⚖️ Essays on Law

Law is a system of rules developed by a society or government in order to deal with crime, business disputes, and social relationships. It is also the field of study that analyzes these rules. As you can imagine, the law can be pretty complex. This is why it’s so important for students to get a good background knowledge in law before they start writing papers on legal topics.

Thankfully, there are many resources designed to help students learn about the law and write better papers, for example, the essay examples on our website. Students can see how other writers have tackled legal topics by looking at law essay examples. This can also be a perfect opportunity to get ideas for your own paper. Free law essay samples can also show you the proper format for citing legal sources.


How Theories of Crime Address Gender Differences

Differential association theory assumes that people acquire motives, techniques, values, and attitudes towards criminal behavior via their active interaction with others. The theory claims that persons tend to be involved in crime when specific definitions favoring offenses are advantageous over those that do not. One distinct feature of this approach...


Date Rape Drugs and Protection from Them

Rape drugs are substances that facilitate sexual assault, making a victim vulnerable. Common types of them are Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), Rohypnol or Flunitrazepam, Ketamine, and alcohol. The mentioned medications can be used together with alcohol which boosts their effect. GHB makes an individual sleepy and weak, slowing heartbeat and breathing....


Search Warrant Execution by Law Enforcers

The police officers are supposed to knock on the door of a premise they intend to search. This regulation is known as the “knock-and-announce rule,” although it is only reasonable in incidences where police officers do not anticipate the retaliatory attack. The officers must allow a logical duration before they...


The Origin of the Legal Defence “Insanity”

The insanity defense is one of the areas in which law and psychology intersect, as the expertise of a psychiatrist is required in cases that involve the principle. The origin of the “insanity” defense can be traced back to 1843 in Britain. M’Naughten, a mentally unstable woodcutter, had devised a...


The Hamdi v. Rumsfeld Case’s Ruling with Reasoning

As a U.S. citizen accused of being an “illegal enemy combatant, Yaser Eram Hamdi was captured in Afghanistan by the Afghan Northern Alliance in 2001. The U.S. government accused Hamdi was in Afghanistan fighting for the Taliban, while Hamdi, through his father, had claimed that he was merely there as...


The Gitlow v. New York Case’s Ruling with Reasoning

As a member of the Communist Labor Party of the United States, Benjamin Gitlow participated in the writing and distribution of a pamphlet published by his party called the Left Wing Manifesto. This pamphlet seemed to convince people of the United States to rise up and overthrow their government and...


Litigation in the Wrong Business Transaction Case

Litigation is the best legal method of settling a dispute between the friend and her organization. In the litigation process, the case is brought to the court of law, having the jurisdiction to hear the case. First, she will have to file the case with the district clerk stating whether...


Trial, Summary Jury Trial, Mini Trial, and Private Trial

A trial A trial is a form of dispute resolution. The accused and the accuser both appear before a jury or judge as they present their testimonies in a formal setting and are guided by sets of formal rules. A trial may be held before a judge (bench trial) or...


Violation of the Constitution in Learning Institutions

Speeches during a graduation ceremony are a norm that is widely recognized throughout the world and the US in particular. However, the US Constitution harbors certain restrictions on the type of speeches given on these auspicious occasions. The scenario at hand involves a non-denominational salutatorian prayer. The First Amendment has...


28th Amendment to Prohibit Individuals’ Right to Privacy

Currently, there are twenty-seven amendments to the United States Constitution. I consider that the twenty-eighth amendment needs to be enacted to prohibit individuals’ right to privacy. Precisely speaking, I would like to limit the freedom of the press to some extent. As a rule, journalists interfere in the private life...


Common Organizational Designs for Traditional Police

Based on the merits of each organizational structure, the best choice would be the divisional structure since police organizations deal with a wide variety of different criminal cases, which require the creation of various departments to deal specifically with them. Simple Structure – utilized by many startups, this type of...


Legal Responsibility in an Understaffed Hospital

The Legal Responsibility of the Nurse Laws and regulations obligate nurses to act professionally and responsibly when providing care. Potter et al. have asserted that nurses can face a malpractice lawsuit or termination of duties if they contravene the codes of ethical conduct. The nurse in the depicted scenario had...


Why a Crime News Story May Be a ‘Newsworthy’ Matter

On October 20, 2013, a crime news story featured in The Daily Telegraph newspaper reported about the police being worried about the level of silence that had been portrayed by people after the murder of a supposed drug peddler. Khaled Kahwaji was the suspected drug peddler. The crime occurred in...


The Various Ways to Terminate the Contract

Introduction to contracts Most of the principle laws are a culmination of rulings in England. Hence, most legal statutes emanate from the English common law. Contract law in Australia is largely similar to the English statutes on contracts, but there are various differences created through the enactment of a variety...


The Theoretical Perspectives on Crime and White-Collar Crime

At first, one can mention rational choice theory according to which an individual is able to identify and weigh the positive and negative a certain decision. It implies that a person can perpetuate a white-collar crime if he/she believes that this decision will not produce any negative consequences. Additionally, it...


Objective Reasonable Person Standard

The judicial system recognizes a reasonable person as a hypothetical person of fictitious nature crafted by the law courts and communicated by the case law and jury instructions. One is morally obligated to look at all the case’s perspectives before establishing how a reasonable man would have acted. The reasonable...


Sex Discrimination and Employment Under Islamic law

Before hiring a woman as a part-time agent, SSC should have considered all cultural and social conditions. Specifically, the security agency failed to take into consideration that Saudi Arabian people found sex discrimination acceptable as far as employment procedures were concerned. With regard to the US constitutions, specifically to amendment...


Criminal Law: A Jury Trial and Its Steps

The first step of this process is jury selection. This step entails a selection of jurors from an already prepared list which is produced by a court or, in some cases, a jury commission. The selected jurors are then put in a jury pool where they are questioned by the...


Consumer Protection Laws Are Meant to Do What?

Consumer rights and the law on consumer protection allow people to fight against abuse by sellers and producers of consumer ignorance. These laws are designed to deter sellers of goods and services from abusing their capabilities when they try to make a profit by taking advantage of the lack of...


The Major Environmental Influences on Criminal Justice Organizations

Criminal justice organizations have elaborate operational mechanisms designed to achieve the set goals, objectives, missions, and visions. However, these organizations are subject to external factors and stressors coming from the environment within which they operate. According to Allen and Sawhney, some of these environmental factors that influence criminal justice organizations...


Criminal Sentencing Reforms and Proposals

Previously before criminal sentencing reforms, federal judges had extremely wide discretion in sentencing, and that they were free to enforce any sentence varying from probation to the statutory maximum. The offenders had no meaningful appeal of the sentence. The sentencing depended on the judge’s understanding of the concept of justice...


Sentencing Forms in Different Jurisdictions

Death penalty This kind of sentencing is meant for those who commit first-degree murder through aggravated situations. The defendants who have been convicted of capital offenses do have a right to forward allaying situations to the attention of the sentencing authority so that only individuals deserving to die for their...


Judicial Branch of Texas Government

Among the three branches of power, the judiciary can have the most significant impact on individuals. For example, the legislative branch passes laws, but courts have an opportunity to interpret them differently. Furthermore, courts have the right to find governors’ actions or decisions unconstitutional. Even though many people tend to...


Deaths During Police Contact and Procedures to Prevent Them

The shooting of Michael Brown, a black eighteen-year-old, happened in Ferguson when the police officer Darren Wilson tried to stop him after the teenager stole some cigarillos from the store nearby. The man was unarmed, and according to the reports, they had an altercation with the officer at the police...


Legal Obligations and Development Instruments

A vote for a new draft convention on supply chain security would reduce the probability of transportation of mass destroying weapons. Legally there will be improved surveillance, and convention members shall be able to access increased security levels and reduced threats from illegal cargo. Another implication is more cooperation between...


Workplace Rumors and Harassment Lawsuit

The female employee may file a lawsuit for harassment, but as the plaintiff, she must show that she was harassed based on a protected class characteristic and that the unwelcome harassment resulted in altered working conditions and created a hostile environment warranting a liability for the employer. The employee can...


Labor Law: Goodman v. L.A. Weight Loss Centers

This case concerns a morbidly obese man (plaintiff) weighing 350 pounds who was denied the job of a sales counselor for a weight loss center and was asked to reapply after shedding seventy pounds though he was otherwise qualified. Employers are prohibited from discriminating against particular aspects, such as political...


The Bill of Rights for Enemy Combatants

The Bill of Rights is an integral part of the United States judicial system. It also identifies rights given to criminally accused persons. Namely, it ensures the prohibition of the re-prosecution for the same offense, the right that nobody should testify against himself in a criminal case, and the right...


Presidential Executive Privilege Invoked by Truman

The case of Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer clearly demonstrates the situation when the President invoked the presidential executive privilege. The circumstances of the case occurred in 1952. Workers’ strikes in the steel industry plants organized in the period of the Korean War, which began in 1950, caused...


International Sale of Damaged Goods and Conflict Settlement

The buyer should contact the seller to replace or repair the damaged goods. According to Article 79 of CISG, the seller under international sale of goods is obligated to replace the goods when an accident damages them. For instance, when the goods are damaged in transit, the seller has not...


International Sale of Damaged Goods and Receiver’s Claims

The buyer can claim damages for the loss of profits. The buyer can claim loss of profit on actual order due to breach of contract. However, the court has to determine the foreseeability, causation, and actual proof of damages. The loss of profit must be a direct result of a...


A New Law Regarding the Regulation of Internet Content

Regulating the internet can be complicated. However, if we accept the proposition that accessing the internet is wrong, illegal, and offensive, then we have to think about ways of regulating internet content from a broader perspective. The internet content can be regulated from the constitutional approach. In this case, the...


Congressional and Presidential Privilege in the Constitution

According to the Constitution (Sec. 1, Art. II), the executive power is granted to the President of the United States. This definition is based on the principle that separation of powers determines the role of the President as the head of the entire executive branch, in other words, as the...


“Privacy and Civil Liberties Board” Article by Harris

Shane Harris’ piece published in The Washington Post titled “Privacy and civil liberties board will review surveillance law that has vexed Trump” discusses how a state board is exploring its powers to monitor people’s communications. The author explains that an independent government agency formed to protect Americans’ privacy and civil...


“Civil Liberties Groups Sue Trum” Article by Hsu

Spencer S. Hsu, in his The Washington Post article titled “Civil liberties groups sue Trump, Barr for forcefully removing Lafayette Square protesters,” talks about how American protestors feel their rights have been violated. The writer notes that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), alongside Black Lives Matter (BLM), in June...


Traditional-Thinking Officers and Supervisors

There are several potential problems in the scenario created in the vignette. The first is the likelihood of resistance and failed support by the more seasoned and traditional thinking officers who believe that one has to go through the department by aging out the experience. Being young would symbolize a...


A Search by the Police Without a Search Warrant

It is extremely difficult to prove the presence of a criminal activity or possession of an illegal object without visual observation of the suspected area. It may require law enforcement officers to initiate a search to provide more clarity on the issue. The law allows this if it is done...


Forensic Accounting Engagement vs. Financial Statement Audit

Both forensic accounting engagement and financial statements are investigative and examination techniques. However, their objective and parties who conduct the process coupled with the procedures differ, as illustrated herein. In financial statement auditing, the auditor seeks to provide his or her opinion on whether the information provided in the firm’s...


Valid Contract Formation for the Exchange of Services

For a formation of a contract to be valid, elements such as acceptance, offer, consideration, capacity, and intention to create legal relation ought to be observed. The success of many commercial transactions relies on legally binding contracts. The creation of legally binding contracts enables a party member to sue the...


How Labeling Theory Influenced Criminal Justice Policy

This theory posits that it is in the process of controlling crime that it is instead increased. These theorists argue that the individuals who are arrested and prosecuted are often labeled in society as criminals. Others, just by mere perception, treat these individuals as criminals, and this has an impact...


The Requirements for “Fast Tract”

Most trade agreements negotiated in the Fast track by the authority of the President of the United States may be approved or disapproved by Congress but cannot be amended. Congress grants the President fast-track negotiating authority. Congress should be introduced with the implementing bill of the trade agreement transmitted by...


Electoral Significance of Tough Anti-Bikie Laws (Queensland)

According to Hogg and Brown, the political landscape in different countries in the world is becoming quite elaborate. This raises the issues of law and order in politics. Law and order are considered to be vital issues in shaping the manner politicians and their supporters conduct themselves. More often than...


Victorian Supreme Court’s Social Media Activities

For a long time, the court proceedings have been availed to the public through court reporting by journalists. However, this scope of reporting has been limited because of the way the information reaches the wider public. Several countries are opting to widen the scope of reporting court proceedings through the...


Victims of Date Rape

Date rape is the act of forcefully making someone you know socially to have sex against his or her will. The date rapists can use physical and verbal threats, blackmails, and drugs to trick someone into having sex with them. It applies not only to sexual intercourse but also to...


Interconnection of Law and Ethics

Even though laws are created to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as regulate relationships, there are incidents where there is a contradiction to ethical standards. The business sector is especially susceptible to such a phenomenon, due to the specifics of the ultimate goal, namely making money....


Balancing the Rights to a Free Press and a Fair Trial

The first amendment in the constitution provides for the right to a free press. However, as noted by Carroll et al., too much coverage of a trial can jeopardize fairness in a criminal trial. When judges presiding over a case suspect press coverage may affect the chances of conducting a...


The Politics of Fear and Australian National Security Laws

The development and implementation of new security laws and law and order policies were catalyzed by the terrorist attack in September 2001 in the United States of America. As the members of the global community cooperate on the issues of security in terms of domestic and international conflicts and threats,...


Homicide and Burglary Investigation: Ethical Considerations

Homicide The two crimes, murder, and manslaughter constitute homicide. Murder is a very clear term and can be conducted in various ways, while manslaughter can be done in three ways. The first one is killing with a direct intention for murder, but the victim has offered resistance. The second is...


Probation in the US Law System

In the United States, probation is the most widespread type of criminal sentencing. Phelps explains that “between 1981 and 2007 (the year with the highest probation rate), entries to probation increased by 214 percent”. That is why it is not a surprise that probation officers are of significance in American...


Dealing With Drug Abuse Through the Criminal Justice System

Many countries in the developed world are decriminalizing the use of marijuana. In Portugal, the government decriminalized recreational or medical use of marijuana and heroin at a time when the country was experiencing a heroin addiction crisis. When it became legal to use these drugs, the number of addicts across...


The Issue of Property for the Divorce Procedure

The issue of property is considered to be one of the most significant for the divorce procedure. In this respect two categories of property division are vital, namely: marital and separate (non-marital). In this respect the bilateral approach of the law documents according to the property issues is outlined. The...


Is the Death Penalty Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

Yes, the Death Penalty has no moral basis because it certainly is a ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment because it directly contravenes 3 of the most respected documents in the world today: the U.S Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Bible. The practice clearly contravenes the ‘cruel and...


Human Rights: Domestic vs. International Institutions

The importance of human rights protection for contemporary society preconditioned the emergence of multiple mechanisms to monitor the situation and assist people in their struggle. There are both domestic institutions and international tribunals that are expected to work with cases of this sort and solve the emerging issues. The effectiveness...


Contract Law: Mistake, Undue influence, and Duress

Mistake When a party or parties, at the time of entering into a contract, erroneously believes that certain information is true, a mistake is deemed to have occurred. Therefore, any form of commitment to execute the terms of a contract under such circumstances can be annulled. In other words, parties...


Legal Management of Architecture, Engineering, and the Construction Process

Summary of Relevant Facts in a Chronological Order The house that caused the conflicts belongs to the plaintiff. He asked the defendant to re-paint it for him. During their contract negotiations, the plaintiff agreed to pay the defendant $ 5000 to do “a first-class job” on the house. The contract...


Managing Labor Relations: The Legal Framework

The following is the list of 20 identified legal and HR issues, which are being incorporated in the plot of “Obsessed” (2009) movie: The foremost HR issue that is being presented throughout the film’s entirety is the issue of sexual harassment. While watching “Obsessed”, I have identified at least 5...


Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services Implemented

One of the CLAS (culturally and linguistically appropriate services) standards states that the organization has to advance and uphold organizational control and management that supports fairness through policy formulation, better practices, and distribution capital. For this to happen, the organization has to employ, encourage, and sustain ethnically and linguistically diverse...


The Definition of Testamentary Capacity and Codicil

Testamentary capacity refers to an individual’s mental competency or capacity, to execute a will at the time the will is signed and witnessed. The author of the will is expected to understand what a will entails and be able to have a general knowledge of what he or she possesses....


Effective Offer and Its Necessary Elements

An offer is an expression of willingness to enter into a contract on very explicit provisions as soon as the conditions are accepted. One person referred to as the offeror makes the offer, and another referred to as the offeree must accept. Its fundamentals include: The offer must give rise...


What Is Ijtihad – Literally and Terminologically

There is a common misconception that Islamic law is monolithic and immutable, which is not true since ijtihad serves as an example of an ever-evolving legal process in Muslim states. Ijtihad is defined as individual independent reasoning. It is essentially an act of original interpretation of the issues not precisely...


The Neoclassical School of Thought

The three primary qualities of effective punishment by Neoclassical Theory are swiftness, severity, and certainty. Modern justice system often fails with regards to these criteria. First of all, investigations and trials can take months or years, and thus the punishment is postponed. Secondly, the severity of the sentence is often...


The Fourteenth Amendment and Discrimination Cases

The Fourteenth Amendment abolished slavery and its consequences, such as racial discrimination. What is more, it stated that no state should make or enforce any law which could abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. In addition, states cannot deprive any person of life, liberty, or...


Intellectual Rights of Authors and Users

The works of artists and to what degree that work can be shared among others have been under question for a long time. Of course, the person who came up with a melody, lyrics, or another form of a mostly original piece of art should be given credit. It is...


International Criminal Justice Systems Comparison

There are several types of the criminal justice system. One of them is based on civil law tradition, which implies that various regulations are strictly codified into a single system that should guide the decisions of legal professionals. This collection of regulations is the main source of rules which are...


Choosing an Interview or Interrogation Setting

Most criminal information comes from people. Therefore, it is important for an investigator to be proficiently knowledgeable during the interrogation and interviewing. A successful interview requires strategic planning, relevant questioning, and objectivity. Inadequate preparation will result in failure to gather enough information to address issues in questions. To start with,...


Mandated Reporting Issues in a Health Care Setting

According to Ramsden & Friendship, the setting is peri-urban with key highways and industries in its environment. The main issues in this setting are domestic violence and child or elderly abuse. In the case of domestic or family violence, mandatory reporting is practiced in situations it is believed someone in...


Occupation Safety and Health Laws in a Company

Many companies have parted with huge chunks of money in payment of fines imposed by OSHA after they were inspected and found wanting. While the fines imposed have not been very huge, there is cause for alarm with the introduction of the maximum fine threshold which revised the rates to...


Rights and Freedoms Canadians Enjoy

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms contains the rights which are protected and can be enforced by the legal justice system. There are several fundamental freedoms. They can also assemble freely without restrictions. The freedom of worship, which is part of the belief system of an individual, is also...


Tenets of Modern Constitutionalism

One of the underlying tenets of modern constitutionalism is codification. This refers to a systematic way in which constitutional documents are organized into one single collection and are usually in written format. The rules and regulations contained in a codified constitution are used for controlling government excesses and, as a...


Role of the United Nations in the Creation of World Law

The United Nations Organisations is an umbrella body that represents and oversees the socio-political and economic interests of the member states. Under the United Nations charter, member countries are bound by laws and regulations which have been mutually agreed upon for purposes of peaceful coexistence and resolution of disputes. It...


How Early Criminologists Approached Female Offending

A few decades ago, it was considered that crime is typically a male phenomenon, and the study of female criminality was mostly disregarded, resulting in the lack of theoretical materials on women’s offending. However, since the 1980s, female law-breaking and domestic violence have fallen into the spotlight of various research...


Aging of the Institutional Corrections Population

Dignity and consideration for human rights should govern the care of all older people, including those who are in prison. For thousands of older people, the prison building is the equivalent of a nursing home. According to Chen (2017), by 2030, about one in three persons in federal or state...


The Definition of the Constitution

The notion ‘constitution’ has several meanings, one of which derives from the ancient, general understanding thereof, and another one means the narrow, modern understanding. Starting from ancient times, the constitution was a cultural phenomenon and meant a general form of government, rule, and code of conduct governing the lives of...


Uncertainty in the Employment Context

Employment contracts are a large part of the contemporary work environment. Used to legally secure the relationship between employees and their employers, these documents contain a variety of specifications depending on the individual and the field of work they are entering into. Contractual obligations are used to bind employees as...


Why Rights to Free Expression and Free Press Are Important

The importance of freedom of speech and expression cannot be overemphasized in present-day society because they are part of the universal human rights chapter. However, it is equally important to acknowledge the limitations surrounding these freedoms, such as defamation, contempt of court, state security, and similar issues (because with every...


Legal Limitations of Bribery for International Contract

Under US state laws enunciated by the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, it is illegal for American citizens to offer bribes, whether in cash or in-kind, in order to get favorable business dealings. Further, it is also seen that the international community has for long been considering the introduction of a...


Law Enforcement Career and Its Responsibilities

Careers in law enforcement include the posts of a police officer, highway patrol officer, detective, fire investigator, sheriff, bailiff, special agent of the U.S. Marshal Service or ‘federal marshal,’ corrections officer, and parole agent. The list is extended with the special agent of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), special...


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Privacy Rule

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’s (HIPAA) Privacy Rule is designed to equalize and standardize the amount of data security and privacy on the federal level. It eliminates the gaps in client confidentiality among various health information holding or transferring entities. It includes three major safeguards, such as administrative, physical,...


The Supreme Court in the U.S. and Its Importance

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority in the United States. In fact, Article III of the U.S. Constitution states that “the judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain...


Methods to Protect the Personal Rights That Is Labeled as Vulnerable

Protecting the personal rights of human subjects is a crucial aspect of conducting any kind of research, especially in the case of vulnerable groups. Such vulnerable groups may include subjects with diminished mental or intellectual capacities, incarcerated persons, children and students, subjects in uneven relationships, or individuals who experience certain...


Preparing a Rape Victim for a Trial

The experience of having to go through a criminal justice system and the trial can be overwhelming. However, the preparation of a victim to go through such a process requires the availability of the necessary information regarding the trial justice system and the trial. First, it is important for the...


Factors of the Fair Use Doctrine that Played in Favor of Sony

Sony Corporation of America developed a video recording unit that made film industry members uncomfortable. Companies such as Universal Studios in the film industry decided to sue Sony and its distributors in the district court. These companies felt that Sony was contravening copyright laws. According to Universal Studios, Sony was...


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Presumptions in Custody Decision-Making

The issue of parental preferences for a child is complicated as of the matters stated de facto and those stated de jure. The maternal presumption gives ground for mothers to decide the destiny of a child without taking into account the position of a father. In most cases such practice...


The Relationship Between Child Support and Visitation

The rights of non-custodial parent are protected by different states’ laws in the United Kingdom. The thing is that the frequency of divorces in America is very high and this point needs further evaluation between two parents. Thus, non-custodial parent (meaning father) should provide financial support in the form of...


Violent Crime Victimization Rate for Different Ages

I think that people aged 18-20 are the most victimized age group because of their lack of life experience and weak social and financial standing. By a lack of life experience, I mean that people aged 18-20 do not have enough knowledge to distinguish potentially dangerous individuals or situations. Young...


Criminal Justice and Workforce Diversity

Roles The criminal justice administrator has a role of carrying out administrative works, preparation of prosecution files in accordance with set policies and ensuring that there is progression of court cases so that they are timely and in an orderly manner. He is also bound to work closely with a...


The Cases of Hijacking: Overview

Hijacking is a rather infamous type of crime in the aviation business, referring to the unlawful seizure of aircraft by an individual or a group of people. Throughout history, many high-profile cases have surfaced where a hijacking resulted in major losses of both finance and human life. Some cases were...


Employed or Self-Employed Relationships and Tests

The employer-employee relationship is realized by the application of various tests. The tests are designed to show the existence of a relationship between the employee and the employer. The tests are characterized by understanding the nature of services done by one person to another. The fact that a person is...


Valuation of the Forward Contracts

Valuation of the forward contracts generally depends on the market position of the contracted object and the values of the agreed conditions. The fact is that the positive or negative values of the contract may be defined by the tendencies of the market. Thus, if the price of the agreed...


Partial Disability Benefits and Security Policy

Partial disability benefits are payable for the permanent loss of the parts of the body upon disability schedules. Ratings were given to each body part like the arm, back, legs, etc before 1984. The total ratings multiplied by a particular dollar amount determine the benefits payable. Partial disability cannot be...


Most Effective Type of Punishment

The criminal system has four justifications for punishment; they are known as Retribution, Deterrence, Rehabilitation, and Social Protection. Macionis has defined them as below: Retribution is an act of moral vengeance by which society makes the offender suffer as much as the suffering caused by the crime. Deterrence is the...


Conventions Regulating Conduct During the War

The main conventions designed to regulate conduct during the war are:(1949 Conventions & Additional Protocols) Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field. Geneva, 12 August 1949.This Convention represents the fourth version of the Geneva Convention on the wounded...


Why Bicameral Legislature Suits the United States

As it stands, the necessity of a bicameral legislature in the US is being contested, with the primary argument being that most countries in the world, such as Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Israel, and others, have a unicameral system, which helps with promulgating the necessary legislations faster. However, in the context...


Global Trade Obligations: New Zealand & Australian Policies

The products of the territory of any contracting party imported into the territory of any other contracting party shall not be subject, directly, or indirectly, to internal taxes or other internal charges of any kind more than those applied, directly or indirectly, to like domestic products. Therefore, the French government...


Simple and Aggravated Robbery Distinguishing

609.52, theft occurs when a person “intentionally and without claim of right takes, uses, transfers, conceals or retains possession of movable property of another without the other’s consent and with the intent to deprive the owner permanently of possession of property”. Minnesota Statutes 609.24 Simple Robbery describes robbery as the...


Age Discrimination in Employment and Violations in Practice

In 1967, The Labor Department delivered a report confirming the commonness of age discrimination in the workplace. In response, the US Congress passed the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, (Dec. 15, 1967), coded as Chapter 14 of Title 29 of the...


Life Insurance Contract: False Age in the Application

There are various principles of life insurance. These are also called essential elements of life insurance, such as: insurable interest, utmost good faith, warranties, proximate cause, nomination and assignment, and return of premium. ‘Utmost good faith’ means that both the parties, insured and the insurer, must be of the same...


Parole from Prisons: Definition and Analysis

Parole is the act of being released from a penal or reformatory institution in which one has served a part of his maximum sentence, on condition on maintaining good behavior and remaining under the supervision or guidance of the institution or some other approved agency until final discharge is granted....


Criminal Law: Role & Purpose and Rules & Principles

The basic procedural and substantive laws are designed to ensure that there is a balance between punishing the accused persons and giving them a right to be heard. The numerous rules are formulated in such a way that they allow deterrence and the rules of natural justice to underscore the...


Ideal Victims of Marysville Rape Scandal

From the cases presented in the four articles, it can be concluded that the victims fit the ideal victim. To begin with, an ideal victim can be defined as a person who does not participate in making himself or herself susceptible to the crime that is committed against him or...


Justification of Police and Criminal Evidence Act

The Police and Criminal Evidence Act was created in 1984, owing to the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure that was chaired by Sir Cyril Philips in 1981. During the 1970s, claims of police misconduct when handling suspects emerged from the public and the judiciary. Two major cases,...