safety), economic performance (e.g. profitability, reliability, business), and environmental impact (e.g. water pollution, air emissions, soil quality, waste management). However, much of the theory underpinning sustainable development has...


A Review of Psychological Theories That Underline Sex Education

Introduction Young people are expected to grow up to become reputable individuals. This can change if they fail to take control of their sexuality. The community, parents, and young people are involved in sex education. However the learning institutions have been given the bigger role of sex education since it...


Pupils’ Feedback Effect on Teachers’ Instructional Practices

Based on the pupils’ responses gathered in this study, several issues relating to teacher performance and learning improvement strategies were exposed. As mentioned in earlier sections of this study, pupils were asked different questions regarding their learning experiences, teacher input and their learning environments. These issues were answered by asking...


Achieving Outerspace Security Effectiveness

Outer space is a fundamental resource to all of us regardless of whether our origin is from developing or already developed nations. The concept of outer space must be kept free from attack with the holistic view of humankind. Outer space security is founded on the Transparency and Confidence- Building...

Tech & Engineering

Distortion of Information Distribution and Project Failure

Background to the Problem Distortions in information distribution often lead to the failure of projects (Dinsmore, 2006). Cultural differences, gender and the leadership styles of organizations are responsible for distortion in information distribution (Alessandra & Hunsaker, 2005). However, the extent to which they influence the distortion is unknown. The research...


Reagan and the End of the Cold War: Help or Hindrance

Introduction The end of the Cold War is widely considered to be a period when moral, economic and ethical consideration overruled ideological and cultural inheritance and thus saved the world from another World War. Historical and international studies correlate the end of the Cold War with the year 1989, the...


Ethical Issues Surrounding the Needs of Students With Disabilities

Introduction The institution of education is the foundational cornerstone of our society. Education is a conscious effort to improve oneself both intellectually, physically, and morally, and the school remains the primary shaping force for the learners to develop their full potential (Sudarsana, 2016, p. 306). Educational ethics constitute a framework...


Research Design: Qualitative Approach

The age of value-free inquiry for the human disciplines is over [Denzin & Lincoln 2003]. The vocabulary entry defines ‘value-free’ as ‘free from criteria imposed by subjective values or standards; purely objective’. Hence, with the above mentioned statement Denzin & Lincoln convey qualitative research, opposite to pure objectivity and monism...


Returning Service Members With Mental Health Violations

Introduction Mental and emotional issues and challenges, associated with the staying on a frontline are generally regarded in the context of metal deceases and violations. The fact is that, all the possible aspects of emotional challenges on the frontline are aimed at damaging the mental health of the solders, independently...


Prescription Drug Abuse and Implications in School Counseling

The use of prescription drugs not recommended medically in schools and colleges is arising concern across the US. Several research studies have discovered that abuse of drug prescription is more prevalent than any other illegal drug consumption aside from the use of marijuana. An MTF survey in 2004 estimated 7.4...


Features of School Education for Children With Levels of Poverty

Introduction The second strand of literature reviews school reform from three perspectives. First, a historical view of educational reform over time is identified. This section focuses on early legislations for school reform, No Child Left Behind legislation, and the history and development of the Spotlight School Program in the State...


Church Leadership Model

Leaders play an essential role in making any organization a sustainable place and promoting its growth. Church leaders also take a crucial part in the empowerment of disciples and inspiring them to live in accordance with Christian values, including the missionary service. However, today’s globalized societies pose significant difficulties that...

Tech & Engineering

Managing Digital Supply Chain in Microsoft

Introduction To succeed and stay competitive in the digital and online media market, media companies should assist their teams to work together more efficiently, amalgamate content and business systems, and streamline business processes. The delicate act of balancing of sustaining a high level of service and at minimal costs is...

Tech & Engineering

The Contemporary Church and Technology in Worship

Background of the Study Technology and the contemporary church have developed very much intertwined ever since the printing press began printing religious information and communications. Technology has been grudgingly adopted in many churches who initially fought against the use of technology in their communications however, failure to adopt such technology...


New Sociology of Childhood

Introduction Tradition methods vs. New Sociology Over the last two decades, traditional theories have always depicted adults as independent, rational efficient and experienced adults while a child on the other hand was portrayed as dependent, irrational and an incompetent young person. Thus from such theories children were normally not regarded...


Empowering Hispanic Women in Education: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success

Introduction The most recent data indicate that about 20% more Hispanic women than their male counterparts have attained college degrees (Harris, 2005). It’s no wonder more Hispanic women than men currently occupy senior positions in both public and private sectors within the United States. For example, majority of the most...

Politics & Government

Strategic Management in the Public Sector

This section covers a review of literature by authors who have considered incorporating strategic management in the running of public sector activities. Rabin Et al. (2000) argues that strategic management can be used to provide an orderly approach through which the disorderly, highly complex problems that face states from time...


Rape and Violence Against Women: Cultural Indoctrination

For ages, the ghoul of rape and violence against women has been left unrestrained, the society and cultural tendencies have fueled the escalation of the drift by ignoring its paroxysm and creating a lax environment for it to subsist. Cultural norms, belief systems and attitudes towards the victims of the...


The Reggio Emilia Pedagogy Model in a Kindergarten

Introduction The school is an avan-guard kindergarten located in Iceland in a residential area in the city of Kopavogur. The kindergarten has adopted the Reggio Emilia model that is hailed as a successful approach to early child hood education. The communities around the kindergarten are multicultural and so are the...


Landscape in King Solomon’s Mines by Rider Haggard

Introduction Many fictions presented by British writers have used landscape as a theme that has a major role in the historical perspective of the people, especially Africans. In this dimension, it is critical to note that landscape represents more than a description of objective nature. It’s a way of viewing...


Career Choices of Hispanic Female Teachers

Introduction This research paper aimed at investigating factors leading to low career advancement among Hispanic female teachers. The research though largely descriptive, was both qualitative and quantitative in approach. Ten Hispanic female teachers from Center Hill County in Florida were chosen for interview. The interview sought to obtain their experience...


The Rosetta Stone Language Program Increase Second Language Acquisition

The process of acquisition English as the second language may be complicated by the ethnic diversity of the learners, depriving the educators of the opportunity to use the method of translation into the child’s mother tongue. Chomksy’s theory of Universal Grammar proved that disregarding the native language of the learner,...


Women Involvement in Water Management

Introduction Life and living normally revolve around water within Bangladesh There is fast increase in the population, the water surface is getting depleted fast as well as the groundwater resources, regular floods and famine and deterioration of the quality of water because of pollution contamination by arsenic compounds and other...

Entertainment & Media

Cultivation Theory and Huristics Processing

Introduction Reality television in America has emerged as a new fashion. Every day people are being put in unrealistic settings. Now the question is when and where did such kinds of show start? In 1973 the first reality television show was released by PBS. It was a dramatic series called...


Gender Equality in Islam Analysis

Abstract This paper deals with the equality of genders in Islam. The basic aim of this paper is to show that Islam makes no difference in genders and has given equal priorities to both men and women. To prove the equality of men and women, this paper has used the...


Personal Development: Career Management

Introduction For quite a long time, the study of guidance has always been majored on adolescents with adult materials being very rare. In fact, some writers put it that psychology textbooks give an impression that age 21 is the zenith of human development. This has made the study remain based...

Tech & Engineering

Private Internet Usage in the Workplace

In this computerized era, communications can be done instantaneously. Information passed can be retrieved in seconds from any part of the world through internet access. Both the employers and employees have been benefited, such as employees could perform efficiently and employers were able to achieve their goals in their business....


Quantitative Study of Leadership Styles

Introduction In quantitative research, we categorize features, tally them, and even create more intricate arithmetical models to explain what is seen. Results can be generalized to a bigger population; moreover, the direct relationship can be made linking two corpora, as long as applicable sampling and significance techniques have been used...